mrTllilitn,,,. I Athertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. XLI. A NtWSPAPER FOR Tilt PEOPLE, Ti-rms ol L' wi:li)o, . c, i iiriisDAv, si:r i i:m i ;i :i: 27. hum;. NO. L'l 'C! 1, Ai'i.'tiitiU IV'inr.ilioii IVir As '!; nnil.ilm, itielikitlaiiilUt'tfiila ilie Slimiilis mil IWt'lsul' ft I'tviiiiiiU's Di'sliiml'lnvrfiil I mrisiiiullti'si.i'oiilitiiis nciilur i upturn. Mtirpliiiit! iiorMmtTiil. Nor Naiicotic. it aiMJ it.s.m a puxjur lit mna I...I.U. .Ma- ImJ ll,7,Uf - . A)nfifl HVmi'ilv forfonslipa nrni , Sour SlouutlMliarrhtiea ' Wi.rms.t'niivulsiulvs.hVviTlsh j ih'SS mill I.OSH OF SLEEH. l lite Simile Siiliutlure of ill SKW YOUK. 1; l.ACT COPr OK WRAPPFR. McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CURE. U ,h Bt.l n in" qulnln. on th.Wrlt.t. ''"nort.a.eyour ,,,,1 malaria. ,oh rod b0od. PRICE, BO CENTS. Taka MoOUFFIE'S Llttla Blua Liver Pill for Constipation n.,d Sluggltri Liver. MoDutfla'a Humeillm are sold on a guarantee to do all we claim or tour money back. mv W. M.Ciimkn. WHtliin. N. I'. W. K Hkai ass, Knliil.l, N. ('. i The : Bank : tt,) Aiiiiivr i" j i . i-'i! Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax l.oiiniy Depository Town of Wcldo'i Depository. Capital and Surplus. $36,000- IToB 14 ytir this m-liluhon h.n r.u.l. l l..nkn f;n ihliii lor t'it M ft tioil. It" MtitfkhiiMt'i. lain) ill I ft tilt II tw liti U hli-iilllinl tin ItiH.neiw interlH ul Hnlil'.u hikI Niilli.tiuiltin tiuiini-s loi in mv ,uhn MoiH'V is IohihmI Unn apptovr-d nnt . lit ill It il i;it'i. inltn-t -x ) r iTtitun. Aoiiiuntsot ull uri? wdiiikd W. I:. liAMll., n n UAxCKriTl fie Pioneer u I Wine H . .It KSTAlll.lMH S PBCIALTIBS; VIRCINIADARE lvMnlrS,upK-rilil l'"' .-U ,"-'""K OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY w H I A uu t u W (UwUll'llipaKlifl (llry rttlnilM-riioliKl e!M rASS'TT 5?EC!1L f iSharklinit I ! jli Kim an utlirr vnrirlmul run' aun n 3 -W WUHwantt Cli l'ri ia Hwwmu tit- Wt,.r Hranrh Nt U.ui.. Mt fT . . .. . . ... Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. W. J. WARD, UKNTIST, OFFICS IH DANIEL BUIt-l'INtl, wGiuoN, n. a For Inftiitts and Children, !The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Ill Use For Over Thirty Years CAS VMf CCMT.UN 1WNMT. MIW onH ClTV. TURPENTINE AND SUET LUNC pL8N orptlon In cuX l0r,W.rk Bronohltl. A.thlf UKh,'Co,ri Pneumonia nnd' c d Prev"" price, as ctura. 30 of : I elk, N, N. ('. AM VH I rKtsllltXT: t-ASHIEB.- lir.ll.W.UWIS, W V .VMI I II. Ta.k -oo. Noi thjmtloD ( u. X. I. ) o UUiYir AiN I , 8 American! n n m Kl IMIIft. n POCAHONTAS ft MINNEHAHA liinniiiii'') , tl , .'...I ..ii i. . " ffv an nil kiwU ol'mull it ai. i ll- Home OIII.t, NDUKOI.K, V ft UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE TUART McOUIBC, MUD P 1 0 1 N T . ftxed by liw lor Mftiital Kducation. Scud to Bull tl in Ho. il, wimn muui n. Thnf tn cstaloue-Sp.ity Ifp.trtimat, WQtCtmtlTiSTaV-i'NaMfcCjl THI: Hl'MOKISI. "Set: llui in. in tin. re?" "Yes. Wlial about him?" "( )nc (1! niir (treat millionaires; bin In: lias losl liis appetite. I lit: pour devil lives tin milk and crack ers. Pass ilie corned kef and catikife, please and praise llie l.tii il!" - -Atlanta ( oiimiiuiioii. Kuicker- I low did ihey pass ilie SUIIIIIR'I? I'ucker I lis wilt: wen I away! and tried m he a i;.iy young kitten, 1 while he stayed ai home and tried to be a sad did due. New York i i Sun. ; "Now, dear," said llie hero of; t ie elopeinent, as ihey hoarded the train. We are sale from pur-1 'suit." "And also," said the young girl, radiantly, "salt: from starvation. : Here's a cheek pa made out it) i your order." Philadelphia Press. "You must not kiss me mini we are formally endued. " j "Do you always insist on thai I rule?" "I have always u ied lo. " lllus ! traied Bits. i "He and his broiher are making ' ; lois of money now heiween them." ! ' Are ihey in partnership?" i "Practically. I le is a cigareiie , maniifaciiirer, and his brother is an undertaker.- Philadelphia Press KrisKs Ynii call on the Dimple ; ions very often. What son of chil dren have ihey?" (iriliHs - I 'cried; best in the i world. ' l'ri:gs-Tell me about them. What are ihey like5 j (irijjgs Ch! I've never seen I them. - I'.iooklyn Life. j (HWI.S. i The silly season's over now Dm llns in Id I.k i remember. i The peek-a boos, iho' good losee i Are chilly in September. 1 - Hullalo News, i mmmamtmmmmmmtmmlammmilmt Sour ' Stomach j No appetite, loss ot strength, nervous ness, neaaacne. consiipation, Dad oreatn, general debility, sour ruings, and catarrh of the stomach are all duo lo Indigestion. Kudo I cures Indigestion. Thli new discov ery represents the natural Juices of diges tion as they eilst In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonio and reconstructive properties. Kodot Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, punlylug. sweetening and strengthening th mucous membranes lining the stomach, Mr 3. S Ball, of Raveruwood. W. Vs., lays: " I wn troubled with a. ur itujnt.h lur twenty years. K d l curaj me and wa ire now uslrif It In milk for tlv " Kodol DlgeiU What You E.t. Bellas $1 Otl Site huklir.t 2tt timet the tiiel me. which selli (cr 50 -entt. BjrtpvMl by I. 0. OeWITT a OO., OMIOAQOw sii nnv W . nillKN. wKiaiii.1, x. r For Sufferers ! Kidney, Liver Tltt 111. I, . Ollici iti tun l.ii l Ult iM h iy III Vnli, "ltn y ll 1 1 Mini it it tltiiHu't in re, hi1 ri IiuhI jmn hum I' v ' Wr :iv "Like ;i lull i M lmltU' I KilK ami il il ln-iii lilH iin - I tlx it HHi-1 v oi. it mi 1 1 iuiv.t " riiin t ;li t'iniili -1 tH in .i h .ill' ot I V A sol. ai W . ( uliriiN tlniir Muf, Only u ; liimlt-it iihihImi (Mvi ii ;iv;iv. Sd ilon't Hiiv I lii- i t ii t 1 1 v h litkf I A St Heart Weakness The action of the heart de pends upon the heart nerves and imiM U s. When fruiii any raiiM' they become weak or ex hausted, and fall to sti 111, ii i,t putvt r, the heart flut ters, palpitates, skips beats; ami in its effort to keep up ils ttiuli, eutiM's i.iin and iliMress, sueli as siniitherinc; spells, short breath, f a itu i n tr, pain aroiiiid heait, arm and shoul ders. The tiieulatioii is im peded, and the entire system suffers from lack of nourish ment. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure makes a heart strong and vigorous by .strenirtheniiic; these nerves and muscles. "I hflil paliiltntlon anil pnln aroun,! my lif.nt. and the tl,'t,rH s.nd It ws In, -,111,1, If. 1 don't l,.li-it It ntiw, for 1,(1, r taking six b.illli'.i of Or. Mll.'a' lli'iirti'ure.thn'i' bottU'it uf tie' Nervine Hiid thii-e boxes of the Nerve And Liter Tills I inn entirely fined, and feel hetti'i' than I have for five ynurs. mid It In all due to thene reinedleH I want you to Know that your inedletnea rured me. It n-Hoved me from the flit dose, a, i.l I kept rlnht on till th pall In my ihest wan pone, and 1 kept un feeling better even after 1 l)Ult taking II." JolIN H. SMKItMAN. BeldillH. Mll'h. Dr. MUM' Heirt Curt U eold by your druool.t, who will guarantee that the ftrat bottle will benefit. If It fall ha will rafund your money. Mile. Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind A MATTER OF HEALTH Absolutely Pure A Cream of Tartar Powder free from alum or phos phatic acid HAS 110 SUBSTITUTE OLD SWKIiTIIKAKTS. The old sweelhearts, 1 love ibein; the uruy haired lovers all, Around whose heads the sunbeams of the years of loving fall. The roses bloom above llieni along the lender 'way, They walk in dreamful shadows through avenues of gray. You'd love then) if you knew lliem, just as the years seem lo The old sweethearts thai wander down lanes of honey dew ! They tell of love inconstant, of broken troth and trust, Of dreams of love that darken and die upon the dusi; Put these, llie gray-haired sweethearts, through sunshine and ihorugh si rite, Make fair ilie golden balance of love llial lives through life; 01 love thai falters never, and hearts that beat as one, In storm or calm or shadow, ihroiiJli ye ns of cloud and sun. Through all the years of priiioise and all the days of dream He leans 10 her with ardor, she softens lo his gleam; The lailh of beans grown fragrant in long companionship, The clasp of gentle fingers, the touch of lender lip A love so old, old fashioned, so ipiaini, so sweet, is theirs, A grace outliving custom, and toil and trial and ey es. The dawn of love beheld lliem, llie dusk behold ihem still As hand in hand together they climb the sunsel hill, And heart in bean forever they look toward the w est, Where life, a quiet cut rent, Hows on lo vales of rest. Ah, lender shines iheir vision of love through all the years The sweethearts of life's gladness, the sweethearts of its tears. The old sweethearts, 1 love lliem; wiih all their gentle grace, The velvet of the wrinkles llial line each softened face, 'l lie gray hairs intertwining the locks that caught the glow Of summer's golden beamy in limes so long ago The old sweelhcaris, (iod bless lliem! And through whose souls the echoes Till; KOSAKY. The hours 1 spent with thee, dear heart, Are as a string of pearls to me; I count ihem over, every one apart, My rosary. Uacli hour a pearl, each pearl a prayer, To still a heart in absence wrung; I tell each bead tinlo the end, and there A cross is hung. Oh! memories that bless and burn! Oh! barren gain and bitter loss! I kiss each bead, and strive ai last to learn To kiss the cross, Sweetheart, To kiss the cross. No one twinlil lint :t saillaul ttilli Miil-i thai t-olllil lint In leeleil. Tlleltt that possibility fitu lltlle tlHi tnurll Hllnl thai luaki.s a t'alillous man alianl lo ;o iiiiiriiti,ltil The thinking nun. tilioae ttUilllitrll Milllt tlllli'N li:, koll him, pro tides tor his sloiuaeli liy ki-i pii'it it Imllh' nt Koilol lor l)spepia wiltiiu it a, h Ko itol iliirettt tt hat, )nu i-at an.) leslores llie stti mu ll lo the fouihlion In ,iopeilv i' l.lllll il lillii l ions. Silhl by W M I ohell. Wrllloll, X '. A WAIL l:()K W IN! VM ; Oh, for the days ol' sleet and snow ! Though branches may be bare, ' And all seem sullen here below, There w ill be ice lo spare. I Washington Slur. i on u I, n six 1 1 1 i:aii ( Mils Wivki.iim'sMiihuinu St hi l' hie j lieell tueil lor over til) veals l,v lnillinli.4 o i iiidIIhts lor then ihililieii while lerthiiitt, ' mill perh'i t sui't'ess Itsoothi", llieiliild NOltens tha pillils, allilts a'l pun; rilli'l ! wind in. if, an, I is the I. est leiueily lor 'lhairloit i It tvill ifheve (lie p i r hole j silllrifi uiinieilialely. Hoht hf ill ilisl- Jill ft, ry put ul the wiirlil Tweiilv litt j ei-iits ii h .(:!,. l'e slH. anil u-k l"i ' Mis. V iiisloit 's Sikith.nx lup,"illla lake i,ii tit her kind. The rich would not be so willing to buy their wealth if they realized how long they would have to pay for it. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature ot? w hose hearts are blithe with spring ol love s sweet summer ring. mi; uim.i:. This Hook unfolds Jehovah's mind. I his Voice salutes in accents kind. This I'ountain has its source on high. This I'riend will all you need supply. This Mine affords us boundless wealth. This Sun renews and warms the soul. This Sw ord bolh wounds and makes us whole. This Letter shows our sins for given. This Guide conducts us safe to heaven. This Charier has been sealed with blood. This Volume is the Word of God. A WKINkl.l: SAVI R. It's a new hook and eye. It needs no sewing on. Il has small pins ai the back. These are pushed through the material mid pressed down Mat. Boih hook and eye are fastened . securely by ibis means, For wash dresses ihey arc a great convenience. They can be removed before llie dress goes iulo the tub, thus doing away with unsightly rust stains. It's handy in have a loi ol ihem along when luiveliiig. It's such simplifying liulc conve niences as ibis that help lo keep ilie wrinkles from a woman's brow. lit these it it - ol' ru-h and h liny t-oiirtt-ef is olieii l',ira,,tten. In llie mail, pull iiiell t tl sit of our lil'e little lliip".! me done , toiiftiinl thai we rather remained uliilol.e, A hastily lalen meal nml its resultant headai'he may eause us soeial or linaueial loss. The w i',e man nr woman in the one who reliete-1 liltle illsol this Mill by a Ut ile ilu-e nt' Koilol tor livsiiepsia. Il ili ((isl.s what you eat ami pul.s yuur slouiai'li liaek into shipe. fold li.y W M. Ciiheu, Wehlnll, N. I'. If you want to lift people to bet ter things, the best way is to begin to look for the best in them. 3 A. S V O Tt X A. . jiar, ,1,, Ihs Kmii Vmi Haw Mmj) Bougti EliLatiua of MISTAKEN PIlil'.ON-HOItS. lintleat or to I iiiillhil wr Prop er Sphere tiiitl Then tin V on r IW till xcell : ,-; allot linisill l linn-1 1! lie un huw puiir a ilmu; I-reel I man. "I h: would have class farmer, ,ui foiirih rale lawyer, ilem.iu of anoiln.r, 1 1 i.i tl - a lira lie'', hardly a ' said one iv.'ii- pt.'.ikill)'. ot 11 friend. "( mi imo ilie w i h ij; pii-oii-hole, has he'-" was the reply. "Well, there are hosis of tuliers in the sainc lix. Rewinds me of a siory I once heard. A renowned aivhaciilngisi appeared one day, his face adorned with various cms and bruises. "Il is surprising," he reply lo the inttiiries of I "hill I was shaved this by a man I have reason is considered by all ahov said, in s friends morning lo think the or- dinaiy barber. 1 le look a first class course ai Oxford, ihat I know; also he is a frequent contributor lo synieofour best scicniilie period- ! icals." "I le may be all that," was the response, "but be is an exceeding ly poor barber." "1 cannot dispute you,' replied the scholar; "I shaved myself." 1 1 has been said that genius is an immense capacily for taking pains, bin one must exercise discretion in one's cll'oris. Doing one's best ii the true measure of success; bin i be the best of which one is capable. "Raphael must not whitewash cellar walls for a liv ing." "If you do noi gel llie gold med al, you may gel the silver, " said a young fellow about to engage in the intercollegiate games. "I never try for ihe second prize," was the quick response. Bui, alas1 how many there are in ihe word who never outgrow ihe lirsltiny pigeon hole ihey tiiul themselves in!" "You have no right lo llnd fault with my looks. I'm just as God made me!" "I know ii," was ihe reply of llie friendly criiie, "thai is what I am blaming you for yoii'te never nude any improvement on yourself. " ll was ihe one who retained just what bis lord gave him w ho was adjudged an unproliiable servant. I'rogi'e , ind ihe improvement are llie duty t i verybody. The glory of living. General Arm aroiig w as wont to say, was doing what could not be done. The object of life is to grow, and that means that one must do his very best in every thing he undertakes. "If I w ere a cobbler, 1 would make il my pride The best of cobblers lo be; If 1 were a tinkc" no linker beside Should mend an old kclile like mc." And tomorrow's standard should always be better ihan today's. Bui, it niusi be remembered, there are many, weary ones doing patiently and faithfully their uncon genial tasks. There are merchants who have artists or poets; there are mcii loiling w iih their hands lo support dear ones when choice of life-work was denied lliem by force of circumstances; Inn who can doubt bin llial God will gratify their longings in the belter life beyond?- Kale S. Gates in Zion's Herald. TNI: COOK TO DIXIDi;. Jack (after acceptance) Shall I speak to your father now ? Helen Mercy, no! Not lo him ! Jack Your mother, then? , . I lelen No, no! You must ask the cook if she would object to one more in the family. New York Press. A man may have a good dispo i sition and still be of no earthly use i to the community in which lie I dwells. AN IIMRVrim. iY There is No mill nil Ai'otl v. Heart A inolher never phy .i. .il pain thai li, f.ii her Int. et' out" ei'.n is any cm i nihil e li is lie' an kilK bel li ii iii)',i alilinle A -.: 1 1 1 1 ! I v old III I II r lit ',11 l aiiciiish eau-.ed by ami wroiij; duini; woman iinw in nil', "when mir I b .iv, n .aid lo liiklien are small ill, ir.unplc upon our lot ,; I hi w hen lilt v gl ow up ihey irample upon our he. iris." Thai was the cry of a broken bean. She had a drunken, debauched sun who had squaiidi red her money, forged his lalber's name and di.i'.iccd die family. Thai mother complained not of any physical siitl'eriiig she had en durcd for he!' boy. She had gone down inlo ihe very jaws of death, almost, to give him life; but llie pain was sw allowed up in joy when she pressed ihe new-bom child lo her heart. Through years and years she has niinisiei'ed lo bis wants. She bad spent sleepless ; nights wiih bun when he was sick. ' Her hand bail smoothed his brow and her feel had been quick lo go upon errands ol love for him. In . pain and watchfulness and w c.ui ness she had cared for him: bm never a murmur fell from her bps. ; It was a joyful service. Bui bis waywardness broke her bean. A Trite Saying. It Is ii trite -aviiiu- that no nmn ll SU'iimer tlniti hi- sl.'inai'h. I'r. l'i, r,',''s tiolden Mfdii'itl Ins,'., v.ry s-.ivnulhelH the slniniifh- puts it ill sf,ape to liuiiie (Hire, rifh III, r helps the liver 1111,1 kidneys In expe! llie pn hulls In, III the lly iiiiil thus f iles l,lh liier and kid ney lr,,ul,le. II )im tal,e this tint iintl 1,1, ind pui'ilier iiiul t,,iii,'. you will assist yuur s)sleiu in iniiiiiilai'luriiiK eiteh day a pint ol lu ll, red lil,l. thai is iiivluo rnliuit to the liraiii ami in rv, The ileal,. nel'Voils. f II II - ,1, Hi II. lie 1 ,1 1 i III lot I'uii'litioli uhli'h s,, many people suiter fr-'iu. Is usually the elTei-l ,,t poi-ous in the blood: It Is often 1 1 l.t I -tl 1 - t by 1,11111, ,'S or bolls lt,M'ltr!l,ll oil llie skill, the fa,',' Ihvoiiios tllltl and the (eellliirs "blue," llr. I'it'lvo's " Ills,', tvei'v " fuiiH ail I'loiHl humors US well as he'lni a tuhlf that makes one viit'iroiis. stronir unit foreefnl. ll is the ohh llii'illi'llle put up lor sain llirnuuh driiitisi- ,,r like puri-os that iMiitaliis tiillher tih-ohol nor hitriuhil halm 1,,1'iliuiif ilruifs. and the ,,iil one, eor IIIKreillf lit ol whlfh has the proles slolkll f lelol'si'liit'hl of Ihe leading uuslli'al writers ,,f this ,'oiiniry. Sxine of these endorsements an, publlshisl In a little In i, iU ol extiafti- troni standard medieal ttorlis anil will !' sent to any aihlress Jtn . oil refi ll, t ot I'eipleSt llli'lefi'l' ll i. 'tier or postal ,'HI'il, .ulilressed til III'. It. V. "Iilve. Hullalo. N V. It tell- Just W hat 111'. I'leree - llieillellies are lllll'le o. 'I he " Wolds of Praise ' f,,r the several iiiirri'diehts of ii hii'h llr. I'i, -ree's hh-,11-i lues are eolnlHiseil. I,y leaders in all the seviral si-lends ,,l inedlfal practiee. and recoiiuue mliiiij: them for the fine ,,l the diseases loi' tvhk'll llie "to, 111, II M-dlflll llhfovery " is iiilil-eil, should have far more weilllil tilth the slek anil alllifled than liny amiuiiit of the so ,'ulletl "ti sli lllohlals " so fonspifuoiisly liiiiinti il U-fore Ihe ul,lle by those who are afraid to let the Itiirrisllellls of tvhifh then llnslifinea are foniiosed U- known Iteur m mind that the "(bildell Mislifill 1 Use nvery " has Tllk IIAIIllhl nK llHSrsrv olleterv lioUle wiapper. Ill It full list ot Its iilk'i'fdiehk.. llr. I'lori-e's I'leasaiit l'ellets rure eon tttlpatioii. InvU'iritti' the liver ami ruini lati' sbiluilfh and i,tels. llr. IMeree's uri'itt Ihousaiiil-pau,' illiiD tl'iitisl Coiniiion Si use MedifHl AtHirtt-r will Ik sunt free, p.iper-lioiiuil. for "Jl nine cunt stamps, or floth-Uiuiid foritl sluuiia. Addratw llr. l'lereo as alstve. in llli - SI'USi. AMlM nir.i; MILLINERY. I ANCY (JOOhSaml NtlVKll'IKS. laiitlt'i ick'n Pattci us n. & (i. (M)i:si: is. Missel, at .Mir. , l.adii . mil. lafjuPru-es will lie lllllde til suit Ihe l.iiueH, llal..s and lluiiiiels in hi and Ti'ihimt'il In ruler Al.l. MAIL (illi:i;s I'lltiMl'I'I.Y I I I.l. I I . MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Wehloll, N. ('. H SIX PIANO rsi BARGAINS For this week Conovcr I'ittmi, upright $l5. Wcllinelon I'uinn, $45 QWhcclntk UliriKlit, $H5 D Stit'ff I'priKht, JIMS Sticff kiist'wiiiiil Pinna S titiild I'iiinii. small si.e $.11) All guaranteed to be iti fiili r m flit iiiii All IICIi1 LESTER PIANO CO., Inc. Iff' tirunliy HI , NOKr'OI.K, VA. John J. Foster, Manager. apr 19 ay kill' I 'nkss vmi bat e uinin to burn don't try lo keep the pul hnilillK ill a poker (.Mine. The Came of Many Sudden Deaths. There. I: r, i:v:r ri'in'.ry mi. I il: i.f r; -lit:: c ill thi1 I,"-. Maey rm.l.lcii UM-il If m!i- l lir-. ill ijisr;i:.p, pnritniilil.1, lir;n( - aif iun xc. rc"',.lt I'.l.llif y (il. r;i r. f 1 :.;i.-y li r r: a! I ,Wf ' i I iniv.iin c, llns " I i ii r y - p :: ii e J ' 1-1 .I will k llr. '-H, .-I pins ..r lli y l!u:i'i:, :lvc ; l.if.ah lIuv.'H ami v.'.i::tft 8 way ll by r tt'Mill'!', tno'i alwnys rmutt from a cl Ob! a:ij"::nnr.t i tlv; lutlncy;; und a rure is rr:n:l.iT.t by n proper trr'atmcnt l Ih: Ki ln cr.i icai'i If y i-.i air, ff'.-iinp hnilly you i.-i t::i ,t V.ft by lal'.inf Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, th.: rrcat kiJnry, liver ar.J IhM'rwni'- iy. 1: c- rrov t i.lty to hr.Id r.rine and sralj i:; p(:i in ...ain it, ai;d overcome.1; tint jm;1 .1 :.g.( v'-r -rWy of hcitiff cornpellct) tj y i i-fi'in f!'iri:;f; Ihe, day, and to et up many time;: tluiinf; thy nif;lit. 'Iho niild and the c'tr i M.tnriry effect cf S'-vamp-Root is soon t';tli"J. It r! itu", the hiflie-;t f;r its won-ri-i f il ruiT.i f ths mo:;t di:,he,r.-ing car.s. ":: .1,1 l; -,:t 's pU,a:;aU to tako and soli ly r.'l ur ir-'i :n in fifty-cent and one-dollar r.': ! belli-: . Y u nay f Liv: a MniDi1, b:ttlo of h;z w,iiltfi:l new dir.- B.:kt?HH iv'irv ..II.; all aLo'lt it, both lm r.f Hwnmp-notit. ii I y nail. Addrer.r, Dr. Kilmer & Co. !., 11. Y. Vhcn vriting mention t!;i.; f ;i.'.-.r.-us ofter in this paper, i t i:.a'.e any mistake, but remember i. .i n: , fivamp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's !;i.f 1. ai.J the adJress, Binghamlon, f ;i Vei v bottle. (irctt kciliKtiiitm For Cash .Mia Mii,Uflie lilies, 75 'J llll Sniy tna " 2 '.II J.'i llll M,iiille nil's, in 13 II. 17 7o l'.'le China M.illinc, tile. U.'ie " " IKe. '.?:1f. .I.ip.ine'e " 17r. l'. Il'ie Wool ('.up. in..; 41 If. '.I.",f Wilidoti shailfs, 'Jllf. fall' " " ,'!7te ",'ir : yaiil iv ill- l.iiioUuiu, 7.rif 7.V " " " ll'if b e I loot tul I lo h. I-V I :i:'l A Melll- It I t'.ll pi till;.', htlf 1 in it;i"u i i. tiir,' 1'iaiiifs, :ir,f W'a'l ,ap, i. I o ami (if )-r loll A I. MIlllC Mill K lit Talking Machines, (iraphophtMies, Kodaks, Cameras, in h ind at ' ' I SPIERS BROS. Wl'l.l li, N. C. .1. Ii. II A KRIS HAS IVCOVHID His Feed Store To 'In Iniildini; turint-ry oreupiiil liySjiU'is Hintlifis, rurtitT Wash itilMi AvfiHiraiiil'lhinl Slrt'H. Tlunkin niv fm ud tiir tlicir past lib poitintiat'i', I solicit a i-ontiiiuuitce of the siiiiic l'hone No. 75. .1. I. IIAItl-'IS, Wi'ljiiD. N. C. cuoict- ROSES ! t'aniatioiis, Vudels and ol lit-r tlowera, aUiusim Sliowir Wciliting lloiiiUh ls, II thtboiiti- l-'loml DfHins. 1'ot am) oitl door Ii tiding plants. To mato, Cilili.t ami other Vri-tabta IMaiitM, M.intdiaH. OnlcrH pminptly cxtHiiti'il. Write, 'plioiii1 or telegraph, H. STI-INMinZ, iroKist, KU.KIilll, NdliTII f'AUOI.lNA. i Iti Iv T. CLARK, j, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKI.DDN, N. C. I'rii.'lues in Ihe eniirts nl' lliitilni aud n .1 1 n 11 , 11 r i,,iu,li,s(ai,,l in the Kupiiino iiiurl ul Ihe.1-tale. Spei-ialatU-lltiiiUKtven ti nil leel ioiii ami pnimpt retnriiN. SASH.DOORS.BLINDS. MAMKl.s, TII.KS It IIKATKS, ii. itowAitK, iAiN'rs..vt:. IK-UK 1. (I .'K IHMI'.WY, I.U. N.u lelk, Va. w A I. T K It E . I) A N I K I, . iirZOA'A'A'l-ili'-iilll', I Wki.don, N. C. j l'rai tii en In the t'ourta of Halifai nd ' NnitliBiuptnu aurl Iti the Hupreuie anoV ! Feilcral t-tiurls. Cnlltsitions uiittte lit all pin l of North Caioliua lliaue h office al I Halifai, N. C' open eTery Uoudajr. W?IIWS'stti-ii iiiiilrfmrt.-Mil... .... , t iBMi.MiJn,,,,,,,,,!

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