" tnPP mM Ming - Wmm v-m III a & 4. i.1 rr. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. XU. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON, N. ('.. TIU'KSDAY, MAliClI '11, l!7. mis of Subscription 50 Per Ann m no. i; H4 5 . ,pfTIT22 For Infants and Children. (il:.- in ' in A AM't't-'liiliIi'lVfitaraiiiuilurAs 1 similatms! iWoodiimlKi'Hiiki f lutjj ttie Sluinaclis ami 1 towels of i J! I I'roinoli'snigoslioii.Ctuvrl'ul nk'ssnminosl.Conliiliisiu'illiir Opium, Moipliini' nor Mineral. Not Nam c otic. irifr of (Mi UrSAKt ll mXMH Mx ,1'wji ' ',', Uu- i .&u.v,trt r Hiitrnwtt - i 1 MntkJah I Hlim.lt' J- hHitMyfrnvt navtr. Apoit'cl Rt'nii'tly rorrnnslixi Iiin . Sour Slomach, DiarrlioPii Worms ,( Ainvulsiims .Feverish ncss mil Loss OK SLEEP. Far Simile .Suiniiluiv ot' NEW YOUK. E3F , The : Bank : If I ft j w tXACT COPy OK WRAPPER. jjf(JflW U 1 R THE CtNTAUR COVUNV, MCW VOIrA CITV. wianox, n. c. OrpizdMeT Tie Lais of tlie State of North Carolina, AlHil'STiMTII, Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of WeMon Depository. Capitat and Surplus. $38,000- TT 0 K 11 Vf tr-i til is in titut on lr s 1 section, lis stockholder :md dn -1- business interest of Hulif.ix mid Money in loaned upon npproved security cent it m. Accounts of all are solicited. n I'KKHIDKNT: VICIC-PIIKSIDKXT: iir.ii.w.irwis. (Jacksnn.NmiliaitittMii In, N. (!) I GARRETT & Mil i? a i Pioneer Y A Anisricaol 5 g wise sit KSTAIU.i.-,IIKIi ik:I.'. SPECIALTIES; f VIRCINIA DARE POCAHONTAS (Wbitn8ciiipcruiiiiK) (K'U hciiiiii-iiimig) OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY ;v HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA iKtNiCtmupagiie) lliry M'lippiTiKMii!) PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL '-4 (Spiiiklini' Cli inipuiiu. ) .t And Ml other varietimof I'urv iiikI WIk.Icwiiiip Wines lor homes ; t nt holcl 11 e i 1iu!i.t f!,uh Priem t'iiiil iii SiMwin w.... rn Uriuieb. Ht Lciui. Mo SEABOARD Air Line Rai way LI1L U 1 u To Norfolk Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk. Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Low Excursion Rates and Improved Schedules. For information and liter ature address, ( II, (JATTIS, Traveling Passen ger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Oyer Thirty Years JIuMKIIMIBKUBWSMBt J of : Hon pi - hi! li..nk'1'fi Iji ilitiiH tiir tliis - h hi M' ii nl iii ilicd v ith tin- N 1 h. in at thH h;. niiMt.- lot tn.idv ye irs t-l Ititrif ! iv (iff W. V. SM1TI COMPANY, ft; Gr lor u 1 1 kinds ntsnmll Iniiis. uniin-sttc Home Olli ( sont'OI.K, VA. j c, flr.tf 111 f .V The Difference Between the Sexes In This Important State. One source of women's happi ness is to be found, we think, in their love of detail. They enjoy every detail of social life. They love the minutiae of their work. They do not love it as a man loves his, for the sake of an end. They look close at what they are doing, and they do not look forward. They take pleasure in their chil dren as they ;.re. A defect, even though it be a serious one, destroys their pleasure in them far less than it destroys that of a man. They are not constantly oppressed by the thought of what that defect will . mean in the future. If a woman is by nature apprehensive her fears apply for the most part to little things. If a man is apprehensive he fears when the fit is upon him the debacle of heaven and earth. For women lime goes a little slow er. They take pleasure in each : jewel of that mosaic which makes up happiness and are not fretted , because the pattern is not complete. Of this quality they have, no , ' doubt, the inevitable effects much : brilliance, little grasp and a tenden cy to frivolity. They are apt to ! fritter away their lives and minds ; on little things. They become en grossed with the details of play as I well as the details of work. Men i ' no doubt have more opportunities i of keen pleasure than women have, i but these opportunities are short lived. The happiness of the mo ment they are less lilted to take. The difference between the sexes 1 in this particular might, we believe, ; be thus summed up : A man is happy whenever he has anything to make him happy, but a woman is happy whenever she has noth ing to make her unhappy. HONt-YMOON. She-- Yes, when 1 .was a little girl I loved all my dolls, but I had a dear little monkey that I loved still more. He was such a lovely, ugly little thing. He- I'll get you a monkey when we settle down. She - Oil, don't trouble. There's no need now that I have a hus band. They Stand Alone. Standing out in bold reli, f. till ulom', mill iis it rurisiji-iiHi- example of open, fnoik il net honest ile.tlin unh lite siek iinil itltlii'ii'il, are Or. l'n ive s l avurite l'reseliptioll for weitk, over-w oruetl, tie lulitutett. nervous, " ruu-tlo u." pain racked women, and 1 r. l'ieive's. Golden Medieul lHseiivery, the lamotts remedy lor weak Moinaeh, indigestion, or dys pepsia, torphl liver, or hilioiisiiess, all eatarrhul aneetinns whether of the stoniaeh, bowels, kidneys. Madder, nasal passages, throat, bronchia, or oilier mu cous pitssuges, also as an etTective remedy for all disease arising from thin, w atery or impure blood, as scrofulous and skin UtTeetious. Each bat tin of the atiove medicines pfars upon Its v. rapiter u badge of hon esty in the full list of ingredients com posing it pr'ut'al in iilnin t'.nytith. This frank and open publicity places those, medicines lit it iIusk nil hy Hum Rflvti, uml is tho tiest guaranty of their merits. They cannot tie classed as patent nor secret medicines for they are neither IVtfW of kttinrn compoMfinii. Dr. I'ierce feels that he can aftord to take the afflicted into his ull contideneo and lay all the Ingredients of his medi cines freely Ivfore theni because these, ingredients are such as are endorsed and nio.-t strongly praised by scores t( the most eminent medical writers as cures for the diseases for which thes. medi cines are recommended. Therefore, the ttlllicted do not have to rely alone upon Dr. i'ierce's recommendation as to the curative vulini of his medicines for cer tain easily recognized diseases, A glance, at ttie printed formula on each bottle will show t lint no alcohol and no hannlul or habit-forming drugs enter into Or. I'ierce's iiiediciix's, they being wholly compounded of gly.eric extracts of the roots of native. American forest plants. These lire l'st and afesl lor tho cure of most llngeritn.', chronic dis cuses. Mr. 1!. V. I'ierce can tie consulted fiiki', by addressing him at Ituflulo, N. V.. and all communications am re garded as sacredlv confidential. It Is as eitsv to lie well as 111 and much more comfortable, t'onstipiition Is the cause of many forms of illness. Dr. I'ierce's l'leasant Pellets cure constipa tion. They are tlnv. siwar-cnatcd icriin llles. One lillle " Pellet " Is a gentle laxa tive, l w u il mild ctilharllc. All dealers lu medicines sell them. jj t. clar-k:. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ! WKI.DON, N. C. j Practice in tliu turlt ol llulilni Htitl ad.ioiiiiuir cotintifH.iiml in ttie Nitpreine court nit lie St Ht. Special tittentioi nivett t,' e,tle,'tt,,, ,t,l fvpntttpt , , D. V.. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC Anil t:lre Insurance. Knaitikc Ni'ws Office -:- Wdjui N (; I'nwiellY ol'trtm.il, r rtC BKTUHNCD. to VKARS' HXPCRIKNCI . Oni' CHAHCt ANK THC LOWCIIT. K, ii'l r,K.l. I, iti,tu t .k,., !i 1itc Bin.t w.utli iil.-.l 1"' l'iK'i't en twli'iilittiility. INPRINCCMCHT wiiitw , luel.il beluri, nil ruiirt". I'liicnl. el.eiimsl tliroiwh 11", ADVIR. TIID una lOLD. fn . TDI-MAll, tiONl lltul OOPVRIONT1 qu.kly uhUuuwL Oppostto U. 8. Pntmit OfTloB, WASHINGTON, CI. C. Lighter, ROYAL BAKING POWDEf) CO. t s- Lenten "Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." St. Luke 1 8-37. Saddened with sins and burdened with cares, Beset with temptations, tormented by fears; From self look awav, to thy Saviour draw nigh Jesus of Nazareth now passeth by. If thou hast wandered as sheep thai do stray, Then wander no more, for Christ is the way; And He leadeth to God, who dwelleth on high Jesus of Nazareth now passeth by. Seek Him, my soul, in the days of thy youth, Seek Him, and follow, for He is the truth; Sick of the false, for truth dost thou sigh? Jesus of Nazareth now passeth by. Art thou discouraged and faint in the strife, A perishing sinner? Christ is the life; Come, follow Hitn, for why will you die? Jesus ot Nazareth now passeth by. Thou art all weakness, but Christ is all strength, Looking to Him, thou sha't conquer at length; Whence thy help cometh, then lift up thine eye; Jesus of Nazareth now passeth by. Hasten, O, hasten, thy Saviour to meet, Thy sins and thy sorrows lay at His dear feet; Take up thy cross, thine own self deny; Jesus of Nazareth now passeth by. Jesus of Nazareth, my Lord and my Cod, Guide nie and keep me, till life's paths be trod; Forsake me not, Lord, or 1 falter and die; Jesus of Nazareth, pass me not by. H. At. T., in (ioldsboro Argus. CO 'LONG, MR. WINTER. Oh! you go 'long, Mister Winter, with your freein' win's an' snow; We are tired o' your visit - don't you think you ought to go? Ain't you had enough o' blizzards - ain't you had enough o' col'? Ain't you got enough o' freezin' o' a fellow, Mesh an' soul ? We are tired now o' waitin' for the lakes an' streams to thaw, A-sittin' round all bundled up like some o' Lskimo. Oh! you clear out, Mister Winter, with your stormy days an' sighs; We are dreamin' o' the glory o' the spring an' summer skies ! We are thinkin' o' the (lowers an' the meadows all alight, All without the sere o' autumn's or the touch o' Winter's blight ! So you creep away, o' fellow take away your sleet and snow; We are tired o' your visit -don't you think you ought to go? Oh! you go 'way, Mr. Winter, with your days so bleak an' col'; Get way back into the mountains in the dark climes o' the Pole. We are dreaming o' the sunshine an' the birds' enchantin' lay; We are thinkin' o' the roses an' the lilies o' the May! We are dreamin' o' the vi'lits an' the merry laughin' eyes; Can't you slip away, ol' fellow, with your stormy days an' sighs? We can almost hear the twitter an' the merry songo' birds, Comin' from the scented hedges-sweeter far than human words ! ; We can almost see the daisies that'll peep up from the ground, ! An' the dogwood all a-bloomin' with the bees a-buzzin' round; ' We can almost scent the fragrance o' the jessamine in bloom, So you creep off, now, ol' fellow, with your stormy days an' gloom ! tiOOD ADVICE;. Lend a helping hand. If a man is unfortunate, try to lift him up. The people who knew this or that was going to happen, the "I told you so" people, are a detriment to the community. If they would al ways say a good word instead of a discouraging one, how much bet ter things would be. Study and know the interest of your home. Buy of home merchants. Stay home at nights. Attend some church, look forward to good limes and all will feel better, be happier and enioy hie better. j I'Kit o i;h kit in lit ! MKH. WlNSI.tlw's Kotli IIVNt. SVICI T ll.lS been used fur over fid yi ai" )' inilli""' mot hen tin' tltt'ir children while tcelliinj!, with purliwt Milium, ltstmthi'i thechild. aoftens the guiiiH, allays all piim; cun- wind colic, and is the best leniitly lor llitlillioetl It will relieve the pour lillle tiitlVeicr iiniiietliaiely. Sold lif ilriint;ist in every part ul ttie world. Twenty-live cent linttle. He Kmc and ?,k tin ''Mr. Winslow'n ftwlhini: Syrup," anil take no other kind. Cliaraliteed nnilir lite I'niiil unit I'rnijM Aft. June Until, Ui. Si'rial unrulier lllilH. Redd -"I see they have a new dance, called the automobile dance." Greene "Is if a break down?" To lenitive il couh you must g,-t at the cold which causes the cough. There is nolbttiK mo Koiiil lor this ns Kennedy s I.axaliM' CoiikIi Syrup. The liiUitl cold ndiel'that in most quickly ellectivp, lliat utills and quitts the cough and diives out the cold. Sold b; W. M. Cohen, Weldou, N. C. You can make better food .,''l.''.', ABSOLUTELY ,7 sweeter, more palatable and wholesome. i(ecifafl ton. The News N' i I'nie lima t inmh l ine I. tw s tviinlil he lit cili tl. if all 1'iiiicjl t'tiiei were like 111' Shmip'it Ciillyh Cure is-aini II, i lien fur yC'l's. The Natiunal Law n, ,u ieiiiiiv lliat it an pulsing cnicr in to a Clinch inivlnie, il must l.e ptinled tin I he lub.,-1 or packittie. l'or ttlis reason lllnlheis, and ntheis, sliiinld insist on haiitii: 1'r. Slump's I oil.h Cntf. No ptiisnii-lliaiks on lit. Slump's labels and nnlle ill til" nicdicini', else tl niiLst bv law he on the label. Ami its nut only sale, but it is said to be by those Ihal know it hi'sl tn be a remarkable eonj;li remedy. Take no clmnce, puiiiciilaily with ynor ehildicii. lie-ist on li.tvinu 111. Shonp's (' iukIi t'nic. t oinpare catelnlly the Shonp p;lcka;!e with others and see No iinisoii nialk-. there! You can ahvais I n lite s.tl'e side bv ib'tlianilint: 111. s-il,i,ip I ouch t ur . Sim pi relnse lo ;i cept anv otltei'. Sold bv W M Cohen. Weld ll, N. ('. t. hutch "How are the New Yorkers on the transportation?" Gotham "Oh, they stand pretty well." ' In 1!l7 t had tl stomach disiase. Some jdivslt ieiaus stittl llyspepsta, Home Con sninpiion. One sttitl I would not I ve un til sptilltf. l'or lour years 1 existetl on hoiltd milk, sntla biscuits and doctor'." preset iptions. I could not digest attythitiK i ati1; then 1 picked up one of your allna naestind it happened to be my lilV-saver. I bintjiht a "inc. bottle of Kndul and the tieiitli I received lioin tile bottle all the itihl in tieoi'ttiti coultl not buy. In Iwo months I went back to niv work, as a ma chinist, and in three months 1 was well and hearty. May you live Ions and pros per.' V N. Conic!), l,'odii Oh., ll'iai. Tho above is only amntpic of the ureat ttonil that is daily done everywhere by Koilol lor Dyspepsia. Hold by W M. Cohen. Weliton. N. C. Ignorance, poverty and vanity make many soldiers. The winds of March have no terror to tho user of DeWiti's ( arllolizell Witch Hazel Salve It quickly heals chapped and cracked skin. Ootid too, for holla ami burns, and uudoiititetll'f the best relief for Tiles. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Wcldou, N. C. with UW.iA b,i Wjug, ?A Ill I ll I1HR OPINION or MRS. STOWE. It was only natural that in the Beecher family the name of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe was often quoted to the younger generation as one having authority. One one occasion a grandniece of Mrs. Stowe became very angry at one of her little playmates, and stamping her foot, said: "I hate I you, and I don't want anything to do with you, nor your man-ser- j vant, nor your maid servant, nor j your ox, nor your ass." Her mother, overhearing the ; outburst, sternly reproved her oi'spring, asking if she knew what i she was say i ng. Little Miss Beecher promptly i i replied: "Yes, the Ten Command- j S ments." i "Well, do you know who wrote , S them5" i The child, looking much dis- ' j gusted, answered: "Goodness,1 i yes! Aunt Harriet did, 1 s'pose," THE: PROUD I ATHIiR '"Yes," said the old man, ad dressing his young visitor, "I am proud of my girls, and would like lo see them comfortably married; and as I have made a Htile money, they will not go to their husbands penniless. There's Mary, twenty five years old, and a real good girl. 1 shall give her $5,000 when she marries. Then comes Bet, wlio won t see thirty-hve again, and I shall give her $ 1 0 0t)0;and the man who takes Hliza, who is forty, will have $15,000 with her." The young man rellected a moment or so, and then inquired: "You haven't one about fifty, have you?" PASSKD lir.R ALONU Mrs. Askiti Did you like your other cook? Mrs. Tellitt No; it was could do to write her out a recommendation. all 1 good PROOP Ol- IT That man is made of dust quite true appears, Wives know or should If they, to sain their ends, resort to tears His name is Mud. Fur Infants ami Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Honrs tho Signature of Look out for propositions that will not bear looking into, (liven I'p to Die. I. pi 'it!, I'.'lt I Y lU'ini.i Nlieet, Fvilli-ville, hid , write-' "For oer live years I h -n itoiihled with kidney and hhiildei iilletlioiis uhnh iMiistii me luiieh p:iti) :nid v-r'v ! !t f1h :n'l 'nu run dotvn, and a Year ;pi had to iihandoti woik entiieh . I had three o(' the hest nlivii i:iiw lui did Hit' lit L'tiOit :illd I Wah piuetuiilly wnen up to die. Foley's lid ne (. me was let-tiutim ndeil and the tirst hulile ae me yreat reln l. and idler tak iiiir the second bottle 1 was enlirely cured,'' Whv not let it help yon? l'or sale by'K ( lark, W eldon, N. ('. It's often a matter of an hour when a woman says "Wait a min ute." Hoes CotYee dis,ij;ree with you? Proba bly it does! Then try I'r. Shuop'H Health : CoiVee "Health Collt1" is nc ever coin hi nu'ion of parched cereals ami nuts. Not u a rain of real Collee, leniemher in lr. ShiMp's Health CotVee, yet its flavor and ; tuste matches closely old .lava and Mocha j ('olhe. li'yonr stomach, heart or kidneys s can't stand l-ohVe dritikinn, try Health ; ( ollec. It is whulcouie, iHMirishin, and Hittislyiiic. I I s nice even lor the youngest child. For sale bv W, 'I'. 1'arker, Weldon, N. C. Some free church scats are as easy as they might be. not OwtSLB Beam the in iM fn liw w Roujiht Bigoatur OLD TIME STYLtS. The rashions in Ladies' flats in Richmond After the War A southern lady in a diary which she kept throughout the civil war fells of a bonnet which she made and which was regarded as "quite stunning, " The author of "Dixie After the War" quotes From the diary as follows : VY had been wearing coal scuttle bonnets of plaited straw, trimmed with corn shuck roseites. I made fifteen one spring, acquir ed a line name as a milliner ami was paid for my work. I recall one iltat was quite stun- uing, 1 got hold of a bit of much ! worn white ribbon and dyed it an i exquisite shade of green with a tea made of coffee berries. Coffee i berries dye a lovely green. You i might remember that if you are ever in war and blockaded. When the northern ladies ap ; peared on the streets of Richmond i they did not seem to have on any ; bonnets at all. They wore tiny, j three-cornered affairs, tied on with i narrow strings, and all their hair I showing in the back. We thought them the most absurd and trilling j things. Bui we made haste to get j some. i The Yankees introduced some new fashions in other things be sides clothes that I remember viv idly, one being canned fruit. I had never seen any canned fruit before the Yankees came. Pleas ant innovations in food were likely to leave lasting impressions on one who had been living on next to nothing for an indefinite period. Ex. Notice toOur Customers. , We arc plcascil jti announu' Unit iMiluy's i Hniiey ami Tar t'nr imiyhs, colds :iml luiiif j trmihies is ii.it uMtrtrr! Iiy tlic National i I'n rr Food and I'ni law as it ciHitaiiiM no opiates oi oilier hamilnl driiL's unci we I rei'tmiiiieihl it a s;ile ivim-dy t.'i1 rliildren j and adults, For a!e hv I'. CI n . We! don N C L'prihiiiL-ss is tiiial piety. iiiiim-ni fit' .iii le y Udn lies nl Min-diine that drives eloutls away. I c ill's Little F.arly i'1's will scatter the uhioniot' sirk liead- and hiiioii.Mies.'. They d. nol irnpe irkcii old hv W M Cohen. Wel.hu,. N. C. "Thai handsome Charlie Hodges kissed me last night." I thought he ; would. He told me he felt awful ly sorry for you." mm MM. This is worth Remembering W htiiever ymi have a t uitj;li or ciiltl. just reliiclnlit r that Foley's llnncy anil Tai will cure it. I', i not lisk vuiir Inaith bv tak ing any but tlte rimine. It is in a yellow pai'kat;,'. I'm sale by K. Clark, Welil.in, N. C. "Don't curse much, George," pleaded the heroine, shrilly. "He couldn't if he wanted to," the vil lian snickered; "he's forgotten his lines." 1 I'n vcniits" will promptly check acold or the tiriipe when take early or tit the "neie stuc. " i 'fi'veiit it's en relent; seated colds its well. I'l'cventic.s are little candv cold cure tablets, ittttl lit. Slump, b'.tcine. Wis will gladly in. til you smnjiles and a bimk on rtilils lii'i', il'yoii wtite liiin. The sampit's iiinve tlii-ir in t-i it, t heck early cnliU with I'reveulit'.s and stnp I'netiino ltitt. Sold in .V. and '.Vie. bor. I'm sale bv W. M. It.lti n. Weldoit, N.C. Wireless telegrams come under the head of disconnected sentences. For I atui rh, lei nie send you iree, just to prove merit, :i trial ize hox ol' Mr SliotipV ("a till i h h'enit 'l y. 1 1 is a snow white, iream, henlint: antiseptic haiin , that jive instant reliel to the ratarrh ot tlte noseaml thio;it Make the Hee test and see. Addro-s I r. Shoop, h';n ine, Wis. l.a'iX" i;n oMc ; Sold hy W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. ('. Some people are so skeptical they even have no Faith in their Faith. nu -dumM 'ie u ry carelnl n niir bow eK w lien vt n li.iu- a cold Y ai Iv all oth er rmh -ivrnp-: iin- coiim ip.tiiinr. tpecial i those containing upi.ite Kennedy s l,aal ie ( oiit-h i up moves the bowels ; contains no opiates Conforms to Nation al 1 nie 1 Hod iiltii i'uius .ns rt-.ii lite endorsement ol mot her every w here. ( llihlli 11 like its plc;is;mt ta-te, Sold hv W. M ohen, Wchlon. N. C. Hope makes hopeless fools of: some people. RIGHT NOW While the war between the a Watch Trusty The factories and im porters is blazing hot, is the very best time you will ever find to buy a good watch for little money. Call and see for yourself o r write to L. G-. GRADY Halifax, N. C. Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it bend out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad health. And you Know precisely what lo take for had blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for (iO years. Hill, tl',-(IH'lit .-!.IH of tiiel l,l"fl,l ll H lltiKRlih 'i r Lhi. lin Hili'HOne. I'oi.niii.u. MlbsUl"',"! I, i ,- Ilnli ill,. ,l li I lllti, tilt, lliuuU. K,-1, ll,,- lirnvrii ,,,,i ii ,.,ili AffC, I'll I.. 9 nog viihik. lyers Alit V. CI BH. UltUKr I'PCTOBAl. w liava no Hi'tiiuL! We publish tlw lui'mtiliin orali oui' meaicmBi. 'i'OM i lll ! RUN WORKS, I" M Ol.l) ssTKKKT, IM.TKltSllirKO. VA, Jl A M 1' A t "l'l ' 11 1: It.S O V Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Mining lnuiiilit mil Sli-cl A AlrxuutU'r Imimlt'is mill nun.-hiiii-ts, with putterns wf uif nuw jiivpiirtMl u t'tiniitsh parts to ntacljiites lonm-rlv made It v them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES PEANUT MACHINERYaBpeclllty Mill work ttiitl cusliuns of till kinds. Kcftmil httml iniii'liiuerv fin stile cheap. Call nn its nr wiiit' i'.r what yon want. Great Reductions I For Cash A K A1 ?: ?." Motjtletlc h'utfs, $'2 75 Smyrna " 2 20 '-Ti III! M, .quelle rutin, Hxl2 It. 17 75 1'1'c China Mattitt", Hlo. -"c " " ISc. -ic. Jitpanese " 17c J,""'. " " 18c. ti,",c Wool Carpeting 40c. 2,te. Wiinlow shittii's, 'JOe. otic " " :'.7Jc o.'ic 2 yard wide Linolttlln, 75c ",ic 65c (i.'ic I loot Oil Cloth, 4Sc 1 It.'i Axlllitistcl Carpeting:, Hiic 1 411 1(1x211 l'ii-lure l-'raincs, 'J5c Wall paper, 4, 5 and fie per roll A i.atitiK slut til'' Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, and supplies nn hand at all tinuw, nt the very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS. WKI.miN, N. 0. CHOICE ROSES ! Carnations, Violets anil other flowers, always on hat. .shower Wedding lloitiiiet.s, Handsome ITonil Designs, l'ot and out limit bcdiliiiK plants, To mato, Cabbage ami other Vcjjetabltj Plants, Majpiolias, Onlcrs pioiiiplly exet iitctl. Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STK1NMKTZ, I'l.llRlsl', liAI.KIOII, NOIi'l'll CAROLINA. 1 lil ty -I'AI.I. AM) WISTKR- MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIFS, Bo.tterick'8 Patterns, It. & G. CORSETS, Misoea at 50c. , Ladies 75c. toll. lifc,ppiK!8 will be made to init the times, Huts and Bonnete made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. 0. Grand Display l i tf? "EC"

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