1 11 ifel fei !1 Ml fit 0;S5SS3lh Ml HI Terms of Sul)s..riptioii"$l.? I'er Annum AilvcTl isiiift" Rates Made Known on Application. A NliWSPAI'tR FUR THE PEOPLE. WKI.DON. N. C, TliriSSDAY. SKIT KM ISK1S lM, 1.MMJ. NO. 1:1 vol.. XI. I. Nl) OCCASION I0K HILARITY. f.tftfMJtWllH,MB!8.-J,W.'tCTWySra! . .vssVVN'VS.NStVXVXS-VSS VY SOMETIME. WORK JOYOUSLY. mm As the Mutter was Weighed by the Pessimistic Father. I,, itiml Yon lluvn Always ItiiuicM, nml vlihh tins liri-ii in H-ii for ncr :t(l join's, Iiiih Iiiiiiik tin- Klgiiiitiiro of 7 - Mild Iiuh been iiiihIihiihIit Ills ier- jf('?J?'fr i hiiihtvIhIiiii Hlneo Us Inl'aiiey. vr.-rVV; JWCAtti Allow no tino (oilon-lw oii In litis, vll ('minli-rli-ltx, Imitation ami ".lufl-iut-cnml" m-.' hut, l.vin'riiiu nls llutt tilllo with nml t'lidiuitfrr tlm liciiltli nl' iiiti.nU ami t'lillilrcii-Kxprrli'iH-o njjiiiiist i:iriiiiiciit. What is CASTORIA i ,i-lipi ia Is ii harmless! tmbstitutf" lor Cnstnr Oil, 1'uro :..,vii Ihi(is and Siiiillilnu Syrups. It Is lMi'itstitit. It ...ul.iins neither ()iiiiiu, fMorplihio nor other Nurcnllo ..i,sliini'r Us nirii is It irimrtiiiteo. It ilostroyn Worm .ii,. I ulliijs I 'i'i-luii'SM. It cure Piiiiiliti'H and Wind . i.ii. , II ri'lii'Vi 'I'l'dliiiiK' Troillilcs rules t'onstipal inn .ii. l Flatulency. It assimilates tlm Fowl, rcguliiU'S llio .Sli.iimeh unil itottcls, KtvliifC lifallhy tuid natural sleep. 'Mil- I'hililri'ir 1'iuiai'oii-Tlie Mollier'a l iiiml. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Si m Mr Ml al " T y Wlm TiH Vnii TJmrn XlinnTTO Dnnriht llic luuu iuu nano mwajo uuugni In Use For Over 30 Years. li&atME McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS OH.LU CURE. toluteiy w" uinu nulnlne It II deotn w tha market. ndmlr-,ohr0cibloofi. PRICE, BO CENTS. TURPENTINE AND MUTTON SUET LUNO PLASTiS orptlon In cur,n8 SouX CoTd J Pn.umr.nl... ..TV nc P'8nt6 A sale and .,.7.. " l"8"'"P'on. pR'CE, a3 CENT8. "i ifin'Rc," cschiimcil Mrs. Yoiiiii;IhisIi.iiiiI, with a radiant snnlc, "lihy lias a luuih!" "I las In?" was I hi' ivspiiiisL', in a luiii' w lm.lt lu liajwl no i nioliuii. "Villi ill III ' I Sl'Llll sill pii .III. " "I'm mil Miipir.cd. All baliks li.iv c lirsl luili. II' ours didn't have any I'd inanaf to work tin some lAi ik'iin ni, inaU'i'." "I I ii 1 1 . 1 1 1 vull'd be ever m) pk.isi.il and happy almin ii." "No; I don't see thai it's any oc casion for espis.i.d ciiiit;raiiilaliiiii. The haliy has my deepest sympa thy." "W hat for:-" 'Tor having his lirst loorh. I le has just struck the opening chap ter of a lout; story of trouble. Pret ty soon he'll have oilier teeth. " "Ofciuir.se he will!" "livery one he cms will hurt linn. Then his second teeth w ill come along and push these mil. Thai w ill hurl again. Sonic of the new ones w ill grow crooked, as likely as not, and he will have to go in the demist and have a block : and tackle adjusted to them lo haul them into line. Then he'll cut his wisdom teeth. They will hurt a lot. After thai he'll have to go to the dentist and lei him drill hole s and hammer until his face feels like a great palpilaling stone quar ry. I shouldn't like him to go through life without teeth. Bui I must say that 1 uon I see any oc casion for the customary hilarity over an event that means so much in the way of sorrow and humiliation." say: Some lime, when of the castles fair that we have built in air, One really rises in the round of life, and love and care, We shall go down ,c woodland ways, thai are so very sweet I'm hearts' lo hold iheir conference, and straying ofihc feel. Sinn,- liiiii'. whi n w ishes we have wished, some one will rise and "My children, dear, you shall behold your wish come irue lo-d.iy," We shall be olf lo orchards where the soft day stands so still, And down the deeps of eveniide We list the w hippoorw ill Some lime, when all lite work is done, when we may lake the rest Thai comes lo those ai uid of mil with sacred sweetness blest, Wt shall go down the country waysihal wc have dreamed of all the days, To hear il'ie lark lifi up Ins voice, ihe linuel hit her lays, To hear ihe droning of ihe bees, the u nder soughing of (lie li ves And feel upon our brows the breath thai lioiiuhe lar, unsahed seas Pours us fresh balsam o'er ihe land -ah, would thai some nine would conic soon, While hcaris are young and hopes are high and rips are sweet with sweet heart rune! Some time, when we have passed ihe capes of strife and stress and storm, When we have won the harbor bars of cheerful lands and warm, We shall, believe me, litlle one, go down llic fragrant lanes of sun, The lanes of love and lanes of hie w here lilacs and ihe roses run Some time, somewhere, when dreams come true, when ships come in and all is fair, We shall go down to blossomed bowers, lo rose clad homes and coun try air, Some lime we shall- but if il were lor us some lime should never gleam, Ah, still'iis sweet wiih you lo stray down blossomed valleys ut dream! If a Man l ove the l.uhur nf Any Trade, Apart (rum any Uuestiiin of Sue cess or lame, the (lulls Have Called Him. the SOMKKODY ON Till- WIRIi. C; line ihe Taka MoOUFFIE'S Llttlo Bh Liver Pllli for Constipation u.,d lUKKiah Livera. Mo Durno'a Ru.nudiaa aro aolrl on a Kuiirantse to 1 do all wo claim cr your monoy bank. S.i.KvW It I'niiKS, Wi IiI.mi, N ('. W. i: t'.m w-., I iil'iila. S f Be : Bank : of : Weldon WKI.I) N. N C Ai:ni'sr 'urn, t-M! Suw of North Carolina Dipo-nory. Halifax County Depnsimi y. Town of Weldon Dcpo-amiy Capital and Snrplus, $36,000 - c, lion IH .. klinM'Ti III" lilHiurwt nitenl nl II I'll 'X :i"l S,.illlin,.I..M n Mourv IS liwurd llimu aiipiutril H..clinlr lit Hi. I'" mi rrlllll n. Al'isillllti l lill Jltf ! Il.i III, .. .. 11 .uur, n,i. in.litnluiii li-, lil.'i H w 'I li;. UK 1 1 u l.ll 1 1 II II I 1 ' V . '.. , .1. ........ .. I,.... I.... i. i, ml,, I r illi iiniii,-!' I.ii in in i i nl lUt. It'-I "it K I ,1 .1 I'Kioiiiiknt: W. I llMll, lit rlllisMlKKT- Hi II W.I I WIS. (lj.liMinAniiliaiiili'0 lu.N. I ) (SIIIKK K. SMI I II. 3E 3C When a man and girl comes in from a dark piazza wiih her hair all mussed up it's a sign she won't admit anything has happened. W'hal a w oman likes about a trip of twenty or thirty miles to see her mother is the way she can lalk about ii as a lour. Sour Stomach No Appetite, loss ol strength, nervoufr ness. headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh ot the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices of diges tion as they exist in a healthy stomacn, combined with the greatest known tonlo and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepiia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening th mucous membranes lining the stomach, Mr. S. S. Hall, oi R.veniwood. W. Va., says: " 1 was troubled with tour stomach tor twenty years. KoJd cured tr.t and we art nuw using It In milk jwt bat-y " Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. $1 00 Sun hcUini 2 time the trial tilt, which tails K r 50 cents. spard by E. O. DaWlTT & OO., QHIOAQO. ttiiMUlY W. M CH'IKN'. WKI.HilN, S. V For Suifersrs Several evenings ago a young man repaired to a telephone oftice and rang up his sweetheart at her residence. The bell was answered, and the young man inquired: "Is thai you?' "Yes, George, dear reply. "Are you alone?" "Yes, darling." "1 wish 1 was down there." "I wish so, too." "If I were there, do you know what I would do with my dar ling?" "No George, I do not." 'Well, I'd pull her ears back till she opened her mouth, and then I'd pin a lump of din in ii If that didii t answer 1 el give iter a sound Hogging," came lite siai t ling reply. And then l.siclle fainted. Now 1 they never speak as they pass by, and the man who was talking m his farrier about a balky mare says that anybody w ho will advise a man lo put his arms around the neck of an obstreperous horse, and hug and hug and kiss il, and hold it on his lap, and whisper words of love into iis ear ought lo be hanged to the nearest lamppost. And the telephone girl, who used to be engaged 10 George and who mixed the conversation, smiles blandly on all panics con cerned. Philosophy w ill clip an angel's wings. WIDOW'S. Widows exist in all countries, ihus counterbalancing the matri monial decadence which might otherwise result from timid men. Widows are clinging by tempera ment, and attach themselves readi ly to any object that can'i help it self. 1 1 is generally considered un lucky to meet a widow on a dark pia.za by the light of ihe moon. In many countries to be kissed by a widow means endless trouble. Widows are frequently accom panied by children whose number is constantly liable to increase. They roam at large over the prin cipal sections, and no man is safe w hen they are near. All the perfect men now dead have married widows, thus form ing a continuous contrast to the miserable specimens who still live. Il has been said "beware of widows." liui this is unnecessa ry. Tor no man can really help himself. "CONFOUND llll- I'AKMlik, I wouui noi m: onk." Kidney. or Liftr Tl.dl 111 ! iii mil n l hi'-i ? ' and Bladder ; ffi U 8 U M ' ' GARRETT & COMPANY, Hi. 1 1 Pioneer '""I iwi.tyBipi I'sI'AIII.I.shV.H Ih:i5. ft S PECI ALTIES: i d n i u i i DARE POCAHONTAS . li.,A a.-m.iU.inikliu) O" f 0TH STATE BLACKBER-Y j U- PAUL CRH6TT SPECIAL W m. Wwiikhtii: timiH.j ,W Ami ... o.l. vnrietlof I'm, .d S'T'.rr. .ilM -llit'tiHtriisli 'iiir fiiiti i "'"" "' :. '... M ... . " .. L ... . ..... ii.. uiunillhi'. riirw..n, 2b Years Ha Stood i he Test Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Mrt-r.ure-No-Pay. 50 cents. I i lo V.ill, "liliv tl , nl. -.i..i i i1 ili,,H..'i riiif, i ri'lnuil ,.u, in.,. , i " w. .i ' l ie- u lull l IK) 1,1,111 I l.l:.' :ll,il II I ll.lil JiMI I V V Si i. null, rlilt-il. " 'I'liis n i. ii iii .i I. 1 1 If "I t VA sol. W M. I '.iii,-..'.. iloui li iv only l,i,.i',.i Ixii-iwn mviiy. So ilou't l.ll,. i .. ilui.ilt hi lukr t V A Kill.. Robbing Yourself That is just whit you are doin;; v ln-ii von fail to gi t reg ul.ir and Miliii'imt sli-i-p. N imr bodv li'ipures this uiu'oiiscious periofl lor repair woik; with nut it your nerve energy In' roiins ish.iuMeil, and you are tired, worii-oiil, nervous, ex riinl.le; have beiul.ulie, neu ralgia, iiiilii'estum, poor appe tite, or other ailments caused by a laek of nerve force. Make it your lut-iness to sleep. If joii aie restless, take Dr. Miles' N'ervine; it soothe and strengthens the nerves, and brings sweet, refreshing, life-giving sleep, and i;ives the organs power to work natur ally. Try it to-day. No line Milll liuv a snillioit with KiiN tluil iiinlil lint tie rii l'iil Tlieit H;il.i.t tlnil iivmIhIUv nl ii little too niiirli mini 1 1 1 i.l ii.nli.s a mntiiiiiH 111:111 alraiil to (! iiiiiniuill Thr ihiiikuiK mm, lnwe .sloiiurli Miiiuliiiii'H ip i's tiai kon linn, mi villi h liir his stuiiiarli l.y ki', )iiiii; a Imltle ol KikIoI lur i)M'ni within rem-H. Ku il.il ilixeftK what you eat anil li'slonn the slo mirh to llie i-oiiilitiim to ),n.n-ily .--i- I'.iiui Uh ruiu-liiniH. Sohl liy W. M Colu ii. Wrl.lon, N. ('. liuthusiasni may enable a man to reach a high altitude, but ii doesn't provide a satisfactory method of letting him down again. The Breath of Life. H'k a sinnilii-aul I'.irt I hit the sIMiii't 1 animal lit its size, the gorilla, ul-o h:w the laiicr-it limit. Timi'it'iil liiutrs mriiiis ; Hwerful ereatlires. How to keep the ! hii aliiiui! urvaiH riislit ulinnhl lit' mm' i illiele-l sillily. I. Ike Hums mils oi'olhi'is ! Mis. lira A. Sli.,hi'ii-, 1.1' foil Williams, i II , h.,s I.'iii Ul'll luiw lo do this. Mll 1 wnlts: ' I hrte holth-sol Or. Kill's New I llisft'it'ly s'ojuit'il my eoiiiih ol two yais : nml I'liiul me ii' ihii my liit-mls ihnvhl ' i'iii)Mim,iion. 11, lis giaml liu ihioiit iiii.I lung If uhlt's " On iniiilt-t'il hr anv tiiniriiH1. I'lit-t- .'sir. ami l. '1'iiil ho' ; lie llii- Put did you ever think what ihe thing would come to if he w as to play quiis? How long w ould il be before ev ery railroad would stop running both passenger and freight trains? flow long before every mill and oilier manufacturing establishment : would send adrift the workers therein and close their shops? How long before every ship and sieamer , would forsake the ocean? How long before every miner would cast aw ay his pick and every other worker the tool of his trade? How long before every trader would leave the counter caring liitlc whether the door was closed or left open behind him? How long before every school child and stu dent would be sent adrift front school and college? In fact how long before pandemonium would reign on earth? In less than eight months from the lime the farmer swore he would plow and plant no more would all these things happen. Il is sorrow fill, yet dntlblles', line, dial tweuiy persons may lie found who woik l.uihlully, perse -vermgly, or skilllully, for one who woi ks loylully. Yet the ioy ol w ork lo him w ho knows what il is, is one of the most exquisite ol winch he is capable Sleeiison has said "If a man love the l.iboi of any trade, apart from any question of success or fame, the gods called him." Just here is the precious secret, and only be who habitually relates his own small portion of labor to ihe general busy ness of the imi verse, holds the key of it. The laborer throwing up a rail way embankment, is not did he bin understand - merely shoveling dirt, but making a highway for the Christian civilization, and so help ing to expedite God's errands. To llie sooty-faced miner, delving in the dark, has been assigned the honor of unlocking the divine store house lilled, uncounted ages ago, for the uses of man. The accoun tant bending over his endless col- unins of figures must avail himself of those exact principles of mathe matics by which ihe worlds are held in balance. P.ven the cook toiling among her kettles is only a minister of that Providence which , ' nourishes all ihat ii has created. : There is no such thing as "coin-; mon labor." livery true laborer may have a patent of nobility, for the claiming, with the right 10 call himself "helper to the King." The rewards of work are of iwo kinds those which conic from without, and those which come from wuliin. The lirst are not to be despised. Some portion of ma terial wage, some degree of the appreciation of one's fellows, is the right due of honest accomplish ment. Hut without the second no labor, ihowever remunerative in coin or fame, can be belter than paid drudgery. There is, then, no truer philoso phy of wolds than ihat which makes a man's trade or occupation Ins "calling." Happy is he who can answer "I I ere am I, with all that I possess of power of band or brain, lobe used w iih gladness." Slansbury. CI l-MuS ANIMlDDl I II S. Only one woman in lihl insures her life. Pllen 'ferry is passionately loud of cits. Sarah P.ernh.irdi has a huge bed 15 feel long. Path sleep , with 1 ' ilk scarf a'loul her ucJ.. Ill ides in Air II. ill. 1 are pi lied wiih lose leaves. Ill sia.ui c I 1 k 1 1 1 i . vv 1 11111 11 arc the slim le-.i on e.irih No phiiiogr.iphs aie lid en of women in lima. A woman's la .1111 declines in weight aller llie age of .hi In Africa wivis are 'odd l.ir two packets ol Ii nl pins. New York lias .?7,0iit women who support their husband',. hriinkenncss is rare, smoking common among Japanese women. Some' Women are unable lo ap preciate a gentleman ai any mage of llie game. aiiai7aswihiiiriiaiViirT'ir'"'M---,'i''1' Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All Ihe Liu your kidify. hi' 1 hi y ah 1-ody f.-is .en through UKtf eviy Iht'-e n-inufs. Hi.- l-.uiif.y-. are your Llj 1 ..pt.i.u. itiey til- wa.-.tf or ic Lljod ,1 Hlil.l-X'TINfi Ol t STANOAI'I. Ill taking pattern of that w liieh a neighbor does, try to improve mi his methods. Il is improvement we are aller in every line of work in this world. Things move at a rapid rale, and if we keep up with the procession we will have 10 "gel up and hustle." To carry an umbrella in a case signifies il is a shabby one. A" 7, ' tin .r vuti:. fTn'a'1'' 1 1 ' -.ii."'-.;' Iifa.nidiheu- O ii Ji-1 tujU-Mi L J"-Q II ' M r- :- i "11C a-lJ in llie -.-Vi lU,-i, due to nt-x'IccttJ kulri'i y tro'uMe. Kidii' tt.iuble raiucj q il.-k cr unsteady li!',irt ;, ;iuj ru.iKL ir V.-r I as thought tlu-y had hcuit th-iiUtj, bf- au' t: the ht'art ij ovci-wjil.iiit; in I'Uiiipun; tin. k, -.:dney--pc.i.;cncd cU,-jd ihi.jii(;h v-ui., and aitenes. It u.cd to U; c.'iiLid'.TrJ tl..it only urinary troubles were to Lc truvt'd to tlie kidneys, but now nind'-rn i, lenct.1 provcr, that nearly all cjn::tit'-iiion;tl di.'a-.cs have their begin ning in kidney ttuullc. If you are si-k yc.u can make no mistake by f 1 r Lt duiMonng your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary cliect ct Dr. Kilmcr'3 Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon icali.ed. H nanus tlie highest for Us wonderful c jrej J the. n.t distressing cases and is sold on z merits by all druggists in iit.y- , cent and one-dollar siz- gStjiro C3. You may have a sample bottle by mail Home c.f Hwiui-hoi. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find dit if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer b Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't niat"j any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer':! $wamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. : iicat Reductions (rWB.l lIMUHIil.l.A I.ANOUAtii: There is a language of uuihrcl las as of Mowers. Pur instance, ; place your umbrella in a rack and il will often indicate thai it will change owners. To open it quickly in die street means that somebody's eye is go ing 10 be in danger. l o shut it quickly signifies that a hat or two will probably be knock ed oh". To carry it from home in the morning means "Il w ill very likely be a line day." An umbrella carried over a wo man, the man gelling nothing but the drippings of the rain, signifies courtship. When the man has the unibrel- drippings, Eminent Doctors Praise Its Ingredients, i YAV refer In Ihat 1h,ii Uiwenk, nrrvtms, : milTi-riim wniiirii known a. Or. 1'ieive'a Kuvoritu I'lVM'riutiun. ' Dr. John Vvfeoneof the K.I iturlal Stuff ; of Tun Ki'i.Ki'TO' MKineAi. Kkvikw says 1 of iluii'iii n root llli lioiiim Di.lini whu ll Is one of Oi" ehii'f liifrislieiiis of the "h- ; vorlto l'n..si'riill"ii" : "A niini'ily "III. Ii Invarlahli n'ls as n uler llli' IlivUiol-tttor limki-s t.'i - tiuiuml ai llvlly of 1)10 i.nlll'i' r.pl'iKlu.-llv,. sysli:in." Hi- coliUliin'"tli Uflolila if havu u ii.i-ill.-a-miuit whl.-li iniii'i' full) iiiiswi-rs lln- alii.vi. IiuriMWS (t.wtiliilMMMlni uttA nl.ui I urn m-'juutid!. In ih'- lr,-uliiii-iit of ilii.i-asi.s i,-i-ullar lo wuint-il II lb M,lil..ui thai a ,-ust- is at-t.li whli'h il.s not in-m-ut stiliu- liiill,'ali..ll f,.r this ri.iin-.hal aa-.-nl. ' In'- t j h-furili.-t-.ay-M "Tin- ..Uiiwiiuf un- aiii.iiuf 1I11- It-iniliia In. Ilrat tons f.'l llrluiiliisiriil.-.iiii r,'U I'ulu ui- ai linitf h. Un- l.u.'k. with l.-ii.-i.i'iho-ai atoini' iwi-nki i'oiiiIHioiis of th.' i-,-i.i.hIiii'IIi,i oitfaus of wiilniMi. Im-lilal tli-l.ii-ssluii anil ir ntal.illty. asMK-lali-tl with t-l,r,.iijt- ilin-a.-s ..f Ui.- o-iinlui-tln' ..leans of wi.uii-n. t'.mstniii a.iisalii.11 f In-lit hi On' r.-ir..ii i.f tin- si.l-in-ys: iin-ii,.rrliuk'ltt HI.shIiiii.". tlm' 10 a wt-ak-cnisl i..iiiIIiiiiii i.f tin- ri-i.rtKlu.-itv.. sj-Ii-iii; aiui'li.'rrho-a lsuiiin-,.ssi.a or ahsioil inohlhly p. rl.sl. 1, ai'lshm fioin or aei-omiianylna' an al.nui-uial rnmlltloii of tlm ilia". llvi- i.ra-ans an.i Hiia.tiili- 1 thin I'hssl) li.tl.ll; iliaaunr hi-iisatl,.ih In th," i-xln-lno lttw,-i i.ail of Ihe aisl.,itit-n." .... It uitiri'iir lessitf On. als.ii' s inpli.nn llli- pri'st'lit. no IliMiliil vMilnan ,'iin 1I0 l,i.UT than tukit Or. ri.-r.i-'s l'a..rlli. rrt'Si'i'iiitioii. din- of the li inliiitf niun ili enesof w lili'h is t'lii.'ul ii l',t. .11 ll.-liuiias. ami the ini-tllt-al ir..HTlii s of whuh it most (ailhlull) reprewiils. (if 1 1, .1.1. -ii .Seal r.sil. aiiiitln r iiroiiiiiii'tit Imirislieul of "Kavoiiti' I 'r.-.-ri t,t i..ti," prof. Klnh'V Kllluitl. M l'.,"l U' li liett MisiK'llI Colli-un, I'hleaito, sn)s: "It Is ail hiilsTtaiil rt-titi-ily In ilisonli-rs of the wnnili. In all . atarrlnil i-oittlllioiis " mil g-euural enfi-iihleuieiil. It Is useful '' I'rof. John M. Stiniiier. M. H. latent Cineililiatl, says of Oolileii Seal li.l : "In relation to Its irellel-al etl.s ls on III.' system. I'iiy " It" mriliroii 01 u.r ,iH.iit 11 loi Ii tieir lit sui-li uriirnit uikottmitM "I'OO'Ui It Is uiilerfitollv reu-aiiiea aa Vtt Umi.- useful lu all a.,l,llllati.-a stau.-." I'm!. Iliirtholow. M. IL. of .1,-tlt rs.111 M.slienl CulleKi!. savs ol (loliieti Seal : " Valuable In Ulelllie lieuinrrhaite. iiienor I rhala ill..slliia ami .-oiureslivu aysuitnor , rlitea ipainful nu-nairunllonl." lir. l'loris.V l-'avoriui I'reserliitlon faith fully rt'iiresenla all the almve inuntsl In lirisitoiils and euro thudls.uaoa tor which thtjy aro rocomtuoudud. For Cash a I 1 .ii-. r. I .', anil lie 1 roll , l.vl;i,IC slot K t K Talkiii"; Machines, (iraphophones. Kodaks, Cameras, ami siiiiiiits on h in.l al all Iii. us. at the Vt r.V lowe.l .l.i es. SPIERS BROS. Wt'.I.WiN, N. O. .1. 1, HA UK IS HAS MOVED His Feed Store By thai tune Kocheteller would a j ,,e vv0lllall ,. give all his wealth for a car load of it indicates marriage. assorted food and then he would 0 pullc, you. umbrella into a not be allowed to keep it. person, and then open it, means After all the farmer is the most "I dislike you." important of all the workers. Any t, sw ing your umbrella over and all legislation thai will lend to your shoulder signifies "l aininak make farming more successful nig a nuisance ol myscll '' should be the first concern of those who make the laws of the country. -Carolina I'ruil and Trucker's Journal. or -- -Sl'lilMi AMI St MMKIi- MILLINERY. KANCY (lOOOri anil NOV KI.T1KH. , Bnlteritk'al'atlerin Ii. & il. I'OKSKTS, MiRMfw tit f0. ., I .a..ii a W. to $1, MlulViivn will he iiiutle lo Hint the liiiii, Main and Httmit-lK rnnde and Ti iinint'il In untfi To tin1 Itiuldiun litnufry oot'iipied l.y Spii'is Hiulhei., roriHT Wasli iuutini Avfinic ii lit 1 1 lu id Klrett. Thanliin; my flit uiN Un their ;st lilt ei.il (at miKii', Isulnit it corjtiuuunre of tlie same. Thonp No. 75. ; .1. I . llU'tdS, Wi'Uuo. N. c. CHOICE ROSES ! All MAIL OKIO h-t I'hilMl'I'I V I'll. I i n. W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDING, WELDON, N. a 12 1 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE lfMSW TUT McOUIRf. M. D . r,'."'-t Tklf CaHcf conform, to 'ht St.nJjrtl. flxtd b law loi Mfdical Education. Sciul lof Bull.tin No. II, which Ull. about II. . . . .u. ll.Mrim.nl MEBlCINI-SEKIIaTaV- P M a H Ha CT "1 had a ever pell of fever, which left me In a very weak fs.ii.litlon ai.tl very n-rvous I reel s. vere sj.ella of heaila.'ho Hint, neurulKia. ail eoultl aleep hut very little, livery e..rt that aa mails to re. over my streiiutli ll of no avnll until I l'B'in '""'''B Uri llllea' Hi.Htor.aivK Nervine. After I ron meneeJ It. mko Oio Nerv . o mv nln-p a piofouiiJ and restful, and the Iliii In my head. '''." ? neiirUla onlns. Kft me to e rfala 821 liwyutn Ave., Bulvldere, Ilia. Dr. Mltoi' Ntrvln Il told by youf druggl.t. "ho ooaranloo th fJ Sratlwlll will benoflt. If It falla, ha will rafund your monoy. Mikt Mcdicj Co., Elkhart. Ind Many a man's ability lo put on 1 a good from is due to his wile's ability as a washerwoman. ; I-iln-i-ihij'i of rii"li ii'iilhnri.v court, -ay la ollell I'orirotti'll. Ill Ihe in el, pell null ni-li ill our lil.- little Ih i i un' thine ; toollt'iul Ihat we ralher r 'lnaineil timtoi A luslily e.lleu meal nml Us result. ml , tieatlat'lit may eanse lis sot-ial or li.i.ii.i'.nl hiss. The wise man or wiiman is llie 01 e i who relietes litlle ills ol Ihis mil Ly a llt I tleiloseol'Kottol for Ilysie)sia Ii iii i ursla what you fat au,l int jour stimuli h j tiaek into ahape. Hold hy W M. Cohen, Wehlon, N I.'. Vl'ise is the officeholder who has sense enough lo resign on account , of his health just before the ax falls. The cost of a thing doesn't wor ry the man w hose conscience will permit hint to beg, borrow, or steal. tl sometimes comes to pass that a man and his wife refuse to apply for a divorce because lliey actually love each other. I nit in I H sixrt i:iio Mils V, sl.tuv's MiiilllINU Sy HIT has heen useil lor over fill year hy millioni of iniithcrs lor Iheit ehihlren while lietlmiii, w-llh ix'i li-i-t Mit'ee.ss Itstaillie. thet'hilil milieus l lot tnitis, alla)K all pun; euro. wind eolie, alut is Ihe hi-st leuu-ily lot lhanhnt-d It will lelieve liiepjor Hole stitleiei immediately- foht hf tlrliiiista in every put ol the worht Twenty live eenta a hiitile He sure ami ask fol 'Mrs. Wiualow's Soi.lliinit Kyrnp," anil take no oilier kind CASTORIA For Infant, and Children. The Kind You Hav. Always Bought Bear the Stgnatur of Ii is unfortunate thai all men are liars but it is fortunate that all women know it. I ur liu h Nl lull HlW lHf8 BiMlgW OCjaaan of To trail your umbrella along the footpath means that the man be hind you is thirsting for your blood. To carry il right angles under your arm signifies thai an eye is 10 be injured by the nun who fol lows you. This is generally a woman's way of carrying her um brella. To open ian umbrella quickly, it is said, will freightcn a mad bull. To put an alpaca umbrella by the side of a silk one sigiulies "bx chunge is no robbery." To purchase an umbrella means "I am not smart, but honest." To lend an umbrella indicates "I am a fool." To return an umbrella means well, never mind what il means; nobody ever does that. , To press an umbrella on your friend, saying: "Oh, do lake it; 1 1 would much rather you would than not," signifies lying. 1 Hardly anybody has a good enough disposition to be glad he i has to subscribe for repairing the church. ' To give a friend half your : brella means that both of you ' get wet. MRS r . A Wihlou, . i.rwis, N. f. Carnations, Vioh-ln anil olhi r tltm-prs, always on hantl. Shower Weihling ili,ntiiels, llaiul-onie Floral Design. I'ol ami mil ilonr lashlinir plants. To inalo, ( '.ihhaite nml oilier Veitelahle I'l.iiits, MaiMiolt.ts. Onlertt promptly eiri ntfil Wiile, 'phone or lelivtiaph. rj SIX piano 1 1 For this week it. sTi.iNMirrz, l.nHs, i; M.i.n. ii, Ni n; i n i akoi.ina. I III ly 11 T. CLARK, j. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKI.DON, N. C. ..,n,t,.tfr Pinno llneiu-ht $IUt! "'- -,-is VK.'.llina-l,,,i Piiinn t-l!. OwheelotkUp'right, SNS.Q Praeliees in Ihe tsiiirta ol llalihii and atlioinine i-oituties.aiitl in the Kuprtuia eourl ollheMlate. Sias-ial alteutlnn Kivn lo oolleftmnN and nroinpl rlnrna. Stieff Upright, l5 Stieff Rosewood Piann $M0 Jdniltl Piano, small size $..!) . AH guaranteed to be Jin fine condition. All J used. LESTER PIANO CO., lie. 151 Granhj St , NOKFULK, VA. John J. Foster, Manager. SASH,DOORS,BLINDS. M V NTKI.S, T1I.K1 .4 (1K1TKS, IIAHnWAKIO, lAINTS,(l. I RANK T. CLAKiTl OMI'ANY, Llj. Mortolk, Vb. l A L T E It E . DANIEL. um-will o upr IU 'tj A TJORKEY-i T-LA W, Wm troN, N. C. , I'rnetire in the cmwtet of Hultlu and Noithampton and ta the Fnprene anrt Feileinl eonria. Collection . uiaile in all parts of North Carolina Kraut h ulUee at Halifax, N, t'., open every Monday. i-,- Motiii-re Km'., fi ;." 1 !ill Sinyn.a " 2 'JO :!"i I'll Mo,inlli' lues, Hil'J It. 17 7"i lttle Cliihii MalliiiK, Hie. ..- " " We. .'.''.,. J.i..llu-e " 17c. lxje. i;:,e Wool r ,i p lii.e lo,-. '.! .,- Wimh.w -linh-s, '-'lie. f,Oe " " :ite t'.'- '.' y ilil wiih- l.ni.,1. inn. 7.V 7.. " " " ft-'.' Ii i- I Ion in: 1 l.. h. He - 1 Ann-if-li- (' n.. Iih. Hie 1 -III lli.'.'o I ii li tv l-'lulnet, 9:'ie atfnmima).-- -