" V 71 11 Advertising Rates Made Knrtwn on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. rms of Subscription--$1.50 lr VOL. XL1I. WTJ.DON. N. ('.. TIU'ltSDAV. MAY 1!(7 no. :i paM Cj J GIRLS SELF-SUPPORTING. sNmWs 3 .rr?:9SHV,'r?SPf w.F!"--'iif "Mf, Let Us Be True to Ourselves, Stu dy our Own Interests, and Aim to be Women who Live for Some Noble Cause. Tho Kind You Havo ,Uw:iy.4 Kmiciit, nml which lxist been In uso for over i$0 jrnrr., bus borno llw si-nutnro of has lii'cn liiado uinlor his per sonal suiifi' i.iin hliice its Infancy. teO-SaA. nvl todi'i 'lvi vnu In thin. All CoiliitciTeils, i mi t ill ions ami ' .J iist-sis-unnil" urn hut M-i-iiii-iits that trlllo with tin.) oiMlanuvr tin- liciiltli of lnlUnts mid ChildiTii Uxprrii'iii'i? nainl lApcriinclit. What is CASTORIA Castiii'iu is a liartnl.'ss "iihsiitiitti tor Castor Oil, Pure uu'i.., Dions mid Snotlmitf Sriiis. 5t is I liasant. It contains iifhlii-r 0;l'tni, Mnipli un mir ot'.ici' Nurrntlo m l -1 1 1 1 k i . Us upi is 'is iiuaranti'c. It destroys Worms anil allays l'. rrisliii'-ss. It cihv.i IKum-Imini and Wlmt ( nlic. Ii i-i-Ii.m .!) 1 1 1 1 ii Ti 'inlvlc.. mi-s Constipation ii. id I'litlitlni.-v. !i iis?in, i!:it iv. tin- l'w.d, rrnulatcs till) Mi'iiLi' li .nut liinvcls, Inaltln ii.id natural sleep. Tin- Children': I'aniirc.i- Tim .Mo'.Iit-r' I'l'icn.l. GENUINE CASTORS A ALWAYS Boars the Signature of The KM You Haw Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 7HI Cf NTAvi-i CCVNNV, TT MURRAY ITU LIT. MTW VOHK T.TT. The : Bask : of : Weldon WKI.DON, N. C. riranizea Uader The Lais Qf the Slate of North Carolina, A 1 1 li UST 2HT 11,1 !!. Suite of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. C ap i t al a n Surp lus, $38,000- Fo It 14 ve.tr this in-titntion lins pnivuli'tl trMikiny (unlit .en lor this HtNtion Its Ht'H'itliultlt-r- nml ilnvrtnrs Ii tvi-l.tn nlcnttli.-.l u it h tin-hii-iii!8 intereM- of Hrilirix unit Norl li niiptim eon n tie- Jin in itiv ye ir Monty is loautM. upon approved nnu :it 1 lejial i;ilf ol interest -mx per crntU'ii. Accounts ol all are Hilicite't PKRSINKNT; W. I, DANIIL, VIl'IM'UKSIIiKN T: llr.ll.W.ir.WIS. '('.Ia;ks(in. NiMthamflun Cn . N. i ) I'ASHIKH: w k. s 3E So greatly is this world changing that it is to he recognized more and more that girls us well as boys may and should be self-supporting. ' The girl who sits around idle all the busy day, reads a few French novels, does a little fancy work, gossips idly with others who have 1 nothing in particular to di, tangles and untangles silks and worsteds ad infinitum, and then waits lor some silly young man (for no young man of good, common sense would want such a girl for his wile) to come along and take her off her own hands, has gone out of fash- ion. The girl of the twentieth century if she should be popular, must have a business as well as a hoy a vo cation of some kind. That it is1 useful and needful to all is true. "What," says some fair, sweet faced girl, "surely I don't need it, . I am only a child. My father is rich. In our home of wealth there is noth- ; ing lacking of comfort and happi- ; ness, of beauty and grandeur." Ah, yes! hut riches often take to them selves wings, and fly away, and a turn of fortune's wheel hurls wealthy people down to poverty every day. Your hope paints your ! future in azure and gold. God grant that your dreams may be re alized, but there is so great a dan ger that they may fail that it is wise to prepare for a failure; and if n your pathway the flowers bloom brightly and over your head shines the sun, his ever-smiling face from the clear blue sky, and no dark clouds ever gather o'er you, you will enjoy them more for having the unfailing knowledge that if shipwreck does not come you will have the life boat of a thorough knowledge to some useful line of work. Let us he true to ourselves study our own interests, and aim to be true women who live for some noble cause. Better learn to do one thing perfectly than a ! hundred imperfectly. In all our thoughts for the future aspiring and doing let us remem ber that we owe all our success gained, that to Mini we owe our warmest love, and our brightest, most useful davs. mmmmmmmmimmmmmmn GARRETT & COMPANY, g n : 5 1 t nm An n .i.:'. Pioneer r A ESTABUmfEI) 1SH5. $ SPECIALTIES: U O THE RED, WHITE AND THE BLUE. IN the making of our banner Was there meaning in each hue? Was the blood red stripe of courage Meant to lead the whiteand bluer' And the white, as sign of pureness There for all the world to view. Meant to be the guiding pillar In between the red and blue? W VIRGINIA DARE POCAHONTAS jJ (V tuts ncupperuoiiK) U' rn'iipperiiuug) m OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY & HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA ji W- (KedCbimiMiine) (Dry Scuuueruuuii) M W PAUL GARRETT SPECIAL (KpurkliiiK Chiinipiigne) And till ther varietieHof Pure mid Whulrflonie Wined for homes anil hotel ife. MuHigheflt Ciwh Pricei Puid in Seaion for all kinita ol'Ninall fruilH. guipe etr Weatera Bnneb, Kt. Louis, JIo Home Olliie, NOKfOMv, VA. n ST1. A Hi) aV VJ) AIR LINE RAILWAY the Exposition Line Tn Nnffnll Win Ebi Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30. 1907. Special Kates from Weldon: Round trip season tickets, $.1.85; Round trip 60-day tickets, ; Round trip 10 day tickets, $2.90; Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2.65. Couch Kxcnrftion rote sold prior to otieiiiug date unit on eiuib Tnemlav thereafter, limited Mven days and endomed "Not (iond in Hleepiuti ami I'nlliiiaii I'urlor Cunt.M Other lickeUi go on sale April Inth anil I'julniue until close ol Kxp-sition. For rates Iroui other pomtn, apply to your nearest SE A BOA RO "Henl, or rep reientativafi named below. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. ion 1 1 ii ii iii mimia. 1 Wmd FWm Made from 1 DON'T WHINE. The Money You L'arn Yourself is Much Brighter Than Any You iet Out of Dead Men's Bags. !H Pure GrapeCream Tartar The only excuse for buying anything but a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking Powder is to save a few cents in price. J ROYAL costs you a few cents more per can than Alum or Phos phate of Lime powders, but it is worth far more than the difference I I'-i , re to Keep your nitcuits, cakes and pastry tree irom die injurious effects of these cheapening substitutes. tjjContinucd use of Alum means permanent injury to health. Avoid Alum Ailments Say plainly ROYAL BAKING POWDER ill THE OLD FARM. GO TO WORK. When the busy day is over with its anxious hopes and fears, And the telephone stops ringing and the last clerk disappears, With a sigh I lean back weary in my swinging office chair, And my thoughts go back to childhood ami the old farm that A (iirl Should Never Marry a Man Without Business Habits. there, I can see the dear old homestead, broad and low beneath the trees, And the rows of shining milk pans sunning in the fresh sweet breeze I can see the barn and horses, and the orchard on the hill, Where we gathered golden pippins for the old straw cider mill. I can sec the upland pastures dotted o'er with grazing sheep, And the wheat held waving golden, ready fur the men to reap. I can see the old stone fences where the chipmunks used to play, And the cornfield and the meadow with its piles of fragrant hay. I can see the cattle standing 'neath the willows by the brook, Where I used to fish for minnow s with a bent pin for a honk ; And the pond where grew the lilies that my mother used to prize, Ah, the light of heaven's shining now within those dear old eyes. And I sigh while fancy lingers o'er each well known pleasant scene, Of the happy days of boyhood thrown by memory on the screen ; And I'd give all I have gained since, all my wealth and treasures rare. To go back one day to childhood and the old farm that is there. HARD TilUlhS. Ihii.k the last, an open promise That all rulings would be true, , Joining justice to the union; To the red and white, the blue ? : T. F. ANDERSON. Ticket Agtot, Weldon, H C C. H. GATTIS, TraTelling raaaeager Agent, KaUigb, N O. AKING thus a noble banner That will lead our columns ; through, Courage, purity and wisdom, Glorious red, white and blue. -John R. May. A Lazy Liver Mn.y be only a tired liver, or a starved liver. It would l u u lipid as well an suviiro tiling to liat a weury or starved nmn lieenuse lie Uiurd hi hi work. So In tn'.uinu tint lazuli', torpid liver It Is a lireut misuiLo to it vitli strong dratle druu. A torpid liver Is but an hidli'iitiou of an lll-iioiirishid, entei hlM body whoso organs are weary with over work. Start with the stomach nml allied o oralis of tlik-esiiou and nutrition, l'ut them In work in order and see bow qiilekly yonr liver will ttet-omn avllve. Ir. 1'ieree'il (ii.ldeii Medleal Discovery has made many marvelous cures of "liver trouble" by its wonderful control of the organs of dluostioti ami milrirlon, It re stores the norma! activity of the. stomach, Increases the secretions nf the tsood-muk. inn glands, cleanses the system from ;kI gonous accumulations, ami so relieves the liver of tha burdens Imposed upon it by the detection of other organs. If you haye bluer or bad tint In the mora Inr. poor orjflflable appetite, coated tonfue, foul breath. coMttpate or Irrerular bowela, feel weak, easllx llred. fWspondent, frequent beadachea. ptln r dbtreji "small of back.' fnawlug or disfrcsed lecjg In stomach, perhaps nausea.NJrws?J "rlstncs" la throat after eating, and klnOtjV symptoms of weak stomach and torpid llrA " medi cine will relleee you mure promptly or cure von more ncrnianciitly lipn l' u" 'k"t'' C.jM, o Medical l'lacuTury. rerhaps only t part of the above symptom will bs present ' at one time and yet point to torpid liver or 1 biliousness and weak stomach. Avoid all hot bread and biscuits, grldrlle cakes and other Indigestible food and take the "Golden ; Medical Discovery " regularly and stick to Its use until you are vigorous and strong. The "Discovery" Is non-secret, non-alco-bollc. Is a glyceric extract of native medici nal roots with a full list of Its Ingredlenta ! printed on each bottle-wrnmier and attested under oath. Its Ingredients are. endorsed and extolled by the most eminent medical ' writers of the age and are recommended to i cure the diseases for which It Is advised. Don't accept t substitute of unknown composition (or this lion -secret mkoicini or mowm ooupoamoi. dome listen to me and I'll sing you a song Concerning the times, and it shall not be long. How everybody is trying to buy And cheating each other, I cannot tell why, And it's hard, hard times. From father to mother, from sister to brother. From cousin to cousin, are cheating each other. Since cheating has become so much of a fashion, I'm afraid to my soul it'll spread o'er the nation, And it's hard, hard times. And here is the baker; by baking he eats ; And so does the butcher by killing his meats. They'll kick up the sieel yard and make them weigh down, And vow it's all right if it lacks twenty pounds, And it's hard, hard times. And here is the lawyer, as you plainly see; He'll plead you a case for a very large fee; He'll plead you a case and tell you you're right, And when court's over you're not right by a sight, And it's hard, hard times. And here is the doctor; I liked to have forgot, 1 think to my soul he's the worst of the Mock. They'll tell you they'll cure you for half you possess, And when you are dead, they'll take all the rest, And it's hard, hard times. And here are the old maids who ought to get clear, For the hoys won't have them, I think it's for fear, For after they're married if they should do wrong. They're sure to have heads cracked with tongs, And it's hard, hard times. And here is the bachelor, who's every man's scorn He's like an old garment, all taiiered and torn, The girls and the widows all unite To toss him sky-high, and think it's tiiiite right. And it's hard, hard itmes. And here is the widow who ought to be clear. But to finish my song she must be mentioned here. She's so well up wiih catching the beau, That she'll snatch in a feller before he knows, And it's hard, hard times. And here are the young ladies, I liked to have missed, I think in my heart they like to be kissed. They act like the coquette when they get the chance. And tell you to call on them some time hence, And it's hard, hard limes. And here are the young men, the worst of the whole; They'll tell you they love you to their very soul, They'll tell you they love you when you're sitting by, And when they are gone they'll swear it is a lie, And it's hard, hard times. Young man, go to work ! There is no time to idle now. You must 1 carve out your own way if it is successfully carved. You must ; seek your fortune through indus- try, perseverance, ami pluck. La bor is honorable and ignoble are 1 those who will not work. Get you a home. Fence a field and plow and plant it, and gather around ; you the comforts of a home. And when you have made a character for industry and thrift, ask some i lady to share your home with you. We would say to every young lady, mark these men who loung ing around attempting to live by their wits, or on the interest of their debts; and when they ask you to share the lot of an aimless life, pass them on, for you cannot af ! ford to marry a man without pros ! perity, or business habits, unless ; you wish to sell yourself for a i mess of pottage. Again we would , reiterale while ten young men w atch for a chance one man makes a 'chance; while ten men wait for something to turn up one turns ' something up; while ten men fail j one succeeds, and is called the ; man ofluck, the favorite of fortune. ' Luck and fortune are the result of I honest endeavor, work and toil, land if you would win, go to work. - Fxchauge. Don't be whining about having a fair chance. Throw a sensible man out of the window, and he'll fall on his feet and ask the nearest way lo his work. The more you have to begin with the less you will have the in end. Money you earn ynurscll is much brighter than any you gel out of dead men's bags. A scant breakfast in die morning of life whets the appetite for a feast later in the day. He w ho has tast ed a sour apple will have the more relish for a sweet one. Your pres ent want, will make future pros perity all the sweeter. Lighteen pence has set up many a pedler in business, and he has kept his car riage. As for the place you are cast in, don't find Fault with that; you need not be a horse because you were bom in a stable. ; If a bull tossed a man of metal sky high, he would drop down ' into a good place. A hard work- ing man with his wits about him j will make money while others will do nothing but lose it. ! Who loves his work, and knows how spare May live and flourish anywhere. As to the little troubles, who ex pects to find cherries without stones or roses without thorns? Who ; would win must learn to bear, i Idleness lies in a bed sick of the mulligrubs, while industry finds health and wealth. The dog in the kennel barks at fleas, and the hunt ing dog does not even know that they are there. Laziness waits till the river is dry, never gets to market.'Try" swims it, and makes all the trades. "Can't do it" would not eat the bread cut for him, but "Try" made meat out of mushrooms. For the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour age, strength. How is it with the children? Arc they thin, pale, delicate? Do not foreet Ayer's S arsaparilla. You know it mal.es the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. Msosbyj r A.-fe..T.w.il.ain. 7 11115 VKiOSI. A'it !-. (.. Kr. C'lt.n PE.T0SAL. v. i,.-.tti(,ii A1 liters THE LAND OF OLD AGE.. There Are So Few Things After All, Left for Us to Do. "iTinni iuA ikon wiikK, ' 'h lo ai OI. I) STUKKT, I'KTKKSBUItG. VA. MAN ITACTUKEHS OK Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Jluving Imiinlit out Steel & Alexander .iimiritTH nml imM-tiiQists, with all patterns we are now prepared to furnish parts to ma hinpH iniint'i ly made by tbem. HYDRAULIC PRESSES ,na... PEANUT MACHINERY 'pe,.,., Mill work ami casting of all kinds. Stroud unii' I machinery for sale cheap. Call on us or wiite f-.r what you want. (ireat Reductions For Cash AN IM SL'Al. FATHHK. Talking Machines, am exaggerating Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, :u,d supplies on hand at all timeti, at JjJJ'hc very luae-t ptices SPIERS BROS. w t:i.- o', n. u. torm. home before he I must 1 can't office," but-"Ii He bewail alter the usual "1 have a little boy at who- ' They interrupted him had got far. "Pardon me, old man, be going along. Sorry wait, but I'm due at the and so on. "Just a minute," he urged tonholing the two nearest. won't take a minute. " They sighed and resigned them selves. "All I w ant to say," he went on, "is that I have a little hoy at home who never said a bright thing in his life." They grasped his hand with tluiikfu'ilLss lli.il could Iii id no expression in winds. And then he added: "He's too snull. He can't talk yet." Londol Mail. OF COURSE. Stubb So the doctor cured your children of the mumps. Did you pay him in installments? Penn No, in a lump sum. Instead of throwing stones peo ple who live in glass houses should grow violets at a dollar a bunch. CASTORIA For Inlants tuid Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of A lazy man is a dead loss to him-ielf. Let me mail vol! fiee, to irove merit, samples of my Or. Slump's lirsloralive ami my Isi.ik on either iysH'psia, the Heart, or the ki'lneis. Aditrtssmc. In. Shoop, Kai ine, Win 'l'roub cs of the Stomach, Heart or K idi.evs, are merely symptoms ot'a det per ailiuent. Don't make Ihe con mini emir ol trcilmn svmptons only. Symplon treatment 1st real me. the KESl'l.T ol your ailment mid not THK t'Al'Si;. Weak stonuu It nerves the inside nerves means stomach weaklier always. And lite Heart and Kidneys ns well, have their contiolllii! or inside nerves. Weaken these nerxes, and yon inevitably have weak vital organs. Here is w here Dr. Shoop'g Restorative has made its lame. No other remedy even claims lo treat the inside nerves. Also for bloating, biliousness, had breath, or complexion, use Dr. Snoop's Itestonitive Write for my free book now. Sold by W. M Cohen, Weldou. N. C. i F'or several months past Har I per's Bazaar has been publishing ! a unique series of papers in which a writer who signs herself simply ! "An Elderly Woman" has been revealing many secrets of an old Woman's heart. In the last Bazar she says, among other things: '"F.ach generation permits a dif ferent type of young girl, but the older woman must not change, her outline is fixed and immovable. She must be like Lleanor's grand mother, "always there" - waiting wiih a smiling face through the long, quiet, empty hours, for her grandchildren to come home. 1 do not think I w nen I say mere is no class ot so ciety so rtoumi down by conven tion, and for no good reason, as are the oldest of all. A younjj; and pretty woman must, of course, walk carefully along life's paths; she must take care to avoid even the appearance of evil. As she grows older a suitable amount of convention in the mother of a fam ily is a wholesome balance. But when a woman grows old, when she has climbed the ladder of years beyond the point w here scandal could touch her, one would think that she might lay aside minor con ventions of life, that at last she might at last do as she pleased, only by her own failing strength. There are so few things, after all. left for us to do, so tew that we ; have the heart left for, or the w ish for now, that it would seem only right that we should follow our ca price in the siih.II mailers that still belong to us. " i on n i n in vent Mus. Wissl.ow's Sikh mini! SvitlT bal Im'cu used tor over till veiir by millions l)' mothers for Ihcit children while teething,, with perfect success. It soot Ins, thechild, softens the itums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, ami is the best remedy for lliairhoea It will relieve the poor Utile sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twentj-flve cents a bottle, lie sure and ask foi ' Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no 7."i Mmiuet'e Itiijjs, $2 75 i !IO Smyrna " 3 2U J.'i 00 .Moiii,-tte runs, ilxl'2 ft. 17 75 l'J!c China MaltihK, 10c. 2"u 18c. 2J'e ,la an, m- ' ' 17c. Joe. ' lHjc. tj'ic Wool Carpf til 40c. 2."e Window liailes, 20c. fine " " 37c ".V 2 yard wide Liiiolniui, 76c 7.V " " " 6'ac Hoc Floor Oil I loth, 4Hc 1 :i." A Mliin. te: Cai e till!.', P!k! I In loV.il Picture Frames, 95c Wall paper, t .' and tic per roll A I.VHOK stock OK FOLEY'S uOHEMAR The oiual LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and luuf troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic. Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The Henulns) FOLEY'S HOM Y and TAR is in a Yellow package. Kefuaeaubatitutea. Prepared only by Foley A Company, Chicago. For sale by K CI.AKK, Weldon, N. C. other kind. I i naranteed under the Food and Drills Act. June aiilh, HHMi. Serial nmnlier lilies. Open letters 0 O 0. DeWitl's Carholizrd Witch Hazel Salve does not merely heal on the surface; it penetrates the poren and promptly relievea pain, caused by boils bu ins, scalds, cuts and skin diseases. It is especially good for piles Beware of imitations. Bold by W M. Cohen. Weldon. N. C. j A tight man and a loose dog are i equally dangerous. ira ivma Vou Han Hlmys Bourjtit FOLEYSHONHMAE j 1Z rfjS Sure Csldsi Prevent Pneumonia of Uuti77fc(W OF 1 Sl'KIMi AND HI' MM UK MILLINERY., FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick'B Pattern!. It. & G. CORSETS, Miaaee at 50c, Ladiea75e.tol. a-Pnee will be made to init the time. Hat and Konneta made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDF.RH l'KOMPTLY FILLEfl. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N.C. 1 A yd, f i I 4 . midtm WBjaBW.Tin.'J,' 4VSS vtj-v