Indigestion Stoinucti trnut.)-' is fut.i i itiyit.m of. ft'i'l " luitsell u true .iwjv W imnL of H.-artl.urn, mxi lulitfiMinii u- .ii-w-ar . tiiey ar,- iiipinin uui i u ii.lLi ,"! .lVrvp sii'tnt'- ii.-t'iiiitf . it wii,k uic-i KM .vriv. rU lr.l It ... In ill i r-'utuni ii tin hnujuo -lr limn. t) llm ttonmi'ti in i" vi and favor l It. -'im out tlml (iniciMHl in MUt'h lllptiNtf "I'M' For sioiiuult (iiiri .,.itK Mn llu:t sii i ':, jlll'l HtuinliV'' i UiU v.twl l-nt'. ,.H tVlif , Mtlulial trench and stMis riui'i' !- Restorative-- h.M.-l-, !' LoiiiM elf what it run a 1 1 1 w.ll .fully rfcoinintKii Dr. Shoop's Restorative Sold by W. M. Cohen. TMK ROANOKH NKWS. Thisrsoav, Jan. 24. IW7. Published Every Thursday. K I I liH' .! .!' Hit I W Kl I" N ski n. nil - m v : I Ht KAIISdl MBSCkH'iliAIN 1A WIT; dim Year, ili.v niuil.i iwtiige puid, 1 ?n Six Mouths, " " " " A weekly HentecMlie devoted to ilif material, ciliu, pnliliral ami iigriitiltuial iutt it sM ol H :i il'ax mill sur rounding cniintit Ailveiti-ing rates riMsiinalilt ami I'm nill etl oti application. Good resolutions have not put itie white apron and the cash reg ister out of business Zion City is to he sold at auc tion. That ought to result m a quick sale, and small prophets. A New York doctor has varied the old joke a little by sending an infernal machine to his father-in-law. Rockefeller sas "life is full of trials." but so far they have been mostly grand iury indict ments. Rockefeller says, "I have seen very little evil in the world." He evidently did not get bald in the front row. New shoes are to be made with detachable heels. This will save the man some trouble who comes in about 2 a. in Talking- of cruel and unusual punishment, a New York judge read some of his own poetry to a man he sentenced. Mr. Bryan advised the Kansas Populists not to disband. He is not overlooking any "sure things" in the nomination line. A Kansas City judge says that "no tiddler ever amounted to any thing." X'hy Senator Bob Taylor amounts almost to a riot any time. A famous German astronomer says there is smoke on the moon. Perhaps he has discovered a sort of lunar Pittsburg with his spy glass. Persia received a constitution for a new year's present. If Per sia is wise she will nail the flag to the constitution while the latter is young and intact. When Hon. Ben Tillman was Governor of South Carolina he once dismissed a whole company without honor, but Mr. Roosevelt did not use him as precedent even for that. Panama has given President Amador formal permission to re turn Mr. Roosevelt's visit. For tunately for our President he does not have to ask anybody when he wants to make a few pop calls. When Bishop Potter wants to Bellamy-Storer a man, he says "the statement is a gratuitous and impertinent reference without foun dation in fact." It sounds better for a bishop to say it that way. Mr. li. H. Harriman is quoted as saying that he would give $10, 000.000 to rehabilitate ex-Governor Odell in polities. Mr. Har riman evidently realizes that it would be a strenuous undertak ing. "In certain quarters there is a lively fear the next president of the United States may weigh three hundred pounds," says the Bir mingham Age-Herald. And there is a certain amount of fear in other quarters that he may not. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cam of Catarrh that cannot be cured It) Ha l' Cat.rrh Cure F. J. CHENEY SCO ' Toledo, O. We, 'Jie undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 year-i, and believe liira p rlect'y bonorabl- in ull business transactions and able to rarrj niH an - h iuii ions made I v hi lit-" , W ,1- ing. Kin an & Mumn Wb -leoal DuiKgists loledn, Ohio. H.iTsl'at r'h (uieis akeu internal! neii g directly upon the mucous surface of thesya'em. - bi -i.oi iala I e 1 1 dru&gisiH I'ru t 7.'i ueut pt-i bottle Tai Hall's Family Pi il t'. r I'oDSIipo tiou. THE "Superb" a i.w battleship for the British navy, will be even more formidable than the "Dread nought." This puts it up ro Uncle Sam to build the "Out-'o S','.u" as a fair suecessoi t the "Skeer-eJ-'o-Nuthin'." I'll I-. I ni' Recoid bru tally refused to publish the i il us rations acconip.iiiyins the I 'resi dent's Panama message but slid C JHtill : ' t ; -iilctll.ilC the speech es of me members, with imaginary applause. Suyviuk Till. man has called forth considerable comment uy keeping tjaiet the first month of the session, but no one seems to notice that tile pile of sawdust around the desk of Senator Spooner has also been getting pretty high. Si-natok Porakek, in his vain attempt to puncture Roosevelt's pi 'polarity is posing as a champion "coon" advocate, in rebuking the 1'iesideiii tor discharging those ik;;;o murderers and accessories from the army. The people of this country, regardless of party, approve ului the President did, in discharging the negroes who , shot up Brownsville. ! President Roosevelt is pro 1 ceeding against the Standard Oil I Company, as if he meant to de stroy that great ,ind abominable trust, which corrupts our courts, : debauches our state and national ' legislatures and despoils our people of profits and property. Yes, it is time they were brought to justice, and if John D. Rockefeller and H. H. Rogers were divested of iheir untold millions in hues, as provided by law, and sentenced to jail for the balance of heir lives, it would be nothing but justice, at which all Americans would re-ioice. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, North Carolina Lawmakers At Work. Bills, Resolutions, etc., of (ieneral Interest, TI'ESDAV, JANUARY 15. No bills of special interest toour readers were acted upon. The Senate bill to prevent usury, in tended to releive poor people from greed of money sharks was deba ted. This bill prescribes that no interest greater than ti per cent, shall be charged upon mortgage on household and kitchen furniture. The ami-lobbying bill passed second reading in the House. All bills relating to railroads will be considered at one time and the 24th was set as the day for taking them up. WEDNESDAY, JANt'ARY Hi. In the Senate the bill to place solicitors of Superior coups on sal aries was reported favorably fixing salary at 2, 100. Among the bills introduced were the following by Senator ll.iniel: To regulate indictments being quashed for not paying costs. To divide the State into judicial circuits. The amend the charter of Roa noke Rapids. In the House the session opened with a lengthy discussion on the bill requiring lobbyists to register; ; finally passed. The House tabled the bill pro ; viding that prisoners in jail await ; ing trial be allowed, upon their own motion, to work on the roads. THURSDAY, JAN. 17. i Bills of importance were intro duced in both branches of the (ien eral Asssmbly, the most important be:ng the Reformatory bill of Mr. Preston, of Mecklenburg; Senator Rives bill requiring transportation companies to furnish cars when shipments are tendered; and Rep resentative Koonce's bill to estab lish a North Carolina Insurance Commission. A large number of bills were ' passed many of them being only of : local importance. FRIDAY, JAN. 1 S , The most important bills in the i Senate were by Senator W. t. Daniel to amend the constitution ; of North Carolina providing for i emergency courts and the election of two district judges to hold such I courts, and a bill to declare where i burden of proof lies under certain l statutes. Nothing of importance I was transacted in the House. ! Saturday being the 1 00th anni i versary of the birth of General R. ' V.. Lee, and a holiday in the South, the (ieneral Assembly in honor of ; his memory adjourned till Monday morning. j MONDAY, JAN. 21. ; The Legislature held a brief ses sion owing to absence of many members Irom bodies ot the Gen eral Assembly, who went home Friday. The most important bill intro duced was by Senator Redwine to establish a reformatory for crimi nal youths between the ages of 10 and 1 6 years. Another important bill was that by Senator Mitchell, of Bertie, to prohibit public drinkingon any first class passenger coach in the pres ence of passengers, and making the same a misdemeanor and pun ishable by fine or imprisonment, or both. OABTOIIIA. tan th. f f KM Von Hmi Always Bnujlit Writes Like a Pencil-J. Ullrich Stylographic pens, price $ 1 .25 and up. J. B. Gooch, at postoffice, Weldon, N. C. Scktopps Tobacco 5s Made ENTIRELY from Flue Cured Tobacco Grown in the Piedmont Country. The ImitaiiiHi Brands Have Schnapps Quality Only On the Outside Of the Plug Hundreds of imitntion brands arc on sale that look like Schnapps to bacco. The outside of the imitation plugs of tobacco is flue cured the same as Schnapps, but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened air cured tobacco. One chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger longer than two chews of such to bacco. The color, size and shape of the tags, plugs and packages of certain imitation brands of tobacco have been made so much like Schnapps that they have often been accepted by buyers under the belief that they were getting Schnapps. Sufficient proof has been secured to establish the fact that certain brands are infringements and in vio lation of the trade mark laws, yet the trade will continue to be imposed upon by these infringers until the suit already entered and now pending to protect Schnapps is decided. A great many of these imitations arc K. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, AYlnston-salem, x. c. fc. -0 mt f Jj of DECIDED Superior quality. Weldon Dealers should observe that Bottled CocaCola winter as in summer if served to the trade in an $ St; i Ji: L' SC; Aovi:kt!Si:i)Li:tti".Us. The fol lowing i.s a list of letters remaining "uncalled for" in the Weldon post office: (.hany l ewis, R. J. Chrane. I:. ("oplon, Miss Diner Gray, Mis ; Hattie Knight, Mrs. I'olly Mills, ' Miss Viola Shaw. S. A. Tudor, 1 Mr. lidwerd. Persons calling for above letters 1 w ill please say "advertised," giv--ing date of advertising. John (). Hprton, P. M., 1 W eldon, N. C. j I -2 1 -1 MOT. Sl-:i:. advertisement of Lester Pi- j ano Company and try your hand i al "the best definition of a j baby." YOUR EYES l)o they trouble you'' If so, have the defects corrected without delay and thereby regain and preserve your vision. (j. V. Mewbom, B. S.. Doctor of Optics, examines and treats eyes YW.l1., and NTS hem with glass es at reasonable prices. See him as follows in P07: Pinctops, February 1 1 . Macdestield. " 12. Old Sparta, " 13. Tarboro, (Hotel Farror) Febru ary 1 4. Tarboro, ifild. G. M. Corbitt's Home) Feb. 15. Speed, February 18. Hobgood, " IS). Scotland Neck, (Brick Hotel,) Feb. 20. Tillery, Feb. 21. Halifax, Feb. 22. Weldon, (A C. L. Hotel,) Feb ruary 2ii, 27. Rosemary, February 28. Roanoke Rapids, March 1, 2. I nfield, " 5, ti. Whitakers, March 7. Battlehoro, " 8. Please meet me bcltteen tiains. No further notice. AIFT GOT NQJ'HUNDED" MOLES AND HORSES : : PUTWIIL MEET COWIPETH -riO IF YOU BRIM T-DE OASH. VV. T. PARKER. wn.noN. n, c $tociiolta' Meetini, The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Weldon Lumber Company will be held in their of fice near Weldon, N. C, Thurs day, January 24th, 1907, at 12 o'clock. E. A. Shepherd, . Sec. and Treas, $0., 0.0.0. 00.00 0-- 00 IFOIR, BOTTLED COCA COLA. (cw L L L SL'Si '-J5 m Mum Weldon, UNITED STATES FIRS TM A Reasons for Soliciting Your Business. I'lRST. We are the first and only Depositary of V. S. Govern ment funds in this section of Eastern North Carolina. SI;COM). Our management has had twenty-one years experience in the hanking business; and as a National Bank Exam iner and Receiver in charge of National Banks. THIRD, We make collections Carolina at the lowest banking rates; and makes a spec ialty of banking and commercial collections. FOURTH, We allow a reasonable interest on time deposits; an en couragement to thrift and saving. OFFICERS: Win. H. S. Burgwyn, Pres. Sam'l V. Patterson, V-Pres. N:ttuin;il r;iuk KxuuiiniT lo:t-lto;i Ot-i) Miin UoHUuke Mills Co and ko-- niary MTj (to James T. Cooch, Cashier, Mayor of WeMon and U 8 Coinmiisioner , WW K TWO CAR LOADS OF Horses & Mules Driving, Farm and Saw Mill teams. Come and make your selection before they are picked over. Weldon Live Stock Co. IVr A S. AI.I.IA, li.n .Mm IlKALEKS IN HKAVY AND FANCY n w n Lli We have the best line of t.roreriffi in town, When in need of anything in Grocery Line Cull on us. Our stock is fresh, tlite us yonr trade FOLEYSHONEMAR tops ! oottgh mad nls lungs claimed to be "just as good" as Schnapps, but there is only one gen uine Schnapps. Be sure the letters on the tag, and stamped on the plug under the tag spell S-C-H-N-A-P-P-S and then you have it the most wholesome tobacco produced, with just enough sweetening to preserve the mild, juicy, stimulating quality of the leaf tobacco. Hxpert tests prove that this flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous Piedmont tegion, re quires and takes less sweetening than any other and has a wholesome, stimulating, satisfying effect on chewers. If the tobacco you are chewing don't satisfy you more than the mere habit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco. Schnapps is like the tobacco chewers formerly bought costing from 75c, to $1.00 per pound; Schnapps i.s sold at 50c. per pound, in 5c. cuts, strictly 10c. and 15c. plugs. 00-f0 ST'.S?'. li i Write the i nmrv7 W sells equally as well in W attractive manner. W j-S '-5 '4 '2 '4 45 LI N. C. DEPOSITARY. on every banking point in North in nRTwn Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refute ubatltutes. Price BOo. For Kale by E. CI.AIiK, Weldon, N. (', SASH.DOORS.BLINDS. MANTELS, TH.F.8 OKATKH, tlARDWARK, PA1NTS.4C FRANK T. CLARKCOMPANY, 1.11. Norfolk, Vi. 1L 2 X v ffy f? 'v fv We bought Before the big- advance in price andean, today ::::::: Undersell the Factories. Complete House From the brick foundation to the tin roof Give us a trial order and be convinced that we can save you money. -5 Wholesale Afc'W1 'W'W''-- 1,$ y$ v '4$ '4$ : U n m FOR n k m : I i LP. f r. I ' h -m y 4 1 I FURNITURE! We Have The Finest Line of Household and Kitch en Furniture, Parlor Suits, Mattings, etc., Ever .Brought to this section. Our line of Crockery, kL.. I in and Willow ware, S-UNI)KKTAK1N(1 IN AM. I S Ml; M UK- Wagons, Carts, Buggies. -: T. X. STAINIUCK. - - Wood SeedT "7r i xwm neavy, Ok. A- Recle&ned Stocks. We have i' c.f 1 nil ii-Im in pt-ii'l;, m1-i'Ii,1 lY,,m tin- lu st cio,t kiouii in lliis country; nil tin. 1h"-L uuil most nroduoivo 1 iVirt, or 90-Day, BJark Tartarian, Swedish Select, Red Rust Proof, White ninl I'.liu-k Sprinir, Vir. '.'ilia limy Winti-r, etc. Wiiln fur juii-i-!!. WOOD'S NEW SEED 800K lor 1907 I. II. all iiliimt Si-c,l O-iis ami ull I :ii ii at-1 tianlruSvvdi. Mailed ill ( I II U'iUtMt, inn j. . . I,, ...... ' ..I ..ww- ww wwiiwf VVwligllwl1 I RICHMOND, OEOROE C OKF.RN, Attorney-At-Law, ( ill i. nnl J l.i n k liuiliiinn ) I'uicticPd in ull Stale uuil 1'imIc nl iHiutta Collection of t'luium in lluli fax nud niljoining conntiec. Money to loun on nnproreil leenrilv Mtnmev for the Kiint N itiomil Huiik .if Welilou. WKLUON.N. C. Administrator's Notice. II iiiiZ ili:ililli'il us nilmiiiMtrulnr of the etnteol tlielale.l. H. Hulehelor thin into notify nil petanm having claims against said entule to preiicnt them to me on or be lore the Ifith day ot .lanuniy. Iikim, or this notice will lie plead in har of their recov ery. S. M. t i A K Y, 1 10 til Admiuintrator. F0LEYSH0NEMCAR Seres ta PrevenU Peeweeaia 'VS- -v. jSt t .-5 ':r- r w 'iv .t . several carloads line in everything anil Retail Unrdw w W 'v w K WELL - DRESSED HY would you spend your money for poor fit ting clothes when you can for the same money Ket a fit eual to the very best tailor-miule clothes ? You would hardly do this if you only believed the following statement : UNLESS YOU ARE DEFORMED, WE CAN PIT YOU PERFECTLV, Come to my store und give us ihe chance to demonstritte, to prove the truthfulness of this ns sertion. do - Carls, etc. is complete. 1!S ardwars CompanY are, W.ldon, N. C. J c 'rrn, .'skk rs and Bfiti.iL rohi;s.- Cocking an,l Heating Stoves. W. T. HOLKIfJS .5 years' experience Honest work at live ami let live prices. Over i-'irst National Hunk. Administrator's Notice. II iv iiiR iiia ilicl as a ln.ii, i .11 nin'e ol Hlimnl Adui s, ilei i .i-i 1!, Halifax enmity, Ninth ( imlni,. to notify all per-ims h ivinj; ,-ii.i ti naiil estate tn exhiliit ilum in t , I ! Il lite 11I Ills :s II i ill -t sigeoil 01 or lii'f .re the 17th uf llneiiiLir 11X17 o- this mitliv will he ple.i el in nr ol their recovery All jHirion-, imlcl.t.ii toaaid estate ill pi use nmke imiue li ,te piynit nt. i;!i,i: ahams, Admr. This the ITili day ol lleieinher, DHI'i. Grange l (ireen, at-iorney. l 'Jo li . w A I. T E It E . 1) A N I E 1, Arwit.XKY- T-l.AW, Wki.iiiin, V C. I'rui tiies in thecuuita of llalii,x ,,,,,1 Noilh.niptoii mid in the Mipreme ami Kede.'ul cunrt.s. Collections uiuile in nil purta of North Carolina Unwed olliw at Halifax, N. C open every Moniluy Hekee NMene e Waeeer RIM -. i i. - i. tv of Ufa needed in HP, 'sy s 7 4 'MS ?av 9" MEN. WKLDON, N. C. S ALEOF HOUSE AND LOT. 1 I ,-4 ; -- . ill ILOjpO j g 1'iirsiiatit to the power of tale coutaini il in a (cilaili ileid 01 trust exeeuteil amlil livircil hy i. c. I'eun. i 1111.I wife 'o W 1'. I'.iniel, trustee, hearing dite April an, 1"!'". and duly mo tied in tsaik l ia, at pai;e otliie of tin- Keg mer of 1' Inr llalit. ix cuiiaiv, tn secure 1 ri ilelileilne-s therein set out, delal.ll havii g heen nindi- ill the payment theltnf, the nnilersigned trustee, wi 1 sell at pul.lie iiiKtiun, for cash to the higlnw! Imliier nt the ciiuit liniise ilnnr in Halilax tunn. Iliilil.iv e.iiintv, N. t . on MOMMY, llie 1 4 HI HAY til' H:i!;l'M,Y, HMiT, ihe 1 following ilen-iilicd ii(ipeiv, tow it: V rriniii lot or parcel i-f l;rnl hing . and heing in the town ol Halifax, county tid Halifax anil Slale afnr. slid, it, sign-, il 1 I'll Ihe map ol sail! t mg a- lot No !!!. H i heing the lot mi liu-fi the said i. I '. 1 n tier ii'id nile r -Mile, saiil lot heing li an Hi hy (iialinlli. ,1 ci, I,, il,,, t,, it Mrs WhitM phel s.,11. I.eiil.-i-Sliphel sun Hie stoic lo , ii ii,i...i i. I -. It I'ladliig I'h und M. MeM.ihuli. for li-i lla-r itiwrii t inn 1, 1 h i ,e i ,,.o h ,1 10 1 ii'llain liniilage ex. 1 ili-d I,, .lime i. .iiM m.l w-ie iivi ii K l.nZii il 10 d lice M I In l:i.l,.ui (i II111I11.1 11 nliali ol I r,n 1 I i,i,. 1, ,s I ill '"'Ik "I I! , M p.. ,. :ii , 1 (!. I ,gi.i.r ol l'i cds otliei- Ini II 1 1 I x , mini . ' hi , j 'In- I't day o! ,1 inn , iv I1KI7. W. ti. DANII-L. Iloiil 'I'iiih'14.. Sour j Stomach No appetlt., loss ot treng,i nervot' 1 ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, j general debility, sour risings, and catarrh ; ol the stomach are, all due to Indigestion. I Kodol cures indigestion. Thia new discov I ery represents the natural juices of digea t tiou as they exist In 1 healthy stomach, i combined with the greatest known Ionia ! and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys ! pepsla Cure does not only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing. , purllylng. sweetening and strengthening ; tin mucous membranes lining the stomach. 1 .. f1'' s s Bal- Renswood, W, Vs.. Mys: j I wii troubled with tour itoniKti lor twntj eirt. Kodol cured mi uy) wa are row aalni It hi ml ' lor baby." j Kodol DlgetU What Yon Eat. : Bottles only. 1 1 .00 Sl hoktlnt 3S limes the trill , alia, which sells lor 50 cants. I . by I. O. D.WITT OO., OHIOAQ& 8 l.l BV '. M. COHEN, WI.OOK, NC I m m it?. u

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