, When the i Hair Falls R Then it's time to act! No time J to study, to read, to exptri- B merit! Ynn wnnr 1ii anvf nnr hair, and save it quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Viy.er. 1; makes the sculp htuhliy. The hair stayi in. I: cunnot do any thing else. !.;'s nature's v. ay. Thu bent kind of a tora.nmui ,1 -"SoUi fur civar mi y, , " ; ol'lieial aiHimincctJict tito names ol trie .ut'n:cv. AP.KiNiiTiiN. Id .oiuu of tin rr SAk!,n""-'-' LI W O :-tF hh v r"-c rr.i tPVAl. x. ;.-t.:Aiwca are to rtpre-H-ist N; the c.ie n v. hu:'.. K .i.'.w.i;- wa! , ll'iC fu;;.;n a , --.a,,: been 111. 1 ' .: a ', ".'.'. A r'i (a-:;e."i! cvCl-if'.lm.tiv'c .Lit herd. !!;;:. I:. Vil'-wn, ev-J,:.!::e !; a' 1.! Vi.w S. I !r an 1 1 ,., v a,, , i- ! 1 t.'ii t .mti to l mi:, ic. .VI l'.;,v'N i ..line III Smut. ; iV-.-s I'h. .. r.vl 1 1 A:,i:i,,ii i I, St'Wv'M ;, .IIU "a ai .!!V.!U Mil'M Vac in !he V.il! it1 a when ;.!. "(.'hik' a a-, hr.iliv-n THE ROANOkr. NliW S. Tiirusinv. V, v, M i ' ; ', Published l:crv Thiirsilay. KS'TKKKII A i I'llMlll 1 III: U HI I In-S SRI'.IMi II, A-. M I 1 I 1.1: KAILS 111 Sl liSl.l'lI'lHiMN HWMT: One Year, (liy mail., ln-l.ij;,- ..n.l. ?l -H ailil dcVntmft. .1.' Six Mouths, :!.:'. s. !i.a :n;. ' mi im , akenir.Li i:i 1! hnaie, Cans.m.t ii" 111 at .! u'eli'ek an im.ih.l :m' y..i; v.ime pc.tv(u!Iy. i.k asleep Her lt:a a'tef 1 I'eMi -!'.e epress A Weekly Print .'tiilir journal ilili.tt .l NkKilllev's J.e. desire to ioin li:m and with v.ect Christian resignation she aw aited .iul-.i".v..-,us..: CI '! Al l. Skl H'O! i,i.i:s Surplnir I lie A.iepted i'muaU for a liatuln.il ears to the nialerial. ednratioi at. nnlMn-.il ami unriculhiial intniMsol lla mix ami -air- the Sllllllininv rmindiliLieoiiiilii's , ,. , Rl-T. IhU .VMNf.llWl. "I St. Advertising nitt-H i'ea-,,nalile and 1,11a, isli- Louis, Mo., the ps tistvrol 'tlt!l- eit ou application el it Mi'tllo.li'aa t'a.it !-. lu-.r,. lile """ """""" " """" """ Hl'sl iiuias'et' hi ile. kite 1;: .ilk WHAT w ill we eat, hen dollar giaiwc m the ;; the wheat sends Hour so high that we Methodist lipivopa! ('liutli,Sni",h cannot buy? --spoke twice Sunday at the l p- r. 1. r r- 1 SVOl'tll Me till nilSI Idlll 1 1 ll . N nf lulls . diu uiuei roraiser carries a pipe of peace in one hand, and a toma hawk in the other. Va. ie is S.i veat age. a no a remark he made at l:punh 1 Church was striking that he had Having found out where he I been married and living with i.ne stands, Senator Foraker refuses to ' woman for sixty -three years with sit down and keep quiet. out gettins' a d;vuuv lie is u ,11 preset ed. .It'd his I eileiliseilCeS IF Miss Mabelle Oilman isn't a . Wcrc vcl, ,I1!crcs!mg, ,.1VS the blushing bride, a good many peo-1 Ledger - L)ispat.h. n-.s, parents 1 1 i M.I. rill i ij 'i liii..., II M I, - I .illlW. K - ll f I . al ,1 liu ., la ,!,,! I a '..! I-, a: ,1 I ,, I l.r pie think she ought to blush. Gov. Hughes, of New York, I wants to use for a while, the office he has before he tries to run down ; another. were Virginians. NEXT we expect to hear thai we are getting spring on the iii'.i.ill ment plan on account of the car Shortage. NORTH STATE NEW S. lU'im of Interest l-Votn all Section af the State. Wok-son 'a ill ere.! a .tin notiM to 1st S.mI. Ot'tl Kei Kwuh ( la;t, u! Mi a- illgtui!, Md , I'.i'" t : e' ' I i.llled iu I pastorate ol the ( a -a i'l , s;-. i church a' Coticufd The Ch.irlutre ( )hcrvir in Formed and believes that Dr. I.d- The French artist who painted warJ c,,ijut:i, f I lunterviilc. u President Roosevelt's portrait "in ha a pea f'..vl that :s amre than !h A Kentucky dairyman has been caught selling milk with minnows in it. He should be more particu lar about his water supply. Wanted ! in Uvkitiii 5u haiiJIe a complete line ni Cir.'irs. Address M!ii-!l!liHt!liK CO., Inc.. J2I 222 tioard .! I I'.kle i U.ililiifj, . iii lulls, a. TOWN L3T FOR SALfc. at I , ' 1. 1 ' - iV.i a restful pose," must have por- 70 vears old trayed him in a sound sleep. The experts may succeed in getting a photograph of the canals in Mars, but they can't get any photo of the canal in Panama. The report is denied that the Pacific coast people are waiting to attend the Jamestown Exposition by way of the Panama canal. 1, ed iv uoniis or bugs ui' s.ane knid. The glass ,s Jrynig tip a:; I i-a ks like brouin seage fields. la'.e negi'iies escaped i'roin Ala mance county iatl at ( iraham, lasi t-'r:d iv night; they managed to re in, ne the bar of a cell and then :ut their w.tv to treedoni through the The Sultan of Morocco is said i-rKk, ,,u to be very chummy with his den tist; but what could be more natur al since the man undoubtedly has a pull? -rs. New I'.erii's ne'A paper will ',' know ti as The Morning Sun an will make its hirst appearance Jun 1st, with K. M. I'hilhps, former; ' , . , , . . . , editor of the Raleigh ist, at the The fellow with the didn t-know-, it-was-loaded-gun has laid it aside for a season and gone to rocking l-ire which originate J in one i.t 1 the boat. The force of foolkillers dry kilns of the t .,,ldsb,,ro ; seem inadequate to cope with the Lumber rompany at Dove-', d - increasine surnlv. suar.ed three 01' the comp.ri, s , kilns and ?il.Oi0 feel of h.:;,v "In an Indiana town, sixteen entailing a luss of between ?.0i)O women attacked one man, and and tii,tnii). whipped him because he persisted . Assistant Conunissioner of In in brutally beating his wife. Any-: suraKC, ,, Scott, has pro body find Fault with the ratio?" . curcd aI i.i!jngu,ii IVum tlie grand asks Bryan's Commoner. The ra- jury true bills against J. 11. and tio is perhaps a trifle old-fashioned va,',h (,and. charging they burn but the story does not disclose an , cj j store at Turlington's Cross altogether bad state oP affairs in In-. Roads. Harnett county, to get diana. S2,000 insurance. .... While the members of her fatn- SlNCE the captains ot nidus- .... , , , ,, , ,. . , , , c ilv had gone to attend the tuneral try have ound that the people ol ;. . , , ,. . .... ' . . ot a neighbor, Mrs. Dmph Kit k- this country propose to take more , ' 1 ; man, who lived m Summer tow n- notice of the way they have been . . . .. ,, , , , ship, (iiiiltord countv, counmticd systematically robbed by them, : sujcKc hy kmi,ui(, hvVsM she "captains" have been shouting 1 UK ticcn mentally ill lot souk that hard times are going to come; j time. but with our foreign trade m-; creasing over $200,000,000 over j Cures Mood. Skin Diseases, C;m . . ,., , cer, Oreatest Ulood I'urifier Tree last year and cotton and wheat , , . , , . , 1 1 vniir 1.1, nit! i-, mipiih'. tliiu. uist-aMil. away up, we do not see now a , (ir (M , i,,,,,,,,,, , VI, h.ll(. m,i "panic" will find room to stand , iwimju. ik(, ims ' a ' Seasonable Farm Seeds I mil Dair CnKn'tinmn iiiets, ieosinte, ; Late Seed Potatoes, j Itockwheat, Vetches, I Crimson Clover, etc. Wood's Crop Special. rViur !',,, s aa,l I::n:'!;.' iiitMinKitaai :i '"it tial can iic piann-d to iiuviimairo and piutit at ililli-rcm aa,,ns 111 lla' yiau', mailiat Inr ou Write for it. tmmm ,ti y. sLi' au ti i .r- 111 i I It ' '!'(. .lele: 1 ,r ma.' ir, i.i'rli', ih'VA .,lv 1.. aiilui f 1 IK'S Ails. Mwiii'ls ,, (Ales,,!, W. .itis,', ai'i-r s.iiie'iin,' Willi l.'itl.tlo li s Hie.ilillrl'elil Joc lei!.1!, I ;;t hist mr-iih'iiv I, if all my ;11 utlvrs lor tt'iir.tle m&l&lr&tMr&'&l ' W'' Vt $l-ic v.- ." Wc bought n carloads ot : : : : : 'ts. n Urn ill 'it'i i i , iDinh! ; H h Ah ;!', I J i lllW 1 . 1 I t,-r .iikaclii. lie.iilacho, i'l' ui'iii'.tlii iy c.ita w!"ii;li s;J women A ;vrlvi i-.niv- J-r '.leivaU' w,a;i-.'n. A pr.ro !v r.i. liii'iiii' iMf-jris Litis w, ii!i:"i i 1. 1 .iro Mtbjoct 1:: liiilts p,e i!l w!n 1 U- lirii'g m'. 11. ts biiH'fiti'i! A I ETTLS L.. 1 1,1 s;l!v : , in Si. 11 WINE OF -Ki a5- a n .J Before the big ndva-rife in piic? andean, today ::.::'' a-' '- Complete b'r.r? in rovy thing neodfid in Building a THF! Bank of Halifax, .a liai I, 1 -I, Hi t- tl M 1 1, 11 1 liankll. la .11 a Wit I, .1,,: , Ilia I r III,' ,l:,,l ah-i Ihr Sialt- ,-,,i--liliiti,.li a,l,-,la. A BANK "Ii a , i al. 1 I,, a,, lh i , a ,, 1 , 1 1 , i 1 1 u- It ,il!-a I a -a ,,: l,uii,,-s.. .-I . 1 '. ;. ,a. a o, n, 1 it "-.:-.!.;.. ,-. lala 1 1 , 1- n,-.i . -.'.'- a, a , i ' i i , -tl. .1 la, I II- ,!,,,!- . 1 1: a,, i- aui a, ,j,Mii, ai ft COMMERCIAL. DEPART M E U T li, la a u,n, i.,l lianliia; ... -,:.!,! u.ini - is ,,,n.l,i, Itil, a, ., - II ll,' 1 1" 1' l.'IAII'.NT. Hr i -. . -I 1' I i i-a, . ,--l , (.n,! iini, ,1111 1 - In, 1,1 ,11,' i, liar ,il),l ii,m.ii,1 i,,,'i,-,l . .tit ,... . ii.ilii,,-. . i -, 1 , ! , j ,1 ,a , ,a , 1 - i ,a,l .a 111,' Slali-. liit- Haul; ,,,.'s i'. .. o a a , '- li , ..u.. I ll' "la ,n, I all ill. II l'iiii;uii, I . I. Ii;iis. I' II. ilt'Kur, , :, i ' ' Vl.-t---t. -:,i, HI. 1 a-l,l, l. we can save you money. H o u s e i 'vt-i,;;i V. Vmm the brick foundation to the tin roof Give us a trial order and be convinced that mm '4$ hm Wholesale and Retail Hardware, Weltlon, N. C. V m 1 fce ra i'i ,1; r ' a Tin; inM'iti'A or Till; i lRSi" NATIONAL I5ANK OP l;LI)()N. , .;..,; ; 1 tin iV "1 1 1 ll I 1:1' II t. .it lUr !.) til' Uli-!!l''-t. ,iV 1 'H'T. jV l.j.ut :k ks. i.iai;iutiks. ; . .,,! il.-n.itti. : 1 1 1 ' :-.:;', c.ij.in !.k. J.Mn.d on 1 1 , 1 nit.i.N. iwivT'iii (i. Nmplus mini, I'J.'il.f) nil 1 S r.s'ii.S u -ft iiir r:i'.".i!.'.!H'l! "tl 1' ml 1 ult ii jnnl'iu, K ; vn 11 -ts l Hi u l'i!.- I.i iii- I .l.'U- ' 1 i iini! I.ixr.s .:iui '.'lu- ; 'If. I inn. ;i,-.hi s I'.umt.- i,:i'-n'i NniitiMal notr" -m wt.unlini: .'."'Onn.iio :v-. j: .t.lv, -. .nlir., . .l i - IH;r tu nlll-l Natloful iMUks -l-l . i 1, IfliM', i 1. Mi. I 'iU' :it:l liir lit St. ill' I .i 11 k h mill t;Ui k i'i I ,'!".! ".' 1 ni , I - I 1" : I t;ii' In ;tr.) fit l v '."J ",! Stf- ,'i ; : 1 . tii N'.iii. iuiik !:! ' l'.v il.'i.U uiii'.tiil, li.-ne .i.i,'s 'I'.'i.'.-u i!ir.iltl;t;il leLlUU' ltl'jfft tu :v ; ;e irom k-.r.iks luukfi " tbetl. lUv--.' M ir ;j..m M,ii'Jfii r.-fi'vc ii -if T.'Hl.J-J , Ct-riiiitd fliftkn 5 nil f' !it'i' ks .n:ii other t.iii lienit "'-7 t C.ilntr's chtTk outslf.nding N,.t.s hi oilier Nalu-iu' Lkilk- 0 I nitt-il Sluic- dfjMmiln 5nii!)(l i;0 h t i' ! 'j ! j. tpi-r i in 'jc v. tiiflir". i't- " I" , ,S-Ht- mid bill i'filiscuuntnl ;;:(' no , -j . ,1 I,,., !,'!' I l'.'-. '.''till' I'H I i ll 1 Ml )) I Ml fll ? ii FOR WELL-DRESSED MEN. 'i i jV'iV tf jiVlV ii iV'i; 'u' ij ufii w 'ii'i'tiX J ii i'tV u'ti i'ViVV H V- .'tti-.'fIT I'i "0. l la - ,1 ana -n,a ii !., I,. i,,m- im,- i In-. il ,i I'-ia .1 II. Til.i.ltM IN. Nut. ,iv cm. in' ; , v.. -i , I' I., KM II. 0 l. A Ml.l:i iS. r. n inn ,. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, lMTKIiSlU'lUJ. VA. '"Tl -1 fc. ; luuf iM. S u- .HI.. HY would you spend your money lor poor fit ting clothes when you can for the same money j get a fit vti;il to the very lies'. wlliM'-itiaJi; tidilk'i ? Wit would hardly do litis if you only helieud the follow ins tatciiH'itt ; UNLESS KOO ARE , DEFORMED, WE Cfl IT YOU PERFECTLY. rr 4 I r - Come to my store mid K'e us ihe tlniiue to demonstrate, to prove the truthfulness of this (is-sertion. j ii L I' n u n ?? ii Alondiiy, the loth day ni June l'7. .,M I f. N, 'iiirlaii l ii jirri at us m 1.,,-ti in rar-niTia. H,,l,l i.nv l'J I v " i R1NTING I fi il;il irt -VlMtlP y ',itt!. in nl;ti-. jbr. FURNITURE! 1 17fr!77.?fr.'4. Ar- n ' 'I T. vv wrnn , cnac AL J i 1 SKKDSMKX. K ) RICHMOND, VA ll tl J. A. ALSTON Excelsior Printing Company, Weldon, N. C. THE Bank of Enfield, at llnfield. was the third li.ink to he established in Halifax county and now there are eight. According to reports of the condition of Hanks at the close of business. March 22nd. 107. it was the largest in surplus and undh ided profits and also individual deposits in the KUIIlt They pay I per tent, interest in their Savings Department com pounded quarterly If you have some idle funds send it to them by M Ml. and they will mail you u pass book with the amount entered in it Wur business will receive prompt and careful attention. GEORGE B. CIRTIS, DAVID BELL, IVtY WATSON, President. iccfresident, Cashier. .'si We Have The Pinest Line of Household and Kitth- .' (vcn l-urniture. Parlor Suits, Matt'iv's, etc., liver &x,feXiW 'h Hroujrht to this section. Our line of Crockery, Tin and Willow ware, (ioCarts, etc. is complete. r-Jf W U mrfSKEKTAKINti IS AI.I. ITS III; N tl 1 1 s. r-1 : i'l V sicr. I's AS't) lit'ltl 1 1. K01IKs.fat $ kit Wagons, Carts, Buggies. : Cooking an.l Heating Stoves. S U V- N" S' AINHA('K. - - - WKLDON, N. C I an o r OK 0 FINK. on, in this country, do you? STATE OP OHIO, 1 CITY OF TOI.KHO ls. LUCAS COUNTY. J Frank .1. Cheney makes oulli that lie is enior partner of the firm ot F. J. Cheney & Co., doing basinet in the City of'i'oleilo Connty aud Sttte atorepaid, and thut uiid tinn willpuy the sum of ON i: IIUNDKKI DOI.LAKS for each and every case of ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the uho of Hall's Catarrh Core. FRANK J. CHENEY. Rworn to before tue and anbgcribed in my presence, thiatfth day of December. A. D. juq u.an a w ni violin ... ........... ..... Notary Public. Hall'a Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta directly oo the blood and mucous .surfaces of the system. F. J. CHENEY 4CO. Toledo, O. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists Price 75 cents per 'bottle. Take Hall's Family Fills for Constipation. I'KOVISIONS, abliv piniplv skin, In, ne pun, r.itanli, r hi' umai ism. or any lilao't or skin ili.-rasi', take llotnnic Klooii Halm ( II. H. 11.) mioii nil sores heal, arhes unci pains atop and the blood is made pure unit rich Iiiij4;i-l.s ! CiyatrH anil Toliai'co. or hy eximssSI perlioitle Sample free' bv wrilinu UMKiO IUI.M Co.. Atlanta. Cor. Wasliiniilon Ave., and First Street, (.a. H. H. B. is espeiially adviseil lor We-ldm, N. (' t(l-21-ly thronii', deep seated eases, as ittui i s. al'.er '. all else lulls. 11 i A CARD. SYDMOR & HUNDLEY, i IM, iKi'ni; i l.h) 7HU -711 7 1.1 li. hroiidSt., Richmond, n. Promise you a treat in the inspection of their Spring Line of Choice I urniture, Our Selec lin ai c cMwcplioiiaiiv itllraclie this Season and prices are right. If not convenient to come write us for lilue Prints. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, Inc., LEADERS, Richmond, Va. f Ol TQ1 Credit U'JIJlt'.t'3t5v:.Vfe;s, I A M li o r Instalment n J 111, SPECIAL RATES ONS. A.L. RY. KICllMOvII, V A ( ontederate ete ran's Iienuion, May Until June :inth, rates of one cent per mile pins twenty-live rents will apply. For rates from other poinls, dates of ! sale, ete., apply to SKAHOAHI) AKent. or j the undersigned. i C. H. OATTIS, Travelling Pass. Aent, Halcinh, N. C. I (iKUKCH- C. (iRHI:N, Attorney-AtLavv, (National Hank llllilitiiiu:. ) I'raetiees in all Stale and Federal eonrls Colleelion ol' ehtinjs ill Hali lax and atljninina counties. Money to loan on approved security Attorney for the First National Kank af Weldoii. WKLDON, N. C. F0LEBH0KEMAR F0LEYSH0IOTH-AR i Write to us, or call when visiting the Jamestown Exposition, for Jash, oors, llinds Mantels, Tiles and Grates, Hardware, Paints, Etc. FRANK T. CLARK CO., Ltd., NORFOLK, VA. 5 30 ly We mention a few but remember these are not the only bargains we have - for you. r: 1 1 lirass and Iron Beds, $3 and up; Bedroom Suits. $15 to $175: Sideboard jimi China Closets, J10 to $50; Dining Tables. 5.oo and up; Uo-Carts 2.5o to .in. Pianos and Organs, $50 and up; Sewing Machines, 15. oo to 4o.oo; Stoves and Kanges, 10.00 lo oo.oo; Matting, 12cto3oc. per vard: Caroet. ner vard 25r t l.oo; Art Squares and Rugs, l.oo to 25.oo. Mail orders promptly filled. No person is ever disappointed here. WELDDI FURNITURE COMPAHY, WELDOfJ, llom CoLi. top tl coup; tl snd ! lunafp I for chililrtni 4a f, tun. No optaft