t&fff i i Advertising Rates Made known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, rms of Subscript. on--$l. 50 Per Aiuu'tn vol.. XIJ. WKLDON, N. ('., TIIlliSDAV. N( )V KM I II'.l! ::, l.MMi NO. 1M) . .tv.-.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.'s.s.ss.s.s. 1 i W TOTLWKtxW.TvV i. -ssjs: i m Kiuil You Have Always Bought, and ..lilcli lms hvru hi use for over 30 yean, lias lioiao tlm xlumttim. or l la been nmdo under Ms jicr fS J.Jtf?T?L., on"1 pervllon Kitten Its imam). WufsVZ StAM AUownoonetodeoelveyoiiln this, til Counterfeits, Imitations and. "Just-as-t;ooil" are lint I :rrliiit-nts that trlHe with and endanger tlm heullli of 1 1, units uud ChildrenExperience against Kiperitueut. What is CASTOR I A u.turlu Is a harmless inbitltute for Castor Oil, Puie novie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It U I'lrusunt. It iiiulalns neither Opium, Morphine uor other Nureotle subsumes. Its I ltl gtiarautee. It destroys Worm mil allays KeverishneNS. It rurei Diarrluea and Wind ( ..In'. It relieves Teething Troubles, cure Const lmt inn ,unl l'liititlemy. It assimilates the Food, regulates the mihiiui'Ii and llouels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tin- Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bear the The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC ICTftW f ., ft luiMI ITMI1. II CrTV. MCDUFFIE'S TA.Tl-lM OMILLCURt I. ths "' Vnmg quinine on the market. " ini Inoraaaafour 'ndm"',ridm.tlSr.d blood. ,pp.,lta.n-m..rjo h. PRICK, 60 CENTS. Take MoDUFFIE'S Little Blue lluttajish Llvera. Mo Duma's Remadiee are sold on guarantee to I a all v claim r Foe Svi.k iiv W. M Coiiks, Weldun, The : Bask : WKI.DON, X. C. hmi Under The Lais of the Stale of North Carolina, -AlIlil'KTJuTII, 1WJ.. Siaie of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of VCeldon Depository. Capit al and Snrplns. 336,000- 17 "R M year this institution lm riyiiliil lianLinii furilit liir thu 1 sntimi. Its sturklnililrrs ami ilirnti.n Imri. hern uli ntilinl silh the lilisiunw IntermH nl Italifux sml Niirthint" iniintir lor iiisdt yr.in Munry ii huunl upon spprotril .nuritf :it llif li-kt-il isle "I inlfrwt pii per centim. Arronnt. ofll sre .uliriiril h i pttk-u.itN r Dr. II. W.I BIS, (Jackal. NiiribiBftnD t'u. N. O W. I I'AMII., mnmmmmmxummmumm I GARRETT & COMPANY, g Pii,ttr LAix ESTABLISHED 1h:)5. th-t A T.TTES s p joj v- a. VIRGINIA DARE POCAHONTAS' OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY fl HIAWATHA MINNEHAHAgu 2 carrett special -rj $ psiLliuslbsmpsKiie) i4 A u.l .11 other srirtisol l'ure suit Wholfsoois Wines fi.i home, sinl hotel u e jvy m.HiKhet Cs-h I'rlee. fsid in Kes for .11 kmd- ol .mall "' !?' U tem Kraneh, 8t Loui., Mo Home Oth.e. NollHIl.k, A. R$ Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cento. W. J. WARD, DENTIST, 0FFI0E IK DA.KIEL BUiLOIHO, wttooif, . a 11 If . - L "s?j -i715?sai VXVWXV!xk..VvCi Signature of Cat fiuk Pniumonla and r Pr-"ts Aeai.-JT" "nd Consumption. .... .ur. remedy "CE.aociIlT. 1 Liver Pills for Constipation a..d your monoy bacs. N. 0. W. E Ukavans, Fntiihl. N. ('. ao of : Weldon I i-hll.S W H. SMI I II, . . Americans - ,w. gj T. CLABK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, M. 0. Prst'tiees ia ths oonrt of Halifai and tdioining oounties.snd in tha Snpnma oourloitnsHisU. Hpecislattsnakiagiyai at ui tertians sail vHjit rahuaa , Vv' SELECT TOUR WIFE WITH CARE. Do Not Marry Any Womun Sim ply Because She Has Money. In yelectiiif a wife many men Co on the principle that, it being a iiuiier of small consequence, al m is! any younp; thinp will do. This ' K a p.n-;ii mist.ike. I lie c.irehil man, ceii in details , like lliis, will still be governed by proper circumspection. There are various kinds of wives ' to be had for the asking. s The display wife is extensively used in this country. She is well I nude, stylish, ready in social einer-! fancies and gives much pleasure 1 in showing her aiound. I Inder cover she is disappointing, and is; apt to run up bills, but for certain purposes is in large demand 1 The domestic wile sews and, mends nicely, makes mustard plas-: ters and griddle-cakes, is a poor c'oak model, saves money, raises children and is useful in illness. The literary wife reads, writes and talks. She entertains people 1 you haie, gives functions you dis pise, makes coy corners and ' trouble. The economical wife makes over i her own clothes, starves you near ly to death, and saves enough mon ey so that you can have a good time with her successor- if you're lucky enough to have one. ! The extravagant wife gives you a good time at twice what it's worih. In selecting a wife always, of course, pick out your opposite. If j you have a large, generous, whole- j souled nature, that loves company and is fond of travel, stag parties ' and demijohns, marry a combina ' lion cook, housekeeper and trained nurse. Some one should watch the home. ' If you are a mean, contemptible, petty, niggardly human shrimp, marry a lovely, sweet, patient, de serving womanly woman. Her character will be developed by suf fering, thus giving you the oppor tunity to do some good. Do not marry any woman just because she has money. Become instead her confidential adviser. You will make just as much out of it in the end without having to live with her. Life. DISCOURAGED "I'm goin' to stop bein' kind and helpful to people," said little Johnny. "How is thai?" asked his moth er. "Tell, it's tins way: At school . today I saw Tommy Jones putting a pin in the master's chair, so iust as the master was about to sit down , I pulled away the chair. The mas ter sat down on the lloor, and when lie got up lie licked me for pulling away the chair, and then Tommy Jones licked me for inter fering. Yes, I'm goin' to stop helpin' people now." It costs the devil linle trouble to catch a .rx nun. The music publishing house turns out piece w ork. A mistake in a dry goods store ,s s.iler than a "bull" in a china shop. ravaUstosssBiMtaNaaaMssaai flADE Ikon NATIVE R00T3. 5AFE A Mi KTLIAUli:. That the roul of nniio iiiiliie hlants, (trowliiu llil in our Aim i ii iiii fi.ri.t. p,ivd",sri.iuiiriai.le imis'i'iie (or the , urn olliuiiiaiiiiialudieslswelliinni.il. ten the untutored liuliuli hud I, ur I the 'illative value ol wnue o( these and ....-!, u,.nl..rv tliei: im'V The l.uliuli never liked work mi he MUlited Ida ! ftliaw lo et Well lis suoll US ,iell,le lllilt he miKhl do the wol'l, mid lei him hunt, 'i'heli liire. he diiK "uuose nail" lor her, lor Unit was their great remedy for fe male seukiiesses. Or. Pieree uses tha same root- ealls.1 Hlne tohoh- lll his "ravorite I'reM'riptioii." skillfully emu- tlllu-d with older aitents that make It Ulole etteellve than all) utile! Illedle Ill rurlns" all the various weaknesses uud palnlul deraiuteinenls svutiar to somen. a:!!.,i. J uuim-n have In-'-n -au-d , In.ui the oi,-iaUUS lahle I, lid the -ur-tf,s,ll's knile hv the tlluelv ll.se of IkM-Lor I'leree'a rsvonle Preseruitloll. 'I'ender nmaiiter the lower uelvie reKioii. with ba. ka.1ie, siells ill dllrlliess. fnllitlieiH. i uearins down pains or distress should not ,i uuhenled. A eoiirss uf " Favorite I're serlptiun" will work marvelous heiieiil lu all sueli eases, suit seiurully elfeet a uerinaueiil rnre if perslatisl lii lor a rea i sonahle length of time. 'I'll "Favorite l'reseriptlou" Is s hsriuless agent. I wi nr 1 wholly preuarisj from uatlve medieiiuil nana, without a drop ol aleohol lu Its I make up, whereas all oilier medielnes, '. put up lor sale through druggists for 1 woman's peculiar ailments, eonlain large quantities of spirituous liquors, whieh are vary hsimlul. espeeially to delicate, women. "Favorite Prescription" eon i tains uelthsr sU' jhnl uor harmliil hshit I foaming drugs. All Its Ingnsllenls ure prmtesTou each tail lie wraur. It is a powerful Invigorating Ionic, Imparling health snd strength lu psrlii'iilar to the organs distinctly leiiilnlne. For weak sud sickly women, who are "worn-out," or debilitated. es clally lor women w ho work lu store, ollice. or school-nami, w ho .It at the typewriter or sewing machine, or ts'sr heavy household huideiis. and (or . nursing mothers. Or. l'lerce s Favorite Prescription will prove a priceless benelit because ol lis llealllt reaionug aim Hlenglh-glvllig oer. For constipation, the true, sclentlHe cure Is I r. Pierce's Fleasaut follsls. Hlld, barotlass, st urs. if IShe V. IME!tMAL 'g mod cuLtiesf IggSgSa stomach disvji , Sen; lucoa- : j SBfW tinued use means permanent i OI iVm Following the advice of medical dBKf f l scientists, England ami I'rance have i';Rf ftj passed laws prohibiting its use VIJ f American housewives I I j I holds against Alum':! wrongs f v?jft"ffi I r . u i . i i WwwMifM I Tartar Powder is to be had &gWm. ' Buy by name iittftSRS Royal fWMPI A CHILD OF THE ETERNAL BY SOI.ON When the Pilgrim's years have multiplied and as his locks grow white, He prays to be a child again for just a single night. The road o'er which his feet have trod is rough and hard and sleep, And when the eventide draws near, and shadows round hint creep, He seeks for refuge on the breast of her who gave hint birth, Where, once in innocence enshrined, he dwelt with childish mirth. Look up; O child, behold the dawn, (iod's years have just begun; The whirl of time is but a span, but lives forever run. See you the visi.t by the way, the verdure on the lulls'' Are not the lilies iust as sweet beside the sparkling rillsr Do not the sunbeams paint the eve with colors of pure gold r Is not the sapphire of the sky as brilliant as of old? Does not (he moon peep thro' the clouds and hide from lovers' view, Jum in the same old-fashioned way it always used to do? Are not the songs of birds as sweet as those they used to sing? Do not the jewelled stars illume the palace ol the King? Whose footsteps on the sands of time have led thy journey's way? Whose bleeding hands once cleared the paih thro' nighi and stormy day? What if the Mowing river's brink in shadows deep is dressed, ' l is but the veil that hides from view lilysian fields of rest, There ihou shah be a child again not for a single night, But ever, the eternal's child, amidst the living light. IT ROTS AM) RUINS. A bartender plaintively bewailed the necessity of having lo rub con gealed drops of sticky beet off the nar. "But if I let them remain," he said, in tones of one seeking compassion, "they rot the wood." "They rot the wood, do they?" fiercely repealed the beer bibber. "Then, what in the name of com mon sense do they do to my stom ach?" "It is beyond me to tell," replied the manipulator of drinks ' "Of one thing I ant confident, and j that is, that man's stomach is made : of east ii oii l lsrwise Imv, cniiiil ; he withstand the amount of lluld i thai he pours into it? Let me ; show you something. " He placed a piece of raw meat on the counter and dropped it inio a small meas ! ure of imported liquor, lu five minutes the meat had paried into ' linle pieces, as though hacked by a dull knife. It is not surprising that beer drinkers are held by life insurance companies to be extra hiuardous risks. Arkansas Searchlight. "You look tired and haggard ! this morning, old man," said Jig ley. "Yes," replied I.usehnian, "I made a discovery last night that staggered me." "What did you discover?" ; "A bottle of ten-year-old-rye that ' I didn't know I had." L. (iOODIi. The best 1 1 . ;ii tin t l,.i Hidiii-siuai mid 1 1 of ill, s i.f I he si. una, h Is In MM I he -loin - mil. II mil l, I, i oi.ili.'ii ,,i In the use nl a paid ili;., st nit tthiih ttul di Vi s! the tn.id eat. h, thus tali Hit: t In' tt ill It ll lhe.tsiu.ieh W the juopi i tcii.p. ra Ones, ;i sinnle teassioi In! ot K,, ;,.l will wholly ilinesl J llikl .,.iiii ot l..u,l 1 1 le levislhe inseut anna) at.cc, put'. Ihe stomal h in shape tnsalisl u t.iult pi rl.j'nl its liiiii tioiis i; ,,( I',, - in, In-,.. tain, -inir slulii.ii'h, llatiih'iu e, palpipttmn nl the hea t ami iltsp. p,j i. K ... I. , I ,s m ,, in i i i t cml.ir , in tt 1 1 1 . il, - Yiliimal l'ure I ii.nl law. nil II. V M loh.ll, Vt.l.lna. V I'. liven the high hal may gel taken .low n a peg or two. Ouiry mid l oud Coiniiiissiuii's Report. Tile Vim: is ti li.niy ami Cnluliii - l ill's iinilyis -hints ll i K lun ilt 's l.avilite HnillV ami I'ai .Hid lice's I. lvalue llnney and 'I'ar ciiiitaiiiiit opiates amt clutn i oil. f opiulis are pui-uu ami i iotnii o I is a liuh'lll p. is nun s pinp.il it c, li'i l'use to ! accpl i, nv hut Fi.hy's It y uud 'I'ar iil.tellott iiekiiie. I'oh'.t's linnet null 'I'm iiuilaii s no npiali s oi ilaiii iiiiis ituijts and is Ihe hesl cuiikIi iimI cnhlcuri I'nrsa'e l.y K t'larl., Vtelil.m, N. (' j li'shaid for the one legged man to put his best foot forward. Agency Secured s, eurnl l ue auvney tin lliinu en Si nip, (he new laxative s l!i' tin r lively, purities the i. s Ii . i'ai he nliii le uUlcs the i n, i s Cures ehrnnic eousliiiii- i i he I. iv ui e I. al in i lue I .. , lliU Stile tiou. ,V-k u a out it. For -tie l.y F. Cl.it-, WeUuu, N, C. MUTILATED MONEY. Conditions Under W hich it Will Be Redeemed by Uncle Sam. 1 he United Siaies government will pay for a mutilated hill pro vided that three-fifths of ii :ne re covered. The method of deier minii.g just what pan of the note re mains is rather interesting. ImcIi mutilated bill is carefully pasted on a backing of paper the sie of the complete bill The expert has a piece of glass the exact sie of the bill. This glass is divided into for ty squares. When placed over the bill if the expert can find that the remnants of the bill fill twenty-four of the squares, or three-fifths of them the bill will be redeemed. Not long ago a Missouri farmer was leaning over to feed his pigs when he dropped his purse into the pen. When he discovered his loss an hour later he searched the pen and found the purse, but noth ing of its contents. The pigs were ' slaughtered that day and the re mains of the money was taken to Washington. Three hundred dol lars were returned to the farmer. Burned money is the hardest for the government experts to work on, v. ith the possible exception of money which has been gnawed by j mice. The department at Wash ington once received a cigar box full of money which had been sent : from Philadelphia with the neces sary affidavit showing that it had j been inside a poorly constructed safe and had been burned to the condition in which it was forward- ed. Iividently with the idea that the original package ought not to be broken, the sender inclosed the charred pieces with some i silver coins which had also ! been in the badly burned safe. In its passage through t h e mails the heavy silver was shaken through the charred bills till there was hardly a piece left the sie of the head of a pin. The experts who handled the mutilated money by the aid of mag nifying glasses soon brought out four Ii ft y dollar bills and within an hour recommended that they be redeemed by the treasury. Only infinite care and patience can bring any result with the mice chewed bills. I:ach of the pieces is laid out on a hard, smooth sur face, and with the assistance of magnifying glasses they can be placed in their proper positions in relation to one another. The ex perts have a copy of every bill which has been issued by the gov ernment. These are used as mod els as soon as enough of the bill has been laid out toestablish its issue. The experts say that the best bills were printed by the government during the civil war period. The grade of paper was superior to any other used, and the engraving has never been excelled. Made Happy for Life. Oleat ll.lplillns- ,-aiiii' into the Inline ill s i Ulan, s liii.il Min-iiuten.l.nl, at SI. lh. ill , 'V a , tthin Ins lull,, 1 a i ( I a t 1 Has Irs uinl limn Hi,. dn-ailinl enlnplaint hi-nanus. Il,sats: "Vlylit l!e ilailhtel had l, Vitus' llallec, whiill tiflihsl to no laeattnent tint uu-w steadily ttui.-e until as a a last li'soil vte tried V. I'l'tl ic I'.itti'l-; and 1 I'l'iuli e In say, tlllee hutllis i lli'i'teil il ciiniplt te cure " 1,1101k, sui e cu 1 1- tui nmuth etiiipiainis, pcmral 'ehllilt , I'eiii.i'e weakni sscs, iinpnti-rishct! hluisl ami niahnia. t.uaiaiilee.l by itnv dluu sln.c. t'ri.v .Oi- It Takes Nerve I'.vitv thiujr depends upon tour liervi-s. It is nerve force thai causes the brain to direct the motion of yuur bodv; it is lui'te force lli.it causes yoiu I1e.11 1 to pulsate, and send the bluiiil llirini;;h J mil" veins; il is nrne fnice that eau-cs ymtr tiimaili to ilige-d loin I, vnur kitliicvs to liltcr the liln.nl, and the liver to secrete bile. In fact, nerve force is the power that runs your body, so if you (eel worn-out, irritable, nervous, cannot sleep, or eat will, have pain or misery anywhere, your nerves are weak, and your system run down. To restore this vitality lake Dr. Miles' Nervine which will strengthen and build tip the nerves. You cannot be healthy without strong" nerves. "1'i.r elKlil.sm years Or. Miles' NVrtme anil Aiill-T'ion 1111" liuve Iweu Hi!' cliisi- niinniiilulis. Kailv In luar-rii-.t lite, wlule raising cl.lldreii. my le-rves lieciime all w.uii-oul i nuld nut sleep; bad mi a iiellti'; IndlKestlnn vi-rv hail anil limt sit. h awful dlr.zy spells. Tin 11 I bi-Kan using I r. Mih-s' Ni-rtlne. and al ouce I bejtan tn Ini prnve. hihI snon found myself In perfis't IteiilOi." Mlt.t. S. 1.. TOCNG. 31!t ntlshuij rtl., New Castle, lJa. Dr. Miles' Nervine I. .old by your druggist, who will guarantee that ths first bottle will benefit. If It fall., ha will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, In iu.i:ssi;i) "But didn't you say you would not accept the best man that walk ed the earth'-'" asked the girl in the new fall hat. "Yes," replied her chum, blush ing deeply. "And yet you have accepted Percy Colder?" "Well, he doesn't have to wk the earth, lb. owns an automo bile." In money mailers most of us have found money matters a great deal. i ii w c!ii . ! 1 1 : i a i fiii' '1 y v 1 1 1 j it ..r,iwilit , t;i-ti in'i't I' iff imi'V i-iu.t m.'.Hriiie tlnttll tlii-ir tl U;iW Kt'l lit-i'v'-i j all vi.' u' M:iini;K . i lu: i v ;n; i T.u is ii-uM j.l.'ii-i.ht to ink.- ( Inlilf. n hi e it, iimi . us :i ie! ief lor uNV .'mihs i lc tlicir ' iic-thii liiUti .No ijiiat''s Con tt.m.-i to thf Nation;.. Pun- Fooii u;il Iirp I.iw. Sohl hy W M .'oIhmi, WrMoii, X ('. The eyes, as the windows of the soul, are best without pains. II. 1'r is our romli ns, il npini n nl' ihe lliiliM.il I.iixulitr (' .uS M nip: 'NenU' all oilier riMHili still). . an: liill.-tiplllil'i.' I'spri iaily th',. c I'liiitiiininit oii;i'.s. K . 1 1 -ll'-'iy's l.:l:ttltr ' cullt.liliillj,') llimey illltl T.ir unites til,- I. ttr.'ls I oiititiiH no ltii ltd -, t illl'ol (Us tu the Nul iollul Pure Finn! I.i.il I'liltl I. Ill Sohl Iiv W. M. Cohen. Wei. lun, X C FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer n six piano n BARGAINS For this week Ciinov er I'iano. upright Sl5. Wellinirton I'iano. J4S. O V heelotk I prijfht, DStiefl 1 priKht, Sl5. Stieff Rosewood Piana SIS0 (iuild I'iano, small size $.10 All guaranteed to be in fine condition. All used. LESTER PUHOCO., Inc I.VJ OiMiihy St , NOKt'Ol.K, VA. John J. roster. Manager LoEZtOoJ SKAI.OAK1) I Air I.i n 1: Ha.ii.way j DIRECT LINE To All Points i 1 I N I H K I Ol iH.dl lll-UIl. Mlll l ll una Mm 1 11. u ir. I loiJHlai. SF.l.'VlCi: I'.KTW T.KN i:.sfslt)ii, Ni w Vuik, I'liil.Hli'lphiu, 1 in hi iiitire, WiixlnimiDii, Nnltilk(l;i IiihoihI, l.'alt ih, Cti.ti lot It-, W iliiiiunliiii, Atliiiilu, l.itnitiii'li.iiii, .Mem- jilin, I li.itt;nit'in;i, Na-lml!i', Miiiilmiu-iy, Mo lull-, New Oil. 'in I'u, 11 iiiltni, Sa ViUiitiili, ,l.u'kJ-iiii i Hi-, Tiiini;i ;iinl A I. 1. v I.O U 1 I ft A ro I N rs. 0 Daily ) -TRAINS ii! 111. 1 w a. is ' NKW MIKI, .WASH I Mi ln-.MHM OIK I'oli'i'SMon II, AS II ATLANTA, ItlHMIN'tillAM, MKMPIUS, SAVANNAH uud J ACKSON VI ,.K. Tit A I NS t'OMFOSFI) OF Vestiluile Pay CuiielieH. Pullman llruwinti ItiKini Ri-epintr CurKaiitl the I.atesl OAKK IHNINfl CAKH. WrlllKF.C'l' t'ONNF.OTION AT-fJM Memphis, New Orleans, and St I.tmis I'nr all isiinta in Tenia, Calit'nriiia, Arkan sas, t'tiloiudo and the Northwest, INTEKCIlANtiKAlll-i; mT. kTiJe HOOKS (tooil over In dial mites of road. 1 Soiilhern Lines. ' ItfPFor time tallies, W nilernr Sninilier Hooklets illuslriiliTe ot the South and Southwest, apply to fieahoanl PasseiiKer , Kepresentativs, nr address, V. II. HYAN, (1. P. A , Portsmouth Vn C. li.GATTIR, T. P. A., I Kiileieb, N. C j KDWARD F. COST, 2nd V P., Portsmouth, Vn. Sour Stomach Mo appetite, loss ot strength, nervous ness, hia-iache. constipation, bad brealh, eneral debilily, sour risings, snd catarrh ol the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural (ulces of dicta tion as they exist in a health loma h, conpmed w:th the -re.orst i-.r.own tooio and reconstructive properties Kodol Dys pasia Cure does not only cure indigestion snJ dyspepsia, but this (amous remedy ernes a'l stomsch troubles by cleansing, pur, tying, sweetening and strengthening Hi- mu win nvtubnthcs hi:: g the stomach. Mr. S S. Hall, cf R..v-r,swd W Va.. says: ' I w-s irouhled with scur ai. tuii ti Ir r twenty years. K .H. 1 cupd n-.a and w. are now uslna II In milk lor iu-iv .' Kodol Digests What vou Eat. Bjlllsa ynly. $1 jo .jl: houin ? ; times triatrial siie, v.!ticli (jr sn cents. fa-.par.d by E. O. Down T & 00., OHICAQO. s i.i i nv . ti r. i i ., r ,,,, , , ,. ItniM KlX ll'iO Uiil'Kv, - . i" -Tl 01. 1) .-; ; itr.KI, I'vri its-i.t it.. i. 5IAM FAITI Itflts uf Machinery, Shafting.Fulbys. Agricultural Implements. J liming bought mil I Steel A Alexululer, I r.illuders ami uiiirhmists. with ail patterns I we are now pr. par, d to funis' juris tn I niiu'hiiiesl'onuerly made ley ihein. HYDRAULIC fUSM - bii ' PF AMIIT M A PIh v 1. i. if, Mill work uud easiings of ul I.111 s. Second lian , niiti hi . i-y t' i sa (. i-li. ;,p 1 on us nr tviite l .r tt I, at i 11 tv (treat Reductions For Cash ft 7.1 MoilleOe liuic-i, $j ;:, I'll Siuvrim " 2 'HI J.'i (III ,M,u,lt,. i i,u Kxivj f. J7 75 1-jC China Mattini;, 1(ic. " " jHc -'-Oe. Japanese " 7e, J.'ic. " " 1HA,.. li'ic Wni.l Carp iii,' .joe. 'J.'h W ilnintv slnules, on,- .Mic " " 37i Q'h' 'J yard wide Liiinhuiii. 75e " fi.V (i.'.e I'hHir Oil Clo'h, 1-le I ao Axinin-ter Carpt-tiiic, Kile I 4ii hix-'iU'ictuie Frames, !lf,c Wall ,atier. I. o ami (Jc per loll A I.AUtiK STOCK ( P Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, mid supplies on hand at all times, at the very lowest piii en. SPIERS BROS. WKLDOM, N. C. CHOICE ROSES ! Oiirnations, Violets and other flowers, iilwuyson hanil. .Shoc-cr Wedding Hnmjurts, lliiudsnmc Floral Designs. Pot and out door lieddinK plants, To uutto, (.ubbLuie mid oilier Vegetable Plants, Magnolias. Orders promptly executed. Write, 'phone or telegraph H. STEINMETZ, H.0R11T, KALEIUH, NOKTH CAROLINA. 4 111 iy SASH, DOORSiBLINDS. MAKTKl.S, TII.KS A UKATRH, llAltDWAItl', I'AIN'tS.JSC I K,WK T. 1.1 AkVcdNI'ANY, Lid. Nurtnlk. Is. "'T FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY OOODH and NOVELTIES. Batterick'f, Patterns. Jt. & G. CORSETS, Hisses at 60o., Ladies 75c. to $1. Prices will be made to anit the times, Hat and Konnete made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. 1 'Maw'Swa-'' assail""!, , 1

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