P tea WiW rfsfc 2si sal V''vi -; 11 Is W&i IB li If .kii iviTtiiiX Rates Made known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKI.DON, N. ( ., Tlll'lisDAV, ( K T( KK1 I, 1JMM5. Itrms hi' Suh-ciij'ti-iii -JI.SO l'i Ai r., i.t OL. XIJ. NO. 11 Tim Kind You Huvn Always Nought, ami which lms hcoti In nso for over MO yours, has homo tlw Nluimtiirn of mill lm been nmili nnrlcr his pcr &fflf2iJi' H,"m' "npci'vlslmi hIiick Us Inl'iiiicy. Allow imiiiHtoli'coivi you In llils. All t'oiiiilcrl'cIlN, Imitation anil " .liiMt-HM-i;oinl" arc lint I'.m rliiicnls that trlllo with mill ciiilaiitrcr I lie hcallli of lalants anil (iiil(li'eu-l'.Vicricino against experiment. What is CASTORIA distort" is a liimnless substitute, for Castor Oil, Puro Hinie, props anil Sootliini; Syrups. It is I'lcnsant.. It contains ncilhcr Opium, Morphine, nor other Narcotld Milislanec. Its njf is lis guarantee. It destroys Worm ami allays l'oorilitn'its. It cures Diarilnea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Trotihles, cures ConMipatinll and flatulency. It assimilates the I'ond, regulates tlm Moniach mill Itowels, giving healtny ami natural sleep. '1'lie Children's Panacea-Tho Mother's I'ricnil. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. McDUFFIE'S CMILL CURE Ttiu" I, the onl b,l"p'0nlne on ,nd mlrl. oh red blood. i. bod-budln(j , chooo. bod?.bu,.d.nK.-.;--hSoo. f"L J. and children Ilk. It. PRICE, ou .- 'i o TJ, I Taka Mo DUFFIE S Little Blue Liver Pills for Constipation h..d lugKlsn Llvera. Mo OufTle's Rnmediea are Hold on a fct.nrantee to U I I T. U I I . I FM W JUUI 1 1 1 U 1 1. J Lni.lli I'.hiSh k H y iy. . CniiKS, Wi-lilmi, N ('. V K li u la.li.l.l, N (' The : Bank : WKU) )N. n . At lil st ,u I'll. l-!i Stale of North ('.iiului.i Depository. H.ilif.ix C bounty Depository. Town of Weklon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $36,000. I V K H Tfai-i I Ilit lielillitiiill li' .r.M ul, .1 li.liku ! I:h ilili. I . I 0.i i ..linn llsf.t..kli.il.l.t hw .l.i..t. luif i -i.iui.-.l v ! Il.f - linsinrw illli-li-li "I II I'll t M..I V...IM.I 'i.lllllh'S lul III .! M' l Mouiy w I.Kinnl lli.m .innf.l si-, mil ill III I. y il Kill' i I l.tl. 1 1' I si .l - ill ti o . Airmii!H of till ;ir' !ili.ilc.l l'KKllKS I : W. I liWIII., ICR I'liKSMIKN T lir II W.I I WIS, t.ljikMin Nn thain(inn fu N. I. ) 1 01 1 GARRETT & 3 u PionF.er ti? af h a s flu tiHMVEK!&iW. ! RsTABI.IHIIKO 1h:V. S PEOI ALTIES: IRCINIA DARE POCAHONTAS OLD NORTH STATE jHIAWATHA I iftwl I 'li .... ..uiriin 1 vi ' - PAUL C&RRETT SPECIL- I S.irk 1 1 i'K i Anil l nther vurietiwof I'on- n-l Whoh .lliKliml ('ui.li I'rii-m I'uul in Hi-awin tMijHawBiMtte Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFF.'CE IN DANIEL BUILDING, WELDON, N. a mmaBamsBMJBsx's&sc Signature of TURPENTINE AND MUTTO.. orption In cu,nk cn "h''' b "b" Bronohltl(,.T.,hC.OU!!.."' c' Couuh, Pleur "" "noopli . r- ' onia Bnd Consumption. -" uro remrl PDlrc n. of : Weldon C ISIIIKH: w k Mini 0 COMPANY, 3 u i i I a V?. BLACRBtn it t M N N E H A H A (llry S4 iipH ruuiig) tliiiiiKia'i Sit - Miiiir Wuh h fi.r min. ami hotel u e lor nil knnU ..i Hinall '""U,,r; UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE "Sr TUART KcOUiarW. 0 FtIOIT. Tllto Collet eonformt to the Sundnrdi. A.ed by Uw lor Meilital KUucHtion. Send lui Bulletin No. II, which tell, nhaut it. I km Im calatopiM - Sillr Umrtmttf. WtllCIIII-tHT'tT -""! 7 KINDMSS AND CONSIDERATION.! Accomplishments t ti :t I Should I e CullivuU'd - So Y.nsy to he Kind und it Means so Much in Life's Sociiil Amenities. Sollll'lillK-S Wlk'll WO SCO 1 1 10 till I necessary luruiio dial a man or W iiinail inlhois upnii llio'.o ik pi-iut tin upon wnfils ul' oiKouiamancnl ami kimlncss ii seems as iIiuiii;Ii llie vein nl' enielly iiiusi have very early in lile been developed lo a ile;ree llial aceoimis fur lluurisll in); so vij'.onaisly in l.ner years. I Accusal ol cruelly llicse iiulivid j uals wuukl uiuliiuhkilly ileclare 1 llial the lerni was harsh ami mis leaclini;, yet llierc is mi oilier word ' llial so pel leclly delines llteir line of eomliiel. Now does this indicate inherent degeneracy or is die oiucome of lux training? in llie niaioriiy of eases we are lead 10 believe llial il is the result of die hitler railier titan llie sequel of die former. ' Mothers, sweel, wellhred women, too, will sit quieily by and walcli I their little hoy or girl nuiul a hillen : or puppy uniil the poor animal lo j escape its torture scratches or biles its tormentor, this act being pun-! j ished by llie adult on-looker with a : ! slap, which, as little as we believe : in corporal punishment, should have been given in the child rath- er than iis long suH'cnug victim. ' The years rolled by, the boy and girl no longer lease the kitten or the puppy, Inn they persistently annoy those weaker than them selves. They lake delight in say ing unkind things to those who have no redress and in opening up heart sores th.it were just begin- i ning in heal. They do not mean to be cruel, Inn the something thai : impels ihem lo pull llie cat's ears ' or poke the puppy's eyes is domi nant when they use the words that ) wound or the manner llial hurts. I 1 1 is so easy to be kind it means i so little as an ell'ort -so much as a factor in life's social amenities llial ! the cultivation of kindnessand con sideration should be deemed as of as much importance in the educa tion of children as those accom- ; plislmienis to which so much ihoughl is given and which really . count for so little m the truest and j best relations in life. Tkllil) IT. Church -When you feel blue you wain to go out and try some roller skating. (ioihani Thai's nisi what I did. "Vl'hai was the result?" "I came home black and blue." Vonker's Statesman. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP I Curei ill Coughs ind assists In expelling Colds Irom the System by gently moving the bowels A certxin cure lor croup and whooping-cough Tr. Uuk .I.Un4. KENNEDY'S laxative HONEYiETAR I. O. D.WITT a OO.. OHIOAOO, u. a. A. sni.inir W. M CtillKN, wki.iiih. n c Keep Your Nerve It is nerve energy that runs the organs nf your body, 'the storage ballcry is the nerve cells in the brain ami spinal cord, and fnuu this lutury nerve force is sent out through llie svslem of nerves. To keep the body" healthy you must have plentv nf nerve folic; if -,n L ive not. the oreans work imperfectly, the circulation is "csliou bad, appe- sliP'gish, 1 iJnev iictdive. and I : , aclu-s, pams and misery arc the penally. Von can keep the system strong with Pr. Miles' Nervine. It assists in generating nerve onergv; it strengthens the nerves and makes the whole system strong and vigorous. "I tnki rh'tiHiirp In rw"iiim.-mlinK Or Mil.iC N.-rvhw t" tli.e n.iiIiTin tr.im n.rvoui I'mstiuti-.n. In.niini: ,l m.l..n.h..l). Afl.r wv.t-.iI in., n On Ki.n.TluK tn.m l...ve iIi-'.hm'" trif.1 Uiii m. .ll' lii.' hii.I f...ind iinnio Jlnle i .-li.'f . II i.tli.- :m.l suvimth-i-ni tin' n.'io-. i-i.ish liv;iy llie Kl.M.my Htnl il.-iiifssli.K Oio.iKl.N HliJ triv.M Pie 1..III.HT rt'n.-wa triTiOh Hint h'.t'O. It Is a iiiiM-rti ntiM r- ""'' jiiiiou JAPon HKRMANM. MuUmull, Wlsi-unsln. 6r. Mlli-t' Heart Cur It told by your druijolRt. who will qusrantM that tho flrit bottla will banafit. If It falls ha will rotund your monoy. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind tile poor, -l Til NCI Clover Hlot fjj futn and ih "T Huney Be CO ls on itv esse ABSOLUTELY PURE Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active Principle of every pound of Royal Baking Wder. Hence it is that Royal Baking Powdci renders the food remarkable both for its fine flavor and healthfulness. No alum, no phosphate -which are the principal elements of the so-called cheap baking powders - and which are derived from bones, rock and sulphuric acid. ROYAL SARINS POWDEH LIKE YESTERDAY. When we wander in the weather of the summer time together, When we lalk of happy moments that were part of life's young dream, When with loudest recollection and a tender introspection We follow through the shadowland of memory our gleam, Softly glows the day around you as with loving arms I wound you, And, oh, how sweet il seems to hear you say That the happy hours we knew and the things we used lo do Seems to you as if it were but yesterday. When we sil with hands enfolded in the twilighl olThe year And our thoughts recall the daydreams of the past, When we tell each other stories of the things thai were so dear In dial land where Long Ago iis shadows east, kings again the old song to me, and llie old devotion through me, And I love, sweetheart, so much to hear you say Thai llie life we wandered o'er in llie lanes of (lone Before Seems to you as if it were but yesterday! When the children gather round us ami we see how tall they grow, When we dream of little lols that toddled one lime at our knee, When one comes with grace of womanhood lo say she loves you so, And one comes to kiss an old gray dad like me; When we gae upon them, darling, and together hope and fear, Ah, how sweel, beloved, il is to hear you say Thai llie lime when they were babies in that land of Other Year Seems in you as if it were bill yesterday! When we lalk of little projects for the welfare of our own, When we plan thai love may hold ihem in its care; When llie dusk comes raining round us and llie light of day has How u And you lean lo let me suiooihe your fading hair; When we read the old, old story in the stars thai light the skies, Il thrills my heart with joy to hear you say Thai the lime we met each other with the lovelight in our eyes Seems lo von as if it were bin yesterday! A HOY'S DKIIAM. I heard of a boy who had a re markable dream. He thought that ihe richest man in town came lo him and said; "I am lired of my house and grounds; come and lake ihem and I'll give ihem to you." Then came an honored judge and said: I waul you to take my place; 1 inn weary of going to conn day aflerday; I will give you my seal on the bench if you will do my work." Then ihe doctor proposed (hat he take his extensive practice and let him rest, and so on. At last up shambled old Tommy and slid: "I'm wauled lo till adi'tink aid's grave. I have come lo see if you will take my place in ihese public houses and on the streets." This is a dream w hich is not all a dream. Tor every boy in this land today who lives to grow up, some position is w aiting, as surely as if a rich man, judge, doctor or drunkard stood ready to handover his place at once. Which will you choose, boys? There are pulpiis to be tilled by God-fearing minis ters, and thousands of honorable places; but there are also prison cells and drunkards' graves. Which do you choose ? l ull ot I II l 11 VI'. Ills Mil WlSNI.inv's MKI'lHINti SVUCI' lla- Im'i'ii uied I'm- over nil vi'ins ly million u niiitlicr.i liir llicir rhililrcii uliuV tri'tliint!, Itll lt'Nl'rt mi'Cl M-4 ttllltlu'4 llll'l'llll.t k.iI'i I'li.i i Im ".leu, ;ill:i)H nil pun; 1111." wtn! r.ci'( invl i Ih" i'.'-i r-'Mr v l..r him i liueit ll mil ii-Iii'm Ilu-p Hit' lilllc Mill, it r iniiiiiiliiCc'y l-u'il h i iIiiil'ih 'licvtiy pill ul th,' wi'il.t 'rwi-utvllti ci-iiN it Ii tile I'.c Miie iiti.l iiili l. l ' . ll.nii.rt Ml.. I lilliif i J I "i," illhl lilki'lil ll'll'T I- I.I.I When in need of a good line of lalk patroniea telephone compa ny. A Young Mother at 70. "My uiotlifT has sudd nly Wen in.de )ming at 7t Twenty ye.im nl" iidriitt HiutViiiiK litiiu dyspe p-ua had ent in I y ihn;t ' Idetl lit r, until six ujontluao, wliei lii tug in lukitiK Kiel-trie Hitttr , lii-li li iw completely curt'd Uer and rUi.cd Ihe utrvuittli aud Httif ily she bail iu Ihe pome ot ItfV," wiiltw Mra. W. L CilpHnck ot : b.uilorth, Me. (ireatest restorative me I ! ieinf ou Iheghdie. Sets Moinat li, I.ivcr ; and Kidnt yA nitli, u r ll. m itie IIikh1, and curt-H Malaria, Hiliousuuts and WeaKai-BA-1 ih. Wuudeil'nl Neive Tonic I'riLV Mk (iuaiunteed by all dtug Htoies. CO., NEW YORK. A I l:V THINllS TO CONSIIl;H. Live well your lives on earth, j Seek that which is true. Be brothers one to another. j Assist to carry each others bur-1 dens. Be charitable to all mankind. Syinpailhc with ihe unfortunate. , Be as industrious as the bee. Be temperate in all things. Keep a longue of good report. Do not slander your enemy. Speak well of your broiher and ' friend. Commend those who do right. ; Leed the hungry. (live a cup of pure cold w.uef to ihe thirsty . Comfort ihose who are sad. Help the w idow to bear her load. Forgive those who do evil through ignorance, but not those who do hellish acts to appease the devil. Search others for their virtues; yourself for your vices. A long life may be good enough, but a good life is long enough. , Remember that anger is never without reason, but seldom with a good one, and finally, keep in re- i inemhi.iiice the important truth thai the most acceptable service w e render lo Cod is doing good, to ! His oilier children. ! fan you win.'' Vifii leilie (li t to win in anything then- ilay retjnires Htictinth, ith iiurnl and Ihi1v hi tune A man or woman with duoidticd die.Hlivu iiikiiin( ih tint iti nhap" I'n adiy'K work or a tliy'rt play. Ilnw ran they win? Kodul lor hy Hiep-ia nullum 1 he digest ie juices of a healthy stomach an I will put vou r "toinai'ti in sh ip" tn pei term it immrtaiit tiinetiitii ol supplying the Ii dy and In am with n'lcnth giving ldo.id, hii -ts what von fat, rcliee lndiitiou, I v-rep-in, SunrStoiiiach and I'alpilation of the limit and cmi (itatmn Hold hy W. M. CoIh a, Weldon, N. C. But the mother always has an excuse for the juvenile terror. A Card. TbiH ih lo teitily that all druists an' an thoiied to ret'uud yo-ir money if I oley's Honey and Tar I'jils lu cure your cuiili or cold It HlopH the coukIi, IhmIh the ItiuM.prexrntM Mprioua refill t from a cold, l ures la tfrippe eouh and pievetitn ptien ujouia, and con-iiinplioti t'otitaiuii no upialtH I'lie L'liuuie is in aytdlow pick- U)te. It I'll hllllitllUler. For bjIo by E, Clark, Weldou, N. C. SAW HISBRUlHhR AFTtR KEATH. A War Incident With Which the Lille .Major kohnins Was Con nected A k'ciu.-ii kiil.lc hut True Story llial is Vouched for. I a .l week, in his speech al ( air neliuu',, Col. I'.nil I'.. Me.ins, of Concord, related the following j story : Ai llie haulc ol Seven I on llie .11 si day of May, passing die grounds wher rines, lfiiL Mime l ederals had been camping on their outer lines, W. 1 1. Kobbins, a major of ihe l:ourih Regiment, feeling some trepidation ami dread on ihe eve ol haulc, and noticing a lilllc piece of panel' Willi nriiilini! on it, picked il up and found on il the words of the Vth verse of the (list I'sahn: 'A thousand shall fall ai thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come ni.ii, ii ii.. ,.r,..,, ,,.i,i i.;.. i..,.. mtv. lie vile.. linn in.- brother, Capt. C. Robbins. of Lexington, and others, thai on reading those words all apprehen sion of danger left him and he went on imo the battle with confi dence ihat he would come out un hurt, which he did. "Capt. Julius A. Kobbins, a broiher of Major W. M, Robbins i and Capi. Frank C. Robbins, in ! Ceil. Cordon's command, and, on j an expedition up in Keniucky, lo ! gel a refit and remount horses, j camped near Mi. Sterling on the nighl of June 7ih, 1SI14. Just al daylight on the Sib, a large force; of Federals came upon ihem before many of ihem had lime lo form a line. Capt. Julius Robbins, how- i ever, as w ell as a few oilier ofli cers, did gel his men formed in line lo resist ihe attack. As he mourned ihe fence which was in From of the line he called lo his men in his last words, 'Boys don't let ihem run over us,' and instantly fell dead with a t itle ball through his brain. The Federals captured nearly the entire force, which was sent to I -'on Mehiware, where Capt. Frank Kobbins was a prisoner at thai time. ('apt. Rob bins talked with men of bis broth er's company w how aval his side w in u he fell and they lold him it , was just ai dawn of day, June Silt, ISii4. "At that d.ue Maj. W. M. Kob bins, w ho knew nothing of Julius' death and w ho had been badly wounded in the battle of the Wil dct'iless. May tilh, IStil, was at Ins I'alher's, in Randolph county, I and just at daw n of day of the morning of June Nib, I Sii I, as he w aked up in son of a siarile, he saw Julius as plain as he ever saw him in his life, and he heard him say, 'Mack, lake care of my wife and children,' and then disappear- "Julius left surviving him ;i wid ow, ii sun and a daughkT. The foregoing are facts, I have heard client often and have ihem in wri ting from ( 'apt Frank K'ohhins, Only those who know how the souls of the loved and departed ones can commune with us can un derstand and explain these facts, but there are those who know how to do this.--Charlotte Ob server. Dunjer I'rom the Plague. Tin re's nr;m danger tmni the )'ajiie of I mi tile and ( olds that an- so pv. i'i lit unleHjtni taLt' lr. Kinn'sNrw I ij-i-o. mv fni r.uiMiii'piion, oiulii and I M i t (.i-tir i- Wall-, l I'oiest it Mr , hi -i. -"I'h a lit 'mini tn ii'njili living in i Inn ales iu-ie ('.tilths and c dd- nrvail. I tiiid it (iiieklv end-i them It pi. vi ulM put tiinitma, nms la cripjM', iw- wniidt r lul it-tii l' in -thma and Hay IYrr, and niaVi"4 Weak In H'M -hone, fimuh In w.ud iilV('nu.Hitniitioii, rniij;tH ami t '.idl .itY and -!. liiiaranleed l.y a II diuni- s Tti al hottle Itet-. Some people do odd ihings for the purpose of getting even. kesult of Nt'Kkct III IIKINt CIS H 'Oll-lllll)ttlOII IVSIlllS lldMl a nctlected or iin.roMrly ticali d cnld I'.dey ' lltiiicy und J ar i uics the mod tdi tin il cimiIh ami prevent -iiiii4 re iiilt'. It cost you mi more than the mi kimwti piepiiiitiiui and ymi -Inmld iiHiit iipmi having Ihe genuine in the yellow pielaiie. I nr sale l.y I ( laik, V,ld..n, N. ('. After a man has apologized what does it amount to? W hen A lior-e i so oveiwoiked it lien dowu aud iu other ways dtctart- its iua liilily to yo further, yon wonld con-idci it criminal to use lorce. Many a man ot" ! human impulse, who wouhl nut williitK ly harm a kitten, in guilty nf cruelty , wher hinowii touia h in concern d. ther ; ilnvnt, overworkeil, when what it teeiU : in HUncthioK that dige-d the tmid ca'eii and i 1...I..H.. hI.,i...I. i.,iu.r.iu Hn...il.i.,.r i lit. w.1..l i... u...n.i.. Hold lij W. M. (Joheu, Weltluu, N. C. WSU I '.'LI) Til! CM I. Joel ( handler 1 1 irri lor of I 'mJe l.'einus, 1 l'.i 'er Wolf, and l'.r'er very, very shy man. A of i-liynevs comes fn mi ( i.i , his birthplace, : ,iv , oii..Mna rei box, iabbii, is a s ii id sii ii y laioiiloii, liic New be .iv:-elll York Sun. In order io ! at a local celebration, Mr. returned lo llie scenes of l.itlis bov- hood and somehow w .is inveigled iuio faking a .eat in platform with llie orator of ilu .i.iy, the iale I lenry W. ( ir.uly. After ibis fa mous silvel tongue had linishc some of the ''elebr.mt'; 1 ;;an lo call, ' I l.irrc, I l.irri-;, I l.n'ris'" Now, I 'ndc K'eniiis bad ncu r made a speech in his life, and ihe lh"""l;l of being called upon to do s" "ls "lUl 'v"1"11 """ "' ''IITis' i!!ri''"' cnCl1 l!u" ',m'''-. i'casing vigor, "' Kirris, I l.irris ! I'd rose I'ncle Renins, his ol '''' h'M ln,IU llmv" ,Avr "is eyes. "1 in coming, I m com iug, " he shouted, and the m xt niiiiueiil he stepped oil' the plat form and lost himseli in llie crow d. --The l'Htlitinder. For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Sigiutui u of mm;.. I "I never was so happy before," ' said the new lieuediei. "Mir ; riage has made a ddk ivut in in ol ' of me." "I'm glad to hear it," said his rival, "lor your wife's sake. Pos- ' ion Transcript. OPEN PUBLICITY THE ft EST O UtrANMTY OF MERIT, j Wli. n tilt- rnak.T of ii ni'tlhili''. I thmnuh ilriii;iri-t f-r fumily u-i, t ! ! ti ih ;.tn'iiu- fully iniu hi rnniilinT l.v I fmiikl) ami fi-nrl-ily iiihli-lntitr vm rnt a- wi'll a mil It- h.titlf ra vv, a lull lit ..f nil It.; l.iji.vrlii'i.i'i in p'"'" Eittjlinh, this artii.ii on Iik iart. it tin )ti'-.'l possitilc t'VittfMiff t li.it In' it tint Hfrnid t) lia' tin- Hi-nrcli hlit (f invrs tiLtHtii'ii tmii'il full um.ii i.i- fttnimla iimi in n it ht'iir tin: fnllt sithLihv iin.i tin' inuM tlinhiviih int'xtijf!iiinti. tr. I'lr-'i-'s l''ivMtiic Pt'f.'riitliiMi Inr ilu fill'f nf tin' Wt'UhlM'.ws, p. l'i.itlriil pililis Hint fiiin'1 hnal tli'l'tihizt'im nL "f tin- nr- tiiii- di-iiiift lv fi iiitiiiii''. i-i tlic nnly nn'ili- I Clllt' pill Up f"r tl" tlll"!iyll tll'Ulfl'-ts Inf wnimiii's -pi-i-uil u-i'. tin uiaktT nl wln.-li t iim atfaul In tiiki' In- palh'ht- into iii- full i-niilKl'iK't' hy Mi'-li 'ptti and , Imiif-t pnlilii'ilv. A I'liuit'i' at tlif puthi-.n'(l iiiL-r-iiiii'iiU on a.-li I... ol' wrapp' r. will -Imw iLm il is inadn mIi.i'I) !i.m tiatiM'. A iii.-n.a n, liii-itii'lii il nt"-. that it niiitam-lm pni -Mitmii- r haiiit tniMitiii: druj-. t n.tr 1'i.ih and n ii).-"hl pu r-. 1 r i ( -1 - r lim d jflM-i-nii'. -d pit.p. r -tn-titrth U'ltitf tiMti ill-lftld nf tin- fiitlillintlU . lllpl",-il aim- ii.-l. Jm ii Ii Inr rtun tuiL' anil pf -' iMnu On- ai l t iiii-li,-iual pinpt rtn - ftiiind tn III.- runt nl tin' A 111" I it'll 11 f"l- -t plant- I'tiipl.iv.d. It i- tin mil) ini' I ir i in' t.-r wi'in-'ii's uvular ili-''a-"i. -"Id lv ill ut jri-t-. that lines ii.it o.ntaln it laivi' p' t ('.nt.iwi' nf alt-'ihol. wlin h is in tin- l--rnf run -n liarmtul w . iin-i n - d'-lii-iitr. n-rv-nns it ni. N'w. trUivrim' i- n'ifivty li.iriuli"". and fti-r"s a valuaUi' pnrM-M , iin-'.f mit jntriii-it' valim all itftiwii. Hint li'-nl'-!- it i-nliaiiff- i ln ritia' ivn flTi'i't nf tin- oUuT iiinih'-nts filtering Into tin- "l'annte l'ri'-fiiptii.n." S-nir nf tin' ailft ini'ili.-al w riti-rt mid t a. li' r .-tninr-i' iIm-m virws und pr:tn.n nl tin' vt-rul itmri'tifiii.- nf w hii-h " 'a 4 nritt I'l'i'siTiption " is cmnpiiM'tl nr ointni'inliiiu t iitin fr tin- citn- nf tin vci v -nine disease? for uliit-li this Wntld taiiieil meiiitiiie i- ailviMtl. Nn nthi'i tintlirine fur wnmi'ti has nnv findi uo It'vMnMil eittlnr-enu-lit H'nl'lli llinrrtllini uuy nutiiber nl ordinary test imnniaK. 1 interested, si'iid name and aililre-'H tn Mr. K. V. Tierre. ItuiTatn. . Y.. tr his tti. lu.i.k nf t! ra.'ts ffi'lll the n'Ls nf emiu''nt nii-aical anti-r-' and teai-ln-rs, einlnr-iiiir the MArral itiL'i'i'ilients and tellinir (u-t wli'it lr. I'i.'i're's iiM'iticini ure rnaiienf. It's Inr fur the a-kini,'. op si'imni; mi.-imii:i; MILLINERY. ANt'Y (iOOIiSaml NOVKITIKS. I'uttcrirkV I'atternit It. CV (i. COKSKIS. Misy.-f. I4L1 niii-c, Hal- ri(lr I.adiiN t.'J-l. will lie Mi rt 1 1 and KiniieN md.r to Mint the 1 miiile iiinl l'i iinini d to Al.!. MA!! I'lMMHTIY I'll I i n r. A. LEWIS, W.1.1..H, N. ('. MRS .1. li. II A l.l. IS MOVED His Feed Store To the building In i niery ocnipud liy Spiers UmlheiH, rurner Wash ingtou Avenue and 1 hi id Kin et. ( Thankinp my friend-lor their pant lib crai iianoiiaL!.', I sohcii u ciii.iiiinani'l1 solicit a MH " 1'ho.w No. 7,1 J. L. HAMIS, WclJim, N. C. Thc Cause of Many SwkltMi Dcntlis. That.; I- " '' ' ri'iiiay rn - :! r! e - II l'i ., 111- ; I i l:i v : 1" ' ' '. I e I n .V e,- .-l ly ,- II. I ,1 I ! 1. ! Ii .-l . 11 a ! en,' : i. -.1 ll.-i I. c v.ali. i' iri ;tii3 I . ,i, - ': i .li rrn l.v . I'.r. y i.'i M"ll !" ll 'I i.i-. ll.'.c.i I l ! !! . i a ..: v-r, r:,' .t.i :.: i. h- . i rt ( .;!(' r !",t-!' xy ; - i: n t!;.; r -M f . y .:i : . if K:i-y h "illn v. ;il 1 v'.lt .a-iv.tn. "-v hll.ry-pi.l.'iiitnNl 1 I ' 1 .. H lilt. irk llH v -I'Miiit ..r v tl..".'ii fiibl wr.l" y, fr 'i'-i aibl :i run1; i:i !,:.): I;..!ly y.m Pi'. Kiltnfr'.1 iii.'V. liver iitid Ml'! ly il it I' ?- I. -.H i:rir.i nn.I mW f it, -avA rvvrmuvr. tint ' ' M - ir.f c"mpcllt..i tJ liy, ni 'l to r""t up many lit. p-lld ntid the. i f S'..'nn;vR A is soon the r iis wnn- : t.i t 'ii ;ti':r.:t;ft car,ff. p!'wi:.,U'.t i t t:r, avA sold in f.fty-cnt ai,d c no-dollar . ..11 '.'.L--?rTr l! it . t . P .me i f Stviitniv-It i.-t. y i:.-i.!. Aridr-". Dr. Kilmor ft Co. :;, V. Vhcn writing mention j!. r '.;j rfi'ir in thi.; piper. .re :v,r nistakc, Imt remember , Hij'-Knnt, Dr. Kilmer's -). i, :,: ! tl.c ndilrer..'., Bingham ton, iy ! vih. (iron, kcductinns For Cash i;u $1 T.'i 17 7." Hie. l'i. Kic. 'inc. !o Siiiy i iia I . ti'l Mikjui tie tie. .".' Cliin.i Maitini ! ' e ,I.i anr-i- " ..' Wnnl Caip -III.:: .; Wniiiow ii.uii '., ' yard w ide l-iin-lt urn. i;v I In-. i nil ( h.ih, 1 'l'i Aii.in-t i Caipctiti., I Jit tiiil rift live Kcime-t, W ad i. I anil ii- p'i 'll n"ir l 1:1. K -- hi i r Tnlkiiv!; Machines, (irapiioplnmcs, Kodaks, Cameras, epphe ci V Ih mi li.itul at .( t piiren. It t inies, at J I In- SPIERS BROS. WI'l.lliiV, N. I' CIIOICI- ROSES ! ( ai n.tl mi VnilclH and otltt r llouitc, :ilu;it on ha. d. Shtnv r Wcddinu rnil.iih t-. Itaiid-niilr I'lul d 'ii;is. I'nt and out tlnor h,ihh"jr plant- To in iin. i .itil-au and ! In i Vt . lalde I'l.u ls Magnolia- tliders puiiiijitly rv.' nh d ri'i- 'phiine nr ttdejj:rajili. It. STIIINML-TZ, I I .HUM , 1. l.l'.ICII, NiiliTII l AUOl.lNA. I in ly T. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, J Wl'.l.liON, n. c. Pni.-tH'c. in llie I'iMiilH ol" llaliliix nnd Hiljoiiiiiin ciMinli.s.jiiiil iii the Hiiprcme I'.iilll ol liii'Slalc. SM'i'ial itlU'tltiou giveo ti col loi'l ioim ami r'mntnl rlnrn. SASH, DGORS.ELINDS II IS IKI.i, TICKS A IMiATKS, ii v.i:i:, i-.ints,vc, IKWK 1. CI KK UI.MIWNY, llj. Ni'Mi'lk, a. n SIX PIANO BARGAINS ; fca For this week Ctmcn cr I'iiiiiii.iiprinht $l5. Wi'lliiiKton I'inno, $45. hcclnck Cpriuhl, $NS. Slicff CpriKht, $IKS. Sticff Rosewood I'inna $8(1 (iuild I'inno, small sic $.10 All guaranteed to be n D in fine condition. All used. 2 LESTER PIANO CO,, k Vfl tlranl.y St , NOIIKOI.K, VA. John J. Poster, Mnnnecr. o! -.c,-- 1 .-ii l.-;l ly : Hi - l il:..; -. 1! y 'i I m l'.." Ml:.: I ,1 - .-S 'lnip lv'.io Ii. : i r l'o!i-:r-.tc. p.--ir--t-.il ,li,i! i. l.l I"! ill! Ill I '. l'i.' !.'' f !' r - ' ft-:. Ti ::; l',t I: i.' : 'i-nii.i- th- n! ii I-. . i 'ir.-.ry -f(;-t : li"- Il t-l-.1 :':!. ,i -f ih :' i i ; . ' t 1 ,1 .:,...... LoorJ npr IH Jjf D I

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