tea 1 f 0 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. rms of Subscription--$l.50 Per Annum VOL. XLI. WKLDON. N. ('.. TIU'WSDAV. AIMML IS, 1007. NO. ." Plrl A Bifllf fir linll liFI p Isk. jr- ami AYrCc'.iWe l'rqui.".:!: il;'ol 'As !j' si9Jilauiiail,cF'.v.1:i:.-.il!c;!rt-i I . u.f itie Stoinucits ;.:t! I '.owls til" jji r.vtnnies ni$ii.nLCim.'i.l !; iu'ssc'iihUu'sI Conoco n'Milii'i' 1 i))iuni,Nf()rpliiiif nor Miwta!, Not Nahc otic. ,j( - I ' j fatyr I7AV tft X YTtfT.v ' ! ! ftnyJrM Set -i ' ' .tfx.Stnnn !lj . w w t Ui hfjr"tut - ' (frtrtJwt .Svgur I JtwKiwtywt torer Aporli'd lti'iiii'.dv I'orConslifM (ton, Sour StDiiutrh, DinnliDt'xi Worms .('oiwiilsiniis .Fvwnsh lU'SS nd Loss OK SI.EI-1'. lac Simile Sitfnnlurr of jf. s-0 . itrrrL n new' yohk. EXACT COPY 0? WRAPPER. OE 3E IllS : Bask : Of : Mil, WKLDON, X. C. Organize j Under Tie Laws of the Stale of North Carolina, Aiuu'sT-jiirir, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. 5??Mll?l!!L $38,000. "ITOB 14 yearn this iniitilulioii lias proviiliil tunkiu liu'ilitii'n inr ihi H aei'tion. Its tHkljil(U'r hikI direi'turs liavc Ipcimi nli iuiliol null the -L husiiinw interwtH nl IIiiHI'.ix unit Northaiiinlnn iimuiIh Inr iiuui v vi'iia Moliej it loaued upon appmvril wrunty cenium. atohuiiinoi um ari nimh-ucu. I'KKHtKKNT: W. : DAMIl, VKK-PIIKSIDKNT. Dr.ll.W.I.rWIS. (.Ij.k-an. Vi'ikiaifli'S (!u . X. li ) ax: S GARRETT & k Pioneer n m KSTABI.1S11K1) IK15. fviRCINIADARE POCAHONTAS (WbitaHriipiwrnmiK) (Ufil Soiippciiiiing) jqs j M OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY wi plAWATHA MINNEHAHA ; (KwlChinipague) , (Dry sppniiMiu) Wi PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL I (Sparklinir Chaiiipiignel j And all other varietieaof Pure and Wholesome Winea lor linnira and hotel n e mj i HR,Hiheat Cash Price I'aid in Season for all kinds nl'small I'roiis. grapes etcr"' j Westerp Branch, St Louis, Mo Home (Illice. VOKKOI.K, V I SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Exposition Line To Norfolk THE Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Rates from Weldon: Round trip season tickets, $3. HO; Round trip 60-day tickets, $.V20; Round trip 10 tickets, $2.90; Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2.10. Coach Kicnrsinn rule sold prior to unfiling date and on each Tuesday thereafter, limited seven days sod endorsed "Sot (")"d in Sleeping and I'nlliuiin Parlor Cars " Other tickets go on sale April Hth and continue until close ot Kxposition. For rates from other points, applv to your nearest SEABOARD agent, or rep resentatives named lielow. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules, K 1 1 T, F. ANDERSON, C. H. GATTIS, Ticket Aftnt, Weldon, It C. Travelling Passenger Agent, Haleih, N.C. iCflpi rty g trials For Infant 3 and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought .boars the Sifmaturo In Use For Over Thirty Years at t lie li'tsal rule nl intcrrM - an pr k4 ff V. IITII, COMPANY, American Growersg WW THt eCNTAUn COMftV. NCW VOrllt CITY. i.ir i:kal ow-ninNCi:. A young teacher who graduated from the normal school last June was one day recently to act as a substitute in a higher grade than her own. She was a little nervous over the temperary promotion and was anxious that everything should go oil' in the usual good order. -While instructing the class in coin position she said: "Now, chil- : dren, don't attempt, any (lights of fancy. Don't try to imitate the ! things you have heard, hut jut he yourselves and write what is really ! in you. " ; As a result of this advice one lit tle boy turned in the following ! composition : "1 ain't goin' to attempt no hite j of fancy; I'm just goin' to write what's in me, and I got a hart, a i liver, two lungs and some other ! things like that; then I got a stum mick, and it's got in it a pickle, a piece of pie, two sticks of pepper mint candy and my dinner." HER OPINION OF BOYS. A little girl wrote the following essay on boys; "Boys are men that have not got as big as their papas, and girls are women that will be ladies by- J and-by. When God looked at ; Adam he said to himself, "Well, i think 1 can do better if 1 try again" j and lie made Live. Boys are a I trouble. They wear out every thing but soap. IF 1 had my way the world would behalf girls and the rest dolls. My papa is so nice that I 1 think that he must have been a lit tle girl when he was a little boy. Man was made, on the seventh 1 day he rested. Women was then j made, and she has never rested ; since." Woman's affection is best proved ; by the care she takes of her linen, i If you can make millions can make friends. you I Do You Oiioti Your Month Mke a yoitnir Mrd and iilp clown what- 1 pvr loud or mod ir i no ma y lie ottered you '.' , Or. do you want to know snmetltlnn (d tha coinpiition anil charaeter ot Hint wtikdi you take into your Ntomiieli whether as tood or inrdii'iiH1 ? Mn4 ilrllii;rnt and sensible peoplo now-a-ilays insist on Knowiiia w hat. thoy employ whi'ther us loot! or as nteiticitii'. llr. I'irive iw Miry have a perf.'et riliht to it.si.vf n ion such k now leilne. So he punlhhee.Muyilea-st and on each boltlo wranjier. whaiJrmitUeiues are made nt anoviKilies iJ5TfuoT-.fctlb This to f"els he ean iwSUjitTord to do twanse tip, m.ro tli',' inr. Oi'nls of w liii-h his medicines are iii.olf ari-slu'iii'd and niaier-topd the niiT'1 villtlitir -iipi-rior eunitive virtues tVyiiur.vi.'ti, Vor the cure ot woman's popiillnr wokIi ni ses, Irri'iinlaritifs and d'Taiurements, piviiiti rise to trciiu'nt h-'adachi-. liaek aeliu. dr.iLruimr-dow u pain or distress in lower alidoiuinal or pehic renion. aeeoin panied. ofttiuM-s, with a ih-hilitatinir. Hdvic, ealaiTl.ai di ain and kindrisl syinp tonts of wi'akuosv. Or. I'ii-rre Favorite Prescription W a most cllieituit fi-nn'dy. It is eiiallv i.i-i'iii in ciirmti painful periisls. in tiivini; strfiiuth lu nursiiiu mothers atui iu pri-parum the systi-in of I the I'Vtiecl.uit nioilo-r tor hat'y's C'.mini;, thus retiili ritii; childbirth safe and eom i purati'lv painb'ss. Th'' '' 1 avorite Pre script ion " i- a in. -t isOont. strenirtheiiiiijj tonic lo the i.'. u i;,l system and to the organs distuii'tl.' Iftniliiue in particular. It is also a soiitlon and Invitoratinit nervine and cine te rvou evhaiistion, nervous pnetr.ttioti. i;.-i-r:i iiria. hysteria. , spavins, chorea or M. Mill's dunce, and other ili-tresitij nervous sni(totns at tendant ir,on fira-iiona! and ;ijaliie dis eases r.f the di-tinctly tenuiiii'onrans. A hot of medic. d nuthoi nics ot all the . several schooN oi practice, reeoniniend each of the s-vi'i' il int-'rclicnts of which I "Favorite Prescription" is made for the : cureof Iherliseasesforwhich it iselamied ; to be a cute You mav read what they i sav for iioim i 1 1 hv seiiiliiu a postal card request for a fur booklet of extracts ' from the leadini: authorities, to lr. li. V. . l'ierce, luvailLis' Hotel and Suriiical tn I stitute. Itutlalo. . Y., and it will come to I you by return post. FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE J A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer DHINu Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. lihiM substitute. Prlo BOo. For Ml by E. CLARK, Weldon, N. C, ' In England and France the Sale d of Alum Baking Powder is pro- CffW&m "hM I hibited by law because of the in- fe&J SWS I juries effects that follow its use. JM$f Cd W't The law in the District of i v iiM i also prohibits Alum iM Vi.j; If You may live where as yet you have no protection against Alum II I The only sure protection against Alum in your Baking Powder is to J Sap plainly ROYAL is made from product. Aids digestion adds to the healthfulness of food. LET IT GO. Lias a neighbor done you wrong? Let it go. Let his weakness make you strong. Help to cheer the world with song, Hatred never rights a wrong, Let it go. Have you missed your heart's desire' Let it go. Don't lose courage, still aspire ; Gold, you know, is tried by fire; Moaning ne'er will lift you higher. Let it go. Do you differ with a friend ? Let it go. Argue not, lest friendships end; Better far good-will to lend, Time the trouble soon will mend. Let it go. In your past is there a stain? Let it go. If its memory gives you pain, Drive it out -twill be your gain, (.iheerful thoughts will banish pain. Let it go. MOW TO RUN A NUWSPAI'KR Vi'lien n man goes astray Keep it out. When the critic roasts a play Keep it out. When two men in anger clash ; When a merchant goes to smash; When the cashier steals the cash Keep it out. When they quarrel in the church Keep it out. When a teacher wields the birch Keep it out. When nine women fair to see Whisper something over tea Print it? Goodness gracious me ! Keep it out!" When two statesmen make a deal Keep it out. ; When another trys to steal Keep it out. Stories thin and stories tall; Good and bad and big and small Anything that's news at all Hear 'em shout: "Keep it out." WOMAN'S SliNSI:. Women have more termed good sense They cannot reason they do not reason at ol what is than men. wrong, for all. They luivf fewer prctftisiions; ;ire less implicated in theories and judge of objects more from their immediate and involuntary impression on the mind theitfoi'i' more truly and naturally. Hailitt. I-1 in iv i:h ih i i. vm Mils WiNsi.(iw's,SiiiniitNii Syki f has tieeu used tor over rttl years hy millions of lliotltetx for their ehildren while leethilu;. with perleel Plleeess. Itsoothes theehild softens the iiitins, allays all pun: eure' wind eolie, ami is the hest remedy for liiairltoea It will relieve the poor tilth- snftererininiediavly Sold h, druists in every part of the world. Twenty-live cents ahottle. ltesure and ask t'ui ''.Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Pyrup,'1 ami take no other kind. Ouurantecd under the Foml iind llruus Act, June Wth. FN. Serial iiuiiiher I ops. No one ever regretted burying a sl'lllder ' "y. -, . u 11 . 11 "n 1. jWh. .lhaKindVutllfaviHtoslHoxlit 8igiuitor SIX f VVZ7tVU twxn BAKING PiZlL POWDER Absolutely pure Cream of The News 'o I'uie Pum Coueh ( urc l.ans would he needed, it all Couh Cures wet-.- like llr Sdioop's ( oiiiih t lire l tu.d h:i hc-'n for 2n yetrs. 1 he National Law now lequiies that it any poisons enter in to a eouli inittuic, it must !.e printed on the lahel or package. l or this reason mothers, and others, shoulil insist on having llr. Slump's Coiivh I ure No poison-marks on llr. Slump's lahels - and none iu the medicine, else it must hv law he on the lahel. And its not only sale, hut it -s saiii to he hv thos;. that know it het to he a remarkahle touh reuo-dv. Take no ehsiu-e, particularly with your children ludst on haviiic r. Mioop's V uih Clue. Compare caiel.-.ll v the Mioup p.o k.ie with other, and sec. No poison in. ii I,- - lu-i-c! You can alwavs he on the s.iie i.le hv demanding llr. ho 'p's ( ollilh Cure. Simply relllsc to ac cept auv oilier. Sold i.v W M. Cohen. Wcld.n, X. C. The happy t.hristian so adver tises his religion that the other man will not be happy till he gets it. "Pneumonia's Deadly Work Irul so seriously ailecied my right lung,'1 wiiles Mr I .tunic Connor, of h'ural Koiitc 1, Oeoigelown, Teal!., "that I coughed continuously night and day ami the neigh 'i i' prediction consumption seemed iuev itahle, until my hiisliund hroughl lioine a hottle of Oi'. knee's New Ihscov. erv, whult in my iac proved to he the only real cough cute and ictort-r id weak sore lungs " W hen all other lemedit-s tail, you i i ki - --till w iii iii the hattlc against luliLt and throat troulth s with New his-cow-iv, the ic.il cute t i n.ira'iteisl hy any ihu.:gis' o"e and -I. Trial hottle tVec. Some folks think they arc gen erous because iliey are willing 10 gie up their nood mentions. li' I I tlirpi' II tvlMM-r Virtu,' IM1I ihiimIi" !v ri-n 'iM' iiixl tlifii ri"-t t-i n ort tin in, vi't ;t tifii iii.inv i Hi ! n t 1 t Inn k Iiuw httli' ri-tt we j;ivt to nut ot-'tii.tt s ii usiuil thini; no .ut ot our IkmIips t- m h-'imthIIv owruni knl as our iti'tiM- nrtfan. 1 t t ninl ovr wrnkt'tt "iii-iii, ti lt will nic -iih ot distrtss to wtiH'h i' pjiv no )vt'i until at last ls jMiii;i tati's hnhl. I uilU'i'Mion is just a warning, wr ran i;wily avoid 1'urtln r rnti ! Ktomai li rrlicf. It iliarits what yon rat ! unit givr tin stomarh itir iu ft let! vi-t anil , nil-ally aits in rrstotnt it to its normal . I a-'tivity and tnt'l'ulius. Kintal sold o n 11 KUKimtitv rvlii'l plan. I Nolit I.v W M. Cnht'ti. Weldon. N. C. j J, is fajt, mixcd vhh Tactsand : nn, f.,n..j1s .1,,., i.,.t,tt ,, viction in a sermon. lioes ("ollee disinrt-e w ith you? Proha hly it docs! Then try Pr. Khoup's Health Cotfee ' Health Collee" isnelevereonihi. na ion of parched rercatsand nuts. Nota uraiu of real Collee, reniemher in l'r. slump's n.-aiih t oiiee, yet its flavor ami ,"!tl' lna,, '"'a elosely old .lava and Mm'ha Collee. If your stomach, heart or kidneys can't stand Colhe drinkiiiK, try Health i Collee. It is wliulesome, nouiishiui;, and jM,iHf iB U'., ni,-e even tor the ,oDKcst 'child. For -ale by W. T. Parker, Weldon, N. C. y Tartar, a pure Grape the t ''I'tt ventirs" will pnnuptly clit'. k ; ' in- (lie (irinp' uIihi t:ike curly or :it I ' snct c stiint''l'ivvcntics (''irclnnu sc:i1cil -I'tild s us well . I'p'vi-niics utc little cHintf ' j c(M cure tultlcl-. itiiil 1'r. S1hhi)i. I.'acini', ' I , ,v"! f V "' .!"!! o'wrll'l'bo, ""ti,7. siiinili'S prove tli'-ir merit I lieek t:;tily ' ciill with Prevent ies un.l stp I'neuiiio I iiin. Sold in ,m'. mid ".'.V. lnes For siilc by W. M. Cohen. WeMoti, X.C, (ireed prevents real gain. The Price of Health "The piiee ot'htallli in :i iiiuhi'ioii- (lis trict is jll'it .'" ii'llts; the cost ot' ii hox of lr. Kind's New Lite I'ills;" writes Ella slatnti, oi'Nolantl. Ark. New I.il'e I'iIIh cl.;uie "eiitly and impart new hie and vij;or to the syti-a , :i.V. Siitistai tton guaranteed at anv dniKist. There is no saving out love. anger with Wha is il that tastes as pleasant lis ma- pie suK.ir and ipiickiy reiiev. s coughs nd colds.' Moihi'iswho ka'c usul it will ipnekl.v arswer. ' Kennedy's Laxative lmisl.-Svrup." The pleasant eoiiKll rem- dv that expels tile - action on tin howeis. " i oiiiorins strictly to tin- i'lire 1'oodand Orugs Laws ( oniains no opiates. Sold hv W. .M. olien. Weldon, N, C. Airing our aches will never heal them. This May Interest You No one i- immune from Kidney Truohlc so that iust retneiuher th it Foley's Kid ney Cure will -top the irregularities and cine any case nl kidney ami hladder troll h!e that is not heyond the reach ol luedi ie lie. Hirsute by I'. Clark. Weldon. N. C. If you want to be happy make some one less sad. rorr'atanh. let inc s, nd vou tree, iust topiove iiit-l it , a Iii.il sje liov of l'r. sheeji's Catarih lo niidy It is a snow w Inle. Cleanly, lu-a'in aohseitic halm th.it uives instant lellcl to the ( .itiinli ol On-nose and lll.eat Make the tree test and see. Address I r 'ioop, h' acme. l.atL'e jars one Sold hy W. M. Coin li, Weldon. N W is. This world is enriched by good more than by the clever. the Mi. S. Unwell, ol V aync, W 'a., writes.- "I was a sntVcier fioni kidn-y disease, so that at tunes I could not get out ot tied, and w lieu I ill. I I could nut st md straight I look Foley's Kidney I lire. ' liie dollar hot t ie and put ol the si cond eii red me entirely '' Foley's' K id- nev t nre works wonders where others are total lallures For sale hy K. Claik. Weldon. N, ( . You are not likely to lead men j to faith in God by preaching crook ...t I-.,,...- ..ho,,, ,,,. IU Llll.s union nun. Little deeds tell more than the largest, pLmest bumps of charac ter. Mow to Avoid Appendicitis Most Vietinis ot appendicitis me lliose whoare hatulilalk eollstlpateil. Uiino Laiatne i'lillt lop euros roiistiKitinn h slnnlll ititle,the liver and Imueis and i.-sto-ies ihe natural iietioti of the liowels. ilrino Laxative Fruit Syrup , toes not nau seate or untie and is mild -nut pleas ml to take. Kefuse snhstitutes. l or sale hv E Clark, W.-ldon. N. C. The light of love shows the true self' as the light of learning can not. The New Pure Hood and Drug Law VVe are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and 'far for coughs, cohls and linn Inuihle in not affected hy the National Fine Food and limp, law- as it contains no opiates or other harmful drill's, and we recommend it a mite remedy lor children and adults. For side hy K. ChirV, Weldon. X. C. If the voice of conscience dis turbs you, silence it by obeying it. Kodol lor Dyspepsia clears the stomach and makes the hreath as sweet as a ruse, kodol is sold hy drue;irists on a guarantae rtliefplao. It conforms strictly to the National Pure Kotd aud lirurrs Law Hold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N. C. INS. By fllorris Sulmonson, Marriage i License Llerk. Proposing is the crucial point in love, and love, 1 have learned from these young men, resembles business in many ways as far as the point is concerned. The psychological instant in many cases is a matter of mathematics, and can easily be prearranged by any young man who e.ires m make a study of women. Must young men rush blindly into the game without observ ing its rules, and that is one of the reasons why we have suicides beiore marriage and the divorce courts afterwards. Write down these rules : 1. Propose before the winter sets in. j 2. Propose in the moonlight, twilight, gaslight, (turned low,) and never in the sunlight, daylight or electric light (unless you've got smoked glasses.) .V Propose to a girl when she's hungry 01 just after she has eaten. 4. Never propose to a girl be fore 4 o'clock in the aftertoon. 5. Don't make up your mind beforehand as to what you are go ing to say when you propose. 6. Don't get on your knees to 1 propose. J 7. Don't propose to a girl too soon after gaining her acquaint i ance. j 8. Don't wait too long. j 9. Play your cards carefully, i and the average girl can be made i to propose to you, in actions at least. Why should the proposal be de- 1 aycd until the winter sets in' My I boy, that is an important rule. In the spring you know, a young man's fancy lightly turns to i thoughts of love, and in the winter i a young womans's mind leans to dreams of a cozy little flat of her own. All girls dream of a home and they dream of it most when the parks are dreary and the bleak winds blow. A girl should be proposed to either just before she has eaten or immediately after . If her lover pops the big question when niS lady IOVC IS nilllgry SI1C IS apt , t0 Rance rjown he stretch ofyears " ' j that make the lutlirc UI1U 10 think . Qf ,,e probable Occasions when she will be hungry again, and in that event it is more than likely she will reply favorably. A busi ness man is most approachable iust after he has eaten, and why should not girls be the same way? It's no use to prearrange your speech for the momentous occas ion, because you are sure to for get it when the time comes, and then you are in an awful predica ment KnroiMtina what vnn in- tended to sav, you can't collect your thoughts to think of anything else. 1 A girl likes to be wooed before she is won, and for that reason it ' is not safe to propose too soon af ter gaining her acquaintance. Giiis are so anxious to get mar ncd nowadays that they will take : desperate chances if a young man shows the least hesitancy, and a lot of worrying that young men do is entirely useless for that reason. ! Titr vi.i:i) ami Tiin man. j dough used to describe the ! struggles of a man who tried to leave otf using tobacco. He threw ' away what he had and said that I was the end of it, but, no, it was j only the beginning of it. He 1 would chew camomile, gentian, toothpicks, but it w as of no use. 1 He bought another plug of tobacco and put it in his pocket. He want ed a chew awfully, but he looked at it and said: "You are a weed, ninl 1 inn a tiuin I'll master you if 1 die for it." And he did mas ter it while carrying it in his pock et daily. I'tr Ki'iiindv' I.axatiiH' Cimuh Syrup, Children like its pleasant tatc and motli- ers nie it lieatt.v endor-rment. i ontam im opiatrs, luit drien out tin cold tliron;h the bowel. M:ule in coou-runty with the Cure FimhI and I'thlts Law. Sold hy W. M (dieu, Weldon. X. C. A woman has no right to grow j old until she has been married at I least once. j ' Cood for everything a salve is used for and especially recommended for Piles " That is what we any almut HeW itt's l ar lmliaed Witch Hazel Salve. That is what INI years' ol usage has proven. (let the oruiinal. Bold hy W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. m. RULES U r..9?0: A musical score sometimes gets further scoring from the critics. When you need a pill take a pill, and lie sure its an Early Kiscr. DeWitt's I it tic Karlr Kisera are safe, sure, satisfactory pills, the pills with a reputation. They do not nrlpe or sicken. (told by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N. O. For Thin, Poor Blood You can trust a medicine tested 60 years! Sixty yeirs of experience, think of that! Lxperience with Ayer'a Sar saparilla; the original Sarsa parilla; the Sarsaparilla the doctors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. tail .vrn tliti grand nlit m(Mt!rln rtnnot l tH li.s. .."Ik II II. H IIV.T IM lllrltf!lU M i.iim. .. t imii.1 for I ki bell rsitiltil r- sii;u. Ale.lllil Ink,- Istmlvi llillH of AJr' I'.li. wlitl.- ukler: the Sitriftfafllla. Kadi ry J. CJ ijrar Oa., Kowtn, Wan. Aiao lyaauaMiurara v 7 haib viaot. ifers Ainiecune. CMEKKV PECTORAL. W hurt, no eoreti t W pobltik tli formula ofIL oar madiolnM. IfOelAllUX WON WuKKS, 28 to H I OLD STKEET, PKTKUSBURO. VA. MANI'FACTPREBS OP Machinery, Shafting.Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Having bought out Steel & Alexander founders and machinists, with all pattern! wo are now prepared to furnish parts U machines formerly made by them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES PEANUT MACHINERY',.,,, Mill work and castings of all kinds. Second hand machinery for sale cheap. Call on us or write for what you want. Qreat Reductions For Cash 3 75 Mouuetle Kugs, 2 DO .Smyrna " 25 (Ml Moquette rugs, Pil2 ft. 12U China Matting, 2 76 2 20 17 75 10c. 18c. 17c. lBjo 40c 20c. 37e 76c 65c 48c 89c 95c 22tc. Japanese M Sac. " " 6."ic Wool Carpeting 25c. Window shades, otic " " Tm' 2 yard wide Linoleum, ' G5c Floor Oil Cloth, 1 35 Axniinster Carpeting, I 1 4(1 16i20 Picture Frames, Wall paper, 4. 5 and 6c per roll a I.AKCI stock or Talking Machines, ! Graphophones, Kodaks, ! Cameras, and supplies on hand at all tiaies, at the very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS. WKI.nov, N. C. CHOICE ROSES ! Carnations, Violets and other flower, always on hand. Shower Wedding l!oninei.s, Handsome Floral Designs. Pot ami out door lmldinu plants. To mato, CabhaKe aud other Vegetable Plants, Magnolia. Orders promptly eimited. Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ, VI. OR 1ST, K A LEIGH, NOitTH CAROLINA. 4 IDiy j j j ' I i i , Sl'HIXO AND SUMMER MILLINERY., FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Botterick'sPattems. It. & G. CORSETS, Misses at 50c, , Ladies 7Stt. to fl. M.Proes will be mad t suit the time, Hata and Bonnet mid and Trimmed to eider. ALL MAIL ORDER5 PROMPTLY FILLKP. MRS A. LEWIS, WUoo, N. C. I A L Graod Display OF . aiuin it j it

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