&4r & &t$'4r MV I) THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. North Carolina l.a a t.'.aUers At Work. It'll"-. lU-.'l.uinns. etc , of ienir.;l ittt'.-r t . We bought several carloads of TMti in the Vu.t-r.iin ittiwu;- lu ! -Pftlil Hcoiik''- ,-l'uii. pain i- t.ithi-i "'Mi- m vNrt At '-:i-i. '''' '' pruVi- a lc it'.i(' 'I it !!' !'.'!. Mf'' ! Ul!rt-cal!-.t in. !!.-; - !! ii.uh- ' ' l-.lill. M t 1. "I- - ,ti' a :; I llf..-n.Tt.M-.iii;.:..i ( ' ' ' ttlilUKll " i , II 1 ! ' "' " '' ' luP'-n li mi In a t.i '. '' li ii - M.inm i : " If yniui. I' - '- vonu' 'line ! r i ; 1 (rrumlv, "or !; .-'i. ! - 1 .,.,.-!: It 111 -if Hi!:n,. -. a'nl i-i 1.' M .t.i: .uU'cil ' .: .. ', ut t i if Wr ' tii, f'' V w a.:aX f i t r.l ' Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets W. M. COHEfl. ttUin .HH LJt.HI THK ROANOKI; M:VS. Tnnoivu, M h I i. i' . Published l:cry Tlmr-iiiiy. mil S HI MNFIN Ullf 'A'. !-V III. ul 1 p. Six Muuth.. !' I A Wn-k!v I t( MH'rrilt ! ii.lllll.ll lil'.iltl! hi tin' lu.iliiial, niilriiliiil'iii. l'n!l!ir.il .mil liUiiniltmnMliti I'isImiI llil it';i himI -llf-I'lillllilitluriiillilii'S Ailvtrtisitii; nitrs t-t-noim 1 1 1 :' ml hirli:ll cit on upplicillioii. WHAT Congress did nut do will be making columns of news for the next few davs. Paris cuts 40,000 horses a year, and that may account for the fast gait of that town. Mk. SHAW has left the Cabinet, hut he wants it understood that he has not taken down his lightning rods Senator Spoonf.r, of Wiscon sin, has resigned, but he is certain ly one of the few who cannot well he spared. Now that Congressman Moon, of Tennessee, is after the minority leadership, it looks as if John Sharp Williams has set. Dr. Wli.l'Y says whisky will coagulate one's protoplasm Suiue of the old topers will now under stand what it is they see occasionally. Senator Bailey says he ad vised the oil companies to keep out of Texas. It is a pity tor his own sake, they did not take Ins advice. T will he quite a ioke on Nica ragua and Honduras if President Kooseelt allows the war dn n there to continue until somebody gets hurt. "CjOV. VR!)M.N will qu.ite you the finest pnetry, verve alter verse, lor hniir after hour, sas Tom Watson. Not unless he binds and gags us It is reported that George Ber nard Shaw is writing a play in which George Washington figures Which seems quite appropriate since figures never lie. Tut: St. I.ouis Globe-Democrat says "we are getting rich a: the rate of . 10.000. uOO a day " We shudder m wen glance at the yr dilution suiteiiicr.ts .f that ,'-'P-!'- An exchange declares there would be more Rockefellers in the world, ir voung men spent as as much effort in money-making they do in lo e-makiug. Let be thanklul, then, that there is much liive-making going on The session of Congress w Inch lios just closed was the second and "short session" of the 1-ilty-ninth Congress, beginning on the first Monday in December and ending by law March 4th. There were ninty days, including Sun days and the holidays, and Presi dent Roosevelt sent during that time just forty messages to Con gress. THE Jamestown Lxposition au thorities have sent a formal request accompanied by an imposing peti tion cl" Tidewater irinia, Uh tb.c Liberty Bell to be taken to the 1 ex position which opens next month. The Philadelphia Press in urging that the bell be sent to the exposi tion says: "The Liberty Bell has been on several exposition trips, and the claim for it in this instance is quite as good as any that has pre ceded it. In some respects, in fact, it is much stronger. If the Bell goes to this Exposition it will be located in the Pennsylania State building, which is a replica of In dependence Hall. On every one of its trips it has been an impres sive object lesson that will live in the memory as long as life lasts. Ten thousand school children, very few of whom would ever see it anywhere else, ask to have it sent to the Exposition, and and that is an appeal Councils " hardly resist." . ci th. hi ! ;v.'i'..;,iig !or high si.ihM.I i:. "!! -;, iini! cm, .Xishiiig a ic.ichi.Ts ir.iMiri:; school in iiie e.i. tern pari ol the Su e Bill P is-'.ii tinrj re.idin ;. Vi:;NI;MsVt. AUKCH (.). The I li-.:... ras- td the freight r.sie hiii i'ii ir. leial rea.liiiij, with the justice amendment. The Senate had a sharp debate on the House trust bill. The con sideration of the bill wPI he renew ed Thursday. A large number of local b: P ate In. u important without .i;s,sinoii die Seawell substitute '.'ill to tiii. 1 louse and Senate bills ete:!'!:iia .snJ ir.i'arg ing lie powers o; ur North Ciro lina Corpnratiou Commission. This act is ptiHislml in lull at the end ot tlr.s report. The Senate pased the Revenue bill and Machin ery Act. and they were sent back to the House for concurrence in a few amendment". TISriOiHY, AiAKCH 7. 1 i;ut'"Jay w as a strenuous day in the Senate, and a multipliciiv of bills, of general and some of ijreat importance to the people and the interest of the Si.ite, w ere passed I he compulsory education bill was voted into law, after the adoption of amendments which left the ques tion of oting compulsory atten dance upon the schools with the school district or township as the unit instead of the county, as the original bill provided. The High School bill also pass ed the Senate, carryieg with it a modest appropriation for the estab lishment of the Eastern Carolina Training School, to be located in the Eastern town w hich otters the best inducements. I aider this bill the County Board of Educa tion may appropriate a sum for the maintenance of a high school, and does not make it compulsory, so that only those counties which are ready for the advance movement will take advantage of the act. The Buxton-Preston immigra tion bill passed the Senate and car ries with it an appropriation of SIO.OOO for five years, half of this amount to come from the State Treasury, the remainder to be taken from the State Department of Agriculture The Senate passed the bill to establish the School of Technology at ?Ti, carrying an appropria tion ot -"r.OOO w ;th it I'lie House passed tile bill ap propriating s7.?0() to the Stone wall J.kksnii Training School, and also passed the bill to take Surry out of the Eighth Congressional District and put it in the Fifth. A large number of local bills ci passed. !"R!0Y, MARCH S. Aite the lengthiest and most ex it lusting debate during this session ol i.ie Genera! Assembly, and at end ot tile h. agist sitting, the Sen ate adopted a substitute for the K'cid anti-trust bill, which was of fered by Mr. McLean. Among the important bills I pass ed by the Senate at the morning meeting were the firemen's relief bill, the child labor law, the bill to rcqiiiic sire..; car companies to pi'..', ide separate accommodations tor the two races, and the bill car rying an appropriation of S5.000 (or the reformatory, called the Stonewall Jackson Manual Train ing School. Two very important bills were passed by the House, one of which being the general appropriation bill, carrying the amounts to be rec.ived by the ariotis State in stitutions; the other being the bill to increase the salaries and wages of departmental employees 23 per Cent Many other important matters were passed upon by both bodies of tne Legislature yesterday. s.Ul'KDAY, MARCH 9. The following bills passed in the Senate : To increase punishment for at tempted feronious assault. To amend the general insurance law. To allow railways to construct belt lines in cities and town. To provide for election of insur ance commissioner by the people. The House amended the Senate ; anti-trust bill and sent it back to the ! Senate. The bill limiting municipal poll j tax to $2.00 passed after Halifax j and several other counties had been exempted. MONDAY, MARCH II. The General Assembly after passing sundry bills adjourned without day, and the representa tives have all returned to their j homes. This man bought a supply of tobacco with out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at less expense than cheap tobacco. SCHNAPPS lias been advertised in this paper so that every chewcr has had an opportunity to get acquainted with the facts and know that drills are not used to produce the cheering quality found in the famous Piedmont country flue-cured tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he ought to chew. Still there are chewers who accept other and cheaper tobaccos that do not give the same pleasure. Some day they'll get a taste of the real Schnapps they'll realize what enjoyment they've missed bynot getting SCHNAPPS long ago then they'll feel like kicking themselves. SCHNAPPS 13 sold everywhere in 5 cent cuts, and 10 and IS cent plugs. Be sure you get the genuine. Among the bills passed of gener al interest w ere: To require railroad companies to keep their passenger cars and toilet rooms clean. To allow (Joe. Glenn .$1000 for expenses incurred in attending to Sta'e business outside the State. To compel deaf children to at tend school. To exempt ministers of the gos pel from working on the roads. To make election day a legal holiday. THE APPROPRIATION BILL. The bill carrying appropriations for State institutions reported as follows: Deaf and Dumb Institutions, reg ular annual appropriation for sup port S10.000; special annual for improvements $4,250. Deaf, Dumb and Blind: Annu al support. $00, 000; special annu al for improvements $13,050. State Hospital: Support $95, 000; special $N00 per year for contingent expenses. Vorganton Hospital: Support $145,000; special $5,000 for tu berculosis patients Gold-.boro Hospital : Support $05,000. Dangerous Insane: Support. $5,000. Soldier's Home: Support $15, 000. special $250 cemetery; $5, 000 per year for improvement. A. and M. College: Support $32,000; special for improve ments $50,000 a year for build ings; $S,000 for textile school equipment; $5,000 for repairs to buildings. 1 'Diversity: Support $70,000; special $25,000 per year for build ings State Normal: Suppurt $10, 000; special $25,000 per year for memorial building. Colored A. and M. Support $ 1 0,000; special $4,500 each year for improvements Appalachian Training School: Support $4,000; special $5,000 per year for improvements. White Orphanage : Support $10,000. Colored Orphanage: Support $5,000; special $1,250 to pay debts. Croatan Normal: Support $1, 250; special $200. Moore's Battle Creek Ground: $500; Guilford Battle Ground to repay expenses of moving bodies and having erected Davidson and Nash monument $300. Chairman Gordon briefly ex plained the bill, and it passed unanimously. ,r.- v,iu tniit. in'-il ..lit . nervous, "' pli-S", iel'l nieiill' liollwttT S luH'kV 1 i.uiit hiii 'IV. i "tri'ii Ini-ii" ttu' hTv,, mtlx itu'i -t mil. ti 1 1 1 ti- i'-ti'-"liiiin "!e'i :ti ! ul" l eu in T.ilileU. . W V l'"ili"n W..,li,ni V C .1. N Hniivn, Ihlil'm X. C (l WE FURNISH A ItOY W. FF. VST to every one lio buy tbt'ir iirorerie! at our store. All the e;tsonahle delira cies are tonnil io our store the year roiiml. CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN WARE Wooden nnil Willowwure, Et Goods delivered promptly any where in town. Polite clerks l'hone No. W R. M. PURNELL. WKI.noN, N. V. tDLEYSKlBNIYCURE Matte Kidney and Bladder Right WSt MIIQML Wl ""o- W ?A ?A ?A ?A ' ?A A fc" Before the big advance in price and can, today ::::::: Undersell the Factories, il Complete line in everything needed iii Rnilnino n A 1 1 J U O ,Mhi rJil.iillli;w Mr MM "V From the brick foundation to the. tin roof, m Give us a trial order ana De convincea tnat we can save you money. Xerce - Whitehead Hardware Court sale and Retail Hardware. VVeldon. N. C. " 1 Whole w vx vS vSV vS vSAr. vW. S.V. xN(V- vS. vSL vSrV.(! vS-' UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Weldon, N. C. torn uMU,rig for Soliciting Your Business. f'IRST. We are the first and only Depositary of It. S. (iovern- ment funds in this section of Kastern North Carolina. SRCOM). Our manat;enient has had twenty-one years experience in the banking business; and as a National Hank l:am iner and Receiver in charge of National Banks. THIRD. We make collections on every banking point in North Carolina at the lowest hanking rates; and makes a spec ialty of banking and commercial collections. FOl'RTH, We allow a reasonable interest on time deposits; an en couragement to thrift and saving. orriCHRS: Win. H S. Hurgwyn, Pres. Sam'l F. Patterson, V-Pres. N'atiniKcl Hank faaininer l!i:S-l!HW tien Mau Kminoke Millt Co anil !iim- niin y M'ft; To James I. (iooch, Cashier, n m k 111 P i 0 FOR WELL-DRESSED MEN. w M:i or ni WfUliin ;nnl I' S 1 m tn i"sunu-r so: A CARD. 1- ' SYDN0R & HUNDLEY (i m i iki n;. ri'.Hi 70Q-7II-7U 11. Broad St., Richmond, Va. Promise you a treat in the inspection of their Spring Line of Choice furniture, Our Selec tions are exceptionally attractive this Season and prices are right, if not convenient to come write us for Blue Prints. o mii'ni rv i irini-rto ! i . i Q nLiiULLI, mt, LLrtULlid, KKiimonu, a. M HU , si mm o hi 11 Y would you spend your money for poor fit ting clothes when you can for the same money get a fit equal to the very best tailor-made clothes ? You would hardly do this if you only believed the following statement : UNLESS YOU ARE DEFORMED, WE CAN FIT YOU PERFECTLV. Come to my store and give us ihe chance to demonstrate, to prove the truthfulness of this assertion. W V' V W. W. K AY, 3 O FURNITURE! We Have The Finest Line of Household and Kitch- Family jfocg r, vi:liox. n. c. I ketj the best ol' everything iu my line. Pohtt'iittnition to;ill at K:iy's. iu? 2 Is A lr E K K. DANIEL. .4 TlOHSKY-AT-LAWt Wkuun, N. C. Vtm tirew in the courts of Halifax and NorlliHiiipton and iu the Supreme uml Ft ilt'ral courts, Ctillet tiium made in all pariHot North Carolina. H ranch olticeat Hahlax, N C., open every Momlay. II m i r it ) j! nam YTOOU s Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE. TABLES fc FLOWERS. Twentyiight years experience our own seed farms, trial grounds end larfre warehouse capacity (five us an equipment that is unsurpassed anynliere for supplying the best seeds obtainable. Our trade in seeds ) both fur the ' Garden and Farm is one of the largest in this country. We are headquarters for Grata and Clover Seedt, Seed Oatt, Seed Potatoet, Cow Peat, Soa Bean and other Farm Seeds. Wood's Detorlptlv Catalof Rives fuller and more complete lntor- miuton rdiiui Dom uaraeu aim rnrin H-'Ma tban any other similar publica tion lsHUtKl In tills country. Mailed tree on request. rite for tu 3 F0LEYSII0KHMAH Cures Caldai Pravantt reeaieai FOLEY'S HONEYxiTAR The oripal LAXATIYE cough remedy, For roughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. No opiatet. Non-alcoholic. Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEV and TAR is in a Yellow package. Kef use substitutes. Prepared only by Foley A Company, Chicago, Kor sale by F CI. ARK, Welilmi, N. ('. jen Furniture, Parlor Suits, Mattings, etc., Ever Brought to this section. Our line of Crockery, H'l'm and Willow ware, Go-Carts, etc. is complete. Wl NDERTAKINti IN ALL ITS BIHSCIIKS. Wagons, Carts, Buggies. -:- COrr'INs. CASKKrslVN'f) lliriilAL R()BKr!.- Cooking and Heating Stoves. H 1 STAIXHACK. - tt - - . WELDON, N. C. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MANTKI.S, TI1.KS (1HATKS, 1 1 A H I V A R K, I A I NT S , & C I H ASK T. CI.AKYIo.MI'A.NY, IU. Nurliilk, Va. J.H.HowardSsCo n J HKAI.EKH I N J HEAVY AM) FANCY A We have thHwst line of f irooerien in hmn, When in nel Jof anything in Grocery Line Call on n. OursttK-lt ia fresh. i ive- na yoor truile. 4 FOLEYSnONRTIAH j tops cbagla anal laIa land a l.:f ., -VJ !' wv in; a v mm WH-AT WE ill ! WmmmXSFw sMHHHBaBHi Ten Days. Trial w t a w ORGANS are known the world over for QUALITY and TONE- It is your privilege, to own one. Small weekly or monthly payments is all we ask. Try it and you will soon own a gogd Organ and not miss the money. . , WELDOK FURNITURE COMPAHY, ViELDOti, faiTf OwLiH. I. n

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