T.rms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum;- A OL. XLI. WKLDOX, N. (, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 11)07. NO. I t AM'claWelVcpiiralionforAs .slniUliii' lltelivdaiidllcgiila luiH lite SIolwIb mut Dowels of i j,!.u-J... 1'ivmmcs Die.slion.Clverl'iil i 's1iiKU!.'si.Conlliiiisiit'illn.r (immi.Morpiiiim nor Minora!. : OT KAMf'OTIC. . v UNt.'B.PtKHW I .'kwfMHf - Xmtfrcl Remedy forronstitvi I I IIUIIIWVUI tlHR-tliLirill IKJUl i Worms .(OiiviiUioiis.ftwnsh- II wen mid Loss ok Si.kkp. !' Fui' Simile Siljnnlure of ill (tf.fUZt. ;i XEW YORK. ii t'.tii. tfiiintih it;-..!..:.... T exact copv or wrapper. ft 7 MCDUFFIE'S TAITILIU OHIUCUM. ehlltoucontlningM PRICE, BO CMTS. Yalta MeDUPFira Llttla Blu Llvar Pills for Constipation a.id lugglsh Livers. MoDuffla'a Ramadlsa ara sold on a guarantee to de all we claim or your money baca. , Koh Sai.k iiy W. M. Coiikn, Wrhli.ii, N. C. W. E Bkavasm, Enfield, N. C. 3E The : Bank : of : Wta, . WELDON, N. C. Qiprizeil Under The Lais of tin Stale of North Carolina, AUGl!KT20Tir, 1HW. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. $38,000. Ft) U 14 yearn this institution has provided banking facilities for this section. Its stockholders ami lirctor have been identified viilli the buaiuesa interests of Halifax hikI Northaiuptim counties lor many ycirs Money U tunned upon approved securitf nt the legnl rile of inleret-i per fen lum. Amount of all are solicited. rKEninmiT: VY. E. UANIEL, VICI-PKKMIIlltNT: Dr. H. W. LEWIS. (Jalsoo,Ninitiaij;liiD Co . N. C) OE 3E 3 GARRETT & 2 nit &MhxdmmtMi&i ESTABLISHED IM;I6. s PBOI ALTIES 'VIRGINIA DARE POCAHONTAS ' OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY H I A WAT HA MINNEHAHA f (RedChTmpiKne) Ur '"PP""""!!) f PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL (SparklinK Champagne) , And all ether ari.tieaof Fare and Wholeaome Winea for homed and hotel o-. b iamHifhMt Cuh Frieea Faid in Heawin for all kinds of Mm.ll fruil.H. israpea .tc ZX weatern JJrancO, Ht lmu, mo "" - thj i WMtarn Hrancn. Ht linia. mo I . D. SMITH, DEALKK IN Heavy and Fancy GROCERIES. CIO AIM AND TOBACCO. can aae you money on anything in ' ihe groorry line. If you want new, fresh grocwiaa, call on the old reliable, W. D. SMITH, WELPOV. .0, ASTORIA For Infantg and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In! Use For Over Thirty Years won '"ICE, as Cf T. 3E 30 CASK I KB: W V. SMITH, if COMPANY, ui,.." - - if! Monuments AND OrvfiYin 4-lv M Signature AvT W G Gravestones. I WE PAY Mi FREICHT I ahdCUARANTEESAFE I DELIVERY ... 4 LAHiliHtT(Lll lathe Honth 7llli!ittittJ Cataloeae Free. THE CQUPER MARBLE WORKS. (EaUbliabed 1848.) 15Ult3 Bwkat., Norfalk V. Mllf. MR. RILEY DID NOT KNOW. Woman Ruporter Asked Questions . Hard to Answer. A friend of James WhilColub Riley tells a story of an encounter the bachelor poet once had with a woman reporter. The energetic young woman after strenuous ef fort had finally caught Mr. Riley j at the telephone. This is the con-1 versation that followed : ; "Is this Mr. Riley?" "Yes. This is Miss ?" ; "Miss Jones, or the Courier-1 Journal. I've been trying all day to get an interview with you, Mr. Riley." "Ah, would it were a view in stead of an interview," said the poet, gallantly. "Oh, thanks. How long you remain in Louisville, will Mr. Riley?" "Only a short time." ' Is your wife with you?" "No, ma'am, she is not." "Where is she, may I ask ?" "You may ask, my dear Miss Jones, but I find it very difficult to answer. I am in absolute igno rance of her whereabouts. For aught I know to the contrary, she may right now be at the other end of this telephone!" There was much laughter, and afterward an effort to resume the interview. But in vain. Mr. Riley had escaped. LOVE OH COUNTRY. In the last days of the Confed eracy General Longstreet observed a soldier in tattered clothing stand-, ing in mud and a beating rain du- j ring a temporary halt of the col-, umn. The soldier was soliloquiz-. ing for the benefit of the bystand ers: "I love my country," he said, "could die for my country. 1 1 Breathes there a man with soul so I dead who to himself haih never said, 'This is my own, my native land? But if I ever do get through : with this war if 1 do get through sure enough I'll be damned if I ever fall in love with another coun try!" OASTOniA. Bun tu lha Kind You Havn Always Bought Signature of Happiness is a wonderful thing. The only way you can really have it is to give it to some one else. BMMIi.HnBLHLHM Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ; Is a powerful, InvlKratti.g t-.nl i Impart- tiiR hi'ulth and strun,n.i in particular ' tt the organs distliM'tly fcniliilnc. Tlui j local, wuuianly )nai(lj It. so litAluiaU'ly rt'laUnl to th gtMitf-al luiiltli that when ; Jir.i!Ws uf tint dflicuUt uomuiily orvuna arccund tluf whole ImhIv Lr;iins In health and strciiKth. ror wt-ak and sickly , women who ar " worn-out," "run-down' I or dfbilitatil, enporially fur womn who I work hi storo. oliin or scliiwlroom, who j sit at the lyprwriu-r or wwing maohino, ! or ln'ar heavy household hunloiis, and for I , mirsinj? mothrrs, Dr. ricrec's Favorite rrfscriptloit has proven a priceless bt'iielit hucausu of its heukh'rustorlng ' and Mtn'iiKth-KivhiR powers. As u siMthiiiK uud strenfithenlng nerv ine. "Favorite I'n'soriptUm " is un f.unlril and is lnvaluullc in ullaylnft and vutHiuniK nervnns cxcitunnity, irrltutm- i Ity, nervous exhuustiim, nervous prostra- i tlon, neuralgia, hysteria, snasms, chorea, ' or St.VitUH's dance, and other dlstrvssiiiff 1 nervttns symptoms cuinnionly attendant j ; upon functional aud organic disease of the womanly organs. It induces refresh- , Ink slrt'p and relieves mental anxiety and j deshtt)dencv. Cures ohstinat rasos. "Favorite Pro- J ieription " is a positive; cur for the most complicated and ohstinate cases of "fe- j nmle weakness," painful periods, irreuu ' lanties, prolapsus ur falliuK of the pelvic organ, weak back, bearing-down sonsa- ' tfons. chronic coriircstlun. intlammation ! and ulceration. 1)t. Pierce's medicines are made from harmless but efficient medical roots found irmwmtf In our American forests. The imiians knew oi tnc marvelous cura tive value of some of these roots and lin- Itarteii that knowledge Ui wtmn of the riendtier whites, and gradually some of the more progressive physicians came, to test and whs them, and ever since; they have grown In favor by reason of their superior curative virtue aud their Mfe aud harmless (piaHties, Your druggists sell the"FAVoKlTit Pbr-K-KiPTKtN " and also that fainouw ulU'ra tive.hliHtd puriller and stomach tonic, the "tioi.ntN Mkdk ai. DitMovKiiv." Wrlui to Dr. Pierce ulout your case. He is an experienced physician and w ill treat your case as confidential and without charge (or correspondence. Address him at tlia Invalids' 1 Intel und Surgical Institute, lluffalo, N. Y , of which he Is chief cou siiltuitf physician. JjT. OLABK, " ATTORNEY AT LAW. WELDON. N. C. j Fracticea in the vonrta of Halifax and! .Hiiimni! iN.initiMi utiil in th KnnrMiiii. i oourl l the state. SnM-iiil alentioi iriwn D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Pi re Insurance. Roanoke News Office -:- WelJon N (; rivinptlr oliltlnMl. or FCC HCTURNCD. 1. VIHHHOl. ourCMolI THI LOWIST. St'iHl ithAl.4. ilitto or tlivU'h lor .irwrt Mraa ud tree ritert on Mit.uUulltr. MeaiNMMINT 'utt wnduclod butur. kU cmru lrnm t.btAlMd lhroiih OA aDVtas TIOIB Uid tOiO. free. TaADI-DURaa, PIN IMS ud OOevaiOMIl quKklr obUlaol OppealO U. Patant Onto, WAlHiaoius, u. v. 'rJN ' M Makes the est7best flavored biscuit, hot -breads, cake and pastry. Renders the food more digestible and wholesome. ABSOLUTELY PURE ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK WANTED' A man who never gambles, never drinks and never smokes; A man who doesn'i meddle with affairs of other folks; A man who is submissive never cares to have his way A man without opinions doesn't have too much 10 say; A man who doesn't wander from his fireside, of nights; A man who recognizes all the rules of woman's rights; A man who doesn't delve among the leaves of musty books; A man whose dainty appetite doesn't make him worship cooks; A man who likes society, and all affairs of State, Enough to make him dignified, and reasonably great; A man who has a bank account of comfortable size VC'ho doesn't watch his pocket-book with greedy, iealous eyes; A man who isn't envious; a man who isn't proud; A man who can be pleasant in 'most any kind of crowd; A man without a mother, of the zealous, thoughtful, kind; A man whose poor relations cannot boast of ties that hind; A witty man, a handsome man, a man without a flaw ; In short, a man who will respect the letter of the law. Just such a man may be engaged, and permanently, too, If he will call in person, forno substitute will do. The place is one for life the matter should not be delayed Apply, at once, at the abode of almost any maid. TEARS. Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean, Tears from the depth of some divine despair Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes, In looking on the happy autumn fields, And thinking of the days that are no more. Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail, That brings our friends up from the under-world, Sad as the last which reddens over one That sinks with all we love below the verge; So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more. Ah! sad and strange as in dark summer dawns The earliest pipe of half-awaken'd birds The dying ears, when unto dying eyes The casement slowly grows a glimmering square; So sad, so strange, the days that are no more. Dear as remembered kisses after death, And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feign'd On lips that are for others; deep as love, Deep as first love, and wild with all regret; O Death in Life, the days that are no more. Alfred Tennyson. LA ROCHFOLCAULD ON LOVE. Love, like fire, must have COn- . linual movement. W hen It Ceases to hope and fear, it ceases to ex - ' ISt. The reason why lovers are nev er weary of being together is be cause they are always talking of themselves. Coldness in love is a sure means of beloved. The more we love the nearer we are ro rime. Women who love, more easily pardon Kreat indiscretions than lit-1 and happy, tie infidelities. . , , on should vcrv caretul of jour lw ll is impossible tO love a Second i8 wiK.u vu have a M. Nearly all olh. time what we have once really rriMuxiia.vrtiMarcwiMiiMtinifuM'ii- ! Ceased 10 love Does Oolt'ee disagree with yon? Proba bly it does! Then try lr. Shoop's Health CotVee ' lleulth Cotlw'' is ac ever cniuhi n.i iou of parched cereals and nuts. Not a train of real Cotl'.e, remember in l)r. Shoop'a Health Cotree, yet its tlnvor and tuste matchea closely obi .lava and Mocha Coltee. If vottr stomach, heart or kidneys can't, stand Cotl'ee drinking, try Health Cotl'ee. It ia wholes e, nourishing, and satisfying. It's nice even lor the youngest child. For sale by W. T. Parker, Weldou, X. C. A woman's shirt waist would be terribly immodest if it were a bath ing suit. To remove a cnugh you must get at the cold which ctuses the cough. There ia noihinir so food for this as Kennedy' Laxative Cough Syrup. The liquid cold relief that is most quickly effective, that stills ud quiets the cough and drives out the cold. Sold by W. M. Ooben. Weldon. N. C. finest, light- A MAN. ' In 1.!! I had a stomach diaiic-e. Some physii'icianssaid llyspepsia, some Con i sumption, ttii" said I would not 1-ve tin- I "'.'I""' ,, K..r four yean. I existed on hoiled tin I k, soda hiscuits and diu'tor prescription. I could notdigest anything ! - ; J i- ;m nac.saiiit it happened to be inv litaver. 1 Inuuht a .Vk'. bottle of Kodol and the benell I reeeivtd from the bottle all the gold in (ieorgiu could not buy. In two months 1 went hack to my wor, as a ma- ; chitiist, and in three mouths 1 was well und hearty. May you live long and pnw per." 0 N. Cornell, b'odtng. (.a.. liKHi. The altovc in only a sample of the great god that is daily done everywhere by Kodol for ivpeMia. Hold hv W M. Cohen. Weldon. N. C. i A man hs a lot of fun being a pessimist if he is rich and healthy ly tlit'W containing opiatca Nonncoy s Laxative t ongh Syrnp moves the twwela cont.iiuK no opiuteM Conforms to Nation ul l ure rtHHl aua Prugs Law. Hear me eiidorttenient ot niothera everywhere. Children like its pleasant tate. Bold by W. M. I nhen, Weldon, N. v.. The only woman a man seems to be ashamed to make love to in public is his wife. Given Up to Die. II. Spiegftl, 1304 N. Virginia street, Kvansville, Intl., writes: "For over five years I whs troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused toe much pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all ruu doivn, and a year ago had to abaudon work entirely. I had three of the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up to die. Foley's Kid ney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and alter tak ing the second bottle I was entirely cured." Why not let it help you? For sale by E. Clark. Weldon. N. C. FROM AN OLD MAID'S KODAK. Consoling: Thoughts in Her Hours 1 of Loneliness. First However dreary the out look, as you wait for Prince Charming to show up, ii is indefi nitely pleasanter than some find ii who sit up waiting for ilieir hus bands to come home! Second As you read the divorce cases, and ihe stories of deserted wives and mothers, throw envy to ' to the winds and be glad that you missed those mercies, anyway, as I well as whatever led to these cul-i minations. ; Third A happy old maid is eas ily possible, as is an unhappy Mrs. Fourth Be cheerful over the fact that no man is afraid to be agreeable to you because of your ;.!,..... V.,...kr..wl .1... 1 attentions that come your way, 1 ! from men, and women, too j Fifth If you feel a bit lonely I j now and then, look about among j 1 the "eligibles" of your acquain-1 I tance and see how many (or how j I few) of them all you would be wil-! ' ling to pour breakfast coffee with I conversation for 365 times a year. Sixth Rejoice and be exceed 1 ing glad that there is no one to j smooth his locks with your side ! combs because he doesn't "know what the has become" of his I military brushes. Seventh Take all the comfort j you can in the thought that on i "bargain day" you don't have to j get home at a certain hour or min ute on pain of a refrigerating pro J cess if your husband's dinner is i late. Eighth Be glad, too, that when you go to the bank for a new sup ply of the "needful" you are not obliged to explain why you need j it or what you did with that last month's five dollars." Not all men "cough up" as readily as the cashier does. Ninth Remember with grati- i tude that "it is never too late to mend," nor to marry, and be sure , to keep your mending (or mar riage) basket ever in view of the man whose capture will make you eternally happy. Tenth "If at first you don't succeed," don't give up the ship, but wisely deny defeat and do j some more until you make the i " lucky run which will enable you j to choose whether you will have "Dearly beloved wife of "' carved on vour tombstone, or I merely "Miss." i The winds uf Man h hav t.o terror to the user of lieWifs ( arbolied Witch Hael Salve- It tjuieklv heals chapped aud crocked skm. (mwmIIoo, i;r ttoiNaud i burns, aud undoubtedly the best relief fur l'llcs. Sold by W. M Cohen. Weldou. N. C. ! You can make ; out of a politician die. a good citizen by having him l.itlle jilohilU'S oI'miiihIiiiii- th.tt drivel the clouds iiwiiy. DrWitt'a Little Karly j liisera will scatter the liMim ol' side head Hell" and riiliousiics-. They do not gripe or sicken Sold hv W. M Cohen. Weldon. N. C. The only people who get very much fun out of saving money are their heirs. Notice to Our Customers. j We arepleaMed to ann.tunee that K.dev's ; Honey and Tar tor coughs, cold and lung j , trouble is not affected hv the National ' Cure Tood aud lrug law ;e il contains uo j opiates or other harmful drugs, anil we ' recommend it a sale remedy lor children' I and adults. j i For sale by K Clark. Weldon. X. C. ' The college graduates who de livered addresses on how to suc ceed are now trying to. J This Is worth Remembering Whenever yon have a conh or cold, just j remember that Foley's Money and Tar will j cure it. I o not risk your health by Ink- inn any bui Ihe genuine- It is in a yellow package. Kor-:tlchy K Clark, WeHon. S. 0. , There is hardly anybody who doesn't like to think he's a martyr I unless it reallv hurts. ! 'Trcventics" will promptly check a cold or the (Irippe when take early or at the "sneeze stage. "I'reventics curelong seated colds as well. I'reventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and lr. Shoop, Kacine, Wis. will gladly mail you samples and a hook on colds free, if you write him. The samples prove their merit. Cheek early I'filds with Preveutics and stop Pneumo. nia. Sold in 5c. and '!.c. boxes For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N.C, If a girl's waist isn't to squeeze it's mighty funny why it was made such a good fit to a man's arm. For Catarrh, let nic send you free, jnst Ut prove merit, a trial aize Ikix of lir. Shoop's Catarrh Itentedv. It is a snow I white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm that gives tustant reliel to the Catarrh nt the nose and throat. Make the free test and see. Address llr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars Sor. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. There is mighty little money in spending it to show you have it. WHEN HIS BABY WAS DYING. The Milkman Was Late That Day, but None Complained A few days ago people on Lin-! wood boulevard who patronized a certain milkman missed his famil- j iar before-breakfast ring, says the ! Kansas City Star. It was lute in j the morning when he finally made I the rounds. And the women scolded. "I'll have to take milk from I somebody else!" one irate liouse- wife snapped. "All right, madam," he said, sottiy. Something in his voice made her pause. "What made you late?" she de manded, still angry. A tear wavered on the milkman's tr, nnH tri.-M.I cli.tidtr X.n Kit- I : cheek. ! "When when I left home," he began. Me paused and gulped at some thing in his throat. "When I left," he said, "my baby was dying. I knew some onewould be angry with me if I didn't come so I" He could say nothing more. The woman said, gently : "I'm sorry." Next day the milkman failed to appear. The second day he was around very early. "We buried her yesterday," was his explanation. No one chided him. They un derstood. His baby was dead. OASTOniA. Brarath. A Ml Kind fnu jtaJImys Boujllt fiignatora of Being engaged is almost as prof itable as betting on the races. I'OH OVI'.lt IXTY YKAHtf Mrs. WiNsi.ow'KHiHUinsi. SYiit P hm heen used for over '!() years by millions of mothers for Ihcn childreu while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; enrcs wind coHe, and is the best remedy for Diuirlioea It will relieve t lie poor little snflerer immeditt'ely "old hz druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-live cents a bottle. He sure and ask lot ''Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kiml. Guaranteed undtr the Food and lrugs Act, June It'Mli, l!Ki Serial number WIN. If a woman can't find anything else to be miserable about she can always get up a fit of jealousy. j CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Great Relief During that trying period in which women so often suffer from nervousness, backache, sick headache, or other pains, there is nothing that can equal Dr. Miles' Anti-rain Tills. They stop the pains, soothe the nerves, and give to Women the relief so much desired. If taken on tirst indication of pain or misery, tney will allay the irritable condition of the nerves, anil save you further suffering. Those who use them at regular intervals have ceas ed to dread these periods. They contain no harmful drugs, and leave no effect upon the heart or stomach if taken as directed. They give prompt relief. "I ' have b.-cn it 11 Invnlid fur a yi;i!-s. I have neuralirla. rlu'iinuUlnm Hint paltm urnunit the heart. Iiy Uflnic lr. Mil.-' Antl-ratn J'lIN I am nlli'M'd of the pain, anil get ah-cp ami reit. I think hnd 1 known of the Pain Pills when I whs llrsl taken frk ! wwmtlil have cure,) me, I recommend lli'-ni for perl'Hlh' pains." MUSS. 11K.M1V Kl NK. K. Akron.O. Dr. Mllei' Antl-Pam Pl"t are told by your drugglit, who will guarantto tbat the tint pack.g. will benefit. If It falls, ht will return vour money. 25 dose., 25 cent.. Never .old In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind RIGHT NOW While the war between the 5 Watch Trusty The factories and im porters is blazin? hot, is the very best time you will ever find to buy a good watch for tittle money. Call and see for yourself or write to Ti. GL G-RADT Halifax, N. C. oBsaansa&aBnKZi Pale, thin A NervoQs ? Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt, thenn consult your doctor. We know' what he will say about this grand old family medicine. TM. ii Hit tlv.t q'H'ntloii fniir rlwtrir wonlil ask: "Aru yunr l.w... i i-nUr H' lannv. thul dully a lldii ut 11.- Ihmvi'In In Kli.iiliiti-ly oN.i'lHlit! to rfi iivi-i v. Ki4i'i ymir liver ur-live ami yunr hiiwi-h n-tftilur ly lakliitl luxmivu doaui ut Ayer'a l'ill Also niKiiuroturr uf yersl HAIR VlliOlt. 1 AM K CI'KK. ClltimV I'l.CTOlMl Wo piibM.h ITIMATIUX IKON WORKS. 28 to :,4 OLD STKEET, PKTKKSIil KG, VA, M AN'rt'ACTCRKFtH OK Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Haviug bought out Steel & Alexander fotiudcrs and machinists, with all patterns we are now prejuired to furnish parta to machines formerly made by them, HYDRAULIC PRESSES ,nd. PEANUT MACHIIMERY,,pwllUy Mill work und carting of nil kinds. Second liand machinery for sale cheap Call on us or write f..r w hat jou want Great Reductions For Cash $1 75 Mnquettc. lings, $3 75 '2 (III Smyrna " 2 211 2o (Ml MiHuette rugs, Ilsl3 ft. 17 75 IJlc China Matting. 10c. '-''.c. " " 18c. i-'lc. Japanese ' 17c. J-'ie. " " 18Ac. ti"c Wool Carjielilig 40c. 'J.'ic Wimhiw shades, 20c. one " " 37Jc o.V 2-yurd wide Liuoltuui, 75c 7.K.' " " " 65c bjc Fltair Oil Cloth, 48c 1 3o A x mint-t it Carpeting, H9c 1 40 llix.'O 1'icture Frninca, 85c Wall paper. 4. " and 6c per roll A l.AItl. K STOCK OK Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, : Cameras, ami supplies on hand at all time, at the very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS. WF.LDON, N. C. CHOICE ROSES ! Carnations, Violets and other flowers, always on hand. Shower Wedding Bouquets, Handsome Floral Designs. Poland nut door bedding plants, To niato, Cabbage aud oilier Vegetable Plants, Magnolias. Orders promptly executed. Wrile, 'phone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ, KLOBIS'T, RALEllilt, NORTH CAROLINA. 4 19 ly OF FALL AND WIN" F.R MILLINERY, FANCY GOODS aud NOVELTIES. Butterick'sPatterni. R. & G. CORSETS, Miaaea at 50o. , Ladies 75o. to f 1. iaWI'neea will be made to luit the times. Hats and Bonnet made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED.; MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Grand Ipto t I

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