r ' k. : ' J -tWWJTl till .'? -v rms ui SulKcripl.oi."$l.50 I 'or Annum Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. k NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. W KI. I X N. N. C. I iinisDAV. AIMJIL -'.", 1!I7 VOL. XU. 1 Jill IMi k IJ ilk fei "If I HERE A MV if Him ,iiiirrr:-.- M Mr" The Daughter cif the House M:ul :i Wendy Tongue. 'I'ho Kind Y1111 lluvo .'.hvay Itmilit, anil wliiili lm liri'ti in line fur ovrr !5') years, lias li(irni 1 lie -buiitim. of anil Ii;ij Imth made nailer Iii jht sniial siiii'r himi sinri' lis Inl'ancy. Allow nounr tu!nvii .Mill ill tlli. All Coiititerlrits, liiiiliiii.nis ami -.! n-( -:i t;i.it! ' si f lint Uxicriniits tlia t I tilli' Willi ;m.l Miil;i!i'vr I in Ileal 111 of Infants and C 1 1 i U t i'f 1 1 I " x 1 1 . l-i - 1 1 - - i ii t i . jiei'iineilt. What is CASTORIA Caslona is n harmless "iihstiiiif" lnv v'nM.ir Pnro jfovie, liiis and StinUiiiiK' Syrnnv. II i.. ''liasanl. It I'olitains !iei'l Opium, 'Morphine nnr olher NaiviitlO NiilistHiiee. lis U Us utiarai'tec. ll destroy: Worm ami allays IYwrisliness. It enrc-i I!:nn licv:i and Wind 1,'ulic. It relie.'S '1'eelliiiin 'l'i-n:ll"S, -"ires Const ipatioil mid Flatulency. U assinnhue- Hie 1.'im..1, regulates tho tiliiinaeli and liowcls, nuiiin lieall liy uad nalural .sleep. Tin? Children's I'miaeea -'l lie jIolliei''s I'l ii iid. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of I Willi liis hunk anil pencil ready in liis liiind, the sanitary inspector knoeked sharply at the door, and it soon opened. "Mow many people live liereV" he heuati. "Nobody lives here," answered ihe rosy daughter nf the house; "we're only stayinc tor a short lime." "Pail how many are here?" "I'm here. Tather's Rone i'or a walk, and mother is " "Stop, stop!" exclaimed the man impatiently. "I want to know how many inmates are in this house. How many people slept here last night?" "Well, you see," was the reply, "I had a toothache dreadful and : my little brother had the stomach ache, and so we all took on so 1 that nobody slept a wink all night long." I Then the wretched inspector ! said he'd call again. IF YOU 1 wywi your tongue to A 1 Mm an'l look in the glass you will sec the effect You can't help puckering it makes you pucker to think of tasting it. By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you take this puckering, injurious Alum right into your system you injure digestion, and ruin your stomach. The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. rut ecNTAu eoMiuNV, tt Murray trcct. new vork ctv. 3E 3E Ihe : Bank : a! . leldoa, WKLDON, N. C. Qraanized Oiifler Tie Laws of the Slate of North Carolina, ACtifsTSnTII, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of W'eldon Depository. 17 ii K 14 vf this in-liiut-tii 1 ! tiou Its (tnrklntlit rs ,t; - 1iUfintf int itiMh ni M iMl'tx Mo ii'V is lo:nml upni) ntit nl si- n ll m .J-1 hit 1 li .llklMJ i.' , ,ln rtoM h- l'f!l h1' tliil "i h Miiplnii t uiili' i ,t Ui ii:tl I'll' i i -.1 ilitit-r- tnr tlii1 iiuit'.l villi I In s ini !ii..ny irs Iti . -t MX if l" THOUiHTS OI: AMII;L. The more a man loves the more he must stiller. Beamy refreshes and strengthens one like some miraculous food. Love must alw ays remain allur- j iug and fascinating. As soon as the mystery is gone the attraction dies. SAVINCi SOMF-TMINCi! AVOID ALVM Sap plainly- 3 1 I I I FWSEi' 1 if Royal is made from pure, refined Grape Cream cf Tartar-Costs more 'han Alum but you have the profit of quality, the profit of good health. THE HELL-BOUND TRAIN, 'Oh. .lolin!" exclaimed Mrs. J Young, "my canary bird's dead." I "Keally? replied her husband. I 'Well you don't appear to be griev ' ing very much. " I "No; you see, I can have I it sufied lor my spring hat and so 1 the rest of the material won't cost I you so much. ' ' i The Tarnicr'a Vife Is v ery i':ii'''lnl iihuiit hrr rhurti. Shn 1 mmM- it I Ii-ir. 'in.'lt' y .(Iter ii-niir, :um w il U -llil I i 1 1 11 t'l ;.Wt'tc i!. Shi' kliuV.-i : lli.il if Imt I'hnrii I- nur i ;ll tiiint tin- ! Iilltti'l' I lull i Hillile ill il. 'I'll'' sliillllirh Is i u I'huni. In lin- .-1'iiiiiu'li ami dii;i'l i'i' ' iihil iiinriti'.i' ir.i.Ms in.' pi'i'innni'd pn- The ftillowina poem was found on the street between Spencer and Salisbury and is supposed to have been lost by some unknown traveler friendship. One day he sat down I on Beverley Tucker's knee and, rinwiiiKNT: w. r inNiri., VIl'K I-IU-IIIKS I l.r.ll V ITK (Ja.ksiin.Niiuliiiiiftii l'ii, . ( W V SVIIII. 31 !'.'.". W lli.'ll 111 .' I'lllll'lllll'.' I'f llill t:ini il,:i; ii tins in.,;,,-, (..ui nil 'I'll" ,'il ii i tin' ii.nl i.i.-i.' in I'L iilli t'lin-. a t.y til.- pun' t'nnvii! in iii'iii ,,f ,l.-,'ii-Or. I',,'iv,.' i,. i Mt.'lly Ilk,' 111,' r. Is il tint appnrt iit :-l"!l!. u'h-rlmni i lnul it ii. Ii i put ih'" i; ? ,lil ; . I ; i :t Ii i h,'t iliiitu' ! ii- iii'iuiii ami tli- f"iil il. I"it ilif ,'"n u'i i"ii ,-t ,,f l.lo,l mill II.,- Ui-M'in-il,i"iili,,ni tin' IkhIv. 1'1,'M Mi ,li, ill ll-,',,riy GARRETT & COMPANY, 1 Pioneer m u m jiL r- x , 1 in n 111 n n n .i ittnUi'- tii--iMir aii'l f n:l tim;ii h MMri. It .r i iic -tnTna.-h w hat tin- w a-liinii! ir 'I ''in li.iili 1" !r ihrt Siiirn ;il'-iliili-!y lrr'iu f t-rv l:tini hilt nf mm i pi i iii,' 'I'1 iii'-nt. In liti v;iy il 1'itivi Mut.'li., ijniilr-i, )'rnptinii. s.-niful"iis .s I'lliitir-i, '. id" up'-1 1 f.tlinir iiIi'iT-; a ii I all . liunmr nr il:--t'ai". .tn-inc frmn lia.l !! I, ';' l! ill hilliT. na-iy. lull) tuM.' In ''V ymir niniiili. i-uaii'd I"Hl'im f.nil hrt'aili, ;': i arc weak anl easily lirnl. fft-1 (epre-ei V anii iii'-piiiiiit'iH. na irriiii'in neauai'm, ih.'.y attacks. j;na irnr ui ui-i rc.s in slum iicli, ctin-1 i i :i t (! or irregular howeN, smir ir I'Uicr risiiiL'-f after caiinif ami t aipclitc, ilii mpioiii-.nr anv t'i'iii(icr all',iitiiiilrrf 1 1 inn. intlic iti' I ha t j mi an sullerimi fi'iin In linn-ill-. i.rplil or lay it' alh iitJaiit i-TABUSHi-:i SPECIALTIES it VIRCINIA DARE POCAHONTAS 54 iWhiwSt'uppernuum ( S. n .p. i noii) 7 OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY HI1W1TH1 minne W ( Kcl Cb impaiinc) M PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL 3f (Sparklim: Cliaiiimgiir) And nil other varieties ill' I'ure inn! Wliuli'siuiie Viu, lr Ix.itu' UP IM-HiirliMt Cash Prii-m ('mil in Ki-as.ni for all kimU .il'in:ill linii jK Wentero Brauch, 8t Louis, Mu Mom'' ' llv-T Willi 111,' ii -1 1 ;t 1 ii IMP . (.'ration. ,,r iK vin,'p-iu .111,1 ill- jip.,1: . diTiilici'lni iil. pii. ' l"i ff.', ' .iS MT''"!'''' -i iiiiTTmi r.iiiihiiiil j" I'f, I' 1 pl'' ''I'Tiil UJtiLTi 1 il.lt (i! .MJiiLiri lli.it (Ins Is ulisuluti-lv truu will l- rriulily proven toyourKatisfartian if -ii u ill 1-iit iniiihi p..:.il rartl r, ,ii,'St Or. II. V. I'i, r,'.-. K11ll.1l,,. X. V.. f. .r a ,fi.r n.liv f Ii - l"','l..,'l ,''ra,'I- ft-' - m On' vtauilanl iiil,,til'al autliorili, ". l'ixiiuj H U m ' y I IL' llil llll". 1-1 ll M 1 II,' llll,'!'', I II'l-l. fill,' I 1,11 AM A 1,.,,, 1,1. ,...,'1.1.,.,, l.. ...ul vlm. (I try Si'iipiiiriiung) -W 1,,... ,at ti. ',...t i n, n t uu'di.-ai men 1 of tu.' ane say ot Ihcui. "Sri mil hiiti'l n b . wu I ICS t't('."' Miiil'OI.K, VA Trin 8EAR0ARD AIR LINE RAILWAY PvnnQition Lin To Norfolk Jamestown Eosition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. "Special Rates from Weldon: Hound trip season tickets, S3 .HO; Round trip 60-day tickets. $3.20; Round trip 10 day tickets, $2.0; Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2. 10. Coach Kxcuriion r ite sold prior (oHiieninji date anil on eauh Tii.'f.lay llicr. iin t. limited eeD days and endois.il "Sol I. mid in sle.-piim and I'lilluuin I'arlor Curs Other ticket go on aile April l"lh and continue until cI.hi-nl l. winon. Kor nte tram other pcvnln, aplv loyonr ncireat SEABOARD "Kent, ' " V reseutatives mimed heWw. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. T. F. ANDERSON. C. n. GAT1 IS, FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE on his journey trom ihe latter place to Spencer Tom (Iray lay down on the bar-room floor Having drank so much he could drink no more. I So he I'ell asleep w ith a troubled brain To dream that he rode on a hell-hound train. The engine with blood was red and damp And brilliantly lit by brimstone lamp. An imp, I'or fuel, was shoveling bones, While the furnace rang witli a thousand groans; The boiler was filled with lager beer, And the Devil himself was the engineer The Passengers made such a motley crew, Church members, atheist, (ientile and Jew. Rich men in Uroadcloih and hcgg.its in rags, Handsome voting ladies with withered old hags. Yellow and black, red, brown and w hite, All chained together, what a horrible sight; While the tram dashed on at an awful pace. The hot winds scorched their hands and face. Wilder and w ilder the country grew. And faster and faster the engine Hew . Louder and louder the thunder crashed, And brighter and brighter the lightning Hashed; Hotter and hotter the air became, Till the clothes were burned from each quivering frame. Then in the distance there rose such a yell "Hal Ha !" croaked the Devil, "We're Hearing hell," Then Oh ! how the passengers shrieked with pain, And begged the Devil to stop the train, Hut he capered about and sang with glee And laughed and joked at their agony. "My faithful Iriends you have done my work. And the Devil can never a pay dav shirk. You have bullied the weak and robbed the poor, And the starving brother turned from your door ; You have laid up gold where the canker rusts, And given live vent to your lleshy lusi; You have justice scorned and con upiioii sown, And tramped the laws ot nature down You have drank and rioted and murdered and lied And mocked at (iod in your hell born pride You have paid full fare, so I'll carry you through. For it is only right you should get your due ; Why, the laborer always expects his hire, So I'll land you sate in the lake of lire. Where your Mesh shall roast in the flames that roar, And my imp torment you more and more." Then Tom awoke with an agonicd cry, His clothes soaked with sweat and his hair standing high Then he prayed as he never had prayed before To be saved from drink and the devils power. And his vows and prayers were not in vain. For he never more rode on a hell bound train. This Is What One WotniOi Writer Says. "I would not marry a w oman who smoked, lold good sioiies, called all other women "cats"; but rather one who sided with her sex, knowing how hard n is to he a w oman- ieveii i! . lie is happy, it's a grind.) "I would no; marry one w ho talked too much, pi iiuipall scan dal, was w itty at the expense nl others the Japs t ightly regard in temperance in words as a crime to be severely punished -or one who was irreligious or freviieiiteJ beau ty doctors, or clamored lor the suffrage, or who expended all her . brains outside ihe home instead oH in it (to do a man's work, spoils I her as a woman.) '; "Above all, I would not marry i one who did not regard mother- j : nooci as tile noPlest proiession ot the world, with the most magniH 1 cent, as the most enduring rewards i and honors to it. j ! "The woman who loved little I children and flowers and Nature, j ; whose life war. ruled by the law of i love, and to whom the things with j i much money did not count, who ! . had courage and loyalty, would be i i the wife for me though I would ! j not marry an ugly girl. j ; "Good temper is the first thing I to count in domestic happiness, ! and to see a pleasant Face in the 1 glass on rising is conducive to ! cheerfulness; but a pretty girl ; would not tempt me, unless she Stephen A. Douglass was very ! had a mind to back her complex demonstrative in his professions of , ion. "It is a truism to say thai all women should marry, for nearly every woman is originally born Pale, ?;.--! ervous f Then you- b a v c.-y h : I t'ict! ts: . '. pari;:.', i. CO!ls'.:lt ; n v , v h:.t lie v i I trand oi ! mils; itiu!!. to ll.t j A A ID IbMiN Uni'KS Si to :;! ol. Ii y ri;i:i'T, i:ti:i;sih i;;. va. ALU HI; ASKlil). throwing his arm around the Vir ginian's shoulder, said, P.ev. old boy, 1 love you." ! Douglas, said I ticker, will you I always love me?" "Yes, Beverly, I surely will." "Pjut," persisted Tucker, "will 1 you love me when vott get to be ', president?" ! "Indeed I will. What do ycu j want me to do for you?" ! "Well," said Tucker, "all I j want you to do then is to pick out ; some public place and put your I arm around my neck just as you are doing now and call me P.ev." Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. I in;; biir:h' mit . loutnler-. iinil nudum--'-; we arc now jn rjur- '1 ti mat-hint s I'm inn I v ni;i If v 1 1 li ;ill putteriiH iipiii-i jniis to Hit m. HYDRAULIC f r 1 SSf S Mill tt"t k ; St'CiHltl !l tli'l li! ; on u or w i iii- U'- ni- .li' -,.: .In ii n.int. with the makings of a good wile j rc.iMO I MAvyHir.cHY". and mother, hut the man who does not feel that he cm remain true to one w oman, otherwise do his dutv tc his neighbor, which is the one ; true religion in the world, should j never marry. To oiicicii the ioy I in one soul that is b- -ni with its in-1 alienable right 10 happiness ! is to commit a crime and one com mitted daily, open-eyed, by men." -Philadelphia Press. ' laity kiniLs. ip. full (ileal k'c.liiitinos For Cash A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer I .. s Coll,'.' tiMi;l,f Willi ,til' I'l.'l'l I. : ii il.....' I In n irv hi. Mi.'i'p'w II, .ill!. ( nil i- II,., lib i .-it.-.' ' i- i, I. . r II. i i p.ut 'i, il , ,'U ,K .in,l nut.. N.-i a - I nil nl I en I I 'ill,'.-, It'll ,' III I'i 'I in Oi .-Iioop-H ll-.lllll roll.-e, yet ll ll.n.ir I l.i.l,' flilllrll. I'lu.' o'.l .1.1.. Illl.l t'tilil lull..'. 1 1 yt'iii .t, iin.i' li, li. .ii I ,i- kilii'. iini l it mil t'i'lt," i1nnl.itii;. ov llt'iltl- I i-IH'.'. il wli"i, ,', tt., ,.!.!,;, .,ii s.ii t-.lv inn. t'?. n in' t veil lor III.' Mi llr.l child.' I'm- Nile hy W. T. I'iiik. r, W i liln Y C. I.'i .t i . t lir i;i , .it r Nl,r t W flire our lll'l'l'l,' I'V I'M'li l.f .l!i tlll ll Il't lo t.1 l it r I In til . V. t ll 1,1,' It ItlilllY I'I US llll llill ' t.', i, i limk !i". iiON til , i:ivi' to :ii t 'in. i- Ii-. situ.ii.il ilnui: no . 1 1 1 ' . - i 1 1 l.i'ilitvi. .ii i: ii.'iitlty ii -n. ot k.'d . .... I' ,tl''' .tl . l,U- III- tlllll .111,1 ',T- j .1 .I..I .... It lil HO'' MSII- "I di-'rr- ., ,' I,,. I, i. r i-.tv tin Ii, , .I until .it h-1 l l-OR TMI: WORST A French gentleman anxious to find a wife for a nephew went to a matrimonial agent, w ho 'handed him eis list ot lady clients. Pun ning through this he came to his wife's name, entered as desirous of obtaining a husband betw een the ages of twenty-eight and thirty-live a blond preferred. l'or- ! getting his nephew, he hurried j home to announce his discovery to his wife. The lady w as not at all disturbed. "Oh, u" she said, "that ia my name. 1 put it down when you were so ill in the spring and the doctors said we must pre pare for the worst. " AN ASTOMSMIil) INDIAN. In one ot ihe engagements of General Sheridan with the Indians his men, taken unaware b the redskins, had no time to move their mountain howii.er from the mule's back, so they blazed away, sending mule and gun tumbling down hill upon the Indians, who fled in panic. One of them, cap tured a few days afterward, was asked why he ran away. I le re plied; "Me big Inum; me not afraid of little guns or big guns; J J but when white man shoots jackass at Initio me iignt out uamn quick ON 1-Al.l.lMi IN I.O r. Falling in love is the one illogi- i oil adventure, the one thing of : which we are tempted to think as supernatural in our trite and j reasonable world. The elfect is out of proportion to the cause. ' Two persons, neither of them, il may be, very amiable or very , beautiful, meet, speak a little and look a little into each other's eyes. , That has been done or so of times in the experience of either with no great result. Hut on this occasion j i all is nilferent. They fall at once i ' into that state in which another I person becomes to u.s the very ! : gist and center point of God's crea- j i tion and demolishes our laborious Ji ' M".,ii,;', Km-, -j 75 -' ' " - it-..- " 2 Oil ::i.::' '::'. !M'I It. 11 75 IS..- I-.').!, i ..:v . . Illc. J-:..-. .! . ' 17.-. J." ' - Is,,'. ':- W...! CVr- v -in.'. V'V Wi::,; -ii ,.!,.., eiii'. ,"i(,i " ' 117 Ic O.V 'J V ll-i , :,'. I.. : HI, 7f,C 7.V " ' " fj.ic ii.',,' I '!,... I Oil I , -tli. -IS,- 1 AMnni-iri i .u j'i tin::. HUc 1 In !! I't.-tiir.- I';'.,lii, s, !I.V Willi toi'i'i'. I ;. illl.l In- pi i mil i theones with a smile; m wlucuour ideas are so bound up with the one master thought that even the trivial cares of our own person be- ' come so many acts of dev otion. . and the love of life itself is trans lated into a w ish to remain in the same world with so precious and desirable a fellow creature. And all the while their acquaintances j look on in stupor and ask each : ! other, with almost passionate em- - phasis, uliai So-and-so can see in I that woman or Such-an-one in ' thai man? I am sure, gentlemen. I cannot tell you. - R. 1... Stev en-, son. i-h-' -h Talking Machines, (iraphoplioiics, kodaks, Cameras, mi, I Mii i:, - ,,n li.tti.l ,it ail t .in.-s, at till- v,-n 1,,,,, -t pi :, .is. SPIERS BROS. V! l.'niV. N. ('. ROSES! Ciirn.il ions, Vii-ii-ts ;,,., ,,i I,, v i!,nvr., AN i niTOR ON "I'I I I S." nhviis mi liiiii. I 11,111, jlll't--, ll.iii.i.: l'ol illlil nut iliiul' iiiiiin, r,il,i,;m,. ;, I'I. mts Milll.rl.l i'.'i lit, ,i. W iiir .S:ul, VllilHl: 'ri.'i.'l tVuuns. .I'... - i-:. mis T.I-,'tli-1- N i-i'liilil,. I l ', t - ,i,'liipliy i'i I.I j.'1-il.! TO M: PkFTTV FOLEY'S HONEYkTAR When the sih of a little f'oreluir : ity seems to put a uuin into mortal j , pain you may he sure the root of, evil is striking down into a vital spot. ti i.i-imv nviiitl luiiinr (U l till i :i in. tsf tlnHMiiith i ll. f II dim -is "I' ll V"H f;t t tn oiu;it h tiu iirninl lest itlttl i.ot in H'stitnii it to Uk nnnnal kniiol nlit o II it w, lining, l I ' 1 H IH - 1 llhil yivc" Hit Ml il ;i"tiU y :uiil itsi't'utnc miiir.it. Ir-' Vi'licl pl;in Knl! I.v W M. mhen. Wtl.l.m, N. 0. It' yon are employed in ol'tiee or taetory, try tt) make u a poim to open the window s and thoroughly air the room two or three times a day Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C Travelling Tiwseuger Aeut, Itelrijb, N C The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. Fur cnufjlis, colils, tlinsit and lunif truublrH. No opiates. Nim-akuliulic. Good for cvcrytioily. Sold everywhere. The nenuine rOLEY'S HONEY nd TAR is in Yellow packaRC Refuse siibti(ute. Prepared only by Foley 4. Company, Chicago. KortwlebT F.. CLARK, Weldoii, N C. Tlie Neon So 1 i- I .run t nii'h I in.' I. ma would lif in i-'li .1. il nil ' 'null t lilt". uei. Ilk.' Ot shi'iiii'i. I oiiiili ( nr. in anil has lu-ni l'ol "Jn .veins I In1 Nniioiial now i.'iuires llu.l il .uiv ii,,i.iii.s .-iitt-r in to n eoimli niiitiiti, it must !.e printed on the Inliel or piickae'e. l-'orttii-. r.'iisuu luotli.'is. anil otln-r-. should iiwist u-i Iuhihb I'i. sluui'sl niiih t 'nits No jHiisnn ni.iik.i on I 'r. ShtHip'' lubi'ls mid none in Hie nii dii'ine, else il inusl hv ln.v he on the lul',-1. And its mil only Kilr. hut it o. Klid to he hv those Unit : r"::::iv mv was.- wiiii v.nn riiiMv.'n. imisi on hiivhm ir. ; ingaiiy ink on the good you are Miimp's t'Minh 'niv. Comport' carciully i pl'inilillg to do later Oil. ' Oll ll(Mp piU'tilp Willi Otll'M lUllI m'O. mHmmmmmmm i .No Mifoii inniKS iiit-re- i mi vim wv jq rp q IX I A. ; I't'iillilic H;lM mur ny iniii;iuini m, , Hhoop'n i'otili Curf. Simply relusc to -1 ocpt unv (illier. I HolJ iy W. M. Cobu, WeKUn, N C ti,:.. vi 1.- LvHMiir. l lin .iitlUUtLtLUiii ivi'iiif;! many a man potr in person, nut it will never succeed in keeping one poor in heart without his consent. ' l'lt vriilio" will promptly i lurk a cold oi li- litippf when lake early or at tin1 "siici , i' stiit''I'ii'Vetitii'S rurt'lon s';ttel t'oltlN as wi'll. I'li'viMitirs are little candy piM mri' tahh'ts, and lr. ShtHtp. K'avinc, W s. will lndlv nuil yon sampled and a I took on colds free it you write him. The uinplrs pnne llit ir merit. Cheek early c IU with I'h ventirs and stop I'lifUino uiii. Sold in -V. and 'J."c. boxes I'or sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N.C. Beam the ! Biuaturs of a i i.j Mini tun tiavH iwMys puini A oic ni editor h;is conic to the coiickisHin that ilioc desiring ptlllVl ill IliO j:if'.i" lilLi.l ("'liy Kli" ihein, and has established the fol lowing sc-Xlule of prices: l-'or tell ing the public that a man is a sue- Siand straiL'ht. hold vour shoul- , ecssful citizen when everybody ders, back, and give yourself a knows that he is as lay as a gov chance to be a healthy woman. eminent mule, $2.70, referring to Don't be afraid of water. Drink 1 a deceased citizen as one who is plenty of it, and take as many baths i mourned by the entire community, as you can. Learn a few physical 1 when we know he's only missed culture exercises and practice them , P' poKcru.ce. mu,- . . . ,.n Hill ir V'iiiv tr.uu ill im i i; ivumn. uj night and morning, says Woman s j 0l,stimaMe lady whpm it js a Life. pleasure to meet, when every bus This may all sound rather unin- jness man in town would rather teresting to vou, but if vou follow j see the devil coming, $8. 10; call these few suggesiions you will be ! ins a'rdinary pounder an emi . . u i k i(. . nent divine, W) cents; sending a healthier, happier and better look-, J(mBhy sinni.rtoheaveni $500. ing. : H. STI-I.N.MI-TZ, I t m;i-1 .iii i U.iM.INA. K W.lJii.ll I I i.v The best prayer for your brother is not the one that rises to heaven, but the one that brings you down to earth. F0LETMI0MYHLM Curat Osldti Prtvtntt Pntumonls CASTORIA lor Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of (liiiml Displnj- 1 I ; I N t . Ai si MM,;; ilLLIfURY. FANCY OOtlliSniiil NOVI'LTIES. I'.ntti'ri.'k'nl'iittcrrn. W. k (J. CORSETS, MiNPR ul 5(ii:. , I. iiilii 7.rc. to$l. M.rr'.T8 will hp umile to suit the tini., Hats iinil Hoitnets made and Trimmed in nnl.-r. ALL MAIL OUDKH.S 1'liOMPTLY FILLKH. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, WeldoD, N. 0. I, i 1 !?"'"'"-JLaaci

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