Hir SUit m Is p 111 Jj M agj V5 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. XLI. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDOX, . ('., TIIl'KNDAY.vJAXl'AHY -I, ll)7. Y:rms of Subscription. $1.50 Per r' xo. :js n as i 3 and tut. . Mil 1 CASTOR III I ANi'Ct'lable Preparation for As iitc Stmnuclis aiid Bowels of I !'i ontoles Digeslion,CIcrfur ni'ss niut Rest.Conlaiiis neither Opium, Morphine norluieral Not Narcotic. .wv I'm it-swunptraw tvryut .i'rcj " frnvi.W.I ""St-. ' Aperfecl Remedy forConstipfl- lion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea .1 Worms .Convulsions .Keverish ; m ssfliiil Loss of Sleep. ! Far Simile Sn'imlurc of i! NEW YOHK. IF!!" 'J f Y EXACT COPY OK WRAPPER. i' V. McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS OH1LL CURE. I. the only baeluWlj tttle. l.t.ti.te and children like It. PRICE, 00 CENTS. bus mouurnt a Little But lugglah Liver. Ms Duffle's Remedies era sold on n guarantee to oo an we cimm or your money brtcn. Fun Kale Br W. M.Coiiks, Weldon, N. 0. W. E Kkavaxs, Fniictd, N C. 0E lis Bank : WKLDON, N. C. Hmi Oiier Tfce Lais of the State of North Carolina, AUGrsTarm, m-i. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. C ap ital a n d Snrpl us. 336,000- o K 14 year this institution has provided haiikirg facilities lor this ri. section It,i stockholders and directors have been identified w ilh the business interest of Huliftic autl Money 18 loaned upon apptoved Hecurit ' eentim. Accoontsof all nn- mlioil.d riiKsiliKNT: W . I:, I'ANII L, vie! 'Pkkmipknt; Dr. II. W. LEWIS. (JackftiB.Xui'lhaaictoo Co, N. C) 1 1 3 OE GARRETT & 1 Pioneer X i J i ! ESTABLISHED 18.15. S PBOI ALTIE9; RGINIA D An (WhitScupperuoiig) Ol fl NORTH STATE A HIAWATHA -i . lueuciiiiutNiKue) I '4 (Hparkling Jj And all other varietiwof Pure and Wholeome Wines for homes and hotel ive al- yt. '- indium vasil ITICeS r-ftin III wesson If Wetrn Branch, Ht Louis, Mo JtliUl 1.1' 1, j. ,. .. ... j,. j'..,,.-". -DEALKIt IK- Heavy and Fancy GROCERIES. L'Hl A 1(8 AND TOBACCO. . s" save you money on any thing in Z?'wnj Ifyon wot new, fresh ""es, vail on the old reliable, SMITH W. D. SMITH, WfXDON, . V, C. iiwwrimja.ia MTW 1 '"'HIMIMnTilllwHMriiw n.i n.fn ir-- 'k. I 1.11 II 11 II lllim i E I -i J 1. H For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years THt CINTIUH COV PftNV. NEW VOFtft CITV. TURPENTINE AMD y,IT. orptlon In cVr"'' b Bronchltl,, AsthLf. S!'"'Cold Pneumonia and Co. pr("'ent Ae'..nd,urerem"CUmp,lon' price, as cent's. Liver p i s for Constlont on -....a, 3E 30 of . Weldon Northampton counties lor many yeirs M at 111- Ifnl rate ol intcre;t-sn per casiiikk: W V. SMITH, i : ati su -Kt s& 'Jt -.to u 4ii ah COMPANY, u American POCAHONTAS (k1 Heuppernuug) BLACKBERRY MINNEHAHAjs W'ry eupperuouKj Cbampitgne) lor nil hiiiup i hiii.hi iiuiih, ninjjr ru .. Home OibVe, NOKKOLK, VA. Jl. Jj, VLI 1. -4.1 VJ rVJi Monuments AMD Gravestones. WE PAY thk FREICHT andCUARANTEE safe DELIVERY . . . ,H(iC,T STOCK Inthe Mouth 'illustrated Catalogue Tree. AST m 1HE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (EaUblished 1848.) 15K to 183 Bask it., Horfclk Vi Kf 9 If HAVE SOME ENJOYMENT. - Don't HoarJ anJ Scrimp ThroiiRh All The licst Years of Your Life Trtnt You May He (ienerous In Your Will. 1 low much better to use some; of the good things of life as we go , along; to make our humble homes as cheery and bright as possible ; now. Do not starve to-day, either I body, mind or soul thinking that J , poverty will knock at your door j I to-morrow. Don I hoard and 1 scrimp through all the best years , of your life that you may be gen j erous in your will. Lite is uncer ; tain, and is better to make your : children happy while they are ; under the home roof; to call to ! that home every agency that will make their lives sweeter and bet- ; ter, than to deny them these that ; you may leave them a large ae- j i count when you are gone. It will be too late for them to return kind-' ness to you then. Don't keep the ; parlor shut up and live in the I kitchen, unless you want the boys : and girls to be anxious to leave you. Don t ttntiK they must nod go anywhere but to Sunday school and prayer meeting; remember you were young once yourself. Do not ask them to walk two miles to a singing or lecture after work-, ing hard all day, when there arc 1 two or three horses in your barn that would enjoy the trip as much as they. For God's sake show them ! you think as much of them as you ! do of your beasts if no more. Take time to enjoy the society of your friends, especially the con-1 panionship of your children; it will I only be a few years at the best that ' they will be with you, and these ought to be years of happiness to 1 both you and them. Would you ! not rather have them look back i when out in the world to that I ' blessed home (though it may not have been a mansion) where they i received more joy and comfort . than the world can afford, than to have them forget home in a week and hardly return to your burial? If we are happy in this life we must enjoy what every day brings. We should be grateful and glad for all the good that comes into our lives and patiently bear our trials, be lieving that all things if rightly used will lit us for the enjoyment of per fect happiness hereafter. DON'T QIYE I'R Among some skaters was a boy so small and so evidently a begin ner that his frequent mishaps ; awakened the pity of a tender hearted, if not wise, spectator. "Why, sonny, you are getting all bumped up," she said. "I would not stay on the ice and keep falling down so; I'd just come off and watch the others." The tears of the last last downfall were still roll ing over the rosy cheeks, but the child looked from his adviser to the shining steel on his feet, and answered, half-indignantly, "I did not get some new skates to give up with; I got 'em to learn how with." The whole philosophy of earthly discipline Was in the reply. Life S j hard tasks are never sent for us "to give Up Will):" they are always intended to awaken strength, skill and courage in learning how to master them Forward. A Wonderful Record, As mailt' uii by improved ttrul exact orfK'ossi-! Mr. rleriVs Kuwihiii I'n-srrip-tiun H ti imt Hlhifiit rvnirily for rt'KU (utiiitr all tin wtmiiiuly fuiK'titius,corri'Ct nii iliMiliitviimiK us ttrolitiLsiin. antevrr- nitin jimi ri-iruM'i'stoii.iivi'rcontiiiK (niintul piTitMls, tuning iitt tin1 nerve iiiitl hriui llttf Hlxiltt tt iHTti'Ct KtHlt' ()( Ill-tilth (Ml llO, IK1 the UraKRiuK-tlown uii tress In the pelvic reKion, the pain nnd tender lie!! tiver loKer ulMioihiHul reKiim. dries up the pelvic iMitarrhal drain, w disuKreenhle Uiid vt,tltt'hitiu, Hiid uvereoines every hum of weakness liu'ideiit to the organ)) distinctly feininine. "l'liVKrite Prescription1' is the only medicine fur women, the makers of which are not afraid U print their j formula on the liottlo wrapper, thus taking their natrons into their full con- fide i ice, It is the only medicine for j women, every ingredient of which has ; the strongest piihle endorwment of 'tlie most eminent medical practitioners : and writers of our day, recommending it for the diseases for which "Kavorite j rrejwrlptiotr is used. It Is the only put-up mctlicine for women, S4.il d throtiRi dniKKits, which doe not con tain a large percentage of alcohol, so ! harmful In the long run, especially to i delicate women. It has more genuine cures to Its credit than all other medi I clues for women combined, having ; saved thousand! of sunYrera from the i operating table and the surgeon's knife. It hm restored delicate, we.uk women to fitrong ami vigoroiu health and virility, ' making molliernood iiostinie, w Here mere was barrenness lief ore, thereby brighten ing nnd making happy many thousands of homes by the advent of little ones to strengthen the marital bonds and add sunshine whre gloom and despondency had reigned before. Write to Dr. II. V. Pierce. He will send you good, fatherly, professional advice, in a plain, sealed envelope, absolutely free. Address him at liuifitlo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets do not griM They effectually eh-anse the sys tem of accumulated Impurities. The People's Common Nense Medical i Adviser, by Dr. Pierce, I00H pages, is sent j reeon receipt of stamps to pay expense 01 mailing owy. nenu -'i nne-ceui siampi for the book In paper covers, or 81 stamps lor the cloth -bound volume. Addrea as above. f In England and France the Sale of Alum Baking Powder is pro hibited by law because of the in jurious effects that follow its use. The law in the District of Columbia also prohibits Alum in food. iou may live wnere as yet you have no protection against Alum The only sure protection against Alum in your Dakin" Powder is to Tr-.. i- i Say pfamfy- ROYAL is made from product. Aids digestion adds to the healthfulness of food. FROM HIS OLD When the evenin' shade is fallin' at the endin' o' the day, An' a feller rests from labor smokin' at his pipe o' clay, -There's nothin' does him so much good, be fortune up or down, As the little country paper from his 01' Home Town. It ain't a thing o' beauty an' its prtnt ain't always clean, But it straightens out his temper when a feller's feelin' mean, It takes the wrinkles off his face an' brushes off the frown, That little country paper from his or I lome Town. Ii tells of all the parties an' the balls of Pumpkin Row, 'Bout who spent Sunday with who's girl an' how the crops 'II grow, An' how it keeps a feller posted 'bout who's up an' who is down, That little country paper from his or Home Town. Now, I like to read the dailies an' the story papers, too, An' at times the yaller novel's an' some other trash don't you? But when I want soinereadin' that will brush away a frown I want that little paper from my or Home Town. MIR IIVDII SIXTY VI'.tR"! Mrs Vivmi.ii'sKihitiiin(i Smut h.is lir, -ii used 1'or uver 10 year by uiillinit of innthiTH liir their children while teetbini:, wi(h perfect success. It soothes thechiltl. sol'lcns the tinis, allays all p.nn; cures ninil colic, and is ti.e lcst remedy lei Di.nrluiea It will iel;eve the pour little sutVerer innucdiii'ely Sold Iw drtic ts in every part of the world. Twenty-live cent a bottle. He sure ami ask t'oi ''Mrs. Wuislow's Southing fcn r'ip,' and take no orher kind. A judicious woman that is dili gent and religious is the very soul of the house. WIimi the cold winds dry and crack the skijaboioi'saivecantaveinuch iiinum- Curt In bnyinn naive look lor the inline on the box to avoid ;my imitations, ami lie stirt vdu m't t ho ungual I't Witl's Wili-h Hazi'l Salv.' Sold by W. M Cohen. Weldon. N. THI3 BILLS. j See the collectors with their bills, ! New Year bill! i W hat a qualm of misery their vis- ( iting instills! How they make a fellow swear, i Jump around and tear his hair. j While the creditors, the brute.;, Threaten action, threaten suits; Raining down, down, down, While you glance at them and frown At the interest calculation that so horribly fills All the bills, bills, bills, All the staggering total figures Of the bills! Baltimore Sun. REVISED VERSION. Mother, may I go out to swim? asked the dutiful daughter, more, however, as a matter of form than to secure permission. Most assuredly, my darling daughter.replied the modern moth er, provided you will sit around on the sands, where your new bath ing suit will show off to the best and allow the others to disport themselves in the surf. Chicago Press. Religion is not a geyser; it is a spring. i Absolutely pure Cream of HOME TOWN. I'llcs i-i t ipiiek relii f Irotn Dr. Snoop's M.ijjic 1 liutnieut. Keiiieuiber it's made alone for l'ilcs and it works withccituiu. ty and sjtislaclion. Itching, painful, pro trudtut', or blind piles disappear like inaj; ie by its use. Try it and nee!" I 'or; ale by W M. Cohen. Weldon, X ('. Lazy people making excuses. tire themselves To stop a cold with ,'llrcventics"is saler than to let it run ami cute it afterwards. Taken at the "snee.e stae" l'ieventii'8 will head ofTall colds and grippe, and perhaps save you I'neuinonia or ltronctiitis l'reveuties ure little lootlnome candy cold cure tablets selling mi .", cent and '.V" cent b.ixea. If you are chilly, if ;ou beiu to sneeze, try rreventic. They will surely check the cold, and please yon. For tuile by V M. i oheu Weldon, N.C God may empty fill our hearts. our hands to It' a pteasuio to tell our readers nliout a Cougrh Ctnc like !r sbo.ip's. I'orycars l)r Shoop has l'ouuhl against the u.e rl Opium, Cblorofotin, or utlicr nus,tfe iugie dicirn found in faugh Ueinelics t'i. Sh'Mip, it s cms, h:is welcomed the Tine l-'nod an I liruc; l aw recently tnacied, lor hehasworkelalotigsiiuil.tr ltne many yeirs. l''or nea fly 'ill years llr. Shoop's Cough Cure conlaineis h ive hail u warn. ing prin'v I on thetn tiitaiust O, iuiu and other n iteolics. He h is 0lH made it pos hible lor ui ttliets lo pttdect t liei r ehildlen by simply l aving llr. Slump's t'oughCure. Sold by V M. ( oheu. Woldoii, X. ('. A man who plants reaps roses. thorns never " I'hey like the taste ns well as maple su gar," is what one mother wrote of Kenne dy's Lnxativi. Cough Kyi up. This mod - cm cough s) tup is absolutely free from any opiate or norcotie. Contains Honey Tar. Conforms to the National Pule Food and Ding law. Hold by W. M Cohen. Weldou. N. C. The glory of God is not proven by your gloom. For Infante and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of A bank book is a poor place look for happiness. to M BAKMG POWDER Tartar. a Dure GraDe RAILROAD RUNNINQ UP-TO-DATE. "Where's the President of this railroad?" asked the man who cilh'd at the general offices. 'He's down in Washington, at tendm' th' sessions o' some kind uv an investigatin' committee,'' re plied the office boy. "Where's the general mana ger?" "He's appearing before the In ter - State Commerce Commis sion." "Well, where's the general su perintendent?" "He's at th' nieetin' o' th' Leg islature, fightin' some new law." "Where's the head of the legal department?" "He's in court, tryin' a suit?" "Then, where is the general passenger agent?" "He's explainitf t' th' commer cial travellers why we can't reduce the fare." "Where's the general freight agent?" "He's out in th' country t' at tend a nieetin' o' th' grange an' tell th' farmers why we ain't got no freight cars." "Who's running the blame rail road, anyway?" "Tli ' newspapers." Pittsburg Press. APPRECIATION. At a recent marriage anniversa ry an appreciative husband thus addressed his wife: "To you, my wife as 1 review the pasi I am re-, minded that through all these years you have been a true, faithful and loving mother, ever ready with a word of encouragement in the darkest hours, always willing to bear more than your share of life's burden's making many sacrifices for my own and our children's happiness and comfort, and I feel that surrounded by the perplexities and vexations of a busy life I may have failed to show 10 you my ap preciation of your many virtues." Our idea of a heroine is a who could talk back, but doesn't. wife ! she ' Croup can positively he stoppeil itt 2tH minutes. N'o Mituiting noth ng tosieketi or distress your child. A sweet, pleasant. 1 and safe Syrup, called Dr. Shoop's t'toup ! Cure is for Crntip alone, reme t her. It 1 dois not c'aim to cure a dozen ailments, j It's for croup, that's all. Fold by W. M Cohen. Weldon, X I' Your likeness will be the things ' Oil which yOU look IV es Coffee disagree with ou? l'roba b'y it does! Then try Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. "Health Collee ' is a clever com bination of parched rerenls and nuts. Not a grain ol real cotFe", remember, in Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, yet its flavor an! taste matches cloqely old Java and Mocha Coffee. If your stoinneh, heart or kidneys can't stand coffee drinking, try Health Coffee It is wholesome, nourishing, nnd satisfying. It's safe for even the youngest child. For sale by W. T. l'arker, Weldou. X. C. You cannot reach the cept through the man. mass ex- OASTOniA. Bun the ll Ktttd You Haw slwafl Bought PRAY WITH YOUR W. Vtt. Do You Pray for Tai'i Child nrately, nnd h.v Name? A young moihtr made it her daily practice to carry her little ones in supplication to the throne of grace, ami yet complained of a want of faith and definiteness in asking lui them the influence of the I Inly Spirit. "lo you pray for each child separately, and by name?" in quired the pastor. "No, that has never been my habit," was the reply. ' I think it of much importance as a help to our faith and to the clearness and intensity of our de sire in their behalf. You prny with them, I trust, as well as for them?" "Sometimes I do, but not of ten." "Let me persuade you, then, to take your liule son and daughter, each separately, to the place of prayer, and kneeling with them before the Lord, tell Him the name, the daily history, the spe cial need of each, and see if your heart is not opened to plead for them as you have never done be fore." Tears were in the eyes of the young mother as she said, with trembling lips, "I'll try." As evening came she had not forgotten hir pr inNc. 1 4. ..s .. saw that Sarah, her daughter, w unusally peevish, she thought it best to take her little son first to her chamber. Willie was a bright and pleasant boy of five years, and when his mother whispered her wish to pray with him he glai'ly put his hand in hers and knelt by her side. As he heard his name mentioned before the Lord a ten der hush fell upon his young spir it, and he clasped his mother's j fingers more tightly as each peti ; tion for his special need wasbreath ! ed into the ear of his Father in : heaven. And did not the clinging 1 to that hand warm her heart to new and more frequent desire as she poured forth her supplication to the Hearer and Answerer of pray er. When the mother and child rose from their knees Willie's face was like a rainbow smiling through ! tears. i "Mamma, "said he, "I am glad you j told Jesus my name; now He'll i know me Vi'lien I get to heaven. 1 And when kind angels that carry little children to the Saviour take tne and lay me in His arms, Jesus will look at me so pleasant and say, "Why, this is Willie Huston! his 1 mother told me about him; how 1 happy I am to see you, Willie!" Won't that be nice, mamma?" Mrs. Huston never forgot the . scene. And when she was per mitted to see not only her dear Willie and Sarah but the children afterward added to her family cir cle, each successively consecrating the dew of their youth to God, she did indeed feel that her pastor's plan was "the more excellent way. she Mas resolved to rec-; ommend it to praying mothers by telling them this touching inci-, dent. Selected. 1 You can never get life's perspec tive from time's platform. 5,000 Reward w ill be paid to any person who 1:111 find one atom of opium, chloral, morphine, cocaine, ether or chloroform or their derivatives in any of Dr. Miles' Remedies. This reward is offered be cause certain unscrupulous persons make false statements about these remedies. It is understood that this reward applies only to poods purch ased in the open market, which have not been tampered with. Dr. Miles' remedies cure by their strengthening and invig orating effect upon the nervous system, and not by weakening the nerves. "I consider thut there are no better remctlles rot tin than Dr. Miles' Nervine. Antl-Tatn Tills, and Nervo nnd l.lver I'llls. We have used them for years, utid recommend tttem to many others. My wife is using the Nervine, nnd considers it tho best medicine in ttie world. A lady friend of mine, who was almost a total nerv ous wreck, throucrh my earnest solici tation lias used several bottles of the Nervine with wonderful results," WM. CROME, Bait Uiko City, Vtah. Dr. Miles' Antl-Ptln Pills are sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It falls, tie will return your money. 25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind that druff Dan There is one thing that will cure it Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the germs whien cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to you healthy hair, no dan druff, no pimples, no eruptions. The beat kind of a testimonial "Sold lor over sixty years." A M.do by J. u. Ayer Co,. Lowell, Hrn. uiuuui.omrer. ai 7 SADStPAUU. ifers ruts. CHLKRV PECTORAL I'l'iMI l r v 2s lo at OLD RTKKET, IKTKltsnUKG. VA. MAM'PAfm-KKHS OF i'u ing bought out Steel A Alex , er, founders and machinist!!, wiib all patterns we are now prepared to furnish parts to machines formerly made by them. HYDRAULIC FRISSES ,nd PEANUT MACHINERYVcity Mill work nod eastings of all kinds. Second hand machinery fursalecheup. Call on us or write f..r what you want. Great Reductions For Cash For : 75 Moiitiettc lings, 75 'X fill Smyrna " 2 20 '.'.' 1HI Mo,iiette rugs, Hil2 ft. 17 75 le'lc China Matting, 10c. 2oc " " Kfc. '--;c. Japanese " 17c. '-'"' " " 18jc. ti"e Wool Carpeting 4Ue. 2oc Window shades, 20e. fliic " 3?e Poc 2-yard ide Linoleum, 75c "5c 65c (loc Floor Oil Cloth, 4Rc I 35 AiiuinsterCarpeting, 89c 1 -til lbV0 Picture Frames, 95c Wall paper, 4. 5 and Gc per roll A I.AKCS STOCK OK Talking Machines, Qraphophones, Kodaks, ' Cameras, and supplies on ham Jit all times, at the very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS. WFXTKIV, N. c. CHOICE ROSES ! Carnations, Violets and other flowers, always on hand. Shower Wisldli g Ho!iqttet, Handsome Florsl Dengue. Pot and out door Ix-diling plants. To mato, Oibhage mid oilier Vegetable Plants, Magnolias. Orders pioniptlr eiecuttd. Wrile, 'phone or telegraph H. STONMFTZ, hjibist, RALEIGH, NOKTH CAROLINA. 4 lH ly OF FALL AN'D WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOOD8 and NOVELTIES. Bntterick's Pattern!. II. & G. CORSETS, M lanes at 60c. , Ladies 75o. to f L IttvPrloes will be made to suit the times, Hats and Konnete mad and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldou, N.C. Grand Display

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