Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WTXDON. N. ., TIU'liSDAV. FKIU.lWl.Y I I, IJI07. Tins of Subscription- VOL. XL1. NO. II The Kind You Have Always nought, mid vlildi lias l.ciiu in use mr over ; year, ha All Counterfeits, Imitations mill ".Jiist-iis-utiort" strp hut iiaciits that trillo with and rnilitiisri-r tlir ln-ullli of lntaiits and Children Kxperh-iicc against KxperiiiienU What is CASTORIA Cnstoria is n harmless snilistltutc for Castor Oil, Pure (,'ovle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnreotio Kiihstanee. Its iiko I its guarantee. It dostrujs Woinm and nllay Feveri.-lmess. It cures IHarrhiru and Wind Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, eures Constipation and Flatuleney. It assimilates the Food, regulates the .Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacca-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CURE tasteless I. the only "" ;-q'ule on chill our contBlnin q nd Mlrl-"J cnh red blood. PRICE, 80 CENTS. Take Mo OUPFIE'S Little Blue Sluggish Liven. Me Duffle's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to I lo all we claim or your money back. Kii'tS.w.K iivW. M. Comics, Weldon, N. C. W. K lti:.tVANs. Kniii lii, N- ('. The : Bank : WELDON, X. C. Qraanized Mur Tie Laws of the State of North Carolina, AIMil'ST-JllTII, 1rJ.. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. !M.Sn. $36,000. FOR 14 rears this institution has provided banking facilities for this Motion. Its stockholders ami dircctcrs have been uli-ntnicd with Ihe business interests nl H ilil'n and Northampton innimes lur many veirs Monty is loaned npou approved seciiriu at th- 1 1 rate ul intcriM-si per centun. Accnnntsof all are solicited pbksitikst: W. I I'ANIII, VICR-PHKSIIIENT: Hr. II. W. LEWIS. (Jackson- NatthamU1"' N- n fSf. - r-rm sh-.HITT A 1TTT AS n g I Pioneer f viae m&mm:mm ESTABLISH KI I Kt.V PECIALTIES s K VIRGINIA DAN t 7. WliiUiSciiuiH-rutiuxl W OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY Hhiawatha minnehah fjSf PAUL carrett special 3 (ttnirkini( t - And all other varieties of Pure and Wlmleaom W mes tor n.-i.u-a aim nniei u e aai WHiKht Cash Prim "aid in Keawn t Welern llraneh. St Louia, Mo Weeleru llraneh, St I. D.S II DM.M.I-It IX Heavy and Fancy GROCERIES. CKi AUS AND TOBACCO. cn ave yon money ou anylliinK in the grocery line. If yon want new, IVenh groceries, call on the old reliable, W. D. SMITH, WELDON. . C. IaigimLllMllWJUIBUUlllllllliiiun.iiiTOn...-.. lini (1... !........,. c mid lias been mucin iimli-r lils p-r-sonnl Niiprrvisiiin slnco its iiil'iincy. Allow no ono toiWi-ivn von in thin. Signature of Bronchitis "Kh"' Colrts Coush.'p,;"1-- WhoopinR Pneumonia ?nd Prevents -ndl:'r.n-M;-"Pn. PRICE, 23 CENTS. I Liver Pills for Constipation a.,d I 30 ot : I eldon CASH IKK.' W V. SMI I II, POCAHONTAS (Hcd St-iippenintig) u nnnipaKiir lor all Kinoa oi mau lruI;"- lT, iva Home OtH-. NOUhOt.K, V A. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY thk FREICHT : indCUARANTEESAFE i DELIVERY ... ,AK(iKSTHTO( K Inthe Month i UlustutcJ Catalogue free. j THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established 1848.) lit to 183 Bank it, Norfolk Vs aav S If. LIVING IN THE SUNSHINE. It Is Well To Open The Windows and Let the Blessed Sunshine In. No plant can grow without light. The rays of the sun give the flow er its hrijlit colors and the fruit its , rich juices. There is an alchemy ' in light that the chemist cannot j imitate. It takes the crude sub-; stances furnished by soil and air and builds them into rich and va- i t ied products of vegetable life, j Through the night the plain grows j but only by the energy it hasstured j during the day. It has stored away sunshine to serve it through j the hours of darkness. The soul is like the flower: It i was not made to dwell always in j darkness. The Christian thai pre-! fers to shut out the light and to think that there is no light in the I world because neither sun nor ' stars can separate the walls within : which he prefers to dwell sins : against his own soul. V('e need sorrow as well as joy, we need defeat as well as victory, we need darkness as well as light; but j the darkness comes without seek- j ing. The world shuts out the sun ! half of the time, and the sky is j clouded much of the other half, j The seasons of unclouded days are 1 not too many. We have no sun-! shine to lose, yet we have enough. ! Does Gon ever send a winter i without sending first a summer? Does he ever send us a night with out first a day ? Hf we are not ready for the winter, it may be be cause we have misspent the sum- nier; if we are not prepared for the night, is is because we have not properly used the day. He sees the shadow that is soon to fall up ; on us; and so he kindly sends a , season of blessedness and peace, during which we may store up light for the coming dark ness. I Our Lord was not sent into the i wilderness to endure the long fast and the temptation before he was ' prepared for it by the opening heavens and the descending Spirit. Before he her an his last journey to Jerusalem he was alowed to spend the night on the mountain talking with the prophets and with God. From that burst of glory he turned his lace resolutely to the gloom of Gethsemane and the darkness of the sepulcher. If God has no visions of glory for us, neither has he any sorrows so overwhelming; yet there is darkness enough in the brightest '. life, and it is well to open the win , dows and let in the light, or even to pray to drive away the clouds and send us his sunshine. What help have we in our infirmity un- i less we may recall the years of the i right hand of the Most High? , Nashville Christian Advocate. I Life is a mad battle with dirt, ! dust and devils, and happy the man who hires his house-cleaning ; duauBBaatnaBsaWasaassBsaasMa j Habit-forming Medicines. Whatevor nittv he the fact as to many j of the so-oallril patent iiiiiliciuea eon- tainintr injurious i:iwun-nts as uroauiy i puluVliid in Minn- journals o( mure or ' liv.s iuliiii-iiH'. this puhlleity has certainly been of treat lieiH-lit In urJiisiiu? needed j attention to this suliject. It has, in a : considerable measure, resulted in the I most liiti-Hiijent people avoiding such I foods and medicines us may Is- fulrly sus- iiectcd ot eontiiliiiuis the injurious inure- : dlents complained ot. Kecosnizinn this fact some tune aio, Dr. Pierce, ot HulTalo, N. V., "took time hy the forelock." as it were, and published broadcast all the Inirri'dlents of which his popular iihhII-cim-s are composed. Thus be has com pletely forestalled all liurpini; critics and all op)Mitloii that iniitht otherwise be tinted aKaiiil bis medicine. lH-causc they an- now or kkowx iomi-hsiiicis. Fur thermore, from the formula printed on every Little wrapper. It will !' seen that these medicine contain no alcohol or other hablt loriniiiK ilruir. Neither do they contain anv narcotics or Injurious litems, their hiKredicnts bciiia- purely k. j.Ml.!., mrartnl from r"-"s ( medicinal plants found (trowm III the depths of our American forests and ot well recounted curative virtues. Instead of alcohol, which even In small portions louir continued, as In obstinate cases of diseases, becomes hiifhly objec tionable, from Its tendency to produce a eravinn for stimulants. Dr. Pierce em ploys chemically pure, triple - red ncd glycerine, which of itself is a valuable remedy in many eases of chronic diseases, being a superior demulcent, antiseptic, amifcrnient and supnortitiK nutritive. It enhances the curalivn action of the tiolden Seal root. Stone root. Black Chcrrvhark and Hloodroot, contained In "(iolilen Medical Discovery." in all bron chial, throat and lung affections attended with severe coimbs. As will lie seen from the writing of the emliunt Drs. t-rover Coe, of New York; llarth-dow. of , etrer son Mistical LVIIckc, I'liila.; tieudder, ot Cincinnati; Kllinitwnod. of Clncairo; Hale, of Cblraujo. and others, who stand as leaders In their several schools or practice, the fop-uoing agents are the very bent ingredients that Dr. Plercn could have chosen to make up bis fa mous "Discovery" for the cum of not only bronchial, throst and lung affec tions, but also of chronic catnrrli In all its various forms wherever located. L7- T. OLABK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties,and iu the Supreme I court ol the State. Special attention given I to collections and prompt returns. imjiu. ""grytrj-'WM tawiwugaiaaBMwwi'aasaapay 7MrHn tkM DIM c i lW;w? At A-tl life :VMl;iiI in Kfo ISIS mniMl4 ISSr win ff"lJ fife v-ff,TO d i 'Jit JJ"SS I mi m k A .-at 5, :-tM'.t..'.T: .'X.'l i THE SUNSHINE OF YOU. I have plodded the ways of the grimy old world, Mid the hives and the marts of the millions hurled, 1 have tasted its sweets, 1 have supped of its gall, And I've lingered and dreamed where the rose petals fall; I have bent to its hopes and many have failed But what do they matter, lost hopes and the rue, So long as the heart knows the sunshine of you ? It matters but little what skies may look down, Or whether the hopes, long cherished, have flown; No matter how gloomy the mantle to-day, There will come, sure as Fate, a rift in the way Where the sunbeams will filter and splash on the road, And a song will come lifting to lighten the load. On the long rugged steeps, whate'er I go thro' I go with the dream of the sunshine of you. I shall go through the years till the sun sinks to rest 'Neath the gold-burnished skies in the desolate west, When the Hood gates open wide to the Hiver of Sleep, Where there never is wailing and eves never weep; I shall go with a song ever rife in my heart That Hows with the freedom of waters that start From earth's purest spring. Like a mariner's star You shall guide me forever wherever you are I THn (iOl.W'N mo The New York Weekly is re sponsible for the following speci men of arithmetic as seen through rose-colored glasses: Fateer Now, see here! If you marry thai young paper, how on earth are going to live? Sweet Girl Oh, we have fig ured that all out. You remember that old hen my aunt gave me? "Yes." "Well, I have been reading a poultry circular, and I find that a good hen will raise twenty chicks in a season. Well, the next sea son that will be twenty hens, and as each will raise twenty more chicks, that will be a hundred and twenty. The next year the num ber will be eight thousand four hundred, the following year one hundree and sixty-eight thousand and the next three million three hundred and sixty thousand! Just think, at only 50 cents apiece, we will have $I,6S0,000. Then, you dear old father, we'll lend you some money to pay off the mortgage on this house!" I W.MS SIMPLE. ; livery little while we read in 1 paper that some one has run a : rusty nail in his font or ntlier pur lion of his body and lockjaw re J suited therefrom and the patient died. If every person was aware 1 of a perfect remedy for such ! wounds and would apply it, then reports would cease. The reme- dy is very simple, always at hand can be applied by any one I what is better, is infallible. It is simply to smoke the wound or any wound that is bruised or inflamed with a woolen cloth. Twenty minutes in the smoke will take the pain out ol the worse case ot in flammation arising from such a wound. People may sneer at this remedy as much as they please, but when they are afflicted with such wounds, lei them iry it. CASTORIA For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of TO GUARDSHIPS against the unseen dangers at 3ea, the United States Government maintains lighthouses. To guard your home against the un seen dangers of food products, the Govern ment has enacted a pi! re food law. The law compels the manufacturers of baking powder to print the ingredients on the label of each can. The Government has rnutie t'.:e Ubel your protection so that you can avoid alum read it carefully, if it does not say pure cream of tartar huiJ it back txid Say plait ROYAL is a pure, cream of tartar balang powdera pure product of grapes aids the digestion adds to the health fulness of food. Piles uet ipiiek relief from Iir. Sh- op's Manic ointment. h'eiueinbcr it's made alone f,-r Piles -anil it works with cer tainty and satisfaction. Itching, painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like iiiiil'ic by its ui Ti v it ami see! for sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, X.C, Ignorance ceases to be when you begin to realize it. bliss It'sa pleasure to tell our readers about a ( onh Cure like Dr. slump's, for yeais I'r. shoop has loueht against the use of opium. Chloroform, or oilier uimfe. inre-die-its. Dr Slioop. it seems his welco-ucd the Pine I'lHtd and Dni l.aiv recently ciiaelcd. for he has wm ked alnnu similar lines many e.irj. I'or ncailv "in years I ir sho ip's Couiih I uie containers have had a w arnini: pi mi'i d on them :e.-ain-t Opium and oilier i-arcnite .oimiiis. lie has thus made it pisilile f..r niotlieis to protect their children In- simply insistini;on hav iiil 1 Ir. Slump's ( ' oin ( 'lire. I'orsale by V M Cohen. Wellloll .('. Many a man has landed in jail by taking things easy. Does Colfee tl'Muree wiih von? Proba bly it docs! Then try Dr Stump's Health CollVe ' Heiilib Coli'cc" i uc evercomhi nation of parched eereiNand nuts. Nut a i-rain of real Coll'-,-, remember i" I'r. Shoop's Health Colli-,-, vet ils flavor and inste matches closely o'd .lava and Mocha Coll-e. If your stomach, heart or kidneys can't stand Colfee drinking, try liealih ( olt.e. It is whnlcio I'C, nulll ishilli, and satisl l ing. It's safe even lor the o ingest clnlil. for sale by W. T. Parker. Weldon. V C It takes a small woman lo look pretty when she isn't. Vilf.ilig will le.ieve Indigestion that i not a thorough di-;i-tiil. Kmld di I IP-Is what ye l-- lb-- stomach eal and al lows 1-, lest -ccupei. ile LUin strmi.' .1 tin K 's!'-l is a oiti-o ll 1 llgestive Hciils am as marly as possible approximates the dig. st ve piuvs that are iu the stomac 1. Kislol niKes 1 ue worn 01 digestion oh" lb" ilige-tive organs, ami while perl, lulling this work itsell dues greally assist lb- sloniiiell to a th-uuiiglt rest. In uihlltlon the illgredienlsol Kndol are such as to make it a corrective ol Ihe highest efficiency and by its aclion the stomach is restored in its normal activity and power. Kodol 1. 11 aniifaclured in strict conformity with the N.,tioual I'nre Food and Drug law Bold by W. M. Cohen. Weldon, N. C Money talks and it usually gets the best of an argument. 1 on oi i.ii six n vi: tin Mhs. WiNsi.nw'sSnoiiiiNii SYKI'V has Ik-oii used for over HO years by millions of mothers lor their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pnu; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Dial 1 hoi-ii It will relievo the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every put of the world. Twenty-five cents a buttle He sure and ssk fot "Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup," and take no oilier kind l.u.iraiiteeil under the Food and Drugs Act. June :111th, 11W. I'HKI. Serial number SilMliiil YOUNG WIVE S ILLUSIONS. It Is Well That Hitch of Us Should Have Our Illusions. The woman who marries for love is bound to have the sauce of disillusion served in many differ ent ways after marriage. But whether her disillusions grow into disappointment and be comes steady diet rests largely with her. If she has a mother or dear friend, in in whom she confides her lost illusions and vanquished hopes, her changes for happiness j are well nigh gone. I When she begins telling her I friends about Jack's trying ways ! she is laying up endless trouble for ! herself. j One's difficulties always seem ! greater when they are made the topic of conversation. If wifey could only keep her troubles to herself it wouldn't be long before she would realize that these things were not all-important. And (in nine cases out of ten) she would find she had married a , lovable, flesh-and-bloodmanin place ! of the maudlin, angelic creature her imagination had pictured. It is well that each of us should have illusions. But it is also well to remember that in all our illusions, even the most precious, are turned out in ' our own private factory, and when they are dispelled there is nobody ; to blame but ourselves. A woman is apt to think her fi- j ance the most generous creature alive. (Illusion No. I .) She is positive he is the most thoughtful of men. (Illusion No. ! 2) She has seen innumerable evi dence of his unselfishness, so she is convinced he is one of those 1 rare birds, an unselfish man. (II-; lusion No. .V) 1 She looks upon him as a para gon of virtue. (Illusion No. 4.) And I am only beginning to touch her illusions. Any one w ho knows men at . range (and I say it with all respect) knows that it will not be long ere ilie.-,c iiiU.sioiiS arc di.spCi'cJ. Illusion No. I will go flying when he objects to the size of the housekeeping bills. This can hardly be said to his fault. If is merely that he has had a sudden reminder of the stern fact that its costs two more than one to live, snu lie realizes witn a start that he has to economize in inumerable ways. When he is so careless as lo for get one or two things she asks him to do, Illusion No. 2 quickly follows No. I . Again no fault of his. He didn't realize on what a pin nacle he had been placed or he would have been more careful not to fall. Her crowning grief is when he comes home smoking a twenty-five cent cigar when she has denied herself something else absolutely needed. She is cenfident that, instead qf being unselfish he is the most sel fish creature she knows. Like ihe ; pendulum, she swings from one extreme to the other. And so it is with all her pet illu sions. But if only she have pa tience she can grow a whole new i set of illusions that will be much more valuable in facing every day life. With a little shrewd manage ment she can dn much toward training "Dear Jack" in the way he should go. And if she be of the right sort she can do much toward making him, not a perfect man (for that would be a most trying creaure to live with), but a good husband, who would be a joy to her heart for ever and a day. I Piles of people have Piles Why suffer IYo-ii piles when you can n-e D-AVitl's Car- i l-olizcd Witch Hazel S.lve and K,-t relief. ; Nothinir else so a ,-nl. I'.cwaie oi imit.t tions. See that the name is stamped on each box. Sold by W. M Col Wehloo. N. C. Any man is apt to feel down in ! the mouth when he is on his up i pers- i i All headaches i-o W lien you grow wiser And learn to tm- An ' Karly Riser.1' DcWitt's Little Early 1,'isers, safe, sure pills Hold by V. M. Cohen. Weldon, N. C. j At the age of forty a man iseith I er an old bachelor or a pessimist. Croup can positively be stopped iu "20 minutes. No vomiting nothing tosicken or distress your child. A sweet, pleasant. I and sate. Kyrup, called Dr. Shisip's Croup Cure i- lor Cr -up alone, remcLher. tt Mloes not claim to cure a dozen ailments, i It's for croup, that's alt. j Sold by . M Cohen. 'eld..n N. C. j If you are ashamed of your call , ing hire a boy to call for you This May Interest You No one is immune from kidney trouble so j nst remembtr that Foley's (."ill will si up the irrt'iiu! nitu- and fine any wise of kidney aLtl bladder trouble that is -lot he ytnid the leach ol medicine For sale bv K. ( lark. Weldon, N (.'. Pride is the upholstering oi' lazi ness. A liquid cold relict with a laxative prill eiile u Inch drives tint a cold tlintu u copious uclioa ot the bowelH, and a he ilitij; ptimipie which I inner h in tho throat und stops the eounh that is Kerinudy'M I ix-tiv.- ( ,mh Syrup Sale anil Hire in ittt action; pleasant to take: mid cont'i-niw to Nation:!) Fine Food and Inn"; Law. Con tains no opiates. Sob! by W. M. Cohen, WehUm. N. . I can't find many men that their start with steam heat. got To stop a cold with "Freventies" i.1-safer than to let it run and cure it n ter winds Taken ul I lie "sneeze stae'' l re venues will head otl'all coliN and (irnppe and perhaps save yon lr iu I'liemnouiit or liionchitis. Treve -ties aru tooth; line candy eold eure tablets .selling in ." !ent and cent boxes. If you are ehill; , if you sneeze, try 1'reventies. They will surely cheek ihe eold, and please vou Sold by W. M. Colitn, WeUlon.'N. C. It Costs Nothing To find out lur a certainty whether or not your hear; is affected, (hie person in four has a weak heart ; it may be you. If so, you should know it now, and save serious con sequences. It' you have short hreath. fluttering, palpitation, hungry spells, hot thihes ; if you cannot lie on left side; if uni have fainting or smother ing spells, pain around heart, in side and arms, your heart is weak, and perhaps diseased. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will re lieve you. Try a bottle, and see how quickly your condition will improve. "U'ont a yi'iir npo I wrote to the Mi Iff M-.tnal Co, usUiiiff ativtee, ns I Wa- st.ri i luif with l;.-.til, and l::t.l t'f'ii fur two y.-nr. 1 leiit juiin m itt v til-nil. ba. k ami left ami liail ti t l. wi nl'lti to dt.'iw it deep t n lli iw.t i':tr, Anv little eet -linii xs.'-ihl . ,uih,i )i;ttit.t!i-n, ntnl 1 ...I.1.! nl ! on im lift mO.- without si, ti ; I't'i n.i-nl tin' lo ti v lr. A-tl.- It. ul Cure N-imm.'. wtih'U I ilid Witt, ti.- n'Mill 1 inn III I. H.f l.:tllll llittl 1 rvi-t W.iS iM-ftiYV, I ,1 iitiufid Mine I om-I'li'i-.l l.ihii'jf II I ltoh Hhinit tliir-t--. ii l-iuN-i i( ili two nit'du-nics. and li:ti'ii t I'tTii l"iitiiT'tl with mv heurt MIK'V," MKS 1 It. I IK TlloMAS, I'ppiT HaiiiltiMky. Olilo. Dr. Mites' Heart Cure It sold by your (irurjo1"' wn Wl" ti'Hrante tht the first bottle will benefit. If It faill hft will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind RIGHT NOW While the war between the r5 Watch Trustfe The factories and im porters is blazing hot, is the very best time you will ever find to buy a good watch for little money. Call and see for yourself o r write to L, GK GBADT' Halifax. N. C. The Jar of Coughing Hammer blows, steadily ap plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes. The best kind o) a testimonial -" Sold for over sixty years." MsdB tT J. C. Ayr Co.. T.owll, MUl Sim o mtniiOMtureri of ' SARSAPARILLA. yers PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. W havo bo ecrcti 1 Wo publlah tho formula of ail our madiolDM. Biliousness, constipation retard re covery. Cure those with Ayer's Pills. ITIMIVI'IOX IKON WORKS, Sis to 111 OI.DKTKKET, PKTEItSltUltO. VA. MANlTAI'Tt'llKKS OF ', Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Having bought nnt Steel & Alexander, I'viutiders uud niiiditnisrs, with all piitterntt wt-are now prppareil lo fmuish jurtfl to machine lortuvrly made hy them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES., PEANUT MACHINERY "peci.y Mill work and costings of all kinds. Second hand machintry for sale cheap. Call ou us or write I ir what you want. Qreat Reductions For Cash .l 7." Moitiettc lings, $2 75 - '.) Smyrna " 2 21) '..' Ull Misiuette rticja, Hxl2 ft. 17 75 I'JJc Chitiu .Mattinfi, 10c. a.. " " lHc. 2'Jjc. Japanese " 17c. 2--c. " " 18Jc. U5e Wool Carpeting 40c. 25c. Window shades, 20c. Tillc " " 37Jc "oc 2-yard wide Liuoletim, 75c 75c ' 65c (i5c Floor Oil Cloth, 48c 1 35 AimiusterCarpeting, 89c 1 411 IBx-JO Picture Frames, 95c Wall paper, 4. 3 nud 6c per roll A I. A ill it STUCK OF Talking Machines, Qraphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, mid supplies on hundit all time, at the very lowest prices. SPIERS EROS.H WKLflOV, N. C. CHOICE ROSES ! Carnations, Violets and other flowers, always on hand. Shower Wedding liouipirus, II andsonie Floral Designs. I'ot und out door hedding plants. To mato, (hhlmge and other Vegetable Plants, Magnolias. Orders promptly esisiitid. Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ, Kl.nKIST, KAl.KliiH. MikTH l AWOI.INA, 4 IU ly FAI.l. AND WINTER- MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Entterick'sPattenis. R. & G. CORSETS. Miiwes at 50c. , Ladies 76c. to f 1. Prices will be mads to salt the times, Hats aud Bonnets made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, If. C. brand Display Si i f

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