J fW i M ti& Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. ', rms of Subscriptitm-SI.SO !Vr Annum VOL. XLL WKLDON. N. ('.. TIiri'iSDAY. WWW. A. U07 NO. I MM; CAP ! AM'(,1ct.il)leIVi'pnr.ilio:ilirA! ' similulni!ihchvJ.iiii!lK'iila i ling llw Stouwclts ami Howls of , i i I'runioles Dicseslion.Clnvrl'ur i i nessatvllii'si.i'oiilcijnsiit'iihi'i' I ojmim.Morplimf norMmenil. i yOTXAHCOTIC. Hi A SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. She's RiRht. Let the Family Dead Sleep Together For Infants and Children. av ifiM&SAM 'fit nnmw mtyjctit Settl' Ukt4i ilit - f HirmSiJ Clmhtd M?r J hta&pim rtavwr Apetlecl Roni'Hlv forConsljvt lion, Sour .SloiftidU1inirhovi Worms ,( onvulsionsiVvmsh mss nnd Loss of Sleep. hac Simile SOnAlurr of XF.W YORK. The Kind You Have Always Sought r Bears the - i bianature in Use For Over Thirty Years iit',,.u'ririwi!wwfiy ". ICASTOB fib TM I CtNTAUM COMN, NIW VOM CITV. OE 30 The : Bank : of : Weldon WKLDOX, N. ( Organized Under Tie Lais of tie Slate of North Carolina, Ariil'STidTII, Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aii Surplus, $38,000. Fuk 14 years this in-.tiiutiiin hits pioutitd lutik.i'it tiiril'.tns for this Het-tioti . It Hto-ktiolit.TN ami directors haw 1 f . iilt-nniied w iih the business interests til Halifax ami N..n lii.rnpt.ni niuiitw-s lor many yerrs Money is loaned tiMn approved securit? at ilo- IijmI lute ut iti Irrt-a -six per eentu'ii. Accounts of ail are solicited. .-V, the dinner station w here we stopped one day on a certain Ten nessee railroad almost the first sight which greeted the eye of tl'.i " w ho got oil' w as a rough bu rial box on the platform, and seat ed near it was an old black woman ; with a handkerchief to her eyes. When kindly asked the cause of her sorrow she pointed to the box and replied: "De old man's in dar. " "Your husband?" "Yes; died two days ago back yere in the kentry." "And what are you doing with the body here?" , "1 wants to bury it at Cfurlestown 'butl hain'i got money enough to take it on de railroad." "What nonsense !" exclaimed a man as he came forw ard. "What's : the difference where a nigger is buried? They want her to bury it here, but she won't. She's de- : termined to lake it to Charles tow n." "For what reason ?" asked the passenger, w ho had put all the previous questions. "Kase, sah, all de fo' chill'en is buried up dar, an' his mudder an' sister, an' de poo' old man will be lonesome down 'ere. " "What bosh!" growled the kick er. "Look here!" whispered the oilier, as he went over to him. "I'd rather be a nigger with her soul than to be a white man with yours. She's right. Let the fam ily dead sleep together. " He entered the express office, , paid for the shipment of the body, j bought the w idow a ticket to i Charlestown, and then drorped a j ten dollar gold piece in her hand ami sail!: PKKSHIKNr. W. F- u.WIl l, VU'E-PUF-lllKV I llr.ll Win, IS. (Ja;Uiii. VilunuN i V l I A-iillKK: w v. )u. GARRETT & COMPANY, Aiiiei'icaiii 9 5 1 X.K u KKSi-rur ESTABLISHED ItCvj. SPECIALTIES: m $&uiDiftiiirAPr d n r a u o n t a s 3 (WbitcHrupperuKum lKt hoiiipernoug) X? M OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY w 5 HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA W iKKlL'hiiupaKiie) ( fry Srupprrnnuii) PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL M jj (Spiii k linu Cliiiiup.ignei Anil all oilier varieties d! l'nrr uimI WlmleMiiue Wines Im liuniiw anil lmlel u-e w MHigbeiit Cash Hriceii ''anl in Season lor all kiial ot'mall iriiiiH, t'rai-. eti1.- y Wtern Kraueh, St .ouw. Mo Home OiI'iit. NoKKOI.K. V v 5 SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY funeral, i head- "Cove him a decern mammy, and this w ill put 1 board to mark ihe grave." "May de Lawd bless you for!" , But he hurried in to snatch a bite to eat. When he was gone ' I made inquiries as to his identity, and found a man who replied: 1 "Whv, that's Colonel ,of ! Alabama. He ow ned over 300 slaves when the war broke out." Indianapolis Sunday Mcssen- ger. Verdict for Dr. Pierce AOAIS'ST TIIK 5tnJlng truth alter a He. It l an old Diaim tiuii "a he will travel seven Ii'ajfiiis while truth is irettititf its hoots on." uml iioilouht limiilri'ds of thiusaials ol (.'tioj people reail tln unwarranted anU malicious attack ujiou Or. 11. V. I'iertd ; a1 a hi " Favorite l'reseriptli.n"pul'lish(sl In the. May 0'.'l i,u:ulnT ol the LaJu s' Home .Journal. :th its (treat hia. k dis play headintts, w ho never saw thu huiu b, (irovi-iin retraction, with its ineoii Bpiciiiiii" hi'aillim. pul'lish.'d two month lut'T. It was Ih)I.11v charged in the laiiil eroiis and HOeluu article that Or. l'l.-ree's Vavoriti! ly.-i'r'p'eiii. ("r the euro of . 'man's Wfakli'-ses alul ailments, con tained alcohol and other harmful mcred'. eu's. lr. 1'ierce iromptiy hrtiiirfht suit acainst the puhllshors of the Ladies' home Journal, lor I'.uo.iXi.iO dauiaci's. Or. IVivu all.uitl that Mr. llok. tlm dilor, maliciously published the article :ontaiinni! ueh (aie and defamatory matter wit the intent of Injuring his businesxfurthermore, that no alcohol, or olher fcjurious. or halut-forniin(t, drufj ,er iveri-, contained In hi "fa vorite resmption ' ; that said medicine Is iii.o!:iin native medicinal roots and cont:iisuit harniful InKreilieuts what- d that Mr. HoU's niallclous state- nii fy were wininy and at'vilute.y la.se. 11' . W 'Ti; ii. : . 1" a'.Kii' 1 w 111,.'. L i.l I v lr(.eifelfrft1Krr7ni.il llu'u'''i'u''ai' ci-lioi iiiianTTiriJic am J'-d harmlUi driin-' Tli.'.. fa, t, ai't,' iImi I'lovell 111 lliiTlidToT I MB CXpUSlLlUll L,1IIC; To Norfolk ; Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va., April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Kates from Weltlon: Hound trip season tickets, $3. hit; Round trip 60-day tickets. $3.20; Round trip 10 tickets, $2.90; Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2.10. Coach KxcornioD rate sold prior to opeuing date :ind ou earh Ttietday Ihercafter, limited sevea dava ami eudonwd "Not iood in Hkepinir arid 1'ulluian 1'arlor ram." Juliet tuketagj on sale April Htli and rontiuue until clone ol r.xMxoinoii- nKo nuVffi in tin tlie a.'tioti in llu uii-:in li'iirt. Hut tlm tu-iiifH .-f lr. r.i-r.'f wh n-ily mjnn-ii hy tl.f MihM.-Bil..n ..f ih- IUk-I.-u- irn. Ii' wiih ll-.ltr.nili-.pl lM'ihiiv-. hil' liui'tiii ilt of 1 1 o 'ii mi ml h. rml Hit- i Ui'.iiv th-f iiiit.'ry aril. ! ii.'V.-r iw ihf lurtrMo i-it-vrln ir n lr.'i urn. at-i In Miit II ii i"' unil n . a u ts un'nn fcili L.tlls ..,. l.t l ilt' lliftHrf W , h"W Pi'1 I iM1lil ht'futf H itiry 111 lilt' MII'M ltlK C.mr' .-f Nnv ..rl. wln li 1 .n..ily nihin. t a vn.U. i tit Hi- I '-.if', favor. Tl.us In-. 1 1 tttliii . i . i' a iii' t.ik'iiif and tlietf Lam- liiut;is nviti 1. ,'.u vc Delicious iscuit Hot MADE WITH YAL BAKING POWDER are the most appetizing, health ful and nutritious of foods Much depends upon the Baking Powder qnvii. RiKiNrt CO , SF-VVOR. "GOING HOME." THI: Vi:IHI K' WHEN THE GREEN GITS BACK. BY JAMliS WHITCOMB RILEY. In spring, when ihe green gits back in ilie trees, And the sun comes out and stays, And yer boots pulls on with a good light squeeze, And you think of yer barefoot days; When you on to work and you want 10 not, And you and yer wife agrees It's time to spade up the garden-lot, VC'hen the green gits back in the trees C'ell! work is the least o' my idees When the green, you know, gits back in the trees ! When the green gits back in the trees, and bees Is a-buzzin' aroun' ag'n In that kind of a lay go-as-you-please Old gait they bum roun' in; When ihe grotin's all bald where the hay-rick stood, And the crick's nz, and the breeze Coaxes the bloom in the old dogwood, And the green gits back in the trees, I like, as I say, in sich scenes as these, The time when ihe green gits back in the trees ! When the whole tail-fethers o' Winter-time Is all pulled out and gone ! And the sap it thaws and begins to climb, And ihe swei it starts out on A feller's forred, a-gittin' down At the old spring on his knees I kindo' like jest a-loaferin' roun' When the green gits back in ihe trees Jest a-potterm' roun' as I durn please When the green, you know, gits back in ihe trees ! NEVER HAD TIME. There was an old fellow who never had time For a fresh morning look at the Volume Sublime; Who never had time for the soft hand of prayer To smooth out the wrinkles of labor and care; Who could not rind time lor thai serv ice so sweet At the altar of home, where the dear ones all meet, And never found lime with the people of God, To learn the good w ay that the fathers have trod ; But he found lime to die, O, yes : He found time to die. This busy old fellow, too busy was he To linger at breakfast; too busy was he For the merry, small chatter of children and wife, But led in his marriage a bachelur life; Too busy lor kisses, 100 busy for play, No lime to be loving, no lime to be gay ; No time to replenish his vanishing health ! No time io enioy his swift-gathering wealth; But iie found time to die, O, yes ! He found time 10 die. This beautiful w orld had no beauty for him ; lis colors were black and its sunshine was dim. No leisure for woodland, lor river or h:ll, No time in his life just to think and be still; No lime for his neighbors, no time for his friends, No lime for ihose higher, immutable ends Of the life of a man who is noi for a day. But, for worse or for better, for ever and aye; But he found lime 10 die, O, yes ! He found time to die. There They Shall Be At Home In The Continuing City. It is w ritten on the facts of tile way-worn pilgrims that t meet And ttie tender legend, mutual to the universe, should temper every glance, every word, every thought touching those w ho fate the w ay with u. By this .vgn we are brothers, and between ourselves and the light w e should hold even the page of a blotted life, and trae the faint white words "going home." We must not sit in judg ment upon ihe night pilgrim, who is on his wav home. It is written on the milestone of life. An angel index ever points onward, and he whose desires are for a better country reads, and with "steady step and level eye" presses on toward the sunset land, beyond which lies his home. For him the while couch of death is spread in vain; on him he siren's song is lost; for him ihe glittering ; coffers of mammon hold no en chantment. Invisible things have riveted his regard. He is going home. Ii is w ritten on the tombs of the ! departed. For a thousand years or more they may slumber in the ' utter silences, but the fadeless pass port, still inscribed by eternal lin gers, adorns the ages above them; and ihe very dust may slumber on in hope; for in its mother's lap it still is going home home to the new earth that shall be made. There they shall be at home in the continuing city, in the belter coun try, within whose borders no de sire is born that sighs for the be yondfor itself is the blissful be yond. So read the motto of the race, So heed the passport to the skies, We Trust Doctors 1 1 Sometimes it's calm and some times rough, But, lei it shine or rain. About it people talk enough To make the w eather vane. r'itburg Pom. It's vain about its shape --you're 1 right; Just take my quiet tip Open the door most any night And see the weather strip ! Cleveland Leader. So many garbs it has, in fact, In grades from hot to cold, The w either bureau must be packed As full as it can hold. Boston Transcript. "Lis meet that we each change should greet Without vain mutterings; We can't, however, buy our meat With any change it brings. Chicago Record-Herald. If o 11 impure are suit en ng I to in Mood, thin blood, de- biht, iici '. oumil v., exhaus tion, im should htgiii at once w i;h A er's S,ir.,aparilla, the Saisaparilla ou have know n all our life. Your doctor kmiH s it, too. Ask him about it. A iers aynrl'o . I,nw(.U. iiiiifWL'lurur. of MtIK Mlilllt. ll I LI k'l kill k'BV IMivKllHI.. A n llil WUKKS, ;- !.. :;i til.n STlllCKl', ri:n:i;.siH va. M AM KAl II Kiais OK Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, j Agricultural ! Implements. Millet I out Stffl A; Alexundrr AT NAPOU-OVS TOMB. i tiiundi r iiiitl iiiarlmii.i-, with .ill p;ittt'rns 1 w aw lmu pivji.irfd l fii niisli parts to machines lornierty ni ule by them. i HYDRAULIC PRESSES ., shown i PEANUT MACHINERY!. An American w .is beinp the tomb ol Napoleon. As the, ..... W(irk , , ,, ... TllV home, lllV rest, thy dwelling ! HHUavlOU gUUlc leleiuu to me a , s.m! 1,. ,al'liim.rvrorsalc.-l-ai.. Cull place Before thee lies. The New Pure Food and Drug Law WY arp picitsfii In iinuiiuiHe tluit l olcy's Hiwiry anil Tiir lur uuiiilis. otitis ;tlnl hint; tnuiblfs is nut iitltrtrti liv the National Pure Kootl ami I'ni( law as it routains uo u(ilatt-s ttt ntlier haonlul tituixs. unil we ri'uuntiientt it a sate reiitftly lur clnUlren ant! adults l ur sale liv I'.. Cl.irlt, WYMnu. V C. The faster a man travels harder it is for him to pay as goes. the he How to Avoid Appendicitis Most viitiius ut'apni'iniicitis are tliosr wli,t ate habitually euustipated. Orino l.asative 1 run .rut eures eonstipatiou by stiinul.ituii; tlif li er iiml bowels anil resttues the natural net lull oi the bttveM Oiino l.axame Tout Syrujt tloes u,it uau seate or irripe ami is unlit mi! pleasant to lake. 1,'einse substitutes, l or sale bv E. I'lark. Wei, lull. N ('. nous points ol interest m connec tion w ith the tomb the American 1 paid ihe greatest attention to all that w as said. "This immense sarcophagus," ; declaimed the guide, "weighs for- j ty tons. Inside of that sir, is a ; steel receptacle weighing twelve ions, and inside of thai is a leaden casket, hermetically sealed, weigh- ' itig over two tons. Inside of that ' rests a mahogany coffin containing the remains of the great man." For a moment the American w as ; silent, as if in deep meditation, j Then he said: j "It seems to me that you've got j him all right. If he ever gets out, cable me at my expense. "Sue-: cess. on us or write l,.r what vou want. (ireat Reductions For Cash A Din:!) AM) A WORD Lots of men are others because ihey selves. suspicious of know ihem- - M' Sniyniii " U 'JO 'J." lid Mtuiietle riiLis, ft. 17 7f) I'.'V ('lima Matting, l()t -'i' " " Ihr. 'J-c. Jaipur M- " 17c. n',V Wool C'arpelin 4llc. 'ifie. Window sh.uies, iUtr. " " :i7jc u.'u' 'J yuril h uli' Linoleum, 7oc T ."if " ' " tiiK' ti.V FhN.r (til ('l.)th. 1 !t." AxniinstcrCaipttin, Hitr 1 -in UJx'Jo lMt'ture IVuim-s, Hfic Wall paper. 4. . ;iiul lie per roll Mr. . L. liiMwii, ui N .iwie. W 'a.f vTiit-x: "1 wan :t MiO'e'er Irom kidney dtHi- .to ilut at limes 1 could not t uut el bed. and ulit-n I did I cuiild tint . ?.? runt -t raitrlit I i.nk Foley's Kidnev 1 uif. hie dollar Initt.e and pait ol tin st cond cure! nn entirely " Foley's Kid ney t ui- works wonder- where other are total failures For sale hy F. l laik, Weldon. X. t. 1-very boy knuws several men he expects to whip when he grows up. F.rl atarrli, let nir semi on tree, just to prove merit, a tnal mi of Or. liiwip s Catai rh lieinrd . It is a snow white, ereamv, licahnt: antiseptic balm that :ivc instant rrhel t tin- I aturrh oi tin- nose and thin.it Make tin- tree tot and see. Addies Or. hoop, Kacuic, Faiu- lavs .toe. Sold bv W. M. Cdien. WcbU.n. N". r. There's nobody snian enough when he grow s up to live up to the reputation his parents gave him when lie w as a baby. CLARK. E. T- ATTORNEY AT LAW, WET.UON, N. C, I'raetii'es in the courts ol' llalilai and , Mljoinin counties, ami iu the Kupreme I court ol the State.. SH;ciul attenttnitiven t wind cnlie, ami is the best teiiiedy lur If a girl doesn't wan! to be kissed she is very deceitful. I' Oil l) 1 11 l M 1 Hit MllS. WlNSI.tlw's Slllll MIMI SYlit V M lieni used litr over 'in years by millions o' mothers fur their children while teething, with perfect success. It snothes Ihechihl. wilteiis the Rums, allays all pain: cures tl e.lle.'ttnttt. H't'l prrtmp rturn D. 1:. STAIN HACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Tire Insurance. Hh.:d4c Sews Ottice -:- ein N t; For niton trom other points, upnlv in your nrirmt SEABOARD ig'nt, rmentatives named below. or rep- . Iliairh.tea It ill icln ve the ptK.r little sutlercr immediately. Sold br dru'sls in every p.iititfthe world. 'I'wentyllve cents a buttle, lie slue ami ask fol "Mrs. Wiuslitw'i Stwttluni! yrup," and tiike nu other kind. Guaranteed limit r the l'ood and lrin Act. June Until. HmnI. Serial liuniliel llltw. l'lic Nes -it I'ii re 1 "run l'oui;li l ute t l.iws Moulil be uee'lctl. H ail Culi:li! urt't. weiv hkc 1'r. sliiNtp't.1 oiijih I urc is and ha bcn lor 'i" etis I he iiliitu.ll I aw , now ietilires that if any powitis i ntel In- t oull lilixture. It must '.e punted on tlie I tl'i l or p.u kiUie I'm t'us ie; i ni'Ulieis, antl oihcrs, 1 . I,. .1' ' .1 m.'.t i ti,.r I lr StltMip'sl Ollvll inn. No pinion nniiks mi Mr shtMtp's , I. ibt Is and liiine in the medicine, else it i must bv Ian lie on the label Anil Its not ! only sale, bin il is said to be by tliuse that 1 know il best to be a remarkable conh ' remedy. Take no chance, particularly j with your children. Insist tin liaviuc 1'r. Slump's t'.MiLih Cure Compare carelillly the slusip pai kaite with others and see No poison marks Oiere! Yon can always I be nu the sale side liv ilc niandiliK "f. 1 slump's Couuh Cure. Simply relusc tti ac cept iinv other, Sol.l iiv W. H. Cohen. Weld' 11. N. C. One of the things that go with out saying is speechless amazement. lvet is the Krc.it restorer. We tire our muscles bv exercise unit then rest to re store llieni; yet a rcitmany of us do nut Mop to think how llllie rest we cjve to out stoin.e lis . a usual tiling im part ol our iHtilies is wt yeiu'ia'tly oven.otktsl s our digestive organs. A tueil ami over worked stoin.u li will nive sins of distress to which we pay no heed until at last Ilys pepsin takes hold. Indigestion is just a warniln:, we can easily avoid further eon stHueiicis. KolUll. is ti mast thorotiKli stomach relief It diesis w hat you eat and gives the stomach ihe needed rest mid greatly assists m restoring it to its normal a'tivily laid usefulness. Kiidol sohl on a guarantee relief plan. Suld by W M. Cuheu, Woldou, N. C. A lutle stream had lost its way Amid the grass and fern. A passing stranger scooped a well, W here weary men might turn. He walled it in and hung w ith care A ladle at the brink; I He thought not of the deed he did, ; Bui judged thai all might drink. . He passed again, and, lo, the well, By summer never dried, Had cooled ten thousand parching tongues j And saved a life beside. A namesless man amid a crowd Thai thronged ihe daily man Let fall a word of hope and love I'listudied. from the heart; A whisper on ihe tumuli thrown, A transitory breath. ! It raised a brother trom ihe dust, i It saved a brother from death. () germ, O fount, O fount of love, O thought at randon cast, j Ye were but little at the Hist But mighty at the last ! ; - -Charles Mackay. Doing lousiness Again. When tuv Ineiids ihouulit I was about i to take leave ol this world, on account ol itiduiestion, nervousness and i feral debil ity. ' writes . A. t liilto!tn, Treadwoll, N. V., "and when il looked as if there ; was nu hope left. 1 was persuaded to try i Klectrie I'.itli is, and 1 iijiiice to say that they are curini: me. i am now doinn bus iuess again as ol old, ami am still gaining daily." best tonic medicine on earth. Guarunieed by any druggist. dt'c. A I Vlii.K srm K (IK Talking Machines, , Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, j ami supplies on hand at all times, tit the very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS. wixnov, n. c. CMOICH ROSES ! Carnations, Violets and other flowers, always on hand. Shower Wedding l!ou.iicts, Handsome I'loral Designs. Tot ami out door bedding plants, To mato, ( alibage and other Vegt table 1'lalits, Magnolias. (Irtlers ptoluptly execliteil. Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STEINMKTZ, I l.nltlsT, UALKIIill, NtlUTH CAKOLISA. I 111 lv Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcemeni of Improved Schedules. T, P. ANDERSON, C. H. GATT1S, iraTriung rasaeugrr Agent, nairigu, l v. The average poem is just as silly even if you w rite it yourself. fnitnctlT ..lilainfd. or rtl RCTURNCO. 10 ?! KXSlaiCNCC. urn GHARcitanl THK LOWEST. Hiisl, !. iihutit ut ketcl. rr ripfrt .io It una Inst n-n,i1 on pali'iiuhtlltj.. INFRINOIHCNT stun tsMttlut'twl bi'furfl U C'tlrtA I'stftil. plssmtsl UipiiiKti ADVCa TISIO Uil tOLO, rrv. TRAOt-MARKS, PIAV IMS AJld COPYRIGHTS qtutklr uSIAUwd. Opposlts U. Potent OtTios, WASHIMOTON, O. O. A mother thinks it's queer hat she can't leach her daughier to avoid the things she could never be taught to avoid herself. "I'reveiitics" will proniptlv check ucold or the Grippe when lake early or at the "suet ze. .stage'Tri'Tenties curelong seated colli a as well. 1'reventics arc little candT ctild cure tahlets. and Or. ShiMip, Itacinc, Wis. will gliully mail you samples antl a book on colds free, il you write him. The samples prove their intuit. Check early colds with 1'reventics and stop rneiimo iiiu. Sold in "ie and ti.'ic. boies t or sale by W. M. Cohen, Wehlou, N ('. Tirkot Agtnt, Woldon, N C. Does Colle disagree w ith you? Proba bly it does! Then try lr. tihnop'a llcaltli C'utlee "HeBlth Coli'ee" is uc ever coinhi na ion of parched cereals and nuts. Not a itriuii ot real otlee, reiueinln r in or. : Snoop's Health Cottee, yet its Havor und taste lUBteltes closely old .lava aud Moelia 1 Collee. 1 f your stomach, heart or kidneys can't st.uitl Coffee driukinn, try Health 1 coffee, it is whohime, nourishing, nnd ; It s funny when you catch your j The man of letters may j i"K h nice evenior the yonngest j wjre snorjnK) i,ow s,e pretends to j willing to let his wife read i pur sale by w T. Parker, Weidou, n. a h ive a bad cold all the next day. I them. The less grit a man has ihe easi er for him to grumble. "Pneumonia's Deadly Work had so seriously affected my right lung," writes Mrs. I'annie Connor, of Kural lioute 1, Georgetown, Tenn., "that 1 coughed continuously night and duy and tha urigh 1 us' prediction consumption seemed inevitable, until my husband brought home a bottle of Dr. King's New DiscoT ery, w hich in my case proved to be the only real cough cure and restorer of weak sore lungs." When all other remedies fail, you may still win iu the battle against lung and tlmwt troubles with New Dis covery, the real cure. Guaranteed hy any ' druggist, otic, and $1. Trial bottle free. j liven on the seamy side of life, 1 j things are seldom what they seem, j j ; This May Interest You No one is immune from kidney Trouble j so that iust remember that Foley's Kid- ' ney Cure will stop the irregularities and i cure ntiy case of kidney and bladder trou ble that is not beyond the reach of medi- icitie. j For sule by E. Clurk. Weldon, N. C. I SPUING AND Sl'MMKU not all Wise men always they leap for joy. look before What is it that tastes as pleasant as ma ple sugur and quickly relieves coughs and colds? Mothers who have used it will quickly aDswer; ''Kennedy's l.asative Cough Syrop." The pleasant cough rem edy that espels the cold through its laxa tive action on the bowels. Conforms strictly to the Pure Food anil Drugs Laws. Contains no opiates. Bold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N, C. MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick'i Patterns. It. & G. COIiSETS, M issea at 50c, Ladies 75c. to fl. MuPrices will be made to suit the times, Hats and Bonnet made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERH PROMPTLY FULFIL MRS. P. A. LEWIS) Weldon, N. C. r JL-h MtjaBvaaSi! if

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