, , , for . fc?JW.U Iff fcfl llll-" ' H"IIH" ; Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. I VOL. XLII. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. rms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum Vi:U). N. C. Till WSDAY. MAY 'MK U)7 NO. I ,-, IraM a Pi lift M -W Yf 8 I rrvTSS ft JiTd Ms Kaasal 5 Fa I ; w - - iiT ; I6tyt Mil AMiVlaWol'rot.'..' ifhrnlVAs i! ' IT ;.i!'!i;;ill!!llWiii:..:u!i'A"jHli. ! 1 ; I' ;,; i.Ki:hc5l..-wv!i'.;:.IH.wlt4- ji . ; i . .'i:mls ! i.'.-ii:in.Cl.ri,rrn! j II. S il ..I ': I iVlWli'.b '.H'tlll,':- i Uiuni. .'.uiriii. I'.'.. 1 iutIiii.'-.i!, ?.; ... .i;,'. H. ., - I . liU- . .1'-.-. I ;;,., j . .. i, c j Ajicili rl Ki'iiKily I'm Tnii:-!ij.,i ii. 'ii , 'Mini' S',ir.ii..-;.,Miarili.K'i ii..niir .('i.nx'als.nns.i-Vvi'nili niss iuhI Loss ok m,i:i:i. "Ii Sunlit' SiCnhlur. 01' ! l XKW VOUK. rt r r inv rL" 'Jlrl- k : Bank : i. J' II i.1 1 1 " i WKU)i)N, N. (J. 'lis In AIHU-STJnTII, l -).. Suic of North Cau'oliim Depository. Halifax County Depository. Tow n of V'eklon Depository. Capita ana Surplus, 333,000 . JV K ' y--t (Ins in liitilioH )v et'i i inn i is si ix ui it u 'in mi hiisiiifxs itil .i'H'-n ul 1 1 th I' i x iim! I'liKslliKX r: W. I: HWII.L. Lr II (Jackson- N . n t h ir. GARRETT & Pioneer F.STAKLWHK1) IMitr.. SPECIALTIES; VIRGINIA DARE POCAHONTAS S lii It; Supiei liuilU) I ttii St Hung) OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA l;elChmpiij;iip) 1 Ory St-up leniunx) PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL m m m Ami all other varieties ut' l'liit :ind WhulesouiK Wines lor lumien ami lhitt l u.-c. tHil)f.st Cusli I'l ii en I'aiil in Htsou Wejtteni Uranrh, St Louis, Mn AIR LINE Exposition Line To Norfolk THE Hampton Roads, Jamestown Exposition April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Kates from Weldon: kouitd trip season tickets, $.1.85; Kound trip oO-day tickets, ; Kound trip 10 day tickets, $2. MO; Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2.65. I'iku'Ii I'.iciiMiuu rute Bold pruir ti uu'i.iim ilntr nml mi tai'li Tutwliiv llm imHi t, limileil itevcii itay unit nidor.wd "Not OikkI in KlrrpiiiL' ami I'ullnian I'artcir Cuw." Oilier tn k.Msno mi n.ile April ltu and rjutiiiim unlit flow "I i:iwiucm For ratm linm oilier iomt, applv to,voiirnMrit SEAUOARD an.'iit, or ni rcsfiiutivo!! name.l bolw. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. T. F. ANDERSON, C. H. GATTIS. I'iiket Agtut, WrldoD, H C Tor Infnntn and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought jjearS tile aigaatiiro in se For Over shiny Years THE ClfTTAUR COHHNf. NCW VOKN ClTT. oi : Weldon, provuli-il rK.nkli'U laiilitifs lur this rt't iiiM nil t itii ii M'lU i ilt'll i n n IMi B i li ihittiHii run n! it's uw ijumv v- tr QA of A4lT r w in VH'K-PIM'SlliKNT.1 U a nt t lin I n ('.(SIIIKIl.- W V. SMI I II, COMPANY, I Afiisricanl owersi tor all kinds tl'sm;b) I Irnils, r,ijHi U liom Oilux. NUKKH.K, VA RAILWAY Norfolk, Va. TranlliDg I'sowngrr Agent, Ksleigh, N C. 4 1M iiXU PASSING OF A CIVILIZATION. The Ureeting Between the Gov ernors of North Carolina and South Carolina. (iov. Glenn, of North Carolina, and (jov. Heywartl, of South (Car olina, met the other day at the Jamestown Imposition. As they clasped hands an eauer crowd rushed up to hear their time-honored greeting. Hut instead of that line old colloquy of tradition and romance, this is what fell upon two hundred waiting ears : "1 am sorry," said (iov. (ileim, "hut I am a tetoialer," "1 am sorry," said (iov. I ley ward, "but I urn a prohibitionist," The crowd fell buck aghast, dis concerted, astounded nnd flabber gasted. The same day Colonel "Henri" Waierson rushed home from tiie double. The same day 42 men were converted in Texas. The same day the Alabama peach crop failed. The same day a Mis souriun shot at a man and missed him. The same day 10 moon shiners in Mississippi surrendered to officers of the law. The same day the Old South rolled up its eyes, turned up its toes, heaved a . piteous sigh and glided off into the blackness of things that were, but are not. Thus there passed from the face of the earth a nation, a culture and a civilization, with none to wail a dirge. The Old South had been failing for years. The old-time darkies died out : the colonels of Kentucky threw away their slouch hats and went to work; the cotton growers of Georgia ceased giving all their profits to Yankee robbers and began to prey upon one anoth er; vaudeville sounded the knell of the minstrel show, and it began to he generally admitted that Shakes peare, Milton and Dante were bet ter poets than Timrod. But one mark of its ancient glories the Old South retained : It could siill hear the Governor of North Carolina say to the Governor of South (Caro lina that the intervals between drinks were lengthy. Now even that last balm and solace is gone. The Governor of , North (Carolina is a teetotaler. The ! Governor of South (Carolina is a prohibitionist. As well fancy Carry . Nation a wine agent, or the Czar of Russia an anarchist, or Mr. ; Roosevelt a confessed mollycoddle. As well imagine a student at Tus keegee fleeing from a watermelon or a Bavarian poisoned by saeur krautl As well say the moon is made of green cheese. As well call John D. Rockefeller a human itarian! The Old South heard and read its doom. And, then, like a gentleman, it rolled over and became deceased. Thus the old order changeth and giveth place to the new. Thus the times do move. The ancient bor der lints are obliterated. The bloody chasm is Idled with water and travelers cross it in lemonade glasses. The chocolate soda crusts and corrodes a hundred thousand coppery esophaguses whose early ailment was phosphorescent rye from aboreal and secret still. Shed a tear, brethren, shed a tear- the days thai used to be, when the jug marked the man and the duniiohn the gentleman! Baltimore Sun. Cures Woman's ttVakiu 'ssoh. Wi. ri'fiT to t Hit t. Ihkiii to wviik, iP'rvmis, Bufl'-iinir wnincii I.iikwii Or. I'ii'rce'a Fav.iriti' l'ri'srription. Or. John Kyfn imeut tin Kditoriul Mull oITiik Kei.MTH.' MumrAi. Kkvikw says of t'lili'cirn riut c lii'lmiltiv Hi.iml which I oil" nt till' chii't imtri'iliHita ot tho " r'a Toritn l'ri'rlitl"N " : ! "A ivinwlv wlil.-h lnvnrUi.lv .'! w liter tup InvtirnrHtiir n.aUrs fur nurn.tl .' tlvllv .if tin fiillr' ri'iirtHiu.'l iv Hti'iu." ll.. xlmiiw " in Ht'lmiiM!. wr hnv m..illra- lu.Mil wlii.-h in.ni' fullv ilisw.-i lhi uliuvti putlHHt'n Oi.m hi "tlirv .ii-ii m if'i uii.7i tim u.y.i.iiii"l. hi tin. Ili'' in ..f (INi'a-,1 ln- , t'uliar lo w. ii It l m'I.I.iiii that u .'hhi. im h i which iI.h' tint tm'si'lil i... t.ii' liHll. nl Ion for thin mni'illil uil. nl." I'r. I jr.. fuilh.T iivh: "Tin' f..ll..wltit; rc tmoiiir II. .1 l.'Uihnir Iniil. litliilik fin U1.I..11IKH l:iili'..ni l.M.l) I'uiii or .li hln In tim lurk. Hh lnrrhin 1 ltonir(wi'kM'iincllll..fif tin' rri.i.Mlii.-tivw criT"r. 'if "ir."". r....ill il,-,r.'Hi.it tn.l ir ritii.lllty, 4M',I,M, wUl).'liruntciliviM.tir the rrinldi'tie .tfvmii of w.mi; c.iii-.iBMt ll.. 11 ill livl In llm ri-flon of llm Kl'l nt'y!.; UH-tiTli,irit ifloodltini. fl.if 10 m-ik- . filed coiiltlon oflllir rciii.Hlii.'tlve jsl.'ni; , iiH'iiorTiu'll'yAiii'l.MU or iIim'DI Dii.nthly lHTto(l.AM(tnVoiu or t.TuniLiniuiiiir mi l.iiufJI roiiilltl..u of 11. dim .un u.cim iid iii'iiilc (linn hlixall l.il.ii; dranifinir irniuiini In thfl cxtieme lower pm of iho tMlJhipn.1 .... , If more or li'sn of (he nhovn vmptnmn C-ttiT llun' iioie I'r. Vtl""v: rtvurii ; l'l.'T'rttMQrie- CT tUP tfluuig linn-Jt-1 eiluol JIU1I Unicorn root, or Helonius, lid till) lll.'.ll.'ul prupertieH o( llit'U it uioMt fulllilollv repri'M'tilii. . (K Ooldi'U Seal root, unotlier pioinlnent IniirediiMit of "Kavoille 1'reMription," I'rof. Kiiiley Klliii!ood. M. ll.. ot ltin-ni-ll Medieal Colleile. C'hlrUKO, says: MIt Is ,n luiuortBtit remedy In disorders of the wi.mti. in nil .'aim rlitl conditions ud general enfeebleinenl. II Is useful." I'rof. John M. Sciid.ler, M. 0., late of Ciiii'innati, :ays of (iohten Seal root : "In relation to lis general effei'ts on tho system, tlitrt in no iHf.tiroir In ust aUmt which tfirr ui smfi yfiirinl uii.inOnifj ill onlfiioli. It U uliierrs'iilty reiraided fta (fir louic useful in all del.llliated slates." I'rof. K. Ilartliolow, M. I)., of Jeflersoo Medical OKilli'iie, sus ot O.ilden Seal : "ValualilA In uterine heinorrhair. nienor rhatrla tll.sHiliirl and couir.Mivo dyamenor rh.ea ipalnful meiistriiatl..iil." Ilr. I'lerce's I'livotiie t'resrriptlon fn.th Iiilly ruiirmwiiu all tlie alsive named In creilienU and cures tho diseases for which tier r recomme udad. un i canrru mi SiL LLMUL In pastures green ? but not always. Sometimes I Ic W'ho knoweth best, in kindness leadeth me ; In weary ways, where heavy shadows be. Out of the sunshine, warm, and soft, and bright, Out of the sunshine, into darkest night ; I oft would faint with sorrow and affright. Only for this, I know I le holds my hand ; So whether led in green or desert land, I trust: although I may not understand. And by still waters? No, not always so ; Oltimes the heavy winds around me blow, And over my soul, the waves and billows go. But when the storms beat loudest, and I cry, Aloud for help; the dear Lord staudeth by. And whispers to my soul; "l.oitis I." Above the tempest wild, I hear I lim say, "Beyond this darkness, is the perfect day; In every path of thine, I lead the way." So whether on the hill tops; high and fair, I dwell; or in the sunless valleys, where flic shadows lie; what matter? 1 !.; is there. And more than this, where'er the pathway lead, I le gives to me, no helpless, broken reed, But His own hand; sufficient for my need. So when He leads me, I can safely go, And in the blest hereafter, I shall know, Why, in His wisdom, He hath led nie so. Lines selected bv Jane H. Wellcr. Ringwood, N.C., May 15th, 1907. THE BROKEN TIE. I have given up thy friendship, 'twas a hard, a bitter thing, But mine's a nature far too proud to bear neglect's cold sting; It is one more lesson added to the many I have learned, That the noblest feelings of the heart are ohenest rudely spurned. Had the tie by death been severed I would have bowed my head, And wept such tears as consecrate the memory of the dead. I could have looked beyond the grave, and smiling kissed the rod, Which, when it smote me, bore thee up near to the throne of God. Had misfortune fallen on thee and the cold world passed thee by, I woald have proudly stood the test and met each scornful eye, Or had the evil-minded dared to e'en pollute thy name, I would have cast the slander to those from whom it came. l-'arewell 1 would not wake again my memory in thy heart. It has faded down the stream of time, let it in ,vace depart. Let it slumber in oblivion it has lost its eliann lr ihee: Its waning light could never shed one gleam of ioy for me. (io! but believe me while I breathe iliis I isi farewell, No thought of bitterness or scorn shall in this bosom dwell. Too proud to be neglected, I can yet be just to thee. And break the chain affection forged to fetter thee and me. The future ne'er may bring again, as in the path you stray, A heart more faithful than the one you lightly cast away. Therefore, in sadness, not in wrath, do I give thee back my claim, Withholding only that which stamps on memory's page thy name. 'STONEWALL." He Was Convinced that the Lord was On His Side and ICver Pres ent with Him. A remarkable feature of "The Appeal to Arms," by James Ken dall Hosmer, Ph. D., LL. D.-a brilliantly written historv of the earlier half of the Civil War- is the presentation of pen pictures of leading generals and statesmen. The famous "Stonewall Jackson is presented as follows ; " 'The truth is, old Jack's cra zy,' exclaimed one of his soldiers. 'I often meet hint out in the woods, gesticulating wildly and talking to himself, oblivious of anybody near.' At such times he was known to be at prayer. His biographer, hah ney, a Presbyterian minister who became his chief of staff, who was witli hint constantly and sympa thized with him fully, narrates that he interpreted literally the scrip tural injunction to pray without ceasing. He never ate or drank without uttering a prayer; nor, in deed, could he mail a letter or break the seal ot one iust received or perform any act without a peti tion. "When riding he was constantly at prayer, and might be seen to throw his hands aloft and move his lips in ejaculations. After victories his bivouacs became camp mcei ings, in which officers and soldiers , caught the enthusiasm of the Gen eral. Though he did not scruple to tight on Sunday, feeling that it was the Lord's service, yet for all ordinary actions he was rigidly Sabbatarian; a letter received on Saturday night must not be opened until Monday; nor would he mail a letter if he thought it must be con veyed on Sunday. "Convinced that the Lord was on his side and ever present tiih him, full of fanatical energy, with a constitution ot iron, with e e and judgment quick and sure, he w as j an enemy to be dreaded. I lis 1 spirit was that of the Puritan, or j of an ancient judge of Israel, a Jephthah, or a Joshua." Some girls are so proper that we wonder how they can think of going on a wedding trip without a chaperon. Many a man who has his price gives himself away. 1 II Hi TO WORK WELL DON'T WORRY. It Adds Years to the I ace and Ac complishes Nothing. The thing that kills effective work is worry. Don't worry. The way to kill worry is the way to kill weeds. No two objects can occupy the same space at the same time. If you indulge yourself in worry you fan the worry into a fury. As a proof that you can experi ence moments in which worry is absent just mark this present mo ment. You are thinking about wliat you are reading, worry is absent, for no two things can occupy the same space at the same time. w lien you worry everymmg is distorted. Nothing appears natur al. 1 he world looks dark to us. Our friends do not seem near us. There is no hard luck in the world except sickness. All other so-called hard luck is temporary. If you lose your money, do not worry, make some more. If you lose a friend, do not worry, show him he was mistaken. If you lose an apportuuity, do not worry, be ready for the next one. Life is short. The end of life is death. What's the use of worry ing? Worry is like drink; the more you give in to it, the more it fastens on you. Cultivate a cheer ful disposition. Mix with people who are cheerful: learn to look iq the bright side of things. Do not allow the garden of your mind to grow up with worry weeds. Occupation kills worry. If your mind is occupied with uplitting work or Prainmakmg you can t worry. Milt ovi.it l I V Yi:lti Mlts, WlNNl.drt'sSotillllNU XvUfT hct'ii ud 1'iir over years by millions of inotheti lor their children while ti-rthinn, Willi prilt'rt Mii-eesi, I. tout lies tlieehlld, soltciis i lie funis, allavs all poo, ion wind co'ic, nod in th- hi I lelm tty lot Ih.u loh i It mil ie.0 f Die pot.r little - li' -1, r inime.1... ely S.hl by iIh.-iMs ti ''ery put ot the v,iid. Tweuty-tive , i ills it h,t:le I'e sine and ask lot "Mrs, Wttisinw sNtotliinn ryrop, and take no other kind. (ioai'anteed iindir the Fond nnd )rns A el. .lone :itnh, littMi. Serial nnmher 100- Hoetors' fees are the reward for well-doing. Baarttba yjlUU.iv- ;.e Umi.is Rougtlt P...... St " THE QUARRELING HABIT. Tlu Habit of (Juarreling Over Trifles, or Splitting Hairs, ICs pecinlly When People are Tired Ik-stroys llrallli and kuins Cliara. Ut. I hav a hard whole e known hu ge families niter day's work, to spend a e cnim; qu irreling over s.mie trivial mallei which did amount to iinything. Lagged jaded ;,,., loe day's Work menial irritanon m-i discord s lot the I in minion in the tired brain coinplei ly exhausted them, and of com their sleep was troubled and it, rose next iiit.rtimg :v,v g.i worn, with no iVesiitiet-s i i'lniety for the v day': a: They feh as out on a dt i When sit. ntotiv is the in iii" :i wt ii : titai :-r- oitly condition u. which suei;!'t'i of tin: I,- beauty of life ear. be developed? One's best work cannot be done under friction, nor in a black, heavy thundercloud atmosphere. There must be sunshine and good cheer and a happy environment to bring the best out of us. The faculties do not work normally where there is even a discord. little bit of Perfect harmony gives strength of purpose, concentration of mind and effectiveness of execution. There must be liherty - no sense of sulfoeatiou or restraint or re pression, in an atmosphere which develops the best in a man. Many an invalid to-day owes his or here wretchedness and practical failure in life to quarreling, fault finding and the bickering habit. Irritation, friction or discord of any description, is a great cucniv of strength, health and happiness while absolute harmony of chat -acter and environment is friendly to all worthy aehie cmcui. In thousands of homes we see gnarled, crippled, starved, stingy lives, which have never developed into their greatest possibilities ; lives which have never blossomed out or come to fruitage because of being in a vicious atmosphere, an atmosphere full of discord, criticism, scolding, and constant repression. No one can do good work when feeling a sense ot suffo cation or strangulation. let llie mail vim ilee, to prove Until si in pies of toy Or. slump's Lest, native nml my ii.mU on ell ller I lvicpsin, the Ueait, oi 1 In-K i.lncys. lili me. I'r Slu.np, K.lcllie, is t'l.. nli'es i.l tile Stotnacli. Ileal I ot K i-ii, r s. me merely symptoms of a ileei.T aillii.-nl. han't 'i.akc llie co i. in. .11 elioi' el llc.ililiu svinptniis ni.lv. S tit illoll treat III- lit IS Ile.lt ;nu t lie 1,'t'Sl I.T of v..'ir ailtneiit nml in. I 'I'lli''. I'AI si: Weak s'nlll.. ell lieives- tlle lllslile lletles lueal.s sloiiia. h wcakiics always. inl the Item! mill klluesas well, have tllcil cimtiollln or in-nlc in i v. s. WeaU. i. tli. se ncnes, ami y.m ineva ihlv liaie weak vilal nt i; ins. tteie ts win re itr si ' s tte-tinalive has in. nie ils lame. .. ntln i lelliclv e'. ' II elilles (., tie,' the risi.le nerves. Also li.r hlnatllu. h II. 'II less, hail lileatll, or c.niiplevinll Use Ot. li,n,i s l.'cstnlat.le ti'e i t lliv fl .- 1 ..... k now. Mil hv W ! ' ui' a ', .',. . f. The average nia:i spends mo: of his time between plans fir t:: future and regret" for the past. More New s from the New land Stales. If al.v ..tie Ii is.inv ii.mli el I'.a. 's Ki.ln.-v i ,:. . H re. el I.I Ml, A I III II Milt limalit ic. I ..iiii. w li ill. i Ii. utile Hie, ci.lv '.el 1. 1 lim.. .... ' . I Uil i .1 1 II I. -I l.'Mlli, tl ,t ' 1 t it - ...ilnle il'v himI I , -ley's :l s ' pisl t lie hup,- nl i. ci.vi ry, in, ,i nl s . ii'iuiv lenie.lii s. I K i.tnev I ore. win. h li llinii' lot him. as loin 1. nt c .Inpa'tely . Me Is nil v en Ir.e I'm.. i all lliesiiff. una in t - i in. il him i, h .-, anil i,l. nt li. acute knln.-i I'.r trail!. I. ..lie hv t: CI w.ia A man who can ioke with his wife about her dressmaker's bills must have a keen sense of humor. HeVltt t'arltoli.il W ii. li H.,,1 iloi s not merely 1mm 1 mi the Mirl ne; i pi lietr.'trs 1 lie p Mei nml (en i il I v leh'- r piiiu, eausfil I'V liotU Inn ii-, MMtd, t in Hliil -Uu ilweiee". It 1? epeeialU n (el pil k Hi w ;ii- ol iliilliit mil-. fM.M In W M. t'olieu, Wei-too. N. C. A friend of mine contends that he has always been lucky at love. At any rate he has never married. Notice to Our Customers. We are p!r:ieil to announce that Foley's Honey mid t .n do tmiulii, cnlil-t nnd lnn titMililes is not ;illti-te'l hv the National 1'nre I'ooil inul tMn Ittw as it eonlains no opL.tes tit other haiuit'ul tlrun-H, hint we recoinioeiiil it a sale remedy lor children , tmd ailullv r.H sale h K 1'lark, Wehh.U. N. I'. 111 I lld'C itl't4 IHiriH'tOU 0 tie ,U1(J o SuaVss , , , toll gates CASTOR I A For Ii.fauto ami Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of FOLEYSHONEYHDVR Uurtt Coldat Prtventi Pneumonia Sl.i:i:i AN!) ()!.') There is no question that the quantity of sleep required steadily diminishes from infancy to old age. This is a rather interesting excep- tin :anv general rule matters, old mat. age to tue need- As Me in !l. e ,.r have at deilg ,a i ...ilia cm i. , f'.il lU.'.V wlncii s i maiiv 0 lose, liieir ease is not to 1 ; over, eatiies The i hoc.:-; pro pecial value . I ! of sleep, I'V t:.e 'ed by ti e p-'Vei'.. .i!. The P's1 Sleep" Is die early I the J' sleep thai make Mitv. i'aii .'i.ii: r.mted. ! ii houi's lieaith a:,d '.lie. WHI.DON, N. C. TD NICII.ViOND.VA. Tickets on sale daily May Jlith to June .iid, limited to June 1 1th. Hxtension of limit to July lith can be obtained by deposit before S p. in. June 1 Ith with Special Agent, and payment of fee of ?0 cents. Special trains on May ciOth. I'nveiling statue Gen. J. Ii. B. Stewart. June .ird.- I'nveiling statue t() to Jefferson Davis. Trains leave Weldon 7:30 a. in. " Richmond, 7:3? p. in. 1 or particulars or any informa tion applv to agent, or w.j.i i";ii'.,i'. i. 'i. i.r..iinr.ii.i,. Wilmington, N. (C. W dlX PIANO jj jq BARGAINS i 1 T il 1 t Conover Piano. upright $105, Wellimrton Piano, $45, ' 0')iee!ock CpriRht, $85. Inj S'.ieif liprinht. $185. IN I f. Slicd' k'l.ve-N nnd liaii:i SM) 1 1 4uild Piano, small si.e $.'.0.(11 fl All Kiiar.'inleed to be JJin fine condition. All Si used. LESTER PIANO CO,, Inc. Ol.inl.v SI . NOKFOI.K. VA. John .1. Poster. Manager. 0101230 pi In-;. Sour Stomach Wj appetite, loss ot strength, nervoi: n-fss. hiijachc. constipation, bad breath, f-nsrul debility, sour ri.nES. and catarrh ut t:i. -tomaL-.h ars ii a.if to indipr.ition. K.i iiii cvirss indip-isticn. This new i:sccv erv rft',ir-"sr.n!s t:ii natural juices of ciige tic.i as thsv exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the "reatest known tonio a:u reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pasia Cure doss not only cure indigestion and dyss-psia, but this famous remedy cures m.I sto nach troubles by cleansing, puriiying. sweetening and strengtheniiig tn mucous membranes lining the stomach, Mr. S. S. Pail, of Rivvood, W. Va., says: " 1 was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. K -i 1 t-tirid v6 u4 are now ustnf It In inulf i.'.r j;iy." Kodol Digests What You Eat. only. $ I 0 i Hi.-- h.-'i.'iu ?S timej tie trial s:, wnt'-li sf.is ( v fio cents. opard by t. Cl. U.WiTT & CO., OHIOAQO. siH.h nv W. M.('(HKN, win, Hon, n. c. OKA I. KUS is !!i:.YY AMI t'ANCY u We huve tlie lit'st line of Ororcrii-H in town. When in neeil ot anything in Grocery Line Cull on us. jour trade Our Ml.u k is 1're.ih. Give us ! iflOIIYSKlMEYCUEB Mailt Nldnayt and Bladder Right iU J.H.Howard&Go Weak Women TO W-'ilK it.lli: way to li.-ic. H.il n inu.-t Is. cii.il.iiii .I. IIoiiilI. let I...I1. i.n Ilr. Sin.. .i. r. Sncl.1 IT. l."... - K. - I'm I I..-1 ,.rj.' -I Ohio. in. i. it. . - . at l. s-t nnu . OV, nil. ii l."nl. tun1 CIlllS'illl. iin.t. l.i'tli ccutml. t'l.. I...II.I. ..I- i iiii-i'tmibtijl. ,.:t.l i .ii , - i-ii Iniilml I, ii,. .! . w ln!i' I'r. ,;v ui, itil.riiiil tr.'iil. i. Ii--?. tlir'iuirliullt tlw i. ..ilr t.t uil nerve, :..':it. .,'.i - (MJ.KM, .lifs III .1. - i ri .iinl iiillaiii. I'.i'lll V.,lllill.-M' Hli.l .irn'iv Oli'llt. 'I ll." el.tir- y.t"l all ti,..i- i-.i -l.,r;i rf III. I.ll.l 11, Tl... S'i- ii i -iif . work w!,a,. ,iii i eil mil. ,.i- ..irhi.v.. lll-cliii:ir-. wliil.. tli ci.'i'.'iiii n; ':, r. l,nil,N llli l. :i 1. ,1 Ii--vrr-iiiali. v,t,'.,r. .itn U,..li,r;,.iv,. ui.!. ;. tu tin. -)! in lur; .11.11 I'. fllO ll'TVlltli i:''.r uij.l aitiliitititi. Hill iilmiit ri-n. Well I,,!,.. It. M,.,..h 1--.I-1. K. ll-Till ti.lllC ..'111 lkli line Ut Well Dr. 5hoop's Cure W. M. COHEN. !l' i! V!!l'K's, to ai '.i.h .,: 1,'KKr. ft 'i i.K-ni tt; VA. ! AM I'M I I IlKHS- OF Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Having Inmht out St tl .S; A!?x;iuder I'.iumli'rs i i I m:u'huiisis, uith :tll patterns w iir now pivjiiiml Ui l'iiniih pirls to ni:tt'liin'S formerly Ui.i v by tlieni. HYDRAULIC FR ESSES aml PEANUT MACHINERYW Mill woik ami casiins of all kinds. Strom) li:ui 1 iiiacliioery fnrs;i!e cheap. Call on lb or wi ite J -r hat yon want. Ureal deductions For Cash I 7 1 Me.ilele l;i.;s, $2 75 ! (Hi Smyrna " 2 20 i."i mi Mn.iicili' riis, llvl'J it. 17 75 )'.-;c China Mattintl, Klc. ar.e. " " lHe. e'e'!). .Ia.:incse " 17e. 'J.V- " " lHjo. ti.'ie W'imiI Caip-iiin; 4Uie line, Willlh.W sllilltes, 20l'. .rille " " ;t7Jc iVic s! yuril witti- I.iiiotttiin, 75o 7. "hi " " " ftoe '." l'loiit Oil Clolh, 48c 1 Ho Axinin.terCaipetiliy, 8yc 1 411 litxio l'ielni.. rramcs, 95c Wall (uiper, 1 "i ami tic per roll A I.AKfiE STOCK OF Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, nml supplies on hii'id at all timee, at t he very loet jiriees. SPIERS BROS. WIXDON. N. c. Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refuse ubatltutoe. Prloe 60o For sate hv K. CI.AKK, Weldon, N. Grand Display Sl'tflMi AND Sl'MMKH MILLINERY. F ANCY HOODS and NOVELTIE8. Hiillei i.k'sl'atteiui. li. k. (i. CORSETS. Miiwi atfiOc., Ladita 75c. to$l, rni will be made to suit thl timea, Hata and Bonneta aiadt and Trimmed to erder. ALL MAIL OKDKKH PROMPTLY FILLF.-O. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N.C. i J ' -I" Ml I J -

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