Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON, N. ('., TIU liSDAV, JANl'AltV 17, 1!07. 't .rms of Subscriptioii$l.50 I o VOL. XIA. www i lie Kind Tint JIuu .' iii usu for over !!') All Counterfeits, Imitations nixi Tiist-ns-u'iMiil" nr but .ei'lincnls Mint trltli) with ami endiinu'er the lieallli of Inlauts mid ('lilltrcii-I')i'rU'nco against IXpciimeiit. What is CASTORIA Cniinriii Is it harmles mh-iinu.- f(,r Castor Oil, Pure :;ovir, Plops ,'in.l Soolliin;; Syrups. U is Pleasant. It containM neither Opium, Moi-phine nor other" Narcotic substance. Its n;ro is its gvi.iiaiitre. U destroys Worm ind allays I i t i i i-tines.. It cure.; Iliai i !xea and Vinl (.'..lie. It reliefs '!'-! Imi Ti-mMes, vinos Constipation anil flatulency. !t. assimilates the l noil, regulates tho Stomach .lad Itowcl.-,, iviny healthy ami natural sleep The Children's I'Mii;u'eu--Thc Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TNt eCNTH MMHM1, T M MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CURE. ohllloufe contains q cht th. m.rhet " ' ,, ,'noreaseyour .nd '' ch rei blood. PRICE, BO CEMTS. Take MoDUFFIE'S Little Blue Liver Pills for Constipation ad Sluggish Liver. Mc Duffle's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to do all we claim or your money back. Fun Sai.k nv W. M. Coiikv, W.Mmi, N. 01 HE llis : Bank : of : Woldon, WKLDON, N. C. DuLler Tie Lais of lie Slate of North Carolina, AUOI'ST'OTII, 1M92 State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. cf!!L!!fl.s. $36,000. "H "Kit vean thin iiMitntion 1ms inviill In.nkii'i: liicililiox lor tins H mutton IijiNtrckliiililiT an.l iliwtiim hiiviiliwn iili'iililiiil ilh the Imsinws interw-N of II ilif ix hihI Money in hmued mmn umirovwl tw( urit t'eotun. Aceountnof uil urt nlh-iteil VKH .PKKSIIIKNT: W. K iUN'll I., Dr. II W.i.I-.WIS. (M-ion.NoriIuiDr.toii Co. N. GARRETT & u Pioneer VtcL ty ESTABLISH Kl IHM. $ SPECIALTIES VIRGINIA DARE (WhiMHcupiieruuiiK) & OLD NORTH STATE iu, UllujmTLI Kerch.D,wKne) M PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL (Sparkling jm& And all other vr etiwof Hire mid w U . .... . .. . ...., lP.HiKlMt Canh Trices 'um hi rca.-uu Wwteru Branch, HI Louia, Mo Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDING, WELDON, N. 0. lily Iwnys HiniKlit, inn! wlitdi hm Ik-ou jours, 1ms lmrno the i;; nature f ami li.ts Ix'i'ii niailo iimlcr hi pcr siiiial supt-rt islou sinic lis Inl'ancy, Allow mi mm in deceive you in lliitt. Signature of UMMAV THIKT. HIW VOflH CfTV. Bronchitis, Asthm. SJh",Cold Pneumonia bkL' Z 6 Prevnts "B'CE, 25 CENTS. 0. W. K Bkavaxs, l-.nliilc), N. C. iWII iptmi '"ii s lor many yi-irn at lh" Irpil lati'i'l' inlntvt --six per I'ASIIIKB: W K. SMITH. C) ao COMPANY, n at American tlteti H-tlUH.-IIIOU)l ftf BLACKBERRY & MINNEHAHA (Dry Seupp.ruoUK) ChampKgue) mnenopie n intw iur mnmi. uu .... v ... i' . ..II t.i...)u .u..ll Irmlu trriitiMM lt W ur u iuu n.m... M iiuiiic viutCi nwiii ri E. T. OLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, . 0. PrwticM in the courts of Halifax sod sdjoiuinj; counties,sud in the Buprems osartoflhsSUM. Hpeoisl stteotiOB (jifsn I llsctiww h4 fonpl ratans. J' at YOUR ATTENTION, BOYS. Ilnlhusiasni; Concentration, l)c termimifion are Wanted in Hvcry Avenue of Life. ,, . ... . ,, My boy, do not imagine there is ; no place in the world fur you. If j you are the right kind of boy, there i are a thousand places. The world j wains the enthusiasm, the earnest ness, the ready faith of youth. These are llie uualities that do the world's work, ami for that reason the bos who displays them is sure lo Iii i J fooling in the pathway of , business and a chance to try for the things wonh winning. ; "If I were organizing a com pany," said an old soldier recently in conversation w ith the writer, "I'd take all young men. I was in dozens of battles in the last war, and I never saw a charge yet, where there was a boy in the ranks, , but thai boy would be among the very first to reach the entrench ments of the enemy." i Enthusiasm, concentration, de termination are wanted in every 1 avenue of life. The boy who can show these qualities in his work ' need nor fear but that he will be ' asked to lend a hand. If he adds to these qualities the purpose to do right though the star-: fall, he will be well-nigh invincible. At the doorway leading into every department of the world's work, whether in the professions, in me chanical pursuits, or in the mer cantile calling, one imagines one can see rhe sign," Wanted Boys." Boys are needed from whom are 1 to be selected the strong men of the next forty years in our country. I If the right boys apply, they shall j find the places. There is room I 1 for all such, and they need only be j ; tried and proved true lo be asked ; to go higher. Clem V. Wagner j in Young People's Weekly. CLOSt- QUARTERS. ' Batehelor tliat two can Do you still believe live as cheaply as one? Benedick Well, I must confess lhat marriage has put me in a pret ty tight place. Batchelor You don't say? Benedick Yes, we've started housekeeping in a flat. Nature's Way Is Best. The fun.'tiun slri'U'jtlo'nhiK am! tissue, buililini plan of triialinir t'lmniir, liiuii'i'- , itiK ami olistiiiali caws of disi-asn as pur- j siuhI Iiv Dr. I'ieri'i', is followinn utter ! Nature's plan of ivsturiiiK luuilili. Ili uses niitucal ri'ini'illi'S. that is I'xtrai'ts from luitivo mi'dinnal runts, prepari-il liv prnresses wrought nut hy the ei'ni(iliire nl niueh t i in. and nitniev. without tho use of aleohol. ami hy skillful combination in just the riitht proportions. I'scd as initrislients n( Dr. l'li'iw's (ioldeii Medii'al Diseovery. lllaek Cherry hark. Queen's root, (loiilen Seal root. liliMnlroot and Stone root, specially evert their inrlttcui'e in eases of luuit, bronchial and throat troubles, and this " llisiov khy" is. therefore, a sovereign remedy or bronchitis, laryunilis. chronic coukus, catarrh and kindred ailments. The above native mots also have the SH'onirest possllile euilorsellteul li'om me leadiiur medical writers, of all th verai i schools of praciice. for the cure not only of the ducic-es named above hut also for indiiteslloii, torpor of liver, or hibou.s nes. obstinate constipation, kidney and bladder troubles and catarrh, no matter where located. You don't have to take Dr. Pierce's say-so alone its to this; what he claims I . I.:.. ... V.....L-...I .... I... tl.A writings nt the most eini'iieut men lo the i TJrt ,f.:i,i.,r.,u.rti!,!r 'm1 I l'ierce. Ilullalo. N. Y.. lor a little bonk of extracts from eminent medical au thorities endorsing the inirredients of his medicines, will brim? a little book .free that is worthy of your attention if needing a it'Mtd! safe, reliable remedy of knin-n romnntifjnu for the cure of almost any old chronic, or liuKcriiut malady. Dr. Pierce's I'lensant Pellets euro con stitution. One little "Pellet " s a gentle laAalive, and tun a mild cathartic. The most valuable Ixiok tor Imth men and women Is Dr. Pierces Common Sense Medical Ad- I viser. A splendid inns-pane volume, with cncraviiiKS ami colons.1 plates. A copy. mier-covered, will tie sent to iiuvone seudiiiK '-'1 cents In one-cent slumps, to pay the co-t of inailmit onli. to Dr. It. V. Pierce. Iluftaln. N. Y. Cloth-liouud, :u stamp. s SIX PIANO BARGAINS D For this week Conover Piatio. upright $195. Wellington Piano, $45. Wheelock UpriRht, $85. Stiefl Upright, $185. Stleff Rosewood Plana $80 Guild Piano, small size $30 All guaranteed to be in fine condition. All used. LESTER PIANO CO., lie. 15U Crauby Kt , NOKFOI.K, VA. John J. Foster, Manager. spr is Sy I'M THANKFUL O! I'm briniin' full this niornin'--sweetheart, come an' let us sing, l-'or I'm feelin' like the bluebirds an' the meadow larks in spring; ror i m tnniMn or ins goodness an His tender love an tare How He's led us thro' the daytime an' the night of dark despair; Mow His arm has been around us thro' the Old years an' the New, All for which I'm feelin' thankful, but I'm thankful most for you! n, ,., .:, , ,, , ... . ,, ... ... ... ..... , , Iv. . v.. , in ,uf;ii,, iu,iiii.i, mj utniiiiu uiniiris mi un me nappy l ast, l-'or the promise of the Future an' the hope of rest at last; For the gracious gilt of lovin' friends lhat strengthen me an' cheer, l-'or the blessedness of Home Life an' rhe love lhat reigneth there; For the sweet breath of the meadows an' the cool, relreshin' dew ()! for all of these I'm thankful, but I'm thankful most lor Von! O! I'mshoutin' "thanks," my darlin', to the Father up above For the knowledge of His presence an' the blessed gift of love; For the sweet return of niornin' sunlit Kelds a-gleamin' bright. For the beauty of the sunset an' the brilliant stars of night; For the privilege of livin' native skies a-bendin' blue, Bur of all His gifts an' blessin.s I am thankful most for You. 0! my heart's brimful this niornin' sweetheart, come an' let us sing, For I'm feelin' like the bluebirds an' the meadow larks in spring! Yes, I knew the way was lonesome often we have met defeat We have had to take the bitter, but we've also had the sweet; An' I find as I look over all His blessin's not a few That the sweetest gift, my darlin', was the lovin' gift of You! THE NIGHT Ir cometh; rhe night cometh, when life's brief day is done; It neareth; yes, it neareth, the setting of the sun! t'h, short the time for labor; so much already past! Of moments swiftly flying we soon shall see the last. How stealthily the shadows are stretching o'er the plain! Tho setting sun is hasting to hide behind the mam; Oh, use each passing moment; the day is almost run! It cometh; the night cometh, when work cannot be done. It sinketh; the sun sinkeih, yet lower, lower yet, The golden light remaining but tells where he has set; Then ended; yes, then ended the time for fruitful toil. The precious hours have vanished! Is yet untilled the soil? The crimsoned clouds still ling'ring presage a brighter morn For faithful ones awaiting their Lord's assured return; By talents used in trading they many more have won, And for the reck'ning tarry, expecting His "Well donel" See, waning is that splendor; the fleeting loveliness Is fading into twilight, and this now groweth less; But nearing is the morning, rhe bright, long looked-for day When Christ's approving welcome will all our toil repay. MEN AGE FASTER. It Didn't Used to Be So. In the Old Days a Man Always Mar ried a Woman Younger Than Himself. One of the funniest notions evolved by the man whose busi ness it is to grind our new ideas for the credulous public, is that women ought to marry men much younger than themselves, because in these days when women have nothing to do bur cultivate youth and beauty, while men scramble for the living, it is the ages and the woman man who ! who stays , perpejually young. No woman of 50 nowadays looks a day over 35, if she keeps up on preserving her good looks. Men, however, are seldom en gaged in the frantic effort to keep young. Father Time turns their hair gray and wrinkles their faces with crow's feet, unresisted and as a consequence here is a fresh young fe.-. , ,rt,,.,t woman of 50 or ihetcabouts, mated , a jred wrjnkled old mail of the ' ' same age. It didn't used to be so. In rhe old days a man always married a woman younger than himself, be- cause in those benighted times, when professional beauty doctors i were not established on every cor- tier, it was generally supposed that in the nature of things a woman aged Faster than a man. She gave more lime to her children and less lo her complexion. When her hair turned gray around the tem ples and a few lines appeared around the eyes, she just hrushed her hair back a little plainer, put on a pair of spectacles and took it as a matter of course thai she was gelling old. Bui since this method is all out of date, and every old woman we meet is as fresh und chipper as a votin? ?irl. it feem ns it one f two things is bound lo happen: liither the men have got ro lake to complexion creams and perox ide, spend their days in a beauty parlor and their nights in rubbing in hair restorers; sleep in face masks and wrinkle banishers, and otherwise titivate themselves up to rhe mark. Ar least, so says the aforemen tioned coiner of new ideas. Of course it might be objected that a woman of 50 or 60 has fhe experience of that age, and might prefer equality of mind rather than of looks. But the coiner of new ideas scouts this new objection as of no importance whatever. When the cold winds dry mid rr.i. k the kin s Ihix of salve can fave much dinnm fort In hnyiiig live look for the iiuiiic on the boit avoid any imiutiuiis, und beaure von net the original IteWitl'a Witch Hazel BaUe Suld by W. H. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0, MOST FOR YOU, COMETH. I SPUROEON AND THE FARMER. Spurgeou was once riding in the country and on a farmer's barn he saw a weather vane, on the arrow of which were inscribed these words: "Godislove." He turn ed in at the gate, and asked the farmer: "What do you mean by that? Do you think God's love is changeable-thai it veers about as that arrow turns in the wind?" "O, no!" cried the farmer; "I mean that whichever way the wind blows God still is love." It would he a blessing if all Chris- tians had his simple faith. When the wind is in the south and every- thing is prosperous, when cotton is ten cents a pound and our chil dren are well, we say: "God loves us." Bur when the wind conies round to the east and trou ble falls, when collections are slow and business is poor and our chil dren are sick, we are very apt to say: "God doesn't love us any more." But he is loving us just the same. His very nature is love and he cannot change. Selected. WILDLY JKALOL'S. Ascum How is it your hates Miss De Muirso? Marryat In a misguided nient the other day I told my wife mo wife of a funny dream 1 had in which kissed Miss De Muir. SHR WAS SO SWF.I-T. "Such impudence!" she ex claimed, when he kissed her; "you seem to be enjoying yourself.' "Nor ar all," he replied, taking another, "at least not as much as 1 urn enjoying you." A PAIR OVVVM. "No," snapped the sharp-faced woman at the door, "I ain'i got no food fur you an' ain't got no old clo'es. Now git!" 'Lady!" replied Harvard Has- ben. "I could repay you well. (Jive me a square meal and I'll give you a lew new lessons in grammar." 1(111 (It I II SIX l l VIvIRi Mi:m Visl.iw'SonTiiiN(i KvuiT has I hecn used for over HO years hy millions or mothers for their children while tccthintt, j with perfect (licceas. It soothel the child. softens the imiiuh, allays all pun; cure wind colic, anil is the heft remedy lor Hiairhoca It will relieve the poor little sufferer iniiucdia'cly Sold hy druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-live cent a Initio, Ite sure and ask fot 'Mrs. Winslnw's Soothing Fyrop," and lake uo oilier kind A nice thing about having your family away for (he summer is no matter how late you come home in the morning you don't have to take your shoes off to go upstairs. OASTOIIIA. Bonn tt Hie Kwa Von He Hlmrt Battghf SignaUrt of WISE PRECAUTION. "Behold, Thou Art Made Whole Sin No More, Lest A Worse Thing Befall Thee."-Jon, V., 14. Wickedness never heals itself, but goes on from bad to worse till the last state !s worse than the first." None of us intends to go on con tinually in his besetting sin, nor to ! indulge in vice to the bitter end. Blindness and weakness say usual ly: "Once more, just this once more," or "For the last time the i last time." Captain A. remarked when told that an old triend of whom he had inquired was still drinking heavily, "Ah, never to quit, never to quit!" and spoke wisely, but no doubt if his old friend had overheard it he would have stoutly disputed the sad comment. Most of us would be shocked if told we would never quit our evil i course. If one should say to us ; to-day, "Twenty-five years from i now you will be doing this same ' thing and worse," or "You'll end 1 a drug slave in the asylum," or "You'll die drunk," or "You'll i continue a libernne and be de-1 voured by loathsome disease," or , "You're going right on in this ! crookedness till you end in crime, ' exposure and the river," we would ; be shocked and refuse to believe it. I Yet it is true that there is always I ; deadly danger of permanent en j ranglementin sin after it is begun. As the taste wnicli drought on dyspepsia continues to cry for more sauces and sweets, so the passions and lusts that led to the first deadly sin cease not to urge its repetition. Not only so, but evil being gregarious a sin soon gathers a company "more evil than itself and they enter in and dwell there." Escape from this state is not in the pools and po tions of the world, but in the heal ing of the Great Physician, whose restoration enables us to assert and help ourselves, and whose safeguard for the future is "Sin no more." Grave mistakes deliberately re peated are inexcusable. "The first time I was taken in by lhat fellow it was his fault, bin if he fools me again it'll be my fault." So might we say of the devil after he lias tripped us once, and as "a burned child dreads the fire," every soul that has once escaped from the clutch of sin should wisely dread and shun it. A Government in spector told me thai he once thrust his revolver in the face of a man who had grossly insulted him. Realizing how near he had come to killing a fellow man he put his pistol away and determined never to carry it again. Should a man do less with a dangerous associate or habit when he realizes what it may lead him to do? 1 know a young Kentuckian who would never return to the race track after attending once with his father to see their own horses run because the wild excitement he felt that day warned him that he could not afford to lake the risk of becoming a race gammer tor ute. nuen men are helping themselves, and evil flees from them. Playing fast and loose with the better way spells failure for many who start in it : whose plans were noble and whose hopes were high. Hie dead in ventor's loft full of half finished models told the pitiful story of his inefficiency and explained his fail ure. "Go thy way, from henceforth sin no more lesi a worse thing be fall." This is wisdom from on high. Let us sincerely strive with Him for the best things. He helps us to our feet and calls us to take up our burden of responsibility and carry it through the world. Serving mankind and in fellowship with Him who heals and champions it, let us go bravely on our way with high hearts and steadfast trust, so ..... .un ..A...t t.....M. K. nving uui utc i uggcu uuuia uml at evening each hard won day will j stand as a smiling prophecy of the ultimate triumph we shall achieve ; at the end of the life intrusted to I us.-Rev. C. Q. Wright, Chaplain U. S. Navy, in New York Herald. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears tho Blgnaturs of Rapid changes of temperature are hard V on the toughest constitution. J? 0 The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind know the difficulty of avoiding cold. 0 4 0 Scolt'j! Emulsion strengthens the body so that it can bet'er withstand the danger of cold from changes of temperature. It will help you to avoid taking cold. ALL DRUCGtSTSl SOo. AMD $1.00. Either you tell people the truth about themselves and are hated by them for a boor, or you don't, and everybody else denounces you for a hypocrite. It may be wicked to lie to a wo man about how beautiful she is, but its mighty easy to be popular that way. - You uld never make a woman bclieve a Preacher who thought ncr child was a g'rl wnen was a b'' ' i ti.y like the taste n m maple Kar," is what one mother wrote of Kcmie- iy' Laxative coukIi syrui This mod ern emmh syrup is absolutely free from any opiate or uorcotic. Contains Honey Tar. I 'ont'or r.s to the National Pure food and Dmik law Sold by W. M Cohen. Webloli. N. C. Epilepsy Fits St. Vitus Dance Arc nerve diseases, and unless cheeked, lead to destruction of both mind and body. The weak, shattered nerves must have something' to strengthen and build them back to health. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is a remarkable nerve tunic and stimulant. It strengthens the. nerves, relieves the nervous strain, and influences refresh ing body-building' sleep and rest. 1'ersistent use seldom fails to relieve these afflictions. "I xv hh takfii with ('iillcptii' fits; li;ul fl' it ti In It sH tli;tn 1. hiturs. ,Jy tiiti.T Miit for our fumily iliystfliiii. L it l,f f.Htid d.t vt-i y lit t U- fif ins-, ;imt I nn u worse cvny tlay. iiml at List Hi. toil tlirt-i' tlin t.Hs with ni', iiml I .-ti!! k"I Mv fath. -r h.-ani of I't Milt's' iiifitU-nics uml btui;lit a I'nttle of NVvmiu' uml a Imx of Nerve jti.ti I.n-T 1'ilN. I li.ul t:ikeii oiilv a tt w ilfs.-H until I b.'p.iti to ft.-l hetter. I ti'-.k 32 huttli's, iiiui H ciiretl iiki hhuihI ih .1 M II. It has hern worth till itn' worltl tit mi'. 1 ii-fonini'Mid it'r' I f;o. V.m m;iv live Itllrt ilH ii lift - Inn vt leiirnonlil to the nit fits nf our im .ticiin-, for I jiiu t iitoint; the he-it of hilth. nh.l feel that my lite un. I liettllli Is diM to Ibis w onil'Mlul tmtlK'.ii-." I.KVV WILLIAMS. R. R It. No. Huston. Uii, Dr. MIIm Nervine Ib old by your druggist, who will quarantee that the fint bottle wilt brnrnt. If it faili, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind SEAM OAK 1) Air Line It mi. way ' I DIRECT LINE TO All POUltS IN TH K sol I II, (H lll-n I l. Ndlt lll and Mill I ll-Vt 11. IH1UHLF. DAILY SERVICE HKTWKEN lloston, New Yolk, Philadelphia, Haiti more, Washimttou, Nortolk, Richmond, Ralegh, Charlotte, Wilmington, Atlanta, Itirmitigh.iiu, Mem phis. Chuttaiiooga, Nashville, Montgomery, Mo hile, New Otlcuiis, Cnliimhu, Sa vannah, Jacksonville, Tampa and ALL- F L I) R IDA- POINTS. Daily TRAINS NEW Y01iK,WAS!llN(iTON,NOKFOLK I l'OKTSMOUTlt, I ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM, MEMPHIS, I SAVANNAH and JACKSONVILLE. I TRAINS COMPOSED OF Vestihule Day Coaches, Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars and the Latest CAFE DINUNtCAKS. IssjrDIRECT CONNECTION AT1 Memphis, New Oilcans, ami 81 Louit, for all points in Texas, California, Arknn sua, Coloiadoand the Northwest. INTERCHANGEABLE MILEAGE BOOKS good over 15 000 miles of road. Southern Lines. For time tables, Winter or Bummer Booklets illustrative ot the South and Southwest, apply to Seaboard Passenger Rcpresentativs, or address, C. B. RYAN, 0. P. A , Portsmouth Va. C.H.GATTI8, T. P. A Raleigh, N. C. EDWAKD F. COST, 2nd V-P., Portsmouth, Va. o o o 4 z PI'lMI.VITllX IKON WOKKS,' 2H to lit OLD 8TKEET, IMCTKHSltUKG. VA. MAXlT.UTI'ItKHK (IF Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Havinjj Imtijiht out Steel & Alexander, founders ami iiiai'hinislH, with all patterns we are now prepared to furnish parts to machine formerly made hy them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES .d PEANUT MACHINERY'.,,.,.,,, Mill work and caitiiiKi of all kinds. Second hand machinery for sale cheap. Call on u or wi ile I .r what jnu want. (ireat Reductions For Cash $3 7f Moquette kiitr-, $'2 7j 2 llll .Smyrna " 2 'M i"i (in .Moiiielle runs, tlx 13 ft. 17 75 I'.'lc China Mattii.c Idc, lHc. 2'J.le. Japanese " 17c. '.'.V. " " lHlc. (i5c Wool Ciirpe!it'r 40c. 25c Window shades 2tle. ode " " a7c ."ic 2-yurd wide Linoleum, 75c 7"u- " " " 6fic ;.)( Floor (lil Cloth, 48c 1 Ho Ax minster Carpeting, 8ttc 1 4(1 Itlx'JO Picture Frames, 95c Wall p:iier. 4. 5 and tic per roll A l.AltisE srm K OK Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, ! Cameras, and supplies on hamlit alltimee, the very lowest prices. at SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C. CHOICE ROSES ! Carnations, Violets and other flowers, always on hard. Shower Wedding Bouiiiels, Handsome Floral Designs. Pot and out door bedding plants, To mato, Calihage and oilier Vegetable Plants, Magnolias. Orders promptly executed. Write, 'phone or telegraph. 11. STEINMETZ, K 1.0 81 ST, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. 4 lit ly OF FALL A XI) WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick'sPaUerns. It. & G. CORSETS, Hisses at 50c , Ladies 75c. to f 1. leVPnoes will be made to snit the times, Hats and Bonnets snsde and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWI, Weldon, N. 0. Grand Display fiBfiftflaV

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