lug f& Pkiii e- -'"-ii Krc" Ik Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Wi:U)()X, N. ('., Till' I5SDAY, 1 Kliltl AliV US, 1M)7. rms of Subscription$1.50 Per n. VOL. XU. NO. Vi r.' ,i it aw i r iv mm 111! Ml ilf iss it Tho Kind Ymi I!;iv. .Vcvays Iiimli, ;,n.l v.Iu. ii h; Ix-en in use for over r.'i ;,.;,,. jlils f,,,,.,,,. .;;.,.,,,.,, (f ,(' -' "" iu"1 '"''" i""!' r liis pcr- tr, ..,1(1.v ,. ,,,,., , Ji)M hi (h!) All (oiiiilcrfoits, Imihiliiius iMiu .limtos.iHiil" ar but Hi n-i-illl ll'.s I luil, irilln ui'.h I rmliiiirr the health ((f Infants untl Clillurcn -J'xwriiice u'-Min-i, i::.pcilmit!it. What is CASTOR I A Cu.slorm Is si Imrnitiss xiiitst itntc li.r Ciisli.c Oil, rurc K"Vir, l.'Kips and Siu-t tiin- Su-uiis. H is ?-i.-us;;u(. Ib contains nci'lu-r )iiiin, Moi-phiim wt oI!iit Narcotic substance. Its ntrn U (is t'linraiitro. It l- !ri Wiinim anil allays lYveii-liiii-ss. (i iniv.; lHai rlio-a and Wind Colic. It rolictcs 'lYi'Mims;- Ti 'lable., v ire-. Constipation and Flatulency. ! t. assimilates lln- 1', lvgiilalos the Stomuch and Itowds, Kivinj; hcallliy uiil natural sleep. The Children's l'nnacoiiTlic lolherN Fiicnd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CMIUL CORE, chill our. cont.ln.nqh PRICE. 80 CEMTS. PRICE, 23 CENTS. , Take McDUFFIE'S Llttlo B!u Livur Pills (or Ccristipatlon jj Sluggish Livers. McDurTio's Kemedios are sold on n guarantee to I: 60 all vve claim or your money bocK. r r.mSAl.K nvW. M. Coiikn, WM.I.111. N. 05 Iks : Bask : oi : tela, WML DON, N. C. Organized Uifler The Laws of the Stale of Norll Carolina, AlGlSTaoTII, 1SMJ. State of Norih Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of WeUon Depository. Capital aifljiirfc $36,000- FOR 14 yar tins iiwliliitiwi hs roviilril liankins! fcrililifs lor thm aertion. Iti stwkbol.lers ami dirwtnni hiivi licfn ulrnliliert Willi Ihf busiueas interests ol' Halifax and Niirthaiii)itui nnlies hir iiiaiiyyi-im Money ia loaned opou approred security at the lnal rat of interest -si per eentu n. Acconntsof all are aulieiteil PUKSIKKMT: vicr-pkksidbnt: Dr.ll.W.I.F.WlS. (Jackson, NurthamHon Co, N. C) W. F. UAMiL, vs.' a i n l ijr leu v n S Pioneer m n n m n n n I'.sT.tHi i-,ni I !3 UH s" ' " " V" f . e'i&. M n 1 I IIIBU EI 31 B II' 'FX U im.M( n IHR liat--! li , vii..,V.siJ;--.-'( 2iSs!7 UlURbll SPEC! ALTI VIRGINIA DARE ( White Sciipperuoii() "' MePI-' HI CLO KOSTH STATE BLACKBERRY H I A W A T H A MINNEHAHA (liedCnTtitpaii'e) 'MP"'K) PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL ,C,.rlliinr Cll.inilLtoni 1 V And all other arieti. of l'urc and Wines lor home;. d hotel u e. .HiitliMt Cash l'rieea ''aid in Heasou for all kinds of small tun s. tfrupeMetr u..r lir....,.i. k. l .iinis Mn 1. 1. DKAI.KK IN Heavy and Fancy GROCERIES. CiGAIW AX1) TOIIAC'CO. can save yon money on anything in the (jrocery linf. If yoa want new, freah Kroceries, call ou the old reliable, W. D. SMITH, WELDON, - N. C. .WWW nnns Signature of MUMRAV TNI IT. NEW TOHN CTV. Cat rlih ... . ('. W. K IIkavans, Ditii-W, S. ('. 30 W K. SMITH. 30 i. ui ' in v ; - kmmm n n n n n li is:i.r). It POCAHONTAS n Home Olliee. NOKI, A Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY thi FREICHT aniiCU ARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . l,RC;KTiTOCK liilhe South !f-Sr,llltisliatci Catalogue Tree. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Estahliahed 1H48.) lfitol63Bnkit., Norfolk Va.i mt I If. COURTSHIP AFTER MARRIAGE. Continued Courtship After Mar riage Preserves the Love in the Husband and the sweetheart in The Wife. Some men seem to consider their marriage tei'titieate as a sort of fully paid-up policy of happi ness. They act as if the court ship days were those of paying premiums of compliment, cheer fullness, courtesy, consideration and chivalry, and that marriage cuts ott all these premiums of. lover-like attention. The only ; way to get an absolutely guaran-! teed insurance on matrimony is to keep paying the premiums. Many ; lirst-eiass matrimonial policies : lapse just because of these sus- j pended payments. i There is a tendency to assume that this love is known and recog- j nized, so why speak of it? This ! is a dangerous taking for granted of what should be made real, pulsing and vital in thought, word and deed. There is little danger of over-telling this story; it is often ; the wine of life and inspiration 10 : one hungering and thirsting for 1 the little tendernesses of affection. There are more people on this great, big, rolling earth hungering : for sweetness, tenderness and words of appreciation, genial , confidence and generous affection than are starving for bread. With husband and wife these delicate messengers of affection cost so little sometimes only a thought but it is the thought after all. Continued courtship after mar riage preserves the lover in the husband and the sweetheart in the wife. But courtship is not soli taire; like a quarrel, it requires two to make it a success. It is not the wife alone who needs the gracious sweetness of concentrated comradeship, for husbands who are built on the right lines have the hunger for loving kindness and kindly loving. Courtship is a vessel of promise that is often wrecked on the shoals of matrimony. Courtship means two mates without a captain; mar riage sometimes becomes two cap tains without a mate. From the October Delineator. Neighbors (iot l-'ooled. "I was liieraily conuliiii!; myself to I death, and ln'eume ion weak 'o leave my lied: ami nei;Mm!, predicted I hat 1 would never leave It alive; hut they U'lt tooled, Inr thank lie to 1 was inilueed to tiy Or- Kind's New lll-eoveiy. It took just livnr (medullar Indites tu completely cure the cnui:h. ami icsiHie ine to uooil sound health" wiites Mrs liva I ncal-her, ol (iiiiverlnwu, Stark I n , Iml. This King ol coiiiih and cold elites, ami healer of throat and Inncs, ii nn nanteed hy liny linguist ."Hi, anil s. Trial hotlle free. A woman's idea of a soft an-i swer is to heave a pillow at her husband's head. A Valuable Lesson. ' ix years a"" I learned a valuahle les ! son." wiites .Inhn ri-asatit. of Mat'nolia, lint "I Ih.-n l.,-;:an in t ,te Or. Kiiik'k ' Neiv I.ifel'dU. t,c i.iL'er I lake thelu the ; Letter 1 lind tl i " They please every- ' liinli, t.uarantceil at auv druiKi-t. ': The successful pugilist has to be careful not to take too much punch, j Trust to Nature. A qreat taanv Americans, both men i aril winneii. tire thin. iale and puny, with poor circnlalaiM. hecau-e lli. y have ill- j treated their stomachs by hasty eatini? 1 or tmi much i-atiiiK. by cousiiuiinK nleu- imlic beverages, or by too close coiitine- mi nt In home, oflieo or factory, and in ; ' consequence the stomach must be treated ; 1 in a natural wav l-!uro they ism rectify : their earlier inWakes. The muscles in ; many such 1 pie. In fact in every weary, thin' and thin-blooded jaffion. do their work with pieal difiiculty. As a result : fatinue eiunes earlv. is nimw and lasts 1 limit. The demand fur nutritive aid Is ahead nl the supply. To insure perfect health everv tissue, bone, nerve and muscle should Hike from the blood cer tain materials and return to it certain others. It Is necessnrv to prepare tho stomach fur the. work of taknm up from the food what Is necessary to make u k1, Fi,.. red l.lnnif We must ao to Ivuluro I tor tho remedy. There were certain ' roots known to the Indians ut this ! miliary before the advent of the whites which later came to the kniiwhilite of the settlor.! anil which are now .'rowlnit rapidlv In pmlcssiunal favor (or the euro 1 o( olisiinate stomach and liver troubles. I Tiles,. Hm foiiml to Im sale and etCIr ' tain in their cleansinu and mvuioratinn elTect uioii the siomach. liver and bloisl. These are: lolden Seal root. Queen's rout. Stone) root, niuoilroot. Mandrake root. Then there is lllack Cherrybark. , The medicinal principles residinir inthesa native roots when evtraoted with Blve- ; :. . ... u..l.. n...L.. it... nwist re i:ih A eruie as ii s.u.ri.L num. .... -,. and etlicient stomach tonic and liver In vliroratur, when combined In j"1 rk'ht proportions, as In Dr. I'lerees Golden Medical Discovery. Where there Is bankrupt vitality -such as nervous exhaustion, bad nutrition-and thin blood, the body acquires vinur and the, nerves, blood and nil the tissues feel tho favorable effect of this sovereign remedy. Although some physicians have been aware of the hi(h medicinal value of tho above mentioned plants, yet few havo used pure Rlvcerlnii as a solvent and usually the doctors' prescriptions called for the InKrediouts la varying amounts, teifll itlt'nhnl. The "tiolden Medical Discovery" Is Bclentiflc preparation compounded of the glyceric extracts of the almve mentioned vegetable ingredients and contains no alcohol or harmful habit-forming drugs. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the court a of Halifax and adjoining counties,aud in the Hnprema court of the .Suite. Special attentioDgirea to collections and prompt, ratama. jiar a The only excuse for buying anything but a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking Powder is to save a few cents in price, IJ ROYAL costs you a few cents more per can than Alum or Phos phate of Lime powders, but it is worth far more I I i . r to Keep your ciscuits, cakes and pastry tree trom effects of these cheapening substitutes. IJContinued Avoid PASS UNDER THE ROD, 1 saw the young bride, in her beauty and pride, Bedecked in her snowy array; And the bright Hush of joy mantled high on her cheek, And future looked blooming and gay. And with woman's devotion she laid her fond heart At the shrine of idolatrous love; And she anchored her hopes to ibis perishing earth, By the chain which her tenderness wove. But I saw v. hen those heart-strings were bleeding and lorn, And the chain had been severed in two; She had changed her while robes for the sables of grief. And her bloom lor the paleness of woe. But the Healer was ihere pouring balm on her heart. And wiping the tears from her eyes; And He strengthened the chain He had broken in twain, And fastened it firm to the skies. There had whispered a voice-- 'twas the voice of her God, "I love thee I love thee pass under the rod!" I saw the young mother in tenderness bend O'er the couch of her slumbering boy; And she kissed the soft lips as they murmured her name, While the dreamer lay smiling in joy. Oh! sweet as a rosebud encircled with dew, When its fragrance is thing on the air; So fresh and so bright to the mother he seemed, As he lay in his innocence there! But I saw when she gazed on the same lovely form, l'ale as marble and silent and cold; But beautiful and colder her beautiful hoy. And the tale of her sorrow was told. But the Healer was here who had smitten her heart, And taken her treasure away; To allure her to heaven He had placed it on high, And the mourner will sweetly obey ! There had whispered a voice 'twas the voice of her God, "1 love thee I love thee pass under the rod!" I saw when a father and mother had leaned On the arm of a dear cherished son, And the star in the future grew bright to their gae. As they saw the bright place he had won, And the fast-coming evening of life promised fair, And its pathway grew smooth to their feet, And the starlight of love glimmered bright at the end, And the whispers of fancy were sweet, Bui 1 saw when they stood bending low o'er the grave, Where their hearts' dearest hope had been laid, And the star had gone down in the darkness of night, And joy from their bosoms had Med. But the Healer was there and His arms were around, And He led them with lenderest care, And He showed them a star in the bright upper world 'Twas their star shining brilliantly there! They had each heard a voice 'twas the voice of their God "1 love thee 1 love thee pass under the rod!" OCR TLRRIBI.n TONOl'K. You take a swim, You say you swum; Your nails you trim But they are not irum; And milk you skim Is never skum. Wiieu words you speak, Those words arc spoken; But a nose you tweak Is never twoken ; Nor can you seek And say you've soken. A top you spin. The top is spun; A hare you spin, Yet 'tis not spun; Nor can a grin Be ever grun. If we forget Then we've forgotten; But if we bet We have'ntbotten; No house we let Is ever lotten; What we upset Is not upsotten; Now don't these prove Our language rotten? 1'ilea of people have Tiles. Why sull'i r from piles when you can use DeWitt'a Oar bolized Witch llaz.e) Salve and get relief. Nothing else so good, llewaie of imitii lions. See that the name is stamped on each hoi. Bold hy W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N, C. 'j-K iiEfi Pit Made from rapeireai useot Alum means permanent injury to health. Alum Ailments Say ROYAL BAKING POWDER I'OR OVI'.K SIX II HUK1 Mks Wiksi.ow's Sum Hist! Sviti V has been used for over ltd years by millions of mothers for their children while leelhiim, with pel feet success. It. soul hen thechilil, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is Hie best leincdy for Oiuillioca It will relieve lite pour little suth rci' iiiiiiii'dia'ely Sold h druggists in every p.itofthe world. Twenly-tive cat-a Icttle lie sine and ask foi ' Mrs. Wii slop's o-ilhiti M r"p," and take no oil' -t kind HUilanleeil undir the l-'ood and ltui!s Ail, .li.ii,. -II. li. laud. I ... 1 Illliuhi'l llllH. j A true philosopher never cries over spilled milk. I Ic realizes that it would soon turn sour, anyway. Nothing will re ieve Imlim'stion that is not a thotolleh dl"t'tant. Kodol di gests what you eat and al-lows lows the stomach to rest lecnpetatn glow stroint again. Kodol is a solution of digestive acids and as nearly as possible approximates the digestive juices that are in the stomach. Kodol takes the work of digestion off the digestive organs, and while performing this work itself does grently assist the stomach to a thorough rest. In addition theingredientsof Kodol ate such as to make it a corrective of the hiuhest efficiency and by its action the stomach is restored to its normal activity and power. Kodol is leanulaetured ill strict conlonniiy with the National Ture Kond and Orug law. (old by W. M. Cohen. Weldon, X. C. The thing to do, ofttitnes, is to know what not to do. OASTOrllA. I'M. the Ite Kind ItaWmjs Boiiglit liiijr nature of than the difference , . . . the injurious plainly To stop a cold with "I'reventies'' is saf er than to let it run and cure it after wards Taken at the "sneeze stane" I're venties will head otl'iill cold and lirrippe and perhaps save you from Pneumonia or lironehitis I'reve-tics are toothsome candv cold cure tablets sellini' in ."i cent and ''.'i cent boxes. If you are chilly, if vou sneeze, trv rreventics. I hey will ! surely ( heck the cold, and please vou. I Sold by W. ,M Cohen. W.ildi.n, N. ( It is an easy matter to pucker your face, but all the genuine smiles and frowns come from the heart. All hcatlacht's When you ji'ov wivr ! And hum to tii An ' i:.irly Riser." I l-rWitt' l.ittlp E.nly Kiscis, wu'e. pills Sold by W. M. ' oIumi. WVM.m, V. There is no joke so Hat as the one you were going to spring on a man who got busy and sprung it on you. I ! ( nmp can positively hv stupped in minutes No vomituiy; potlnt tosirkru j or distress ymir child. A sweet, pleasant. and sale Syrup, called Dr. Slump a t'ump Cure is tin ( roup alone, feme j-her. It ilncs not claim to rare a dozen ailments. It's trr croup, that's all. Sold hv W. M Cohen. Wehl II. N. C. Prison is a good place for those who make themselves too free. lo.".s (lolVec ibsirce with yoa? l'roba bly it (hies! Then try Or. Sheep's Health t'otl'ee ''lleallll t'uli'ee" isae evereoluhi na ion ol' paiclied cereals and nuts. Not a rain of real t'otl'ee, remember in Or. shoop's Itcilih t otl'ec, yet its Mavor and t.isie matches close, y old .lava and Mocha I'oibe. It your stomach, heart or kidneys ciu'l stand t'olb'e diiiikiiii!, trv Health I ollee. It is wholeso ne. nourishin', and s itislVim' It's sjt,. even tor the vonn.-est child. I'm sale hy W. T. Talker, Weldon, N C. A girl must either marry an or- j dinary man or else remain a spin ster for the purpose of cherishing ; an ideal. i For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of I A picture of still life should never be in loud colors. j A liipiiil cold relief with a laxative prin ciple which drives out a cold through a' copious act ma ot the bowels, and a healing principle which lingeis ia Hie throat ami j stops the cough thai is Kenedy's live l , nigh Syrup Safe and sure in its net ion; pleasant to take: and conform! to National hue I ihiiI an.l Orug Law. Con tains no oicates. Sold hv W M Cohen. Weld N.C. The seasick passenger wonders why he didn't know when he was , well off. This May Interest You 1 No one is immune I'loin kidnev trouble! ' so iusl remember that Foley's Cure will ! stop the iriegularities and cure any case ol ! kidney and bladder trouble that is not. he- yond the reach ol' medicine. i Fur saie by K. Clark, Weldon, N.C. j Beware of the man who is aftlic- j led with excessive noliteness. He probably has designs on a slice ot your bank balance. Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived in ( alilomia 20 yeots, and am still hunting tor trouble iu the way i.f bums, sor.-s. wounds, boils, cuts, sprains, ora ease uf pil s that lluck leu's Arnica Salve wou't ipiiekly cure," writes Charles Walters. Alleghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walters, it cures every case, (luaranleed at any drug store '.'5 cents. The shoe store sign migh read: "Come in and put your foot in it.' WAS TO BE A QUIET AFFAIR. But at the Same Time She Would Make It Impressive. She was a middle aged colored woman of muscular build, and as she stopped at one of the gates in the union depot the other morn-; ing the official took notice thai she : was greatly perturbed and breath ing hard. "Madam, you seem to be e.xci-, led," he said, as she choked and , gurgled and coughed. 1 "Yds, 1 does. 1 dun run mos' ; all de way from de house, and 1 j fell down fo' times on de way. If I I gits sight of dat pusson he will ; i also be afflicted wid overexcite- j ment-heaps of it." 'Yo u have something under your j shawl," he said, as his eyes de-, tecied a bulge to the garment. j "Yes, sah," she replied, as she i removed and held up to view an old "axe handle. "Dis am what will bring on that overexcitement in case dat pusson shows up y ere. " "But I can't permit any violence or disturbance, madam." "Oh, dere won't be no fussin' aroun'. De pusson 1 done spoke of am my husband. He's done made up his mind to leave me fur another woman, and I spects em yere to take the train." "And you won't disturb the i peace?" "Not at all, sah no sah. Dar won't be no disturbance. When 1 git eyes on him I shall spit on ; my hands, grip dis yere handle and jump on him, and befo' he comes to I'll have him home and all tucked in bed. No, sah, no disturbance 'cept dat shall ax de , , . , j . People tO Staild back SO dUI kin git a full swing of my arm to mash him!" Chicago News. l'iU'Mel ijtmk lelii'MVoiu Vt. SIioujm Mayic- Umtmtiit. Ui-uh-ihIht il'n nmile i aioiit-l'r I'ilis and it works with cer tainty and Hatislai'tiuii. Itdiiiij;. paint'til, i proirudiii-;, or blind pili-n di-.iipifar like I mamc l.v its iish. Trv it and wv Fur sale by W. M. t otit-u. Wrldnn, N.C. Much of a woman's cheerfulness may be 'due 10 the fact that she knows how to work a dimple for ail it is worth. It's a pleasluc to tell our reader s about a Coiif-h ( 'lire like lb. Slump's, l or years I M. siiooo has liiiii;lil against the use ol Opium, I litoioitirin. or oilier u in He in-ire- I dleiits. Or. Sho.ip. it seals h s welcomed the I'll'e I oimI ami llrn,r Law lecently ' enacted, tor he has worked alonj: similar I lines many years, l or nearly "u years Or slump's Couh One containers have had a warning printed ou thelu against opium and other narcotic poisons. He has thus j made it possible I'r mothers to protect heir children hv simply insisting on hav- I im Or. slump's ( '.iti-iii ( 'me. i I'orsale hv W M t'ol Weldon, S.t . , The fresh-air fiend may still find j his chief delight in the old tunes. A Live Wire l-'ierv tu-rve is a live wire rottrnvtiii'T some part of the In ni l with the brain. They are so numerous that if you pene trate the skin with the point of a needle you will touch a nerve and receive a shock pain it is called. Aches and pains come from a pressure, strain or in jury to a nerve ; the more prom inent the nerve the greater the pain. When the pain comes from a larce nerve it is called Neuralgia whether it be the facial nerves, or the heart, stomach, sciatic or other prominent nerve branch. To stop pain, then, vou must relieve the strain or pressure upon the nerves. Dr. Miles' Anti-rain Pills do this. "I suffered Intense pain, caused by HMiralai -i. I doctored and ueil vari ous io-illclii,'s without getting relief until I l'.'e:,n taklnK IT. Miles Mul-Taln fills. They did me more e, tliu all the medicines 1 ever c,.,l Tli.-v n, ver fail lo our" my I .-iolael..'-' :,n,l It-el- use never leaves r-l" l-"l V" " MltS. WM. TH.CKMAN. W lili SI., Ki'e. Ta. Or, Miles' Anti-Pain Pitta are mid by your druggist, who will guarantee that the tint package wit benefit. If It faili. he will return your money. 25 dosei, 2b cents. Never fcold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind RIGHT NOW While the war between the i ""atch TrlSt$i j The factories and im porters is blazing hot, is the very best time you will ever find to buy a good watch for little money. Call and see for yourself o r write to , ; L. Or. QEADT Halifax, N. C. A Doctors Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold lor over sixty yeara." UUdo by J. C. Ay.r Or,.. T.ftWflll, M..S. Al.o iuaniiIMbur.1'. ui SARSAPAHIUA. yers PUIS. HAIIt VIGOK. Wo h.vo no scr.ta ! Wa publi.h Ilia formula, of all our mndloln... You will hasten recovery by tak ing one of Ayor's Pills at bedtime. XJ'I'IIMVIIOX IKON WIMS, as to ai OI.l) KTKKET, im:ti:ushuhg. va. M A N r K A OT 17 R K K S OF J Machinery, Shafting.Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. "Having bought out Steel & Alexander, thunder and machinists, with all patterns we aro now prepared to furnish parts to niachiues formerly made by them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES PEANUT MACHINERY pccl.lty Mill work and castings of all kinds. Second liana machinery for saleeheup. Call on ns or wiite f..r what yeu want. (ireat Reductions i 1 For Cash A M Muiielte T.ngs, $2 75 ii 11(1 Smyrna " 2 30 '" (III Miiiiiette ruga, 12 ft. 17 75 T.'c. China Matting, 1lk 25c. " " ISc. 22U'. Japanese " 17c. 25c. " " 181c. (ijc Wool Carpeting 40c. 2oc. Winduw shades, 20c. .Ilic " " 37c u."c 2-yard wide Linoleum, 75c 75c " " " 65c 5e Floor Oil Cloth, 48c 1 85 AxniiusterCaipetiug, 89c 1 411 lti20 Picture Frames, 95c Wall paper. 4. 5 and tic per roll A I.AKi.K STUCK OF Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, and supplies on hand' it all times, at the very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS. WKLtlON, N. C. CHOICE ROSES ! Carnations, Violets and other flowers, always on hand. Shower Wedding Houtuets, Handsome Floral Designs. Pot and out door bedding plants. To mato, Cabbage and other Vegetable Plants, Magnolias. Orders promptly executed, Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ, taomsT, liALEIUH, NOltTU CAROLINA. 4 11) ly of -fall ami winter MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Botterick'sPatterni. R. & G. CORSETS, Hiases at 50c , Ladies 75c. to Jl. MPrcea will be made to anit the timea, Hats and Bonnatt made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PKOMPTLY FILLED.; MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. 0.