.'C3BSR5 u V iw rtisins Rales Made Known on Application. ' t 1 XU. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription SjI.SO Per Annum WKLDON, N. ('., Tlll'lSSDAY, NOYKMHKli 1, liMM. no. u; lift. SI il m Ml m $55 S'pBSS'j 1 1 in ED. a t 3 and n i a- $rasi 5cl jllo JVi i'ti:ili.i!il jr As l'n'linHlHHli;i:V)iila Mi f.';l'ltiiilliilJiivU Isul iisl'u'ii.l'tttvrriil- lU'iiliiinsiit'illiir Nllt' lUM'Milll lil one. il. II A flUI . tor ImI ' t , mis'xml 1 1 Hrmi'dy foiTonslipa .Mu. Sour SiitaKtrh.Uiarrliuoa Willlll.ClMlVlll-KmS.lt'WMsh- in; ,'inil I.USSOr Sl.hFl'. I. ii' Simile Siiuthnv or KKW' YOHK. 1 I HACT COPY OK WRAPPCR 1 il, fll McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CURE. chii,o.u,?.t "t ' riwih to ohm. ,hHVtara.ltwlllln"en!'o,''0u(r r;:.T..-chr,drenuuei,. PRICE. 60 CENTS. Take MoDUFFIE'S Llttlo Blu Liver Pills for Constctlcn cl ,d ' luK'arl Liver. Mc DulTlo's Wbmeriitjs mo told on a I'.unrniHu.) to ii do alt weclam or yiur money boc. g aikiivV M c -x, Wv!l,.H, o: The : Bank : WMKDON. N. C. A1UII Vr-.'iil'll, Slate of North Carolina ItepoMloiy. I lalifax ( jiimty Depository. Town of Wcldoii Depository. C a p it a 1 and S u r p 1 us. $36,000. 17.11! 1 I Vt'.Oi llli i II-1 1 1 II I . ll - H.iMillil llililiil 1' ilillii l,H H .ilillii ui'rklH.l.lrr mill .l.i.n-i. r- li-l I l.ll.Hirw inlrrml- nl II jlll n ..l.il Hlioi.rfn i. m.ii.j , Millll'V in lil;U)i't u iill itiimwl si-' MI it ;lt th ll !! il I til' i-l ililil. -l rt'lilu n, Ac.'.miiU .il' nil Hi' .ll'itril I'UKSOKS I': Vli K I'UK-IUKM. in- ii w.n wis, LUm.V'!lluin!iu u- N. I'.l D AMI I , 101 3E GARRETT & KSTAHI.ISIIKD lM:t.V S PEOIALTIES; INI A DART POCA HONTAS ' v I d r (WltP.Srnm,,.u,iiiiii " 7 OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY .HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA ?' ili.-.H'lMiuK0 (Oiy s.u,ini..n(l .Jf PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL iV ('(urklliiK I ll.liuliiiKUi'l Mi A n.l ill . Oi. r v ...Hli-...f "ir- -n'' "' lV.llinWit l il-ll I'lMWI I'anl ill S.li - J. .-.iHi.i llnniil, HI l.i.ni., Mil Has Stood Tiic Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No - Cure - No - W. J. WARD, DKNTIST, OFFICE IS DANIF.I. DIM I.IHNd, WEI. DON, N. 0. 131 For Infanta find Child ro n . The Kind You Have Always Bough! In Use For Over Thirty Years IAST THE Cf NTAUN COVNMI, Nf W CiTV. Bronchitis l 'PJlCoUi,Mo Colcla price, sa CENTS , r N'. ('. W. !: IIkuas-, Ijiiivlil. N. ('. 30 ot : Mob, III,' ' (slilKK.- W l n COMPANY, 1 0 aff.'S- Growers ft (K.,1 S,nM.'ni.MiK) l...l.r nir. I..r ,,..... . -....I m... .'l lur .11 lilll.lv Null II MH. (:! llului' Olliiv, NOUI'CII.K, fii'.' VA. if Tcj 25 Years Pay. 50 cents. T. CLi-AraiC. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKI.IHIN, N. C. Prih til-rn in Die rourtn of Hnlifm and iiljuiiiiDK rniiiitiM,ainl iu the Hnprrui. Olll I ol Ulr HlaW. Kpwiul alU-ution until t cuiluJlitto and prompt relnruc Boars the i Sigiiatureyyyf W hviff W M()Tlli:W S ADVICI:. Andrew Ciirncgic is famous fur ! the cxcclk'tit advice dial lie Rives ! id poor young men. "In considerable fear," said a New York millionaire, "I once consulted Mr. Carnegie aluuil a , new venture. The business looked as ilHiiigli it ought to be profitable. There seemed to be a public need of it, Still, there was sonic risk involved, and 1 w as afraid. "1'iiit Mr. Carnegie laughed at my fears, " 'If il is a good thing, plunge in,' be said. Tear 's old woman ish. I -'ear is what keeps untold millions From making fortunes. When llcniamin l'ranklin thought ol starting a paper in Philadelphia, ' his mother, greatly alarmed, tried to dissuade him. She pointed out that there were already tw.o news papers in America." ROIM-I) IN. (iciicr.il h'cd (Irani was prais ing the intelligence of a certain colonel. "I le it is," he said, "of whom they tell the church parade story." "I lis men were drawn up for church parade one Sunday morn ing, but the church was undergo ing repairs, and could not accom modate all. " 'Sergeant major, 1 said the col onel, "tell all the men who don't want to go to church to fall out on t'le reverse Hank." "About lit) per cent of the men qu ckly and gladly fell out. " 'Now, sergeant major,' dis miss the men who didn't fall out, and march the others to church. They need il most.' " They w ho play cards well are not afraid to call a spade a spade. "I'm out of sorts," said the printer, "and, as usual, there's the devil to pay." A Valuable Agent. Tli' tflvtviliir t-inpli'Vi'il in 1 r. I'lt'ive' mtluih'S uitMiiy ttiliJiin'fS I )n- int-ili-cinal pri.rtu ulii.'h it extracts uiiil liuhli in xuiuliuM in lull Ix'tli-r thiin uliu- lldl kVnltlil. ll IhH jiusMiS-i'S U(-(liollHl priiif'rtii uf own, nir a vuluaiilo ilrttii'ili i nt. nuti it i'. aiiii-t pii.' a tnl unti (iriut nl. It H'ltU Kt'.tilv tu th' i-tlicucv (if till' lllark l livl )' I ml k, I.. 'Id. 'It S'ii'l pHit, St . 1 1 m I'ttnl uiitl fjiirfll' nml. n.i- tiin'tl iii "tinlili-n Mrtlli iil hturnwr " iii nii.liiiii t lirmiir. or liuui'hiiu ruiiuliH, I lulu IikiI. 1 1. 1 1 lilt llliil liiDrf iitfi-t'linns, fur n U i if wliii Ii tlifw Hiri-nif art iimm-liu-iitli-tl hy -tH ndu lit lin'tln'itl HiiUinrltit'S, In all r;tst's ulit'tv ttii'l, s a muhIimk n iiv uf II.'Sli. htss uf iiiiMiiti'. witli ut-ak 'luiiiHi Ii, hh in tin tar!y t n k- uf coiMiiniiliiui. tiierc ran ln im tlunht Uiat irlM rriin' ai'ts it a nltmbU1 nutritive Hint sinK tin lii'ldcii Seal runt, Mtmi' runt, t,hnrii' nt aiul lilat'k 'li i i' luu k in lrinitiiih ditfi'stinii ami Imiiiliim up tin llliaml tn-ntfih. ciiiarniliMK tin1 ruiili unit lritiKiiii alHini a ImmIUiv iikI i 1 111 uf tlu'wliulc sviii'in. of ciiiirsi', it must hut Im I'lpt'cti'd in uurk mirHcli'. It ill nut cur- i-iin-'iiiiptinii fxeept in its i-arlirr stai". I "ill i-iiiv vi-ry wviTf. oliftin atr. clii'iiiiir fuiiirlis. liroiicliiiil ami liirui-ttt-al li.uilili's. aril rlihiiiii- Mh Ihruat Uitll llual'sl'lnHt. Ht'lllf iMMlts It is nut tm-nVt-tivi-. It i in tin- liinfrriiiK I'liiiKht, nr tlniM' uf lutitf stamliun. w hfti acrniDjiaiinii li lilci-iliiiir fnnu hinir. Iliat it hao i rfuniu-.i its niust marvt'luuv i-nivs. s. -i ,i tor ami rr:ul tin1 litil luiuk i f I'Miaris. lii'iilinir of tin' iui'H-rtii" a Mil if-i- "f tin1 M'MT;il iiu-il-irinal nit that riit'-r iiiti I r. Tii-ivi-'s (uikh'ii M tl it ,i 1 I iiM'uvrry ami h'lirn irtuj tlii- ini'iiifiiir ha.- mh-Ii it UU niiw uf applii'ai lull hi tin1 rinv uf tliS4uM S. It i miii Im: Aihlri-n Dr. K. V. I'u-r.-'-. Uull.iln. N. V. 'I In- " DiMHfry " mii-t.tiu- im ali-uhul ur harmful. Iialut form ing itniif, Iriinvilirtit- all riulrii uu i-m-li Imtilt' vvrappi r in plain l.iurlUh. Sick pi'upii'. i'pi-i ia!l t li.fi' MitTi riuir frniii li-'it-i s uf lulu.' standi im. an- iuv in-tl Un-.-UMilt Mr. I'i. iv.- hy h-lli r. Im. All rurn-pumti'tin' is ln-liI as Mrn-il priatn ami sai-rcillv i-nut.i l -nl t:t I. Aiidrrss l)r. M. V. I'inv.-. Itiilialu. X. Y. Iir. l'u'i-t' M'lli.-al Ailvi-.i r i- s.-nt free ni hvi'ipt i-f -lamp- tu pay i "-h-i1 f luailiiiL' fitly. Si ihI Jl iiin-rriil -lamps fur p ipi t" cuvi ii'ii. ur .tt hUmi fur rlutli- buunu oupy. Head Ache Sometimes? Ii Ml. II I. I linU thill I with Dr. Mil. an.l will'. ...I tit'. eK :ii.. I ',rr ol iwi'lilil h.iuiie, jinn ll ill, I'll :1 J OU tO i ui In' Mnpl'i-'l .,' Ami i'ain I'iIU; ;on alii i - ihis v , i . 1 : t . 1 1 1 .l.ni a ilii".; li.tl.it or sluin ii ll di .ai - i ,ii, tail i'il. I Ill'V pil.il i v t-1 v i on li upiiiiti, Inoi i.lniit', i o- i', one, eliloi.tl, filler 01 tlilmo fui 1,1 ia aiiv I'm in. I U . M ih- -' Ami I 'a in I'ill-'i i .'lit i ' .;iin, i.nil le;n i only a Si-n-r of i .Inf. 'I he n asoii i.ir this i-, i s;.l .imsl by I lie ia.l lli.it h. ail.n he iiiMi.'H from tiit'il, imtal.ii', tioluihiil, over-liixt'il brain lirrves Auli I'ain Tills soothe and slunijth fii these nerves, thus i enios inj; the cause. They are harmless hen taken as dil eelt il. "V, ll-ie Or. Mll.s' Anrl Pain I'llla for 0 rlllti uf li-Jlil.i 1..'. Hill! tte think Oi.it tlieii' Is iii.Ohha that mil liiual Olt'lll. Ttiry villi lure 111,1 severest Hi.fll i.r neriuns ur Rli:k l.ei.a.iilm in it .ry 1.-.V ...i.iutt-a. I mil ot ll lllT lUUI. t-inl.'i ii nil-lit. Bllll ort-.isiutiutly tiaie spills w in n ti.y lii'i-is si i in l.j Ii. colnpli'lHY rhaust (il. anil I lnnil.1 so I ran mi ri'i-ly lulilalil niys.lt. At Oii.st. lltiu-s I nl ;.ys ttikw Ihu Aiili-l'iiin I'llls. uml i On-y iul.t Ilia rlKhl i.tviy. It is iv tmii'kalilti V. liut a siiijthiii,; t-uVct thy lmp Ilium thu iiitv. .-;.' kilts. K. V.. hAIO., lii'trolt. Ml.h. Dr. Mllea' Antl Pain Pills are .old by your drugijltt, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It fail., he will return your money. 26 (Joaei, 25 cent.. Never tolj In bulk. M Ue Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind BP YOU- ymr tongue to f find m an.l look in the glares you will see the effect You can't help puckering it makes you pucker to think of tasting it. By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you take this puckering, injurious Alum right into your system you injure digestion, and ruin your stomach. Royal is nude from ian Alum but you have the proiit ot quality, the THE OLD BY MRS. IT.IZAB1 These verses of tender sentiment are given usually as anonymous. In the colleetioil entitled "Golden I'oeuis," edited hy Francis 1 Brown, they are ascribed to Mrs. liliabcth Akcrs Allen, author of the familiar poem, "Hock Me to Sleep." My heart is chilled and my pulse is slow; But often and often will memory no, Like a Wind child lost in a waste of snow. Back to the days when I loved you so, The hcauiil'u', lout; iij.'o. I sit here dreaming them through and through, The blissful moments I shared w ith oo, The sweet, sweet days when our love was new, When I w as trustful and you were true, 1 Vauiiful days, but few. Blest or wretched, fettered or free, Why should I care how your life may be, Or whether you wander by land or sea I only know you are dead to me, liver and hopelessly. Oh, how often, at day's decline, I pushed from my window the curtaining vine To see from your lattice the lamplight shine, Type of a message that half divine Flashed from your heart to mine. Once more the starlight is silvering all; The roses sleep hy the garden wall; The night-bird warbles his madrigal, And I hear again through the sweet air fall i he evening bugle call. But Summers will vanish and years will wane, And bring no light to your window-pane; Nor gracious sunshine, nor patient rain Can bring dead love back to life again. 1 call upon the past in vain. My heart is heavy, my heart is old', And that proves dross which 1 counted gold; I watch no longer your curtain's fold, The w indow is dark and the night is cold: And the story forever told. OIJCK TO Ol$f:V. ' A young (airvallis girl is charm ing, but, like a great many other charming people, she is poor, says the Toledo (Ore.) Leader. She nevor has more than two evening gowns in a season, and the ruin of one of them is always a serious 1 1 hi Her to her. She went to a little dancing party last week, and she wore a brand new white frock. During the evening a great big red faced, perspiring man asked her to dance. I le wore no gloves. She looked at his well meaning, but moist hands despairingly, and thought of the immaculate l ack of her waist. She hesitated :l bit, and then she said, with a winning smile: ' course, I will dance with you, but if you don't mind, won't you please use your handker chief?" "Why, certainly," he said. And he pulled out his handker chief and blew his nose. I anious Strike Hrtakers 1 The must rauiuus strike brt-iikfn. in (lit' taint are lir King'a Sew Life Pills. Wli. u I liter unci buwela go un alr.ke, tllev itui.'k- lvsfttlellielrcul.il', mul llir tiiiiirvini! wurk Miiea riKlll on. Best cure lur CMUstl full lull, heicilai'lie anil iliziness. vf ..'. al I any clruytrist. Don't call a woman fair-minded just because she wills 10 have her hair bleached. Boan tin &iiii.tun) af lilt Kind yi Hjw Hum Bouflit 7 lill AVOID ALVM s pure, refined Grape Cream STORY. 1 11 AKlih'S Al.l.liN. Mntle Happy for Life. tir.'lll ll;lil.iili si Ciinn' into tile ll.llne nl S C tiLiir, s t I Ml ial illteliilent, :.l SI A I i, in-. W. . , ,l'ii tiislillle illlljlitil was r.'s'iiii'il IVuiii tin1 ilr.'iiiltil I'lillili'uihl In-nanu s. Hi siivs: "Mv tit tle ttalliillt.T llilil St. Vitus' ll.iilre, ttliirli vii'litt'it In mi tiie.ituif lit hut iiew sleaihlv uure until ids a it lust res rl we trul laei'trie Biliers; ant) t ri juireln sriv, three tkiltli-s ell'.'rti it a ciilupli'tei'iire." lui. k, siiie cure lur iit-rciui i C' uu il, mils, ieii.ii.l Heliilitv, leii.ii e .tenklu.sses, iinputerilkeil 1 . 1 ..... t ainl uiiil.tl iii. t i ii.iiaiilecil hy ;my illlia sime t'lie .'. li lt is a great shock to .1 bride v, hen she discovers that her hus band isn't as loud of angel cake as he is of beefsteak and onions. I In J a Close ChII. ' V III) J'eruUs Mlieir ii,-ruljnl lii.il' III.)' lilt Ii ni'.ii'l ill 11 llialil'.llillit lll.er, a-lai.i-smv I I fi .ni my it.tiilili I' ll. ", Has iitvili ct hi tile iiilii,itieii t-t I'.in k leu's Ainiiii S.ilw," si.) s A C Mi.'1--el, nl Miletus, W. V:i. : "Persist, n". us. u llie S. live .suiiilcli'ly eureit il " t'uri's I ills, lliirns unit tiijuiie.s. '.h' itl all tlrii!aists. It is easy 10 swim when another holds up your hem. A Year of Blood The u ii l!to;i nill louche reintintiund in tliu Ilium- nl K. N. Tuckel, nl' Alliuiie, Ky , un a ye.ir id Itlnod; whiuh lloned h eciiintHl.v limn Mr Tucker luntM (hut dtuth sMmd wry ne.ir. He wriles: "Si-fen- hletditig lioiu the hui and a flight lul eiiuh had htounht me to (Ualh'.s duur, when 1 htffaii Utkiu Dr. King's New ItitHttiwt v 1'i.r (.'iHiHuiiij.iiuu, with the m tunUhiiiK rnult that after taking four hot tlt I wan eouiih tely restated and an time half) inen rn.anei.tly mrid." liiui an etd for hi. re Iumih, eouglii and col tin, at iui iliutf Htoie. I'u. e Trik. and (I. Trial bottle free. uf i'l.it.ir-- Costs more jiadit of ,;ood health. HIS BROTH tR. Aliis, lluw Often and Mow Sad in Church and in Secular Af fairs l)u We I'ind Brother Ajrainst lirotlter. A lew years Liter, at the battle of Bull Run, a gallant young I Inion captain stood 'mid all the scenes of of disaster, 'mid all the strains of music from the Union bands, with heart loyal to his Cod and his country, and with all he could but have a kindly thought for that i nroiuer ne leu 111 incw 1 oi k years ! before. Remembering his saying I that he was going South, he won 1 deted where he might be 011 ibis ;day. Occasionally his thoughts lied to childhood, a thought of ' their last moiiiei'.ts spent together, i As he was standing there, at the : close of dity, he received an order from his colonel, directing bun to 1 cover a certain part of territory ! with fifty men. In passing a little lump of bushes he noticed a sol- lier lying there, with his life's blood ebbing away. 1 le paused for a moment to hear what he might say. The lirst tiling he no ticed was the dillerence in their uniforms-his the Union blue, and his Fallen friend's the Southern grey. Kneeling down hcfipl.iced the soldier's dying head on his knee and unbuttoning his coat,, that he might draw a breath of air. ind drink from his canteen, he no ticed a little book protruding from his inside pocket, and then he came to the sudden realization that these two books were the two Bi bles that were purchased in the old, old store manv years ago. While he tarried the colonel ap peared, and wondering what the captain was doing with thai rebel, ordered him to move on. The Union soldier placed the dving Idicr's head on his knee, and raising his right hand, he looked le colonel square in the face and lid; "Oh, colonel, his mother was mine! Alas, how often and how sad in Iniivli and iu secular affairs do we find brother against brother I Ion est, perhaps, each in his peculiar idea, but unwilling to surrender his principles. 1 low beautiful if all Christians could stand united against the common foes ol our laud, then we could show to lite wot Id in life, as w ell as in death, Ii-. iii.cii'.s 1 adiet is nunc. Hll Ol I K l I I Mlts WS's.iin'M;iiiN(, N in V h:ii Iiii-ii iied lur -hit Hl t"Ai iinlliiiiis ti' lniithi-iH Uu t lift 1 t-hildii'ii w In It- iirttiint.'. with jierhvt MirresH. It stKilhi'- theehild. HtH'ti'iis tin tinio, all i all inn; ur'st wind eulie, hihI it th- ituit-il v tut Iiaulima It will it-licve Iht p.Hii little suflWvi iiuinedialely. Sold hy t) i iititH tn every put ol the wtnld. Twenty I'm eenl- a h.ttlle. lit- sine him) Hsk lul "Mrs, WUihIow'm Sotithiii y nip," and lake no other kind. Hard 10 Freeze oiuo cold cash. CASTORIA For Iufriuts and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Bigaaiure af mfs If W I'OINTI-I) I'AK il AI'MS. When tin; opposing ailoriK'i' oi lers to coinpi (iinisu it IIKiills lll;lt you have .1 j;ood c.isc. Il doesn't take iiukIioI' adornes I i-w storm to sour the milk of hu iiuin kindness. When ii jjirl eis hold ot :i yoiinj; niiin's heurt sirins she proeeeds to lie tlieni in .1 heiiukiioi. Notliinj; swells a 111:111 up so inikh as to have a pretty c.ii l ask him lor iutoi'maiion. A .ileh siiould alw .ijs hae a Hoard, otherwise it's apt to he sto len in an uiM'.uardcd nionieiil. I I FEELING I A1 I! I IIVER-ISH I This Morning? I " " II 1 1 il A Gentle Laxative i JJ : OEaoczioix I SIX PIANO BARGAINS For this week Ctinover I'iano, upright $I')S. Weliiiitrtiin I'iilllii. $15 O Whcelctck Upright, $N5. Q Stieff Upright . SIMS. c.:..(( it 1 l:...... cuii .-i.lL.I Mlfltlllliiu . (iuiUI I'iiinn, small size $.10 U All guaranteed to be in fine condition. All used. LESTER PIANO CO.. Inc a , Nol.l ul.lv", v . John .1. l uster, Malinger. upr l'.l il J. I., II A KIMS His Feed Store I'll till' l.llllllllllt lilt llll I V tM'l lllit ll l.v Si ers llriillieis, enriu-r V;ili ii lu 1 A veinii' unit 1 lnnt Stiiii. liiink ink my It leinls tin tlit ir p.ist er.il 11.d1t111.1u 111.' tune 1 suliiil , .-.iiitlliiiiinre I'liuiie N.i 7: .1. I. lUI'Kls. Wclji.tl. N. C. SKA15UAK1) Air Link Haii.wav DiKECT LINE To All Puiiils i 1 hi: ii nt. vii rii-ir, nohiii uml 1 1 it rii-w it. ixumii 1: iiAH.v sKKvici: i;i:twi;kn llu-l.Mt, Ni w Vnik, 'ilil t. r.alli- ' uu. if, U ,tln nut I'll, Ntnlnlk. I.u hmtintl, ;:ili ikIi, t I1..1 l.iUc, tliiiiltli.ii, Allatitu, Un iini li i'ii, Mt'in- lllis, ( l.ltt;llllHI; Mt N.i-dmMr, Mnhl.iinci v, tulr, New Oi Ii .iiis, I'ttliiiiiln.i, f'.t .tlili.ili, .1 11 Kmhi illr, 'I .ttn.;i :iiii A I, I, T I. (I i; I h A I'OIN T s . 0 Daily - TRAINS 1 lit 1 v 1 i; i.K.W ,vii i .MHUOl.k I'lllvTSMutlTII, AMI ATLANTA, 111 UM I Nil II AM. M KM I'll IS, SAVANNAH ami 1 Al'KSl IN V I LLK. TWAINS niMI'iv.):l III-' Veslilmle Pay C'naclies, I'nlliiian liiactint! tiiinin Slceiini; (-arsainl tile Lalel fAl'i: KlNlNtl CAUS. Wr-illti:('T t'oNNIXTlON AT" Memiliis, New Oileans, anil SI Louiti lor all tMiicilH in 't'eiaa, tlalil'urtiiii, Arkau aas, Colt.iailo anil the Nnrtliwesi. INTElJCHANr. KAltl.K M I L K A U E HOOKS xiHiil over Ll nun miles of rnail. Suulliern Lines. WTFor lime tallies, Wiiitrrm Hummer 1 Knnkleta illuslralive ol tlie Hcmtli anil Snutliwesl, apply to Realniar.1 asaener Representative, or ftclilreas, C. B. IfYAN, (1. 1'. A . INirlsmoutli Va C. 11 .OATHS, T. P. A., ' Ifalcigh, N. C , EDWAIU) F. COST.Sud V-K, . roilsuioulb, Va, THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Cures all Cougha and assists in expelling 7.2. i,oWs Irom the System by the h(tw'lK.Jlf a i .rit. lor croup and stj whuoping-eough. Hgfi. (Trad. Mul n.n.url V KENNEDY'S uutive HOEYiETAR fKl i'AKIU AT llll L.UOIIATOIIV Ot C. D.WITT A CO.. CHICAQO, U. 8. I I' i:V W. I O I KS, lVKl.lt IV, N. l iiihl llrllN U I ih'Ks, - i.. '' i "i.u.-.i 1:1 t:r, i;si:n::. va. ' 1 1 A 1 1 1 l! I 1: 1 if Machincr V . IB Shafting.Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Il;i iiin ht.niit oiii St eel .t Alexander, tuiiiMU is ;i tit ui.u'liiiiist i, willi all .allerni iiiu imw Mi i.tifil In lmiiis!i jiuIh lo m -Iu nt .h liiimeih iiiatle li,v them, HYDRAULIC PRESSES .ud, PEANUT MACHINERYVcity Mill vvuik unit i-isliniis nf all kin. Is. Sc.'iunt lian.l inarliitii'i v I'.ir Siile 'lieiii. Call nil lis in vviiti' l a uliat (,11 iv.inl. (ireat Kediielinns For Cash j I T i M..iinlle Kin's, f ! 7:, '.' llll Sun in. 1 " a 'JO mi .M..,.n lie iiis, livl ! It. 17 75 I'-'i.' ( h 1 :i Mutlii.i!, tile. -'.".'. " " I He. iJli-. .l.i,,.s.. " 17,'. " " lMc. ti"u Wool C.11 p. lii.i; 4tte. 'J-.i' iiiiIiivv --liiiiles, 'Jtle. .'..' " " :i7n '.V '! v 11.I ivi.li' I .inn). 11111, 7,rH' 7.V " " " (i.V ti".- H "11 I I.. Ii. -tse 1 il.. Avililll:l.r(':iln till.'. H'li' 1 I" liix ;n l'i. tun- l'i;.iin'., ur,.' Willi ;iifr. -t. .'1 illli lie per Hilt A l.VliiiK Sim K CI' Talking; Alachines, Oraphophoncs, Kodaks, Cameras, mul snpjilii s un lian.l nl all limes, at llie very liuvist priies. SPIERS BROS. WI'I.IKIV, N. C. CIIOICU ROSES ! C'iini.ili.i;,s, ViiiTi-ls ami nlli.r llnwcra, ill vmi v s mi liuiiil Shimer Wedding r.ini.iii'is, li.iini.,111,.. I'liirji Designs. I'l.t iiinl nut ilum linl.tmn ilanl.s. To 111.Hn, ( .1I1I1.11! . ,,11,1 iier Vei!elnlilc I'l.inls, M.ii;ii,,i,,,. tinliis imnnplly e.'. nt. si W'riie 'i.li.itie nr telenrapli. H. STHINMETZ, FIJI 11 1ST, liAI. noil, Ncitrril ( AKOl.lNA. I III iy SASH, DDCRS,BLINDSc M VMKI.S, III lis . IIIU'IKS, II Al.llW AKI , 'AN S,.Vt: IKWK I. ( I AI.'K HlVli'AW, Nul'lnlk, 11. I -FALL ANIi WINTF.lt MILLINERY. FANCY fl(10IH and NOVF.I.TIE8. Butterick'aFatterna. it. & (J. cousins, Miseea at 60c., Lailiea 7re. to 1. HWFrices will he made to snit the tirutva, tlatjc and Honnela made and Trimmed to order. A I.I. MAIL OltDKHS I'liOMl'TLY Fl LLFn. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. If ewwrs fWueKsnf"' i l

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