Constipation -unit pi'i'iM-, ''nnf 1 T L. T U lilt iiD.-Tt. (!' MUX- II I- 1 h'-trt ! ! I": ii "lv lO I .r . if I'l vii'!ftiil rr.nn il tl,. ir-'' uli v. ! ii ,i i h.i Niiti.r- i:i!,.i : !..:- .1 1 , ivllt-v." : .'.i ' r;l 1 -.'' I'illl I'lit lill I ,L' ..: - ; I.. I. Mi'..,!-U l.i v..;Il wT:i"-! 1 '1 11- li;L ..1 a 1- 11.1111 .!. mi'ii .n'..ilii a inn-; hi.l ...rm ! ntfh :-.,:v Iiitv Kim Lurk. 1 ir.i. . win if Ciwiim hii k t-iv-n il iMtwr (.. (Mir-i -"-i .lIm i T.iMw. ..::. 'ii 1 .1 ! Ir Mi.h.p I---.r r - 1 -n. : ino-l 1'iT- , f- 1 . i -i . ' : . Il pat inn. !l.!,uii-i,. .'t-.i Siiiinw t'Diiii'Is-kiuii. i ti ., 1-. 1:1 salwiyuiif. No 8ni-iii!f. :in ii-,..-;tvri : ptTit'iiu'tl. 4(t,.l I.iv ' hi- I i'iiF'.l !uX". al. ... l.r S.x. I-or sonit-thiim t w nuv, etVolire, try a i-t .if ,1.! '1 Ari l tins It .:i .11 t 'iifc u tlri '.I mm -1 I'. 111. l : . I n m . -i. . t! . HiF'.u, -i I-. r,-,-, ; ,.( 11 A 1. n II. IV lllll.!.- rtl ill m:...-. 11. H.i-i Hr.-inli. i.-.l IToliUil 1111(1 ,'ti-r -tT- t , ui.f -i. Lax-ets IV. M. COHEN. THE ROANOKE M:VS. 'I'l 1 r un i . V, I M.I, Published livery Thursday. K I 1 1 i I ' ! , I i ' ' I I U M I" N A Hn 11 1 I ',ss i V I' If, IIS ill (Ni'l!'lnl hVMT: Olll' YlI. I,, Tll.lll. '-t.U I . I A t . 1 r' Six Mouth, " " A nt-fkly lii-iiiiv'-uiii' jotiiintl iti'vote,! to tlif iiint'Ti.i!. , ilni-nl ii' tiolitu:,! ;ititl rturirnltiiiiii ititm sts ul Ma H:ix iiml sur ruuNilitii: I'tuuiticv Advertising rati's leasminltW' aii,l liiinish. il iiu appluatiuti. Now there is a demand for slow er trains, the "flyers" are too much disposed to fly the trick Thosi: 1 7.000,000 added to the forest reserve, will secure a supply of Big Slicks for some nme to come. A vindicated senator, however, is not altogether in the same class as one who has never required any vindication. The Woman Suffrage hill was talked to death in the British House of Commons What a nat ural deaih. THE floods in Ohio did millions of dollars damage to property, but j they did not wash away any Presi- j demidi candidates Majok Si:i;i 1, of the British j army, says that married soldiers are the bravest. Perhaps war ! does not seem like much of any thing to them. Mont n has a bill compelling ' hoarding Imuse keepers to tell what is in the hash. Still, there are some instances where igno-, ranee would be bliss The activity with winch London has tackled municipal ownership j and woman's siiifrage, may event ually cause t'ne country to be the home of real conservatism. IT is now advanced as u sober .scientific theory that deep and se-; nous thinking is the cause of dis-, ease. Notice what a large per-j centage of us are healthy? 1 Ann a (ion n feels that her law-1 yers. in fixing their tees at $175, 000 charged too much for her di vorce from Count Boni. After reading some of the testimony, we are inclined t think it was cheap at that price. Thk iury in the case of Joshua I Harrison, on trial at Elizabeth I City for the .induction of Kenneth ; Beasiey, the iittle son of Senator, Beasley, of Currituck county, found Harrison guilty and Judge i Allen sentenced Harrison to twen-' ty years in the penitentiary. An , appeal was taken and Harrison; was released on a bond of $3,000. But is that amount sufficient to hold the man who sees twenty years of hard labor in the State's prison staring him in the face, and with sentiment so strongly against him? The sentence is approved by every one who has kept in close touch with the evidence. Pkhsiuknt C. ('. Moore, of the North Carolina Cotton Grower's Association, has issued a card to cotton fanners in which he appeals for a still further reduction of cot ton acreage this year on the ground that (lie Very open v, inter finds far more land broken for crops I at this season than ever, and the j more general improvements in use adds still further to the volume of work that can be done now, even ' with the heavy draft on farm labor made by railroad and other public works so that a record breaking crop could easily be seeded. He urges that this be not done but that attention be given to diver sity of crops. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature of An1 you tired, fudged ont, nervous, alwplsW, feel mean? Hollisier'n Knotty Mountain Tea stren thfns the nrTn, flirts diuetinn, h ing refrealiinK sleep 35 c ills Tea or Tahlet. W M r"nhen Welilon, N. f. J. N. Brawn, Halifax, N. 0. "THE LANDING AT JAMESTOWN." X'hat a contrast het cen ihe landing at Jamestown as pictured in the school histories v, iili v, Inch the children of the I nucd Si. lies are familiar, and that landing .1: Jamesto-vii which it is pr-p, shall take ,;.:cc at .vwcll's P-ir., now 10 !vc une a sa!".:r of N' :' f.'ik. under itv piati and c n.i.: :.. of Admirai i larnngwii, I . S ,v on April JOth, 1 907. The marvelous change wrought within the comparatively brief pe riod of three hundred years could in no way more clearly be shown than by a coinpaHsrii of the p;c litres of : w o iatidin.cs at J.hiks tow n. l.i the Ill's: a few figures representing a comparative large percentage ol the linghsh colonists who numbered a little oer one turn .li ed In the second, aside from the monstrous company, which may be cjv.ied to welcome the land ing pari', w hen they shall the shore w ill be about tw ei;;v thousand men, bending to the oars and tilling the picture with life and movement. It is a magnificent panorama this, which Admiral Harrington has conceived and wili unfold. Just such a sight as the great fleet of boats and the twenty thou sand sailors shall present the world has never seen. The very sug gestion of such an one is sufiiceiii to tire the dullest imagination. Then to think that from the mea gre company which landed three hundred years ago, garbed in the flow ing robes of thai time, these twenty thousand uniformed mm have sprung up. That from that meagre company are descencd a large proportion i.f the nearly ore hundred millions of men, women and children who are the people of the United States now: who have created from the wilderness, sparsely peopled three hundred years ago by Indi ans, themajority of whom havevan ished into shade, the most poten tial land of earth cannot be other than inspiring. The lixposition Company w ould do less than their duty to their countrymen w ere they not to make widely known that there shall be seen here on the opening day of the exposition a sight which can not fail to stir Americans as they hav e rarely been stirred and to arouse in them such pride in their country and their achievements as shall fill their hearts to the brim. It is a tine thing, ton, that the great republic is at peace with the world and that thousands From for eign shores shall witness with us that splendid triumph of that repub lican form of government under which this nation has grow n to be what it is- one of the great lights of the world. Norfolk Ledger Dispatch. NORTH STATE NEWS. Items of Interest From all Sections j of the State. Salisbury is infested with bur glars. Judge Pritchard is quoted as de claring for State prohibition. The graded school at Hickory has closed on account of scarlet fever. The shortest name for any post office in the United Sta'es is Ai, in Person county, N. C. B. h". Arrington, a respected citizen of Rocky Mount, died at his home on Ruse Hill, after two months illness. A State iaundrymen's association was organized at Raleigh with I M. Cave, of Charlotte, president, and J. W. Morton, of Asheville, secretary and treasurer. The closing exercises of the medical department of the Univer sity will be held at Chapel Hill. May 9th. Dr. George X'. Long, will deliver the address. It has developed that the short age of Ticket Agent 1 1. A Leon ard, of the Southern Railway, who skipped from Salisbury three weeks ago, aggregates $1,350. fnms:s.i!iT Cler!. Norvcll re ports 1,535 acts and 37 resolu tions ratified by the lasi session of the legislature, being almost 300 more than the number two years ago. There are now 1 , 1 80 rural de-1 livery mail carriers in the State. Those on routes of stahdard length 24 miles get $60 a month, i After July 1st they will get $75 a j month. The North Carolina Society ; Daughters of the Revolution will j send a representative of the society j to visit several places, where j there are persons eligible and wish j ing to join the society. Mrs. Charlie Greer, of Watau ga county, tied her baby in her chair before the fire and left it alone. When she returned the child had fallen in the fire and was burned to death. A fearful warn ing to mothers. This man bought a supply of tobacco with out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at less expense than cheap tobacco. SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this paper so that every chewer lias had an opportunity to get acquainted with the facts and know that drugs are not used to produce the cheering quality found in the famous Piedmont country due-cured tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he ought to chew. Still there are chewers who accept other and cheaper tobaccos that do not give the same pleasure. The Ashboro Courier says there :s a ladv living near White House, :n b.'andolph county, wilo is wear ing an apron pun by her grand mother 70 odd years ago. It is we!! preserved and looks as new as the dav it was made. HOMI--MADU CATARKH CL'KI-. . v nil- riiu inis rii;ht .it Imiuc 'lie lut rci: it-. I v hi lis kni.l kni.wii I'lif n.uii. "I v.-ii'tM-" ',K to. II 1" On- III. ion:!!.: I I... si i'j.'HH. It -iliiio-,-,t. In-c.mi- III . l.i III pi III ill ill IV iii Hutu tin- I.1,.,. it itllil 'i-iii i',trv vt-t it;,- i.l r.iliinhu! i.i"ni. 1 .1 1.-v 1 IlLT t 111- iHIll .Hill till' III ill-.M-f, Mil ii .il'i't ' lii-rc liiulfil lo j.ii'tMri tin-lir!iir- l.rtl'lHIU illiv ..inl ill.ll IIi.U'V mi. Ii. ill u'liu-e 1'lilul rxli M t 1 1 uule'ion. i.iiic inir.ri l "tupi'iim! Kui'-in unit ill.'-,-i.ii'urs , uuipiitinil Sjitip S.usip.uiila 1 1 , Is w,' II anil iho in ti-ispiHinliii ilost" alt. r ...u-h nii'iii ami ;it licdiitiH'. i ii.s : i li.irfu'i-s. iiii-xpi lisnc initi!i(., h! Ii i .is p. ciili.ti .n titm ilpnii iIh-i'Ihii- llll'IM- M-sm. Ill' tilt' lil'tllt. s. .IsMstni i: i iu (ii liltt-r antl stiain Irtini llif sw, i,, i .il.ii i pi'lstnis. uliirli, if nut i-Litli-t-.tu.l, ait- al'-t'il't'il liy lli iniu'ini- mem Itrai.c, .aitt an itj.eli s.,,ie ur i-atallli i.- t.f l-sll'l i i' l'.irt- st'im'uiiil trv it, as it i.-thi.' pii--'-iir inn -a an ,'r.iun'iit c.itiirrh sp.iist 'it' ii.iPni'.il rcpiitntiuii li is still a matter of conieeture as i i where P. H. Jones, the Char lotte defaulter is. Detectives are or. a sharp, lookout lor him. Auditors have found no further shortage in Ir.s sccounts, the defalcations re ma:n;ng $i2,(HI0. CI'KIIS ALL SKIN TKOIT.LLS. Surphur the Accepted Remedy for a Hundred S- ears - : i .li ii l is mi'. "I 1 hi- i:: ..i 1 1 -1 "mi i-'lii-s 'I..: i, i-w r izai- tn ln..'i I'm-i1- J.lnsi.iu, k". ' is it i-iiu-s sia .,.,,1 M, i,, ,t tl. ill'-Irs li i II, K S l.liil'lliSl 1. 1111 K.-l'al.i-"'l " Lift 'In lull I'fli'-lil III lll'isl r , T i v ni in; I'liia. I inn'l tain- Mi'.!iili- "tal-lets" i. , ii- is" ur jiowrti-ri-rt siilpiinr in inu- IIAM iit'K S I.I'.'I llisl t.Pllt t; tl l.lkl' lll'l J't I'-' t ill lis Hi-. iT'll-ls K-ll It I'll knuiMi ritii-ii ill liitivilit, pa., "I lia. li.ul iin i-is-Fu, at i'it case is 'l. t lull , nil uf la il-il all"! - "ina tuf twt'iity tiM- vials I haws'-. in .",11... Il, til. - "I III,''t'lli. "i -Mr ul .'iii II M i '. K's I lijl III I'll I 1; iilYI'MI ST. :u .! in.,, I t.-.l 'null 1 liart a hlalul 11,-w pair ul SI I as l! huils. It has i ut, il tn,' anil I a'n i . riaiii li mi ! in re aiivuiH- il tlu-y piasist m usin II !'i i". Ks I !i,'l Hi. -I l.rilt l; ai.i-r- llili..' la lllll'l'siulls. Hi i t in: l.i". a u. I " ','m J. A. ALSTON FINE inn y ImiAli 't I'liOVISIONK, ( iifsrn suit TdIuk co. .., W itshiiietoii A vi. , ftiiil Kirn! Strwl, VteMnn N. C. Ill Jl-lT FOLEYSHONIYHCAB for thitdrmnt aft, tun. JVo ep4ae WE FURNISH I.) A HOYU. FEAST to every une whir buy their (rroeeriei At mir slore. All the neiitonahle tlelti'u ries are fonnrt in onr "tnre the year round. CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN WARE !) Wiiwlen anil Willowware, Etc. ji) GooUs delivered promptly any- ) where in town. l'ohto clerks. )') Phone No. HI) j R. M. PURNELL, WKLDUN. K. C. fOttYSKlDHIYCURi MakM KMiMy mm4 Bmd4r Right n 4 if A -1 ftfctrij Some day they'll get a tar.te of the real Schnapps they'll realize what rrioytnent they've missed by not getting SCHNAi'l'S long ago then they'll feel like kicking thtmselve... SCHNAPPS ir, sold everywhere in 5 cent cuts, and 10 and 15 cent plugs. Be sure you get the genuine. EST WfflML ml ll UNITED STATES Weldon, .Reasons for Soliciting; Your Business. l-IRST. We are the first and only Depositary of l!. S. (ioxern ment funds in this section of laistern North Carolina. SliCONI). Our management has had twenty-one years e-.perienee in the banking business; and as a National Dank iner and Receiver in charge of National Hanks. THIRD. W e make colleetions on every banking point in .North Carolina at the lowest hanking rates and makes a spec ialty of hanking and commercial collections. pot RTM. W e allow a reasonable interest on time deposits; an en couragement to thrift and saving. 01-nCERS: Wm. M S. Burgwyn. Pres. Sam'l P. Patterson, V-T'res. Nati"i,.u ll.uilc Ia.iiiiiiii i si;i-lini:i Man l.,un,ik,' Mills i n atnl ;,,.,s- iiiui.v Jl'i': 'n James T. (iooch, Cashier, Ma or ol Weliliin ami t S l "Hiuiiss.uinrr A CARD. DNOR & . isi i il.Ti 0 7IW.7II.7M L". liroad Promise von a treat in Spriivj; IJne of Choice Purniture, Our Selec. Hons are exceptionally attractive this Season and prices are right. If not convenient to come w rite us for Blue Prints. pvni nn o ntti'm i v i irinrnn m . l . aiu.un a niiULti, "c, W.W.KAY, n r amiiy Grocer. WKI.DON, X. C. I kep the Ik-sit of every thing in my Iii -. I'Dliti'atteiition to all at Kuy's. ,ii? u It w A I.T K l( K. DANIEL Wkuh.n, N. c. I'l m turn in tliruiir.- fit' Halifax ami NVrtliHiitptim ainl in llif Sunrfint ami trx rutirtM. t'nlifctinn 11 ul in nit (nirtmil Ntirlh Caruhnu. Hi.iiK-h otXwm it II ihtux, N. l, on'invrry Moiulay. Plant Wood's Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES & FLOWERS. Twenty-eight years experience our own Heed farms, trial irMiintls and larpre warehouse) capacity pivo us an equipment tliat is unsurpassed anywhere fur Rupplyiuir the best Beds nlitainahle. Our trade in seeds ) both lur the ' Garden and Farm is one of the largest in this country. We are headquarters for Grass tunl Clovar Seeds, Seed Outs, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Soa Beans and other Farm Seeds. V. ood's Descriptive Catalog ylvi'i iuIIit nml more complete lnfor tii'iiliin Rlnnit Imu'i tisrrlen and Finn tsiv.l.s limn iiny other Hlmllar pnblli'a tiin tssui'il In this cuuntry. Mailed iiimj on rt'iim-st. v, rite for It, FOLEYSHONETTAR Cures Celdsi PpernaU Paetiaieala I IQt. IP 113 EU iiiMi ou if.jutt, rite for It, T,W. WoodS. Sons, Seedsmen, DEPOSITARY. N. C. HUND 'I: I St.. Richmond. Vn. ft the iimmv timi ,f th,.;,- II 1 LLAUtnj, Kicnmonu, n The origiflal LAXATIVE cough remedy, For roughs, colds, and 11111? troubles. No opiates. Nim-alcohnlic! Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is in t Yellow package. Kef use substitute. Prepared only by Foley A Company, Chicago. For sale by F. Cl.AhK, Wi ld, ,11. N. t . SASH, DOORS, BLINDS.! MANTKI.s!, ril KS A (lllAl l s, HAKDWAItK, l'AIVISVC I KANK T. CI AI'K UiMI'WV lli. ..ll"lk. la. J.H.Howard&Co HKAI.KUS l r.AVV AM) FANCY n 1 We have the best line of i .riu-eries in' town. When in iieml Jof aiiythiiiK in Grocery Line Cull on us. Our stin k is fresh. Hive us .your trade FOLEYSHOIOTTAR tops tHm coati and Heals lunrfr ft n i w II rni n'p ruLL 1 a HONEYandTAR v$ wVy We bought several carloads A A iU Before the big advance in price and can, today ::::::: Undersell the Factories, Complete line in everything needed in -A Building From the brick foundation Give us a trial order and be we can save you money. fierce - Whole 7v- 1 ) FOR .Vu'uuuiWu 'aVr.Vii .', iili i'li Uit-u : ... . llnMrfS-1 1 t it ill SIS "A ' ? . 4 Mi ,-, jjllp-Ai ClGs HING j FURNITURE! We Have The Finest Line of Household and Kitch en Furniture, Parlor Suits, Mattings, etc., Iher Brought to this section. Our line of Crockery, :Tin and Willow ware, TLWU.AMM. J Wagons, Carts, T N STAIXHACK. - - - I'll ' ! P I (fefffl I l AT lArF II oik teL are known the world over for QUALITY and TONE- It one. Small weekly or monthly payments is all we soon own a good Organ and not miss the money. WELD OK FURNITURE COMPANY, YIELD 0 11 f - fJoffffi CoLi. v$ v$ 9$?$?,$ . . . A IS ,11 House Whitehead Hardware CompanY ' rv WELL-DRESSED MEN. j ar All u .( u-hi ir ii'j',( U .1 ru uf . iV u iV IrSticii rti riVii it itrin w HY wniild vnu spend your money for poor fit ting clothes when vou tan for the same money get a fit equal to the very hest tailor-made clothes ? You would hardly do this if you only helie cd the following statement : UNLESS YOU ARE DEFORMED, WE CAN FIT YOU PERFECTLV, Come to my store and give us ihe chaiue to demonstrate, to prove the truthfulness of this ns-sertion. Go-Carts, etc. is complete. ALL m niUSCIrX r.,!, I'ASKKr.JANO ltl'l!IAt uobfx-w Busrsrics. !- CiwiLrino- WMMEAN Ten Days Trial! If ORGANS . 1 . of : : : : : fry? to the tin roof M convinced that - VA 1 u UL ii u iirr j ,K, uV u",'. I v., -.--a 11 r r , . K t V.'T'i i h.,.: c, WKU)() X r w m t is your privilege to own ask. Try it and you will U J i' 7 ii i j 1 1 :4 4 U 4 l! 4 4 4 4 4 4 4