M, Sri 11 ila" Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. XM. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WE I, DOW W (., TIUKSDAY, .JANTAI.Y 10, HM7. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum no. :k; ii or mmmmmm .. rn .ir1:,i.ai,i;ii.l:'iiiiMWi.ii ' rL'cl.iMePreparalionrorAs- ; i inil the Fixxl and Rcgulu - inn! the btouwcte anfl uoweis a H mmies Digealionhwrful , s mid llesl.Conl.-iins neither I immi, Morphine norXiiicral. or N.vhcotic. ..yiUO-SMlTLPIKHtft HnyJiM Set J' . .0 .tmM. J liMU M - I .fat. W f.l l'rMU I Aimfrcl hVirwtly forConstina lnn, Sour Sloiiwtch.Diarrlioca U'i ir ins , 'onvulsioits .re wrish- m is and Loss of Sleep. hat Simile Snjniilurc of X KW YOHK. LVACT COPY OK WRAPPER. MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CORE. ohllloU7J I I i.ih to chill. ,n. rri.rbet. ' ,.,our ,d "''' "X'rtoh ,.d blood. " ', bd? h. P' M cho i.ta te.te and children PRICE, aof T.L. U.nillllff'B I llllk ,w luggi.h Liver. Mc Duffle . Remedio. are sold on a guarantee to a do all we claim or F'lBSu.g ii v V. M. CoilKX, Weldon, : lie : Bask : of : Weldon. WKU)ON. N. C. Hmid Under The Lais of the Stale of North Carolina, AlilU'ST'JoTII, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Vi'eldon Depository. I7V" 14 years this institution hss provided hanking facilities for tins i seitino lwntTklml.lpri. ami ilirwlnti luivflipni iilfiitili.il nil the - lm.iiiM interwUiil H.ilil'ix ami Sc.tlli.inipt.m iniimii- lor many vpirs Jlmift in I.miimI llill aipnivnl liril :it ill- li-gal ratf "I ml.n-t-sll JUT ifimin. AccimiitHol iill nrr sjlirilr.l ri'-KHIUKXT: v. r Lii i , VIl'I r.r.ii (Jackson. Ntn ihamf mmmummmmnmummmm 1 GARRETT & n Pioneer file IcllcSW IVi ' U Halt HM alH' lw i i ESTABLISHED lttfft. a r jtj u x it. U u OLD NORTH STATE H . Aff i HIAWATHA MINNEnli"H WtV-tI.) (I)ryS.-,,,peroong) W PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL 2A (SiwrkliuK tbanipanue) 3S , ,r ... Aim all other Tarietienofl'iire ami am.HI.ht r..i. IM.. ...d in Bemwu W, l.Trv, K, .mi. U. Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic NwCiire-No-Pay. 50 cents. W. J. WARD, DENTIST, -OFFICB IN DANIEL BUILDING, WELDON, H. a Mil im . r ..tajaas8iaEii All U For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hate Always Bough! Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTO TURPENTINE AMD MUTTO ronchm. i-.u" Couh. Cold. Pntumonl. . "! n! Pnt. 1 "f.and9Ur" onumPlon monla and Com J J ) PRICE, 25 CENTS. ' 1 1 tv PR'CE, 28 CENTS. I I .. . . Dill. ... pAn.tlnatlnn . 1 ...... , W your money back. N C. W. K lie vv.vxs. I'.nrii M, N C. HI PllKSlliKXT. w.i rwis. I ASIIIKB.' W V. SMITH. ton Cn. N. ('.) o COMPANY, Sir. Americans Growers n a fr tinttiM linrt hotel lle iWl uoir.o ,:', : . -.0 W , for all kind, ol Mua irm lil"" Home OIU. NOKLK, v A. E. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the court of Ilalilin nd adioiaiac oouoUee.Mid ia tb. Supreme cMrtefUuBuM. Special attention grea , MllMkHi aaa araunt ntsrai AM (lift THE CHEERFUL MAN. A Habit of Cheerfulness Enables : One to Transmute Apparent j Misfortunes Into Real Bless- j Inits. ! The cheerful man nently a useful man. is pre-enu- The cheerful man sees that ev erywhere the good outbalances , the bad, and that every evil has its ; compensation halm. A habit of cheerfulness enables one to transmute apparent misfor tunes into real blessings. He who has formed a habit of things, has a great advantage over the chronic dyspeptic who sees no good in anything. It was Lincoln's cheerfulness ! and sense of humor that enabled ! him to stand under the terrible load of the civil war. ! If we are cheerful and contented j an nature smiles with us; the air is bilmer, the sky clearer, the- earth has a brighter green, the trees have a richer foliage, the (lowers are more fragrant, the birds sing more sweetly and the sun, moon and the stars are more beautiful. All good thought and good ac tion claim a natural alliance with good cheer. High-minded cheerfulness is found in great souls, self-poised and confident in their own heaven aided powers. Serene cheerfulness is the great preventive of humanity's ills. Grief, anxiety and fear are ene mies of human life and should be resisted as we resist the plague. Cheerfulness is their antidote. Without cheerfulness there can be no healthy action, physical mental or moral, for it is the nor mal atmosphere of our being. Success. HE KNEW BETTER. "Very pleasant out this way now, isn't it?" growled the sarcas tic Mr. Babklotz, as he ploughed through the snow and mud." "Not very, to be sure," replied Subbubs, "but there's one com fort about it " "Huh! what a cheerful liar you are!" MaaaeaaBMMeaaaaBaamanaBeBXi DO YOU KNOW That Dr. Pler.-e's 1'nvnnti' I'rxscriiition Is th ii) medicine -i.id timmuii druwicti for wtuuati'ii weukui'saes and iieeullar all- uients that dis not contain Unic iunti- timol alcu in ? Il is alxi the only iii.-oi. eais'i'lally prepared tor the cure of tlm delloal disaaaes ixn'tiliar to women, the maker of wliu-li is unt afraid to take his patients into lil full eonllileu -p. by print ing; upon each bottle w rupMr all the inure dionl entering into the inMdlclne. Ask your druuKist If this Is not true. " Favorite Prescription," too, is the only medicine fur women, all the Ingredient, ol which have the uuiiuallliiil endow ment of the leading nn-dical writers of the several achools of practice, recommend ing them for the cure of the diseases tor which the "Prescription" is advised. Write to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. ., tor a free booklet, and read the numer ous eitracts iroin standard medical au thorities praltliiK the wivcral Ingredient, of wiueli Or. Pe-ri.e's medicines are made, and don't forget that no oilier medicine, put up for sale through druggists for do mestic use can show uuv such iniwimf endorsoment. This, of Itself, is of far more weight and lni)rtance than any amount of so-called "testimonials" so ronspicuouslv flaunti-d before the public, In favor of the alcoholic compounds. The. "Favorite Prescription" cures all woman's peculiar weaknesses and de rangements, thus banishing the HTlodical headaches, backaches, tiearing-down dis tress. t.Miilcrness and dragmg-duw n sen sations in lower alHlomeu, accompanied bv weakening and disagreeable catarrhal, polvic drains and kindred symptom. Dr. Pierce and his staff of skilled spo cla.'sts inav lie consulted free hy address ing a' aliove. All corresiiiilence is trealisl as sacredlv coulideutial. Ily con sulting ill this way the disagreeable questionings and personal "tuauiiuatloiis" are avoided. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser contains some very Interesting and valuable chapters on the diseases peculiar l.) women. It contains over one thousand pages. It Is sant post paid, on receipt id sufficient in one-cut stnnifr to pay cost cd mailing only, or 21 cent for a cupv In flexible puor covers, or 31 cents ; for a cloth-bound copy. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce as sjliovc. . Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and Invig orate stomach, liver and bowels. Due a laxative, two or three cathartic n SIX PIANO K BARGAINS For this week Conover Piano, upright $195. Wellington Piano, $45. Wheelock Upright, $85. Stieff Upright. $185. Stieff Rosewood Piana $80 (Juild Piano, small size $30. All guaranteed to be in fine condition. All used. LESTER PIANO CO., lit 15'2 (Irauby Ft , NORFOLK, VA. John J. Foster, Manager. IOSODO apr l tj IF YOU COULD KNOW. If you could know the half of all 1 yearn to be to you, Dear Heart! Each day that dawns 1 struggle to be strong and do my part: Yet when at last the night comes softly down I humbly pray; Lord, grant me still lo prove my tender love just one more day. Just one more day to strive to rise above small trouble, petty care, That my cramped soul may break its earth-forged bonds, at last to dare, To face the future mill til ulltllv livp willl rnnruoi new Loyal and cheerful lacing toward the Anu yet I teel, in spue ol all the heights which I can never stale; In spite of all the many tasks in which I daily fail, That my deep love, more deep and pure and strong than I can ever show, You, somehow, through my failures, doubts and fears, will come to know. The dreary clouds can't hide the sun for aye; it glimmers through; The sweet, wet violet, struggling through dead leaves, yet shows its blue, And so I trust, though oft I strike love's chord with clumsy hand, You'll feel the melody I tried to play, and understand, WOE AND RUIN. Many Terrible Predictions Are Made by Spangler; an Alleged Prophet. Lee J. Spangler, grocer and prophet, has burst forth again, like one of the eruptions he likes to predict, and this time it is to prom ise worse happenings than ever before. Here is the new list, fur nished to the N. Y. World: The end of the world. Trouble and disaster will beset the nations throughout 1907 and 1908 until, at the close of the sec ond year, the wrath of God will de scend upon the earth and it will dissolve. There will be great and general i distress throughout the world, i Kingdoms will be arrayed against ; kingdoms and families against fam i ilies. I The entire year and the one to 1 follow will be filled with woe and ; ruin, until, at the close of 1908, New York, the greatest city in the : world, will be destroyed, followed i almost immediately by the destruc tion of the world. It will require i less than an hour for the destruc tion of New York. : The year 1907 will be filled with warnings to the whole world of its impending doom. There will be earthqeakes in di vers places. Islands will disappear and mountains no longer be found. Great tidal waves will sweep the coasts. People in many countries will be killed by the thousands by hunger, illness, the sword and th" beasts of the earth. Famine will be great and there will be trouble " i such as never was seen since there was a nation. People will have to flee for their lives, i The religious trouble of the old , world will lead to war and old Je I rusalem will be compassed by ar mies fighting for the sepulchre of Christ. ! Great men in authority all over ; the world will be assassinated, j There will never be another King 1 of England after Edward VII. The Sultan of Turkey and the Czar of Russia will be killed. The United States will become involved in another war, but it will be victorious. Lightning will strike cities and countryside alike, wrecking build ings, whether protected by lightning rods or not. Labor will rise up and bring bus iness to a standstill. Excursions of Sunday schools will be pursued by disaster, ships sinking and lives being lost. Revolution will spread from shore to shore and race riots will be more frequent and serious. Railroad accidents will be many and all men that travel by rail w be in danger. Great wind storms will tear down buildings and wipe out towns. Many men in the business and financial world will commit suicide because of their wrong-doings. This world is so desperately wicked that the God of the Nations will take the reins in His right hand; but blessed are they that believe and hear the words of the prophet, for their time is at hand and they shall be saved. A Modern Miracle. ''Truly miraculous seenied the recovery of Mrs. .Mollie Ilo't, ol this place," writes J.O. It. Hooper, Woodford, Teuu , "she was m wailed hy coughing up pu-" froui her long, lhict.ira declare 1 her end mi near that her fami'y had watched by bar bedside ts bourn; when, at my urgeut request Ir. King's New I)icove y was given her, with the astonishing reault thit improvement begun, and continued until she completely rtcovered, and It a healthy woman todav." Guam bed cure f'r oouchsand colds all.', and fl at any druggist. Tiial bottle free. The currency of cash in any country. kindness is OA8TOIIIA. Iktritba HulllalVwHMtofSt Bigaatarj r light for Truth and you. OUT OP PROPORTION. "You don't mean to say," pro tested the cat, "that you are going i to kill me just because I ate your j canary bird?" j ''I am, indeed!" replied the i housekeeper. "I believe in a 'life for a life.' " j But you are taking nine lives for a life." May Live 100 Years. The cliaucFK lor living a full wbtnrv aic eicullmit in tlicue of Mrs. .Ininie Iiun ciii, of llaviienvillr, Me., now "Oynursold. She writ. "Klwtric Bittcts Mired me ofClironio Kfpipsia of 20 years standing, and made me del an well and stri nu as a young itl " Kleetric Hitters cure Stom ach and Liter diseanes, Wood diaordtrs, tieueral debility anil bodily weakness. Sold on a uuatanlee at any drug store. Trice oulv .Hie. The practice of righteousness will cure your propensity to regu late others. Mother's who give their children Kenne- j dy s I. native t ough Svrup invari .hlv'cn- dorseit. Children like il because the taste is so pleasant Contains Honey and Tar. It is the original Laxative Cough Syrup and is unrivalled for the relief of croup. Diives the cold nut through the bowels. Conforms to the National Pure Food aud Drug Law. Hold by W M. Cohen. Weldon. N. C. You wi always find the poorest ' piayer wears tne most professional clothes. Nearly every person who is subject (o at tacks from the stomach sulfers from a mor bid dread of a tlietic treatment for relief, that is three-fourth starvation, and t ..in ami milk. On ih other hand you dill eat as you please aud digest the food by the aid of a gsHl iligestant. thu giv- tlui tire-l stomach equally as much rest hat what vou please and take a lit tle Kodul for Indigestion aftel your meals. It digests what you eat Fold by W. M. i obeu, Weldon, V. C. The tears that accompany a cooking up progressiare not always those of repentance. Food dou't digest? Because the stomach lacks some one of the digestants or the di gestive juices a'e not properly balanced. Then, too it is the indigested food that ciuses snurucs. and piinful indigestion. Kodol for indigestiou should be used lor relief. Kodol is a solution of vegetable acids. It digests what you eat, and cor rects the deficiencies of the digestion. Ko dol coufornis to the. National Pure Food and Drug I. iw Sold by W. M Cohen, Weldon, N. C. There is no virtue in the Sun day that makes children say, "I wish it was Monday." ' They like the taste ns well as maple su gar," is what one mother wrote of Kenne dy's Laxative (.'ongli Syrup. This mod ern cough syi up is absolutely free from any opiate or norcotic. Contains Honey Tar. Conforms to the National Pure Food ami Plug law. Sold by W. M Cohen. Weldon. N. C. A big reputation can be built out of a mighty small character. Hall the World Wonders how the olh.r half lives. Those who use Bnckleu's Amir. Salve lu vri wondei if it will cure Cuts, Wounds, Bums, Sores aud all skin ci up! ions; they know it will. Mrs. (irant Shy, li:ni t.. l.eynnlds street, springlie'd, III., says.' "1 rcgird it one ol ih- ..l..lule no.-i.it;c.,i.f L)U3ctecpisg." (iuaiaiiteet by all ilruggista, -'.'o. When the heart is lifted up head often is bowed down. the K1K o i:tt wixrt vi:ah Mils Wkblow'sSootiiimj SvRt'P has been used fur uver KO years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, w itb perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cure, wind colic, aud i. the best remedy for Di.inlioca It will relieve the poor little sufferer iuiiuedia'ely. Sold by ilruggista in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a buttle. Be sure and ask foi "Mrs. Wigal.iw'a Soothing Syrup," aud take no other kind. The spirit of the father never works separation in the family. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th. Signature of UNIQUE JAPAN. Her Beauty, Climata, Customs ' and Brave Little People. Japan is unique that in many ways she is different from and un- I excelled by any other nation. First, : - she is unique in name, in shape, : in being unconquered, in her gov 1 eminent, her natural beauty, her ; climate and her brave linle people. , I This country has two or three 1 j names, though the big island usu-: I ally spoken of as Nippon is a cor ruption of the Chinese "Jih-pen" ; meaning "great sunrise" or "sun root" from which is the word Ja- i pan. The Japanese, like the In- i dians, believe in names having a 1 meining, as we see from their is-; lands. ; "Yezzo," (savage.) . j "Kuriles" (smokers). j "Loo-choo" (sleeping dragon), j "Bonin" (no man's). j "Formosa" (beautiful). ! "Pescadores" (fishers.) This whole empire is strung out like shining beads on a Rosary which they call "Rin-Kin Islands" or the "Long-rope." The old crescent-shaped Japan our fathers called "the Hermit na tion of the Dutchman," but we know the new Japan with its thou sand islands in brotherhood with the world. Japan is only four large islands. Yezzo, Hando or Nippon, Shikok and Kinshin. The smaller islands are grouped or classified and have their gover nors and councils. Japan former ly was divided into circuits or roads such as the Eastern sea road, corresponding to our Eas- tern, Southern and Middle States, and in Feudal days a native was from this or that district or clan, Now, they are proud to be simply "Japanese." The population of the Mikado's ' Empire is fifty millions with about j fiffeen millions of foreigners, most-1 ly Chinese. The dominant peo- pie of Japan are not full-bloods, I but a mongrel race, being suspect-, ed of a mixture of the Malay ele- j ment. Vessels may have drifted into the equatorial current and it is possible that Japan was peopled from the East Indian Archipela goes. At any rate she feels her , importance in the 20th century as the "middle term" between the ' Western civization and Russia's oppression. She is the Kngland of Asia, and one of the greatest i nations in the world. . Japan is hilly and mountainous, for this reason it is naturally beau tiful, being varied in the wildest grandeur of mountain peaks and the softer charms of nature in low-1 lying valleys and out-stretching plains. Nature didn't forget her master-piece (a volcano) in her distribution ot beauties and grand sights, for the most beautiful moun tain from the dawn of history to the present day of wireless teleg raphy, is Fugi-San or Fujiyama. Religious pilgrims climb its crest and mothers name their children for it. The lava and ashes form a great part of the soil of Japan. The climate is as diversified as i the surface. The Pacific side is ; the warmest and most fertile, while just across tne island the western j side is cold and snow shoes are ; necessary. Then in the sleepy ! Southern Rin-Kin Islands there are sub-tropical conditions, while in j extreme north on the Kuriles ; (bleak, barren and foggy) there is little sign ot vegetation or man. The climate is somewhat like that of the United States, but very like Great Britain in its extreme hu midity. The rainy season is from June to September. Made up as they are from so many elements il is difficult lu know the Japanese people, though their effort to ap- ! pear well in the eyes of strangers speaks highly in their favor. They are quiet, respectful, gentle, art loving, courageous and patient and have a higher sense of honor than the Europeans. Being reserved and sensitive they are slow to speak their opinion, but they are loyal to it. They suffer without ! wringing their hands and mothers rarely embrace their children. ! They are a most artistic people and their humblest peasants take care to build their huts by the spark ling stream or overlooking a pleas ing fandscape. The cherry is cul tivated for its blossom only. Most of the people live in densely pop ulated cities. The simple and ar dent patriotism of the Japanese dur ing the war with Russia is as ad mirable as the state-craft of their rulers. "They moved as one man." The Empire has forty- Most people know that if they have 4 been sick they need Scott's Em a I- V jon to bring back But the strongest point about Scott' J Emu Is ion is that you don't have to be sick to get results from it. It keeps up the athlete" strength, puts fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated form for sick and well, young and old, rich and poor. And it contains no drugs and no alcohol, ALL DRUGGISTS s 600. AND $1.00. o o eight divisions, forty-three prefec tures, and three Imperial cities. Tokio, Kioto and Osaka. The two territories are Yezzo and For mosa. Local traditions are very binding in the rural districts, and most of the Christian church members are found in the cities. Victor Hugo calls Japan the child of the world's old age. Moth er earth herself acknowledges that her offspring is fully able to protect herself. Japan is so wonderful and in teresting without Christ, what would she be with Him ? Mrs. W. E. Daniel. When the cold winds dry and crack the skin a box of salve can save much discoui. fort lu buying silve look for the name on the box to avoid any imitations, and be sure you get Hie original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve. Bold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. The Pain Family You know them ; they are Humorous, ami make their irvst'itce felt everywhere. The names of the family are Head ache, Toothache, Earache, Backache, Stomach ache, Neu ralgia, etc. They are sentinels that warn you of any derange ment of your system. When the brain nerves become ex hausted or irritated. Headache makes you miserable : it the stomach nerves are weak, in digestion results, and you double up with pain, and if the more prominent nerves are af fected, Neuralgia simply makes life imemltiralile. The way to stop pain is to soothe and strengthen the nerves. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do this. The whole Pain family yield to their influence. Harmless if taken as directed. "I find Or. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills an rvt Unit remedy tor overcomlns; head a.'lie. neuralgia and distressing- pains of ;ill sorts. I have used them for the pi, si seven vears In this capacity Wllh the l"."t of results." MIlS. JOK JltKUlLL, Peru, lnd. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln PHIl are told by vour druuQist. who will guarantee that the firit package will benefit. If It falls, he will return your money. 25 ilo.e., 2i centa. Nevar sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd SEABOARD v. Air Line Railway DIRECT LINE To All Points IN THE l t i ll, sol Tll-vv I.ST, MIKTII and. MiH I'll.W KST. DOUBLE DAILY SEUV1CE BETWEEN Boston, New Yoik, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, Norfolk, Kb hmond, Baleigb, Charlotte, Wilmington, Atlanta, Birmiugiiam, Mem phis, Chattanooga, Nashville, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans, Columbia, Sa vannah, Jacksonville, Tampa and ALL- FLORIDA- POINTS. Daily TRAINS HKTWIltK NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, NORFOLK PORTSMOUTH, ASP ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM, MEMPHIS, SAVANNAH and JACKSONVILLE. j TRAINS COMPOSED OF Vestibule Day Coaches, Pullman Drawing I Room Sleeping Carl and the Latest CAFE DINING CAR8. aaf DIRECT CONNECTION AT Memphis, New Orleans, and St Louiv for .11 point, in Texas, California, Arkan sas, Coloiado and the Northwest INTERCHANGEABLE MILEAGE BOOKS good over 15 000 miles of road. Sontbern Lines. MTFor time tables, Winter or Summer BookleU illustrative ot the South and Southwest, apply to Seaboard Passenger Representative, or address, C. B. RYAN, O. P. A , Portsmouth Va. C. H.OATTI8,T. P.A., Raleigh, N. C. EDWARD F. COST, 2nd V-P., Pertsmontb, Va health and strength. ? o o A1 PI'OMAITOX IRON WORKS, 2S to 34 OLD STKEET, P ET K KS U U KG. VA. MANlTACTl'ItKHS OF Machinery, Shafting.Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Having bought out Steel & Alexander, founders aud machinists, with all pattern, we are now prepared to furnish parts to machines formerly made by them, HYDRAULIC PRESSES .;. PEANUT MACHINERY ipecumr Mill work and castings of all kind.. Second hand machinery for sale cheap. Call on us or write for what yon want- Qreat Reductions i For Cash $3 75 Mouuettc lings, $2 75 2 W) Smyrna " 2 lid 25 UO Misjuelte rugs, 9,12 ft. 17 75 i 121c China Matting, 10c. 25c. " " 18c. 221c. Japanese " 17c. 25c. " " 18Jc. : 65c Wool Carpeting 40c .' j 25c. Window shades, 20c. ; I 50c " " 37jc , P5c 2-yard wide Linoleum, 75c j ", 75c " " " 65c f'i G5c Floor Oil Cloth, 48c ftj 1 35 AxuiinstcrCarpeting, 811c 1 40 10x20 Picture Frames, 95c ; Wall paper. 4. 5 and 6c per roll A I.AKIII STOCK OF ' ! Talking; Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, and supplies on bandit all time., at the very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C. CHOICE ROSES ! Carnations, Violets and other flowers, always on hand. Shower Wedding Bouquets, Handsome Floral Design.. Pot and out door bedding plant., To mato, Cabbage and other Vegetable Plants, Magnolia. Order, promptly executed. Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STE1NMETZ, ruvgisT, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. 4 19 It FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick'a Patters.. R. & G. CORSETS. MUse at 50c , Ladies 75c, to f 1. ML Price, will b. nude to .nit the time., Hat. end Bonnet, med. end Trimmed to order. ALL HAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Grand Display 3' 0 f . f t'. f tl 1

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