WW ft vr a '. Kowtow??'. Sf WS4.V K Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per AnnumJ VOL. XLII. WKLDON. N. C. TIll'KSDAV. .11 Ml I!))7 NO. bv test N r 191 a cJ Iw"; tv -Tli Kind Yon Haw. jthvayx V.mislit, tt;id w hlch list linen. In UNO for live- :;0 youi-i:, lists Ilium- tin- of " , '""I lias '' innilr tm.lor his nor- '-f7''-f;-r'' ' Minal siiifn :.imt slmv if inl'anry. . ' .vn..v;ii..oii.- !..iI-.--U-joii In till '; All (VuiitoriVits, J initiiiinti tit.i: .7 Mt-;i---. " niv lint J'I.i-iiui:!-, Unit t.i.- miIIi anl 'iiil;:ii-,i r jc licultli of Infants ami ( liihb-i-ii -r.!i"i-i.'a -c anaiii-t i:crimnt. Wh at Caslorut. is a iani:'.'ss iil:'titntf Cur (Y.stin- Oil, l'ltre-K-i-, !viiis an.! Sii.il hiuy Sinins. i, is Pli-asant. It iititnin it'i'I'.r O -i'lta,. 'I'M-pliinc '. ul'iir Narrotie substance. c. f : 'IS J; 1 1:1 1'il 1 ! i . ( ;. i .- ;, ':! Wnl'llitt anil ullavs 1' h i I-?. I. cmc. 1 iai Hiow anil Wind t'nlie. !i rr!i,' : 'Irnlji;.;; '! :-).ilil'-, . urcs CoiistiiiatioU and rial ii!nc, . !; a-luiila:i'-i hr I'. ml, ri-clalcs the Stoniai'li anil Ili.-.M'N. uivin' in-alih and naliira! .sleep. Tin' ChiUlri-nS I'an.ii-ca- 'I In- Wotlicr's i'l h ml. GENUINE Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE Cr.NThM CO'OANV. TT MUHPfcV CTntCT, fit YORK CTV. OE The : Bank : WKLDON, X. C. Qrpnizea Under The Laws of the State of North Carolina, AUiiUST-jiiTll, i-iij Siaic of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anil SnrDlus, $38,000 . 17 o u M yi-iU-H this intihiti(in hits H Hectiuu. Its Htncklmlilei's anil . ImsiiiHws intm-.slx ot lliilit'iix unit Mout-y in louui'il upon iipprmnl st-runty mil inn. AiTountsol'iill un- wnl U-i t i-il n pkksiiiknt: VH'tM'KKsniKM" W. 1 . 1) AM I I , nr.ii.w.i.nvis, u (Jackstin.Nuithanifiiiii Co . N. ('. ) OE MBMBWI GARRETT & I Pioneer m m u n m Wine . . - ft s ti m ay-i??T4 LUJmt-.A.-L-q j-.. ESTABMHIIKl) I Hit",. sfeoia.h.ti:eS: V I R C I N I A DARE POCAHONTAS J5 (WliiteHrnpiH-riiuiiKi I li.il .Snippiononj;) W OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA M PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL ijg ( Spark I ID;! rijtlil;llf) sj And all other varieties o( I'tire mi't Vli,-lfMMHf H mikiih- litmn- uml h.'trl n c (.Hi(he8t Cash Price tutil in Slmhi t'.ir nil kmtls t.'-ni:i!l fiui's ntu" i-tc, Western Hranch, St Louis, Mo M-hm otli--c MiiiRH.K. V SEA BOAR ) AIR LINE RAILWAY b Exposition Line i u iuriuiiv Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Kates from Weldon: Round trip season tickets, $3.85; Round trip 60-day tickets, i Round trip 10 day tickets, $2.00; Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2.65. Coach Excursion rate sold prior to opci inij date and on caeh Tuesday thcreil'icr, limited seven days, and endorsed "Not Oond in Slu-pi'ii! and I'lillman Parlor Cars." other tirkeMK on sale April ltli anil eontinii" uiilu close of Kip isitiou. I'or rates Irom other po uts, apnlv toyour neirj-t SE ABOARD I'Hcut, or rep resentatives named bel w. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. T, F. ANDERSON, C. Ii. GATT1S, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N C TrnvrllinR l'ivssen)?er Arent, Kligb, N C. ALWAYS Signature of 30 o! : Weldon jinviil'il liiinkiny I'iii'ililit's tor this iliri-t-li'vs h.ivc liin-n idchtilint with th Nnrt hanijilnii rimiHii' lui iiimhv i- irs :it tilt- l. o.i! rate ol inli if-l six n i yllllBIIHIIIIIIIIIIM WimMBMKV A ftwiimiiMiiiiiMn fin iMiTi vJ COMPANY. AniericaoS Growers NOT ML TO K DESIRED. A (iood Name Is Rather To He Chosen Than (ireat Riches. Great riches, after all, don't get 1 everything in this money loving j and mammon worshiping country. ; U'. lillis Corey, president of the j steel trust who was recently di-1 vorccd from the wife of his youth ; and 1ms just married allashy beau tiful actress named Mabellc Gill man, is now getting in the news- ' papers of the country, just such pen lashings as a reprobate and j scoundrel of his type deserves. So I much has been said of Rockefel- j ler's piratical business methods 1 that outside of the circle of flunkeys ; who move in his immediate sphere ' and live in hopes of getting a few j of his dollars that he has the sov-1 ereign contempt of pretty much i every honest man in America. And j Harritnan who negotiated the "Al-! ton Deal ' that he fondly expected to bring him fame and riches, finds j that he got money, but instead of fame and honor, has won from j the nation's chief executive the I ; name of "undesirable citizen," and from the rank and file who j speak more strongly that of "rob-1 ber," "bandit" and "pirate." "A good reputation is better than a ; golden crown" run the old latin; lines and it is of much service to remember it, and "what shall it J profit a man if he gain the whole I world and lose his own soul" is another question hard to answer. After, all, we should be glad that compared with the whole popula tion we have not many million airs, but more so that the great i mass of people do not hesitate to think and say what such men as Rockefeller, Corey and Marriman really are, notwithstanding they . have wealth that would turn old J Croesus green with envy. i Will Cure Consumption A. A. llt'iiiMi, I nn li. Ail;., writis; 'To lev'.s Ho i' . anil 1 iris III.- ii--! prepara tion loi roiii;li-, i oliN lino iUP Irulllilr, I kiitHv thai it lias rnml consumption in tin- liist sti'jos.,' mi iii-vir iit-;ml ol'anv out- hsiiih l-olrv's Money uml T'al and ; not hi-inji salisliril. I'or sal.- lit K Chirk. WcMoll. N. (' The honorable man will always honor the things that are honora ble. III .11 it Ml if Itt'l lif.lilll. Ml III! fit 't i h an ti ih'-i tl iv s wnrl; vvIhmi nt-os-:irv, Jki-. inut'li liii u Ini'll ll-- mIhhiIiI in I h .iik in . v I . ( '. ltnm r-. ItiutK h Villi'. I' i.. Wllll-S ih .t lit Wd ll"l iiiily llll i miii i. tint llf cinihtn t -ttinp mt-r lu tli' Ins u i Ihu'1. Six lint I it ..I s K'iIii v (ii iii.nif ;i nt in in tf Hi lit . IU' ,rs, "Siii i i'.t. in I'.iltVs Ki lin y I'llM'.' For miV liv K I r W,..i.,fi N (V The emerged tithe will do a lot , to solve the problem of the sub merged tenth. roit m i. it ix i t i; ui Mils. Wivsi.ow's.-oothim; Sykit has , been Used for over ''-tl ytars l.y millions uf i mothers lor then chiiilieu while tccthintr, withpcileet success. It smithes thechihl, solteiis the emu-, a; as ail pam; cities wind colic, ami is tli-i best remedy for Diailhoca It will relieve the poor liltll- ' sutlerer inimedia'ely. Sold by druists in every pait ol the world. Twenty-live cents a bottle. He sure and ask foi "Mrs. Winsiow's So.illiini; Syrup, " and take no , ol her kind. Ouaratiteed until r llieKooil mid Drills : let, ,1 nut- autli, IPiid. Serial number Inn-. A rubber-tired vice is likely to take iust as straight a course and make even better lime to the pit than the old rattle-rim kind. What Do They Cure? Thi lllmvr (pipstlon Isofloll Ilsked (i .Tl- ri'rniiii! Dr. rn-reo's two It-ailiin: ini-ui-ciu.-s, "(iiilil. n MotlU-al llisoiM-ry " mid "I'avorlto I'rrsiTiption." 'Clio aiiswor Is Unit "(ioklon Modioivl Oisi'uvi-rv " is u niosl juitont ulli-rativo 'r (jl. m 1 -1 m 1 1 li i-r, iinil toiiir or invioriitnt net acts I'sjH'ciully taorittly In u i-nra-tivo wav upon ull dm iniii-oiis liinnif sur fucfs. us of tho nasal passaKi-s. tliroat. Iiroin-I'.ial tlllM-s, stotnui-h, bout-ls mill din kl.'t). cnriiiK a lariri" Ti-ciit. of cut a r rlutl c.iVs wlii'tlit-rbi1 illsi'aso atti-cts the nasal piiViiSi's, lli ffny.il, luryiin, bron chia. iiuauiicliNl as omaoHI J)spi'tslti ), bowi.s(u lllloatjIirrKPlVli I'lmWiT, UUTin or olhcr leTvic urifaTr Kvyn In 0i-I'lir"'!1',' in' lil- "r'Hiyi1 C'tfi's fclT"f 1 Ml". " is"'""' Slieeesslol In Hllert-I'lre'-l-'iivorlte t'resi-rlntlon"! advised lor I ye f .lie 1) fej iass IP Olstjises. muM- imje Irr.' - ii ; r 1 n In ii I-lit lii M i.nie . oil V is ii towe.rtiil iiit ueiiily uetlia; lnviirofat. Iuk tonic and nervlim. Kor weak worn out., ovor-worked wonien no matter wluit lias caused the hroak-ilown, "Favorito rreserlptiott"vlll l)M tolllul most etteetivil In hulldiiiK up the stri nu-l Ii. rruukit inn tlio womanly iiuetiotis. siiIkIuIiis puin mid liriintliiii uhoiit a heulthy, vigorous condition of tho whole system. A Iwolt of particulars wraps ouch hottlfl Uivlnir tlio formula' ot both mi dicliii's and glinting what scores of eminent tned-h-iil authors, whose works aro consulted by physicians of all the schools of practice, us uuidea in prescribliiK. say of each in (jrcdient ctiteritiK Into these medicines. '1'ho words of praise Is'stowodon the si'vural iuKtedieiius cnti-riiiit into Doctor Tierce's medicines by such writers should iiavu morn weiKlit than any amount of i lion - professional testimonials, because such men are writing for the fniidance of their inwlical brethren and know whereof they speak. Itnth mnticlni'S aro non-alcnlinlic. non-si-i-ret, and contain no harmful habit fornitnii ilrups. tieim coniiosid of (ilyceric etructsof the. roots of native, American medicinal forest plants They aro Imtji ' fuild by dealers In inisllclne. You can't , alloni to accept as a substitute, for one uf j theso medicines of known composition, i any secret nostrum. Dr. Pierce's I'ellcts. small. suirar-couted, oasv to takn as candy, rciiulaie and la ! vlgortt stomach, liver and bowels LOVE'S SACRiRGE, There was never a rose hut what had its thorn Nor a heart but what its sorrows knew, There was never a lite without a purpose havi With good to accomplish and life work to do "He loveth whom He chasteneth," is very ole And has stood the lest tor dark ages past; Hut there are hearts today v. ho sutler and d Hut are true to themselves while lite lasi In the drama of life, d o we 1 1 tile think As we see the throng surging by, There are brave lives blighted and hopes out are crushed And hearts that are too sail to sigh, (jive the best that you have, and in giving You relinquish the dearest you love, Never dreaming of self, but of others. And it will return to you some time above. When your ship sails away in the gloaming, And you feel that your life work is done. And the sorrows of life are forgotten and forgiven In the joy of reunion and love that's to come, You can feel that if you have been faithful. To the task that was allotted to you, You can share in the love and the glory, Of earth's most fortunate few. Our lives must be noble, and inspiring, liven daring our all to give up, Remembering the One who is our Leader, Who drank the last dregs of the cup. We can give, we can wait, we can labor, We can sacrifice all things for a love, If we only can have the assurance, That in Heaven, we shall love and he loved. WHEN MOT! The house is such a dreary place when mother is away ; There isn't fun in anything, no matter what you play. The dolls just sit as stupid, and act so still and queer They always say such funny things when mother's by to hear. The little china tea set looks so lonesome wailing there; There's no fun playing party and eating only air I It isn't like the lovely thing you most believe you see Upon the plates and saucers, when mother comes to tea. There's no use doing up your hair and dressing up in style, You know it's iust pretending, and you're Betty all the while; You never hear a whisper from the chairs against the wall; "Dear me, what splendid lady now is coming here to call The pictures in the picture-books are never half so fine, The stories won't come out and talk for pains of mine; An hour goes so slowly, it's almost like a day The house is such a lonesome place when mother is away. GOING HOME. f It Muy He a P.; ight One Or One In Which an Invalid or a Little Serving Maid Only will dive lis a Smiling Welcome. "1 am going siraight home." These words fell upon my car as 1 was hurrying along in tiie gather ing twilight a few days ago. They were spoken with no thought ol their being heard by any but one to whom they were addressed by one friend parting from another; but they lingered in my heart for some time afterward, and their echo is there still. We love to go siraight home, most of us, at the end of a weary, busy day. We want no wandering or loitering then home is what we crave. It may be a bright, full home, with noise and light and laughter, or it may be one where a pale invalid or a little serving maid only will give us a smile of welcome; but if it is home, and if rest and peace are there, it draws us siraight to itself. And how is it with that other home beyond the river ? Are we drawn straight thither through all the toil and weariness of our life's days? Are our faces and our footsteps always steadfastly turned toward that home? Is there no loitering or wandering by the way? No forgetting of the end of the journey in caring for the journey itself? Does it never seem as if we almost lose sight of the Father's house in the many things that dis tress us on our way thither? We might so fasten our eyes upon that "sweet and blessed country," that the roughness of the road would scarcely cause us a pain or a sigh, and its turnings would all be seen by the eye of faith to be part of the King's highway, leading straight to himself. And oh, the welcome and the . greetings of thai better home ! Oh, i the light and beamy and restfulness of that home where our dear ones j are watching for our coining 1 Yet even their presence will be to us the far lesser joy, when we find ! ourselves with the Lord, looking I upon him whom our souls love, ; who has washed us in His most precious dioou ana redeemed us to Himself forever. How the weariness and the windings and ; the conflicts of the journey will all sink into utter insignificance in tlu i joy and blessedness of that home : coming ! Christians, are we go ing straight home, although twi light or darkness may be with us? "Lei us comfort one another with ! these words." j And trouble comes to those who i mate. Id and dear. CL'LTIVATE HAPPINESS. Learn to Laugh -A Long Face is Not Synonymous With Piety. ? We ought to be happy, we can be iust as good usually fifty times hetter if we are happy than we if we are melancholy. A long face is not synonymous with piety. Happiness is our birth-right, not gloom, inn rigorous discomfort, but joy and sunshine. One of the best recipes for the production of happiness is a contented mind, and as a contented mind is a mind that owns something to make it con tented, it behooves all of us to brighten our existence as much as possible. The way in which a certain woman of my acquaintance accomplished her own happiness is as simple as it is advisable. She had (for no particuler reason) been in the habit of wearing nothing but black. Black she discarded, sub stituting for it pretty and becoming colors. Then she denied herself new books, saying that she could not afford it. But she found this was mistaken economy; a new book once in a while and a bright magazine taken regularly cost very little and brighten life immensely. Moreover, she instituted little cozy, comfortable teas for her friends. and lor herself wrote out and prac ticed the prescription : "A cood uigh to be indulged in three times a day." She kept in her mind a stock of funny incidents and jokes to make her laugh, and three times a day, instead of drinking down a tonic, administered unto herself a hearty laugh. That woman was her own best friend. Reniarkahle Rescue. That mull is s ranker than fiction, has onec 111 !.- l-eeu .1.-111 Mis'laled ill the lit! e lowtl i I 1'edttr . Tenn.. Ihe leslil i.teol'!' V. I', pp r. Ill- w I lev 'I was ill bed. enlneiv tlisi .oil with h, rrhilc.es of the liltixsaullln.i.it. Iloeiois tailed to help me, and all hope hail 111.-, when 1 liev.io lakintr III. I lits New llisctivcrv. I hen iuttant relief t'liiie. The toilhinu soon ceased; the ii eeilm-i diminished rapidly, ail'! in three w -eks I was aide to ki to work," tiiiar.iiiteeil cine lor coiijiis and colds, ."sic and s 1 al all druesjists Trial butt 'c free. The Love that is ever within us gives us greater comfort than even the hope of the life beyond. The Magic No. 3. Niliiilier three is n wonderful iicise.il i.ir tie... II. I'.irns, ol Cetlar tiitivc, Me, nc- ciruiiiK ton Icltei which reads: "a,,,,,. nill'eiinu much ith liv.r and kidney iroulile. and Ihvohiiii!! meatlv disconraiied iv Ihe lailnre to 11 ml relief, I tried Klee trie Hitters, and as a remit I am a well man today. One bottle relieved and three Isiltles co'nip'ctcd he cure." ti uiiiatitccit lic-,1 on earth I'or stomach, liver and kid- uey tronhlcs by iittv ilnnsiiist. Mi: ' Pay as you go, but don't go you pay. till: OAO't'oujia.. Bunrjiia, 11.: man H:m lwais Bought ;ll.:kilillViia Siguatnra tf IRISH HOPEFULNESS. Sure, Things Are Never So Had Hut They Might He Worse. The Irishman sees everything through rose colored glasses, says a writer in the Guidon. He is supported, ton, h) a simple, stur dy faith, a spii ii of resignation and UNWoi'ldhiiess v. oi ihy of the saints of old. The dread hltght had lailen on the fields in most of the districts where e were visiting in Ireland, and the potato vines hung limp and brown. No word ot complaint was spoken, and w hen the likeli hood of famine w as mentioned the answer came : "Danger, ma'amr is, but (iod is good, a way." So, too, iihout the Yes, He I there find hay. The summer had been terribly wet, and for days the new mown hav laid on the ground. It was an axious time. "What will you do," I said to Mike, "if this weather keeps up? Your hay will certainly be ruined." "Oh, please (iod, it won't keep : up," he answered. "He'll send us a bright day soon, just to see how well we'll use it." "What a glorious night, Mikey," j I said to the hoy, as he and I and the donkey drove home under the : August moon. "A fine night, indeed, ma'am, j Thanks be to (iod for giving it to ! as:" They showed us, on the road to town, a gentleman's place where, ; j in a stretch or what not long since ! had evidently been thickly wooded j land, stood stump after stump of giant trees. Four or five years ago, when the winter was excep tionally long and cold, the peasants . suffered from scarcity of peat. They begged this landlord proprie tor to sell them wood, offering not only to pay his price but to fell the trees and carry them on". He re fused. Aain and again they begged, for the suffering grew intense, but he would not let his land be marred. One night there came a wind so frightful that it seemed for a tune as it tne tug wind were mowing again, in Hie morning llu highway along this proprietor domaii was impassable. Huge lives, blown to the ground, lay across the road for a distance of two miles, and the forest beauty was a thing of the past. The town authorities ordered the obstruction cleared away, and the peasants got for nothing more than they had refused for pay. "Twas the hand of God in that, ma'am," 1 was told, "for, with all the wind, not a poor man 'scot was harmed, nor another tree on the countryside only those. God al ways looks after His poor." POl'AL TO Till: OCCASION. There lived some years ago in western Pennsylvania an old cir-; cuit preacher whose denial humor and kindliness of heart endeared I i him to all the people of his district. His opportunities to "tie the knot" were numerous. On one occasion he found upon his arrival at a cer tain town several couples wailing. The old man was tired and wished to make short work of the job. "Stand up," he began, "and join hands." He then hurried through the marriage service. "There," he said, "ye can go; ye're man and wife, ev'ry one of ye." Tw o of the couples hesitated and made it apparent that in the hur ried "lining" they had become ! confused and had taken the hands ' of the wrong persons. The old I preacher took in the situation, but with a wave of his hand dispersed them, saying in a deep voice : "1 married ye all; sort your selves. I will mail you free, 1o prove merit, wiii'pleti of my Mr. Slump's UeHtorative anil tny lionl; on cither llywptip.sin, the Heart, or the Kitlm-vf, 'rroiili is of the Stoltliicll. Heart or Kiilttevs, are merely symptoms of a deeper u liiient. linn't make the eon moil error of treating svmptons onlv. 1 Symplon ireiiiiiieni is ireatitistlii' li h.si ,' , ol your ailment and not TIIE CAl SK. i w l"lk ''!''l' ni'tves-tlie inside nerves I means stonnich weakness always. Ami ! ,he HeI,rl nl"1 Kidney a well, have their i etintiollliiu or inside nerves. Weaken I ,,lp,e "'m'si "ml you inevitably have weak I vital orktmiM. Here is where llr Slump's ! Kwtoriitive lms mnile its lame. No oilier : remedy even clainis to treat the inside i nerves Also lor bloating, biliousness, bad breath, or complexion, use llr. Slump's liestorative. rile me tmbiy I'or aainple uml free book. llr. Sluhip, Itacine, is. i 1 Sold by W. M t'ohen, Weldon. N. C. FOLEYSIIONEMAR Oures Oaldsi Pravepta Pneiimoola ri:i i.tx rioNsor a isacmli.or The most tun that a woman h.r. in being rich is the way she cm patronize tiiose who aren't. A gill's idea of a hero in a novel is a fellow thai would be locked up in a lunatic asylum if he u as anywlii-iv else When a man lias lo-.i a I . : ol' nioiiev al poker he acts .is if he had invrsi!l .ii ;'.iviTiiiiiem bonds ami tilt.- gi a ei uiiiuu had defaulted. I! a i;:.ii: va:i m.il.e a sieani 'neat er t .inner by iiiriinig mi the sieain his v.'ile epee!s him to in vent something that will make litem millionaires. A bachelor could be tav;ed 75 per cent, of his income by tile gov ernment and still have more mon ey than the man w ho is merely taxed by Ins family. New York Press. I. el '-Ileal! ii ..liiple "I' ll' lea! c.iliee ill hear!, or kit!".. It e liiilt.tlion. closely III Iti'llei Mili- voni' lniiiat !i. your I t i inn lit' tins eievt-r ! id"- . While Hr'Mloop has very I I lll.l .'.i.aanil M.i'lia ( ot- I tee in llavor anil t.i-te, ye! lie has not even a single lillil ol leal culi-e ill it I'I'. Shoi.p's Iteai Ii 1 oll'ee Imitation is made Ii oni jiii-e lo.i fnl e'riiiis or ivi.-aU. willi Mall. Nuts, ete Mule in a inianti. o tedious wall. Nun will siire'v like il For sale hv W. I . I'aiUr. Yt e i N. C. Half of the problem of keeping in the right road is solved if you will keep within your revenues. They become blind to the spirit ual who will not blind themselves to some of the things of sense. O 'MO S vr Por Iuia:;ts and Children. Thg ftm Bought Bear;! tho Signature of fj SIX PIANO BAT) n a rvr For this week Couover Piano, upright $ll5, W'ellinirton Piano, $45. Wheelock I'pright. $85, Stie-ff Upright, $185. Stiff! ki.eYiiiil Pinna $80 (iinltl Piano, -.mull size $.0 BAII stiJiranteetl to be in li n e i mil I i t inn All used. LESTER PIANO CO., Inc. l.Vi lir.uiliv M . Nll!:h'OI.K, V.v. John J. Poster, Manager. IL apv Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup CONTAINS HONEY AND TAR Relieve; Cold bv working them out of the system through a copious anil heaitny action of tin- bowels. Relieves Coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the tliroat, chest anj i.ronc: ;al tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like It sol. n nv V. .M. t'OII I'.N, I'Kiiuiv. s. ( IH'AI.KIIS IV UK AVY AMI I'ANCY n A n 1 We have the best line of liroceries in town. When in new! ol unything in Grocery Line Call on us. yonr trade. Our stock id fresh. Give us j iFOlEYSKlBNEYCUKE Make Kidney and Bladder Right JlHowardiiCo Rheumatism I lia v.: ditiii'l n trin Hii'l t"tr) cure fur Khtu. jtklUiui! Not a r-HD'tly Unit, will straighten tho (t: Uirt.'tl limb nf i-Lruim- 'Tipi'lt'S, nor turn bonf jr-mttis back to flfsh iiRiiin. That is imiosNiltlA. (itt f (Hii nnw n n-ly kill tht) pam and pang of tin-, tl iiiomii.' iIi-'hm'. In (.oxriiiihy witli a fVmfgt in th" City of PuiifHUi'it 1 fnuml tli taut injrrMipnt with which i i r . S!mi s Kh'-ujimric !tiiui'ily wa mailu A ji'Tii-i't'-'t. iVpftHiiihli' irMcnition. Without that lusi mtfi'f.l ifii t. I Miivslully treati-d many. Iiut'iy '! of Kii.'tiiniLthiu; hut now, at lavt It uni formly rurenall ctmihto citse ol tin ti.reUtor luuWi ilr'-iiil"l li i'iiif. Ti in' sitii'i-lik' gnuiular Wllsh'-, loWIllt ill KhfllTMlltil' 1'il'JOlt. Nt'lilll tOttiSliolVU titKi mix a wuy iimlcr tin iti'tioti of thin rf uindy h ifn-ly ii.-riots ShKitr Wtu'll U'lil'"! to iiuru wuttfr. A 1 H I tin ll. Wiit'li ili-tuUdl. ttlHM piHntlOU H'tistKU freely hi from tint s y -t-li j , uinl tin nttlit ol Hfi' iMii.itisiit i in iir.'voi'. TIi.ti I.- now liu rdll tl.tr-tl-ll.) lift Mil Cecils.' to VllfT'T ioiiKr with. outtjt'lp Vw fti tl. uiid in t'oiilnlt'iict! rLcuuuueud Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy W. M. COHEN. ItiUlM lu IK IN ailKKS,! io ;si H.i KTUKKT," ii 'i ::iisiiiiiG. VA. MAM FAITI J1KHS OF Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Ilaviiij; hoiiyht. out Stwl & Alexander ibuiuitTs jiiul machinists, with all patterus wtf an; now invpitrwl to furnish mvl to machines formerly nuutc by them, HYDRAULIC PRESSES .... PEANUT MACHINERY .uj Mill work ami castings of all kiudd. Sfcmitl hand machinery for sale cheap. Call ou us or write i'..r w hat you want. Great Reduction-si For Cash ft 75 MoiUtme, Unjp,, j2 75 J Ml Smyrna " 8 2(1 9.1 00 Mmpirttr niK, tlx 12 ft. 17 75 12ic Clihiu MiiltiiiK, lllc. 21c. " " lHc. 22U:. .Injinm.He " 17e. 2.V. " " ItO.e. (i.lc Wtinl C.ii peinat .jot'. 21e. Window simile, 2IK-. fille " " S7ic 9.1e 2-vuril ivitle l.iiiulttiin, 75c 7.1c " " " 6.1c lilc 1'lt.iir Oil t'lmli. . 4Hc 1 3.1 AxniiiiterCiiiiietiii, 80c 1 40 ltix'.'o Picture Frames, 5c Wall paper, 4. ,1 uml lie per roll A l.AlidK STOCK OK Talking Machines, Qraphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, ami aup ilieHim ltatiil at all timee, at the very lowest price.. SPIERS BROS. WKLriON, N. C. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There 19 nothing gained by delay. 50c. and (1.00 Bottled. RIFUbl 1UTITUTI. For sale liy K. CI, AUK, Weldon, N. f. i -OF- SPUING AND SUMMER MILLINERY., FANCY GOODK and NOVELTIE8. Bntteriek'sPatterna . R. & G. CORSETS, Mianea at 50c, Ladiea 75c. toll. tPrice will be made to aait ta timea, Hats and Bonneta made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL OKI1ERH PROMPTLT FILLEil. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon. N.C. Graii Jisplay I-1

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