p L-- 5: a kll Advertising Kates Made Known on Application. V01-. XU. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKI. DON. N. ('.. TIU'KSDAV. NOVKM KIM s. 1SMMS. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum NO. SAY SO ins rsi: !'.) i r our 7 SK .war?? ... .'i.1 m qji n n h h i-tf vr- &Al I I "M MIW. , lie Kin.l You lluvw Alwuyft Houjjlit, ami vlileli tun 1km ii in lor over !M) yeiirs, lias lioriio tint sliui ( n ro of ? 1 llll" Ix'fll lllllllll lllllliT Ills MT- (P1 j(-(Tfifyli H""l ii'i'vl.-iiii Nine.. ll iuLiney. uf-r. J-UtM. AH.iwiini.im toil y K ( 'uiint.'rlVlls, liiillutl.um ami " .lust-as- I" nri lull I ,,.,'i iim nli that Irltlu wild anil I'nilunner (he lieitlili of Int.inti mill t'hiltlreii-Exiierieiieo njuinst Liinriiiie nt. What is CASTORIA t'i.-loriii Is ii Imniilesa substitute for Castor Oil, Piiro--,nii', Irn.s ami Siiutliiiiir S.vrups. U is lMcuMtnt. It eiiiitioim neither Oiiiiuii, Miirphinn unr other Narcotic -lilisiaiit'f. Its ii;c is Its iiaiantoe. It .'stniy Worm .mil ullii. I'cveiisliiicss. It tuns IJiitrrlmwi unit Wind inlie. It r.'lli'WiH Twilling Troiililes, cures C'oiikI iput ii.u iimt riiiliileiie.t. It iissliinliiti'S the 1'i.nil, regulates t ho Moiiiacli ami liowi ls, giving healthy ami nutiirul sleep. The t liililrt'ii's INinneeu-Tlie Mother' friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TNC 0 INT OB eOMMNV, ff MUflftA TICT. NIW VOMft CT. MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS OHItUCURl. ..trisomy "- 'ulnin.on ohlllour.oom...-- - w chlll. .ndm.lH-'"mr Jhr.-biood. ! ,pp.,lt. ndmH6MQ Ulibody-bulldlnB n no(jo. r:,:s.v.hn- "X" n ... i DDicE. 60 CENTS. , r i m TK iMoOUfFIE'S Llttlo Blue Llvor Plll for Constipation k.id I lluuaith Livers. Mo Duma's Remedies aro sold on a guarantss to I do aii we claim or , our money bad. !'' sai k iiv W M. I'iiiikv, Welilun, N. The : Bank : of : Weldon, WKLDON. X. ('. Oqmize j Under The Lais of the State of North Carolina. AtiiU'sr jiiiii, State of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository Town of Vi'cldon Depository. Capital anil Surplus, $36,000. 1 W K 1 Te-,r" t,,w i"-1itiHii'ti Ii i (Mnutltil li..nkn n lih-ilitit fm Im A within It-t- ..kluiMrM llll. I tlM-.-t 'H I'' hiW lf.lt i.l.-i Hllr.1 Vt MtillfV is ItilDMl UpOII II M t'.l Rf IHII cniii i ccmiit- nf nil ittc h 'Ii- ilfl I'll KS(KNT: W. I i' Will, V h'K I'lOslllKST I Kill" Hr II W 1 1 WIS. V Ml t.ljkkni. Vinb3mt(nB l.o . V t. 1 GARRETT & ft Pioneer n rrfiiirrrrsim! K.STABI.ISIIKI) lrttr.. fiPHGIALTIES V l n r I it I A HIRE R. OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY kHIlWlTUl MINNEHAHA "kL ull r) I ' "IM-".,itt) PAUL C ARRETT SPECIAL 15 ((.im.LI.uk CUmiMSnr) . ' 'iv Aujullllri aii.tiur I'ui.- hu.I WIi.iIwouht Wiiic-lf i..u.l liolrl u-. jv i tJ.Hil.a ivi. .Y, .! . ! Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. W.J.WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDING, WELDON, N. a Ml Signature of TURPENTINE AMD MUTTOM SUIT LUNG PIPITS" . . nKnt at th. Bronohltl., Asthm. COld' p,'.;. Whooping p. u"r. nd pr.,. . ump,i,n' PRICE, 25 CENT. C. W. K Bkavans, KnliiM. N. (.'. in' i !.i in id . t Nit. If I -IX :it i!i in; il 0 COMPANY. American ; j. Growers . . n POCAHONTAS ' i fE.T - OLAM" ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. 0. j Pnu'ticM ii the courts of Halifox sud j tdioimiiK couoties.aud iu the Buprene (ZrtefUHHUte. Bpecial attsatiw giraa I to callectiufil sad peaRt ntaas. 1 Are you proud of your limner Say so ! Do you ihink your wife, even in tier kiielieii upron, is itieen iiinonj; women? Tell her so! Is your sun .1 eonifoi l to yuu'-' Say so! Do yuu appreciate all the home folks do for your well heinn? Say so! Alas, we keep our compliments for those whom we see once or twice a year. A pretty picture card at Christmas draws from us proluse thanks, while for the home-folks who nurse us ihrouyh sickness, bear household drudgery for us, exhibit the priceless pa tience needed in rearing children, we have seldom a word of thanks. Vi'e feel gloomy of an evening and w e don't mind showing it, nor do we mind how contagious it might be to those we call the dearest on earth, bin let a .stranger call a strangcrwiihwlio.se interests we are not connected a bit -and how quickly smiles and politeness suc ceed gloomy uncompanionable ness. VC'hy is this? And among us, w ho has not been guilty ? If you have a good thought of anyone, speak it out You will lighten life, replenish your own stock of sunshine- for the more we give the more we have -and forestall bitter regrets when op portunities to speak are passed. Say ii! Say it now! tiLASSI.S. "I'm troubled a great deal with headaches in the morning," said Luschman. "Perhaps it's my eyes; do you think I need stronger glasses?" "No," replied Dr. Vt'ise, mean inglv, "what you need is not stronger glasses, but fewer. jz..-. T.,t: r rv: Treating Wrong Disease. M:inv t j t iii-s uiiiiii'ii i-iill on thfii' fjitiillv physii'faus. Millcrind, H' they iiiiaitiin, (tin (nun iyM.i-i-ia. aimlln-r fn.m li.'urt iltst'ii-c, a in ii lii-i" fi uin livi-r nr liidni'y di 4i mi sr. iui'itlM'i" fruiit niTMiiis tlnuiilMii nr pn'Stnitiini, aimllnT u itli pain lien- and llirtv. and in llii" way tli.'.v all irrs.Mit uhkftii llii'itiM'Kfs and llit'ir casy-irtPiiiK and nnlilti'i'Mit. ir n t-r-lnisy ilocii'ir. aratf itnil disiiin t iht'jif. lur whidi he, asiiniinif tit. in to U -iu-Ii. pi-i scrilirs his pill ami pti.ii. In r ality . th.' aiv all .iil 'inni'ti-iim hy m.iiii uttM int' lii'itc. I'll- pliysit iaii. iiMi.uaiit of tin i-tinsr .if MitJi iniL'. tM.mrar' llii prac-th-i1 until Ihw lill an niitdf. 'Tin uf (rnik' patPMit wis 11.1 U'(tT. Imt pnd.ul.ly or-i', ly r'ii--n uf ihr il.Iav. wrung tn-atiih-nt and chiiciihmiI ruin pllrnt inns. A prnp.r nudiriiic Ii k I r. I'lcrn-'s nntv I'rt''i iptii.n. ilim fi . In Uu Vitimr w 1 mi lil liav i iiiin'ly n ni"v. (l (in- di-ra-', tlnT' l' 1 1 I ' 1 1 1 1 1 ix nil I hits' 4li(n'sMiig Slril.l im .i itiuiiut'M iiu-ff). 11 na IK-CM aid. that "11 dix'ttM kiuiun is half I'll mi. ' lr. I'itMTi''! l-'iiiuritf I'l'siTiptiun is 11 sett ntttit' tmdii'inr, can'tiillv d.-visi'd by an I'xiH'rirn.'ed ami Ult ul plusi.-ian", atid adanli-d To wonian'N di-hral' s -ti m. It ! inaiM' u( iialivc iihHlii'inal runts anil Is tier! 'iiv ininnn'SH in us enivif ij iinj imliliti A a powerful ln iirnratint: toiiii " I'u- VUriH" I I-MTIM10II iiiip.iim Minivui HI the w holt' y-tt mii and to tin- organs iltn tini'lly l-tn i 11 1 1 1 in partii-nlar. I'oi'oxrr w..rktd. "worn-out. " "run-down," ikliili tatttl PatlnTs. inillnMr. dn'SMhakfrs, scrttnMh'-ws. "shop KirU." lioiiM- K.-t-pi rs, Iiurllltf tlinthiT-, and tcrliU- WollK'U Ui-ll- tTally, lr. I'ltTi-tS h:ioriti I'rrst-nptioii it tlif tiri'iitct tart h i Ikmwi. Imm rm mi (Hpial.il a- mi iippcIiiNif t-ordial and tv (oiatit' tonit-. Ami mhiImiiit nnd t rntri lii'iitntf tn-rv-tn' " Kavonlf I'n MTlpti'.u " is um iiiiah d and is invalualili' in alia v inn and miIh iliiinu niTvon tt-iin!iht . irrilalnlity, hiroiis t-vliaii.sln.ii. nt'rous prostration, iii'iiralifia. h y tn h . spaxns. i-liorrn. St. Viitis's d.iiu't'. and otli.T distrt"MiiK. imtv mi! sy mptoins connnoiily attt ndtint upon fuiu-tiouitl and orktauir iIimmis' of t lit1 uktm". Ii iudiiivs ri'friliiiitr slt't-o and rclirvo uii'iital anxiety and dt -puhtliMicy. tr. rn-n-f's ri.Misant I't ilft- iu isolate the stoiinu-li, liver and houels. tuu to Uiruu a doM). Kusy tu laLu an candy. n i Nervous Worn-Out 1 1 m.ii are in this condition, your nerve force is weak the power is Kiunn out, the or gans of our body have "slowed up," and do their work iiiipcr(eilly. This failure to do the work reipiired, elos the sslem and brings di-lres Mil. I disease. When I lie in i V es are weak the heart h unable to furve the liic-nivim? blood throc.vli your veins: the stom ach t'jils to dige t iuuJ lI'C l.id.ie Uk ps.v.ei to I'.lf l iiupiiiilies f r.oii the I. loud, and the poisonous waste remains in the system to breed disease. Nerve energy must lie restored. Dr. Miles' Nervine will do il, because it strenetlieiis the nerves; it is a nerve medicine and tonic, that rebuilds the entire nervous system. "Rfvrrul youra om I win nil broken dim 11. I wi iifrvoim. .irn-mit. iW nut ..li'i'l'. nil I" .""Hint pitln. 1 dooli.r.'il fi.r m..iillis, 11.1J Imally On' dui-lor mid ti euuld do nollilnf M me. I l..':in laklnir Or. Mll.;s Ni'rvln, 811.I wt-i ullogetluT clKht tuilllm, mid I bMnif ..IrniiK lout hoalthy, und now wrliili 170 .mm.K II. ('. Cr.NSINOIIAM, 108 EllBWu. lh Ave., AlU'Kli. ny. Pa. druggist, who will Quirantee that tha first bottla will benrtit. If It falls, ha will rafund your mono. Milci Medical Co.. Elkhart. lad A1HI1 !ist mm Sn Some Motliei.N, unci. use ions of the injurious eflocts of AImih, an: daily giving it. to their (.'iiildren I iy i lie use of so-called Cheap H.ikiny; I'owder. What Mother would do so if she only knew? Alum's Worst Work is its early harmful influence cm the child's digestive organs. I'oMtivelv ?!...er. should Children of tender f'zr ':' jv-o icd to eat it in their food. Secure your Children against Alum in their food, AVOID ALVM ROYAL is made from Cream cf Tartar LOVE BY bllZAP.liTH SHliKIDAN NOKTON. The writer was Nrn in Liiland, I SOS. She w as the daughter ot Thomas Sheridan and granddaughter ol Richard Brinsly Sheridan, the draniaiisi. Atlhcageof t V she married lion, (ieorge (1. Norton. Her works in prose and poetry obtained a large circulation; her most familiar poem is "Uingen on the Whine." Love not, love not, ye hapless sons of clay! Hope's gayest wreaths are made of earthly flowers Things that are made to lade and fall away, lire they have hlossunicd for a few short hours. Love not! Love not, love not! The thing you love may die - May perish from the gay and gladsome earth; The silent stars, the blue and smiling sky, l-eam o'er its grave as once upon its birth. Love not! Love not, love not! The thing ye love may change, The rosy lip may cease to smile on you; The kindty-heaniing eye grow cold and strange, The heart still warmly beat, yet not be true. Love not ! Love not, love not! Oh, warning vainly said An present hour as in the years gone by; Love Mings a halo round the dear one's head, Laultiess, immortal - till they change or die. Love not ! i nk i-aoi.i: And Tin; hi-n. An ealc audit hen were con fined together in a lurfje catje. The eagle sat moping, with head down cast, whereas the hen Muttered about, cackling joyously. Seeing her companion so dismal, the hen undertook to hearten him, saying : "Do not give way to misfortune; take a lesson from me; Wherever placed I make die best of the situa tion." With ihal she shook her head and strutted about, proud of the fortitude she displayed. "Ah," replied the eagle, "you may easily be contenied. You know not what ii is to soar. " Alien may be contented in a cage, but an eagle needs the skies. ''I . r r.ir- I si li ved, tin u I li mltt :. r Inl Ik 11I K...I..I H.isn isi. I'll e, awl tli.il ImiIIIi-I..-II li'ti.l mr :ill I In' K"1'1 m t . - Ill, I I lit lill.v . i kt pt .HI I:. kill.'. it .111.1 ' IH.I 111. .llll.. I ...'I I I'll' k I" ' wi.ik ie- ii'ii. Iiiul. Iii ll.ne in. hi I a-. m-.1 a. id U.Mit a. I r.i'l' I s'lll u-i- u lillle iHiusli.tt ill. a.l li.i.l il a Ii ' I, iMt.l int ti -i al .1 .. !f..tl I. inn' H ' ...u livr lonii anil (ii.i-i.r '' l . o. lu ll, li.nlii.i'. l. i . A us' !i. I'll". Sold h.v W M I .ill. il, WH.I.M. N ' You might say that the duel gels Ins weapon second handed. si Agency Secured Vr liave sri'iir.'il On' Ht 'iii'v mi nnn. I. a. alive i'mll rnlnli llit' i'i o lavnll i tiiat inuki s llit' li it Inrl). .ni,lns 11. Iiri-i II;. . um li.uilai lie iiml i nlnl.s lli tii.ilive m.an.i l uii . rlir-nit uiii-i;i. Hull Ask ll almilt ll I', r a e by I t'lalk. . lit ll. N I' Al the end even the man with will power may mil have the pow er to make his will. This is Worth kcmemhcriiiK Aa no oil' is iii intuit', every i'rsnii slniiiltl r. nii'inlii-i Hut l.'l.'l 's Kitln.'V I'urc wi l eur.' any cant' ol kiilmy . r lilail d. i Inmlile lti.it is mil Inyimtl llie learh ul ' in. iliiine I'm ile by K . CI.U'V, Wil.lon N I' Even in cold weather the tongue sh.tuld not wear a fur coat. OAHTOniJi. .... tU I f I,3IS I r.uaora BAKING Pure Refined Grape Aids Digestion. NOT. Made Happy for Life, lit. 'it liapiiin.s. .Mini' inl.i the linliii' ill S. I , lilail, s luiiil nii.t'i intfii.l.'iil, at Si Mlinll-. V ,i , i.li. n his lilt!.' il iiijlilir uas li s iir.'il in.iii On' ili":nllul riiiii'aint In' nanii s. II- mivs: "Mvlil lll llall-lllt r h:lil S Villls' l.i:.i-,', .vllirll irlil. .l Iii mi t.uMtm.'ht li lt k"' sleaillly wiirr until as a a last null ui tr id I. .'. tin- Is 1 1 1 . is; ami I 1 -i l,i s.iv, lint'.' h tt l!rs I'll,, l.il a ruin li !. fun. " I, 'nil k, sai'.- rur.' Irr n. 'rv,, us .' tinil. itnts, jji'in ral ileliility, ii-n a . wrakm ssi s. iiniinv.Tisln'il Ik! ..... I i.it.l t. a'.nia. i a ii.eitt't .1 l.r any illlls.,,,' I'li.-.'.l, When a man's in love the apple of his eye is a seek-no-further. l ainuus Strike Breakers I III' II... si lilllt l S Slr.kl I'llllkl'lS ill tile laml nil' hi K inn's Ni'v l.ile I'ill.s. W litu livi'i anil Ih.wi I; p. nil st i ke, tlli-y niiii k- l Mi ltlt' tin- thiil.lr, al il tilt- pnnl.Mlg work i;o.'k lijilil .in ll.'st i nn- n.i riinsti ial inn, lira.lai'lii' anil ti iiu'ss. '.".V. at any iliu':Fi -1 No, clanged lite bell, I woo l hold my tongue, not if I swing h t n. " Daily mid I uu J Cuiniiiissiiiu's keporl I I', ll t i I . . I V a ..I I . ,ln i.- ' in, ill s .ii,,,. s tl ;,l k in, nil's laxilivc Mi. .- V t '! ' II .1 .1 I'l't'- I. ivil .. II tlii'i ..ntl I al i nut i II ti '."latt- an I rinlnil in'. Illl ll s ;,i' ltls,,. ail l I'llltl'll nl is a 111. IIM p 'ISl"ll..' H llj!ltll' I J t III-.' ti M.tptiliy hill 1 nil l s lli.li.'y iiml 1,1 inyil..ll . . k i;.' Iul.-'s II. Iny ul tt l .n ...lit ill - liii i.j'lati in il ii'i;, r.'ll i iliu,; alnl is tln In si i.ui:li anil rolil t'lilt' I tir.sa i' l I'. I lark, WVIilun, N. I' A wontuii mny be kill, but not in kills. dressed in The Ih( liialini-.it tii iiidifstitiii mid tioiil.lt'-, ul iln' tunia Ii i" tu us I llit- vimn iii h ll tan he res U- i hi st ai v.il in li the ii'f i't -i mi1 ilii'sl-Mit n li i i-li will I i uL'st tin IihuI cutcii, tl.us takiiiu (he wink untlulomarh. A I the proper (rtiipiti fi in, a sinK' ItapiKii tut el' Kmlol wil wliiilly ilii:s( It tHHI jii.iius ol loud It iv licvt'N thr pri -tout aiiuuv.iit(i,t putn tin Ntuiiutrh in n ha pi1 to Natir-l.tettnily prrlortii its luiu'lioh! limid for initial" tunt, nun t miliar ti, t1atnh'i) r. palpip itioii ol tin Imnt mid d sp. m i, Koil.il is mailt' hI t'ict iMii ini" i ity with lit) N.it tonal Pure I Ud law. Oq.j b) W. ul.CciUci) Weh'ou, N-0. "H . y mm THE TRUE LITANY. It Would He Heller II "1 itany" Were SutKtiluted Here I 01 ' ke li)Ciim." The prayer of the publican, "liod be merciful to me a sinner, " is a model prayer, "liod be mer ciful" was the burden of all the temple ritual. Theic was no plea of worthiness, no attempt to bribe divine justice, or to purchase the help of ( iod by cosily "ills. The prophets constantly reminded us that no ritual is acceptable wiih (i id unless it is the expression of a humble and contrite heart and ac.'onipanied by constant kindness to others. "What doth the l.oul i thy (iod require of thee, O man, but in do jtisily, in love mercy, and : to walk humbly with thy (iod-'' Christ's leaching is in accord with that of the law and the proph- ets. "If thou bring thy gill to the ' altar, and there remember that thy ! brother hath auglii against thee, leave there thy g;li before the altar and go thy way. b'usi be recon ciled to thy brother; then shah th.iti come and offer thy gill. " Reli gion that atletnpis lo serve Cod and at the same time neglects man is only a mockery. Our brother has something againsi us if we have failed lo show him tli.it we ask (iod lo show us Mere justice is not our pica thai we are unfortunate; we make the plea i f the poor - of the unworthy poor. We cannot alw a s make the plea of the unlortunaie men who bad an opportunity to work; we must c infess that we have perversely done evil. While we refuse kind ness and help to the unworthy p.ior because ihey are unworthy, ii is vain lor us to ask uicrcv of Cod on the very plea of our own uiiworthiuess. (iod knows dial unworilnucss is ptltlul; but how can he help us w hen we shut out of our beans the spirit of ihy nil y which is our only help'-" "Pure religion and uudetiled be- orc Cod and the l aiher is ibis, to isit the lalhet less and widows in their .illkii.ni, and lo keep ihy .elf unspoiled Iroin the world Our songs .rod our prau t s may be .lesihciicallv and theologically cor rect, and Vet it is old oIUhmvc and blasphemous noise, iir.l as it w as in die d.n s ot Mii. di. link s:, ii ililc i ll i ill I heal Is and hie, lliat -.press the uu l and the j;o.id- llesj I.ICod.--H l .'liV.lL l iiil. li ill Ad. OV..IIC. Mere if out i-innli-nsfd opnii n id the tup l'.titly m- f.Mi.-hp.Uni : opines K tu th initial l.axaiit' I'ounh iii I olht-r cot tii s up i tipi'(-ially t hii.-tf rontauiio; ne K ,h l.axalivc l.-niil liiiinj:) II.. m mul r.tl .avcs the Inwi'lt t out. i tis no opi uti's. ( ..n'oriiM to thr National I im- l-oul tiid 1tuk I. aw Sol I l.y W. M Coh.-n. WVl.luu, N C. I'RIiTTY I ACI:S. "Some of you Rirls," snid Jnck, "have such :i ridiculously h'mh opinion of the value of your kiss es." "Well," replied his sister, "a kios is always worth its face value." laud aciil-,' ' I nllit All iiiim-ii''. Ii.a'v. sli' ieiii.ik(. r ill-, riiougli hoinely it place. Ills V. i! lIM!V A di And A I isl sholllii A:;n : i, '.elU 's male . Jleloi ' Jim A mail ni iii "t euur-.c I A farmer for Tiilu- ill A lishet llee Js Nellie i. And l.eii.i llic Lit in. in s' .11 I ie. U.ike; .V.tnnti MUld l.i A name !r the wile i ( plainly b-e seen I ; i II leave it In Von and science i a Uwyrt all eves; nlir Coil Nov. woiildn'l the l.oe? b-cil one be 1 1 1 1 1 . . . , V' I I" 1,1..- .,,11 I,. N i 1 .1 I'll.. iim llm hit lii- I.. H. . . Ill- l! N.I.I l.y W. M 1..I1.11. V,.',1.,m. N I FEELING IIVER-ISH This Morning? jl SIX PIANO tt M i- i -r n a ttvt :r M For tins week Ctintiver I'iiiiiii.uprinlil SP'S. j Wellinuton I'iano, 5-15 ' O Wheelock I prinlit. $5. ( D Stieff I priv.nl. MS Stieff Ifiisewniid INanii SMI j tiuild I'iiino. sniall sie ..ill All eviiaraiileeil to be in fine comlilioii. All used. LESTER PIANO CO, M :,'. i;i uil.v m , NnUl ol lc, VA. John J. Luster. Manager. 01XOIO ,i I'i-jt SEAHOAKJ) Air Link It. mi. way DIRECT LINE To All roiuls IN 111 h MM tit. Ml ril-M ll. MH I II am! i ii-h i.r. 1 ixu'iii k oa'Ia sF.iiVicr. iu:rwi:i:N ; t'.oMon, New Voik, l'liiladrlplna, Haiti- j mute, tt ash l iii: ton, Noi lolk, Ui lunotid, l.iih ih, t li.ulottf, Wilinitiutoi), Alliinta, r.ni.ni 'li mi, Mi ni- j phc, ( li.ili:iinoa, Na-llllU, Mtmti'ii.t'i y, N'o l.ilr. New Oil at t'oluniloa, Sa- ; v. nin th, .1 .it k-itnv il!f, 'litiipa atid A t. I. I 1. it i; 1 0 A Pit IN IS. ) Daily ) Strains - ma t. i t n NliW WiliK.W sillo I'ON.Miltl'ol.K I'llllls.Muli I 11, AM. i A li.tMA, BlliMi.M.ll.iM, M I'M I'll iii, SAVANNAH ai.,1 .IaI'KSONVII.I.K. I UA1NS KiMI'OsI 0 OK Vi-.tii'iilr l'a t'tiarlirs, t'lillinall I)iawiiii , KiHitn Slei innn Car anil til.' Latest CAFK OlMMi CAIiS. Ktf-llllIK.l'i' eoNNl'.CI'ION A i'TIM .'in.liis, Nr.. tlili'ans, ami St I ...ins. inr all ...inta in 'I't-nas, Calitninii, Arkan- sas, l'nlt.i.nl.1 nil.! II.P Nnllllwcst ISTKlil'll ANOKA HI. I'. M 1 I. V. A t! E HOOKS goi.il liver l." mm luilia nt mail. Sniitlirin Linen. Iiajrl'tir Iimt' tali nV Hooklt'lH illut rati ol tht South and Soitlhwest, pply to Seuhnuril PasMcnvr KcprcHi'titittivi', or arid cess, C.H. KY AN, (J. P. A . PoTtHinoiHh Va C. H OATns.T. P. A., Ilah-inh, N.C ; EDWAKO F. C()bT,2nd V P., Portsmouth, Yi. lAKE j A Gentle Laxative j I And Appetizer 1 Stomach , y, Kt. io's c t strength. r.ervci n'-.s. LOl.MlfaliOti. bd blPHlll, p-Mpral debihty, sour ncii-s, and cainrth o: wr. t ,rr.ai:h are all djc to indeMifm. Ks; ;nl r:ir-,s in :.!;'v:l;'jn. Tins new discov er' x?.::.-i hi': natural juicea o( digr lii.i nii tli-.y ftxiM in a iir.a.thy stontat h, C":i,b,ned With i;t T(..itt;il known tomo tm rejonstru.'tive jropetties. Kodcii Dys-p'-p'ii.t Cure dcjrifl not oniy cute ituiigei.tion I dv':;i"p .i;i, but this famous rptiicdy CJif-3 a. I :,t0'ii8 ll liu'.;i,!es by cleatislt;, pui ifytiif , sw'-t-Mn:.;; and sire t:g t lie: iity Iti'1 nui'HL. r-i-i oi ,i 1 1 - -.. lining tlir sluniHs.li, Mr S S. f.ol. ( K.v- rM-.l, W, Va.. s.vt: 1 v. .. ,r "tiL'f'i vilh ;a ii' ;' n ;. !i 1 twet.ty y r, K ! I ivfl -'ul wo arf t. w iai:,g it In tr.sik k - - Kodol D'.cst What You Eat. B.tt -. :..y i V,l- h r . V. times the trial l .- w::- r --i-;,t5. :VAreJ by E. 0. D.W! TT . OQ., CHICAGO. MH , y, , ti-, j , , v r t., ::i ol ;i.i:rt im 'i lusiu'im;. va. Machinery, Shaftiiig.Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. !l:iiic lii ii-lit ..ul Stwl tS: Alcxumlir, t turn', i'- inn linn lmiiN, with ;ill puttiTiis v me now piiut(il 1,1 iuiiii!i i.ut to uiiii h i ?it s lipilin i ly iiiiiic h tin-in. HYDRAULIC mtSSES ,d. PEANUT MACHINERY",,,,,.,,, Mill WHi'k ;n.l . iisiin ul' ;il UiinlH. S.cuihI li unl iu.it Ihm. i lui -;i!t' i lit'ilp Call .tu ii w ( lite i .i v, h.ii s mi u ant- (ircat Rcil iu t ions For Cash : ; : i i. ..u -I'. I;.... .i; i en s,;)v a " e '-ll V. l" M,. -i'i. II ru.-. !hl'! ll. 17 I'.11.' I !i,i :i M ,., 111,'. av. " " isr. 8'!'e. . ' I : I I " '.r, 'J.'.r. " " lhJl'. IIV W.N.I Chi j. -l mo, -Itli'. '.'".' VViiet.. .llaili'i, '.'Ur. .".ii.- " " av.c ('."i.' :tl,l i nil' I. ill. ill lllll. Tar 7.V " " " l.-"n' iiv i'i'."i oil ( ; .'ii, i-v 1 Ii'i A.niln-ti , I ..! jit-l iin , H!'r 1 (I. lti'..'H I'll 111.- I'lalili-., !l.".i Wa 1 j apcr I .'. ami n.' ., I 1..1I I.M...K si. i, K I !' Talking .Machines, Graplioplioncs, kodaks, Cameras, ami the . ii I.pl i.-s .iy l" en liaiul at all tinier, nt. rM ptin-M. SPIERS BROS. wi i.rioN, x. c. CHOICl- ROSES! Tarnations, Vioh-ts ami othfr llowcrti, always on hard. Slmwer WeddiDK Hoiiniit-ts, Itatnt.-oiin' Plor.il Designs. Pot am) out tlror Ii ihIiojj plants. To tu ito, ' aWiia'i' ami oiln-r Vegetable Plant-., MaiiiiolKH. OnhTH promptly i'X. iitcd Write, 'plume ur telegraph. H. STUINMETZ, ii.iiuisr, If AI.I'.IOII. NOII'I'II CAKOI.INA. I 111 n SASH,DOORSfBLINDS. m imiis, m i: ii vnnw ii is. A lillATKS, INTS, ll.'vK (I l'M(iVI'Ni, N.H I..U. I a. IU. , i i I l MILLINERY. FANCY lilHilJS u.i.t NOVKi.TlKS. 1 j ! I ' Butterlek'i. rattermi. 11. & (i. CORSETS, Miwea at 50c., Ladies 7fc. to $1. sssUPricon will lie maile to f.uit llip timet., Hat suit MnnnetH mn.le anil Trimmed to ortler. ALL MAIL OKDKIW 1'ltOMt'Tl.V l'll.Llil). MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. h Ai l. IMI l I I I!

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