Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. 'i -rms of Sub' cr: ion--$1.50 Per Annrm VOL. XL1. WELDON, X. ( ., TIIITHSDAV, .JANUARY U7. NO. 35 . , . "TMnriiiwii'MMii I Voil lluvo Alunyil I)mif(lit, find which hit liccu I'm' over !U yrar, linn homo tlio xltfiiiilimc of ii nd Iiiih 'f, wml miprrvlNlou Hlnco Km liil'mity. MCAM; Allow no one totWclvo yu hi thin. niiiiliTl'clts, I iiiltatimiM nnii " JiiNt-AH-ood " nro but r'-.ii' uiK tlmt trlllo with and ciKluncr tho licullli of :iml Children Experience uguinst Experiment. at is CASTORIA .1-iii-:. Is a hnrnilpHH substitute for Castor Oil, Pure-u'i.-, I ii ups and Soothing Syrups. It Is 1'leasmit. It , . iius m.i'.lur Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotie , Hi'Miiiicc. I Is nge In Its guarantee. It don troy Worm ,mi I allays l'cvcrislnicus. It cures LMurrliu-a and Wind ( ,1m . It ri'liewj Teething Trouble, cures Constipation anil Matiileiicy. It AMHiniilutes the Food! regulates tho : ..hikicIi and ltowclH, giving healthy and natural sloep. '!'iu' Chiidreu'tt Panacea Th Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have In Use For Over TMt OtNTUH OOMMHV, VI MUI MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CUM. chill cur. eonUihjB q oh(, IM mirk ,X. V 'in, ncre..your tndmnio..-- - ,- redblooa. libod-lullcllnK" . no .,..nlIih. nin' . nd children Ilk it PRICE, 60 CENTS. TaKe MoDUFFIE'S Little Bluo Liver Pills for Constipation i..,d Sluggish Llvsr. MoDurne's Remediee are sold on a guarantee to do all we claim or your money back. Khh s4i k hv W. M. C mikx, W. ldnn, N- '. W. E IlKAVANs, F.nfalil, K. C. uttwomnM at h : Bank : WKLDDN, N. C. ml Under The Lais of tie Slate of North Carolina, Al!GtOT OTI, mi State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town ofWeldon Depository. i!?..?M1L $36,000. 17.iK 14 veor this in'-litulion hnsiinivided bi.nkinii liinlilifs fr Ihif 1 tion liHstcklmliliTS nti.l ilirwtors Imvoliei-M ulnnllliwl ilh the - Imoiuww ititrrestM ol il ilifix :iil Ni.tlhiiniplmi i-onniirvs lor many ye in Moiiry is lirinwl upon pprnil HtM iirit ut 111 U-iial rati-1 1 inli n-t-six per oein.i-n ArromitM of nil are flilirileil VICK-MFNinltNT: CASIIIKK: Dr. II. W. LEWIS. W R. SMITH. (MsDD.NurikaniftoD Co, N. C) w. r ihmij.. 1 GARRETT & HlH 3 H tew iMTITW Pioneer Artai ESTABUHH'eI) 115. fk ESTABUHHEI) S V BCIA VIRGINIA DARE OLD NORTH STATE &HIA W ATHA PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL- . -r (hparKJing ;ill ether T.rietieaof Pure and Whole-otp. Wiowior do mcsam. '" f WUI1K-hest Cash Prices Paid in Season foral kinds of: small J''lc Western lirancb, St Louis, Mo mm ?. mmmmmmmu Has Stood The Test Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. W. J. WARD, DEXTI8T, "OFFICE IN DANIEL BHItDINO, WELDON, N. a HI y been nuulo iinilcr IiIh iior- Always Bought 30 Years. . NtW YORK OtTV. B833SI TURPENTINE AND miit. SUET LUNG piJJsTIR. couB;,,p7.uAr!CmBa:r!Whoop" Pn.unionla and n d Pf6V8n" 23 CENTS. of : o COMPANY, ir.-i n II til Tl jr. 11 IC Hon, u K5T'v i - JB - lX- Xj T I E S ; f POCAHOKTftSj: BLACKBERRY gg M' flILHifl A U vnaiupngiir; - - , ... I1UIUC WI1IW IWiaa vru.. jjj T. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices la the courts of Halifax and adjoining conntiea,aud Id the Bupreru court oftlwSUU. Special tttentiongiTeii ts callMtiau ud pomp ratanu. 31 1 w-. - - " -w- - - One of the most imposing buildings at the JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION will be the beautiful Auditorium and Convention Hall, where many national and inter-national congresses will be held during the Exposition period, next year. It is one of the permanent buildings of the Exposition, being a handsome structure of brick, stone and concrete, surmounted by a dome 85 feet high. It will be equipped like a great theatre of the modern type, with an immense stage, which will accommodate 200 people. The Auditorium will have a seating copacity of three thousand people. ONEJ DAY AT A TIME. One day at a time conscientious ly lived up to will keep the eyes bright and the cheeks round and rosy. Don't begin to worry about things days before hand. It will be time enough when ' they hap pen. It is ihe dread of what may : come, not what it is, thai makes -one old before the lime. If you I lie awake half the night' worrying about something that is going to occur the next morning you will ! be far less able to face bravely and work out the problems than if you had made an effort and thought of something else till sleep came. It is not half as hard as it sounds and will grow easier every time you trv it. Perhaps after all, the dis aster will not befall y ou or will be less awful than you anticipated and just think what a lot of unnec ; essary wrinkles you have worried 1 into your face. TH1- BEGINNING OF STRIFE. "For goodness sake !" exclaimed Mrs. Skrapps, "what are you al ways complaining for? You have not anybody I io blame for your trouble but yourself." O, I admit I proposed to you. You needn't be throwing that up to me," replied her husband, sav agely." Philadelphia Press. .wfcaLawaaaaaaaaBaaBBaaaaaai Bad Stomach Makes Bad Blood. You can not mnko swpcv butter In a foul, unclean churn. The stomach nerves :'.s n churn in which to agltalo. work up uni disint.-irruie our fMnl as it Is Itches iliKcsteil. If it lie weak, slutrulsh and foul the result will l torpid, sluggish liver and luul, Impure hlocxl. The Injfredlcnt.s of Dr. I'lerce's (iolden Mimical hiscovery ure just such us liest serve to correct mid cure all such de rangements. It is made up without a drop of alcohol In Its eiui)iositlon; chem ically pure, triple-relined glycerine Vina used instead of the commonly employed alcohol. Now this glycerine is of Itself a valuable medicine. inteu 1 of a deleteri ous agent like ulcnhol. especially In tho cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia and the various forms of indigestion, l'rof. Finley Kllingwood, M. I)., of Medical College. Chicago, says of It: "In dAsiH'psIa 11 serves an excellent pur pose. It Istuie of ill liest nitnufact ured pniducls ,f the present time in Its acllitn 11 iMiti enfeeltlcd. dlMiilcml stomachs; eMieelally If tiien1 is ulceration or caunlial gasli'itlstcytarrlud Inllaniiuatloliof stotuacli). Il Is a most erllclciil urei'aral lull, tilyeerlnp will relieve man) cases of pyrosis diearlliurn) mil excessive gastric acidity. II Is useful In etinnitc tulesiiiial UyiK-pla. esotH'ially the Haliilent variety, and in certain forms ot chronic constlliatioli. stimulating the secre tory and excretory functions of the Intestinal fl Mltl!-" lien combined. In Just the right propor tir.i.s with Culilen Seal risit. Stone root. lllack Cherrvlmrk. yucettji loot. HIikkI rnot and Mandrake riit.,ortheextractof tliese. as In Dr. Tierce's (lolilen Medical lllsfoverv. there can lm no douht of Its ureal ellicacv III the cure of all .stomach. liver and intestinal disorders and derangn- nicnts. These several Ingrwiienta nav the strongeat endorsement In all such . rises of such eminent medical leaders 8 Prof. K. Bartholow. M. I)., of Jellerson Mist ical College. Chicago! Prof, llulinrt A. Hare, M II.. of Mtsllcal lleiiartniem, l.'nlvcrslly ot I'a.; l'rof. Laurence Johnson. M. 1 1., Misilcal tleuaitiiient. I'lllverslty of New Vork; I'nif. K.l.oi M. Hale. M. II.. ilalitienianil Medical . i'..u.. i 'l,i..ffo 1'i-uf .l.,lin M. Hcuililcr. M. . and I'nif. John King. M. IV, Authors of lh . American Dlsts'iisstory. anil score or otlieri il.u l..Ui, iiu .llcal men of our lallll. Who can iloiil.t the curative virtues of a medicine the Ingredients of nhlch hav such a pnifrml'iiiul endorseineui? rinsiliinilon cured hy Distor I'lercn't I1iiaiil Tellaw. in' or two a Uoau. u SIX PIANO BARGAINS For this week Conover Piano, upright$l95. Wellington Piano, $45. Wheelock Upright, $85. D Stieff Upright, $185. Stieff Rosewood Piana $80 Guild Piano, small size $30 All guaranteed to be in fine condition. All used. LESTER PIANO CO., Inc 1M Orniihy fit , NOIiKOI.K, VA. John J. Foster, Manager. n laoaoaoE pt 19 3f """ IV - " - ? U. X p-"i IT AUDITORIUM AND CONVENTION HALL. THE FACE AND FRANK L. A face looks on me from the misty pages And strangely now a Spirit seems to say: "Over thy dreams sad Time hath rolled the ages" And yet 'twas yesterday! Without, the snows of weariest winter falling, The world is voiceless, and the hills loom gray. Have ages passed since crimson May was calling? Heart, it was yeserday! Yet in a night, a morn so strange this life is! The heart can live long centuries and be Exalted burdened, where the bitterest strife is, With all Eternity. The same sweet face as though the bells were ringing Love's marriage to the garlanded, sweet May; Red o' the lips the red lips made for singing The souls of men astray. Face, lips and eyes wherein you may discover All all of heaven 'tis given us to know; I cannot read there that I was a lover, I died so long ago! Died while those lips were sweet with kind replying Sweet as the nectar that the bees would drain; Died, with the keenest pangs of all the dying, To wake to live again! Oh, face, enshrined here in these misty pages, Too bright for tears, unanswering when we pray, Give back the dream that shall be sweet for ages Love's dream of yesterday? TACT. "The Woman of Tact Sees All And Sees Nothing; Hears All and Hears Nothing." What is the most popular quali ty in woman.-1 I he question was 1 1 rote a letter, intending to In suggested," writes a Parisienne, i close the bill, but somehow I failed 'by a cosmopolitan reunion of friends in Paris one night this week, and the various opinions given supplied food for thought. The European countries were well represented half a dozen Pari sians, four Spaniards (two of each se'x), a Russian, who had been a famous beauty in the years that are gone by, one Irish woman, who had to represent the British empire in her own person I he Parisians, without excep- tion, declared that esprit (vivaci-! uosly)wasthequalitywhichgleaned most love, the Spaniards voted for hMMtv nnrl the Riiwiuns fur tw- sonal magnetism. The Irish wo - man tentatively uttered the single word tact. Everyone took part in the dlSCUSSlon With real DleaS- ure, but when 'tact' was the sub - ject-matter it was a case ot eleven voices to one. They all agreed that this quality, though eminently desirable, was too imperfect1 to at tract love. "I wonder if readers of this par agraph will also deride 'tact' as a magnet oflove. Personally I think it represents the axle on which the ! wheel of happy life revolves. The woman of inborn tact is a creature , of whom men never lire, to whom j girls cling. If she be beautiful and witty, so much the better; but she ! ...:tt ,, . 1... :., ,.r , i,., ,i:,; will not let either of these qualities ictip iu inc Minute. It is a well known fact that tor- giveness may follow in the train of pnysicai injuries, out never in mat of wounded feelings. It is equally rx tVn r- r i' t TLk r-c All O rACAnl tU t inn rer.inH.rl nf vrenknePt The '"6"-. u-niiiBii nf tnr-t rpps a and sees nothing; hears all and hears noth ing London Tribune. A Modern Miracle. ''Tiuly miraculous seemed tbe recovery of Mrs. Mollis Ho't, of this place," wiitefl J. 0. R. Hooper, Woodford, Tenn , "she was so waded by coughing tip puss from her longs. Doctors declare I her end a near that her family had watched by ber bedside 48 hours; when, at my urgent retoeiitDr. King's New Dicove y was given her, with the astouisliing result tint improvement begun, and rontiuued until she completely rt covered, and is a healthy woman today." Onara teed (tire fir I coughs aud colds 60.'. and 1 1 at any I druggist. Tiial bottle free. -A -i r ,' iff .-. THE DREAM. STANTON: NO OTHER NEAR. A senator hurried into the Uni ted States Senate chamber one morning early, and said to a page "Young man, did you find i $10 bill on my desk last evening ? to do so, and led it behind dn the blotter." "Yes, Senator," said the page, taking out his wallet. "I did find mat dim, ana nere it is. Ana u s a lucky thing for you, sir, that none of the other senators hap pened in before I saw it." THE THANKFUL BROTHER. One of the old-time Georgia brethren made the following pray- er at a week day meeting recently: : "Lord, we thank Thee for fflmilv of n rhilHren and ihmioh ! I 1 ... .,M . k i.. ,1. ...... , never had 'Cause to complain; and : we're thankful, too, that, though we raised no meat this year, we havp nlpntu nfen n' irrPnsanrl 1 t,e squirrels and the partridges are plentiful and fur more fillin than bacon at 15 cents. We don't deserve all these blessings, but we've got 'em just the same, and 1 we're grateful enough to shout i halleluia on the morning hill!" Atlanta Constitution. WORTH KNOWINO. Most of the pulmonary troubles enms from rnl.l nr uel tret. kVen ; your feet warm and dry and you I j - r 6' ""P1' Mn,lirmp ,M nrp ,,,, ,, n,vpr . .an cinnn a crr.iii iin m .vnnci r. sl,frr fmm Fmwn nr rhillpH feet because ,hev nut nowdered sul phur in thejr shoes or socks This is worth knowing' i knew a farm- : . who nul a Ieasnoonfui 0r re(i Wcl 111 llucs cvcl wl"lcl . . . ... ... L, iiiuiiiiiik uciyic eoiiik oui iu m - , labors, and he never suttered from cold. He knew nothing of the uses of sulphur. New York Press. May Live 100 Yean. The chances for living a full century are oxccllent iu thecase of Mrs. Jtnuie Dun cau, of Hnyuesvil e, Me., now 70 yearn old .she wrttea tiectrio Hitters curod me of ( hronic Dyspepsia pf 20 years standing, and made me feel as well and strong as a youi ggirl" Electric Bitters cure Stom ach and Liter discasra, Mood disorders, General debility and bodily weakness. Sold on a guarantee at any drug store. Price only BOc. AN OPPORTUNITY. Temptation Bides Its Time To Suit Our Mood And Temper. We may escape bereavement, violent pain, bodily accident, but man never yet escaped temptation. How subtle it is, how patient, how obsequious! How it bides its time to suit our mood and temper! We thought we had said farewelljo it at five-and-twenty; but at forty, with a changed face, it is still whis pering. It reaches us in the dear est relationships of home; it follows us through the crowded streets into office; it goes with us into the silence and glory of God's world and where the peace of heaven seems to be brooding, it is there until at last, deeper than all divis ions, we come to apprehend our shadowed brotherhood, for we are all tempted men and women. What then, is the meaning of that fact? Are we merely the ports of powers that seek to ruin us? If that were so, I should cease to be- ieve in the omnipotence and care of God Almighty. But I think of temptation as a noble penalty; as the price I am bound to pay for my free will; as the inevitable struggle of a being who is great, just because he has been gifted with the power to choose; and though the struggle be not less keen when I think that, and though never a week may pass without some failure, still to be tempted now is not to be degraded; it is part of the cross which is my crown. Never say when you are tempted: "This is degradation." Say that when you fall, not when you are ,emp,ed' Never saV whe you are tempted, "This is bestial I do not think that the hearts are ever tempted. Say rather: "God help me, this is my opportunity; 1 suffer this strain just because I am free." Slowly, with every sin forgiven in the blood, and every effort seconded by heaven, may a man draw nearer to true strength of character. George H. Morri- son Neary e,erT v" wl' is suhjpct ' I tacka from tho stomach snffew frm amor reiief, that iihr-fonrih starvation, and W tmd milk, on th other laud you 0111 JO p1" '''8elt tooi ,,1C m 01 a R',on ulK"m, tlltt I lug the tired stomach eqti ally us much r, st Eat what you please and take a lit tle Kndol fur Indigestion itftcrymir meals. It digests what you eat. old by W hi. ohen, Weldon. V. 0. I le gets little good out of his own faith who sees no good in any other. Food don't digest? Itocauae the alomacll liicki sume one of the (llgeatnnts or the di gestive Jtilcea are nd proper' balanced. Then, too it la the unlimited food that "" '"i and piiuful indigestion. tcstion should bo used for u a suiuiion of vrglU iti what you eat, and cor- KnM Indigcalii rellel. Kudu! I " "' aeitla It iliusl. wlinl vnil . wis me nenctencirsoi lie uigesttou, KO- L.., .r. ,... kD ,.,. and Drim Law Sold by W M Cohen. Weldon, N. C. That day best fulfills its purpose which is a preparation for the next. Mother's who give their children Kenne dy's Laxative Cough Syrup invartihlyen dorseit. Children like it because the taste la so pleasant Contains Honey and Tar. It is tbe original Laxative Cough Syrup nnd is unrivalled for the relief of croup. Diivea the cold ont through tbe bowelsr Conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Bold by W M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. The proof of a faith is not in its prestige, but in its present power. . When the cold winds dry and crack the skin a box of salve can rave much discom fort In buying silve look for the name on the box t avoid any imitations, and be sure you get the original DeWitt's Witch Hael Salve Bold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0. A Boston schoolboy was tall, weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body. The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scott's Emulsion. NOW: To feel that boy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ALL DRUCCIISTSl BOc. AND $1.00. THE TRUSTS IN BILLVILLE. - A 'possom trust is the latest. Now watch us carve it to the heart. Turkeys are almost as high as our hope of heaven, and just about as doubtful. The candy pulling which was scheduled for Wednesday evening will not take place. The candy trust absorbed it before it had pulled ten yards. So far the whiskey trust has been unable to absorb the moon shine distilleries, which in this dis trict are as frequent as the measles, but far more popular. It's well that the silver dollar has that legend on it, "In God We Trust, ' ' but even with that it doesn 't last long in this community h L Stanton. Keep Your Nerve It is nerve energy that runs the organs of your body. The storage battery is the nerve rolls in the brain and spinal cord, and from this battery nerve force is sent out through the svstem of nerves. To keep the body healthy you must have plenty of nerve force ; if you have no't, the organs work imperfectly, the circulation is sluggish, digestion bad, appe tite poor, kidneys inactive, and aches, pains and misery are the penalty. You can keep the system strong with Dr. Miles' Nervine. It assists in generating nerve cnergv, it strengthens the nerves and makes the whole system strong and vigorous. '"I take pleasure In recommending Ilr Miles' Nervine to those sufferinj from nervous prostration. Insomnia nnd melancholy. After several months suffering from above diseases T tried this medicine and found Imme diate relief. II soothes and strength ens the nerves, chases away the Kloomy and depressing thoughts and gives the sutTcreT renewed strength and hope. It la a superb nerve re storer." JtTDGE JACOB HERMANN. Madison, Wisconsin. Dr. Miles' Heart Cur la told by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind SEABOARD Air Line Railway DIRECT LINE To All Points ik Tim t!t;rll, XOl'TH-WKHT, NORTH and M.HTII-WIlST. DOUBLE DAILY BEKVICE BETWEEN Itwton. New York, Philadelphia, Balti more, Wnahinatoo, Norfolk, Ki' hmond,. Kaleigh, Charlotte, Wilniiugtou, Atlanta, Birtninghatn, Mem phis, Chultauooga, Nashville, Moutgomery, Mo- hile, New Orleans, Colnmhiu, 8a- vanunli, JackaoDvllle, Tampa and ALL- FLORIDA- POINTS. ! Dfl,il V 0 ' I '' , fl "I3 A T C! y BKTVt KKM NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, Noli FOLK PORTSMOUTH, AND ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM, MEMPHIS, SAVANNAH nnd JACKSONVILLE. TRAINS COMPOSED OF Vestibule Pay Coaches, I'ullruau Drawing Room Sleeping Cars and the Latest CAFE DINING CAR8. HOT DIRECT CONNECTION ATI Memphis, New Orleans, and Bt Louis lor all points in Tcius, California, Arkan sas, Coloiado aud the Northwest. INTERCHANGEABLE MILEAGE BOOKS good over IS 000 miles of road Southern Lines. Mr For timetables, Winter or Sutnra. r Booklets illustrative ot the South and Southwest, apply to Seaboard Passenger Representative, or address, 0. B. RYAN, O. P. A , Portsmouth Va. C. H GATTIH, T. P A Raleigh S EDWARD F. COST.Snd V P., Portsmouth, Va. PI'OMATIOX IKON UKKS, 2K to ;!4 OLD B I UKET, IMOTKItSIUmo. VA MANl'FACTl'KKRS OF , Machinery, Shafting.Pulley:?, Agricultural Implements. Having biaight nu' Stt-.-1 & n I'otniiiers and nmclutiis's writ it we are now prt-paml to fu nis p r miiohinentbimerly made by iheiu. HYDRAULIC FFUSSFS ,rt I PEANUT MACH.Mrtiy" . Mill work an'l castings of al' kiwis Sci'oiit i:iin.i macni'urv f n..:ec"'ii on us or write l'r wmit tu w Great Reductions For Cash $3 75 Moiitiette Run, $i 75 2 00 Smyrna " if SO 25 00 Moquette runs, Hxl'2 It 17 75 121c China Malting, '" 25c " " lf 22jc. Japauese " t7c. 25e. " " lHjc. C5c Wool Carpetirg 40c. 25c, Window shades, 2nc 50c " " :nje 5c 2 yard wide I.inol.utu, 75o 75c " " " 65c (15c Floor Oil Cloth, 48o 1 H5 Axmini-tei Oarnetinit, to 1 40 16n20 Picture Flames. Sc Wall paper, 4 5 and flc per roll A I, A HUB STUCK Or Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, and supplies on handat all limcx. at the very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS.j WELDOV, N. 0. CHOICE ROSES !' Caruationa, Violets andoth.r flowers, always on band. Hhowrt W.ddi g Houquete, Handsome FIomI I la gns, Pot aud out door btddi"g plants. To. niato, CUbbage aud other Vegetable Plants, Magnolias. Orders promptly ei utwl. Write, 'phone or telegraph H. STE1NMETZ, n.ORlHT, KALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. 4 19 ly OF -FALL AND WINTER- MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES Butterlck'sPatterns. H. & G. CORSETS, Misnes at SOo. , Ladies 76c. to f 1. K3uPrces will be made to anit the tiroes, Hats and Bonnet mads sno Trimmed Ui order ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. M. V A LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. C.