NOW. isT ffl llyP .Jk Hri lyf ijftk lal 111 (i gggj Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. rms of Subscription. -$1.50 Pt r Arrtrr VOL. XM. V KLDON, N. C.. TliriSSD.W. MAY J. I!7 NO. ifillSTnBU HI . . n Etas W H B K!H ' i I ! :i ASt'i!ct;itK Pri'p'iu'As ! hiii'.il.'ilil'.j llii'lwJiHu.lii-uLl I1 1 Of, U.cSlUlOiltllsilluill.'rt'i'lSlM' !l! rromotcH L)i4e?!i,':i.Cli(vrfnl ; iii'.sstlrtlli'Sl.Cl'illiliil? iumIIkT j, I tpiiiiii.Mriltin iutMiiu'm!. ,i Sot NAiiroTic. i!i . ' j Am "nJ ! .' . (,, I t I . ',! if'i ' I til W. tjrw3uta mtp-uma i AntrfiTl Remedy InrCoiisliiw- t; liim mir tninArh l)i;irrhnc;i Worms .('onvulsions.fVvmsh 5' m'SS mid Loss OF SLEEP. Far Simile Sn'nnlure of new' youk. The : Bask : l! f. EXACT COPy OK WRAPPER. Jj W 1 I II WKIjPON, X. c. Orpizeil Under Tie Lais of tie State of North Carolina, a 1st iTi i, i --. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Full 1 ne. tin Illii! 14 vears this infinitum In It stockholders and business interests nl II ihfn mil Minify i loaned upon npp'nvnl se. nut. centll'il. Accounts of all ale sdicited I'llKSIIJKST: Vli'K I'lll W. I DASli l., i.r II W I WIS. (.laiksiin.Viiiluiiiftiiii Cii . N. mmnmmmmmnmmmnm$ - ' 111 I fl 1 VlieiNliDlie 5S 1 WbiUiScupufruouK) ffe estabi.ish'kd I8SS. U SPECIALTIES; U 9jt OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY $g I HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA (KedChiiupague) (Dry lu-uppfrnonit) W W PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL g jjf (Sitiirkliiii: ClianiNgnel iU, And all other arietieiof l'uri; uml Wlioli-aotue Wiucs li.r homin unil n e Mi tSt WHulligbwit Cusli Prieeii I'aitl ill Scawiu for all kinrle nf small fruits. iir. ftc.W g Wttru Bianeb, 8t Louis, Mo Home OIHYb. MIKr'Ol.K, V A. fflf SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY the Exposition LineA To Norfolk 1 Jamestown Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. j Special Rates from Weldon: Hound trip season tickets, $3.85; Round trip 60-day tickets, ; Round trip 10 day tickets, $2.90; i Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2.65. , Coach Kicnmion rate nolil prior to opeiiitiK date aoil on each Tuesday thereifter, j ttaitUd Mreo day and emlotwd "Not (iixxl in SlefpiDK aoil I'ulluian i'arlor Cam." , Other ticket. go on sale April l"th and oontiuue uutil close of Kipoaition. For nM I ram other poinU, ppl to jour nearest SE ABO AR D "Re". ' "'I'" j rawntafivef named below. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. T. F. ANDERSON, C. H. OATTIS, Ticket Igeot, Weldoo, H. C Trawlling Ptmnftt Agent, Kaleigh, N C. For Infants and Children. .I 1. 1 The Kind You Have Always Bough! Boars the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years of : Weldon irnviiti-il hanking facilities tor this directors Ii.tvf liceu idcntitieil with the V ..rt cuiiniics lor in.iiiy ycir mi tit legal late ul inleret -six per slhKS r.- W K. SMTH. UUIU11UUU rv POCAHONTAS (Knl ,Vii.i-immg) Exposition A' . iir i ifr fey NEW YORK BECOMING INFIDEL. "When Religion Drops Away, vice Creeps In and There Is No Tell ing Whnt we will Come to." Says a New York special: "Un less immediate steps be taken to i stop the religious decline which is j spreading in New York the city ! will become a nest of inlidels, the bjlief in Cud will be forgoiien and ! our great city will become a city f ! no religion." This statement was made by ! Rev. Dr. Anson 1'. Atterhury, I president of the federation of ; Church and pastor of the Park Presbyterian church. Dr. Atterbury has just returned ; ; from Washington, where he was j a member of the committee sent by j the Federation to solicit the aid of : President Roosevelt in checking ' the religious decline in New York, j "The love for the material things i of the world has usurped the place i formerly held by the hand of God" i said Dr. Atterbury. "We are tot tering on the verge of a terrible disruption. Nothing can save the city from sinking into depths of unbelief but immediate efforts by the people and the churches to re ! vive religious interest. ; "In the last five years there has b.-en an increase of more than ! 300,000 in the city's population, ! but there has been a decrease in i the number of churches. Such conditions are terrible. A great i crisis is at hand. Herculean ef ! forts will have to be put forth to ' keep us from falling; already we I have begun to slip. In a short i time our city will become a home I of atheists. When religion drops away, vice creeps in and there is j do telling what we will come to." I am afraid, darling, you will very soon forget me. How can you think so see, I have tied two knots in my handkerchief. A Woman's Back Hat ninny acln-s Hint pain- caused by Niluii'fi and fiiilinn. or oiht-r displace iiH'iit, i if the pelvic nrans. Other symp- ! tuin uf female ttcakni'ss are, frequent headache, di..ines, iuiawiuary specks or j durk sh iltnitiiifi Iteforc the oyes, naw ! Iiiit M'loatiitn in stttmach, dratfuiiiK or ! Ix'uriiiK down in lower aljdoniiual or H'lvie , region, diMireeal'le drains from pelvic oi Kan, fault pe list with ijeiifTul weiiUnes. j If any consid. -ruble number of thcalmve ; gymptoma are present there Is no remedy (hat wUjjlve quicker relief or & more pr uiaicnt than Dr. Pierce's favorite PrestwaNu has a record of over forty years of curS It the mojjt) potent lavlgratine ttmic ami trent hcnipy ntir,' vio- Vnown tu mtiical clenc His ai&da oftlic tdyecric extracts or native medici nal roots found in our forests and con tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful, or rmmt-fonniiJK drtiKS. Its ingredients are all printed on the bottle-wrapper and at tested under oath us correct. Every iiiKredient entering into "Fa vorite Proscription " lias the written en dorsement of the most eminent medical writers of all the several M-hools of prac ticemore valuable than any amount of non-professional testimonials though the latter aro not lacking, having been con tributed voluntarily by grateful patients In numbers to exceed the endorsements given to any other medicine extant for the cure of woman's Ills. You cannot afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition h a substitute for this well proven remedy ov known COMi-osl Tins, even though the dealer may make a little more profit thereby. 1 our interest in regaining health is paramount to any selfish intcr"t vt his and it is au insult to your iniellience for him to try to palm of? upon you a substitute. You know what you want and it Is his bust ue9 to supply the articlo called for. Dr. Pierce's Pleusant Pellets are the original "Little Liver Pills" rirt put up by old Dr. Pierce over forty years ago, much Imitated but never equaled. Little sugar-coated granules easy to take M candy. FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer GRIND Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con- stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom- ach, liver and bowels. RatuM ubatl.utaa. PrlcaOOe. For nl If E CI.AKK, Weldon, N. C w " ".. 1. t. . 1 El 1,1 81 1 iVI iff in l j: J tinued use means injury to health. Following the advice of medical scientists, England and France have passed laws prohibiting its use in bread making. American housewives should protect their house holds against Alum's by always buying pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. Ifl Pure Grape Cream Tartar Powder is to be for the asking Buy by name oyal A WOMAN'S QUESTION. Before I trust my Fate to thee, Or place my hand in thine, Before 1 let thy Future give Color and form to mine, Before I peril all for thee, question thy soul to-night for me. 1 break all slighter bonds, nor feel A shadow of regret : Is there one link within the Past That holds thy spirit yet ? Or is thy Faith as clear and free as that which 1 can pledge to thee ? Does there within thy dimmest dreams A possible future shine, Wherein thy life could henceforth breathe Untouched, unshared by mine? If so, at any pain or cost, oh tell me before all is lost. Look deeper still. If thou canst feel Within thy inmost soul, That thou hast kept a portion back, While 1 have staked the whole Let no false pity spare the blow, but in true mercy tell me so. Is there within thy heart a need That mine can not fulfilli One chord that any other hand Could better wake or still r Speak now lest at some future day my whole life wither and decay. Lives there within thy nature hid The demon-spirit Change, Shedding a passing glory still On all things new and strange ? It may not be thy fault alone but shield my heart against thy own. Couldst thou withdraw thy hand one day And answer to my claim, That Fate, and that to-day's mistake Not thou - had been to blame ? Some soothe their conscience thus; but thou wilt surely warn and save nte now. Nhv, answer not, 1 dure not hear. The words would come too late; Yet I would spare thee all remorse, So comfort thee, my Fate Whatever on my heart may fall remember, I would risk it all. ' ; j : I ' j j ; A BARREL OF WHISKEY CONTAINS A barrel of headaches, heartaches, of woes, A barrel of eurges, a burrel of blows; A barrel of sorrow from a loving, weary wife A barrel of care, a barrel of strife: A barrel of unavailing regret, A barrel of care, a barrel of debts; A barrel of hunger, of poison, of pain, A barrel of hopes all blasted and vain; A barrel of poverty, ruin and blight, A barrel of tears that run in the night: A barrel of crime, a barrel of groans, A barrel of orphan's most pitiful moans; A barrel of serpents that hiss as they pass, That glow from the liquor in the head of the A barrel of falsehoods, a barrel of cries, That falls from the maniac's lips as he dies, Ant f!ff i am mi Alum id causes T. permanent ji t wrongs of had YOUR OBJECT IN LIFE. For What Are Vou l-i s itijj , and for What Are You Working? The Material Things of Life Not Alone Worth Striving I'or. For what art you living ? For what aro you working ? To make a home, and gain the comforts of life for those dear to you Perhaps you are a husband, or a wife, or a parent. If you are not one of these, you are a son or daughter or brother or sister; then, what are you do ing to to make those about you happy and contented ? I do not mean to ask what mate rial tilings you are bestowing upon them. Material things give no happi ness unless they supplement other blessings. Is your presence in your home ' a benediction and a joy ? Do those nearest you look for your coming, and regret your go ; ing? If not, why not ? HI-AVKN Bl-GINS ON KANT H. Home is the earthly expression of what we shall find 'vaiting for us after death. Just as we fashion our home i here, by our mental attitude, so we will find them ready for us when we pass on. And heaven must , begin on earth. Here must the foundation be laid. All the hard work and money you may be put- i ting into your home will never give happiness unless you are lov- S ing the inhabitants of that home, i and showing your love in words , and acts, in self-control nence. If you are letting the fretful tone and the irritable and the nervous habit destroy the comfort of your household, you are wasting the whole effort of your life, the effort to bestow happiness. If you sit down to a gloomy ta ble, where despondency and ill temper prevent sociability, you might better stand in the bread line now, and take your repast in the park. There, at least, you would not depress others by your pres- ence. THI: I'MIAI'I'Y HOMI-. ! If a man prepared a bower of beauty for his family and then in troduced a swarm of mosquitoes and carefully bred insects so that bower was never free from them, you would think him a fool or a lunatic. Yet many a man and many a woman do a similar act by build-: ' ing and furnishing a beautiful resi dence and filling it with irritability, petty tempers and selfishness. Irritating trifles present them selves to every life. They await us at every corner along the jour ney. , They should be treated as trifles, and brushed aside, not dignified to the position of tragedies, and per mitted to destroy the peace of a household, to shadow feasts, and darken the hours of repose with , bitter memories. When we allow the small wor- ' ries and annoyances of daily life, the mistakes of others and the jar ring of domestic machinery to ruin the pleasure of a home, we , insult Cod. It is like pulling down the blue canopy of heaven, and using it as 1 a door mat for soiled feet. TORSI- THAN USKLKSS. Money, education, position, power all are worse than useless unless they bring helpfulness and happiness to others. To do this they must be supple mented by affection, good will, self-control. Though you give your own family nil the inlvnnniget wealth can offer, you are worse than a highwayman il you deprive your household of peace, love and t contentment in the family circle. Take mental stock of yourself ' and see what sort of a husband and father you are. See if you could not better life , for those you love by giving less j labor and money and more good j will, patience and affection. j American-Journal Examiner. I POH OVUH IM V YI'.AH Mrs.'sSiiDTHINU NvittT liat been used for over (Id years by million of i I uintlicra for their children while tcctliinn, j with perfect sm i-ess. It xihiiIu-s the child, . KifteiM the minis, allays all p.nn; i'ri' ' wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diairhoea It will relieve the poor little, sufferer immediately. .Sold by drugta i in every part of the world. Twenty-live, cent a lwttle. Be sure and ask fot "Mis. Wiuslow's Hoot hi n k Kyrnp," and take no other kind, j tiuarantecd under the Food anil Droits ; Act. .lane :! It li , HHXi. Serial mi oilier j CAM!; HOM1ZTO ROOST. Professor Starr was accusing woman of barbarism. "And she is not only barbarous she is illogi cal and inconsistent," he exclaimed "I was walking in the country one day with a young woman. In a grove we came upon a boy about to shin up u tree. There was a nest in the tree, and from a certain angle it was possible n see in it three eggs. "You wicked little boy,' said my companion, 'arc ymi going up there to rob that nesi'-' "1 am,' the boy replied " 'I low can you V she ex claimed; 'think how the mother will grieve over the loss of her eggs. ' " 'Oh, she won't care,' said the boy. 'She's up there in your hat.' " PRESIDENTINU & PLANTINO. Rutherford P.. Hayes while pres ident and visiting his home in Ohio passed the farm of a neighbor who was planting potatoes in a patch near the road. The president, being somewhat of a farmer him self, noticed some peculiarity in his neighbor's style of planting, and after a few minutes' chat he called attention to it, and the old man argued the point awhile. "After all," concluded the pres ident, "I don't think you are doing it as it should be done for the best results." The old farmer rested his arm on the fence and looked steadily at Mr. Hayes. "They ain't neither one of us," he said, "above havin' fault found and pa- i with us, but ef you just go on pres identin' the United States your way an' I go on plantin' potatoes my way I guess we won't be no wuss off." HOW 001) CAN HIH.P. God is never at a loss for means to protect His people. Sometimes j the means are surprisingly simple. : With 300 men, armed with trum pets and lanterns, Gideon drove a vast army of Midianites and Amal ekites out of the land of the chil-1 drcn of Israel. i The youth David, armed with a sling and a few pebbles, defeated the thoroughly armed giant Go liath. The prophet Elisha and his ser vant were alone at Dathan, when they found themselves surrounded by the army of the King of Syria. But Flisha was not afraid. The Lord smote the Syrians with blind ness, and they became harmless. Felix of Nola on one occasion, when being pursued by his ene mies, hid in a deep, dark cave. There he rested until his pursuers had passed. Coming to the cave, his enemies looked in, but, seeing a cobweb spun across the mouth of the cave, they concluded he could not be there, or it would be broken. Felix heard them speak of the web. Then he philosophied: "Willi God, a spider's web be comes a stone wall, and without God a stone wall becomes a spiders web." Reformed Church Record. twit!,. .- V. " K-i i '-J" '' 8r HIS PICTURE. Jules (facetiously) This a pic ture of my wife's first husband. Jacque Heavens! What a brain less looking idiot! But I didn't know your wife w as married before she met you? Jules She wasnt. This is a picture of myself at the age of twenty. CASTOR I A For Infants aud Children. Thi Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of WHAT HE LOVED HER FOR. She loved him for all she w as worth, And also, it's safe to infer, i Since she had much goods of the ! earth, I That was the way he loved her. i Catholic Times, j MISPLAYINQ IT. Mrs. Browne Mrs. Whyte says ' she thinks it wrong to play bridge." j Mrs. Black It is, the way she ' plays." i FOIITSnOMMAS Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 limes each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take fur bad blood- Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors hive endorsed it for 60 years. (hi freqit'itl r r hn tiln.irl It R llnffrtlr. iii1I1mLiii. fuUol.ulJi i I-. t hit.i th bluvd. A Tft'i Hill- A rum himh. AM t. COUP. CMIKUV CttTOKAL. ijers V.'. huT. no ."nrft. ! W. publllll I' fur mil "f an on r rami loin... Aj'I'OllAHiiX ll'UN WUNKS, !!S to :il OLD STHKET, PKTKItSItUKU. VA. MAM'PACTl Rl:RS OF Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Having bought out Steel & Alexander founders and machinists, with all pattern we are now prepared to furnish part t QiaebineN formerly made by them. HYDRAULIC PRESSES Md- PEANUT MACHINERY Uu,,, Mill work and easting of all kindi. Second hand machinery for sale cheap. Call on us or write for what you want. Great Reductions For Cash $:i 75 Mouuette. liiijss, $2 "5 2 110 Sun ma " 2 20 2.3 UO MiKjiielte run, 9il2 ft. 17 75 12c, China Mallins;, 10c. " " 1-ic. 2JU-. Japanese " 17c. 2"'c " " lH.Jc. ti.'ic W'mll Carpeting 40c, 2ic. Window shade", 20c. jiic " " 37Jc U.V 2 yard wiile Linoleum, 75c 7.V " " " 65c imc Floor Oil Cloth, 4Sc 1 a.'i AxininsterCaipetiuy. 89c 1 411 1Ux20 Picture Frames, 95c Wall pajwr, 4. 5 and tlr per roll A I.AKiil STi n K OP Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, and supplies on hand at all times, at the very prices SPIERS BROS. WKLDOS, X. C. CHOICE ROSES ! Carnation, Violet and other dowers, always on band. Shower Wedding Kouuuets. Il.ini!nie Flonl Designs. Pot and out door Inditing plants. To mato, ( and other Vegetable Plants, Magnolias. Orders promptly eiecuted Write, phone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ. FLORIST, KALEkill, KOKTH CAROLINA. 4 lit ly OF SPKlNti AND Sl'MMF.K MILLINERY, FANCY UOOIUS and NOVELTIES. Rotterick'ii Patterns. R. & G. CORSETS. UbmatSOc, Ladies T5c. M f 1. HL-Friew wilt be mad to suit ill times. Hats and Boauuts ftiaii mil Trimmed to wder. ALL MAIL 0KPEK8 PROMPTLY FILLm MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Wklo(,M.C.