M t Li HI rTfe, lira III i2&ssft Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XL WKLDON, N. C. TIU'llSDAV. .WW. l.l, l)07 NO. V 11 I wv. Tffffl NK !ASf UK 1 grift w im ; gr AVl'Retablc Pivpnnitkui fur As almiUiiintj ilid'Oii'i'ino-tila liml llic Sutiiu'.clu- ;nul lit wl '. ol' I'MniolosDidoivChiTifui iii'ss.incllii-st.Ci'iiliiiii-' nciUicr Opium. Murphim1 nor Miiuto!. Not X.viiroTii-. m't . n-S;U:i -a. in. it , . I'sv,. I i . ul. .e lW ' If fiUliMi-luti. t 'wiim .tiipv Itlnitivprn i.uw: Api'lfiTl iii'm.'ily fiic"01is!ij.) lion, Sour Slonw! h,li.;riltioii Wunuri .( liiivuIsiims.l'Vwvish ncss mill Loss or Si.kki. s Fac Simile Snjiinlure of new' vohk. m EXACT COPY OK WRAPPER. V OE 3E W ii ? ..J lis : Bank : of : Weldon, WKLDON, X. C. Organized Uuder Tie Laws of tie Slate of North Carolina, Al'i;lrST2nTII, 1-Kl'J. Suite of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital ana Surplus, $33,000. To 14 years this itistitiitum Irs provided liiiiikiiij: liii ililiis lor this 1 Wit inn lis spi'li holders Hint illleelors have heell lilelitilied villi I lie . Iiiisiiii-is itit-re"ts ol II ilif.ix ami Northampton rniiniiin lor many ' in Monev in lii'itn-il up,,n ',pniv,'il si'dint? sit til- li jfi il rale ol inleriM six per i-i'll I ll m . i counts of ail .in w iln-ited. prksiiiknt: w. i:. ii win., VICEPIIKSIIIKX T: Hr.ii.w.irwis. (Jackson, Northamttim Co . N. I ) IT- "IT mMWMWMMMUMUW I GARRETT & m 1 Pioneer at n- KsTAM.lSlll'I) isar. SPECIALTIES; M VIRGINIA DARE j$J (WhiteSeuppernuiiK) XSS OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY M I A VV A I MA iKedCbiniiML'nel $ PAUL CARnETT SPECIAL (Sparkliiu; I hainpauoel iiii Anil all other viirietiesul' Pure ami Whol.'.-oiae im s lor homes anil hotel u e W MUH ilthcM CmIi l'riees I'liiil ill Season Western Bruui-h, St. Louis, Mo SEA ROARI) AIR LINE RAILWAY the Exposition Line nr I o Norf Jamestown Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. : Special Rates from Weldon: Round trip season tickets, $J.5; Round trip 60-day tickets. ; Round trip 10 day tickets, $2.00; i Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2.65. Coach KicuraioD rate wihl prior lo opening date und mi eaeh Tni-mluy there ifler, limited neveo days and eniloised "Not Oood in Hlrepinu and I'ulluiaii I'arlor I'ars " Othei tirkelKKOon mile April IMh and e.intiniie until chwe ol i:iewiMiin For rate) lruui other poinla, applv tu your nearest S E A BO A R D Wilt, or rep resentative!! named lielow. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. T. F. ANDERSON. Ticket. Agent, Weldon, C I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Us For Over Thirty Tears TMI CtrJTAUR COMMNY, Mil VOflH CITY, 30 iasimkk: W V SM1III. 50 COMPANY, g u American! i 'ft ..T-v.r'I-.- ' POCAHONTASf Otetl Seuppernon) iviiincrmnsw M I N N E H A H (Dry S.upperuoni! 4 rftf' 'V lor all kin.ls iil -miill Hulls , snipes ete iI.hm.-oill.v v-1 ) ! .' I 'l U.K. V A U11V Exposition Railway C. H. GATT1S, Travelling I'afwnger Agent, Kaleigh, N.C. Ij Signature Km Mr ii i"it I ... vi I'Tinurniinw- ft THE HOUSE OF MOURNING. The Comfort We Pint! I'nr Others Waits for Us. The Saviour iiiught that they that mourn are Messed. They shall lie comforted. Others have as much cause to mourn; hut sor row is unpleasant, and they put it away. This is a busy age, and we j have no time for sorrow. This is j a joyous optimistic age; we have I no toleration of grief. Our moth-' crs read sad stories, our fathers , sang sad songs, hut now the minor key is avoided in music and in novels. It is strange that with all our Itght-heartedness we hold to the fashion of wearing mourning for the dead a fashion that can hardly he regarded as in good taste or altogether consistent with the Christian faith. It is not wholesome to shut our-; selves away from the world's sor- j row. We should at least know j something of that burden He bore ; who carried the load of human woe. If there is no grief in our repentance, there can be no joy in our pardon. Where there is no mourning there is no comforting. , He was a true pliilo'.ophei' w tut i said :, "It is better to go to the ! house of mourning than to the house of feasting." If we help others bear their sorrows, our own : will be lighter when they came. The comfort we find for others ' waits for us. 1 will mail von 1'rre, to provf merit, Hatnpli'S ot in v II'. lieop s I i rstoi at 1 ve unit my lnn'k on riilit t I ivsp-p-aa, the Heart, or llle Kiilln-vs. '1'lolih es ol' the Stomach, ; Heart or K iilu'vs, are men ly symptoms ul' il deeper aihai nt. I lou't ,tiale the eo ; limn error ot tie. Mini; svmptons only. Symplon U'eatlil, ait istreatmutli'' 1,'KSl l.T i lit your ailne'iit anil not TIIK C'Al .-K. j Weak stom illl Helves ihe illviile nenes ! means slnmaeh we.ikn ss al,vavs. A il the Heart ant! Kiilucvsas well, have their , eonttollln or incite nerves. Weaken these nenes, anil you ineul ililv haw-noak i vital oroalis. Here is ,v here I'r. Sheop's , Kestotalive has tnaile its tame. No other: retneily even elailus to lre.ll the iusiile nerves. Also f.,r hloatile.', hllinn.l.oss, hail hreath or eienpleuon. use Or. slump's KestoiutiM- U'liie ilk loilivlor sample ami tree hook. I'r S.tonp, 1,'aeine. is. Suhl hv V M ' ohen. Wi.l.lon. S. 0. There is no outer radiance from the life that has no inner light. lift a Tree sample ol III'. Shoop'ti 'itealln olVee" at our store. It' leal eotlee ilislmlis your slninaeh, your heart or killings, ihell liy ttnselever l ol' lee M Itatlo I. title lf Slloop his ery lis . mateheil Ohl .1.1,'a ami Moiha lot', tee In ll.iMil ale 1 laste, let he has not even a single tllai II ol le.il eon. e ill 11. I lr. sin,, p's Health Cotlre Imitation is tnaile Irion pu e lo.is eil i;raiiis or eereals. viith Mall. Nuts, ete M ole in u minute. No teilious wait. You Wlli stire'v tike it l or -ale hv n. I . I'arker. e'i'ioi N. l in the dark allev we often ind the foot of the golden ladder. The Magic No. 3. Number three iw ji woihUtIhI muMcot l'or it'ii. II. I'arns, oi Cnlar (irnvc, Mt-., ae forilini! to ii lettt-r which inuls: "After MilK'iiiiy; much nith 1 i t r ;unl kidney Irmililt', ami tu'cinnitiu' ureal ly tlisi'ouraftt hy the failure In liml irlirl, I tiinl KIh trie HittiTs, iitul ih a r-'-ult I am a well luiiii totiuv. One hoMH' ri'hi-M'd anil thice hottle.-t i-tnttplct(i lu- t un-." tinaiMiitefd t 'ft mi earth ihr-'iMi liver aii'l lii-v truiihlis hv .tii (I i)L'it. Miiny women forget that it t;ikes more than a perfect house to make a home. J RUSH ON DELIVERY. Jack Someone has compared kisses to old wine. Katherine- Boor comparison. Jack- Why so? Catherine- Because kisses must be fresh. What good would bot tled kisses he? 'i hat iiu' American rorests uhouml In plant whk'li posess the most viiluiibli tneilieinal virtues is ulmiiitanlly itltesti-,1 liy seotes ol the most i-mitl'llt llleiil.-al Mriters ainl d-in-hers. Ki-u tho utitu toreil Indians hinl ilisenvereil the useful ness ni many unlive plant- l (,.re the iiiheutiif liiewt, ie la.-e. 'I'his inlortiia tieil. Imjiarttil !;.,'! to the whiles, led the latter toi'.-lltllill,' in ,'-1... 1 i,'lS lllltll lo-itay m e ha, a r Ii n-nrimeiit of Ulost Valuable .Vuieriean ueanlnal hwU O 2 Pr. rterre believes that our,iiierlein fo fstH tljhu"! in n(t valuat'le tneiltellial niott lot the euTKtjf niobt utislmuie uud f&liil ills' s. If wivvMiTHJ im)p.Tl.v liivi'ntltfite Ihemt taMiriTHiJtiyi of thin convtetlon, ho tMlllftaTMlth prl'TNj iId' nlmo't, p.-irvetLin Liiinii,! ui'nl in hn i 1 i "on lll.-l Illl. ur.iven Itself lo lie Uiq ftlor. heart lniue miiiI retfulator. ami ItlooU cleanser known lo uieUlval s' li'in e DikiH'O ala. or liiditfefctlunTtortMU' UverTTunt'tlonal and eren valvular and other arTectlonf of the bear! yield tu Ms curative action. The reason icAy tt cures these and many other atTt'L-tlona, la clearly aliown In a little book of extracts from thealandard medical woika wlilch la Dialled fret to any address by Dr. K. V. Pierce, ol Buffalo, N. Y.. to til m-ndlng rexjueal for the aama. O Not less inarTeloua. In li e unparalleled cure It la constantly making of woman's many peculiar affectlona, weakneases and UlstitfrJiif dcraTKenicnls. Is Or. l'lenea FaVorltesrri'rli,Uotva Is amply attested by thousaiMs nfsmtHitTNljestlnioutals con ilhiii.d tviArT7ul tanfimlio havcN'en Cured by It ,,f emirrlial neltlc iTrTHliv nolnrirf i.oilotls. Irretfularliie--. pivly;im . tuv miiiji ilKpTirr.'meiils. caiiseiriiv weakness, ulcer; atlyn ot uterus and klodriil l.lVVTli'lls, otlen after many oilier advertised medicines, and physicians had failed. o Both the ahove tii lit loni d meilletnea are wliolly made up from Ihe glyceric evlra.'ts of native, iiieiliclnal nsils. The processes etn ployed In llielr inaniltacture were original with Dr. Pierce, anil ihey are carried on by hkilled eheuilsts and pharmacists Willi trie alii of apparatus and appliances specially designed and built for this purt'Ose. Both medicines an' entirely free from alcohol anfl all other harmful, hablt-formlng drugs. A full list of their Ingredleuu la printed on each bottla-wrapper. BILLY, HE'S IN (ANON Y I've got a letter, parson, from m) son away out Wesi, An' my ol' heart's as heavy as an anvil in my breast, To think the boy who's futur' I had once so proudly planned Should wander from the path o' right an' come to sticii an end ! I told him when he left us, only three short years ago, He'd find himself a plowin' in a mighiy crooked row--He'd miss his father's counsels, and his mother's prayers, too; Aut he said the farm was hateful, an' he guessed he'd have 10 go. I know thar's big temptation for a youngster in ihelWest, But I believed our Billy had the courage to resist ; And when he left I warned him o' the ever-wailin' snares That lie like hidden sarpints in life's pathway everywheres. Our Bill, he promised faithful to be keerlul, an' allowed He'd build a reputation that'd make us mighty proud; But it seems as how my counsel sort o' faded from hK mind, An' now the boy's in trouble of the very wustest kind ! His letters conic so seldom that I somehow sort o' knowed That Billy was trampin' on a mighty rocky road; But I never once imagined he would bow my head in shame, An' in the dust would waller his ol' daddy's honored name. He writes from out in Denver, and the story's mighty short; I just can't tell his mother; it'd crush her poor ol' heart ! An' so I reckoned, parson, you might break the news to her Bill's in the l.egislatur', but he doesn't say what fur. THE LAST CONFEDERATE. (BY DAVID J. VraSKII-K. OH ATLANTA, 1 siood on the streets of Atlanta today As the noble old heroes passed by And pardon me, friend, for the weakness 1 showed, But a tear slowly dropped from my eye. The curious crowd little knew what it meant, As they saw that old battleflag wave. Which Lee and brave Gordon and Jackson loved, And followed so gallant and brave. Bui I knew what it meant, for I stood years ago On the streets of old Richmond and saw These same gallant men, this same flag unfurled As they bravely marched off' to the war. I watched by the bedside of wounded and sick, And carried them food day by day, In dear old Virginia, thai noble old State, As the war slowly dragged on its way. Well, their number grew less, while the foe still increased, Till all hope of resistance was gone, And 1 saw them leave Richmond on April the third; In ashes forsaken- forlorn. That grandest of chieftains, brave Robert H. I.ee, Whose watchword was duty through life; Unwilling to slaughter his brave, noble boys; (lave orders which ended the strife. The years have Mown by - the days are forgot, When that old tattered Hag used to wave; But I love it, I love it. I honor it still, And I will till I go to my grave. So 1 thought as I stood with uncovered head, Of that sad- but thai last - coming day, When the last old Confederate shall hear from his Lord The summons to inarch and obey. And in vision I see him- pass through the bright gates Of Heaven and meet with our Lord, 'Neath the shade of the trees - with his comrades of old To enjoy everlasting reward. A COMI'LETI: liDl'CATION. A girl's education is most incom plete unless she learned To sew. To cook. To mend. To be gentle. To value lime. To dress neatly. To keep a secret. To avoid idleness. To be self-reliant. To darn stockings. To respect old age. To make good bread. To keep a house tidy. To be above gossiping. To make home happy. ; To control her temper. To lake care of the sick. : To take care of the baby. To sweep down cob-webs. To marry a man for his worth. To read the very best of books. To take plenty of active exercise To be a helpmate to her hus band. To kef lure. To lie clear trashy I iie ra iight-heartcd ami iled- fooled. To be a womanly woman under all circumstances. Philadelphia Inquirer. AN OLD JUKI: REVAMPED. Mrs. Brown awoke her husband in the dead of night with the start ling information that she had just heard a burglar in the room be low. "Now," she exclaimed, excitedly, "he's lighting one of those cigars I gave you for your birthday. 1 heard him pick up the box and put it down again." Then John sat up and listened. "By Jove, Mary, you're right !" he an : swered. "He is ! He's actually, smoking one of those er er those cigars." Then he nestled once more comfortably beneath the blankets. "Go to sleep again, : Mary," he said complacently. "We'll find the poor wretch in the morning." San Francisco Argo- ' naut. TROUBLE. M () t'S.) MKMORIAI. DAY, AI'Ml.26. 1907. I'llH l I It l M I AIH Mies. Wtvsl.ow's s mil lllNii SYlll'l' has la-en ii-eil l'or over mi years hy millions n' mothers tor their ehililren while teethint:, with perleel Mleeess. Itsoothes Ihoehihl. softens the Hums, iillnys nil pain; Hires wind eolie, ami is the hesi teiiiedv lor Oiairhoen It will relieve the poor litlle sull'erer iiniueiiuUely. Sold hy (Insists ill every part of the world. Twelllylive rent a hoitle. He sure and ask foi "Mrs. Winslow's Soi ihnu; Syrup," iiml lake no other kind. linaranteeit und, r the Ail, .lime :; ii l. Intnl. lull". Komi ami Drills Serial nunilHT The religion that can be confined to place and season is never in place or in season. A man who is in terteet health, so he fan do an In nest ilav's work when neees sary, has uiiieh for wlneh he should he tl kill'. Mr I., f. Kndtffis, of lirani h- ville. 1'a.. writes that he win not only nn uhle l, woil:. hut he eoiihin't stoop oer to lie his own shoes. Six hutllesnf Foley's Kidnev l ine mailt' a new lien, nt' hi,n Illl! sa,s, "Mieee-K lo loiev's kiiimv ll'llie." l'or sale hv I; CI .r '. Weidon N. C. livery weed that comes to fruit age is to remind us that good seed is not barren. Will Cure Consumption A. A. II, lieu. I'm, Ii. tk . writ! lev's Ho :e aiel Tar is the I pt, p. I ion lot eolli;h-, - oiils ami Iiiiit lieul I kno.v ihat it has i nreil enusniuptinti to lite liist steles ,' I lit-v. r h-itl it of 111. V one usum l-oh v's llonev and far an.! li d helui2 sitislieil Kur sale hv M rinrk. w,.i,),m, ; r The social for revenue only does not promote the righteousness of the church. Remarkable Rescue. Tliut truth is HtrinttM'r llimi littioii, Ims oniT iiiore lit'i'ii ilein .tisii.itcil in th,' lilt v liiwn ol l i'iior', Tflin., the ri'i(lt'ti,'e ol I' V. Ffjiper, He wrtesr "I waa in ImsI. ciilui'ly ilis il.ini with hi'tuiirrliHes ol' the lliiifjs mill thiiial. I lociiirs tiiili-,1 to help me. nil,! all hope liml tlleil uliell I lieean tiiknifr Or. Kini;s New llisisiveri. Iliell instant r- liel' fame. The iiiiiliiiii! sihiii i ei'iiseil: the lileisliitL. iliiiiinisheii raolillv iiml in three .eks i was aiiie t.i to to work," li,.ar.itee,l ,:re for couj-lo. anil i'"liln. .rfk- ittnt 1 at all ititifista I rial iniit e tree. " The virtues with which we are oppressed are not impressing oth- ers in the same way. o Baara tLa fiig&ator. vf i: : U:i ;' ii.l'H Mkm Rurtt WHAT MONEY CANNOT BUY. Recollections of the Mother Love, That Mild Long Keen Dormant In the Ureust of Wiiywnrd Hoys Mail Been Stirred and the I'lood Ktes ol Memory Broken Down. The following touching incident, a recent occurrence in a Western couiiiy jail, as related by a keeper, is retold with the hope that the good begun thai night may go on and on. "Last evening, just before the lights went out in all the rooms of lite county jail, and while die pris oners of the ground Hour wei " gathered in the corridors telling coach stories, uttering oaths and indulging in the low, vulgar con versation so often heard among many who go to make up the crowd in the jail, the attention of the bois terous throng was suddenly ar rested by the sound of a strong, sweet baritone voice singing "Something Money Cannot Buy," which came from one of the rear cells, In a moment every sound was hushed except the sweet voice of the vocali ,1, singing: "Gold hath its power, sapes will say; Kichcs in hie hold a wondrous sua . But there's a power that hails from above, Richer and grander the power of love. There strolls a noble, money and land, Lives in a mansion, costly and grand, Yet he's unhappy, no one knows why, Love is a power no money can buy." "The voice quavered as the last lines were sung. The sound of the sweet music reached the office of the turnkey, and softly the door leading to the cell room was open ed and those who were in the of fice when he started tiptoed into the hall. "Several of the prisoners mean time were noticed with a. suspicious moisture about the eyelids. The voice of the singer was choked for a moment, and then clearing his throat as if with an effort, he began the chorus: "Love of a mother for her darling child. Love for a son, tho' he's way ward and wild--"Here audible sobs were heard, both in the cell of the singer and from other pan of the corridors. Recollections of the mother love that had long been dormant in the breast of wayward boys had been stirred and the tloodgates of mem ory broken down. L'or a few mo ments it seemed as if some of iliein could not control their emotions, but it finally became still again and the singer once more began, start ing at the commencement of the chorus: "Love of a mother for her darling child. Love for a son. tho' he's wayward and wild, Love that brings joy and tears to the eye This love is something money can not buy." As the singer ceased, those in the corridors rushed to the cell, and hands were shoved through the bars in iheir desire to grasp those of the vocalist. "Put her here, old chap, that song has done me more good than all the sermons I ever heard,' said one. 'I've got a mother, boys, and she's a grand, good woman, too! It would break her heart if she knew where I was. I haw got tu enty-seven yet to serve in here. hen I get out I am going to write to my mother thai I'm cumin' home and goin' to work, and I ain't never goiu' lo lake an other drink of whiskey as long as my mother lives. " " 'Here's another in the same fix,' said a second boy 'I have not written to my poor old mother in two years. God only knows what she has gone thro' on my ac count. I'm goin' to reform right now.' "The sweet singei, scarcely twenty, a vaudeville vocalist, who was arrested for drunkenness just i before he completed his engage - , yj ,h , streamed ! down his handsome face: " 'I'm with you, boys! This is : ,ie Hrsi time I was ever in jail, and got to thinking of the disgrace, and how broken-hearted my moth- , j er would be if she knew where her only son was tonight, and 1 could not help singing those lines. This is the song 1 sang when I made my first hit." OLD TIME JSLAVES. Refused to be Sold and Came Back to North Carolina. Many ol ihe old slaves who were treed by Lincoln left their old home w ith regret and finding there was "no place like home" soon returned and lived until called home w illl their old masters. The kindness show n these negro slaves w ill never he fully known and ap preciated by the South heaters. Thus in the early forties Mr. John Buxton Wiiliatns.o! Buxton Place, Warren county, N. ( '., look to Alabama ai what was then known a Gee's Bend, two hundred of his negroes to make a new seltlc ment and open up ihe line farming land of thai section. The method of travel was by wagons and by walking and the lime consumed on the route was six weeks. Be fore leaving home Mr. Williams called each one lo him, explained the situation and voluntarily prom ised if ihey would go willingly lie would also remain with them and should circumstances ever be such thai he decided to come back to North Carolina he would bring iln in v. iih lam After a ytai finding hiuisell home sickand prospects not as bright as he anticipated he concluded to sell the ' slaves in Alabama and return to his home in Warren county. Call ing the negroes up, he reminded ' them of his promise and said, "Now men, 1 shall not break my word and if you do not care to be sold and remain here I shall lake you with me, but if you will agree to be sold I will give each one of you and your wives and children fifty dollars in gold." This they refused, resulting in every one coming back lo North Carolina where their descendants still live. i. M'.ayA0 mi aMiaaai awaaaMaaanasMnusi D six piano n n a t n a Tvrci U For this week Conover I'ian ). upright $mS VVellintrtmi I'iano. $45. Qweelnck Upright, $85 11 Stieff I'priKht, Jls. Stieff Rosewood Piana $80 Guild Piano, small size $.U). 11 All guaranteed to be in fine condition. All used. LESTER PIANO CO., lie. lf- tiranliy SI , NllltPOI.K, VA. John J. Poster, Manager. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss ot strength, nervou ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, g-neral debility, sour risings, and catarrh ot the stomach are all due to tnaigestiort. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices o( diges tion as thev exist in a heaithy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonio and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, . purifyinj, sweetening and strengthenirg th. mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of R.vftiswood, W, Va.. says: " 1 wis IroublBti with Si'Ur sti tnai h for iwenty years. Kii. : -ured ma intf ws aro now ualnf It tn mi.k Kodol Digests What You Eat. Battles only. $1 00 Si h -Hin 2S times the trlti n.'f. which if'-.-ih-T f 1 .-erts. i-pr. by &. O. UWITT It OO., OMlCAOO. mil n n V. M COHKS, v. ki.ihi. n r. OKALKliS IN 1IKAVY AM) FANCY ; j i i We have the liest line town, When in need ol (Iroceriea ot any tiling Grocery Line Call on us. your trade Our Mock is fresh. Give us ifOLYlsmi)HlYCUE Mike Kldneyi and Bladder Hljht JaMswartlEo i I innmn jin JllUljMillju i i Heart Strength nvnrl Stri iKTtli.nr Hi'urt Wfulmi-ss int-mmSj'TT S'r. ridli. or Vtvi- . '..kilt': nothilif inurr. I'l itsvoly, not 'Hi'' v-'-mk !iHtrt in u htindrfit it. In Lt-v-lf Hrnmllv -li-irt-"i. It tilinnst klwftv a ln.l.i.'ii i ny hnir it' r vi tht r-a!l- Is nil et fault. '1 hi-, nl.-rtirr hfrv tin" 'ttrditte. or H'-art hvrvm - -iriii'ly nci-fls.. aii'l nnM Iiiivi-, niorf ikjw.t. mow Mahilii.v, nnr I'uDtri.lliiiK. more ff.virninf Mn rnrth. uliotit itiKt tlif Hfrt must rimtinuB tt (inl.itiut th" -tiiiiiar)i tiiil kldnirya alio iutv tlirv..- Nttiif controlling nt-rv.-n. I'hK Hi'uriy I'jplmn-v why. a a nifllrln, Dr, Slmi.fV Ki'Munitlv!- hits In ihf (Just doiif no much (or wrttk uii'l tilling Hirt. lr. Mionp rtm noiif ht th Dtii-.' cif nil tin, ptiinfiil, tuilimntiiif , MilToiai lmr fn lirt ilistri i lr. Siil''i K.-KUiratl h tills jnuiulur iiri-nrriDll'm l aloii'.' )irct(ii to thuM U-'iili uii'l mi-tMiff tirf CMiitt-rs. It Iml'il; il'Mri'tiKil)'1!); it ntTi'M mil, jrvnuimi heart hHu, ll oii woul'l htiv" .t rot i ! Id-aru, hirting ill. C'''t"li, KirHiltlliH) tlirxu .IHTVfH I'lMjuUtbllab tlo'Ul ri Ill't'll.'tl, v, ith Dr. Shoop's Restorative W. M. COHEN. A I'l'iiuUHiX IKIIN WKS, j t,,::i iii.i)sti;ki:t, I'l.'lllltMU no. VA. UAM i arii units UK Machinery, Shafting.Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. H;ivin; bought out Steel & Alexander tuu ml crs and iiiachitiists, with all patterns wt are mi w prepared to furnish parts t machine formerly made hy them, HYDRAULIC PRESSES PEANUT MACHINERY'ipecl.lt, Mill work and (usling of all kinds. Second hand maehiuery for Male cheap. Call on us or write for what you waut. Great Reductions) For Cash $:i 75 ,Moiiiettii Kiirii, $2 75 J Illl Smyrna " 2 iiO 'Jo Illl Moiiietie man, 0x12 ft. 17 75 1'Jli' Cliinn Mattints, 10c. !'mi. " " 18. 'J'J.jl'.. Jil'lllH'SI " 17c. J.V. " " lSJc. lifu' Wool Ciirii'-iit j; 40c. 'J",!'. Wimlow sluuii-s, 20c. .11 if " " 37jc ".If '2-vanl witlf Linolmni, 75c 7.V " " " 6.1c li.lc TliMirOil Clotli, -IHc 1 :). Amuinst'rC:irirtiii, 89c 1 40 lbVJn I'ifturv Frames, 95c Wall impi'i', 4. .1 ami lie per roll A l.AHtiX SlOl'K OK Talking Machines, Qraphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, ami sup.ihfs on liami'it all litnea, at tin- very lowfst prifes. SPIERS BROS.H WKI.'IOX. N-. C. QRIND Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refuse ubatltuts. Price BOo. For Hale hv K t'LAKK, Welilon, N. ('. sl'lilMI AND Sl'MMKIt MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS end NOVELTIES. Bntterick'e Pattern! . R. & G. CORSETS, Mixed at 5t)c, Ladiee 76c. toll. Mil'rcea will be made to aoit the tune, lints and Bonneta made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldoo.N.C. in i