i Tins of Subscrl j: .w Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. no. : : 01.. XLI. WKLDON. N. C. TIU'liSDAV, DKCKMl.Klt UO, 1! .Mi. Kiii.l Yon Hiivo Always Bought, nnl which lias heen uct 1" over ;n yenrs, lias linrne the sl"nutim it ana nan neeii mailit nnilcr liis pcr- y-fyU,, iiil miporvl.slmi Kiiwp its liif'.incy. 4.ttA4A' Allliltf nil IIIWV tiKli.fi.ivi, vim in 4 tils :' Counterfeits, Iniitiiliiins Hini ".1iist-as.giuil" nre lull x .n rtim nts that trillo with mill cnlnni;cr the- health ( !..'..ints and Children F.xperioneo iigaiust i:vi riiiii ut. What is CASTORIA ( ,-.( oriu 1h u harmless Hiibst it ulo fur Castor Oil, Pare ,.ii I Mop ami Soothing Syrup. It Is l'loitsiint. It I litis neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic siilisliime. Us nga is its ituarnntec. It di-stioys Wornm .1 1 :il!ays I verisliness. It eures Diarrliii'it anil Wind .ilU . It ri'lieies Teelhiuu; 'I'muliles, eiii'es Constipation rhilulene.v. It ussinilliites the Cood, regulate tho u i :k u ami ltowels, ni inff healthy and natural sleep, 'i In- Children's rniiueeu The Mother's l''iieud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of HCIOUNI) MIS CKKIil) An exchange says an lipiscop.il , clergyman traveling in Genrpu , met a native, also, hy liis own eon- Cession, an Episcopalian: "Who confirmed you'-" asked the rector. "Nobody. VXhat's ilrai?" "Rut didn't you tell nic you were an Episcopalian?" "Oh yes," said the old man; "and I'll tell you how it is: Last spring I went down to New Oi leans visitin'. While 1 was there 1 went tochurch, and 1 heard 'em say they had done them things they hadn't oughtcr done, and they had left undone them things they oughter have done, and I said 10 myself: "That's jest my fix, too.' I found out that was an Episcopal church." tiRAN MOTtlKR'S TALK. 4lH 1. f lay. " HAD THE COURAUE TO DO RIGHT. j tiii; iNH.ri'.NCi: oi: a ciikisti.w AKJI'lU'.k'S PKAYKKS AM) PAKT- - IN'', Bl.i;SSN(-, Till' COIIHA- j CHOI'S ACTION Ol- ONI'. YOUNCi j MAN Till; TI'K'MNC, IMINI' IN i tiii. i.i it; or oititk - sroin' Vt'lTII A Ml lU l.. Sour Stomrch No api-etite. r.s. head' '.j :A,VL 4 I KIND'S KYK VIKW-.I.VMESTOWX KX t'( ISITH )N' ! ( Ipciiiny dale. A l il Until. I!"'7. ! vcmlicr Sntli, I miT. her old ann ul y lie KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMl aiNTatl 0OH. t MURRAY TKIT. MIW OPR CTt. MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS OH.LLCORt. chill cure oo"'-" "th to chin TU"K,",ll?li"l"TTOII 8UET LUNG PLASTiR th.m.rk.t. "'.Y1,;orM,..,our j -orptlonlnourlnic ' -h. i'?.?: body-DU"u- , ehoco. PRICE, BO CEMTS. Take MoDUFFIE'S Little Blue Liver Pllle tor Constipation k.ul llutglert Llvera. Klc Duflle'a Romelloa are aolrt on a guarantee to do all we claim or your money back. Gran'nioiher says, while sittin there, At the fireside, in chair : "Ain't any Christmas now dear, ', Like the ones of long ago! When I was a girl there was more i of light An' song in the world a Christmas night; The green just blossomed over the while In the Christinas long ago." j She talks that way, 'cause she's old, you know, An' her hair is whiter than whiten , snow, i An' she thinks that her lime is come to go To a Christmas in the skies. Bui my arms around her neck 1 throw An' say, "Gran'nioiher, in the long ago, IShilo cdlie i 3 Qooljing the More than thirty years ago, one Lively Sabbath morning, eight young men, students in a law school, were walking along the bunks of a stream that Hows into the Potomac river not far from the city of Washington. They were going to a grove in a retired place, to spend the hours of that holy day nlavinc cards. Each of them had I men a flask of wine in his pocket. They Closing date, midnight. No-! were the sons of praying mothers. ; As they were walking along amus . - ... v . -. v:;-. i ing each other with idle jesis the 7 i bells of a church in a little village . about two miles off began to ring. ; It sounded in the ears of these i thoughtless young men as plainly As George ceased speaking, the tears were streaming down his cheek. He looked at his oinp m ions. Their eyes were lillal wii'1 tears. In a moment the rin? w!. they had formed ahum him wus opened. He passed out and vent to church. I le stmid up IV the right against great odds I hey admired him for doing wlmi they had not the courage to do. They followed him to the church. On their way there each of them (tiiel ly threw away his cards and his wine-flask. Never again did any of these young men play cards on the Sabbath. Erom that day they all became Six ol them died Christ ians, and are now in neaveu. George is a Christian lawer in Iowa; and his friend, die eighih of the party, who wrote this account, has been for many years an earn est, active meiiiDcr or me courcii. Here were eight men convened ! . , . by the prayers of that good Chris-: lYlflClllUGry , II i rrv,t ua ' ;h, f-i.cral liGbillty, sour risii.gs, ana in of tne :,tornach ar m!I aua to lnmeittom KIjI cure iiiliKMlmn. Tim new discov ery rcprrn'-.nls tli natural juices of digea tion as ill-v faisI Mi a hcallliy atomarh, continued Willi His rntai.st known tnnlo anl ro -instructive protiiies Kodol Dya-pp-.i Curo doei not only cure Indigeiilon an! dri-psn, bul llils lamoua remnly ciirao a.l alomat Iroutles by c!eaiain(. pwilyinr- 3W!t'.nli.g and sirenglhenirg tn- iiiti ,ou:, nitinUai.ts lirimg Ihe atoniach. Mr S 15 I. ill. ol R.vp '.v'iotl w v... MVi "I .rubd with ui ii..r.ch lor twenty y-ta. K I i -nr.-.) r..t und we new uslnff It In milk Kodol DigcstJ What You Eat Boltlisoiily. tl "j SI?- h .liiitiu 2S timet the trial 8iz- wnwri s- is f-:r sr. c-nti. Vepar.d by E. 0. D.WITT A 00., OHIOAOO. sill, Il It V V .1 'I I .. ia.11.1 - SI! A ITiP-Ul H'fA WlllK- i,,:ii tn.i . i i;i:i:t, pi. i i.itsm ho, v mam l Ani io-aiH 111'- i .... .,.....,.1 K..l',,.. riiri.-t.ii 1.- i'liil, Qnltip ii; iwwiL-iti' tin ttlr-nl JCSl Seillll UIUUIIU UUIi V vui iouiiu.1, i"ii-.' ""'" I " ' J . I T' ., nnl.r l.Muu ti,:v. ii, r,illcnii.,.rcH riohinl'h.n wben nieniorit-s over me steal: ' . rlnmnli !r wrrcnnlu nn the nthpr twn woman. AllU 11 we omy Miev, Say tollible a rly ol ttiornin s, wlien tlie stocK nas Deen given tneir nay, j sid(J of me Utile stream along which An the entree is simmerm sotuy, an me roosters crowm iei uay, An' you see through the small kitchen winder the moon like a breast-; pin of gold Fastened on to the bosom of darkness by the Lord before time wus so old. A silence conies, somehow er other, so plain it is mighty-nigh seen, Till you an' the past stand together, with seemin'ly nothin' between. An' I'm shore 1 have thoughts then that's better than the ever'day thoughts that I feel -Jest setiin' around before Christmas while Sallie is cookin' the meal. A feller don't never, I reckon, forgit the old mother an' home, No matter jest how you have prospered, no matter iest where you may roam; . An' they come puny plain at sich moments as they wus in the times gone by, Till you sorter lean back in the shadders to keep hid the mists in your eye! You see yourself once more a toddler, a-rompin' around the h arm there, , ' An' hear the old voice with the music to which nothin else can com pare; ' Then your thoughts travel onward an' onward as you think of your own boy, too An' wonder, wherever he's roamin', ef he ever thinks that way of 'omuay. P'CE, 28 CENTS. unit Did you have anybody to love you g0 ijve ,lus me p;lst years over, an' a glad son er sadness feel- Jest settin around tietore i,nnsttiias wnue auie is cqomii me mcai : her so An' she smiles an' wipes eyes. E. L. Stanton, in Atlanta Constitution. before he (jhristtnas indoiDi I t Sai r hy W. M i'ihiks WiMc.n. S. I'. W. K Uk.wam., Ki.tiiM. N C OL ao lb : Bant : ti : Wtlk, WKliDON. X. C. Qpized Diier The Lais of the Stale of North Carolina, ! Aikit sriiiiTi, tint State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax Couniv Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital am Surplus $36,000. 1?:,: Mi.tiev is limiwKl iion pp'iiv,.il -, tint n ui mi i ii 'itu ii. Innniit of all - The worst a problem can be is difficult. Every perplexing prob lem can be solved as surely as two and two make four some way. FRANK L. STANTON. I'llUSIOKNT: w. r ..win, VII-K IMII.SIHKXT.- l ASIIILU: nr. il w.irwis. w k smith. (.IjiUj.VinbJitt"" Co . N. I) mmnnmummmmmmmmm GARRETT & COMPANY, American Growers n POCAHONTAS; (Knl Srtltt-ltl"l'K1 rf ft k Pioneer u ft Was SIMM K.sliHI.ISHK.I IHitft. TPnT ALTIBS Every man journeys towards a kingdom where he is to be a slave or king. Woman's Trials. Tin I'ili'T trail in a wtitniin'ri lif It to t cliiUli.. Wliin'ini It-ll huw liuril the truiri:ii' itiitv liuvc Utii iti' nh' li-iirnt to ri'smii IhtwK in InT ! ly lot? Tho ali- M-n.r i,f thin link tn liinu iiiiintiil lid' luni-iliiT. tin. uIim iu'c ut thin ill"' ph'ilmi to niiilual nlTri'tiuti Is u omiiniiin iliMip iHiliitint'iit. Mativ iliif'rtiinnti' I'tiiinh's lv,im truwii'tlifivliv. Kvr-n it tlit-y dn iiait tin ft apart, iin miiy ri'ini tlio whole i't, lit u( tlu'ir iliMipimliitiiifiit in tin' 1'jv (if mi. Ii n iTillilh'', niiiph' wlii'ii they ri'st ill tlie rhihlri'li "f iillu'rs. Tn lliflll til" larci'l family il''s not t'i'tiltiKiiiiiini'riiii!l. In iiianv i'iisi'S of harri'iini'ss or flnlil-l.-i ii, -i tin' t.listut'le to 1'hilil-ln'urilH! ill ca-ilv ivtuoMil hy thi'i'iire of Mcakiipsson th,' purl of tin' woman. Ilr. I'ii'iw's T vuriii' I'ri'si ription has I.M'ii tlif mi'aiistif ri'lonni( lii'allli ami (ruilfiilni'ss to many a li.irri'ii oiiian. to tin' Krwit joy ol lite liiiiisi'liolil. in othiT. Imt ran' i-asi's, the olwtrui llon to Ihf U'lirinit of iTilhlri'ii has U'l'ii liiiiml to li of u nirun'Hl I'liarai'ti r, lull eil-Mly ri'lllnvahli' liv litilnh'S opiTiltlvft tri'iiiiiii nt ai tin' InvaliiU' lloii'l ami Sur iii.'iil liiitimt.-. llniTalo. N. Y..nvt'rhiiTi Ur. Pi.-rrcol tint " Tavorlto Pri'Si-rlption" fame pri'siilt-s. In all i-avs tvlirro ilnl ilri'ii an' di'Sii'itl ami art' iihsi'iil. mi i-liort slioithl ! tmuh' t" liiul out tl"' rt'al cause, siin'i' it Is iit'in'rally so easily removed hy nr'i r Irratm. ut. In all lie- larious neakuessi's. displace n, i,i,,li, nsiis. iiillaiuiuatli'll mid tle- bilit.iliui!. catarrhal drains and in all casts ot nervousness a tut delnlity, Ilr. I'i. r.'e's favorite i'r,-Si'riition i tin' most elh.-li'lit n inedv that can possihly he used. Tt lul to its credit lllltidrrds of thiuisillids of cures - more in fact than any oiler reinedv put up for sale ihroniili ilrusriiisis, itpeeinllv for woman's use. 'The innrisli-,-iits ot nhii-li tin- " Kamrite Prescript ioii is ,-"liisisid hate r ived the must sitite eliiioretlielll from the leadlltlf tueilicai writers on .lolirin .Wiifcti of all the 1'terol si'hisils of practice. All the initinlients are prlnled In (ihtln Km;lih on the wrapiMT emTo-slin the Imttle. sn that any woiiuin tiuikitm use ot this lilinoiis liiislii'ilie mav know exactly what she Is taMiiii. Ur. I'h rce takes nis pa tients into his full cniilidcnce, which he can niford to do as the formula after uhich I lie "favorite Prescription" is made will liear the mosi carelnl culm ination. Or. Pierce's Phasant Pellet ant tut best and safest hivallve for wouieu. We little folks been dreamin' all 'bout a Chris'mus Tree, Hut ihese here Chris'mus winders is 'bout all thai we will see; Fer Santy Clans likes rich folks, he's done fergot the way 'Cause no electric lights shine there wher' orphant childern stay! II. I wish that we could see him - cumin' down our chimney-place ! "Sis" says she would kiss away them wrinkles from his face! An', witli her arms eroun' his neck, you bet she'd hold him tight! Hut' we hain't had no Santy Claus since Mother said "Goodnight!" 111. II Mother now could be with us she'd say: "You needn't go A-wander' roun' the city Ter to see the Chris'mus show ! Eer Mother's thinkin' of you!"- But since she said 'Goodnight," Santy Claus can't find us, where there's no electric light " OPPERINU. Dear Lord, 1 come 10 Thee with empty hands No gift 1 bring. So busy was I that there seemed no time For gathering. To one athirsi beside me. Lord I gave The cup I bore. And to a weary comrade lent the strength He needed sore. A little, tender child, in tears, afraid, Clung close to me. And him I carried. So, to glean, my hands Were never free. Dearl.ord, ashamed, I hide my face! Through golden lands; And yet, ai last, can only otter Thee My weary hands. S P VIRCINIA DARE 7TH 6TATE BLACKBERRY m a watua MINNEHAHA. jwHIAWATHA (liry supufriumit) T- KcdCu liilwuuel ....... . f4 PAUL CRRETT SPECIAL -J., ,Spa,lilliitTlillll'll'i" ... n.i..' - n 'i Wlliihet t'asu 'lice. Paid in Sea.n h.ral aiiitis Nl ,ii. V A. t " .. u o. I 11, nonif iut jomoooi J SIX PIANO 5 BAK(iAliNb For this week u cMn.ei Tn! Test 25 Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic in. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Conover Plano.uprlght $l5. W'alllnortnn PIltnA. $45. YearS OWheelockUprUrht. $85.0 ., . . cue Stieti uprigni, i. Stieff Rosewood Plana w (luild Piano, small siM $30 DAII guaranteed to be j t: nilltlnn All H 111 hue miiuiuvii, ... ncprl. W ' 0 The sense of being forgotten by those you love is next of kin to death. i Asthma Sufferers Should Know This. 1'iilcy'a llniiey and Tur lias ennd uiny ' lies ol :l.stlll..utl..lt ttil.-f .li.idt i'd le p l.s. Mr A.li.ll.h Hllesill. Till West :lol Htiwt, Havflipe.il, Iowa, mrlles: "A eri. isihl ennlraited twelve tears 111!'! was lil'iiliTteil tllllil il lili.illy Itii'W into ll' mi The best medical skill uratlddc c.illlll not nive llie mine 1 1, .in ordinalv' re lie I Toley'a llolirv und lar was tie in. .lid, si mid imp lll'lv cent Imllle entirely cured me ul asllima wTiicli had lieen (tinvv inn on liie lor twelve years. II I had tak en it ut tlie atari I won tl h ive liecu stved years of stlffehntt " Tor sale liy E. Calk, Weldon. N C. they were walking. Presently one of their number whose name was George stopped, and said to his friend nearest to ; him that he would go no further, hut would return to the village and i go to church. His friend called to their companions, who were a lit- j tie ahead of him, "Boys! boys!! come back here. George is getting religious. We must help him. Come on, let us baptize him by immersion in the water." In a moment they formed a cir ' cle around him. They told him ! that the only way in which he could save himself from having a cold bath was by going with them. In a calm, quiet but earnest way, he said : "I know very well that you have power enough to put me in the water; and hold me there until I am drowned; and, if you choose, you can do so, and I will make no resistance; but listen to what 1 have to say, and then do so as you think best. "You know I am two hundred miles from home; but you do not know that my mother is a helpless, bed-ridden invalid. I never re member seeing her out of bed. I am her youngest child. My father could not afford to pay for my schooling; but our teacher is a warm friend of my father, and of fered to take me without any charge. Ele was very anxious for me to come; but mother would noi consent. The struggle almost cost her what little life was left to her. At length, after many pray ers on the subject she yielded, and said 1 might go. I tie prepara tions for leaving home were soon made. My mother never said a word to me on the subject until the morning when I went to leave. After I had eaten my breakfast she sent for me, and asked if every thing was ready. 1 told her all was ready, and I was only waiting for the stage. At her request, 1 kneeled beside her bed. With her loving hands upon my head, she prayed Many and many a night since then have I dreamed that whole scene over. It is the happiest recollection of my life. I believe that until the day of my death I shall be able to repeal every word of thai prayer. Then she spoke to me thus : "My precious boy, you do not know, you never can know, the agony of a mother's heart in part ing, for the last time, from her youngest child. When you leave tinme, you will have looked for the last lime, this side of the grave, on the face of her who loves you as no other mortal does or can. Your father cannot afford the ex pense of your making us visits du- The head waiter's success is ring the two years your studies likely to go lo his head. will occupy. 1 cannot possibly live so long as thai. The sands in the t:. , . ii, wm .V , , oi iw. t .imse , of niy ,lle have nearly lalsiratorv Kialul is prepared, assure lis , , r u' ,i,.,l,hi,',en,a,kai,ie.i ,,t .mi correc run out. In the far-ott strange live i..r the stomach contornis miiy to ail place to which you are going there will be no loving mother to give all the results of their examples , JShaitlllg, JrUiiey S, anu tneir innors we snouiu nave a . good illustration prayers. A Texas Wonder. There's a Hill al Howie, Tex , tli.fs ; twic as In- at last year. This won 1 derisW. 1.. Hill, vvhi) Until a vveijjht ul j lit! pounds has e!,,w!i to over li-n. He, says.' 1 siillcrcil with a terrihle eolith, and dociors c ivc me up Indie of j Consumption. I was reduced tn !m pounds when I lienitn taking lr. Kiiin's New His- ; covery for I 'ointiuipoun, Coughs audi Colds Now, al'li'i' taktui! T.' holths, 1 luve more than iloitlileil in weight and am i completely curtil. Only sure Cough iiunV Cold cute (Itlar.lllteedhy all ill ilggists, . .Hie. and St. Trial hottlc free. , , s of a mother's1 Agricultural Implements. Long Tennessee Fight. In twnnty y f;irs W. Uawls, ui BHls, '.Vim, Inn :lit ii.i.-ul cularrb. lie wriles; "Tlie RWi-llina unil smt'iievt inside my in sf wai tt;Hl'ul. till 1 Instil applying Itucklt'ii's A riiicii Siilvc to tin' :nr Mir I'ice; this r.iuscil tlir somif-s ;iiul velli!li! lo tlkipiH iir. iifvrr to r.-tuin." Mt-st siilvc ll) rxislenn' iV. :it iMiy til tiirit . , Heart Weakness The action oi the heart de pends iipim tlie heart nerves and niUM'h's. When from any cause they become weak or ex hausted, 'and fail to furnish sufficient power, the heart flut ters, palpitates, skips beats; an.l in its effort to keep up its wurk, causes pain and dislress, such as siiRitlierini; spells, j,hurt breath, fainting;, pain around heart, arm and shoul ders. The circulation is i n pe.lt'd, and the enlire Mtem suffers from lack of nourish ment. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure makes a heart strong; and vigorous by streng;theiiinir these nerves and muscles. "I hud palplt.ul'm nnd pnln around mv heart, and Die ilocturs s.tlil it was Ini-iiraia,'. I limi t l"li'e il now. for takiliK six li-ittl.-: Having liouglil out Steel & Alexander, rounders and machinists, witli ull patterns we are now prepared to ftmiis'.l pirts to machines formerly made hy them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES ..,,. PEANUT MACHINERY,.,,, Mill work anil CiLstings nf ul kinds. Second liati'i machinery for sale ( heap Cull ou us or wiiu f -r what jou want- (ireat Reductions For Cash !fl 7 Moqnelte Kngs, $2 75 J III! Smyrna " 'i 20 2,r no Moiitette rugs, Sixlii ft. 17 75 10-le t'hina Matting, 'Uc. a.-,c. " " ihc '2,'lc. .lapam se " 17c. !.j. " " lHje. (i.'ic Wisil Carpi lit g 4 1 If. U.lc Window shades, 20c. Tillc " , " 7jc n;,c 2 yard wide l.iliolttllll, 7.ric 7.V 85c liric IT.Hirtlil Clolh. 4Hc I Ho AMiiinstei Carpeting, Wlo 1 4il lilx'Jll Picture Krnines, H5e Wall paper, t. .'i ami lie per roll A I.AK1IK STOCK UK It vere infinitely better to sutfer keenly than to feel nothing at all. New Cure for Epilepsy. .1. V Waterman, of W'alcrlovvn, tl . Ii. T. P., writes.' "My daughter, alllictid lor years with cnile;i-v, was cured ny Ir. King's New l.il'c Pills. She lias not had for llcr yOUIlgt'SI child an attack f.ir iimt two years " llest hodv cleansers and lil'e giving pills on earth, J.V. atall drugstore. ,1 Or. Mile: ,,-ll'm.. , ,,.,. .nil is Ot til'' Nl'IVlIH' and llir.-e t.oxes of the Nerve und 1 iv, r I'llis 1 inn t 'itii- ly cui'd. and fi'.-l h-tl. f than t have for the years, ami it Is all tlue to lln-s-. I'MiihIk's. I want vou lo know that vour m.rlicines nn,, I mo. ll relii'vi'il me rem the first ilose. and 1 k'-pt rii-lit on till the pan in mv elu-t was Bon,-, and I kent oil feclini; heller even lifter I Halt taking it." JOHN 11- SIlKltMAN Helding. Mich. Dr. Miles' Heart Cura Is solo" by your druuqist. who will Qoarantee that the first Dottle will benefit. If It fails he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, and supplies ou hand at nil times, at the very lowest ptices. SPIERS BROS, wi:i,iK)N', n. c. CHOICE ll is safer 10 be a first class tink er than a second class philosopher. ; Outwits the Surgeon. A complication of female tniuhlis, w iHl Mlarih ol the stomach ami Imwels, had re hired Mis Thus S Austin, of Leaven worth, In I., lo such it dcplorali'e condi tion; hut her liiishand leaiing fatal results poslponul Ihis to try ITct trie Hitlers; anil to the l ur a mellt id all who slew le this tnidicine coinplele:,v cuied llcr. Hilar untied cured lor tinpid liver, kl luev dis- eii-e. Iiilioiistiess, iaiindici', cliills and le ver, geii'-ial dehilily. iieivoiismss and hhuid p ilsouiuir. llest lolltr inaile. I'rliC VI'. at any din tlore Tiy it. SEAnOARD ; Air Line Railway DIRECT LINE To All Points IN 1 11 K -i l I II. "-ul I lt-V km T, Milt I II and ' V.ltVll-VI I.KT. lKUIHLK IIAILY MF.UVICK BKTWKKN lioston, New Yolk, Philadelphia., Haiti. liioie.W'ashitlgloli, Nnrlolk.lti' hmonil, KalfiM,li, Charlotte, Wilmington, Allanta, llitniiugh.itu, Mem- pliis, Cliatlanooga, Nasliville, Montgomery, Mo hile, New Oileims, Colunihia, Ka vsnnali, .lack-onville, Tampa and A 1. I, K I, () K I 11 A - I'O I N TH. ROSES ! Carnation-, Violet? ami other flowers. uIwhvh on hai.d. Hhowor Wedditg luutiu-ts, Handsome Florril Deaigns. Pot and out door b ddii(( plauts. To mato, CitblKige nnd other Vegetable IMantfi, Mnolius. Orders promptly executed. Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STElNtVlETZ, t-'ltlBIST, KALEIUII, KOliTH CAROTIN A. 4 19 ly Daily TRAINS 2 SASH.DOORS.BUNDS.1 M ANTKI.S, Til (3 ti HI'.iTKS, 1 1 A It I ) Y A It I', I" A I S 1 8,&C TRWK T. f.l ARM OMI'ANY, l.li. Ni.iti.lli, Ya. MKTWKtS NKW Yt)RK,WASHINiiTi)N,NOItTOLK ! POKTS.MOUTH, ASH ATLANTA, IUKMINUIIaM, MEMPHIS, SAVANNAH ami JACKSON YILI.E. To condemn the traduced wiih- Q ; out a hearing is never honorable. Wj, J. WARD, I DENTIST, OFKI01 IS DANIEL BUILDINO, 1 Wf! N. 0. WELDON, N. C. . r u.lif. anil u.,, n me conria ... ',;r,nnUe...-id ia th. Bupruaa rartUfSu-. Special .tt-.Ua. g.r LESTER PUHO CO., lie. 1511 Orsnby St , NORFOLK, VA. John J. Poster, Manager pruvisions ol the National 1'nie I'immI and Ihntc law 'I he Kwltil hihoratory is a very l.iri;c imic, hut it all the suflVrer.-t from in-dir-stion and Moniach trouhltK could kiii w the viiluiM ol Kodol it would he im nosmh'e lor the imiiiulnetiiren U keep up with the demand. Hold hy W. M. Coluii, Weldon, N C. A apr 19 t Will Interest Many. Every person that gootl heilili i- iinpus ilile if Ihf kidr.eys are deranged Tnlet 's Kidney and liladder diseiis in ev i ry I'm in ami will hnild up and slrei'gtlie t thcue organs sn lliey will perlollil their I'niiclioni proprrly. No danger nf llriglit's di ease ordialitto! if loley'a Kidney Cure is taken i in time. I Tor nl. by E. Clark. Weldou. N. C you councel in tune of trouble. Seek counsel and help from God. livery Sabbath morning from 10 10 1 1 o'clock 1 will spend the hour in prayer for you. Wherever you may be during this sacred hour when you hear the church bells ringing, let your thoughts come sii,,rn Lines. back to this chamber, where your dying mother will be agonizing in prayer for you. But I hear the : stage coming. Kiss me farewell!" "Boys, I never expect to see ? ' m ninihpr no-nin nn eartn. nut Joars tho yTT . yCf . tl. . . , , eV.j i Ctfvv77&&&tf j "y me neip ot uou, i mean iuiui TRAINS CliMTOSKI) OF Yestilitile Pay Coiishes, Pullman Drawing Konm Sleeping Carrand the Latest. CAKE DIN1NO CARS. By their works watches. CASTORIA Far Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought WrniHKCT CONNECTION AT" Memphis, New Orlenus, and St Louit for ull puinU in Tenia, California, Arkan sas, Colorado and the Northwest. INTERCHANGEABLE MILEAGE HOOKS good over 15 mill miles of road. Sigaaturo of I her in Heaven.' HarM-'or time tallies, Winter or Bummer ! Booklets illustrative ol th. South and , Southwest, apply to Sealioard Passenger : Reprfscntative, or addres., ! (!. It. UYAN, (1. P. A , j Portsmonth Va C. H.OATTIS.T. P.A., 1 Raleigh, N. C. I EDWARD F. COST, 2nd V.p., Poitamouth, Va, FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Batterick'B Pattern.. II. & G. CORSETS, atlases at 50c., Ladies 75c. to $1. HBuPrlcea will be made to .nit th. timea, HaU and Bonnet made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. M Mllaetwaa aaa areaaa. 1 l m i- .' r"

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