Sfe fif (rift w t8 j l 1 . e ,. Advertising Mates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FUR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON. N. ('., TIII'WSDAY. FKIilJl A 1!V 21. I!M7. rms of Subscription"$1.50 Per Arpiin VOL. XI.!. NO. 42 DESIRETO BE REMEMBERED. Is It Your ffi Mb W8 M i )tjnHair? AM '.'I'.iblf iVfn;ir.;li.M''; A'i ... ! V.'WiliV.JA..!. !':.moics niciioivClnH-il'ii! : (... and R'Sl .Contain', lu-iilu r ' Uum.Mort!iinr iiorMnu-rii! !i 'Not Nam co tic. ill (i.irlA3f ii'vtit.ifj - I AiM'ift'ct Rmfilv fm-ronstii i' iiim.uiii ritMiur. n.in.imaiL',' , Win iiis,t'onvn.-,Kiis.l'i'vvnsh v iuss ;mi! Loss op Si.kki1. ' Lli' Simile Slllnliture of XKW YOUK EXACT COPy Ol-- WBAPPER. 1 1 IN ill 1 1 .'1 (iV'ISU ;i ,, i i. n i: III Minn McDUFFIE'S Iitneoniyo inaon C)j thi m-Ur?.r It". K o chill. d.....M"Bhd0J- m : o, LunR ,no " -h.,,h red blood. rrt-nd'chfldrenlll.. PRICE, 60 CEMT8. Take McDUFFIE'S Little Blu Liver Pills for Constipation a.itl lugKish Livers. Mc Duffle's Remedies are sold on a nuomntsii tc da all we claim or your money back. I'i.h S.m.k ii v W. M. finiKV. W (ld.iii. S. OE The': Bank WKIiUON, N. ( Orjanizei Uiier Tie Lais of the Slale of North Carolina, Al'OVSTSiiTII. 1-J. State of North ('aroliiui Dcpn .itory. Halifax Oniiity Depository. Town of Vddon Depository. MJ-M1! $36,000. Fii k U jrearn thin iiintiliitioii bus ppiviili'il liLiikmi! l:irilitii-B inr this MK'tioa. ll m(i('klnlilcr uml ilirtcli is liavc licen Klcnlilicil itli Hie busiuewi iutere-ls nl ll ilil ix mul N(iilh uiiit"ii iiuinius liir iiiiin.v.vi'arK Money ia loaned upon niinivcil i-. i nut ( al ill- linai rite el niirrit m per eenttim. Acconnt.ior:i!l are s'lliciled P1IKSI1IKMT: vnKfiii:iiiKsi- Dr. II. W l.r.WIS, (Jackson. Nnriharapiun Co , N. i'. ) ZH W. I-. UAMEI., OE GARRETT & 4 s Pioneer wise mmmswmm I'.STABI.ISItKll ih:. S PEOIALTIB8; fviRCINI A DARE w hi f f'linin'rndiii: OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY HIAWATHA ' V UtMlDllIipilIiej ev 'ii ' .y. PAUL C ARRETT SPECIAL M Sf l.Spalkliun l.hanipaBlle) 4to And all .dher varieties of Pure and Wholesome Wiiien lor homes and hotel u e jui .... ..... .. .. . .. II I. II I'loilu iir.ilumi'lli T!& V? P.Hli(lliwt Oiuill ITlcea I'aiil in M'iisoii lor an mm" u.m... ... .. c;."!" ' -" 10, M Wele.u Kriineli, St Loan-, Mo Home Ollice. NOIiKOI.K. VA. mm mmzmtfmimmnmmum 1. 1. sMiiE,rnB:r IlK.U.Klt IN Heavy and Fancy GROCERIES. ClHAIiS AND TO11AC0O. can nave you money ou anylliiuK iu 'he urocery line. If you waut new, fresh grocerien, call on the old reliable, W. D. SMITH, WELDON, - . W. C. For Infanta and Children, $The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the nature n 01 In Use For Over Thirty Years THt CINTAUA COM'hV. NLW YORK 4.IT. Pneumonia and Csn. prevon"' '.nd sure report Ump,'on Pf"CE, a5 CENTS. ('. V. K Bk.waxs Knliil.l. N. C O W R. SMITH, o COMPANY, 38 Americans POCAHONTAS lltcd Hi-tipjU'riuiliKl MINNEHAHA. w . Ilrv Sciiimernomi) W Ai AW TV B9 I I we 92 Gravestones. i WE PAY the FREICHT I andCUARANTEESAFE 1 DELIVERY . . . L AH. EMT STOCK 111 the South gslfllliishatd Caialtiguc Free. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (EaUbliahed 1H4H.) 169 to 16H Bank at., Norfolk Vi of 9 It. When You (lather Around The Household Board or Sit at Night By the Pire Keep a Place for the Absent One. "Ki-:.u-:,im:i Mi:."- Luke 23:42. The heart.likethe intelligent being lias a desire for immortal memory. It is not ilie product of conceit, but of humanity. It is the soul's as sertion of its helplessness when left alone its cry for support from other souls. Do you know the meaning of the English word "re member?" li literally means "member me again." It is the sign of one who is passing out of a family circle going let us say, to a foreign land. He says "Mem ber me again! When you gather around the household board, or sit ' at night by the blazing fire, keep a ; place vacant for me! Keep a gap in your hearts where the old chair should be! Do not forget to count me among the members of the family; do not omit to number me in the circle in which 1 am not I seen!" And so we all ask in the prospect of a great journey. What ; most of us fear in death is not that , we shall cease to be; it is that we ; shall cease to be members of the ; family of man. We doubt not j there are circles below ii? Shall we be members of the earth no more ? . Shall the last link be broken that I binds us to the clay'- Shall we be blotted out from time? Shall we part from the seen and temporal? ; Shall our feet have no right to be listened for in the march of the earthly army? We stretch our hands through the void and cry, "Member me again re-member me!" Be still, my soul! thy prayer is answered. Thy Lord has offered to remember thee. Knowest thou what is meant by being a member of Christ's body? To be lifted in to a mystic circle? No; to be re instated in the circle of earth. Christ's communion is not mysti cal; it is that which prevents mys ticism. Mere immortality would separate thee from the order of hu man things. But membership in Christ makes actual and permanent all the best of this life as well as best of the life to come. George Mathewson. Piles yet (iiick reliel lioni In. Shoop's Majiie I iiiilnii'iit. Iicineiiilier it's made Hlunc 1't I'ileN-anil it works with rer- ; tainty and Mitislaetion. Itehin, painful, proliiiilin. or lilind piles ilisippear like1 manic hv its use. Tt it and see! I'or sa'le hy W. M. iolien, Ueldon, X.C. ! The Indian, as a copper, ought to be worth at least a red cent. It's a plcasnie to tell our readers about a I'linh rule like Ir. Slump's. I'or yeais li. hiMi tin" l"Hii;lit nyuinsi the use of Opium, I idoriiliirin. or other uusnl'e ingre dients. Or. Mioop. it seeios has well-omed the I'u'e l'odd and limn Law reeently enacted. I'or he has winked alon .similar lines manv years. I'm nearly 'Jn years Or Slioop's Couiili I'ule containers have had; ll w:. mini! punted on I hem auaiust Opium i and other narcotic poisons. He has thus I made it pomilile r..r inotheis to protect j heir chiiilien he siiooiv inMstiuuou lmv- 1 HI! Or. slioop's C iin I'nre. l irsalehvW M I'nlicn. Ueldon, N ('. I Gossips keep as busy as bees, but not speaking lumied words. Do You Want to Know What You Swallow? There Is A crowini! snitimeitt In tbi ciMiim v in (ami ol iikiiic inks of ii.nows I'CMroslTION 0 (-till llllfirill lllill TIM tlmol'l have so mtcrc-l in the compo sition ol that which he or he l einected to swallow, whether it be Tied, dr!i.k of nieilicine. Kcc.nir.ini.' thU cr.iwloe ilisinsltlon ., m, ..I II,,. i.nl.li.- lll.il SAtlkttlul 1,11 1 1 li ('.ii, ' i p - ' " tbut ilie Inile-t idiblicity call only a 1:1 tn the ell-eariiiHl icputallon c. ins uieui "r. li. V. 1'ierce. ol ItulTalo, N. V., toncn lime ti the forelock," as it mul Is nubllsliliii! broadcast a list pini lias were. lit ll ll,., iiwrnsliioilM enteriuir into his leiulinu liii'dicines. tbo "Ooldeii Medical Discnicry" i In- popular liver invii;orator, biui;,ch tonic, blood purifier and heart emulator; also ot his " Favorite Prescrip tion" for weak, over - worked. bruLcu down, nervous and invalid woineti. This iHild and out-siiken movement on the part of Or. Pierce, ha-, by show Inn cxacilv what Ids well-known medicines are eoiniKisisi ot, completely disarmed all harpiui! critics who have heretofore un jusllv attacked tnclll. A little inunlihlet das la-en compiled, from Hie standard medical authorities of all the several schools ol practice, showini! the stroncest endorsements by leadiim uiedical writers o( the several iimriHlients which enter into Or. Pierce's medicines. A copy of this little Uiok Is mailed .free to any one de siring to learn more conccrninc the valu able, native, medicinal plants which enter into tho composition-! Or. Pierce's nusi ; Icines. Address Dr. Pierce, as above. . Or. Pierce's Pleasant t'ellels are tiny. u ' ar-matnl aiill-nill-ius uranulcs. 1 hey re--ulm- and inviitnralo Sl.-iiiac i. l.lvel' no Bowels. Ho not la-m-t the l-lll lil'H. but cure consliimllon. One or two each (lj.v Tor tbnallie and remilalor. llneeor four for an active catliarllc. Once tried always in favoi. eKfl nntl n'vEN AWAY. In copies of pOU.UUU i'm, Pcdple's I'onirnon Sense ki.ulicl Adrlsrr. a Issik lliat sold lo the ei- tenl oi ;M'.w' ii-i-ic'' rears a?o, al tl.i'sl 1ht copy. I.asl yi-ur we nave away tM.im worlh of these Invaliiii l,lc Issiks. This year we shall I give away t."i.imi worth of them. Will y" share In tills benefit 1 If . send only '-1 om-eenl stanins lo cover eost of nialllna- only for hook In stiff pan-T covers, or M stumns Inr cloth-hound. Address Ur. B. V. fierce, lluffalo, N. If. MS Mid T. GUi-IiK:. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and ailjoiuiuu coiinties,aud in ths Huprems oourt otlheHtat. Special attcutiongiTeo to oollentinna and prompt rstnrasv i vy N A it with alum food by the me of poor .baking powder. Have a delirious, pure, home-made muffin, cake or come in. To be sure of the purity, you must use Royal makes a difference in your home a difference b your health- a difference in your cooking. ROYAL is absolutely Pure. EaSS5E52!2EKKS Wff'fPr'JW kfc&sWAlsiW NIGHT- Night is the time for rest: How sweet, when labors close, To gather round an aching breast The curtain of repose, Stretch the tired limbs, and lay the head Upon our own delightful bed! Night is the time for dreams: The nay romance of life, When truth that is, and truth that seems Blend in fantastic strife; Ah! visions less beguiling far Than waking dreams by daylight are ! Night is the time for toil : To plough the classic field, Intent to find the buried spoil Its wealthy furrows yield; Till all is ours thai sages taught, That poets sang or heroes wrought. Night is the time to weep : To wet with unseen tears Those graves of Memory where sleep The joys of other years; Hopes that were angels at their birth. But perished young, like things of earth. Night is the time to watch : O'er ocean's dark expanse, To hail the Pleiades, or catch The full moon. s earliest glance That brings into the homesick mind All we have loved and left behind. Night is the time for care : Brooding on hours misspent, To see the sceptre of Despair Come to our lonely tent; Like Brutus, midst his slumbering host, Startled by Caesar's stalwart ghost. Night is the time to muse : When, from the eye, the soul Takes flight; and, with expanding views, Beyond the starry pole Descries athwart the abyss of niglu The dawn of uncreated light. Night is the time to pray : Our Saviour oft withdrew To desert mountains far away; So will his followers do, Steal from the throng to haunts untrcd, And hold communion there with God. Night is the time for death : When all around is peace, Calmly to yield the weary hreaih, From sin and suffering cease, Think of heaven's bliss, and give the sign To parting friends; such death be mine! WILL IT COME TO THIS ? He criticized the Show Trust, and He could not go to show s; The Clothing Trust disliked him, it Would sell to him no clothes; He found fault with the l'ood Trust, which Cut off his fond supply; And as he bucked the railroads, they Forced him to w alk or fly In Billingsgate he sought to air His sad and sorrowful lot; But to his sorrow Lawson had Just cornered Tommy-rot. The Whiskey Trust had felt his taunts, He could not buy a drink; But as no Trust had cornered brains He was still free to think. , This man then thought unto him-; self: "I'll hang me to a limb." i The sympathetic Burial Trust Refused to bury him. Glenn Whislcr in the February j Bohemian. OASTOHIA, Basis th. A 11,3 Km m m m "? m' " Bigoatiut BAKIfiO 'GVIDER SS3SB For InhaU nud Children. T!ie Kind You Have Always Bought ll-'un tho my , ,r . i-lifeiuaturo of LUtff&ZZrt Fame is a bubble, but those who seek to blow it think (here's some thing in the wind. 'I o s(o-) a e tld with ' I'reventics" is saf er than to hi it run and cuie it after wanU 'iiiKrii at the ' Viicee staye'' I're ventics will hc;id off nil cold" and tinippe mid peihaps s,ne you from Pneumonia or I ! ronchi lis. I 're e t ics are tout lisome candy l old cure taldets selling iu ."V cent and cent boxes. If you aie chilly, if ymi sneeze, try iViventies. They will snre'v t heel; llieeohl, and please von. Sold by W, M. Cohen. Weldoti,N. A polite dinner call is to call it very good. lines ColVce disiKrce with you? I'rohn tdy it does! Then try Or. Whoop's Health (.'otlVe ' llt'iillh Collet-'' isae ever i-oinlii na ion of parched cereals uml nuts. Not a urain of real CotlVe, rememher in llr. Shisip's Health Cotl'ce, yet its flavor and tuste nuitches ehwely old .lava and Mnchu Cotlte. If your stomach, heart or kidneys cim't stiiuil Colfee driukinir, try Health ColVee. It is wholesome, nourishing, and y , 1 1 fviuif. I I's sule even tor the joungest c 'lid.' For sale by W. T. Parksr, Weldon, N. C. TKey usually want someihin from the panirv You remember the hunger you had Home cooking counts for much in the child's health; do not imperil biscuit ready when they V.iilimu will relieve 1 mlmt'siiim that i i not ii t)ii.niu;:li nitj.Miint. Ktnlil di ; p'-'ta what you ei mul uMowr j Iiuvh the .stomach to rest riMupci;ite ! Hiow Ktroiitr njjuiii. Kodol is ;i solution of i ditft-Htive (u-nis ami as nmriy Us possihie i approximates the (li-vnvi- juices that are I in the stomach. Ko.lol lakes the work of digestion otr the diiicstive organs, ami wliih- ir 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j ii iiiis wimk use. i uoeH i Kn.itl.v assist tho stomaeh to a tliorouuh j rent. In mhlition the ingredients.!' Korlol are siu-h as lo make it a eorrt-etive of the j liiuhf-st cHieienry ami hy its action the j stomach is restored to its normal tictivity j ami power. Kodol is manufactured j'n strict conformity with the National hire Food and 1 -run law. S.ld hy W. M.Coheu, Weldwu, N. ( Should a Grecian nose, among j tlK Romans, do as !he Romans do? ! I'OH OVKIt M I V VHUH Mi;s W 1 vsi.ow's Sun ill 1 M 1 S v 1: it has, been used for over HO yeas by millions of ' mothers for their children while teelliinj;, i with perfect Hicee. It soothes the child, softens the nums, allays all pnn; cures i wind colic, and is the best lemcdy for: Diairh'.tM It will relieve the pour little : sulb-icr ininit di.i i.y. Suit! hy iimuUts I iu every ji.irt of the world. Twenty-live ( cents a buttle lie sure ami ask foi "Mrs, j Window's Snotliinn Syrup," and take uo ! other kind. i tinar.uiteed nuder the I'ood und Drills ! Art. .tune :!mh, iMitii Serial number j III!'-. There seems to be plenty of sha dy reputations under the sun. 1'iles of people luxe Tiles, Why suffer 1 from piles when you can use lb-Witt's Car- I ! h.tlied itch Hael Salve and net relief et hni)! else so ifood. be wan ol inn la tum-.. See that the name is stamped each box. Sold by W. M Cohen, Weldon. N. C, on ! The roughest bass may follow the even tenor of his way. All hcailaclies no ltd! you urnw wiser And learn to life An ' Knilv lkiser.'' KeWitt's Little Karly Kisers, sale, sure pills Sold hv W. M. ' ohen, Weldon, N. C. The milliner setsa price on many a woman's head. C roup can positively lie stopped in '-in i iniimles. No voiiiiiiii iiiitli iii: tosicken ; or (lisi,ss vour child. A sweet, pleasant. ; and sale Syntp. called III. Hi, sip's I'loup 1'lll'e is tin I'r-ilp alone, lelili'iher. It dots not claim to cine a doeu .iilinctlts. It's fur croup, that's all. Sold hy W. M Cohen. Weldi.n. N. C. I It sometimes happens ilun the minister who follows his calling too strenuously is called down by his congregation. ' htitiid eoll relit t w ilh a laxative prill ciple lneh ill i ve out a cold liirmiLiti a eupioiii aeUoti o the Ihiwels, ami U Ileal) Hl? itnneipif wtneb m the throat and stopttheeoutih-lh.il is Kennedy's Laxa tive (' luuh Syrup Sale and Mire in its action; pteasuit to take; And conforms to ; National I'uie l .toi and Drug Law Con tains no opiates, i Sold hv VV. M Cohen. Weldou. N. C. Ignorance of the law excuses no ! man, but it sometimes accounts for the failure of a lawyer to make good. This May Interest You j Sonne is immune from kidney trouble j sojust reuiemher that Foley's Cure will stop the irregularities and cure any ease of kidney and bladder trouble that is not be yond the fetich of medicine l or sale by E. Clark, Weldon, N. C. When a man attempts to inter fere with the affairs of a woman the best he can get is the worst of it. Hunting for Trouble. ' I've lived in California -ill yeais, and am still limiting for trouble in the way of burns, sores, wounds, boils, cuts, sprains, or a ease of piles that lluck ' en's Arnica Halve won't quickly cure," riles Charles Walters. Alleghany, Sierra Co, Konsehnntinr, Mr, Walters, it euros every case. Guaranteed at any drug store 25 cents. WITH GOD. If Vou Are Wondering Why He Doesn't Mean More to You Come Back and Test The Proclama tion. 1 "My (iod will supply all your! need," is a triumphant cry, before Paul said this he said "Stand fast in the Lord." It is a condition. In Duncan's "Doctor Luke of' Labrador," he describes a fishing ! schooner coming down from the . 1 north in the teeth of a gale. Skip- j , per Tommy at the wheel, hud his two boys posted forward; they I were twins and all he had in the ! 1 world. A great sea came over j the bow and as it came the skip- j i per saw that it bore upon its crest ; one of those boys. Half-blinded ; ! by the spray he seized him just in j time and hanging over the rail. j He was about to raise him, when ; anoiher sea brought the other lad i I aft and with his other unoccupied j hand Tommy caught this boy and i held the two in perilous plight, one in either hand dangling over the rail. He could not raise both. Which would he let fall? He dare not, cannot choose. A third sea swept over and choice was not necessary, for the left hand held only a scrap of Tommie's coat. The other lad was lifted and they flew before the gale for even Tommy could do nothing for the lad that the sea had snatched away. Are we away from God? It is not due to an accident or the roll of a sea. It is due to a series of choices running through the years; and if you are wondering why God . doeS n0t Incan lll0re 10 V0U Come back to Him and test the Droclama- tion, "My God your needs." will supply all Neighbors Got Fooled. "I was literally coudiiii i:vsell' to j death, and heroine too weak to leave my j hed: and neihhois predicted that 1 would never leave it alive; but they n-t tooled, I for thanks he to od, I was induced to try l-r. Kind's New Ui-covery. It took just the cou-h. ami res.ore me to 1-00.1 souiM I health" wiites Mrs l.va I ncapher. of i (.roveilonu, Stark Co., hid. This King ' of cniijjh anil cohl cnreH, and healer ot thiti.it and luns, is dinjiist. ft'ie. and guaranteed by any I. Trial Imttle free. Only Few men are able 10 appre ciate the humor in a practical joke that conies at them point first. A Valuable Lesson. "Six years ayo I teamed a valuable les son," writes John 1 'least-tit, 'l Magnolia, hul 'I then bewail to take lr. Kin'a New Life 1'ilk 'lie longer 1 take thein the better I liml them." They please every body, liuarniitecd at any druist. !.V Almost any one can be a power ! for evil but it takes a man among I men to be a power for good. It Takes Nerve r.vcrv tinny depends upon your nervt-s. It is nerve force that causes the brain to direct ' tlu- motion of your body; it is nerve force that causes your heart to pulsate, and send the , blood through your veins ; it ' is nerve force that causes your ; stomach to digest food, your ' kidneys to filter the Mood, and the liver to secrete bile. In fact, nerve force is the power that runs your body, so if you foci worn-out, irritable, nervous, cannot sleep, or cat well, have pain or misery anywhere, your nerves are weak, anil your system run down. To restore this vitality take Dr. Miles' Nervine which will strengthen and build up the nerves. Vou cannot be healthy without strong nerves. "Fur eliiMeen years Or. Miles' Nerime anil Anti-l'ain Pills tiiive lieen my (!,'.(' i',,niii:inlons. Kurt- in mar ried lite, ulule ralMnir children, my nerves lierainc all woin-oul 'iuld not :!i.'i., I.u .,,n-iii,' , inuiKew((,in very bail, and had surli awful dizzy spi ils. Then I beicsn uIuk Or. Miles' Nerlne, and at once I ls-tran In im priive. anil snon found myself In perfect health." MRS S. I.. VOI-NII, 324 Pittsburg St.. New Castle, Pa. Dr. Mites' Nervine t. .old by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If it falls, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind RIGHT NOW While the war between the Watch Trusty The factories and Im porters is blazing hot, is the very best time you will ever find to buy a good watch for little money. Call and see for yourself or write to Xj. G-. OttAJDT Halifax, N. C. Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do it? I laven't enough hair? It must Ivj you do not know Ayer's (! Hair Vigor! Here's an intro duction ! May the acquaint ance result in a heavv prowth of rich, thick, glossy hair! U.se tiiis splendid hair-food, stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. 'i'lio h-st kind of a testimonial "Sold lor ovor sixty years." a, Jttttda tJ? J. O. Ayer Co., Low.U, 1 jTTj Alio manufmotursr. or flyers SAltSAPARILU. PI U.S. CHfcRRY PECTORAL. 'I'l'OtlATTOX IRON WORKS, JKloIIIOl.DKTltEKT, I'lrnutsiiUKG. va.! MAXI KACTI HKHS OF Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Iluviuu bought out Steel & Alexander, louuilt rs mid machinists, with all patterns we are uuw pn-i;ired to furnish parts to mui liiues formerly nude by them jj HYDRAULIC PRESSES1 and.,; PEANUT MACHINERY ,pecl.ltT Mill work uml eiisiins of ull kinds, Second hand machinery for sule cheap. Cull ou us or write f.,r what you waut. Oreat Reductions For Cash i't 7."i Moiiiet!t- Idles, 75 'J Htl Sliiyina " 2 'Jll i.'i 00 Mnquette runs, tlx 12 ft. 17 75 I2)c China Matting 10c, -""' " " 18c. -ic. Japanese " 17c. 'i'H'- " " 18c. 5c Wool Carpeting 40c. -Tic. Window hliuiles, 2(lc. We " " 37Jo Tie 2-yard wide Linoleum, 75c 65c tiac Floor Oil Cloth, 48c 1 3." Axiiiiin-terCarneting, 8c 1 4n ltix-.'O l'ietnre Frames, 95c Wall paier. 4. 5 and 0i- )ier roll A I.AIU'K STOCK OF Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, ! Cameras, j and supplies ou handout all times, atg ! the very lowest prices. I SPIERS BROS. j wianoN, n. c. CHOICE ROSES ! Carnations, Violets and other flowers, always on hand. Shower WeddiDK Honipiets, Handsome Floral Designs, l'ot and out door bedding plants. To lnulu, Cobbiige and oilier Vegetable Plants, Magnolias. Orders promptly eei uled. Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ, ri.uu:sT, IULEIG1I, NOHTH CAROLINA, 4 Id ly OP FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and N0VELTIE8. Bntterick'iPatterns. R. & G. CORSETS, Misses at 60c. , Ladies 75o. to f 1. MLPriues will be mads to snit th times, Hats aud Bonnets made and Trimmed to order, ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldoo, N. 0.

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