p ni iu i)pi!j If W III 111 lib 11 w ISfSSStl Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. rms of Sub.scriptioii"$1.50 Per Annum VOI j. XLI. V KI,IM)N. N. ('.. TIH nsD.W. AIMill. II, 1M7. NO. U mm RESCUE THE PERISHING. Tlio Kind Yon Ifcivo Always Ilmi-lit, mill i.lii. !i hi- U-cn hi us for over ;Xt ,vr:irs, ..is lionic (it. .iiiahire of . li.is lici-ii r.sailf un.ln- liis imt- WW, -CUcAtt; Allow .i,mtO.a--."Wntl In lltbfc All CoimtriTcits, Iniita'ioiK :n'.i Jus; .as.mul ' tiro tint KXicr(jiiklil.-i that triili v.ttll a'..( -iu(:i:i;.vr tin" licallli of Infants am! ( liildrcii-r.xiH'i'i.-iicK :ii;:iiis'. i : 1 1 rinuiit. . What is CASTORIA Clistnnti is s: tiamil.'sM .institute l.ii- IV.s'.iie Oil, I'uro-;'-i'. Drops iin.l Soul hihj;' Syrups. 11, is !i ;r ,mt. It cont'tiii.-' ui'i'li. i' Opium, 'k,-.-;!in.'- .. cilii'r Niuriillri Kiilistauco. Its iie'i1 Is ms '.iiaranli-r. i: -i my.! Wnnin .' in I allays C vi'i'istim's.s. .( ,'..iv. D:ar:-iM.:i i;nl Witul t'uli.. II, ri-?i -s 'Vi'cMirii": T i".-.t f il-v-.. .,.. iinsiiinttimi ami I'latuW'm'.v . i i. ux-.ni .hue:- t.(. i'.,,,,i, n'nlal. s tho Kloniucli ami lii.w.is, nt ii.'al(',i ':,u! nal mat sli-cp. Tim C'liiiili'iiu's I'niiiu'iu- 'I In- .(i.tl'i-' . " ' ' ii'iul . GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tiio Signature of 7 The Kind You I lave Always MM In Use For Over 30 Years. iHt erTun comh, tt Mutit at hi it, Ntw orn ft oz 3E 30 Ik : Bank : of : Weldon, WELDON, X. C. Organized Unlet The Laws of tlie Slate of North Carolina, AlKifSTSilTII, !!. State of North Carolina Depository, ; Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anfl Surplus, $38,000. TT OK 11 vpur-i this institution has ptovided lt.iiikit'i: fatalities lor thii H HtittiKt) lis ril'irkhol'lfis ;iimI iIii.i Uji.s h.ivr lirwi uli titilii-il with the 1- liu-im-! intt'iv-l" n! 11 i!ili ;i;nl Nrt H:niiplii titiiiit;cH lor w.;y yv irs Mont-y in Itt.iunl upon Ht'ur. st-t u i y ;'t ih hi;.tt rMv ul inlt n-t .six per emit! -il. Art'.iunl? r all ;iiv s dn ilt il. W. F, uAMI'i , vicK-i'ia -siiiKxr. Hr.ll W.I I W1S, (JaiUin. Yiiihamfiun l.n . N. I! ) W I'. SMITH. A ri'N American Pionrer 3$ (WbiteHrupiMrnauxl Scnpiii-nioucl yjjf. OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY : NIAWAIHA minntnni ESTAHi.l.sMV.D IH.U SPECIALTIES; '4 WeMeru Hruiii-h, Kt U, Mi. Home (Mliiv. voKI-Ot K. VA FT T1 'TTTIi'ir '.'"'''.'T'ln 'IT . -PAUL CAR'lETT SPECIAL Anil all other varieties ol I'inv an t W'h ilisoiu Winrstur luwu'a uml lmti-l n-r Mj. i liii1 all kinil.s ul -mall lruit. L'laprn li'.'T' SEA BOA I! I) AIR LINE RAILWAY THI: Exposition Line To Norfolk Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Rates trom Weldon: Hound trip season tickets, $J 80; Round trip 60-day tickets, $3.20; Round trip 10 tickets. $2.V0; Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2 10. Cuach Kirurioa rate will prior to .. -.injr il .tc ami on rai h 'I'ninlav lln'ri sfti r, liiniled ifrii ily anil endiirard ".Vol l"l in Sln pinii ami I'nlliiiiiii Parlor t ars." other ticket ki on Ktlo April lth uml i-untiniii" until i-Iosh of Kipusi'iun. For ratei trom other points, pl to.vourioir.-st SEABOARD K't. ' ri resentativofl nttmed bi'low. - Unexcelled I'assenRer Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. T, F. ANDERSON, C. H. QATTIS, Tick AfwI, Wnldon, N- C Trellim! I'asaeuger Arnt, Kaleib. S C. How Fanny Crosby Was Inspired To Write the Soul- Stirring Sour. 1 heard today a new l-'anny Cros by story, It came to nie in eon-iK-eiioit w iili a service in honor of her birthday. I low i'ureefully il eiiiiiliasi.es thi-. anopyiiinus eie: "Ours is the seed-time, (iod tiloiie Deliolds the end of what is sown; Dcyoiid our vision weak and din: The harvest-thncjshid with I Inn." The story relates to the binh of her hymn, "K'eseue the Perish ing." The a;ed authoress was at the Jerry McAuley Mission one evening many years ago. The sermon had been preached and the invitation given without any re sponse on the part of the unsaved present, when Fanny Crosby arose ' and said: "I wonder if there's not some ' mother's boy present, who is will . ing to stand up and say by that act ; that he has a desire to know Je sus Christ. For his mother's sake I would like to put my arm around ' hint, and pray for him." Away in the rear of the room a young man arose and said, "Yes, he's here." The young man was invited to ' the platform. Fanny Crosby put ; her arms of love about him, and i knelt with him in prayer. He ! 1 found Jesus Christ, and went out gloriously saved. As the aged saint and the wan- ! define boy arose from the prayer, , the former turned to the audience and said, "Friends, we ought to , rescue the perishing." In the sen- tence was the suggestion of the song. Instantly she addressed her attendant with the words, "Take me to my room, quick!" "Hes cue the Perishing." was written that night. 1 Fanny Crosby told this story, in substance, in a service in a little country town a lew years ago. A gray-headed man arose and inter- . rupted her as she spoke. "Miss Crossby, that's true. I'm the voting man of the j story. Clod has graciously kept me ! lischildeversincethatnight." How soul cheering the sequel to ' the simple touching story of the song' John R. Clements, in C. I:. World. Ma,fi .'Jl.-.J? What Ails You? Tin y.ill Ji-. l tti'iih. lil'M. li'piirivltMlt, i f'liU-lit li.M'Ui'h"'-. 'i'Htf.l tumiUe, !in-r ir I'.wi tii-if in li.-iniinir, "hf.irt t .u i u." ti. l.'hinu m! L'.t. iif.tl ri-iiius in tin- i:it .im.t citiiiL. "Hiiiu.-h u'li.tw nr hum, i.nil Uvatli. tli. iN. ur .i'ia!it" ;iililt'. ii.mc;t at tinu's ami Uitniri'il -; niploih-i'.' If ynTNyjvp any consUlprabh1 number of lhtMvi5uiptom! you an surtiTing froiiiilioumtoHnjiii livtT with indl- tMftlii':ll I jl-'J-'TV "':t'i lip "I Uf III"-. v.ilualilt' iini.ii..,n;jl in't t i i kii'u n lo Mb 11 al'Mi'llU.tl t-'iUf r'J. Il IS A llKol f f !; iv itii t liver iu hhjlUt, stomach tonic, lnv'l ri'tfulator ami tn-rvt stri'iiirthiMHT. i The "finMiMi M'''li'-a! I fifttv'rv " N not ii patent nit'tlicine r st-erft titl rum, n (iili li-t f iis iML'r.'.lit-hls U'uix printl i en it- lmttle-v rapin-r att-ti l umiT ; oath. A ir'aMrf at it- ftTintiKi will lmv . '.i; ul it CDiitaiiw in alt'fihul. or liarniful I ha'. tT -fi.rmiim .Il'iik-. It i a tluhl e tract j maul-with pun1. triplf-riMiie-tl rlvcerine, j of prtip'T i4! r us1 li, ii'tMu tin-rMi uf tht r.-l. iu ;n' n.itit-Auit-riran I.trt-t plants, Vi.. m'M. I . .i Mtut, St. .i' ri't'l, lihKK ; ClM irv'.arK, i;eeii'- mut. llhwHlrmil. and Mamlralx-roi.t. Tii- fnll.i itit: Intiliiiw' ttniiii'nl mil Ik'I illrt. i-.Tll.l'l;' li.l of M'lli-lv. .'M.lj I'lf f.-iv'.iin-; i'.hii-, fi.r ihi-i'iire if just n.Ti ;t 1 1 iik -1 1 1 - us the . dim , s,, nipt miiis ;titl i. '.H i- I'rol'. U. Hart In low. j M. IL. of ,1. -il .-rv n M.-tl. .liv.. I'hlhi ; I'n.f. Jl r w.i ul. 1 l ."t l'im "f I'a ; I't.if C.twin i. M. n. .r 1 1 i viiMiii mm. cmii. jf, Chi. tU": t'r.r. .ImIim U in.". M I'.. Autli.tr 'f i Ani. n. iti ii-.M ii-;ill.i. : I'n.f. .1 im. M S. nd t:. . '1 h., AiiiIii.i m' .. . ili.- M.'di. in. ; 1'n.f .. H. i .Ii.Ii.i-mii. 1 i . M. .( it I tiiv. N . l'i..f i i.il.-j I llii'c."!, M li;.iiil.Mr t.f Mnlrlia Mfh. :i ai"l l'i..f ) ll.tilii't! M.-tli-e.il t'.'lli:.-. ( in. ...I' '-nl ii.i'M.- rii.I :mI- ' ,M ,,.;( I'.mhI t -i'l t.. Ir I: V Tit i.'.-. Hut-I..I- . .. ;m"I i.- i- H"- I-- : i :'. . m : yl !'! flMft W ill nitf-. ( 'I.. I.V. Mr.-lli- rn' : il Inn s unit mi l.ci . nut. .t - it j. in the su . j t -si i,l.. itM, . :,. I. .M .1 .i t II. T 1 1 i i-il .if Wttl'll " 1 1 ' I I ll Mi.ll.Ml I'l-.tV- i Ik I'!. s I'l. -i-vit I'- H. tn r.-riiliir ir,1 tr .-..irii- -I. .it, a. h In. r nil Is 'I'li.'tf 1 ; In ...i. ...ii . i. -ll H,'h 'li.-'il.-.i '.V .1 . it Hl-.t.V. IV " if Ih I- :tt. II in ti ... t.tli4t.l 'H:OJ I tlUV 111 'I suut-.-.'att'U. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WK1.DON, X. C. j t'l.i.-Ocfs in tlie coiirtM ol llatilax mid ; iiai'"iMii.f .'tinntieH,unil in tlie Supreme 1 , I'onr' oitii siati-. Hp.'rial utteutioDfeiTen I t ' '..M..-t'... u.iil prompt rtnrr.N ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen sable to the preparation of the finest cake, hot-breads, rolls and muiFins. Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy other powders because they are "cheap." Housekeepers should stop and think. If such powders are lower priced, are they interior? Is it economy to spoil your digestion? The " Royal Raker and pastry Cook" containing over Koo most practical and valuable cooking re ceipts free to pvery patron. Send postal card with your full address. Alum is used in some baking pow ders and in must of the so-called phosphate powders, because it is cheap, and makes a cheaper pow der. Bat alum is a corrosive which, taken in lood, acts injuriously upon the stomach, liver and kidneys. ftOVAl BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. WIFE'S DREAM. Pray tell me, Mary, how it is that you can look so gay, When evening after evening your husband is away?' I never see you sulk or pout or say an angry word, And yet you've plenty of cause for tears, if all be true I've heard. II is because, my sister dear, a husband you've ne'er wed, To see your children gathering round and asking you tor bread ; You ne'er can tell how it becomes a woman's lot through life, To be even lo a drunkard's home a faithful, loving wife. And yet lean recall the time when bitter tears I've shed, When oft my husband stagger'd home, what angry words I've said; I never thought that I could be as cheerful as 1 seem, But this happy change was brought about by a simple little dream. One night as I sal waiting at our humble cottage door, And listening for my husband's step, as oft I'd done before, Some wicked thoughts came in my head, and bitterly 1 said : "1 never wish to see him more; oh would that he were dead !" Some say the wretched cannot rest, bin surely 'tis not so, For very soon I fell asleep, midst tears of grief and woe; 1 dreamed 1 had my wish fulfilled, my husband was no more, 1 fell upon his lifeless corpse and kissed him o'er and o'er. "Oh ! Dermet, darling, speak to me. I meant not what I said : Oh ! speak one word unto your wife; say, say, you are not dead. " "I am not dead, my Mary, dear" -I woke tip with a scream, And found my husband standing by- his death was but a dream. F'er since that time whene'er I feel disposed to be unkind. The warning of that fearful dream conies tresh into my mind ; Although it costs me many a pang to know the life he leads, I strive to greet him with a smile, when oft my poor heart bleeds. I'll humbly put my trust in Cod and ask for strength to bear The trials fie has sent on earth lor all of us to share ; And if by patience I can change my husband's wandering life, He'll bless the hour that dream w as sent to his neglected wife. WHEN THE SHIP GOMES IN. I want to be waiting upon the shore When the beautiful ship conies in ! I want lo be waiting to see it sail Over the seas of the fairy tale, Laden with treasures of gold for me And my heart as young as it used to be, When the beautiful ship conies in ! Oh, I shall know of the golden morn, When the beautiful ship comes in ! I've w atched for its coming through all the years, Watched it w ith smiling and watched it with tears ; Dreamed of it breasting the wave and the foam ; I want to be there when the ship comes home, When the beautiful ship comes in ' "We'll all be happy," we used to say. When the beautiful ship comes in." "We'll all be happy," the great throng cried, Who waited witlt us by the golden tide; For, oh, so many are waiting, dear, Day after day and year after year, Till the beautiful ship conies in ! Old or young, 1 will hobble down, When the beautiful ship eomes in ! Old or young, I will chase the gleam Of fairy fancy and elfin dream; And ali ul my sorrows will lade away, And all of my trouble will antsh, some day, When the beautiful ship conies in 1 MIST Wll IIMOOI) The truest, best and sweetest type of the girl of today does not come from the home of wealth, she steps out from the house where there is comfort lather than luxu ry. She belongs to the great mid dle class - that class which has giv en us the best wifehood, w Inch has given helpmates to the foremost men of our lime; which teaches the manner of tlie drawing room and the practical hie o! 'the kitchen as well as teaches it-, girls the respon sibilities of wilehood and the great ness of motherhood. These girls may not ride in their carriages, they do not w ear the most expen sive gowns, they may even help to enlarge the family income, but these self-same girls are the great bulwark of society, not only of the present, but of the future. "I'l'i'vciil ii'S'' will ipiiiitl t heck uc'ilil or tile diippe win n lake rally or at the "Hliei-ze st te. " I'ivvent irs eiirt'len eal"il t'ltlilK as tti'll. I 'li' wilt ics ate lit! le c.lllily eoht cure lalili Is. anil 1M slump. U, trine, ' Wis. will claillv Mini yim samples anil a i hnok on enlils tii-i- il vim writ-him. The I samples ptiivc th ir nieiit. l iieck early ! colils with t'reciilie-ami ship I'm-unio i nia. soM in .V. ami '.'". liny s For sale lev W M. ..lien Wehlon, N.C, . A widow's mite is spelled m-i-g-h-t when she makes up her : mind to marry again. -No 1'ini' I'niir I ne:h I un filed, it all ('.tu;'li t iiies ii.'s ( nnh I lire is - anil LINCOLN'S ONE GREAT LOVE. His Fondness for Anne Nut ledge Who Died, the Supreme Pas sion of His Life. ll was while Anne kuiledge was quilling that Lincoln asked her to become his wife. She met his lin e w ith one as great; yet, in a strange agitaiiou, she repulsed him. There w,'s a half secret in her life that held her back and made her feel that she was not tree lo be happy. Sometime before, when she was very young, she had engaged her self to a man who called himself McNeil, but whose real name was McNamar. He had made money , and w as ready to provide a home for her. P. in first, he said, he must visit his parents in the Last. On his return he would claim her as his wife. And so he had de-: parted for his old home in New York, which in those days was more distant from the little West ern hamlet than is Chicago from Timbuctoo now. At first he wrote ' her often, then less often and cold ly, and then at last he wrote no more. Anne's friends declared that he had wilfully deserted her ; yet she still felt bound. She had pledged her word, and even though no letters came and she had learned to love another, she could not marry until she had been formally released. Lincoln pleaded earnestly, and her own heart spoke for him, yet she could 1 not forget the ghost of her first love. Lincoln begged her to write to McNamar and ask for a release. She wrote, bin still no answer came. Then she felt that she was really free, and when Lincoln, now ardent and thrilling with hope, asked her once more the great question, she turned to him and let him read the answer in her ra diant face. It was the supremely joyous F.arly to bed and early to rise moment of his lite, just as ihedays makes a man heahhv, wealthy or which followed were to be the very otherwise. blackest. For the young girl had been worn mil by the long sus pense, the hourly conflict between love and w hat she thought her du ty; and now she was stricken with fever, of w hich she died. In her illness she kept calling piteously for Lincoln, until at last her broth er brought lum to her bedside and left the two alone together, w hat passed between them no one ever knew; but soon she became un conscious, and he w ent out into die world, to be forever alter, in his heart, a broken, melancholy man. For ii time his reason tottered. 1 lis friends, fearing lest he might take his life, watched him with the greatest vigilance. He said little, but once he burst forth in an ago ny of grief over the poignant thought that "the snows and rams might fall upon her grave." For many weeks this grief, almost un bearable, beset him, and w hen he once more took up his daily life he was no longer the one whom his associates had known Although his age still lacked lour years of thirty, men began to call him old. He stooped as lie walked, and those lines which in later years appeared to be marked upon his face by virtrol, now seamed his haggard cheeks. I le shut his sor row in his heart and played the man, but he never really loved again. i For the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of urit, cour age, strength. 1 low is it with the children? Arc they thin, pale, delicate? Oo not forget A vet's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general heahh in every way. A iers now VKini?. A'il t. cut;. CHcKKV ftiLlOKAL. ! V e imbliih i tt- Mio.lieuiictJ. Tlie News Law-, uoiil'l be tl weiv likf 1 r Mi ha.sbe-ii !'i' "J" ve-i-. 1 In- Vilinnal l-aw now leijiniVH tliut il any jn.js.nts i-nti-r in- ' to a eonb tiiixtine, it must '-e printed on tlie label or package I'm this reason nioibem. anil oibers, I shonbi in-iist in luviiiu l'r. H loop's I oik li Curt'. n poison maiks-on l'r, Snoop's bibels and nnni- in tin- medicine, else it j niiisi by law lie on tbe lab.-l. And it1 not only faie. but it siid to be by tbo.--e tbat 1 know it bt-st to be a remarkable eonh J remedy. Take no .l.tMi.e, patlunlarly j with V'-ni children In it on having hr. : ( itttip ire earctnlly ! . itb oi lu i s and see rr! Yon '.in ulwav bv dt-inandinu I r. Simply re! use to ae- j JT01I MIX IKON WORKS, to :il OLD KTKKKT, ei;Ti.i:sBii0. va. M A X I KA 1 TI H OS OF J Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Hiivinn bttiibt out Steel & Alexander founders and machinists, with all patterns we ate now prepared tn 1'innish parts to machines formerly made bv thetn. Shoop's C nyli i nte. t tie Slump (Kielj.i-e V n rmi-nii maik fin be on the . il'e Mib Sli.Mip' I ooidi Cnn eept an v ot In r. Sold bv W M n HYDRAULIC FRESSES and... W.M 11 C. The Now Pure l:nod and Drug I -it w We are pi. -used to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar Cor coughs, colds and lunir tioiihieK not aflceted bv the National I'll re Food ;nnl t i l;i as it contains no opiates ot other li.ii in I u! di u-, ;tnd w e rerointneiid il A sate leiijcdy I'T elnldtei) ant! .uliillv For sab- bv F. C -r. Webh.n. N C. PEANUT MACHINERY'.,, Mill work and eastings of all kinds Second hand machinery I'orsalecheap. Cull on lis ot wnte f..r what you want. (ircat Reductions For Cash Who restraineth him use of things lawful will croach on things If in the never en- irbiddcn. Mow to Avoid Appendicitis N M V I , - T 1 1 1 1 s iit'.ii.iifliiiiC.tK iin- Ill isc rt lin.lfi- h.ililtll;lilv r,il-tl.lt. ,!. t'lillo l .ix.itiM' I i oil svnip .nr.- ...nstitnitinji tiv 1ll, 0. itnu'tlic lo. r . ui'l ln.w.-is ;lll(l Icttil.-s til.' tliltiH.ll :iclinil nf'tlu' t'nlM'ls. 1 1, ill.. I l:itl f I I nil s V 1 li 1 1 .1 u's 1 1 il ll:lll s.vitr nr ul il"' mi l is Inll.l 'Ul.l pl.'.isint to t:lkf l.vtiiM' .nlixtiinti-- I ,il s;ili' li K ( lark. Wrl.l.ni Y C, s ! T.'i Mn.iiett' Ktiys, 2 75 Iin Smvnia " 2 '( t i.'i no Mn.iu-tt.- mux, tlxl'J It. IT 7.1 l-'V (.'limn M.ittiin;, tile. '-'-' " is,., -Jc. Japanese " 17c. -'"' " " lNje. li.'ic Wool ('... .f-1 i ni; 40c. ''..'. Yiii.o shait.-, Sllc. "'1 37Jc "!' '2-yant u i.l. Liimlt'iim, 75c 7i- " " " 6V li s' I'l.Kir Oil ('Ml,. 48c 1 ;(.". Axiniiist. r('niiftiii.', HJlc 1 VI Itijjit l'ieinrc Frames, 85c Wall uicr. 1 .'. ami (ie per roll If a man w ould let hull go to sea. learn to pray, Mr writ.1- lllsi.l- ... 1 1 ..1 s; in. I In:.-. s I. I'. iw.'ti. ul W a ne. W. it., ' 1 w.i-. .. -u!li lei 1 ...in lo.li.ry . tli tl .it linn - I 1. .1:1.1 lint tfet I1..I ,ii,l l.en I .lilt ."I'M not tiai-lit I t.H.k Fol. v s K ntney 1 'ne ,!,.! ir t."M V .tiel 1. .it .'1 the l.tlleh ' I .,,11,1, I Ik- , - rt ll. '- Ki.l t.t lief- ..re ei.n.l . n. V I llf i' il ! llllIM s I ..I -a e I., i: 1 1 .Ik. W.I, loll. Y I What a w oman b.kes about ing a reception is the w ay all people tell her what a good they had when she knows didn't. I'.irl'atarih. let in.' s. n.l you lift", to prove niei it, a t rial si., sti.M.p's ('atari li l.'em. ity. It is a w lute, creatnv. healing antiseptic g!V- the time they A I Ali.iK stuck OF Talking Machines, Oraphophoncs, kodaks, Cameras, ;liil supplies on lian.l at all linios, ut the very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS. WIXIMiN, X. C. CHOICt; I). E. STAINBACK. NOTARY PUBLIC AnJ l-ire Insurance. 1 R' 1 .I: Nittsiillut -:- tttlji-n N.l, TWAIN TNI; Utkl. To be self-reliant. To tumuli. jiiinry tiiJ kvP' tic counts. To Viilue iiulepeinleiice vvithoui losing loviibleness. To take care of herself without losing faith in her fellows. To understand social conven tions and use them for her own protection. Never to let friendship inFiingc upon self-respect. i nn n 1 it i 1 1 Ktlt . i;s Vi i.im S' i 1 M l Nii S li 1 1' ha ti n-tt mi l 'ill v.. its bv tltlliiitiis of Itii-t lo'i f . M" llli ; 1 , ll Id.ril Idle tit! blllj-, w tl u p. ilei t Mlece-t. It siMithc thf idiihl. Milieu the jvriH, ,iII.in all p.nii; cure- villi) e.iHc, tihd th:' be-tt tetlletlv litr In, 11 1 lloe.i It w ill It 01 ve the pom III lie mi"'- r r .1: tiH-dia'cIv wo'd by drUL'itH ineveiy pin ol tb" world Twenly-tive cents a boi;!i. lie sure and ask lot "Mrs, j W'.i-si.Mv's SiMithin Hy'p,'' and take tin . oi li. t kind. (.uataiiteed under the Fiwd ami Drus : t t. .lime :;ntb, l!Hiii. Stiiul minilHT Fe t If tlie jrti it restorer Wetlte otir muscles by rxereise and then lest to u store lluiii: yet a ttti tt maiiv "I ih do not 'top to ihllik ll' little re-.t we yiVe to oui st iii.e lis s a iiMial thin no ; art ut our IlmIics 1 w cneullv om iu. oked as out il.'stiH- otif.ins. A t'ttd and OVef- H .l I'll s.!lltl 11 ll ill Ulll' s - MS m lllstfl lo will, h e tin heed llolil at l.i-t I H p. (., 1 ta1 ! b.'l.l Imli.istion is )iist a u.tiiiinu. w ' i oi 1 a-. I v ani.i I'liitlni inn -.sllelli . - KfHM.l,;l most tholollifl) sltuii.nh nduf It iiiusts wt;it ynn tat mid (file I be stohi.u il I be limit il test Ulld irally as-ists in retntin it to itn tiorniul a- tiity and tiseluliiess Kod.d mdd n U mui.illtee tehcl plan. Sold by V M. Coheu, W'eblon. N. C. ih.il iv the iiosi and si e I i t'lZf 1:1 Sold hv W llist ; ot Dr. 1 snow balm instant relict' to tbe i atartli ot ind throat Make the tree te.st ddreislh Shotip, b'aeitie, Vih. i ic. M Coben, W. ldoti. N. C. llt.ni.ur ....Uiit.-l. ..r f EC RETURNCO. COVEANI'IIPimiNCC. O il CNANGIKAKC THt LOWtkT. K- iu) tu.al. !, .livUir Kkili-ti for tiH m-i''i miiiI I"' rte-rt en )4iti'tiiHl.ility. INFRIHCf WENT mmiIh ...ikIu.-IiJ U-l....' mil r..ut1. I'Mt.nt" nl'l'.iii(H through ADVtR TIM O mi.) OLO, !'' TRADE-MARK B( PEN tlONk Utd OOPVRIOHTft (jtiRklT obUOuud. Oppoalt U. S. Patent OfflM, WASHINGTON, D. C. Doin Business Again When my friend tlmittEht I alhmt j tn take leitve ol tin world, on an-otint iodi eKt ion, nervousne! and nual debt I- I it y " writes v. A. I hisbolui, Tn'ad'M'ti. N. Y., "and when it liH.ked ? il there wuh no hope Iflt I pMsiiaded to it Heetrir Ibttem, and 1 repnee to sav that they are eunnif in. 1 itm now dii y bu- im tcin m ot old, and am still iiuhk daily." Kent tonic medicine on tattn. tiiiaranteed by any dniuist, "K. A financial genius is a man who cm have a family and money at the same time. I he ViVep dm mrtv with Ton? Probi, My it does' Then If v Or. Sh"op Ifealtli i'l'lV- e ' Health t 'otlee'' t ae'ever minbi n.i ion nf parched cereilsand nut. Not a ei am ot leal ntlee, remenilM r in I r. hoo;.'"i Ilealih otle-, yet it flavor and 'i-t r aiai.dies close, v o'd .lava and MH-ha .lil-e. It your toniaeh, heart or ktdneyn em't - ind CotVet' drtukniK, trv Health 4 oHi-e. It 14 wliob'-otuc, nonrisbinK, and s it ist s in:. It's nice even lor the yuuneM elnbl. I'm mW by W. T. Tarker, Weldon. V C. Smoking costs a lot, hut swear ing off costs a lot more trying to find as much enjoyment in some thing else. "Pneumonia's Deadly Work had mi seriously atVeeted my ticht linn:." writes Mrs. I'aainie Connor, ol Knral lioute 1, t teniae 'own, Teun. "that 1 eouuhed contiiiuously nujit and day utij the neigh i is' prwlictH'ii eon-nmptio'i seemed inevitable, until my husband brought home imttle of lr. Kiln's New 1)im"v erv. which in my eaM proved to be the only teal couh ctiie mid restorer of wetk oie lun4 " When all other remeditft fail, yon may still win in ihe battle :ipniist Intu; and throat trouhb-H wtlh New Ihs eovcrv, the real cure. tOmnriteed by tiny druwv .Vie. and l. Trial bottle free. A nice thing for people who are engaged is it doesn't seem to make any dinV-rcnce to them how big fools tliev make ot themselves, and that's the way to have fun. This May Interest You No one ih immune In mi Kidney Trouble mi that mm temember th tt I v K id liev I'nii' will stop the ii ii liabilities and cine iitiy cast- ul kidie-y ami bbiddcr Iron b'e that is ii'.t beyond the reach of niedi- : le lie. l or h ROSES ! Carnations, Violets an. 1 iilhfr Honors, uliv.ivs on liati.l. Shower WiiIiUdk lton,iiets. II. mils., me I'lnrnl Ileslns, I'ot ami out door lH-.l.liir il:iut, To mato, ( alihaiie ami iither Viy. tal.lr I'l. nits. Magnolias. (Ii.lers pioinptlj i'i-iiit. .l. Write, 'jihone ..r til. i;iuili. II. STL-INAU'TZ, I l.nKIs 1 , KA1.KI..H, NOUTII ('AliOI.INA. 4 i i. iv lie hv I'. I'liiik, Wehlon. N. ('. Vi'ho robs a public. scholar robs the 1 ASH si mmi:k SI'IIIM Wliil is it that ta-tes iis plea-allt as lilt ple suyar ami iiii. kly r. hev.s i'oiiiIih mnl enlils'' Mothers who h.ne ns.il it Willi qnn'kly iinswet ' Kenneily s l.nxiilive eonyh Syrup " 'I'll.' pleasant e myll rplu e.ly lh.it expels tin ci.hl t ll I ... I till iis laxa tive netion on tin- ImweU. roiitorniH , strictly to the I'liro I'ooil anil limirs Ijimi i onlulliN no opiates. Kohl hv W. M i alien, Welilon. N. C. Good husbandry is good divini-1 ! Oil's as well to know when to forego an advantage as ii is to j l.nve is not always the least j know when to grasp an opportu-j harmful of the various intoxicants I nity. ' that make the world go round. ty. OABTOnlA. Bmn th. a lb i t 1'"" Kmw ""M A scar nobly got is a good livery j of honor. ! The Price of Health. j "The piicHofliealth in a niiiliuiniia ills- j tlirt in jliMl '..'.". cents; tlie cost ot" ll bol ol' Dr. Kiiin'n New Lite I'illn;" wrilen Ell ! Slaytim, ol' Nolniiil, Ark. New Lif rills ! i cluiime gently Btirl inipart new I . and vigor tn the nynteir. ''"c. Sat .taction I (jiuruutoed at uuj ilrnggisl. MILLINERY., FANCY G(K)DH and NOVKLTIB. Bntterirk'e Pttterni. It. & G. CORSETS, Miame at 50c. , Ladiea 75c. to f 1. H.Prinea will be made to anit tbe timed. Hat and Honneta made and Trimmed to ardei. ALL MAIL OR HERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C.