EC ET IS Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. rms of inibscK-nio!!- $!." I VOL. XLI. WELDON. N. '.. TIU'KSDAV. MA15CII L's. 1!7 NO. 17 a fitUHI ifr 10 fpj lf llP-fl IPI s if & ELISH VS REQUEST. 'Let a Double Portion of Spirit Be I'pon Me." Thy ill Tlio You Cav; Always Hou-lit, and ulii. h tun :, in uso for mer :',( year. !;:.. linnic Hi,- .i;.r::ri!ic of -I'ltl li:is 1icci; mimIi- miller Ills ier- LZ' J frT'?T' s""l,! '':'l''r i -.ion ,, IH infancy. vt-rV, ,OYu: t. .t,..-,.iv .veil in this. V.I Ciiiinterell !i:iil:i;iiins inn. .Iiist-.i-.-niul " m e but !'.v: eriim-iits tl:;ii tii.l.i w i( li .1 oil i n.t. t t In lienltli of in!, ml mill ( luiuivii -i'.xp"rvii'e iiyniii-i ! ". ,M".-f nii-iit. What is CASTOR! A .'.'a-toi in U ii iiai tnl.-ss ..ii.iiiiite l,,v Ca-ter Oil, I'aro i;n i.'. Mil s .til l Di.iliiii;.' Sirups, 5t is ,"!cu .ant. lb roMn.ii nei. P.-i .):iiiin, '.ii pli i iiii nor nCirr N'.uvotio M.hslMiire. It-, i t4 lis yncianiec. 1 1 ii .-I my a WnniM ,..'.'! iillm - i i-'v. line' s, ii .-hit.. k ;,i i t.M'.i anil Wind In-. '! re'i." I'eettiui!! 1 ri!li!i', fire, ('iiiKti:itill mi! I k.tilli-,. i . J;. ;is-i,iii!utr.s I lie !..( ..t. regulates tlio Mi lea. -Ii .in.l J '... I ., pivn;; li. nlll, iiutill.t sleep, t lie (iiiiilleir t';!iiaeea--'( lie .Mutl'i-r's I'lieinl. GENUINE CASTORlA ALWAYS yi itCurs the i;t;iiaturtj of y ----- The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMf CINTlUN CO1t, Tf MUMNftV ItNlIT, NtW VOW CTY. OE 3E 30 The : Bank : of : WeicLon WELDON, X. C. Organize j Dufler Tie Lais of lie State of North Carolina, Ai;iil;ST2nTII. HUJ State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. j CilniSnifL $38,000. lion It 'c r-lliis'i-t tiitn-nti pnnitlwl lunkini; lur this M kb tinn I u Mti.i Hi i lur- luvr m uk'ntifird hiiIi the .1 . biiHins i!itre-t nf M - 4 1 1" v :mi1 i fi.tinpli'ii niiiii1 icior iiunv yeji: Minify is loaiirti Hp'iv.t st. net . t ih i.te "I t n t-r t - mi prr rntir. ccMunts (' alt uir s lit iu-il rRKSIIiENT: . R. lAMEt., vii t nninK i. I.r.ll w.irwis. (..lacksi'B. NiH lll JHif tnil I n . N. C ) I'ANIIIKU.- n t. siiitii. 3E lilisha wanted a "double por tion" of Elijah's spirit. It as a most beautiful request to make. It is human nature to want to be like those whom we. love. Vl'e want a portion of their sprint - a double portion it maybe. Hlisha knew what the old prophets spirit had been. He knew somethig of his faith the wonderful faith that call eitther tire or water out of heaven, that could bring drought to the fields and harmless to the streams and fountains. He want ed a double portion of that spirit. He knew liliiah's courage. He did not forget the affair with ; the priests of Baal and the scene at the Kishon. He knew more of his tenderness of heart than per haps of any other human being and what a farewell blessing would be a double portion of that affec tion and courage be! If he had double his spirit, then he could do double his work. He saw in the old man a spirit of fire and love : and iron; of faith and heroism, a judgment that could press its cheek to the cheek of a little child, and at ' the same time lay hold on the 1 strength of Omnipotence. Was it ( not a grand request thai this grand prophet made? There is an in heritance than is better than mon ey, better than lands, better than 1 banks. It is the true and the j beautiful in the lives of those who are about to leave us. It is char acter, the character of the good ; I and the great who are just waiting i i to be received up to God. What , a request of a sou to make of a dy- ' ing father! "Let a double portion ! j of thy spirit fall upon me!" double thy faith, double thy honesty, dou-! ble thy sincerity, thy reverence. . Let these things come to me; then 1 , 1 go out into the world with double : thy power. Then shall I be twice as useful. The spirit of a young nun who can make a request of this kind and strive to obtain it is the kind of man w hose spirit should rule the world. The t.'niied Hres-1 byterian. When a fellow has more money 1 than brains he never has brains enough to see it. GARRETT & COMPANY, m Pioneer , - - . m ki,r4.- , mjvi l Ul u II U1U A Square Deal 1 Hsuivi! you wiu'ii you buy Dr. Pirrn's f.imilv HiiMiritH's fr tht iiitfrvdi fiiiv cntt-riiif intu tln'iu ar print-fj on tin htittlt'-wnippfr- ;uiU tlit'ir formuIu.H an' Htlfsit'ii uiiili-r o:ith us liciuif (MHiiph'ti anil t'ornvt. Vtm Uimw jtist w hut you ure pining lur and that the inrnliiMits art) KMth"r"d trom N;itnr"''. latMimtory, Nmiik M'hvti'tl fiiiiu tin' iMut Viiiu;ill native uuiiiotiial riKtis Uniiid growing lit our American (urcstTBtutwhlle yotent to curt are perhTHr harniUVftato the moiH dfllcatf wotnL;ikJniiMTi,n Not a dron a1!"- wi t 'ii ui'tiiiiii tr.-uJii'ilr !i ft,f.M.rwiiit!.tiie' mOiJhj I ESTABLISH Kl) IHH5. SPECIALTIES; VIRCINIADARE POCAHONTAS (WhitSoupieruiiii (Kett Siiiiinaui;) OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA ( lleil fli nnu)!u) (Dry Kcupptrnong) PAUL C RRS TT SPECIAL (Spark luii riiiiinpiigne) And ul 1 ntlier varieties (if I'utc ntnl Wh iltonii U iuts lor linni .oh) Imift u . lffL.Kilut Ciihh Yr'ivm taid in Scjimui tor nil kind id'-mull ti uns . , ,, Western Hranrh, St Lmiv, Mh HomeOllin'. Mli.KtM.K. V SEA BOA III) AIR LINE RAILWAY n n h 'ti TKC AlMtA To Norfolk I Sfia fiOim-d KiycTi)f. 1 In aent pos-tesM-g ininuuic mi-uiciii.i( prop'rtnoi list own. hoiiiff a in st vnliKih.t'uiitif ptic and anil ferment. nutriiivH unJ soothing dpmiil Ot'Ut. (ilyt'nrln plays an Important part In Dr. rit rfu's (i.-ltli'ii DiM'ni!ry in tin i'lire of inditi'M ion. dyppia uml sw.ik stutuwh, uiti'ndi-d by mhit riinn-. hfart-tmni, foul hn'uth, cuattd toiiRia', puor anp'titt'. (rnawim ft'.-iint; lr stutn at'h, lu i iusins? and lundr-d dtTuno m'iitMf tin stuinurh. Iir and ImwiiIs. Iti-.-idcs I'uviiitf nil thi- hImvc tl t-trs.iiiK atliut'iits. tli'tii)liifii Medical It!-t'tvt'rv a sptritir tor all diHt-aM's of the tinn'oiis nu in lira U'-i;. as catarrh, whether of tin na-;il pa-ismft'S or of the stomaeh. tmwels or pelvic orirans. Kvcii in it ulcerative Man"1 it will yield tu Iliis sovereign rem edy if its us-be tH'i-vcrt'il in. Inflirunic I'aMrrli of lite Nasi I passages, it well, while taUliiK tho "(Milden Mi'dieal Dis covery" lur the necessary conshtutltmal tn-atineiit. to cleanse the pa-saif freely two nr three time a day with Dr, Safe's i aiarrh Ueiiiedy. 'I'lii" thuroiih c-nro u( treatmuut fieiierally cures the worst ra-e-t. In Atutch and liuarM'iH-is causi'd hy tnm rlnal, lltiual and hint: uiI-h iIuiis excrpt one1 innptluli Hi It-udvjuri il Matrix, (lie "liohh a Medieftl jMnedvery " l intM ctllett'tit rt-ni-tlv. -M'i lnlly lit thukf ulmiliiuie. hnir-on Ci'Utfli-ieaiiM tl liy trrituvlon anil r(mire.Utui of tie hiuiii'liiftl iiHU'oie iiteitiltranev The " IMo ri'ry " l tint w K d (nr uruti enutr. at is llitf fntn MOililt m i nliK, imr ir.uM II U , ttil io curt' ei)tiHUiiiilltin lii It. iltuieid j ilRif.- no mnltelne will lu tliHt -tmt fur nil j tin,tiniut'. etirmile eonirlis whli'li. If li"ir i lei'ted, nr hai ll V t irtileil. Iruil ill' tit eiiiiiniin j tlll. II I- tin' li't lUCdlt'llli' I tmt t'Hll Ih tltklMI. Jamestown Exposition ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. I'nu'ticea in the court of Halifax and wljoiniuK rouitie,aml in the Hupreme courl ol Hpecial attcntioiiiiTD t- rollition. unit pmmpt. nitnma Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. j Special Kates from Weldon: Round trip season tickets, $3.80; i Round trip 60-day tickets, $3.20; Round trip 10 tickets, $2.90; Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2.10. Coach Kicnmiorj rate told prior to oprtiiux (lata and on earn Tiii'mIiv theii'.iflrr, limited seven days and rniliirtM-d "Nut tiood in Slt-rpiuic aiul I'tiUman I'arlor i'urt " Other tickets go on aale April l"th and cuutiunn until close of Kipwiiion. Fur ratue Irani other poiuU, apiilv to your lie nw-t SEABOARD "!''"'. or ri. reiwntativea named bolow. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. T, F. ANDERSON, C. H. GATTIS, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Travtlliug 1'aaiwiige.r Agent, italeib, N C D. E. STAINBACK. NOTARY PUBLIC And f Ire Insurance. KnaniiLc News Office -:- Wdjon N (. l'itn,U- ..liUim.l. i-r rtt RETURNED. tO VKARI'f KPENIKNCI. Oaii CHARUtft ARI THE LOWE ST. & nil iuhuI.-I, iln4o or anlt li tot t'rt Hvaf-lt 11 Ml flt-M li'tViH (ill pAlitiUlttlitr. INFRIttOIMINT xiitt romlutUj hnUn nil I'i'iirlN. I'm vtm c.lit.thieil tlmnrh UK ADVER TttEO uml ULD. tnn. TRADE MARKS i PLN IONS Aiul OOPVNIOHTa nuKtly uhlaliiML Opposlto U. S. Patant Offloei WASHINQTON, D. O. Respect YOUR Stomach GIVrK it food that will not irritate or retard the performance oi its natiMv.l functions, and it wifl reciprocate in a way agreeable and comforting. No single ingredieat contribute so largely toward wholesome, nourishing, agreeable food as Royal Baking Powder. Royal Baking Powdes active ingre dient, Grape Cream o1 Tartar, is the most healthful of trie iruit products. This is why R'oval Baking Powder makes the food riner, 1' gh'-tr, more appe tizing and anti-dvspeptic, a friend to the stomach and good health. Imitation Baking Powders Contain Alum "The use of alum and salts of alumina in food should be 1 R0H1BITIZD. The con stant use of alum compounds exerts a deleterious effect upon the digestive organs and an irritation of the internal organs after absorption. "EDWARD S. WOOD, M. D. "Professor of Chemistry "Harvard Medical ScIiu.-jI, Huston." ROYAL PAKIV. CM-'( CO . M..V FAREWELL! BUT WHENEVER. BY THO M AS M O O R li . Farewell ! hut whenever you welcome the hour That awakens the night-sonc of mirth in your bower, Then think of the friend who once welcomes it, ton, And forgot his own griefs to be luippy with you. His griefs may return not a hope may remain Of ihe few that have brightened his pathway of pain But he ne'er can forget the short vision that threw Its enchantment around him while lingering with you ! And still on that evening when pleasure fills up To the highest top sparkle each heart and each cup, Where'er my path lies, be it gloomy or bright, My soul, happy t.i:nds, will be with you that night, Shall join in your revels, your sports and your wiles, And return to me, beaming all o'er with your smiles Too blest if it tell me that, 'mid the gay cheer, Some kind voice has murmured : "1 wish he were hero I' Let fate do her worst, there are relics of toy, Bright dreams of the past, which she cannot destroy; Which come, in the night time of sorrow and care, And bring back the features w hich joy used to w ear. Long be my heart with such memories filled ! Like the vase in which roses have once been distilled You may break, you may shatter, the vase if you will. But the scent of the roses will hang 'round it still. THE DAY IS DONE. BY HENRY WADSWORTH LONGRiLLOW. The day is done, and the darkness Falls from the wings of Night, As a feather is wafted downward From an eagle in his Might. 1 see the lights of ihe village Gleam through the rain and the mist, And a feeling of sadness comes o'er mc That my soul cannot resist. A feeling of sadness and longing, Thai is not akin to pain, And resembles sorrow only As the mist resembles the rain. Come, read to me some poem, Some simple and heartfelt lay, Thai shall soothe this restless feeling, And banish the thoughts of day Noi from ihe grand old masters, Nt from llu hiirds sublime, Whose distinct fooisieps echo Through the corridors of Time. For, like strains of martial music Their mighty thoughts suggest Life's endless toil and endeavor, And tonight 1 long lor rest. Read from some humbler poel, Whose songs gushed from his heart, As showers from the clouds of summer, Or tears from the eyelids start; Who through long days of labor, And nights devoid of ease, Still heard in his soul the music Of wonderful melodies. Such songs have power to quiet The restless pulse of care, And come like the benediction That follows after prayer. Then read from the treasured volume The poem of thy choice, And lend to the rhyme of the poet The beauty of thy voice. And the night shall be lilled with music, And the cares that infest the day Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs, And as silently steal away. HOW A BATTLE WARMED HIM. A Moseby V eteran Says the Im pression Is Not a l igure of Speech Was Hot in Zero Weather. Hveryhndy in the Sumh h.i heard ol Colonel John S. Mushy, the Confederate guerrilla ;ghier, but few men have heard of his brother, William II. Movhy. of Bedford county, Y.i Yet Mr. Mushy was his brother's adiutant, and took part in many, probably a majority, of the tights which have made Mosby's command (anions. Mr. Mosby is visiting Ins brother in this city a tuiet, modest, re tiring gentleman, who gives no HONESTY AS (i(X)l) as soiwnrrv. IT' Gear of Iowa was for Congress. 'I'!:-, sentiment was strnn; trict, especially among who held a meeting U a candidate Prohibition in his d's tiie Ou.ikei'-, which thev nr 1 8 Mm lemma iCoId Habit He a.. s.iid the c "thai thee di temperance lake a di m'-; i m Kill . nut ociety hen it invited Mr. u ar "We learn," s to Mr. Gear, beloii'.;' to any and thee does ia pleases dice " "Thai is trae. without hesit.inon. "Tlkv is very ii'.i;:k, " said the Quaker'. "I do not like thy hab its, but I do like thy hoiiey. Per haps we shall be able to vote for : ur-AiM.Mn .plied Mr. Gear !' outward sign of being a man who thee. 'he old cold goes; a new one m'ckly conies. It's the story !' a weak throat, weak lungs, tendency to consumption, .va's Cherry Pectoral reals up the taking-cold habit. .ngthens, soothes, heals, vour doctor about it. ;j 'i .... I!-b: kind of u lustiiuonial -" S . i I f.r over mxty yoam." WWW W i y.i i'.iio C. Ayrr Co.. I.ow.ll. MM. $ A.oj ui.'Mif.ctureri of R 11 f StKSACAKILU. r3 fl ?3TQ,'",S i'X JLIsl O KAIIt VlUllt. has engaged in so many dare-devil enterprises as mark the history of the Mosby Rangers. "The heat of ban. e is no mere figure of speech," said Mr. Mosby to-day. "One night in the winter of '(i2-'ti.V he went on, "the col onel determined to attack a force of Federal soldiers strongly posted on London Heights, just above ( larper's Ferry. We started about dusk, some two-score of us, from ' our rendezvous about twenty miles , from the intended point of attack. Snow covered the ground, an icy wind swept down through the passes of the Blue Ridge, and taken altogether, the night was about the coldest that ever broke away from the North Pole and wandered south of the Artie Circle. It was a splendid night for a surprise par- : ty. As our column slowly threaded j its way through the chilly dark- : ness we rapidly begun to freeze' ' up- "Men would complain and then sink into that lethargic indill'er , ence that comes from utter chill. Several were badly frost-bitten, but they kepi on the march. The bridle reins would fall from my numb hands unnoticed, until the unguided horse drew my attention to the fact. "By the time we reached Lou don Heights and silently formed for attack there was nothing but ice in my boots. I had to lift each leg by manual strength and care fully replace the froen feet in the stirrups for securer footing. "When it came to pulling off my gloves, preparatory to draw ing my revolvers we alw ays w ent into a tight with a gun in each hand, bare of gloves for greater And Gear got the Quaker vote. As a troublemaker man isn't in it with a a icalou.s wo iealoiis man. Notice to Our Customers. We lire pl.'.ieil I.i .iim.inn.v I'.. lev's llulicy :iinl I'.ir 'nr oiiil:1i-. eoliN ;nn! linej t riHiliie. nut .ill. el. it l.v Oie . num. it I'llle anil 1':'! 1.IM .is il eiil.MlIlN no opuites tn ..1 her liilllllill ill 0 . Hint we leeoi.llllellit II :l -.lie I ell). 1 V lol ellllitlell illlil ;lilllit-. I ill sale l.V I! 01 ilV, Wel,l.l. V C. l-'lee, sloth, for the indolence of the soul is the decav of the bod v. i I. Idle Kli.l.lll.- "1' sunshine lleil Ihe florals awy, OeWitl's l.iitle l.'isers will .caller I lie eji.olll ol' sick aelle Hint liilnillsnes.. l'llev tin Ilo! or siekeii Solil l.v W. M t'llliell. Weliliili. N. (.', Kariv li.'.ei Ul'lfe A small cloud may sun and moon. hide both This is worth Remembering Wliellever von have a eolith or eahl, jllMt ivinemher Foley's Honey anil Tar M ill eilre it. Iia mil lisU your heallh hy tak iliL'aiiV hut tlit- maiuiiie, 1 1 is in a yellow paekae. foi sale hy i:. I lurk. Weldon. N. C. J .v.? ...vo no B'cr't.l W publl.h li e :..r,...,.i. of i. I ear niedioiii.-. If. MWVflsMMaTgnfflf.Jalg.1dPl!W MI'MIIH Ki'o mo iov.-ola r-iKUiar with AVer's Pilis. lust onj pill each nlKht. yri-n 1 1 ; ( ) IRON WORKS, js I,, iii di. i) sria:i:T, iM-:Ti:i!M:ti:(i. va. M l I .M Tl'lll'lis ill- Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Miivmi; luiiilit out SU't-1 ic Alfxiiiider liiuiuU-r- uii'l in. i. hinit-;, with nil jiittrru.H we art-now prfp irt'tl to I'lirnislj parts to inai'hiiit'H toniH'i lv m;Hi' lv tlicni. He is a wise man who either speaks the truth or says nothing. HYDRAULIC PRESSES and..: s" will pi.imptlv w Ifti t iki-1 ii ! v !tU 'I'tt Vftl! .lit' I. lip n-ff;c 'I'u V 1 1 1 1 c ;- wt-l!. I'lfVi lii ;i mi.! . Ill'- Mllrt. Hi Wis 1 1 1 l;! ; i 1 Mi ul VHU -Ixi k nil nntU in- ii veil ;iiii plrs pnivc t ll-'il li-! it. I i I' litis Wlt'l I'lt'H'lltVs ;rll stnp 111. i. in .V, iinti '.'). lm'-- l'.r sale l.v W, M I ohm. We :i et.l.l t ihf llteli'li:. -t'.ltt'il li- J it I It c ill h.M.p. I.'.u-u aiiipi-" a ti 1 Mh- 111 Jt PEANUT MACHIlMERYpl,(,ilty Mill work aii'l easlini. ul' at kiliils Seeolnl hail. I inaehinel V 1'or sale elleap Call j.. on lis oi uiile l..r h;tl ymi Mailt. The - eaily I ' oi-1 1 mi .- ilon. X (', Women who kiss each other often guihy of counierteiting. (ii eat Reductions I For Cash The Ni KS .l I'lile ,l;.. I !,S I are isoulil he Io i Inl. il .ol l onli I mo viele like I'r. :lii.oi 1 oiih 1 are is ami !l is Ion I. r e is. I he National Law new i. niiiies ilia' il an p.-isai i nt .-i in to a eoiliih niixtiiie, l! tniisl '.e pniileil on the lahel oi pa, k.l-e Tor Oils reason niotheis. mnl o'ln rs, shoiihl imist o't havini: lr. Slump's I'oiiirh l ure Noimisoi niarkson Or sln.op's lahels ami nene in the ineiliellie. else it efficiency I found my fingers too "" ,,v '' '"' ,ll; i-'ll;'i AM "s ors have to bank on. cold for the task, and had to slow ly work off with my chattering teeth. That done, it was like bend ing bones to get those stiff' and icy fingers gripped around the butts of the revolvers. "Then came the command. "Charge." With the we were (lashing through the pickets and sw eeping like a whirlwind through the camp of the astonished enemy. "Our yells filled the air, and through the darkness rang the crack and (lashed the red spurt from a hundred busy six-shooters while through the wild chaos here and there snapped the rattling whip of t'ie enemies carbines. There was no wild firing at things unseen, no shelling the woods, but each man shot at a mark, and shot ...... . . . i L'oeil I is il to kill. Oat warn t no place fer k.,i,.i i,.r m-i boys, 'as the negro said in the eanlkiuake. "The light lasted three minutes. Had Waterloo been proportionate ly as bloody, every soldier would have been slam in half an hour. "When 1 reined and returned my empty revolvers to their hols ters, I took a long breath. No summer days draught from a mountain spring ever tasted so deikiousi cool and rcli'Csiiiiig as that icy air. "My hands were fairly tingling with heat, my feet throbbing hot with the boiling blood coursing them and my body so oppressive ly warm that I (lung wide my over- coal to get rebel. In short, I was fairly burning up. "Yes, for that chilly feeling," added Mr. Mosby, "there's noth ing like a stiff Hghi at close quar 1 tcrs with revolvers. It beats the best heating system ever invented. Walter Fdward Harris. i remarkahle eolith i hiniee. p u tieuiarly 1 nost on ha inir I 'i . lolnpale ealollillv know II he-l tn lie lemeilv. lake Ilo u nh yoni ehihlieii Shmili's fnneli I'lllt On-slloop ii '111 otlliis .mil see No pmson marks ih, ii ' Von e.m alivav? heont'ae site si,,. l.v il, inanilini; llr, slump's l oneh fin i- Sunpli lellis,-(one. eept an v ul la l . S,,l,t l.v V 1 Cohen. Wel. n. N C. Si I.'. Mn.iietie l.'nus, . 7a ll'l Sn.yoia " 'J 'Jo Ja nil M,,iieiie runs, HilJ It. IT 7.') I'-'V China Mattii Inc. -'V ' In-. ;.'. .lapamse " 17c. J.V. " " lute. Il'ie Wool Carpclilie .(n,., J.V W'iniloiv shades, one. alle " " 117'c ".'ii--i y aril iile Linoltlini, Tat.' T."ii ' . HV l'l.H.r Oil ( tulli, IS- I M.'i A nunslei Cai petini:, Hllc 1 -In liivCii l'utiiie Kranu-s, y.V Wall paper. 1. .'i aial lie per roll A I A lii.K sl,H K III' Talkiny; Machines, Land is about the only thing sail-! Grapliophones, Kodaks,," Cameras, "In is'i' I hail a stomach ilixiase Sonir 1 hi -a li lans s.iul fiyspepsni, some ( on siun.M..ii. Hue -aiii 1 iiouhl not I ve un til spoil.', l or l ilir lears 1 cxisjeii on hoiii li milk, soil. i Ins, mis ami iloetor'i pi, ci ipiions 1 e.aiiil lu'i iliest anylh.iie I il : linn I ih keil up one ol' mi I alma ll.t. saii.l it li ippeneil t he lliv til' -.aler. I h nithl a .-"e I. llh- ol' Kmlol am! Ihe helleli, 1 reeelliil llonl tile Intlie ail lilt i;..iil 111 1 .em ia conhl nel lull 111 tlio n.eiillis I went li.u k Io inv innk. as a ma chinist, and in thioc ntontt s I lias well and lit arty. May you live lon and pres. per " IN. I Ol'nell. loiilllu. I.. I . Tile aliove is mill- asmnph- ot Ihe ureat 1 t is il 1 1 1 v -lone even ii hole hi ps, a Mild In W il. I olieii. Wcidoll. N. C. Slander is the coward's sword. I-1 III ll I II l I I Mils - s i .. i ii ' s Si i, , I 1 1 1 M . S K I ' r llafl i e ns hi millions of III II nh,!.- lei thini:. i.llles the child, ill pun; clliei leiuiilv lol he II .1-, il t .1 ol ... till Is I..I III. I with perl, el cess. 1 1 -sollclls the cam,", .ill. II-, Hind coin', and is the h.-sl lllailhoc.l II lllll leilete Ihe pool lllllc Mllleiei iinmcdia'cli sold hv ilrueisis ill tii ly pill ol Ihe iviii'd Twenty-live ceuls a toil : io lie sine and ask toi "Mrs, Winsloiv's So-.lhili SAinp." and lake nil other kind. l.ilarantee.l lili.h i Ihe l'oiid anil IIl!o.s Ad.. Iliac :! ! Ii. l!H',i cr al iiuiuln-r inn-. ami supplies on hand al atllilncH. nl'f the lei-v l.nie.t pin es. SPIERS BROS. vr.i.'Hiv. s. c. choich ROSES !, Carnations. Violets ami ntliir llowrni, illways on hand. Sliowcr Wcililinii lloiiUets. Haiidsonic Floral Designs, 1'ot and out dooi iHtldinc, plants. To main, l aliliaup and olliei VcKi-talile Plants, Mammlia. Orders pimnptly -xccule.l. Wlitc, 'phollr or Iclcirnipll. M. STI-INMHTZ, I'l.ilHIsI, Ml l-'I'io, NiMfl'H ''.MIOI.ISA. I 111 ly Haste often trips up on iis own RIGHT mi While the war between the (liven lip to Die. It. Spici'el, l'-'iil N Virginia Mrcet, , Kvansville. Iiul., writes: "For over tim years 1 was troiihleil iiith kidney niul itladdcr HlVeotioiH which caused me nnu-li i puin niul worry. I Inst tlcsli mitt us all ; ; run down, ami u year iijm had in ahaiulon ! work entirely. I hud three of Iho best i 1 pliysii'inus wliodal ine no ejooil and I was liriu'tii-ttlly Kiven up In die. Foley's Kld-j , ney Cure whs nroiiiiiieiidol unit the tirst lmtllf uuve me emit n-iief. and after tuk- I ' inn the seeonit liotlle I was entirely curwl." Why not let it help yon? I 1 lot .ale by'E. Clark. Weldon, N, C. 1 '3 Watch Trusty The factories and im porters is blazing hot, is the very best time you will ever find to buy a good watch for little money. Call and see for yourself o r w rite to L. G-. Q-ZR-AJDIT Halifax, N, C. OF -FAI.l. AMI WINTKIi MILLINERY. FANCY HOODS and NOVF.LTIKS. llntteru-k'Bl'atterDt. R. & G. CORSETS, M iwea at 50c , Ladim 75c. to f 1. urro-e(i willhemadf to Bnil the lime. Data aud Houoeta made and Trimmrl to order. ALL MAIL OKDERfl 1'KOM PTL Y F1LLKIX MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldoo, N. C. t 111 I

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