Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON, N. ('., I IH IiSDAV, MARCH I I, I!7 rms of Subscription-$l.50 I t r i i ; r VOL. X LI. NO. -,." NO AN!) WIFE. Tho Kiwi You Hiivo Always ItonuUt. ami Inn I n 111 MSQ-for over .",() years, lia Imrno tin sit; ,i- if !"1 IlilH IX'Cll lilildc lllldlT liis jr CjtXrrATTi'f. """flMiI'i'i'iMim KiniT its int'iiney. i-MTV. S-Cct4A; A:iowiMMmt.ul.-.-,.iu!M..ili,l!il All Ciiiiiitciioits, Iiiit:;iinns ami ' .(iikI .iis-n.xl " tiro lint; i:xTiim-n:.s tlint trillo Willi mulciiilaiit.'1-r lac liciiltli of Infants aiid Children -Kxericn'n naih-l. !.M l iiaat. What is CASTOR! A Castorm is a liiinnlpss iiiisiUiiti I'm' '::!' Oil, Pare pivic, Drops au.l Nmtliiii"; ,Syriiis. H is Mc-asant. lb cmit'iins ii('ili,-r 1iiittn, liriliin nor nr.icr Narcotic NiihslaiH'C. Hmii;i is 'is "iianmti'c. i ib-troyx tVornm and allays I c,-Miiu's. U ,?uiv., l;ni rli-ru mid Wind Ctilic. It ri-lii-y.-s Tt-i'ttiui", Tro:il)li's, fires Constipation and Flatulency. !r, assimilates tin- Ci.ikI, rcfri'.'utes tlio Mmimili and liowcls, e,iviii healthy and natural sleen. Tlio Children'.-, I'anaeeaTlie Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS SI Bears the 7 The KM You Haye Always' Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THf CfNTAti OOMMNV, TT MUNRIkV TKCCT. NEW VOKH CTV. MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CURE. chill our. contlnl"K q and malnrla. Itwi" " redblood. It dV;bhu"d;n5ea.0nt choco enlog. It !! lke lt. lttBl" -MTC .0,01 no CENTS. PRIVE, u j Take MoDUFFIE'S Little Blue Liver Pills for Constipation t..,cf llugglsh Livers. Mc Duffle's Rcmedien are sold on a guarantee to do all we claim or your money back. Koh K.U.K Itv W. M. Coiiks, Wtlilnn, N. Tho : Bank : of : Weldon, WKLDON, N. C. niaaized Under The Laws of tk Siale of North Carolina, AUt:sT4HTIt, mi. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of W'eldon Depository. Capital Ji-. $38,000. BV U veiin this iiilioili'n li'.'s iwrtinn It. Ktrkhohlf rw ami ImsiiieiH iiilrrwH 11ITI iMl'it ami Moiif.V i loaned tllutn b,i'oi-I k,- tint centnu. Acoonnlsot'ull are h ilirio-,1 hkhsiiiknt: W. I:. I'AMI'l., vmh riorums r Dr. II W. (Jackson-Nurihamt n m n GARRETT & Pioneer n KSTABI.lrtlt S PECI ALTIES: VIRCIfilADARE POCAHONTAS OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY MIAWATHA MINNtnAHA (KCtaTn,g',e) ''"I'F"K) PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL ssi $ m And all other varietiesof l'ure and Wholesome Wine for hoim-s and hole! li e. tVHiKbMt Cash Prirea .Mi.l in Season for al I kind., "',nml' l""!;;V,pA'U u webtero iirnuon, ri L.uum, .mu I.D. -ii:au:k in im Heavy and Fancy GROCERIES. CRIAKS AND TOHACCO. can v you t'ooey ou unythinii in the groeary lili. lon want new. Iresh groceries, mill ou the old reliable, W. D. SMITH, WELDON. . - N. C. Signature of r.iaumonia and r. --"" r,i At..ndSurend Urnp,lon- J' PRICE, 25 CENTS. , J '-vtiiTg, e C. V. E ItKAV.txs, Ktiliclil, N. ('. ,r.ivuli-il li:,iikii'i; liicilili.s l,,r ilir.-i-lcrs hiivr Iwn i.l.-tit ! li.-.l ith llic N "r t ti-itiijii itii lor mmyyi-ir. tit til- lepil i n,- ol iril.-r. I -sn per l AHII.K. l.rWIS. ion i'.o . N- C) V. S COMPANY, Kl IHIK. - Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY thr FREICHT asdCU ARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . I,HOK!T!TO(:K Ih t lie nuth SyilliisliatcJ Catalogue Free. THE COUPER IHIARBIE WORKS. (Established 1B48.) 1L to 163 Bank it., Norfolk V.' mv 1 lr. l:or Weal or Woe, They Have Joined Hands, mid to the Whole Outside World They Present a United Front. () the union of husband mid wife, which is the most intimate and eotitideinial relationship on earih, there must he something more ilum superficial admirainm, the one for the oilier. These two have pledged to one another a life long consecration. Their interest : ore to be in common. Nothing can affect one without all'eeting the other. For weal or woe, they have joined hand, and to the whole 1 outside world they present a uni ted front. ; And yet if testimony should be ; taken, it would be found that many ! married people have not been per- fecily happy during the years of wedlock. There has been disap-. pointmeut. The little rift has suf fered to open the way for estrange- tnent. "We decided," said a man whose . long life has been singuarly tran ! quil and satisfactory "we decided, iniy wife and I, when we were; j married, that we should never let ; : the sun go down on any lack of peace between us. W'e would ask i one another's pardon if necessary, but we would never quarrel. One - or the other should always give up a point on which both could not agree, and whatever else came to us, we resolved to have no dis i cord. INCONVERTIBLE EiVIDHNCH. A Christian Scientist, while walk ing, encountered a small boy, who ; was sitting under an apple tree cry ing bitterly and doubled up with : pain. "My little man," said the Scien tist, "What is the matter? Has matter gained the ascendency ever mind w ith you ?" "No." moaned the boy. "1 ate some green apples, and, oh, how I ' ache." "You don't ache," asserted the follower of Mrs. F'ddy, "you only think so." The boy looked up in astonish ment at such a statement, and as he lapsed into another spasm of pain, said: "Thai's all right, you may ihink so, hut I've got inside information." The Best Guaranty of Merit Is Open Publicity. Kvcrv I'littl'1 "I I r. IMi-r.-i'' iv r'd litni'd metliriti'-o i.-avin.- t,.- f rt . OH-r.ti-.r y a' Hull U,' N V.. h.i- pi .iili 'l tiii it vr.i'ir -ill On- iii.-i '-.!: 1. i-i eilliTMIU lilt,) il-,'"lll,ulttnl. I'll.- I.U''. lone I r. l'iv,- l .uiiily M'di- cni,' in ,1 (-Ms 11 l'i ficiiiM O if. Tln-y ClHillnl U cl.l-f'l with p;ll,'llt ur S'-.T-'t III 1 1 1' 1 1 1 . - - b.v.iiiM' III, V an- 11, ltli,'r. 'l'llis isliV!-(i iiiiiny u!iiMfJii,li,,-,l ;hyi'iaiis pri'scrili,' Hi, -in ami ic-nmnien,! llicui to tln-ir patli-ns. 1'lii-y know thi-y an- rmiiposi'd "f. ami ihai tin- iinfrnlii-nls an- tli,,, eiiili,!', -i 1 ,y tin- niut, i-iniiii'iit lu,-,lli-al aiiilioriui-s. TIih tur;l!,r fa,t Oiat ni-ilhi-r Or Vi.-r.-e's i,ii,l.-ii .M,ili,-..l l)is,-,,,T, thn KP-at -imtia.-li I, ,l,i, . Iivi' lii .uiatnr. Iit-afl r,'k'iiiai-,r ami ',!h1 purMn r. n,,rliis Tavorit,- rrr, i';,iii,ir' (or weafc. hmt vtorked, l,ruk,'ii-,l,,wn, nurvous wonicn, cuiuaiti" any almliol, aN,i i-ntiili tlu-ui to a pla, all l y Ui,'iu.-, lv s. Manv vcar- airo. Or. t'l- r,-,' disrovcrt'd that rli'-hni allv pure if 1 v.--riii-. nt pr,,p r nn-iiKili. i a iM-u. r snlvriil an,l pr, s, rv ative of the 111,,11,'ltial pritu'i,l, H n-i,l-iiM In our iii,l:n,'ii,'ii. r native, in, ,li cinal ,laiui Hi. in ! al,-,,li"l; ami. tiirtln-r-lilole. tint il l','"i',"i valiiaM,' iin-ilii-inal prirrii'S of IIs1 own. Immhu tlt tiuilft'iit, iiiitrltivc. iiiili,'ptic, and u most fflideiil antitiriiient. N,'iih,'r of ibe above n'di,'ines con tains al, uli,, I. r il 1 1 v harmful. Iialut foniiiiiit drua. a 'll In- mi-ii fr,,in a Iflatu'e at llie formula printed on eai-li iHiltie wrapper. Th,'V art- sale to u,- and p(,t,'tit to ,',,r,'. Not only ,lo physli'laiH tireserilie thn ahnve. ii,,ti-,',T,'t iiitilii-itu's liirirely, hut the inot IntelliL'eni peupl,' employ them pi-opl,' ho would not Ihink of iisini; Hi,- ..rdinarv patent, or -eeret iiieili,-iiie. Kvi-ry inu'nil t enienna into the eoin- p,,Mli,,ii of Ur. I'ieree't m,il i,iiis has the siroinresi kind of an endorsement fr, ,111 I, a, In, n medi-iil writers of the ieverill ,'llo,,U of plil.'ltee. No other niedielnes put up for like purp,,-, s hus any suen pi,,,,,u,M emii'i-winem. Ilr. l'ien-e's I'leasnit I'ellets euro enn ui i pa lion. Con-tii:iii,,n Is I he eause o( many di-en,'s. ( ure the eim-e and you cure', he divase. One " I'ellel " is a Kent!,, hivative. and iwoa mild ,-atli.irtl,-. luna ((,t s, II th-tii, and iiothunr is "Just uj g,HKi. ' Easy lo ukc as candy. T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLDON, N. C. rrio-tii-es in the eourtH of llalilax and adjoiniiii! eonniiea.aiid in the Knprenie nniirt oitlieSiale. Spieial attenlim kitm t,i -.! Itt.-ii.,,,. :i-,.l M'tmp --' J D. fi. STAIMUCK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance.. Knjflokc Nevis IM'fLe -:- Welj. n N (. l'oSO a. r FEE HETUHNEO. 10 VEARt'CXeiRlCNCC. UJrCNRLCft ASS TMt LOWEST, h. i,,l l. Il.i .k, l, I, lr ..ts-rt m,..iiv, nil l,w i,.,.',1 ,' lt'l"b,lity. INFaiNQCMENT ,l .'.in.lnrUsl lln U r'Mirt. I'B,,'0, elilHUusl thni(-li OVE TIMOiuiJ 101.0. Irv TaOE-S, eEM- ions itd coetioMT nu i.iy osuuueii. Opposite U. 8. Putent OfDoei II ailing Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR POWDER It UoBS i,7f cn i.-iiV. Zeis atom of phos phatic &GfW ','. -.tV :b e'e '13 product of bones digested is sulphuric acid) or of alum ( 2s cps 'third sulphuric acid), un heaUhful substances adopted for other ba king powders because of their cheapness A RAINY O, there comes a lonesome feelin' when you listen to the sound Of the raindrops drippin' from the housetop to the ground, b'aradown the windin' valley an' across the rollin plain, Where the sad trees sigh an' mutter in the angry wind an' rain, We can hear so many voices echoes of departed years---An' we listen sadly listen- till our eyes grow dim w ith tears. O, there's somethin' sorter solemn in the sound of rain an' sleet, b'allin' softly on the shingles, makin' music low an' sweet. Him, forgotten necromancers years of pleasure an' of pain Come a-stealin' thro' the darkness on the angry wind and rain, An' we dream of things eternal things divine that are to be When the day shall close to twilight -when Life's rivers hnd the sea. O, we feel so very little when the great trees wave and sigh, In their solemn shrouds of mist an' rain like spirits hov'rin' nigh, An' the raindrops softly murmur to the dead leaves as they fall, Soundin' like retreatin' footsteps in some dim, deserted hall, An' the bitter grief and heartache all Life's troubles an' its pain, Go a-stealing thro' the darkness with the echoes of the rain! We can seem to hear the whisper of the souls that lie at rest In the quiet, gloomy churchyard with the rain upon their breast. An' we seem to feel their presence - hear their footsteps in the door, Just exactly as we used to in the days that are no more; An' we dream of things eternal of the faces we shall know When we see them in the evening when the rivers seaward flow. A LITTLE FELLOW IN BREECHES, A dear little fellow in breeches, all. isn't he happy and grand. Holding his head with the highest that ever went forth in the land; Seeing the gleam and the glamor, the w underfill growth of the plan That starts him in little knee breeches tow ard the full height of a man ! A dear little fellow in breeches, iuM full to the brim with delight, Won't come any more lo be .snoogleJ to resi in the rocker at night; Smiling and proud and contented, he measures his height in the sun, And dreams of the days of far glory when manhood's full statue is won! A dear little fellow in breeches - a dear little fellow who plays In babyhood down in the shadows of dear little babyhood days; A deaiiittle fellow in breeches, all rosy with gladness and gleam, But, oh, lor an armful of baby once more in the babyhood dream! IRYINU AM) Till: LAWN I; K. Sir I lenry Irving was at one time a witness in a case of street rob bery. I le had seen a sneak thief make oil' with a girl's poeketbook and he consented to appear as a witness for the girl. "And at what limit, sir, did this happen?" asked the lawyer. "I think " began Sir Henry, when the lawyer iniemipicJ him with: "lt isn't what you think, sir; it's what you know is what we want!" "Don't you want to know what I think?" mildly asked the actor. "I do not!" the lawyer snapped out. "Well, then," said Sir Henry, "I might as well leave the witness box. I can't talk without think ing. I'm not a lawyer." THIS MERCENARY AUK. "Mr. I.orem is in miss," "Has he any candy with him ?" "No, miss." "Tell him I'm out. Journal. the parlor, or (lowers - Couricr- The News No l'ure Diui! Coimh Cii'e Laws would he n led, il all Couuli Cuie- eie like Dr shoop's i onah i ure is- and hasheell l'l ill yens. The National l a" now re,inies that il any poisons enter in 1 1 a couch niixlilie, H inii-l he punted on I he lahet or pack.iue. l-'ortliis reason mothers, and olhers. should insist on hauiii! Dr. Shoop'sCou h I I uie. No poison marks ou Dr. Shoop's labels nnd none in llie medicine, else il must hv law he on the label. And its not only sale, hill it is said to be by those that know it lu st lo lie a remarkable i-oniili remedy, lake no chance, particularly villi Tour children. Insist on li.iviiie Dr. Shoop's f-MlKll Cnic Compare, carelnlly ! the Slump package with olhers and see i No poison marks there! You can nlwais j he on the safe side hy demanding Dr. ' Sho,ip's Coniili Cure. Simply leluse lo ae- cepl auv other. Kohl liy W. M. Cohen. Weld n. N C Everybody is always trying to' make money without earning it. j T'o remove u you iiiusl get, nt I he ' cold which causes the ronijll. T'hrre is nothing so good lor this as Kennedy's Laxative Conch Syrup. The liiUid cold relief that is most ipnckly effective, thai, stills and uuicts thiwouedi and dtives out j the cold. i NIGHT. You h,iu!, I c vcty cart ful of your how els when v u have a cold. Xcailyall oth er uih m nips arc con-tip.itiii" lv tic,.,, coiiiatiiitii.' ,,),. ttt-s Kennedy s l..iatie I Sytup moves the hotels emit fins no opiates i , hi forms to Nation- a' ''me l ood and lli,ie I.iw. Hears the endorsement ol mother-, everywhere I liildreii like its pleasant ta-t,-. Sold hv W M. oheu. Wei, Ion. S C If there isn't any reason for a girl to hill m love with a man it's a sign she w ill. (iiven l p to Die. I'.. Spiteel, l .'llt N irnini.l street, hl.lllsville. ll:,i , writes: "i ol over tire years I vs irouhled with kidney and Id. id, lei itlec! , ous w huh c. iii-mI me niiuli pain and wonv, I inst th-h ami was all run down, and a veil ao hid to ah.ltldotl work entirelv. I l ad thn f the hest physicians w ho d-d me no ix-iod and I was practically cl,-n lip to die. l-'oley's Klil nev I nie was teconiinetiih d and the lirst Itotih-i; ,c toe reat r li.'t. rtid alter tak IIIl' the second h,ttlc I was entirely , tired W'hv l ot let it help Voll' I or sale hv K Clam. Weldon. N. C Do,s Coll'ce disiuiee with von'' l'roha l,lv it docs! Then tiy Di Slump's Health Collec ' Health Collee ' is:ic ever cmnlii ua ton of paidied ceteuls and nuts. Not u lain of real Cotlec. ren eniher in Dr. hoop's lle;illh I oil',-,' yet its il.ivor and t ,ste matches close v n il .lava and Mocha l othc. Il ,,ui -toiii.n h. heart o- kidneys c.iu'l stunt Collee diinkilitl. Itv llcallll l olfeC, It is Wll'doM, III', nollllsllllie, ;, s it niviu. It's nice m il loi the mi .naest child. f or sale hv W 'I' I'.ltkel, eldott. N C A w oman always speaks of her I servant in Hie plural, even wnen 1 she hasn't a single one. rim ox ii ) i. in Mils. Wivsi.nw 's Siiiiniisi! svni'i' has ticeu used for over ml year, by millions or mothers for their children while tii-lllinc, villi perlcct succexs. It soothes Iherhild, soflcns the cuius, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is llie best teiuedy for Diaitlloeu It will ielieve the poor little sufferer iininediiiiely. Sold by druncists in every partoflhe world. Tweniy-iive cents a bottle, lie sure and ask loi "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sy rup,'' and lake no other kind. l-tlaiantccd mulct the Food and Druesi Art. .lime Willi, Dim. Serial number "How many children have you?" "Two living and one w riting jokes for a daily paper." CASTOR I A Por Infants aud Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of PLEASING THINGS. Pass It Around -"Let l!s Have a Good Love." There is something pleasing and touchingly tender in the sight of a big, strong man patiently and lov ingly bending over, and lending his ear to the lisping of a little child. It is a silent heart-sermon in itself. "Let us have a good love," s;iid a little three year-old as she clasped her chubby arms about her fath er's neck when lie came home after the days work was done. . That man, think you, goes home ' with a slow step at eventide as , that bright and cherry little face j peeps from the window and watch- 5 es for his coming. j "Let us have a good love!" These words, earnestly enacted ; would also cheer many a weary wife and care worn husband. Something to go home to! That is the joy of life. Something there , to grieve if you are not true to ! yourself. Somebody there to be ; sorry if you are in trouble or are j sick. Somebody there to smile at your coming, and with fingers like sunbeams, gilding and brighten ing whatever they touch; and all for you. W e Have noticed, at times, men , carry home flowers, sweetmeats, i truit anu nick-nacks. I his is a little intention to wife. Sentimen tal you call it 'tis woman's whole existence. How happy these little attentions will make her, coupled with loving words. Something to go home to! God bless the hus band who thus remembers and brighten the life of his wife. The world needs more of this brighten ing process. Durham Sun. 'In 1P? I had a stomach dis, le-e. s-ome pliysii ii'ians said Dyspepsia, some Con Kiiti'ptuin. urn-"aid I would not I ve. un lil iiitii'. For lour years 1 existed on hoil, ,1 milk, soda l,is, uits and doetor's pneiiptions. 1 could not digest anythii'X 1 lie; thi n I pieked up one ol yoitt alma n.iisa,,,! it happened to he my lif sivcr. I l. ,l,t l.,.iil ,,i' k'.il -,.l tl,i himli I riremd from the l,tll, all the l!il1 in I leiuyia could not huy. In two1 i,u i ,t I.....1- ,.. ..... .,.',,-1, .... .. ma chinist, and in thn-c months I was well a,., I hearty. Mav you live hmi; ami pivs pet." (' N. ro'tiell. h'odinj;. 1-1., llUHl. The ahoM' is oiilv a simple of the great L'.'i.d that is d nlv tone everv where l,v Kodol lor hv-i pia Sold l,v W M hen. Wcldoii. N. l All lawyers like to take a rest Like most of us, and still The average lawver is happiest When working with a will. - Philadelphia Press. Tor I iitairh, let me send von free, just lo prove meiit. a trial sve h,,x of Dr. ...... .'., I.t . r. . .'... ...1, , uo.ltl- I I ar'e j.trs one. Sold hv W M . foil Weldon. Y V. Lots of women grow old before tune trying to keep young. "Prevent i,s" will promptly cheek acold of tile I itippe w hen lake carl y or at the "s,,e st ie,.."l'r-velities enrcloll settled colds as well I'leventics ure little candv cold cure tablets, and Dr. slioop. Ic.icine, s will olailly mid you sumples and a hook oti colds tree if von write him. The s.llliplcs prove llleir nielit Check eally c dds with I'leventics and stop I'lleunio nia. sold in ",c. and '.'-. boxes For sale hv W l, I obeli. Weldon, N.C, The minute-man may have a second wife and be the man of the hour. This is worth Rememberinc Whenever you have a eonoli or cold, just li nieiiiher th il l olev's Honey and Tar will cine it Do not risk voor health by tak ii'eaM.vhnt llie oeiiuine. It is m a yellow package. l orsaleby I: Clark, welilon. R. l. liven the girl behind the pickle counter may have a sweet wav. T he winds of Match have no tenor to the user of DeWlf's f.llbollid Witch llacl Salve It iplteklv heals chapped : and cliicked skin. I,,md loo, for liollsand burns, and undoubtedly the best r, lief for i Fibs Sold br W M Cohen. Weldon. N. C. Th; servant who knows her place can usually find one. Little ulohules of sii'islnnc that drive i D.Win'.s Little F.arly Hisers will scalier llie gloom nf sick head- , ache and biliousness. T hey do not Rnpe , or sicken Sold hv W. M Cohen. Weldon. N. C. Sometimes the musical compos- cr's wife puts more faith in sooth ing syrup i Notice to Our Customers. i W'e are pleased to announce that Foley's j Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lunir, troubles in not iifl'celed hy (he National j l'ure Food and Drue; Inw as it contains no ; opiates or other harmful di ngs, and we recommend it a sate remedy lor children and adults. For sale h E CI ir. Weldon. X. C. while, ereamv. hcahtiL' antiseptic halm Well indeed. For years I hflVC that Bivcs iti-lant relief lo the Catarrh conducted tllV business as 1 be ll'e nose and thtoal Make llie Itec test "., utiiKec Address Dr ShiHip. Haeine, W is. J lieve JCSUSWOllld lldVt' II COI1- Don't say "Rubbish," when! you see a man throwing himself away. OASTOIIIA. j Bean the ) m m m "m wwti? p0Ufc'K BignaUr SHOP RUN ON BIBLE LINES. OWNER I'INDS CHRISTIANITY ; PAYS IN liL'SINESS MR. l-'Ki-DUN THII-S TO CON 1)1 'CT 111s hurt; stoki: "as ji-si'S wori.n coNiirc'r ir"- won't I I : A I . IN TOBACCO ONLY NLC-1-SSA K! !-S SOI. I) (IN SUNDAY THIS IN CI 1IC ( ,( 1. There is a drug store i" Chica go that is being successfully eon ducted by a man who is guided in all things by the question. "Whul would Jesus do?" in other words, on the principles set forth by the Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, of To peka, Kan., in his book "In His Steps; or, What Would Jesus Do?" The owner is Oliver J. Freeman, and the store is at 127 Sheffield avenue. At first he found the road rough, but to-day he has passed the experimental stage and has a paying business. Cigars and tobacco cannot he purchased in Mr. Freeman's store al any price. They are not in the stock. Nothing can be purchased i on the Sabbath except prescrip- tions that are absolutely necessary. 1 Not even a cough drop or a stick ; of gum is sold on the Sabbath and I telephone service is not permitted on ,lat Jay, except t0 c;1n physi- cjans jn urgent cases. In each of the display windows a sign is strung each Sunday which reads : "Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep it Holy., Nothing but necessary articles sold on Sun day. " And that rule is rigidly en forced by Mr. Freeman. Mr. Freeman has followed this principle for years and he is em phatic in the declaration that it pays. Aitnougn ins store is almost 1 in the extreme northern part of ! the city, he enioys a prosperous, business. I,. - . , u His prices at e probably higher than ihose of any of fie other out lying drug stores, but his receipts equal those of some of the drug stores in the down-town districts. i Ten clerks are kept busy week days. j "Yes, the application of Chris tian ideas to one's business is a 1 good thing," said Mr. Freeman. "Christianity is a good thing at all times and in all places, business included, lt is a good thing for naiure, and it is a good thing for the citizens. "1 let the Bible govern my busi- l ness, my family and all my affairs, ; and 1 assure you it governs very ducted. "My store is closed on the Sab- bath to all business except the fill ing of absolutely necessary and ur-'. gent prescriptions. I do not sell tobacco in any forms. "1 must confess that I found it difficult to bring my ideas into ' practical use at first. 1 have lost ' many customers because 1 have steadily refused to be swayed. ; "However, the gam over the losses was such that the business slowly grew, until ten clerks are : kept busy. Some customers in-, I sisted on being served with cigars and left angrily on leai ning that I kept no tobacco on sale. Others insisted on buying unnecessary articles on the Sabbath, but I stuck : steadily to my resolutions. "I came to Chicago in 1S91 pen niless, and almost friendless. 1 was married and my brother lent me $2,00", and with that capital 1 started in business where I am now ; located. My business has been confined to this particular locality these years. Almost all my pat ronage conies from regular cus tomers, w lii ufvv. Midi nie in my views. I am a member of the i Methodist Church." Cs yv. s x iki. a Bwn th. ) ll.j ;,.;.il I.. U r- Rouchl Bignaturs of RIGHT NOW While the war between the Watch Trusty The factories and im porters is blazing hot, is the very best time you will ever find to buy a good watch for little money. Call and see for yourself or write to I L. Or. Q-KADIT i Halifax, N. C. Ask Your Own Doctor If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. We have great confidence In this medicine. So will you, when you once know it. Tho best kind ol a testimonial "Suld tor over sixty years." J. C. Ayr Co.. Lowell, Mm.. A..0 mauultaiuror. or 7 SAXSAI'AKILLA. yers : ILLS. IIAIK VIGOR. Wo linvo nri n Keen Ay-- A riuiunux iiii' wuKKs, ys mat 01,1) KTUKJCT, im:tkkshlko. va. - -M AXITACTI'KKHS OF Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Ifaviii. houylp out Steel & Mexander founders and machinists, wirh alt patterns we ure now prepared to fii'iiisii pirta lo machines formerly made hy Ihetu. HYDRAULIC PRESSES ' nl... PEANUT MACHINERY pecl,lty mhi W(.,k ami castings of nil kinds. Sceond hand machinery for will! cheap. Cull on ns or write for what yen want. Great Reductions For Cash l 7.1 Moquetle Kugs, $2 75 J mi Smyrna " 2 2(1 -.'.I Oil Moiiielle rui;s, Rxl:2 ft. 17 75 l'JV China Mailing, 10c -'." " 18c. JJ;C Japanese " 17c. AV. " " lHAc. doc Woo CarpettUK 40c. 'lf Window shades, 20c, 5i ie " " 37Jc ur,c 2 yard wide Linoleum, 75c 7.H' '" " " 6ie ,"( Floor Oil Cloth, 48c 1 Ho AxminsterCarpetinc, 89c 1 4u I Grin Picture Frames, 95c Wall (taper. 4. o and 6c per roll A 1. A IlilK STOCK OK Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, and supplies on hand at all times, at the very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS. WF.Lnov, x, o, CHOICE ROSES ! t'ainntions, Violets ami other 8owere, alw;ivson Imml. Showfr Wedding llnntjiit'ts, Huiuisruiie P'lornl Designs, Pol tMit diMir lHiltliix plants. To iii.tin, ('.ibli;in ami oilier Vegetable riiints, Mnyiuili.ifi. Oulers promptly exe n ted. Write, 'phone or telernph H. STHINMETZ, h.iikist. lat.FlilH, NOUTH I'AliOl.INA. 4 111 ty- OF FALL AND WINTLIi MILLINERY. FANCY GOOD8 and N0VELTIE8. Bntterick'sFatterns. R. & G. CORSETS. Misoes at 50c, Ladie MuPriees will be made to suit the tiroes, Hats aud Bonnet mde and 1 1 1 in rueo to nrner. ALL MAIL OKDEBfl PROMPTLY FILLED. , MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N.C. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N. C