t MB HS ttrainZJ jjjljll 1 I f " KV 1 1 T tJ I a 5 IZS 9 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON. N. ( .. TIII'KSDAY. FKl.lirAl.Y 7. WOT, mis of Subscription--$1.50 Per Arrirr J VOL. XLI. NO. .0 X n If Rgaram mmm, St'CH IS GOODFORTUNE. S BUILD UP YOUR TOWN. worries. - AM'Bf table Preparation fur As si i'.iila I iutf the Food and l!etul;i -i.v.'j the SIoumUis aiul lkwivls of 'Mi, M if . nsaamHsasaavara ; r.-molos DieslioivChmfui ivms nod Rost.Contains neither t ipium. Morphine nor Mineral. Not Xahcotic. iatr f iMit Hr.SAKt H PtTCHUt Hi l(uJWb if vw iW - ivrfi-cl Htwdy fiirConstij,i urn. Sour Stouuirh, Diarrhoea Woi-m?. , t (iiivnUKms.Kf vvrish ni'SS mul Loss OK Sl.KKI'. .icSiniilc Sis'nnlure of II XKW VOKK. I I UACT CCPV OK WRAPPER. jffi L . .'S MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS OMIUt CURf. .ndmVl.f i. It will increateyour ndrnamrw- red blood. ... . i has a pleaaant choco- PRICE, BOCEWTS. Take Mo DUFFIE S Little Blue Liver Pills for Constipation t.,d lugglsh Livers. Mc Duffle's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to do all we claim or your money been. FnKSAI.K ii v W. M. CnilKN, Wrfilon, N. C. W. K Hkavans. Knli.1.1. X. C. The : Bank : i Weldon, WE L DON, N. ( Oianiiei Under Tie Lais of tie State of North Carolina, Ai:;rsT2oTll, l-'S.1 State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Vi'eldon Depository. CapM Fo It 14 year thi ui-tmuiou h pnivitlnl binkiiiK itit tor thin ttwiion. It klmlilcn atnl (linvton uw ltt ii ldt-nnlifil ihf butt in w interest nt Hilif.ix Mini Nnrtlnunptou iHiunlirs tor many eirs Money in Uuined upon up prove! seruritt at the leii mtr imr ret - t per I'enlun. AfxtuiitMof all are silu itrd I'HBHIWKNT: W. I . UWII.I , oc I GARRETT & Hi! 'mm a a i ESTABLISHED IHXi. S PBCIALTIBS; 4 SVIRCINI A DARE POCAHONTAS n biiecuppnioiig (ted NruppMuongl 3 OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA 3 llilChiinpnnr) ( Dry N-upiwrnong) f PAUL C-RRETT SPECIAL (SparMiUK Champagnel to And ill otlicr ranelienof I'me and Wholiwouie Winwlor homes ami hotel u-e 3 LHighwt Cah l'ricen ('aid in H.-Kon lor all kinds ol small liuils, it'ape" wteru Branch, Bt Uuia, Mo Home Ollice. NORFOLK. VA Jjt mmmmmmmmmmmmm u. -ni-AI.KK IN- SMITH . Heavy and Fancy GROCERIES. t'KiAHS AND TOHAtVO. , eu sarp yon money on anything in grocery line. If you want new, freah "Wriea, call on lb old reliable, W. D. SMITH, WELUOK, - . If. C. in: inriaiai m k a K For Infants end Children. The Kind you Km Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CAST TMt efHTAUft COVMNI, new tor cm. TURPENTINE AND yrr. TLUNAc"0pL,:" Pnaumonla and r. Plants PRICE, 25 ct(,T8. I aW IT vu K PitKwiinsr. i ahii. Or.ll.W.I.I WlS, tt V. SMll H. COMPANY, ntuuiibuu ii J n w n u Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY thi FREICHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . I :)k(.;sTHTHH lmh Noutb llksttitei Catalogue Fret. THE CuUPER IRARBLE WORKS, 1 (Eatablished 1848.) IS w 1S Beak at, Norfolk Ya Mil A Prize That Caused No End of Trouble. He ws very short of money indwaiilsooutofa job. Vt'on dering what on earth he could do iii meet the rent, he happened to BJZe in hi the window of a grocery store, ' that he might fsM his eyes ml Ihe luxuries he ctni'J Hot purchase. A bag in the window caught his eye. On it was whi ten: "The person who guesses the exact number of beans in this bag by the 10th of this month will be rewarded with the sum of $50." He went home, made a guess, wrote a number on a postal card, and, to his intense astonishment, gained the prize when the count took place. But he was not happy. Oh, dear.no! His troubles only just began at thai moment. A small crowd of friends were awaiting him. They all wished to congrat ulate him in the same old way, and after leaving them he was quiie $5 poorer. On leaving them he went home, only to find awaiting his arrival one or two book agents, an insurance man, ihe butcher, the baker, the shoemaker, the in stallment Hend and the landlord. They had in some way all heard of his good fortune. He discovered his wife highly elated. She had, on receiving the intelligence of his good fonune, immediately gone out and pur chased a new bonnet, which she had ordered sent home C. O. D. This was ihe last straw. He hid himself in his bed room, and later on a wild eyed in dividual might have been seen fur tively stealing out of the front door running at a breakneck speed down the street, followed by a band of shrieking dervishes. i Such is good fortune. Judge. (10D AND HEAVEN ON EARTH. To enjoy God and heaven it does not require that we wait till the last touch ot death reveals all things in the light of eternity. X'e ; may take God and heaven along ' with us every day, and carry their 1 peace and glory into all the dull , and prosaic scenes of earth. Tiltw of jwople haie Tilt's. Whw auiltr fr.iin ilw w hen you can mm OeWitt'i Car liolue.1 Witch Hazel Suits .ml gri relief. , Nfithniit else so johhI. Itewaie of imita- tmn. See that the name ii Matujtetl on earh box. Sol.t by W. M Cohen. Weliton. N C. 11 headaches Krt W hen yon grow w it-er And )e..ru to ntc An ' Larlv Ki.Ner OeW itt'sl.ittle Early Idaem, me, su pills Kohl lv V. M. Cohen. WehloD, N. C. PRAY FOR OTHERS. Unless we pray for others, w e are lacking in that spirit in which alone we can pray hopefully for ourselves, and we are living in neglect of a prime duty to God's dear ones who need and deserve our prayers. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Is not a secret or patent medicine, against which the most inielliirent pisiple are qniie naturally avcre twause ot the un certainty as loiueir Harmless cnaracur, but is a medicine or knows (imfosi riDN, full list ot all lis ingredients be'ng priut.Hl, in philn 'i',;l!'., on every botiie. wrapper. An examination ot this list of Ingredients will disclose the fact that It Is non-alcoholic In its comositton. chem Icallv pure glycerine taking the place of the comuionlv ussl alcohol, in its make up. The "FavorlU" Prescription " of llr. I'lerce is In fact the onlv m.sllcine put up for the cure of woman's Ms-uliar weak nesses and allmeiita. sold through drug gista, that dias nos contain alcohol awl Dull Um in liirjKi"nil'l. Furthernior. it Is the only medii jie for woman's ieelal diaeaX'S. Ihe ingredient of which have Ihe unanimous endorsement of all the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several achools ot practice, and that loo as remedies for the ailments for which "Favorite I'rescnpimr is recuni Bended. A liilla book of sotuo of these endi.rso mcnt. win ha sent u. any address, h.si paid, and aloolutelv .tree If you ns)uc l same bv Kistal card or leWer, of I r. U. V. Fierce, Buffalo. S. V. Don't forget thai Or. I'leree's Favorll Prescription, tor woman's weaknesses and dehcale ailments. Is not a patent or secret medicine, being the "Favorite Prescrip tion " of a reirularl y educated and gradu ated phvsiclan, engaged In the practice, uf his chosen specially that of diseases of women lhal its Ingredient are printed in philii Eot;lih on every botile-wrapis r; that it 1 the only medicine especial, y de slgned for the cure of woman's disease, that contains no alcohol, and the only one that has a professional endorsement worth more lhan all the so-call'ii "le-ti-montals" ever published for other nicd lcin.4. Send for these eiidorsenienis as ahovs. Thev are fr for the ah'inir If you suffer from periodical, headache, backache, dlalness. psiu or dragging down sensation low down in Ihe abdomen, weak back, have disagrees hie and wak Ing. catarrhal, pelvic drain, or are in distreas from being long on our feet, then you mar lie sure of beneni from taking l)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. l)r Pierce's Plea-ant Pellets thliest lax alive and regulator of the bowels. They Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels, Ooa a Uiatlve; two or three a cathartic. E. T. CJIlARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WFXDOS, S. C. fflMrticea ia the. csorts of Halifai and adJoUine. ootuities,aiid ia the gnprsau eoaJioCUnUata. Bpaaal attaatiaa gt raa ' la aatesst4af aad Bfssaa4 fstam. ff me v j jfSfpgpr stomach di.-urJer- It:, eon- i ppr tinued use means permanent Qgjggplllj I Following the advice of medical f.aGPali i pi scientists, England and France have ;ff.:gj i ' I passed law? prohibiting its use vjjjp. j I in bread making. V . . S'ZgmBa j American housewives I p i I should protect their house- ft WKj j 1 a rinlil.; :iir:iinsf linn' ivrniKre 0 . cs3v. - : ": t ! II by always buying pure Grape I 1 Cream of Tartar Rakirnr &SSS?is?5?sgsSii I Powder. j II flPure Grape Cream of OTfcft! 1 j II Tartar Powder is to be had lpiP for the aing f Buy by name Royal THE BRIDAL DAY. She leans beside her mirrow. in her old accustomed place, Vet something unfamiliar is on her lovely face; She wears a wreath, a snow-white wreath, which yet she never wore; It gives a paleness to the cheek unknown to it before. ; The maiden goeth to the grove, and of the (lowers beneath, She takes the lily or the rose, to bind her midnight wreath; But of one plant she gathers not, tho fair it's blossoms be; Only the bride hath !.ave to wear buds from the orange tree. Once, only once, that wreath is worn; once only may she wear The pale white wreath of orange flowers within her shining hair; They wear upon their soft wan bloom, ihe shade of coming years; The spiritual presence is a round of human hopes and tears. Ay, let her soft and thoughtful eyes upon her mirror J w ell For in that long and lender look she takeih her farewell. Of all her youth's unconsciousness, of all her lighter cares, And for a deeper, sadder life a woman's lot prepares. She leaves her old familiar place, the hearts that were her own. The love to which she trusts herself is yet a thing unknown. Though at one name her cheek turns red, tho' sweet it be to hear. Yet for that name she must resign so much that has been dear. Ii is an anxious happiness; it is a fearful thing When first the maiden's small white hand puis on the golden ring; She passeth from her father's house unto another's care, And who may say what troubled hours, what sorrows wait her there? Ah love and life are mysteries, both pleasing and both blest And yet how much they teach the heart of trial and unrest; Sweet maiden, while these troubled thoughts and bridal fancies sweep; Well mayest thou pensive watch thy glass, and turn aside 10 weep. MEASUREMENTS. A perfectly formed woman v. ill stand at the height of from rive feet three to five feel seven inches. She will weigh from 125 to 140 pounds. A plumb line dropped from a point marked by the tip of hernose , ...Ml fall o ;e,. cr,. ir,,-h In feAnr' of her great toe. Her shoulders and hips will strike a straight line. drawn up and down. . Her bus. should measure from twenty-eight to thirty-six inches; j her hips from six to tern inches j more lhan this, and her waist ' should be from twenty-two to twenty-eight inches in circumfer ence. The best way to pray for the poor and needy is with both feet. CASTOR I A Tor Infant and Culdrta. Tbi Kind Yoa Han Always Bought Bears tha ..WIJH..- nl . J HIH Ot I H ltl i I IHS Mils Wtvsi ow's Snoi iiivu S 1:1 e ha. Im-. u used lor oier 'ill year, hi millions of mothers toi the.r children while teething, wlthperlect mccess. It s.K)the. the child, sottens the nnis, allals all pun. cuies wind cole, and is the best teni.dy for Inairiioea It will relieve Ihe po..r little siilfrrer iiuinediaVy Sold hf druttpsta in every pat t of the world. Twenty-five i w h ,,' '' k ft "Mm. Wiiwlnw's Soothing Syrup," and take m . oiher liiad The funeral sermon c,on1es '" 'a'e to serve as 'Q"gh the pearlyga.es. always a pass This May Interest Vou No one in immune fiOtu kidney tumble wjust muetiitier that l ulty's t ure will stop the irreitul irities and fine ancase ot kidney und bladder trouble that is not be yond the leach of nie.iiiine For sale bv K. I lark. WeUlou, N. i'. Your purity does not depend on t'lt vigor with which you are wil ling to scrub your neighbors. Croup can positively be stopped in 'JO minute. No vomiting noih up to sicken r distress our child, A sweet, plt aaant. and safe Syrup, called I)i . Shmtp's Oonp t lire is foi trnp alone, remeiWr. It does not claim to cure a dozeu ailments. 'It's for croup, that's all. . Sold by W. M Cohen. Weld tJ, N. C. i Uniformity may be the greatest 'of all hindrances to unity Don't be an Everlasting Kicker Strive to Contribute Something Toward the Improvement and Bettermtnt el the Community In Which You Live. When Cain had killed off one fourth of the people on the earth leaving only three, then went imo the land of Nod and buildeJ a city, it is evident thin he did not sit around alike- a bump on a log, and growl about the Nod leal estate and people. He was not himself, perhaps, the most exemplary of men, and if he had some reason to emigrate from the land of hisbirth, he did not mope and whine, but got hold of a piece of ground and went to work to do something. The man who could build up a city under such auspices is the kind of material we want in Mount Olive; and we will not inquire too minutely into his antecedents, just so he takes hold like a man and be good at last. But, what is more, Cain did not ; advise his son to "go west, and gci out of the old dead town." He named the city after him, believed in it, worked for it, bought his goods there and kept his money at home. Does anybody suppose thai when strangers came 10 tllOCn, With any notion Of ROIIlg 1 imn hticinu.-c ,1, C .M .t,a. into business there, Cain told them it was a "dead old town," that it ' mmki;,.u u,. , ..-s,-, ; was established by a murderer. that the water was bad; its mer-, chants all sharks, and its mechan-1 ics botches that the town was not ' healthy and would "never amount to anything no how." Does any body suppose that when he wanted ! to invest a few dollars in dry goods ; ! he hustled off to the city, or that he only went to merchants of . "Enoch" when he wanted a favor warned "a little more timer" Do you think he ever went away from home to get iumber that . ! could be had at better rates in : i "Enoch" than elsewhere, or to Cincinnati for cheap buggies when , the "home manufacturer" could ! , meet every demand with more sty lish and substantial rigs? 1 Do you suppose he went mop ing around about taxes being too high in Enoch and no one there knowing anything about business? No, sir. He evidently wasn't built thai way. If taxes were high, he got up and hustled to increase I the value of property, so that there would be greater values to tax. He built houses and encouraged others to do so. If city lots got 1 too low he bought up a dozen or two, scattered here and there, for the double purpose of personal profit and strengthening values. On these he put up plenty of houses at reasonable figures, good ones, too, so that when any one came to Enoch he did not have to move into an old tumble-down shanty or move on. He improved and beautified every lot, kept the weeds down and set out trees on ihe lots and in front of them, even where he did not build, thus add ing to the value of each lot and ad joining property as well. He found that it did not take so much mon ey to run a comely, well kepi town as it did a dilapidated, God-forsaken one, there were four times the values on which to r.iie the re quired money. That's the way he lowered taxation, not by sitting on a stump and howling about it. If a man wanted to run a factory, or some other enterprise, he was not afraid the fellow wanted to make some money, but lold him to "sail in and I'll help you all I can. A business that does not make money is no good. We want every Icgiiimaie business in Enoch to make money, and piles of it." Mi. Olive Telegram. It a pleaMite totellour realei n ahi.ut i ouuh Cure like Or. r-hoopY 1 or Tear lr hoop has touht apimst the ue of Opium, I'hlorofonn. or other mnit lore- , du tits, Ir. Shoop. it SfHMiis has welcome. ! the I'me Food and lnii Law recently eiiattetl. for he has worketl nlon similar j lines many years. For nejirlv years Or sh.Mip's Cough t'ute containers have had a warninje primed on them against opium autl other iiarotie poisons, lie ha thus made it partible fur irotheis to proiect their children simply insisting on har- , mc hr. Slnwp's t'oogu Core For sale by W M. Cohen. Wei to. N.C t He is master of his spirit has the spirit of the Master. who Piles Ret quick relief from lr. Shoop" s Majatic Ointment. Keiuemtter it's made abme f r Files and it works with cer tainty and satisfaction. Itching, painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like manic by its xe. Try it and ee! For sale by W. M. lohen. Weldou, N.C. The joy of sacrifice is the secret of all joy. Botri tat tv7TS Bd8tt If you fail to see beauty and goodness in life look in your own heart for the cause. We invite all that come? to us. Put the small worries where they belong, at the foot of ihe list, says the Woman's Magazine. Do not ' allow the cook and the milkman to be the hell nuMus oi y.r.ir wiih power in m.ike your days un pleasant. If you h;'d th.it ou .ire getting panicky over a condition or an in dividual or a bit of goMp or a dis-1 appointment of any sort, why run away from it, if need be. but main tain a serene view of life and see things as they really are. Has killing time anything to do wiih letting ihe dead past bury the ; dead- A lioui'l (..ml ri-.i.l wiih a an.tive pnn ciple which drive mil a cold ihrnnh a copiuu aclut'i el ihe Iniwels. and a healing princip e which liiic s in tlie ilir. ..it and ?t,i- tlu- ilt.it Kenneiy l.ix.i tnv C.ni:h Si-Hip Sal. and .-.i-e in its action; pleasant to take and cmlonu to National l'nrc Food and Hrug Law. Con tiins no opiate-.. Sold by W M Cohen. w,.l,in. N. r. I The only thing that justifies any piece of church-machinery is its effectiveness in fully savin- souls. ' To stop a ciild with 'Trevcutic'' i t;i j er than to let it run and circ it atWr- : wards T:.Ln :,t 111,. I1.-. ventio will head "fl allcml. and l.rnppr and pe haps sine you Irom I'lieumouia ol itmll,im, ,.rl;ve tK, al, l0,hwlllle l''",ll.v "lUi cure tablet seiiinc in " cent and '.'."i cent boxes. If vou are chlllv, if ,. ,,,. ,rv ,.w;,j(, ri.ev " w,n -'"'eiy chek the mid, and please you. Mill by w. M Coliui e!,lu. . ('. It is easy to plunge the head ! into ihe mud of miserable doubt ; and then complain that God has I made life so mvsterious. ; Niit hin-j wili re lew in.iintstiuii that in ' not a thormij:!. liitant. Kui.nl th ; pot.- wliut vuii eat anil al-lows : Iii!- tlio jitiiniiu h to rest ipv upi-iate ' irmw stroiii; iiiMin, Kodol is ; mm. it ion of iliestive Htid aiitt n- nmrly an poiiilr i approximate- tiie iin t u- .iniet-s that are j hi iliest-i!!);!!-1). Kudo, takes the work of j (liijr-tiiii or!' tin- illative origin-, and ; w hili' per furmuit: this work it-ell doe- j umitly a-it the stomm h to a thorough i reM- lnaddMion the uniretlit-ut-Mil Koaol , are siU'h as to make it a eorrntne oi ihe h ghet ell'iL-irni'V and by it? action the ' stomach i-reMortd ti ii normal actiwty and ower Kodol i. u-auulacturptl id strict eownrniity with the National 1'im Food aod lnij:iaw. j HoM bv W. M. ohen. Weldon, N. C. When a man talks of being moved of the Lord he needs 10 -have a care lest he makes a false accusation againsi the Almighty. I'ops (.'ulfee d"iree with vouv I'rob.i lly it iliH'f-: riit-u try 1 r. Slump n Mr.ilth t'oiV.-e ' Hialth ( otlee ' isac cverniuilu j na mo of parched cere ds and nuts. Nut a , i' raiu of real Citl-f, rememlier in lr. . lnxp's Health t 'otVee. vet its tiarur and i .t-te matches clo-e.y old .Uva uud MKha : ( olive. If your wtoni.vh. heart or kidneys cant stand Co flee drinknik;. trv Health loifee. It is whole me. nourishing, and siitislviut: It's sale evt-u tor the o.inj;est child.' l'or K.le by W. T. Parker, W-uuiii, N. C. , Nervous Worn-Out h you are in this condition, your nerve for.e i- weak ;hf power is sivino n.it. the or iraii of our boily have "slowed up." and do their w ork imperfectly. This failure to do the work required, clogs the svstem and brings distress am! disease. When the nerves are weak the heart is unable to f.irce the liie-giviug b'ood tlirnueh your veins; the stom ach tails to digest food : the kidneys lack power to filter r.;i'.vjri:ies from the blood. ai:d the poisonous waste remains in the -stem to hrecd disease. Nerve etnrgv ntust be restored, l'r. Miles' Nervine will do it, because it stteiig'hctis the nerves ; it is .1 urn r medieini" ati ! t-mi--. that rebuilds the cy, ic u r ous s s;eti. "s-. .-r:.l y...irs tlff. 1 wi'S all t'roken 1 . ,.m-. Mil. c.aia tnltt pmn. 1 .1 Hit-, f.' n. ti nrio finally ll.e c e i '.iiii .t.i t.-.ttuntf for 1 !...-n U.Kirc It M'les' f. 'i uB'-i Pi.iocvtVfr eiirht V efV-tll t..T'-. 1 i.. vtr:K und ! . ( i L A.M.N' .1 t A.M. "S F,llFW,:ih .we., AL tony. la. De. Miles' Nervine li icd by youe druggist, who w il guarantee that the f.rst bottle will benefit, if it fads, h will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind RIGHT NOW While the war between the 3 Watch Trusty The factories and im porters is blazing hot, is the very best time you will ever find to buy a good watch for little money. Call and see for yourself o r write to l Xj. G-. Q-IRJUDY. ' Halifax. N. C. Why Refer to Doctors Because we make medlelnei for them, VC'e tell ihem ill about Aycr'j Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for toughs, colds, bronchitis, Con sumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. The beat kind of a testimonial "Sold tor over aixty yeara." Ii Midb7J.C.ArrC..,l.own,lM. yL Ai.o n.r.uf.oturor. or li 7 StBSAPASILLA. yers PILLS. iui vmoa. liar. T.o erTpti ! Y. publi.b Hie lori?.u a r.f .i our rerflicin... Ayer's Pills ftrear y aid the Cherry Pectoral in Ijrcekinu up a colds mnuimv iifiiN works, to :m old stheet, iM:Ti:uBrn;. a. MAXtTAl-TI KKRS HF Machinery, Shafting.P alleys, Agricultural Implements. H.iitiH li mj:ht mi Stwl A Mexaoder, l Him1f! ami ii!.u'lHnist, with all patterns wr .iro how jin'juirnl to funum parta to tn.ii liiiit-H lonutTl y lu.nle by them. HYDRAULIC FRLSSES aud... PEANUT MACHINERY,.,,, Mill work and castings of al' kinds. Second hun t machinery forsale cheap Call oil us or write far what yuu want. Great Reductions For Cash ct Muiiiet'e Rnjrs, 2 75 '.' W Mnvrna ' 2 '.'o -'."i li .M,,n,ite rujs, sl-i h. IT I'-'-e China M.ittini;. 10c. J.V. ' " 1,. -v!jc. Japanese " 17c. i '.'.v. ' " ipjc. H.Sc Wool Carpetinit 40c. -.V. 'A'indow shad.i, 20c. " " 37jc .V 2 vard wide Linoleum, 75c 1 'h-65c ! hoc Floor Oil Cloth, 48c 1 ii AitninstcrCarpctinp, 89c 1 40 ltiiitl I'icture Fraraee, 85c Wall paper, 4. 5 and 6c per roll A I.ARUB STlH'K OK Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, : Cameras, and supplies on haoil'it all tiyin, at Ihe very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS.j WELTiOV. V. 0. CHOICE ROSES I C'arn.itions, Viulet, and other flowers, alwavs on h.ind. tfbuwrr Weddli g Koi.miets. II. iu,U ,,nif Floral Deaifna. I'ot and out dis.r Iwddinj plants. To mato, (.ihliaite and olher Vrgetabls I'lanls, .M.cnolias. Orders pioiuptlf eaes uled Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STlil.NMETZ, M.IIKIHT, K 4 LEIGH, NORTH C4K0LINA. 4 1H 1; OF FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GO0D8and NOVELTIES. Bnttwick's Patterns. R. & G. CORSETS. MiM at50c, Ladisi ?Se.tatl. MUPpom will he mads to sail ta times. Ha s and Bonneta made aad Trimmest to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldoa, N. C. Grand laky p 111. ... A 5