l m m Si j Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. XL1. A N E W S IJ A P K K FOR THE PEOPLE. wki.don, n. c, tiu'ijsday, I)i:ci:mi;i:i! va, iimm;. .mis of Subscription-'. 50 Pel AmutrM NO. :V2 tf i mi iciib rill p-k Mil llli I .J-af m fVT BOH I JIL I.V' TfmVW"5. TFWwrwk in miSM is eji n ivi !H ii M .3 I 31 .'."i;c-t.itiU- lrt'(tBr.iliin lot-A ;!i:!ilaiiiJihi,l''iHHlaiHlH,iuln , li?Moui(ic!is;inilllwviM'f rc.i.)i,,.u.j I :fss awl Awt AVnlalns miliar ui'iiiiii, Morphine nor Mineral. Sot Nahcotic. 8 . .,,xaftM HrXUIflUPtTCHIM Itx rnut , l;..k,u. i'w - tftt.lVJtt Hi i'i . aviMfr-Ztdm Anrifivl UiMiiedy I'nrConslipa sif'n . Sour Sioiwtrh. Uinrrttuea vt .( onvulsiuiwlVvorish ncss find Loss ok Sleep. Ku' Simile Siilisitlnrr of NEW YOHK. ST0RA CACT COPV OK WRAPPER. ' :j THf CINT0 (OWMNf. NIW VON CITV. McDUFFIE'S TASTELE88 CHItL CORI. I, the only '" .inin8 on chill cure oonW.n.n M ch, "...li itwlinnore.your ; an PRICE, BO CENTS. , PRICE, as CENTS. . N Tike MoDUFFIE'S Llttl Blue Liver Pills for Constipallon . ,,u J $lulsh Llverc. Mc Duffle's Rumodles liro sold on n (.',unrante- to do all wo claim or your money buck. '.j I'.riSM K it v V. M I'iiiiks. W.lilon. N ('. W. K lii.iv Kiilifl.1, S. V. The : Bank : of : Weldon, ft.wi Under The vn of tie Slate of North Carolina, AriiisT-.'iirii. H!U Stale of North Carolina Dcpusiinry. Halifax County Depository. Town of Wekluii Depository. Capital anUirfc $36,000. ITnH It tciir Ihi.i iii-liluliiiu li - iro iil cl li.,nkn n !'. ilitnn lliii wiliun Itx Ht' rk tioMtri nii.l ilini-iur li im- l'i" ul.-railicil Willi llif liiixilinw intrreti i.l Mnlil.n ami North .miplon i . unii. - lor iiiinyvrim Minify in liMUi'it npnii npiiTHM il wimt at ill- I' ti il i 'I' i I HrlrltM m u r it'lltllil. Account of all an' 4'iliiih-il l'IIK.HIit:ST: W. I I'WIH , VII K l'HK!"llKSI' Dr II W.II'WK (.Ij.Uii, VnihJiiitiiin tn . V t 3E nmmmmmmmmmnmmmm jr. Pioneer it 4 jsa;ivi .'i a ; t ,v te. K-i I'AHI .ISM HI) IH l'- PECIALTIBS s 4 VIRGINIA nARE iw.-,;.,,,-," ilea .s,i.ri,.Ki ?pr. , OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY J. -j HIAWATHA f- M A infill II 'lllbiti'liel 1 .IV V. PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL W y (S(,.irkliiiil l , t - AimI all ether .rietieef Pre end ? M.Hl(lRat t'lii-h I'ricm I'lllil ill Se ISS lin llmm b, rit Iaiuim, Jio Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. W. J. WARD, 1) KMT 1ST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDING, WEf DON, N. a "If For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature in Use For Over Thirty Years TURPEhTINE AND Cuta riU ..... of Lunu .orptlon In eurln,. r " u K rAHIIIKK. M Growers r U u r. v,i M NNtnAnw . S,.,,.,1M, ,,,, l limnuadiii i f t- h..lewe un ler ' . ill I ..i ...... 1 1 IrniU ITIUM'H I-IC. lliimpimii'i-. Miuioi.h, vn. fjjt E. T. CLARK' ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Pravtlies iu the courte of Hilifai end edjaiDtuK couuUee,md in the Hupreme oaart el the 8lte. HpeoUl attention gins U eolleeUaM a4 pitta nn , AT 1. ll T .V A m mi A Ameiicau LOVE. The (lreatest Power On l-arth 'Tis LoveThnt Makes The World (io Mound. l.uve is the same yesterday, ( day and forever. The troubles thai come to my little friends are ihe same that came lo their aneesstresses many kcii eraliinis hack. liver since the world henan w nien have loved and gone throtif.li , all the ioys and sorrow s peruiininc lo love. There any number of Juliets, Priscillas and Virginias today who are going through deep waters of despond. Modern parents are as unrelent lingas the MpniaguesandCapulels; ambitious mothers are still sever ing bleeding young hearts, and till the end of time foolish little girls will become engaged to the wrong man. Girls so often mistake spu rious low for the real thing. They become engaged because they think its smart to be engaged, or because they hate to hurt the man's feelings, or for half doen equally foolish reasons. Love has been the power behind ihe throne in nearly all the best and w orst episodes in the world's history. Love inspires us in all the great moments of our lives, it brings out the best, and, alas! the worst in ' us. : Love will be with us "when the stars grow old, and the sun grows cold, and the leaves of the Judg ment book unfold." l-'or wherever we go, easi or west, north or south, high or low, 'lis love, 'tis love that makes the world go round. THI: LAW )l: OROWTM. There conies a time when the chestnut burr opens up intuitively and the nut rolls out there is a time when an apple gels so luscious and ripe it can hang no longer on the tree and falls- there conies a time when the chicken gets too big for its shell and picks its way out and manifests his larger form of life. There conies a time when every justified soul that keeps in harmony with (iod will walk into the experience of holiness. FACTS IN NATURE. Not Only Do We Got Inspiration From Nature, But Uftftlth aa Weil. For pfMif ht .in run tlctwn ami norv nus. vlm -nlT'T liMiu tiitlif-tniri it n!--pepsiti, htMilit-li''. lMliiinii". or turput liver, i-oiittui uniKiif hiiIi Inih-r lat- in tin' innmintf mul pr iipp'til'. it lw fonie nt'rt'!.;in 1 1 turn tnnm1 limit or irMiKtlifii'-r liii-li "ill ;t.Mt N. it inl and ii.-lii Ui'-rn t" wt thnr h-ft umi nut the ImIv into ii pnp.T t'nnilitmn. It li htvntniiiK iiinif ami mi'ii iippiii'iit I hilt N.Uiin-'s nn valuul'l.' lu'-tlili uiviiik ai'tit iirtt to tw funml In toroi i 1 tin uh u" 1 r""tv . ,.- N. iiriv fnrty yitrs Dr. H. . I'MTt-e. Iii.w cHii-uItinir ihit iaii in iln- Inv.iliils' l)t.-l itnil Mn-'i 'iil Iii-mnie. ;tt lliirt;ilit, N. V.. ili.-u"'iv( Unit I'V s.-iriitili'-iilly extriit'iiiiif iiinl fumlMiiinn fcrtain nifili. i ii a 1 pniu-iplt"' (rmii nsiiui' rimts, t a 1mi inmi our Ahhtumii ."riMv Ihm-miiIiI pm (tn.'f int'Wii'iiie lii'-li w .is in;iri'ltuly fllifii'iit in nirni-.' ' 'l IiI.khI ilionntor Hint liviT Mini stMUt.u'lt trnili'li- ll vc : many ntlnT rhnmu-. nr liiiitvriiiff ail ni',n''. Tlii I'uhii'iitr.itfil rtrHl nf Naitm' v i t h 1 1 tv In- iihiiuhI "tinlili'ii Mt'ii- l. al lHftv.'ry." I' pnriti.'- tin M i ! inittin tin' tiin;i.-it ;unt lii-r tutu ij.-.tliliv i-iniiliti.'ii. ih.'n-l'y In-lpim: llll' il.Ki'stiiin ami avmniUtioii nf fi l (..I- tin' !i!il. Tlnrfl' it tMtr' M-.tk HMiuitfli. in.iia-ti"ii. tirpi.l liver, ur Ul louiis. and ltitnlnil ihriinifi'ini'nls. It vnil have mnti'tl tonilf. Willi bittiT or had ta-li' in the mriihiir. frciin'iit h'iniii'h.i. (.M'l wt'jil.iMily liivil. -ut.-li.'s or pain tn sMi. ha.-k mvi'S nut i-ailv ami lihi's. U-l.hiua ft ir. ii. I'liii-tipaiinii, i.r Im-Kulitr Uiwi-l-. fffl Ila-lii-i nf In'at nl ItTiiMtiiig with chilly sfiiatiim or Uin- , dri'tl svmp',"1,J' ll,,y IHMiit to uVrainn' nii'iit of vnur "toinatMi. livr anil Uiilnoys whii-h lh- "(ionli-u Mtthfttl Di-euwrv" will t'urrt't't mon -pittlily anil (H-nna-n'ntlv than anv oths-r known iiL't-nl. Con tains no aii-oli.il or halnt-fonntiiK ttnis. All its inu'rr.lirnU priuu-il in plain Kim Ush on wraiMr. Tin' hi. It' motivp for jiiihstitntiou in to . permit tin ih-ith'r to inakf a lilih' inure pnthi. lit-ain-: von lo'. Aivt-pt noMiih stituU fur "(iuhh'ii Miiln-al )i-.t'uvi'r." t'oiiitipation raiiM't ami tiirirrttv iites many serioii" iliseasi. ll is 1 1 o r i i it I j 1 y ; niretl liy lr. Iii-ri"- l'lrasatit I'- Mi ts. One a Uxalivu; two or thnv are culhai tic omocaoi f SIX PIANO 1 For this week Conover I'iano.uprinlil $195. Wellington Piano. $45. Wheelock Hpri;ht, $85. Q Stieff Upright, IH5. Stiefl Kusewood Plana $80 Guild Piano, small size $30 All guaranteed to be in fine condition. All used. LESTER PIANO CO, Iu lS'i (irnnliy Ut , NORFOLK, VA. John J. Foster, Manager. Daomomora apr 191 I WZmhm rw4KV v. .?.. xt!t -j nr. fi' . r .n u.7 m mi. mm n a. h wi cr tu w I s mm The only excuse for buying anything but a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking Powder is to save a few cents in mice. (jJROAI, co;.i phate ot Lime powders, but it is worth far more than the difference to keep your biscuits, cakes and pastry tree irom the injurious cllccts ut these IJContinued v A m avo'.c! LC". ... - - SS&fc. THROUCHLIFE. Don't look for the Haws as you go through life; And even when you find them It is wise and kind to be somewhat blind And look for the virtue behind them. For the cloudiest night has a tint of light Somewhere in its shadows hiding; 1 1 is better by far to look for a star, Than the spots on the sun abiding. The current of life runs ever away To the bosom of God's great ocean; Don't set your force 'gainst the river's course And think lo alter its motion. Don't waste a curse on the universe - Remember, it lived before you; Don't butt the storm with your puny form, But bend and let it go o'er you. The world will never aditist itself To suit your whims to the letter; Some things go wrong your whole life long, And ihe sooner you know it the belter. It is folly to fight with the inlinite, And at last go down in the wrestle; The wiser man shapes into God's plan, As water shapes into a vessel. DON'T TALK AUOl'T IT If you are not well, don't talk about it. To do so only exagger ates your consciousness of physi cal discomfort. Also it casts a shadow of gloom over other peo ple. They grow hesitant about how you feel; ii gives them the cold chills to be continually told you are "not very well," or "not so well," or "probably "about the same." Probably you said these things so often that you say them now as a matter of course. It seems in credible to you now that you should ever feel really well, be cause you unconsciously made a habit to be ailing Do you know that a good deal of this is imagination? If you braced up and told people cheer fully that you feel lip-top nine chances in ten you would feel tip top pretty soon. You'd forget the ailing habit. i And after all what great difference I does it make, to any but your near ' est and dearest, if you feel well? ; Suppose you are even hampered by downright physical ills? Your work must be done just the same. : It can't be? What nonsense! Of ! course it can. I Consider the splendid people who have conquered desperate ( ills in order to gel their work done. i The woman who has something lo do doesn't ihave time 10 eoin- plain of not feeling well. - McCali's Magazine. Asthma Sufferers Should Know This. r.'Ifv'H Honey itlal Tal h is flll.ll ill liy C.iSt s- . i lis' hl.s.l lliat SS'I l'' f HI iiif I'elt ll p - less Mr. Atln'p'i I'lKsiii", THI West i'.i.l Street, liutellp'lt, liimi, ntes; "A ee vere colli ertutiHi'teil tsTelve trs ay ) was i.euiicifti niiiii it tinaiiy ijresv into mill- in i The bwt ititiiifui skill nvttii;,t,i, - euultl not ive me luuiti tliiitl ortlinary re Met- Foley's Houey and Tur w.is reeoin mendei. tiutl one fifty cent hoi tie entirely cured me ol asthma which hud he n Know ing on me fur twelve yearn. If I h id t,ik tu it at the start I ivou d have heen si.e.f ! yenr f sufferinn." ! For sale by E. ( Inrk, Weldon. N, f , This would be all our lieaven were love strong enough to wipe I out every difference and break ! down every barrier forever. SIT mmmu mmim (I'M facte from irapaCreaml'srtar you a tew cents more per can cheapening substitutes. use ol Alum means permanent I. 1 ! . n Aium Aliments say ROYAL BAKING POWDER l.onK Tennessee Fifth!. I'..l ISMinly .vtam W. I. 1,'assh. ul lli lls, 'IVllll , I'lMI 111 IIJSlI (Ml. Hill. lit' SSlillS. "The mscllitii anil miiciii'".s invili' my la st' :n liail'iil, till I lit!ait aiilyiny Hili -kit n's Allllt-a Salve lo the sole Mir I h i . IhiN e.uwd the Mii't-lle-.s ami ssseililu In ills., pn-al', llesi r In r.lnill." Mest salse ill exislelire. '.'."if. at tiny ilniiii-t. . Many men ought to be taken in to dry dock and have the barnacles scraped off. New Cure lor Fpilcpsy I. I). Walei man, nl' Wall Tlnsvn, i; T IV, sslitts. "My iall;;!ller, altl e'lit liireu-jt with epilepsy, ss as villi it y lr. klt'fi's , sv I. lie fills. She ins lint ll.i.l an iltlae'- fill u'el tsso years.'' liest h .it y ele.uisei . aiei lilt j,iviiij pit I h on laitli. .,.'ll. at all iliny. lure'. Vi'c need less advice on how lo get n job and more on how to hold one. Outwits the Surgeon. .V toinjilieulioh ol lea ale ItouhUs. wi'li ed irrlt of the Htoiuaeh and howels, hatl re dnevil Mis ThtH S Austin, f l.eavm Aoi'ih, In t., to n idi a deploiahV eoiidi liim; hut her hush.iml teuii fatal rihiiltt pKslpotnd this to iry Kleetrie Hitlers; autl to the i in limit of all vu I new l e this nitdie lie completely eured her. (Inar niiiee.l cured for tmpiil tivii, kidney di.i ease, hilionsties-, jauudie , ehill ami fe vet, nent'ial dehilily. io i vou-m ks und hhiod p lisoimiii. litv-t tome llinde, 1'liep .Ml-, itt an V dill M.-re "I'i v i(. Truth is an elastic substance. Life is made up of transformations. I'. Ie ill A Co , nl fliieai-.i , at win lul.tllll-. U Old l.H Olt'tl.inil. USrllll Ul n,is rt inai kaiiii' iiK.Mani ami titf lur the Kli'inafli fonluriM' tiill.v to all pi. is isiuiis ul' the National I'uie I 'uutl h ml lliuI lass . 'i lie Kotltil lalioratoiy is it wry larjif oiie. Imt il all thi'Mint-rpr. froni in- ttliri'stioll Hlnl Htoiliitell tralittliN I'Otlld I loinsv the virluei ct'Kotlol itssonttl ho im ,ossitile lor tlio liiHiilitai'tiirt's to keep up nilli tlic itt'tnaiitl. Fnlil liy W. M. Cohen, Welilon. N (!. The birds that sing the sweetest 1 songs build their ttests low. A tn.iu with a srainnt ankle will use a crutch, rtsl the uuUle.tu.l let it it well A mail or woman with an oervttrkttl Htoiiiacli. can't urn a crtileh, hut the siom nch tmiNt hive rtst jul theMtiiie. It can he resiol too without wtaivalion. Kodol will do it, Kodol piTliirnis the diedive woik of the tiled Moni.nh aud correct the ilieMtive H)nmiutim Kodtd ful'y coii lorumtiithti pro vis ion of the National Cure Food iiu lirug laws. Hold by W M Ouheu, Weldon, N. C. than Alum or Phos injury to health. l l plainly WOMAN'S INFLUENCE. tSeauty Is An Insignificant Power When Compared w ith Hers. So great is the inlhicnce of a sweet-minded woman, on those around her that it is almost bound- i less. It is to her that friends come j in seasons of sorrow and sickness, I for help and comfort. One sooth ing touch of her kindly hands j works wonders in the feverish child; a few words let kill from her 1 lips in the ear of a sorrow stricken i sister will do much to raise the load of grief that is bowing its victim j down to the dust in anguish. The 'husband comes home worn out with the pressure of business, and ! feeling irritable with the w orld in general, but when he enters the coy j sitting room, and sees the blae of j the lire, and meets his wife's smil- iug face he succombs in a moment : to the soothing influences, which j act as a Balm of Gilead to his j wounded spirit, that is bowed with j the stern realities of life. The rough school boy flies into a rage from ' (lie taunts ot lus companions, to find solace in his mother's smile; the little one, full of grief Villi her large trouble, finds a haven of rest on her mother's breast: and one might go on with instance after instance ol the influence thai a sweet-minded woman has in the social circle with which she is con neeted. Beauty is an insiguifi- cant power, when compared with ! hers. A -TKW DONT'S R)R MUSAM)S. D.in't forget that ihe sunshiny side of a wife's nature cannot out live coldness, indifference and neg lect. Don't growl about womanly ex travagances so long as you are keeping yourperson.il bills in good working order. Don't meddle w ith affairs of the house. The man who must know every little detail, and counts the cost of every household move is an unmitigated nuisance. Don't expect smiles and kisses from early morn till night for the comfort and hapinessof a man who has not soul enough lo appreciate her. Don't you forget that the patient little w oman that you call your wife w as once your sweetheart. A ca ress now and then, or a tender worci costs so little and means so much to the woman of your choice. A Texas Wonder. There" a Hill at Howie, Tex, tb.it tw.ci ii hi ; a, . year. This won tier is W. 1.. Hill, who from a weight ol HO j-.oumU has nn'vu. Io over I!!, He Mays: I "iillered with a tfrrihle emitih, mid dnctoiH K-te me up to die of Otinsmnpti.m. 1 was reduced to 9H pounds when 1 began taking I r. Kinu's Npw Uis covery for t'on-uuiiptiiin, ( '.Highs am' Colds Now, after taking I'i bottles, i h ive more than doubled iu weight and am completely eimd. Only huh Cough and ('aid cine (iuaranleed by all druggists, .Vic. and t Trial twltle free. God feeds no tramp. The big gest part of Providence is work. itrst aid rok' ovt:i.isrs. As lie spi ike her tiiei'e Ill IV- ii''e hi-, i.r. Ins voice a i iir .1 m sentnieni. She sin ! .1'. .!' !!e den Mtiile. lie ilitivuptiii m.m.I up l11 (nil Iicijjht iWv-i cd .iM'c ITiK vv.Hild h.r.i iii-;v'iiv-cried Millie gills, bat imt la; Mic let her eyi s drop. I le .is si.inK , imt oi hiiif-d!'. She iiiipicili.ilcly ptillvd heiself togrtiier with a mights eil'ort. Vs'hl.h in.tde him hc'crlir. votcc to a whisper. She resp'iinli'vl hy ii.v-mg her head in the air. At this his heart almost ceased to beat. I.tit he superhiy control led himself. As she turned to leave the room he instinctively followed her. There was a pause. A silence. Maddened by his silence, a sigh escaped her ruby lips. She had never been more ra diant than on lli.il evening. He remarked this to himself. Suddenly he lost his head. At the same moment she threw her head on his shoulder. We will now lease them to ! themselves. ill Interest AUiny. Ilveiy persun that 1 hi-ilth it inipos- ! sihle if the ki.li v- are il'-ivtn.'i .1. t'oli-y's ; Kidney mtl lil.Mhh'r ir i ami will Imild up am! s'inevtry Im in tU'DLith"!! these or:iim mi tliev will pit oi m llnii luiirlioiia ! properly. Nodanner ol' llrilii'-- tliM;te or ill ili. ten i 1'ott-y K nl in v (.'me taken i in lime. I'm Mii'e h.v 11. i Ink. W eU m, N. f. There's no use crying "Hold, enough!" lo the man slio drinks more than he can hold. g Yourself ii.ii i- i'i i ' S, ii' 11 s hi are ! li"'- Yi.'.i'r sv'iiM'.S S i t ll : he ;i arc r.hr .m.l MilV.cirM s!v; hin!v rs 'piii'i-s this uni'i i piii'iil l"i' I'l'i'iir work 'i:l it if t:. l". I' Ml! .!!. :is:-t V 'ii!, Iil'l'sol! !ir. i' i:ii'l;e. t -i'.!. ss cilal'le: li.i-.i' lir.u i:irl;e. nr", rali.i. i': ' i' hi. i r ;t. titf. ur !-.- r iiiliiiri'l hy a l.u'k i 't in i s e ! n o. It suit l.i;-ii!i'-s tu -r .i;i air le-tlrs-. I r. M ill's' Nil sine; it ! used lake It take itlus and -! I'll!';' t'.i';i s llu' in-rsos, and lii iiii;-. -ssi i t. i'i fi'i'shiii, hi'e-;;is in:; 1 ; . ami r ives the organs pusser to xsmk natur aliv. Trv ii tu d.iv. "I ha.l a left In i'i ef f. r, sviileh 11 lull 11.. t . ,,, 11:1 ef I lil.l :r ut i! it i.s-ni ssaa I ' 1 ' I ' a e N--11: il: I- t ni niel the tail! take e.rel ami ,,,f, 'fill, I'.e paias I ul. ss il ii. i . !'!. ! t At. Ill hit llle ml I ie. w k-'.iilualls Letter " V its i: i: nil unit i so.s'. 1 ll-iilaii Ase.. lielsiuvie, Ills. Dr. Miles Nervine la aold by your drugijlst, who II miarantee tli-t tr-a fiu,t bott'e will benefit. If it falls, ha will refund yuur money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind SKAJ50AUI) Air Link Uaiiavav DIRECT LINE To All Points I S T1IK ill. Mil HUM M It III.W I Mill I II and Ool'lll.i: DAILY SF.ltV 11 1'. HKTWI'.KN Huston, Nesv Voik, I'hilailelplint, Halti inore,Wiisiiiiion, Nut lulk.K'i' linionil, l!alfiill, Charlotte, W iliuinnlnn, Atlanta, I'.iiiniiiliaiii, Mem phis, t h il laiiiKina, NashsiHe. Muiitiiimiery, Mu liile, Ness Oi leai s. Colnmlua, Sa vannah. .1 ii k-onsil!e, Tampa ami A I. 1. I' I.O It I II A I'll 1 N I S. 0 Daily w TRAINS , NKW ttKK,VASIilN(; I oN.NtHa tH.lv F(H(TSMtHri , ASH ! ATLANTA, HIK'MINlil! M, M KM THIS, S WAN. NAM and .IACKSONVILI.E. TRAINS Ct.Ml'OsFI) OF j Vctihnle Pay Coaches, Pullman Piawing loom Sleeping Cars and Ihe Latest CAFF. IHNING C A US, : Karl)lKFCT CONNFCTION AT-TM Memphis, New Oilcans, and St Louis for all points in Ten as, California, Arkau- kis, Coloiadn ami the Northwest. ; INTKUCHANf. KAIiLK M I L 1-TaTi E i HOOKS good over 15 mill milt s of road. Southern Lints. , HdTFor time-table.-., Winter or Summer Booklets illustrative ot the Smith and ; SouthwcKt, apply to Seaboard Piifwengor Uepresenlative, or address, 0. R. KYAN, O. 1. A , Portsmouth Va ; C. H (JATTIS.T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. HOWARD F. COST, 2nd V P., I'ortsuiouth, Va. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Cmu-s all CoRl,S and assists in expelling f xnn and i ria CoMs f i Din tin: --.-1, tm,7.Z System hy ffA fcilu."" rntlymovins Ait- 'srfl the bowel s.tfiV.T" A certain curetV It cru.in and ffJ.Vj& J -liocf..ng.t.ou8h. JVM lr.d.Mrkl.s!s1.;rri. ENNEDYS im i lis a V. DoWITT f. I. ii i.,- W M CO., CHICAGO, U. 8. A. cil j , . ss ia nos-, sc A ITuV.U m n wtikKS, i.i :;i ol. n .'. i i:i;i:t, ri ri:i;sm itti. A. M SMI .inl lll'lls UK Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Hiiiii!i lon-lit imt Steel ,t Alexander, rounder, and inaehini-iN, whh all patterns j ure now prepared to furnish parlH to I ni iehillM rVn iiu-i I v made hv llieill. HYDRAULIC FRESSES and.., PEANUT MACHINERY" SiecUl ty Mill ... k S.rimi! hand I UN IH in ssiilr il ia-liiiH ul' all kiluln. Iiini i s r.irsiiluilnap. Cull - ss li.it s-iiii ssalil. ileal kedm linns For Cash i-t :.i M..iiiet'e i.'ni's, f ; '. !i Smyrna " 2 So 11(1 M'llelle Mil's, l,i It. 17 7"l l'Jte I lei'. i Malum, llle. 'J.'.r. " s,.. e.'!e. .'.ipalle-e " l"c. Sn: " " lHle. li.'ie Wn.,1 (':,! p In u 4.1'c, J."e W i 1 1 . 1 . . ss si, uli-s, 'iie. ae " " ;!7.lc '."'i' li S aul ss nil- l.ill'ilt lllii. 7ie 1 ."if " " " li."lf i;'.. n,i, o,i i i,,h. i-v l S.'i A s imn-ti l l ai petilii'. l!lf 1 In Iiiv.'n t'letiiif l-'nilnes, Ufa Wail paper. I. a anil He pi r lull A I.AIa.K sim K UK Talkinsj Machines, Graphophoncs, Kodaks, Cameras, ami supplies on baml at all timw, at tilt! sery loss est pl lee y. SPIERS BROS. wn.riux, n. c. choich ROSES ! Carnation-., Violets .mil other tlowem, alssass on l.ai .1. tsllusviT WMil( ltullill' Is, ll.intlsuiiie Floral DesiBiB. Folllllil out tlutir li.'lhlilie; planls, To iii.Ho, ( ahiiai;e ami oilier Vegetable l'laiils, Magnolias. OitlerH promptly I'xei uieil. Wiiie, 'phone or telegraph, H. ST13INMETZ, II.IIHIST, LAI.I'.Kill, NtlliTH f'AliOLINA. I 111 iv SASH,DOORSvBLINDS. M N I ri.H, Tt).i;n A (JKATKS, II H1MV ltl PAINTS.&C. I KWK1. 1 1 AK HIMI'ANY, Lj. Norlult,, Vn. , j OF I ALL AMi WIN I F.lt MILLINERY. FANCY COO OH and NOVELTIKS. Rutteriok'sPatterm. 11. & G. CORSETS, Mimea at olio. , Lediea 75c. to $1. ayft.l'ricen will be matle to Hnit the timea, Hats and Konnete made mil Trimmed to order. ' ALL MAIL OUIilsIs'S 1'liOM PTLY FILLKn. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. ' 'i v. 'ii. .: i ill f eS 'ta- -.1 '