..Ml l &2LJ Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. 'i .rms of Subscription--$1.50 Pr Arrr- VOL. XLI. WKLDON, N. ('.. TIU'KSDAY. .JAM WHY 151, 15)07. NO. :JJ ' li UMIIWWfliHIII f ft? LnJ riit Kind You Have Always Bought, ftnil ulilih lias boon in use for over 30 years, lias homo the Nlj'iiatiirn of -rf - mxl has Imtii iim.liuiiilr Ills pcr- LJXArTTy, N01"11 ""Pfrvlslou hIiico its liilaney. -fuiTV, '4SUW. Allow no ono to (lcclvc you In (his. All Counterfeits, Imitations ami .TiiNt-us-rl" an- hut !:ici lmc:iits that trlllo with and cihIuiikit the healtli of lotiiiitu and Children 12xpcrUiice agaiiist I'tperiuient. What is CASTORIA C'aftoria is a, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, I'are "oric. Drops and Soothing .Syrups. It is I'leasant. It eontuiiis lu'i'.iior Opium, Morphine nor other N'areotio .Milistanio. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays l'everi.shness. It cures Diarrluea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation iinil riatuleucy. It assimilate the Food, regulates tho .Stomach ami Itowcls, giving healthy uud natural sleep. Tlie Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TWf ettmtUN OMMNV, TT MURIIf THE IT. HCW MAR Wt. McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CURE. j . ,h.nl b.olutl taataleaa It th only bq . Rqumlnon 0h,".Urk.t TlL oeMh to chill. th.mrket. It : ncrea9eyour ; andmalarla.ltw'" dblood. enlne. It ni P' llk ,t lata taate and ""'"-' PRICE, 00 CENTS. Take MoDUFFIE'S Llttl Bluo Sluggish Livers. Mc Duffle's Romedles are sold on a f;jrntc to j do all we claim or FubSai.k hv W. M. Coiikn, Weldon, The : Bank : cf : Weldon, WKLDON, N. C. Organized Mer The Lais of the Slate of North Carolina, Ai;ousT2oTir, im. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. CapiM M FOR 14 year thin iimlitutiiiii Iibk iriai il Iwnkini: liicililii'K t"r Huh iMTtion Its tn holder anil ilirei-tum have lnt ult iiliiuil ilh llii buxiutwi intret ol Halil'.ix mid N..riliintmi miinii.s Kir many ynw Money i Umiiwl iiiii upp-oved swnr.l. at lilt I-:tl ralf t mt.wt-si lor Centura. Accouutsof all ure mili.-ileil l'KKSIKKNT: w. r, uASici., viririiKsiniisT.' Dr. II. W. I.DVIS. (.laikson. Nurlhanif Inn Co. N. C) 1 GARRETT & COMPANY, Pioneer jAwiC2 a a a w w IBP c. .su.i a . j, r v .-ai?'i trii, u unui 1 " 'SrSMAmp M kstahmhTieo im- KSTAB1.IHHE0 1H:I5. a PTTini ALTIES VIRGINIA DARE TJZ v A. r. untTM STATE BLACKBERRY St H I A WAT HA WAT UulPhamnutll' U- PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL W ..i f I V1..1.uaim WlltiKllir I ( MII4W ill II IHIU'I ur. ii ... It h Kt luia. Mu 1.1. Ill DKALElt IN Heavy and Fancy vGROOERIES. flUAHH AND TOII AOT). cud aaw you miiuey on aoy thing in the urocery lint. If you want new, fresh groceries, call on the old reliable, W. D. SMITH, WELDON, ..M.C EB3E22 Signature of RPENT.j MUTTOM S0ET LU"0 PLASTER. Cet rlKht at th. . . . -'. .nd"o,?he;r6:o,kf1,LUrlR o'ption In curing cQ h "J Bronchltle, Asthm, i"'Colris Pnaumonl. :L' "nc Plants ''.nd.u,.re(;u"'' iptlon. PRICE, 25 CENTS. Liver Pills for Constipation h.,d your money dock. N. C. W. E Bkavass, Knli.lil, N. C. W V. SMI I II, u n riia TTI'TI ! !' .? ui t POCAHONTAS MINNEHAH A& - f I I 1...S..I .. IKmiewinee. ni.ni Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY FREICHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LAKGKHTIilTOtHlnth South Illustrated Catalogue Free. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (EaUblinhed 1848.) lUtoieSBukit., Norfolk To will THE ENOINEORCRIED. "Yes, indeed, we have some little incidents happen to us," said ; the fat engineer. "A queer thing happened to nie about a year ago. I You'd think it queer for a rough ' man like me to cry for ten minutes and nobody hurt, either, wouldn't you? Well, I did, and I almost cry everytinie I think of it. I "I was running along one after-: noon pretty lively, when I ap- j proaehed a little village where the j tracks cut to the street. I slacked j up a little, but was still making ; good speed, when suddenly about twenty rods ahead a little girl, no i more than three years old, tottled j onto the track. You can't even imagine my feelings. There was 1 no way to save her. It was impos sible to stop, or even slack much, i at that distance, as the train was i heavy and the grade descending, j In ten seconds it would have been i all over, and after reversing and applying the brake, I shut eyes. 1 didn't wan't to see more. "As we slowed clown my my any I fire- man stuck his head out of the cab i window to see what I stopped for, when he shouted to me, "Jim, look here!" I looked, and there was a big, black Newfoundland dog holding the little girl in his j mouth, leisurely walking toward the house where she evidently be longed. She was kicking and cry-1 ing, so I knew she wasn't hurt, and j the dog had saved her. My fire- j man thought it funny and kept ; laughing, but I cried like a woman. I just couldn't help it. I had a i little girl of my own at home.'' The Young Catholic Messenger. A SWIFT JAB. Hadley Singleton Girls merely amuse me. You can bet your life none of them will ever catch nie. Miss I'epprey I guess you're right. They say "the biggest fish always get away," and I suppose i that applies as well to the biggest lobsters. Ituilrs up iK-ue, iironmlf-t iipjn-- tile. iii'iunvc.H ilij.vtimi, iuiluceH rfl'rtHh. iiijj wUrt-p, uivt'K renewed strength iui.1 lieiiltli. That's whiit ll(illi-tt:r' Itiifky Miiuntatu Tea dues. Teu r tablets V. M. (olieu. Weli.im. S. ' J. N tir.iwn. Hulii.ix. V f No man can serve in public who will not toil in secret. I'uss.-sMes wxnderl'iil n.e licin.il power tlie Iiuiuuu Ixidy, removing all disuidert. Iiom )imr nystem, is wliat Hollister's ItiK'ky Mountain Ten will d". Makes you well, keeps you well a." rents, Tea or Tablets. W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. J. S lirown. Halifax, S. C He who opens his heart to the ; best always finds it. Bfara tr.o Bifljuatur.. They who know Him as Jesus will not fear Him as Judge. DIED SUDDENLY OH HEART DISEASE. How tr!'!'1'")' ' bfii l.n s:ml lai to Hi" .iIbivi- tt-.'t i, -:i Ihi news i,aiers. Tlie ru-li ,sll at. I Hrenn ! iiosot thrt AtiiiTi.-an pei.fle hi' a str ing terideury lo lead n r to valvular unJ other aflwtions tit lint Iieirt. attended by ir ruKtilar aellon. iainf.itii)ii. diziiness, smothered sen-aMuni and other distrosi i iik svinptotus. Three o( the promtn'iit InRredlenW ot whteh llr. I'ierie's Hidden .Medical Dis covery Is made are rei'unwneuded by sumo ' ot the leading writers mi .Uuiriu Jolioi for llm cure of Jtist sueli cases. (,olden Sua I root, for instance. Is said by tho Unitkii Stii:s Kiki'kxsatdiiv, a stand ard authority, "to Imparl tone and In creased tHiwer to the heart's union." . & ...i.... !..-..1in,r tiiitliorflii'S reo- result liolden Seal a an imsiiriasel i tonic for tho muscular system In ueneral, uud m the heart Is iilmust wholly com posed uf Ihliscllllir tissue. II nauirai lullows that It must be Krcatly slrength luicd bv this miuiTli. general tonic. Hut probably the most imiiortaut inunsjlent of "tlofden Medical lliscover)." so far as lis marvelous cures of valvular and other Ktlectlons ol ine li.ait ar.i con cerned, Is Stone root, or ('olliiiwinfci t n., I'rof Win. I'alim, author of l'aine KpiUmiy of Medicine, says, of It: "I. uol louir uliicu. hd patient who wal o uiu. li iipiwnavd Willi vlaltr lls M of the heart that hU (rleuds wei obliged to carry him up-stilw. tie. h.'ivover. iii.dul j recovereil under the Inllueuctt "f I ollhiM'iiln Itiushcliial nrliioiole em racted from Mono I J! I. ami li i"!i attend!..,, to his business. Ilor.'lofure physicians knew of no remedy . for tho removal of so illslresslng and sodan en...s a malady. With the.n It was all Joes, -work, and It fearfully warned tho aUILIed that death was near at ham . U1- ! llnsonln unnuestlonably affords rehot In ; auch case, aud In most luslances cllccta a 1 CUStuno root Is also recommended by I)r. Halo and Klliniovood, ot I'hlcano, for i valvular and other diseases of tho heart. The latter says: " It is a heart touic ol direct aud jiirmmtnif Influence." "(iiildon Mwiicai uiscoi.'i., "'i cures serious heart affections, hut Is a most ctlichint neimral tonic ana inynror ator, strenKihenlug the sKiiuarh, Ii.vIk oratiiur the liver, r-nulatlnir tho bowels aud curh.K catarrhal utfocUouu lu all parts ot the system, Dr I'lorce's Pellets cure Constipation. T. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WEI.DON, N. C. Practice in the coi.rtc uf Halifax and adjoining countiee.aud in tbe Hupreuie court ol the 8iat. Special attention given to eollodioos and prompt ratarni. Art IF YOU your tongue to ami look in the glass You can't help puckering it makes you pucker to think of tasting it. By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you take this puckering, injurious Alum right into your system you injure digestion, and ruin your stomach. tp plainly- Royal is made from pure, refined Grape Cream 'lln Alum l-mr nnn Vvoi;n tka nt-nfi rf -iinlitv tK THE BEST j Come let us make this bright New Year the best New Year of all, For years are growing fewer now, and soon shall come our call J That summons from the hand of Time where years are never known, i And where we're sure to reap our crop, whatever we have sown. ! How selfish and how mean we've been along the journey's way. X'e passed the suffering in the throng with no kind word to say; i The piteous wails of tearless waifs were lost upon our ears; We did not see the orphan's rags, nor dry the maimed one's tears. We turned away from hungry souls without one pitying look, And thus have cast a blot upon our record in God's book. God help us then to crown this year with deeds of tender's! love And dissipate the gloom of earth like sunbeams from above. I wonder if on yonder shore, when time has ceased to be, If 1 shall hear those welcome words, "Ye blessed, come to me." Or will my face be blanched with fear and shall 1 hear Christ say : "Thou did it not to one of these depart to thine own way." I WISH I HAD BEEN BORN A BOY- I wish that I'd been born a boy, I really do indeed, If just toshow some young men now in life how tosueceed, I wouldn't wish to be a fop, for they've conceit immense; I'd wish to be a young man grown, possess'd of common sense. I wouldn't wear a false mustache upon my upper lip, If one at all I'd grow my own, to be in fashion's tip; I wouldn't wear a pin of brass 'pon my shirt bosom, no, I'd sport the gold with diamonds, real, oft' should I want to show. I wouldn't scent myself with musk, that girls might think me sweet, I wouldn't, like some young men 'round, my washer-woman cheat; Because a young miss glanced at me I'd not imagine so, That she had fallen straight in love, or wished me for a beau. I wouldn't look to, no, no, no, my mammy for support, Like many young gents that I know who here and there resort. I'd be a man, and not a mouse, and go to work at once, I'd in my pockets have some cash, and make use of my sconce. I wouldn't sport my mother's watch, to show off at a ball; 1 wouldn't wear a great fob chain had I no watch at all; I wouldn't run a great lontr bill, he it for what it may, 'Fore 1 showed out in broadcloth clothes I would my tailor pay. j I wouldn't strike a woman, no, he's not a man who would, I (r take advantage of old age, but aid such if I could; ! Yes, if I had been born a boy all insults I'd repel, And there's some fellows that I know I'd like to thrash right well. IN MANY PLACES. Mrs. Naybor-T see a new girl. Has she you ve got had much J experience as a cook ? Mrs. Hiram Often Not much but many, and when her week s up I propose to give her notice to hunt up another experience. NOTHING AT ALL TO EAT. Hungry Hank-- I'd be obliged to yer, lady, for a meal Mrs. Bright Ah! you're one of these ufier-diiiiicr speakers. Hungry Hank Not exactly, lady, or 1 wouldn't be so hungry; I ain't even got so much as a chest nut about me. ENGAGED A GIRL. "My wife," said Newliwed, "is a very good cook." "Olcome," exclaimed Newitt, "Her mother told me she was tak ing her first lessons when you mar ried her." "I know, but she was good enough not to continue her lessons on me." To stop a cold with 'Trevi'iilic.s"is rufcr than to let it run and cure it aft. rwards. Taken at the "sneeze stage" I'reventics will head off all colds and (,'Hppe, ai.tl perhaps save you Pneumonia, or Bronchitis Preventics are little toot limine candy cold cure tahletasellinn iu 5 ceut and :!" cent boxes, If you are chilly, if ; ti lienin tu aneeiie, try Prcveutics. They will ante y check the cold, and please you. Far sale hy W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N C you will see the effect AVOID ALVM mm OF ALL. t roup can jmsittvely be stopped in 'JO minute-.. No v.iniitine, nelh I.;; tnsi.k.n nr distress our child A sweet, pleasant, ; and safe Syrup, called Or . Slump's t'loup ! t 'ure is tot Cruip alone, reme . her. It j does not claim to cure a dozen ailments It's for croup, that's all. Fold hy W. M. Cohen. Weldon. S C. The cramped heart cannot con tain the Christ. I lees Coffee disagree with .on' Proba b y 't does! Then try lr. Shis.p's Health t'.tlV. e. "Health t'otlee ' is a deer cone luuaMunol parched cereals and nuts, a craiu oi real cdVee, remember, in ."It.s.p's llrallh Coll'ee, let its 11 ivur N.'l Hr. tin t t.t ! I":.'' h"" H"- ly ..III l ivii inil Vneha . i. dec. 1 1 v our stomach heart or kiiluevs can't .stand cullcc drinking, try Health t'utloe It is wholesome nourishing ai'd s.ttislyin It's safe lor evrn the youngest child. I'o. Nile by 'A', i Purser, Weldon, N. C. Religion work. never wears out by I'Oit i i it ixt n:.it Mks vVvH.,iw'hS(ioiiiimi Svni'l' has been used fur over 0 years by millions of mothers lor their childrcu while teething, with perfect success. It soothes thechild, softens the gums, allays all pun; cures wiud colic, and is the best remedy for Ui.iirhoea It will relieve the poor little suBi-rcr iiuinedia ely Sold hr druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle He sure and ask foi ''Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Hyrnp," and take no other kind. Fair weather firmness. flowers find no CASTOIIIA. H 'lMstht )1lic Kind Von .law always Bmtf ujukture of PGWDEft of Tartar Costs more THE FAKIRS OF INDIA. I The Most Expert Wonder Work- j ers in the World. The Indian fakir is the world's most wonderful illusionist. It is easy to declare his feats are all humbug; it is easy to laugh at per sons who, having seen their per formances, regard him with awe and wonderment; yet it is a fact that no European juggler, il lusionist, scientist or other person has successfully performed any of the important feats accomplished by Indian fakirs. This article does not attempt to show how the tricks are done. It merely gives the opinion of those best acquainted with the subject experts in oc cultism and hypnotism. Understand, in the first place, that everything in a fakir's perfor mance is illusionary. Any at tempt to photograph it results in failure. The plate reveals noth ing, i ou are simply made to see things which do not exist. And what things! 1 his is one trick which you can see being per formed in India in many cities on the days of general festivities. Round a fakir, a wiry little man, ! whose clothing consists only of a j loin cloth, are assembled a vast au- dience. The little fellow in the : center gives a shrill whistle and throws up into the air what appears i to be a rope. You wait for the rope to fall, but it doesn't. It straightens itself out and looks just as if it were hanging from the sky. The fakir claps his hands j and gives vent to another whistle. Apparently out of nowhere, for the crowd is quite fifteen feet from the fakir, a boy appears, clothed in the manner of his master. The fakir picks up the boy and flings him into the air, toward the dan-1 gling rope. You hold your breath, while the j boy clutches hold of the rope and shins up it, monkey fashion, till he disappears from sight in the clear sky. A few moments later, up 1 goes the fakir, until he, loo, is lost 1 to view. Suddenly from the sky 1 you see and hear sections of the j boy's body tall and strike the tiuuiiJ with a dull thud. Then the fakir reappears, descending the rope, first as a mere speck in the heavens, but gradually becom ing larger as he nears the ground. The fakir gathers the boy's head and limbs and body, sticks them together and behold! the boy, all smiles and activity, runs once around the fakir and then disap pears as mysteriously as he came. This, the favorite feat of Indian fakirs, has been witnessed scores of times by officers and other Eu ropeans whose word is indisputa dle. The officers of a British war ship, having several civil officials aboard, vouch for the following particulars. Their ship had come to a halt in an East Indian port af- ter a journey of many thousand miles, when the fakir made Ivs ap - pearance, swimming through the surf and scrambling to the deck by the anchor chains. Thus he had no confederate nor any means of assistance aboard. l-'irst he took from the hand of an officer the half of a cocoanut shell, from which when held aloft he caused twelve pailfuls of water io flow from the deck. A large earthenware dish was next borrowed from the pantry. The fakir poured into it a gallon of water and held it on his outstretch ed left hand, placing the other hand on his forehead. As the crowd of officers and men stood watching in wonderment the dish began to shrink in size until it en tirely disappeared. They still stared as a brown object, like a grain of sand, gradually grew larger and assumed its normal di- j mensions and was found not to have spilled a drop of the wan r poured into it. Another performance of th:s same fakir was still more amazin On first reaching the deck afar leaving the water he had untied a large red cloth from the back cf ' his neck, where it had obviously ; been stowed to keep it dry. This j he passed around the conipa S ny for inspection. It was ; merely an ordinary cloth, of coarse texture. Spreading it flat upon the deck, the fakir walked around it several times, muttering in his tnroat and occasionally turning hi eyes upward. All eyes were glued to the cloth, under which some thing was apparently growing in size. Suddenly out hopped a grinning and chattering monkey, which danced all around the deck; it was followed a minute later by an ugly and venemous looking cobra, wrig- (jling away from the cloth to the , feet of the astonished beholders. Once again somethingfar larger than j the others began to stir beneath the ' cloth of mystery. Soon a girl of about 1 4 years jf age emerged j and stood smiling at all around her. While those sturdy Jack i Tars stood rubbing their eyes and ! pinching themselves to make sure f that it was not a dream the fakir clapped his hands and monkey, : cobra and girl vanished into the I air. Then quickly folding up the , cloth into a bundle and without so liciting money from officers orcrew the fakir leaped into the sea, swim : ming away with easy and graceful strokes. As an explanation of these mar vellous feats it is generally accept ed that Indians, by long sojourns and meditation alone in the Jungle, and by hereditary or some secret ! power, are enabled by merely forming pictures in their own ,: minds to produce illusions in the 1 minds of those who crowd about I them expecting to see some won derful feat. The pictures the fa- ' kirs conjure up they mentally im ; press upon the minds of their spec- 1 tators. Head Ache Sometimes? ll Ml, ll Ul know that it 1 interest you to enn be stopped with Dr. Miles' Anti-rain 1' and without any bad aitet c'Tccts and this without dan err of furniinp; a drug habit or having your stomach disar ranged. They j-ositively con tain no opium, morphine, co caine, chloral, ether or chloro form in any form. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Tills relieve pain, and leave only a sense of relief. The reason for this is explained bv the fact that headache comes from tired, irritable, turbulent, over-taxed brain nerves Anti Paiit Pills soothe and strength en these nerves, thus removing the cause. They arc harmless when taken as directed. "Wi. u.i' Or. Miles1 Anti I'nln Pllla for the I'lire of lu.ul.u'ln', timi w. think thnl llnre is nothtuK tl.it will MUi;il Dieni Tiny will I'm.' tin-M-wresl sp.ll uf hen, ins it wli'k lie:id:i.h.' in u very tew iniiuili-s. 1 lilti et ii niMTi.iiH ti'llilH'riini. nt. mill or.-iiM,.n.illy hive m.i-IIs Winn n.v lu r.i'S H-i rii to he eiuiiplt'lely exhutist nl, anil I ttrnil.le "it I enn .':iri'elv . .. i, int.., :r. .i t.y 'e t:r- I m ;is tfike tin' Anil-I'nin Tills, inul llii'V unlet hie rltfht nwiiv. It Is re in, nkul.le wh.it a si'i.thins effeet they IlliVP il'Ol I he ifi-i es," MIlS. I-' lv KAUL. lletn.it. Mlcli. Dr. Mllta' Antl.Piln PIIK arc old by your druggist, who mil guarantee that the first pock.Kje will benclit. If It falls, he will return vour money. 25 doses, 25 cents. Never solu In bulk. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind RIGHT NOW While the war between the Watch Trusty The factories and im porters is blazing hot, is the very best time you will ever find to buy a good watch for little money. Call and see for yourself o r write to L. a-. GEADY, Halifax, N. C. I 1 j I 1 ; j ! ' For Lung Troubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. ,1 There can be no mistake about this. You know it is true. And 1 your own doctor will say so. T)i best kind of a "".ti.j. n'x'. " Scid tor over si-l yvri." yers sir PAUIL. A PIUS. turn vigor. a W"c have no ceereti! W publUh 1 tr.f r-jr'ti ulns of all our lued.cinoa. .aaaiai'laauw.y-iii iiiisaaai.il uavmmm Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's ?ills and thus hasten recovery. ITinUI MIX : as to a 1 1 .l.u . , i k . l'CTi;itm i,. . t v. MANl'KAI'Tl ltKHS I.K lichmery. ihafting.Puiidys, Agricultural Implements. .(living bought out .Steel & Alexander. .'muiltTs and tuuchinists, with nil patterns wt- are now priiiircd to furnish jurta to uiiK'liiiuM t'orintMly nuidi! hy them. HYDRAULIC FR ESSES .... 'EANIUT MACHINfRV'I(,lllly Mill work and casting of :il knidH tiToncl hand machinery for sale cheap Call ii us or writi- for what yim want. Great Reductions For Cash A Jl 7.i Mmiuetfc Kdjp, fi W (HI Smyrna " 2 '.ill 2.i HO Mo,iidti- runs, IU12 It. 17 75 I2.!r Clmin Mi.ttinn, Niv. Siw " " If. 2JU'. .liii'anese " 17c, 2.V. " " lHJc. (i.'.c Wool Ciirpeiin 4(Jc. 2..C Window sliauw., 20c. otic " " 37Jo uoc 2-yitnl wide Linoleum, 75c 7f(' " " " 65o line floor Oil Cloth, 48c 1 Ho A jininstir Carpeting, M)e I 411 1(1x20 Picture Frames, 95c Wall puper, 4. 5 anil tic pvT roll A l.AKtl K STOCK OF Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, auil supplies on li.md'.it nil time, at tlie very lowest prieeil. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C. ' CHOICE roses r Cantutions, Violiitn and othfr flowers,' :.lwHvt. on baud. Shower Widdi g l'i)iiUftM, H:iih1mhiw Klural Deaigua. Itt and out Umr ht itdm plants. To uiiitti, fahliae ami other Vegetable IMjints, Magnolias. Orders ptoniptly exiM-uted. Write, 'phone or telegraph, H. STEINMETZ, KI.OBIST, UAI.KIOII, NOUTU CAROLINA. 4 13 ly OF FALL AM) WlXTF.Ii- MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick'aPatlenu. R. & G. CORSETS, Misnee at 50e. , Ladiea T6o. to $1. HlvPrliws will be made to an.it the tiiuee, Hata and Bonnets made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. 0. Graad Display 1 J