""""--"' 1 V x, I. Buy Hair at Auction? At any rate, you seem to he getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: "going, going, g-o-n-e!" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, lor it's nature's way. The beat kind of a tstlmoni!il "Sold for over sotlv y.'iitn." Also muroLurr yersi c SUlSUMillU. CHIKKY N.LIOKU, XT7 . THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Jim U, I.K7. Published livery Thursday. KXTKKKII A I' PiisTOH'IIK AT WI.I.IHIN A SKt USD 1'I.AsS SI ATT Kit KAlltS 1)1- St'BSCRirilON IN H.MT: One Year, lliy miiil,) yaAair I'aiil, l'5i' 8llMo,,tl1"' a nrrhi) i 'tiiM.iiti H uiuu.ii ui,i.irfi to ibe mutt-rial, rduriitiuuiLl, piililiiei! am .'ri,.nttm,.i ...... :. :., .i .r. rouDdiuKcuuntirs AdvertWi-c ratw ra.naldr .ind inrni-h- eit ou uiHilifation. 1 ' Judging from their acidity, the I,..., U J., I .u u ... laic tMiiiSiwueitu uie siuiiM'tiiies a lemon. : .T. ; Senator Allison says, tariff is going to be a live issue nn " .,m,. ol.l stnrv mil vrt i but soon. The royal baby in Spam w ill re- low s : main for years in ignorance of the Deportment, excellent: absences, fact dthat he has enough names i i c unexcused. tardies, none un to start a city directory, i excused, lessons, none below 75 Japan has gone and cornered the camphor market right here when we are in the midst of pack ing aw ay the winter clothes. It- that hobo feast at Chicago I tier, has not given the New port people i 2nd to .Vd Crade I'.hick .e.il a new idea, they are certainly not j Pierce, Harry Clark. 1 1 ugh ::.p awake to their opportunities. herd, Sidney Mien. Donald i un SHCRLTARV Roor recently le turedat Yale but he was careful not i to say anything about eunstructiu interpretation of the constitution. Rev. Vi-'M. J. Long the natural-1 ist, is going to wake one of these fine mornings and find himself a distinguishde member of the Ana- nias club. THEN. Y. Herald elauns that there are 1 .is, HOI) young widows in that city. Thus suggests the re- vival of the old play, "The Perils'. of New York." In Kansas (aty a Mr Singer has married a Miss Nightingale, and still a few davs ago Senator H..KT..i,,r.i...i.,;.,i ,h..h.,t. ljkju i ii)ii'i uwnn . i omi itie itif,oi ingale was not a singer. A Chicago w oman says she is gOIIIg IO II) lUMOp MIIOMIIg Oil the streets and in all public places." It might help some :f the men would refuse to give her a light. Z Mr. Tai-'T is booked for ion , . , i ,,. , speeches m eleven days li he doesn't care to touch on polmo in them, he will find that the weather is always a good topic this vear. i "What's the matter with Pana- ma?" asks the Topeka Journal. , . , i u Nobody has resigned in three, weeks." lust, tow. we under-' stand they are too busy righting mosquitoes, , yuiTE a numner ot newspapers in this country are asking when mim mi wnmi. x xx n. ini.v ia i. we are to have tariff revision. X'e mm.i i. ii m; n.i . wn.i.ir mi - suspect it will be about the time '.it" i . i na na. i1. s,M , '...nu: airships are sold for a dollar down'vu.. uaai: iaoi, . Minaaxi: and a dollar a week. zullimh i n;. . I I.'OM 11 11 In VIII i.l.'Mil. MI.I.- Senator Plttis says the villi: ii m.t, williwi iumii. R,.n,.ill.. imiuirv is ,nak,ni7 ; LOWMJi IMU.hloiai. ILssl. Hul lo Lluniu,,..h r. him tired. And he has the satis- faction of knowing that younger : j.kphson, i.t cv i. w;m-:i;, i i sh i: men than he, are iiiaktng the same v vi V mai MMiaa.i i.. complaint, i kum .-.'I'M in i.rn 1.1; mu:-i n ' """"" iMLL, CVMM I ll.i.lIM X,i,Lol;i;i: THE San Francisco woman who :m, m,,,) !;, ,;1 m, i. wk. wii. issuing (or divorce because her j ur. hay, mixxii: i i i -, si sir i i; husband compelled her to eat kli;. milmklo muli,. ixxii: hul pumpkin pies three limes a day, . Kuitn, ma.mii: ok ki x.s. ought to win easily if she can prove vi m '''iiTorriniK i.k-.ii li s tha-they were pies made by her- j clack, makpv p..li:. wiluli; sef , (,i;i:sllA.t, .lAMLSTILtaiMAX, N N- . , MK.KiYNLi;, .IliSSli: lUCKKNS la "I'll THE name ol the royal baby in Spain is Alfonso Pio Christiano tduarao t-ranCISCO UUIIiemo W . , r- -n ".. ios ennque cugcuu rciiiaiiuu no- lonia Venancien. Under these circumstances, perhaps, it's a good thing he hasn't got Cuba also to worry al . The fact that September wheat reached one dollar in "the pit" will cause not even a ripple of ex Ciiement in Kansas. "September wheat" during the month of June is not the market which interests ihc wheat growers. But "dollar" wheat in September will encourage Kansas to unload its 90,000,000 fcushel crop. IT11LIC SCHOOL EXERCIStS. Commencement liwreises til the Weldon liraik'il School AUra.t ed large Audience. II! 'i c x e ; W educ-ci encc o. a splendid asein, ln:;c ' the patrons ari.t lriiiiv! k :!:e school. 'I he exviViMN k-.iii a:N i-'cl.Ci., Rev. r.e. M. Ti.lson, of the ! e ipal Church, nuking ilie pcm,!r, prayer. This was followed by the vMi;::!!' :' ( "urnliiu ! the ch.s !. The pnm.iry grades then plouscc! ad present w iih ntur uct.ghiru! singing ci " I he H'k uipe.se: esupr 'v I I i.imcl. eh .run o: the vl;-.i h-arJ, i:i:r..v!;iv..! ,i or.i!ir i'! :i:c 1 cc.i- ;oi;, I I I'li.ken. nt I t.uis'.-i!!. p.iy;i :' ti: gClll'le'llMH .1 W V li i'e '- .I ill!'' mem in In -. mtr.'vhu re ;a.ir'. Mr l.ivkeit r u i i Mr. i. mi. I h rcput,min ;is .i splendid sps.ikc 1 !e greatly delighted .hi pi e -e w nil h;s fine ,iddreN ,i:;d as g: en the eliel attention hy pup: and patrons vi the iiiM:iutin which Weldon feds uisily pro;;,! MiperinteiKteta 1 a!ha::i, wnn-.e whole heart and mh.I appear to he w rapped lip ill the work ut lliahin;; the W'eldon I'uNic Selk.nl, the best in Ihistern ("anilma, ilien an- ,1,1 . .. II- I . nniineed ihe proinclinns I 1 . I .... I st.:ti-t:es smile iiucreMtna Vii-ici tthkll we w:l! nie:K:in in our iicM issue. The lllhesi iMnuf m t!;e s J.i, ml . ,, .. . . . , , was wnii by Ma-ter l;i;r:eld Sledge, and the highest hnnnt' in , . ,,.,,,.. sclllHll d,r.,, ,Plcl;. h ' ., ,r,),., , .isler tthli Suiter. Miss Agnes Museley w on the highest honor in the High vhncl eie , ai m.e 1 1 1 The conditions lor pruictit:s with huiioi's were announced ast'ol- and an average of CO. I The following pupils fully met Cures lilnml. Skin Diseases, Can all the requirements and were pro- ter. ti real est liloml I'urifier Tree. I moted w ith honor: ii v-n i . '!!!. , 1st to JuiUirade James Car- I'Vf-'-.rZ.',1''''--' it!. Si 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 Law i eiicc. mtiichi Sledge rth to lilh ( il'ade John I'.urinii Sledge, Katheiuk- Ward, lilh to 7th ( irade I 'scree John- son. .lit to ,St!i t.rade t isto 'iuer, Mary Parker, :rg .- I rue: I.iliie MainKivk ear High Self.. I Agp.es M'.selev. ( ,,',. ,,,,,..,,.,. ,,. lhc ; ,. j.,,; j ,,,- ,i .. ... -ullW i,o,i i-r ,,, aim,:; ',;.i turn;! i m i wool', i t .wa-oiai i 1 1 n a" lint s;. iwn- I'M.lsll,. iii.i.V .u.ki. wn i ii.-ti sr. -k. in i.iam.hmiiii:nmi im;i ! hmoik. awn.-; nun, i : i - " ' 1 ' " ao-n ia, r m-iii. H.s-i' II 1.1 . n U. la . W l.i'Xi . W ! i s, , il. I I. I i I I X. I nl 1 1 i x, i ii i :aa I l.'iiiu irr ini w t i i i li M. , I Klll I Hoi. MIXXIl llul.lill'l.-o, mixxii. ii ua.-i.-nx. n iia Moi x i'. n.i.. i i.mc.i. i t ..; n i; I -:m h .a.o .u ... x Mm -i a u r.ia i i t lU'll -i i xi : i;. ia a., i m m;i n s, mmi:i.i i t . i n u;- 1 . 1 1 . 1 ! 1 : I I I . . I 1 X X 1 1 1 I ; i lia,'. ! , .,, M , u n ., ,v , :; u K Ti.i..i.i.Tin is. . a ia 11: mi i.' i.ix.i.iiaa.i.r linai !,-.. 11..1 11 l i . t umiix nii.noi. mi;. LXi I i I i i . 1 1 M . i;. if.i l. i li kl . mi: ii..i.i.i.i;i..ii.-m puna t, .-, 'Minaaxi; ni.r-uii, m....ii: I'l.'M l lx. ITM .,. ,,,,, ,,uu HNn ,, ,.,.v ,v VMi v ,:i;N11n vnu x n i i l, li:iimx i,i;xia:. la it.s cati:, i:isn: nw i:x. ra r: xi ii; aiuixsnx. M vliV Pi; xn M. i l; ( IMiiXl s, . I'uiai, i ia hi'siii Pinaai, xhi.mi x i SMI I'll WILLIAM WAI.'ll. MILL I'.AUKLI'.V. l'lillMTTII l.liAiiLTO llliai SCIUMiL - -X l'.W T ' .X Ml l.l 1 1 1.1, I I . I'.l, . , 1 , 1 1 lm,uv ItLliX ICi; CI.AHK, aI.ICK , MKIl, ,x .iluxNian. Ml S(,i;n L. j 1ST Tn ,N, Yi-:ak mm.ii ; S( 1I(M .ikssii: maa.N, mli.-cku j n,I KX Total'number of promotions... 1 13 Number promotions with honor 17 Miss Helen Pope, teacher of the 4th grade, presided at the piano during the exercises. The benediction was pronounced by Rev. George M. Tolson and thus ended the second year's work of the Weldon Public School MEBIIONEY-TAS tovs t oovb ud luor NORTH ST ATI; NT;VS. I ..mis of i er-il i r un all Sections ci the : i! :. . ., n"h : . ( '.shirrus iikm of the liMitiue. at i Kto.p.ithic Lie ' eg:-la I ,i u-t fur th cmp-i -cho. : ine l.iskin traiania tiiai v : t iM!liv,i in 45H ire:!ilk-; the piiVesitam. 1 repi-tri::..;' ' ..s 5,"0 ' . .i . The 4 (;,, l ' ' i- a;l ,;!, .'el tile cow literally smoiik red to death. K'e'eime nhi.et's tell it in Raleigh tli.it moopsliiners are now using a-hes in making w hiskey, these being put in a hag and dropped in the still Tite ii-e th.e ashes :ua Je trni oak w ".d. also sh v- :nade ;:'.'!!! corn c-'K Whiskey is h.i.i ennugli :n its best form, hut those w ho st.iy ;-y tiie nioonh:i!e con c'OcU' m v.ail ;'. it ha e !o::g to st;, .! il.l.i. -,.! ! I' CRiGBiiMivwiixiJsaab TOWN LOT FOR SALE, Mnnda. the loth dav of Juiu I 'oT. I M. ,,:, !...Mi-!i;. II i!lla M f I'oruiTl'. p. i w I'oiau i t J arm Seeds .'V7 i end. jui jiiuilie), lilfcK Teosinte, ; Seed Potatoes, buckwheat, Vetches, '.niTison Dover, etc. v0od-t Crop Spsctai. t-vii,- I i !' - .u.. t.m. ly iiiimmat mi a- j - -. i.i ihai nn, i,a ,,i.u.:,.i t i ' " t""1'1 '" dm. -n .a-. .ii. of tin' year, mailed free on . i n s;. Write tor it. T. 17. WOOD & SONS, NKF.ns.MKX, RICHMOND, . VA J. A. ALSTON KINK provisions, Cignrn and Tolmeco, Cor. WasbinKton Ave., nuil Fiwt Street Weldon N. 0. li)-21-l UEOKUE C. (WEEN, Attorney-At-Law, (National Hank liuildinit.) Prueticofl in all Stale and Fodelul eoiirtH Collection of eliiiniN in Hali fax and ailjoininir eouulie. Money to loan on approved fleenrity. Attorney for Ihe First National flank of Weldon. WKI.IION, N. C. fOLEYSHONEYTAS I fur ctlHrtmi tuft, tmr. M tpiat Vc WJSS5 wmmm :rls !' .IP I: will pivw-p: md tv!k'e pain, tvuilau' tin h.avtinns, ele'ar ;h,' eui;p'pii m and t rongtlu-n ille' e'ntiMIKlliiM). li is a ;;1 r.able' Pklk-Hk' ha jirowintj i;ii'ls. It lias tki..l tlvnismvi i-r a critical period, and vvl ilii'in it' 'in vi-.ii s m;!'!iTi:u. It can m-vcr Itata ;i-,l is A t ell, h n! .1 i ..;vn. At run- elm 0 In Uo ' !, lil a-i's iii WINE OF 'P.T-3I Bank of - 1 ) 1 1 r i it i , .1 .ir.l ti!! v er !m- li.'iu. fii ,a V li ,,. l. i... h.i - !;il. II ( II ill v 1 , I , a.:.:.,.il l.u't. il ..us air f , i: A C ' a' 1' ' tlla lil. MMSRCIAL DEPARTMENT lm. iij.mil s " ai ii. 1 1 . i .a. Ini-iii." . iiiiiiiint.il. .mil j-HIM.'s liKl'Al.TMI.NT. I'. 1; . ' e I i'i ..I intrl'f.t. ,.u I .. luuual. il.iir inn- il.'llilt' anil llpwalik rfr.'IM'' . i 'A:. i ii.i.:. I ..' !i!a a: a r..ir.'.i.i..!.-at.. ,n . ,. , . .p..! ..-i . a. I a.- ..i! i .n..i nl tin' i Win. II S Hurwjn, Ih i li! 'irc NEW JEWELRY STORE ! Powell Brothers, IvifXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICt. WE.L DO'-', N. C. II Mi I VijjcijEsf Clocks $ JeweLfiy. Our specialty is repairing (if fine watches and clocks. Long experience in this line and all work fully guaranteed. lin grnving in the most up-to-date manner. Wedding rings en graved at short notice. Prompt and careful attention to mail orders. CHARLES C. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, ririKKsHrhM;. v.. M. .. W. X l: ouJi an. I T. M N. tli.'rl.iii.l ri-,i.--ut it- in La-kan Caniliiia. II, ,1.1 . ' '' '' t' I 'il' 1". I"'- 1'-' 1 V , " Excelsior Printing Company, Weldon, N. C. BUSINESS LUXURY A CHECKING ACCOUNT is indeed tries to get along without one Is at q great disadvantage. '. N . S 1 A I Mi A( TV , ' , " " W K I, I )( ) N" , X . -JS ll is not retired that a person should have ; large hulk ot busi ness in order to open an account. 'n m' ' B' "' ' Professional men, farmers, and many women, are running check- tug accounts. If you have never not familiar w ith the plan come to We pay 4 per cent, in BANK OF ENFIELD, Afield, rs. c. A CARD. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, list iiKpui; uaaii 700-711.713 I:. Broad St.. Richmond, Va Promise you a treat in the inspection of their Spring Line of Choice Furniture, Our Selec tions are exceptionally attractive this Season and prices are right. If not convenient to come write us for Blue Prints. B SYDNOR II HUNDLEY, Inc., E n Write to us, or call when visiting the Jamestown Exposition, for Sash, Joors, Blinds Mantels, Tiles and Orates, j FRANK T:?.K C0" Ltd'' i' a:t iiielieinp, nl P'.iivnv. A !' e'tUliMll will '"!' mpeik-ino, a iming tonic is A- eh '"..1. heni.tlr eii-i 'I'. ie'I'S ill Si. oo hottlos. Trv it. K- Halifax, ..! . ! ...r.ih rvi.tr n r with. nit 1. at. t.n. In I.' 1 'av U' a! .1 el' Wii:i,. ,i.,ra N ll. If 111.' I. it nil il .111.1 t 111' SI. Ill' I i.l.-litlltli II a.lnjit. ll. ii"i A DANK ""li " Oi.iii'T ii tin' Mow . . 1 t x In the li tin. in... ..L.i ..at ..I tin-Stall'. Ilie ll.mk nil. I' ii.'i.' ..a. a 1 1 I all I. Tr;ivis, I- II. ireK.,r v. - l'ri -n!i nl. la-ln. P. I. i'i W nl, ill .. lllMt.lt!..' ' VlOl.l Lt I auk. I lr illai -. RINTING e1 ; I"; C a business necessity, and he who done business in this way, anil are us and we w ill get you started. our Savings Department. 3 LEADERS, Richmond, Va J Hardware, Paints, Etc 3 30 ly; We bought, M1 A fiain.p h . BpIovo the today : Undersell I Complete Bui Id House e$V r 1 UiH tilC UlUli iwuuuuv" wV v. -- Give us a trial order and be convinced that we can save -s- v ... KRtBi 'A- I ' T7V ' ' 1 I m, Ak A A INI Ml Wholesale roe ,',L. CAAr' 'Ay---'AfsAf. MW FOR j Uitiwiru ili il'.'ViVV'.'iii ii'Vr' u V. u V V Ifl-x r-- ic 1 i n -A F v i " (i 111 I I FURNITURE! .'..V iVe Have The Finest Line of Household and Kitch ;icn I-urnittire, Parlor Suits, Mattings, etc., I;ver Brought to this section. Our line of Crockery, Tin and Willow ware, Go-Carts, etc. is complete. MTl'MiKkTAKINli IN ALL ITS l;l;N( Illis Wagons, Carts, Buggies. Gash o r CrsJit We mention a few but Brass and Iron Beds, $J China Closets, $10 to $50; Pianos ana Organs, $50 Ranges, lo.oo to 60.00; 1.00; An squares ana Kugs, 1.00 to 25.oo. Mail orders promptly filled. No person is ever f MOI FURNITURE COMPAHY, VELDOfJ, ojr Cwltin. h v. ;r.i err. io;,ds j.Mi b'g' : i; pi .c. .-: '' 2 In ovorvthiner ins: 4-V.r, Kvinlr frtn n H U f i nn tn you money. i i I urn i ' 1 T . . . 11 S HI K i k3 n A U lJlllHa mm nam1 and Retail Hardsare, W'eldon, N. C. S WELL - DRESSED ,r'iiii'u'.V'iri Ai'iiV.V.y'iOr .,1, i'. it jii"u ,V n Wi M would you spend your money for poor fit ting clothes when you can for the same money get a fit equal to the very hest tailor-made clothes ? You would hardly do this if you only believed the following statement : UNLESS YOU ARE DEFORMED, WE CAN FIT YGU PERFECTLV, Come to my store and give us ihe chance to demonstrate, to prove the truthfulness of this assertion. i.'I'INs. cSKt:i'S,An ItfUIAL KiNltlXiM Cooking and Heating Stoves. I im .'.i.'w. n'tii -U' at i w t s'c v;atief-w n l 111 UHL remember these are not tor you. -. 111 and up; Bedroom Suits, $15 to $175: Sideboards andi Dining Tables, S.oo and and up; Sewing Machines, Matting, 12c to .W. per yard; ot : : : : : i "?s- I ; - ior nn'' enn nes. f needed in fit ' fin t ll!Lrjc:l,, j-. JHS.Si I:.1 . - t h P. tin TOOf CO) Pi I. VriC 'ST n 1 J MEN. iV ii n .(Vr & ,'nVn irHrit &-Mtt 1HW11V1V1'" . ft StJ, : e. .. ji M ! i I ' i 1 ti v v. lxj vx ; ' ij i i' o r sstalment the only bargains we have .. j . up; (io-Carts 2.5o to 3o.ao; 15.oo to 4o.oo; Stoves and Carpet, per yard 25c to disappointed here. f - x iV A K)iM M 1