J Jf ft O if wi A NEWSPAPER fOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$l.50 Per Annum WKI.DON, N. ('.. TIU'HSDAY. (KTOl'.Kli In, 1. ;. NO. L't '- ' i , i j i i r m i j t'; ub in j.sojt "'Slu,ii.ai-olnl)owvlSnt iilii I iwK.-i)i,:eslii)n.Clkvrlil ;'il!i'sl.l'onliiiiis Heillur i " Hi1iiiir.!l Jlill MniOi.l Till ' tMu lb Willi fmjurt ,Wfuut it. ' tt w j mutt - pnfiil HvhwuV tar Cons tip -mm, Sour Sloui;.c..,Uiarrlax,a ,,!ni onwilsums.reverish u-ssmul Loss or Sleep. ; NKW YOKK. feiitsil i tv.cr cony of wbappcb. McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CORE. ....iy tmatala l.th. only ""'"Juinlno on W"eu?Tt', i"5th chill. ln. mark It 'norea.eyour ,nd rnl''-rloh roo blood. .ppetit.andmak.Mon . ""..''.h-children Ilk. It. PRICE, BO CENTS. .,- nn CENTS. 1 rnivt - 1 Take MoOUFFIE'S Llttla blue Liver Pills for Constipation h.id lu&gleri Liver. Mo Duffle's Ramidwi are sold on uarant to do all we claim or your morioy back. I'iiK SU.K iv W M CilltKS, Weld N ('. V. K !KVAS Klllielit, N. C. 3E 2E is : Bank . WKI,I) )N. N. V.. Oiianized Under The Lais of lie State of North Carolina, ai;i;i:kt .Mini, i .-( Suit of Nonli I Carolina Dcpusiiury. Ilulil';ix Cmiiny l)cpiiltiry. Town of cldiiti Dcposiim-y. Capital and Surplns. $36,000- ITnK It T'r tlii iii'liliiiiuii li i pri. li..tiW f hi'ilihin lor tliii j wiliim lln ,'i'klililrr anl ilnvi'l. i . h .w 11 ul, i mini v ilh lln' . lilHlum mlptr-li il II ilil ix :ul Soul i r - i ILIIIIM. - lor in i. .v w t Minify lii;ini'il lip in it(,Tut-tl ni -t ;it lli d ii il i.ilf ijI m'ii."I 1 1 r I'rlitiiit ArisiiiuU ul' nil :,rr ft'li.ili-it 1'KKHI I.KST: W. I i'WM 1 . lit ;r I! W U (.livkMii NiiiiluiaUi'ii ' " V I' 1 OE 1 Pioneer u U K-tTABI.WIIKI) ItvlT.. a OT31PT A VIRCINIA DARE Kg OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY $ mhiawa r h a- minnehahajj PAUL CARR6TT SPECIAL g lluilii,ilrl W ...M ..,i,r, wnnir.,.! r-i.ir.n.1 lii.irMiii.c V...i!- I..H.. wiiil h-.trl n-r. ft NL.IIiKhi-.t IVIi I'rii-Mi fuid in Sri.m lor all kiniln ol-nmll Imiii. K'"!" "' TJ f?t Vtrrn l.-b. HI I....,.., Mo IMlli'i1. NOKHH.K, A. $ Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. W. J. WARD, I) K.N T I ST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUII.blNU, WKI.OON, N. 0. 0U its and Children, us Kind You Have ' Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years thi tinraua iovmni. m ohh city. TURPENTINE AND u,i-r, SUET LUNC PlIstJ'1 -f.:,:.:'.(ri0,?h -" Bronchitis 2,,h"?ou"h, Col" couKh, A,?,?;? ,;:1,Wh00,ln P"umonla n u c"d P'-ntii PRICE, or rtru.'- 'ii ib. V of : Woldon IMItMIK.V I i hm,:n: V SMI I II 3 0 American ft u T.TTES: P O C A HO NT A 8 50 cento. T. CLARK. ! ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKMHjN.N. c. Prntirw in tk court of Halifax iid ftdjuiDiug countjM.ftud ia th Bupreiu eoarlolitotainU, HpftcinlMtoBUaugitta , to wltection sad prompt ntara. AW ESSAV ON BREATHING. Its I Iscf illness us Seen Uy N uuiik I'liilusnphrr. the "l'icjHi is m.idc of air. Vl'e hi tMihe wiih our lungs, our !i",lii, our livers and our skin if ii's noi all sioppcil up wiih powder. II' it w;mi'i for our brealli we would die wlien tte slept. "Our hreiith keeps die life a l!oiiiK llirmich the nose when we are asleep. Our noses were made for breath and our mouths for food and ui lalk uiih. "Women that slop in a room all day should not breathe. They should wait till ihey go out of doors. "People in a room make bad, foul, ttholesoiiie air. They make cji boiiieide. Carbtmicide is pois oner (ban a mad dog. A heap of soldiers was in a black hole in In- j dia and a Carbonieide got into the hole and killed nearly every one j before morning. "(iirls and women kills the breath with corsets that squeeze , the diagram, (nils can't holler or run like boys because their dia grams is squeezed lu much. If I was a girl I'd wish I was a boy, so I could run and holler and breathe lois of air and have bright eyes ; and rosy cheeks, a big appetite j and a good diagram. "Give me air or give me death." JAPANI-St: BKI(:'S DUTY. 1 1 ere are a few of the Japanese bride's rules of life, laught by her 1 mother:-' Never speak evil of your neigh bjrs. Never allow yourself to he jeal ous. lie humble and polite. Do not consult fortune tellers. Don't talk too much. Until you are fifty never mix crowds. Strict obedience to a husband is a wife's noblest virtue. He always amiable to your inoth-er-in-law and father-in law. liven if your husband is in the wrong never get angry Home Notes. A contemporary would like to know who teaches her husband his compendium of duty. No wonder a man feels cheap when he linds out he's been sold in the matrimonial market. There may not be anything in a case but a smart lawyer will get something out of it. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Cures all Couth: stilts in expell Colds from tht System by Kenny movinj Tjl'V,' the bowels.f,Ji A certain curet t-vj lor croup snJ Jf hooping-cou(h. iai Trt4 Uftrt K.f UUra.l KENNEDY'S unmi HONEYhTAR FKirAKlD AT THI LAIOR4TUIV Ot L O. OcWHT & CO.. OMIUAQO. U. t. A. suinuv W. M.COHKM, wki.ihin.n. r Epilepsy Fits St. Vitus Dance Art lie rve diseases, ami unless I'lit'i'ked, lead to dcsirm'timi uf both iiilnd and luuly. The weak, shailfffil nrivi's must hue suiiii'tliiiij' to siiiiipihi'ii and build thi ill b il l. In health. )r. Miles' lvi'-.tiii.ilive Ni'iilie i., a i s ,i..i; I.-Me n. r c Utu'.c ai.d ftiiiiiilant. It .sliiii';lluii tin nerves, n-liivi'S tlit iiirvuiH strain, and influcncis refiish illtf lioily-ljllililill sleep and rest. I'ersislent use seldom fails to relieve these alt1 iet inns. "I waft taken with cjilU-nli' r,ls t,nd eleven In iv lliun 12 lu;ii . Si y father pt-rit for our fntnlly hsUitin tint he could do ry lillle for me. und 1 Kivw Kiise e-i dj). i.nj ul U-1 Hi. had three do'turn vtllh me, and 1 Mill 't woitte. My futluT l.'ard of li. Mill'-' medli-liiPH and b'lustit a bottle ol Ni l una and u hox uf Kervv and l iver PHI, t had t.iktn onlv a few duhen until I titigjn l teller. I ItHik 12 bullies, itnd II cured me sound and well. It lut hcen w-uth all Ihe world to me. 1 recommend It wherever I so. You nmy use thm n a life-lot ir tfMtlmoiildl tu the merits of your inedlflne, for I ttru enjoylnif the best of henlth. and fel that m life and health In ihie lo this wonderful aiedlclne." I.KVV WII.I.IAMH H. K. U. No. t, Huston, Ua. Dr. Mlli' Nervlna It told by your Jruuylt wha will guiranttt that th flrtt bottl will bnnt. If It failt, h will refund yuur monay. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad " i nftr Mil.. V1 , j Avoid alum and alum phos phate baking powders. The label law requires that all the ingredients be named the labels. on for the alum compounds. NOTE. Safety lies in buying only Royal Baking Powder, which is a pure, cream or tartar baking powder,1 and the best that can be made. THE LASS BENEATH THE BONNET- When the triumphs and the conquests of the heart are counted o'er, When they tell oflove that nourished in the days of nevermore, When they weigh the charms of loving and the amours dwell upon, Round whose tender recollections music echoes, roses run; When the world has worn one weary with its tlanneur and Its Hash, With its chain of charming maidens carrying hearts with sweep and dash, Then a vision looms before me and a song sounds sweet and low Ah, the lass beneath the bonnet that I loved so long ago! The old-time, striped sunbonnet, where she used to hide her face, The sweet, old-fashioned lilacs that she carried with such grace, The curls that used to dangle where her shoulders sloped so sweet, The little schoolgirl figure with its touch of grace petite, The little checkered apron and the skirt of Highland plaid Ah, ihe vision makes me merry and the echo makes me sad, For through tides of time that How not another lass, I know, Has smiled beneath a bonnet as she smiled so long ago! ! Purple splendor of adventure marks the marches of the heart, Modern love is like a measured and a very mundane art; I Hands are offered, hearts are bartered, Cupid w ears the dollar mark, i And the sweet, old-fashioned spirit dies upon the circling dark. I So, 1 love the echo ringing through the old times unto me, And the little vision swinging down the lanes of rosy glee ; The lass beneath her bonnet wailing where the lilacs grow, Ah, the lass beneath her bonnet that I loved so long ago! Time may take me far from mem'ry of that schoolhouse on the hill, ! The little woodland byroad that dipt down across the rill, ! The faery fields of fancy where two sweethearts pledged their vow, But 1 would that I could travel back to wonder of it now 1 Back to all that world of marvel when the valor of the knight , Burned a spark within my spirit that her lips had helped to light, i And I'd face the dragon lor her, let befall weal or woe, Just because beneath her bonnet she had loved me long ago! i Let the proud wond ring with triumph, let the multitudes acclaim ! Deeds of conquest in arenas where ambition yearns for fame; Let them prate of mighty passions and of womanhood sublime I With a beauty like a sunburst on the altitudes of time; 1 But from out the glare and glamor, how I would that I could roam Down the little lane of lilacs leading to hervineclad home, , For a vision looms before me and a song sounds sweet and low - Ah, the lass beneath the bonnet that I loved so long ago! S AGAINST HKH BETTER JUDll j (HUNT. J "Ain't you rather young to be ; left in charge of a drugstore?" j "Perhaps so, ma'am, what can I j do for you?" Do your employers know us dangerous to leave a mere boy in j charge of such a place?" T am competent to serve you, madam, if you will state your wants." "Don'i they know you might poison some one?" "There's no" danger of that, madam; what can I do for you5" "I think I had bettter go to the store down the street?" "I can serve you just as well as they can, and as cheaply." "Well, you may give me a two cent stamp, but it don't look right." Houston Post. Dunger From the Plague. There'-, urine danp r from the p umic ol I'mntliminil t ulilMliat lire mi prevali'iil i Uulosyou takt Ur. Kii))3'nNew hiweovety for I on-n in pt itui, ( 'oiiyln and ( 'olds M rs ( (ieur v Walls, of 1'orest t it?, Me , uritfi. I "It's a do Ise ml topctiple litin in dun j airs when- cousin and coltli prevail. 1 ; tind il iiiieklv end I hem. li prevent ; pneumonia, cure la rtpite, ivet wonder Till reliel in rthiiiu and Hay Fi ve-, aotl i maVt" weak hiii;4 stiou enough to warl I on" ( oiiMtmptioti, (' utfh4uiid t'tihU fo , ami iM, tiiiurniiteed Ity nil dni'Ki-"' j Tiiiil hottle fro- No henpecked man wants to carry around a speaking likeness , i.f Iii.-, w ift. ! A Young Mother at 70. i "Al) mother hus siiddt illy lieeu nnnle j yomnt at 7i. Twenty ye.uit of intense j Mttlt nuK Irom dyspepsia had entirely dlKt I tiled her, until mix moiiiIisuku, uhej th ' bi-mu taking Klectrie liitlr-t which hue ! eompieteiy mied h au.i nsioie.i ihe I itreDKth and activity she had lu the piime I ol life;" wutes Mn. W. I. liitpvtriik ol lantorth, VI e tireitest refiturjiite me I j it inr on the nlolte. Sell Btoiudeh, l.ivtr I am) Kidney right, orllt the blood, am) c ihh Mttlarlu. Hilioutne and Weak ties en. Wonderful Nrrve Touie lrire ,lli'. (iiiaianteed by all dian Moien. A pet is an cxh;tiun of temper, ' but a woman's out of temper when j she's in a pet. OABTOniA, ! fi.salars Look out COON HUNTING. .... ,. , , , , I he officers of the f-.nghsh Suua - dron prepared for their recent vis : it to this country by an exhaustive ! study of so-called American slang, ' that ihey might enjoy that "delight 1 ful American humor" over which J the English have recently become so enthusiastic. During their stay in Annapolis a ! coon hunt was arranged for their I benefit, the officer in charge ex ' plaining to them that it was a sport highly thought of and native to the 1 Southern States. As they rode along one of the Liiglislnneii remarked: "You hunt I these coons with dogs, I think? ' His host assented and the ting- lishmaii continued: "They are found in the woods and are ofien caught in treed, aren't they?" i "Thev are." reDlied the Ameri- f can; "but how come you to know so much about COOII hunting?" "Oil. said the visitor. With ail air of conscious pride. "I've read "Uncle Tom's Cabin," you know, ami all those articles that have come out in the pa pers lately, bui to tell ihe truth, I didn't think it was allowed by the authorities, no mutter what the nigger had done." l.ippin coll's. A Curd. l tux is Iii ieitif that nil druj'KHr me nii- llh.ritl lit i . Tu till vn-ir tu.nw if I'lIs-v' )W), aiui T:ir f:lil; ti !Mirt. )(H1P (.im(;l) nreolil It Mops Ihe coiih, lie.il the loiiKN.prevrnts lions resnllN I rout a cold, t 'tire hi grippe rouh nod prevents pueu ir on 1. 1, and coiiMitnpiion t'ontuin no opiattn t he geitiiiitf is in u yallow p.iek 1 age. K fine substitute. For nale Ity K. t'lark, "Vpldon, N. t' m- " - ' The grape grower isn't injured by hjV'illg a Seedy reputation. t au.vouwiD? You reiliz,. that tu win in anything Ihw days reipiirfi sTngth, with ntiud anil body id time A man or woman with ilisonlerwt itifrwtivft urKuis in noi in abape tin ailny'fl work or a ilayV' t'lay. It"" ran Ibej winV Kudul for lMwmi i luiilainii the iligf ativs j uiesi ot hmiiiiy aionuu h ao t will put jrour itunuich ia shape to perform ita important I fiimiion ul atipp'yiiiK the b. ly aud brain ' wilha miKth ki;dk blood. Dig sis what ,vuu eat, lelievea Iudi,(.atu,ii, Dyspepsia, Suur'lomai'h aud Palpitation uf Ihe heart slid u,ustiiatiou. J by W li Cuhrn, Weldon, N. C. HOW TO BE HAPPY. Walter Williams Delivers This Pretty Homily In His l-"nst ; Window Column. Nobody can be long happy alone. , There is joy in solitude but the i joy soon fades if the solitude is prolonged. The joy of the indi vidual is always related in some way to the joy of the community. It has its flower and iis fruit in so cial service. Old bachelors dry up only when they devote their lives to some worthy purpose out side themselves. In the legend beautiful an angel appears in the midst of the monk's prayer and then the bell rings which calls him i to his accustomed work and he hesitates between the angel and the errand But when he returns, having done his common task, the vision says: "hadst thou stayed, 1 must have tied." The people who live to have a good time for themselves usually end by having a bad time for oth ' er people and a worse lime for themselves. The best known in dividual of this type in modern fic tion is Tito in George F.lliot's Ro : inula. His chief aim in life was to maintain the serenity of his own soul. Yet after breaking ihe hearts : of his best friends he perishes mis ; erably. I le was pursuing a selfish happiness and in the unalterable grammar of life that adjective and that noun may not be used togeth er. Stevenson speaks of task of happiness." piness is noi a task, even an occupation 'the great But hap-1 li is not It is a quality of life, depends o n Happiness helpfulness. 1 That's the reason joy is social. Helpfulness keeps happiness be cause it adds to the area of affec tion. People are not happy when they seek after happiness. They become steeped in happiness when they undertake to promote the joy of others.- Kansas City Journal. I' l ill i 1 11 wl i t Yl;tnw Mlts WlNMI.im'sSiHi'lHlsu SvKI'P liaa lu-eii used t'nr over fill yrurs by miliums r luolliei's tiir llicil children wliile teetliini!, w It li periect Ulccess. llsimlhes Iherhihl. sirieiislhi. ifiiius, allays all pun; cures wind cu ic, and is tli, best leiiiedy ior li:n rhoea It will lelieve (lie p'M.r lillle Hull) ler lliiiut dta e y Xu'il li diuiisls 'lieviry pill ol Ihe woilil. 'rwelily-iiie cents u h.ittle lie miii- and ask fel ''.Mrs, Winslow's hiHilliini; H,vrui,'' and lake no ullier kind. A colored preacher took some candidates for immersion down to ! . .... lm alligators in the stream, one of them objected. "Vi'hy, brother," urged the pas tor, "can't you trust the Lord? He took care of Jonah, didn't he?" "Y-a-a-s," admitted the darky, "but a whale's different. A whale's got a mem'ry, but ef one o' dem 'gators wus ter swaller dis nigger, he'd jes' go ter sleep dar in de sun an' ferget all 'bout me." Result of Neglect 1 n inosl caii s consumption rcsul's irotii a Deflected ur improperly trealed cold, i'oley's Honey and Tur cures Ihe most oh stili ita coughs and prevents serious re sults. II lost ynu mi more than Ihe mi ktiov.li iieiirations ami ou -li uibt insist iihiii liaviii. the genuine in the vellow p ic' ac. roraa't'liv K. t'l iilt, Wei. i in. N. ('. Many a man labors hard for a living in his efforts to dodge work. Foley's Honey mid Tar Mires Ihe. most olwtinute am tills and expels the cold tVoiu lite syMt'in ns it in mildly laxative II is Kuaruiitml. lo n.t rbk aii Sul the i-n-II inc ill th)ell0K pfickrtjie Forsilehy K lark, Wehlon. N. (' BHAUTII VINU MADI; EASY Take care of your health and your conscience and beautifying will not be a difficult mailer. Mold our disposition so that those who meet you will feel the warmth of the goiden sunshine of your soul. Don't live in a cellar. Gel out in the fresh air, witli a nod for fellow travellers, a kiss for the one you love best, and a great love of humaniiy over. Exchange. Sellishness is one uf the things you cannut keep to yourself. The contortionist needn't think , he's the only man who has a dou '; ble. CASTOR I A Fr Infants and Childrsn. Tht Kind You Kavi Always Bsogbt Bain the blguatar u( Are You Tired, Nervous and Sleepless? Ni'rvmisrn'i :ojil hli-i jilrnius art n uully due" to thi- (iii-t that tin' mtm" itrn nut ft-tl mi prupi-rlv iiuritiiiin I'tmit-. lln-y uri' !'iiT(.! iutvi's. I Jr. I'u-ri-f's (inlili-ll Mi'illral IHsrovwy THlAm ili'i'. rlih Mwul, Hint tlii-irhy tin1 m-rvi". art pruiitTly iimiiislii'il anil a!l tin iii'ifum uf Hit limly art' run U8 hiiiih.1 lily a inai'liin. iry ttliicli run In ml. In ilii.s way ynu fi'cl i-li'aii, HtrmiK mill stri'tiiniiis - ymi iin tuni'il up and liiMijorati'd. ami yuu ari' tfiMitl fur a liuli. lot ul pliv Mral nr hhmiIu! wurk. Hi'St wt all. tin -.trfiitftli hiiiI in crfa? in vitality anil tit-altli art- (imrln;. 'l ln' tnniblii uilh m.Ht t,iim- aiul nn-ii-lrini'4 w liirli liavi' a larifi-. hiiouilni; al tur a "hurt titin. I lliat tlu-v an- lami iy CiiliipuSHil uf alt i'liul Iniiiiilnl tin' ill iltf-i in Hiiluti.iii. Tin alri'liul 'linnl. up tin- n-ii IiUxnI t-orpiwli's. unit in ihe him run jrri'atly iiijup-i lln- li-iu. One may h-rl xlnlarat''il ami U'Hrr 1T lln- unit' ("'inn. y i I. lu tin1 piiU wpiikHiifd ami w ilh vitalily tli'rri'aijil. Dr. 1'li-ri'i''! liuiih'ii Mi'ilh-al llisi'iivery containi m i hUmIiuI. Kwry buttle uf It hi'iirii upuu it wrapper 77ut linn.,' uf .umjvM. iii a (nil lit ul all its several ingredients. Kir the ilrutrnist to utter yuu Miniethihtf he claims I "Just as guod " in tn in-iilt yuiir lutelliiienre. Kvery iiikTeilient i-uteriiiif iutu the worhl-famiil "liulden Metiu-al DlHeuvery ,! has the kihaiiiiii'iu approval and endorse ment of the leading lllt'dl. al ailtllol llli-n ol all the sevelal sebooUol plaeliee. Nij othur ulediyllie spld thluuiih ill nk'ui'ls ior lli;e purpuSes ha- any mk'Ii eiidnrenient The ''Golden Medu al Dlsont i y " not onb product all the ood eirei is tu l..i obtained from the u.e ot Gulden Sen! root, in all siouiai'ti. liver and huwei troubles, as Lu dyspepsia, biliousness, con stipation, ulreratioii of stomach and UnveU and kindled ailments, but the (toldell SeHl root lied III its culiiniuud IliK Is ureally enhanced in ils curatHe ac tion bv other luxreilieuls such as Moue root. Ihack Cherryhark. hloodroot. Man drake root and ctieniicully pure triple retined Klyceriue. "The (timiuon Senae Medical Adv iser." la sent free in paper covers on receipt of til ouc-fmit stamps to pay Ihe cost ot uiall Inu null. For al stutntis the ilulb bound Volume will be sent. Address llr. h. V, Pierce. Ilultalo. N. Y. iir. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets euro con stipation, billoimuess and headactitt. n SIX PIANO BARGAINS D u For this week Conover Piano, upright $l5 Wellintrton Piano. $45. QW heelock Uprighl, $85. Q Di Stielt Upright, Sl5 Stiell Rosewood Piana $80 (luild Piu.no, small si.e $.50 D All guaranteed to be in fine condition. All used. LESTER PIANO CO, Inc l.V liiauhv S1 , Mllil 01. K, VA. John J. Toster, Miimifcer. apr I'l ','T .1. L. II A li 11 IS HAS MOVED His Feed Store To the Imildinn t'oimery occupied hy Specs H rot he is, comer Wash- ii'giou Avei.ue and 1 Inrd Street. i '1 hanking my friends tor their past lih- , e'al piiron:i.M'. I solicit a continuance it Hi same I'lmne No 7.i, .1. i. IIAKI'IS, Wi'Um. N. C. SEAltOAKJ) Air Line Railway DIRECT LINE To All Points IN 1 II K Mil III. Mil I H-1I.SI. MiKlll and M.K I ll-U l l . IHIUHLE DAILY SEKVU:l? BETWEEN Itiwtiin, New Yoik, i'liiladclpliut, ltalli iniilc,Wiisliinit(iii, Noilolk.lii' bimiml, lialeill, I'barliitle, WilniiiiKlou, Atlanta, niriniiiKbaui, Mem- phis, OiattuilouKU. Nasliville, Moutimnii'iy, Mo bile, New Oileai s, Columbia, Sa vannah, Jacksonville, Tampa anil A I. I. F I. O R 1 I) A - I'OISTS. Daily TRAINS 2i Mtl 11 US M. W YlkK,WA.tlllN'tmiN.NOIiFUI.K I'tiltrsMtiUTH, A Nil ATLANTA, BIHMtNt.ltAM, MEMl'HIH, SAVANNAH ami .1 ACKSdNVll.I.E. TKAINH COMPOSED OF Vestthtil iay Coachea, Pullman Drawing Knoro KleepiiiK I'urf and t tie Latent CAFE DIN1NU CAKS. iWDIUECT CONNECTION AT" Meiupliis, New OrleauR, and fit lamia lor all point iii Tekas, C'aliforui4, Arkau- us, Ciiloisdo sttd the Northwest. 1 NTF.KCH A Nil LA Hl.i: M 1 L E A O E HOOKS kcoiI over Ifi (KHI miles ol' road, i Sonlliern Linta. ItsfFor tituetaliles, Winter or Huuiiiier ltookleta Illustrative ol the South aod ; Ronthwest, apply to Heahuard Paaaeuger . Heprewntatire, or addresn, ; C. B. RYAN, 0. P. A , Portaraouth Va ! C. H OATTIH.T. P A., i Kaleigh. N. C I EDWARD F. TOST, 2nd V P., 1 Portsmouth, Va. I'I'dM l'Hi ll'ON WIIMS. !.s b.:!l til.il X I kit: I', I'i:ti.i:siu imj. va. M M IAI It HKKH I if Machinery, Shafting.Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. l-:iwif. In 11'tln nil" Sltvl tV Ali'Xiuuii-r, I II ii l H : llil Uiiii'l.liiH's, w ith pattern vii'iih- mm iriirnl In tu nisi) purls tu in it i.iii liiuin-1 'lv uiii'li' tiy them. HYDRAULIC TRESSES. 'LANUT MACHINERY' pecialty iill wurk ami caMiiis nt' all kiuda, Siiuiiif I, in i in t. Iiiiu-i ..j' sale i-lif;ip L'ull i.. m w tilt- I ,r liitl j nil want Ureal Reductions For Cash !j 1 7 i MlIlt'Hl' KlIJM, '2 Uii Sniyritu " J,"i 0t( Mutjui-tte nifpt, fx!2 ft. 1 .'.!(! China Matting, ii'Jjfi, Japant-se " aric. " " tirc Wtwl Curpcliiig !2rr- Wiuihnv shaiies, Wir " " 2-yanI wiilc Linoleum, T.rt' " " " iliiv. Kl.Mif Oil i'loth, 1 H. Axiniiist-'f Cut pH ins;, 1 1m Itlv-iil rit-ltu-e KranuM, 2 i.'(l 17 ic, 10c. lHc. 17c lHJl'. 40c. 20c. 37jc 76r er.c Wlc PflO Wall impel. 4. .'t and tic per roll A 1, VHUK sTtlt'K 1 K Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, ami MiipplifM un hand ul all ! tinea, HtJ the very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS. WKLDON, N. 0. CHOICR ROSES I CainuliuuH, Violcth :iml utli-r (lower?, alwavx on hard Sliuwi r Weddirg Uiuiiu't, Hamlsome Flor.il DettigUH. 11 and out door li -tldii plant, To inato, fnlilian aiul olh-r Vegetahle 1'laiit-i, Mugmili:iN Orders promptly tiled Write, 'phonr or telegraph. STEINMETZ ILOhlsT, IUI.EIUM, NOIITII CAROLINA. 4 1U iy FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer SASH, DOORS, BUNDS. MANTKI.S, Til. ICS A 1RTK, ii AitnwAiti:, iAiNTM,c. I K'Wkl. U AM Ulfll'ANY, l.li. Nurliilk, ii. Hilly I P iio nil liihrtlrtw uiaim iiL)id) OF -TALI. AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY OOODH aud NOVF.I.TIES. Bntterick's Patterns. H, & (i. CORSETS, I j 1 i Miexes at 60c, Laities 75c. to ft. HsUPrleea will be made to snit the times, Hats aud Bonnata mad and Ttimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldoo, N C.