1" sLj Mill V',, I ',w " , i'.."'.4 Advertising Rates Alade Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, X. , Till 11SDAY, Jl'NK L'O, 1007 Terms of Subscript n i .50 Per Annum VOL. XLH. NO. Tho Kind You Havo Always lloulit, and vvlii.li linn liueu , In uso for over !JO ycuri, 1ms liorno the sltriiittiirii of anil lias been mailt uihIit hln per- jCrl't ' s,)""1 snprr1sloii ciiii'O ils inluiicy. -Kary, j-uicsut-. Ajow ( ,, (,,,1,.,.,.,, y., titiM. All ('miiiti'il'iil-. Imitations ami Jiist-us-ooil " ur lint KxiM'riiniMits tliut li illi' m il It .nul niiluncr t lie lifiilth of Jntaiits and C'hililreii-I'.'rit'iu'? aiininst K-tpcriiiicut. What is CASTORIA Castorni is a liurinli'ss niiistituti for Cantor Oil, Pare lovie, DiupH ami Sool Inn-- Syrups. It is I'liuMint. It limtiiiux iiciilu r Opium, lm pluim nor oilier NarcotlO NiiliHtaiK'e. 11 ii.'o i.i 'i iiaraiiti't'. It ilstrys Wtirnit and allays I'Virri-liiiov.. It finvs Iiui i hua anal W ind Colii'. It ri'lii-i.'s 'l'i'i'tliinj Troubles, rmvs Constipation iind riatuliMirt. It, assimilatf tltci liioil, r-(;iilat tho Ktomurh mill Knurls ;;iim. li.-iil ; li unil natural sleep. Till' C hild i t'll'-. lvnnacra -'l lif. -Mot lit'i'.-, I riciul. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tue The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thi emtio con, r wunnav tmct. ncw vomk o'tt. OE The : Bank . of . Weldon. WELDON, N. C. Opiizeil Under The Laws of tie Slate of North Carolina, AITfillSTSilTIl, 1H0J. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Tow n of Weldon Depository. Capital an 4 Snrpl us, $38,000. "17 K ' ' tliis iii-titul'mi liiiN pruviilnl tiaiikinu I'lifililir- tor this H net linn (u ( i-klmltitT-t ami ilirti hti- have heeii nltntitieil with tli busings iiit-rt't- itl ll.ilil'jx unil Sort li.unptuii run in irn lor many yv tr Money in ItiatH'il iin Miprnvfil He-runt at llir- lej;al rale ol i it-rt-l per relltim. AtT.mnt-Mtt all ;ir snlu ileil 1'KKSlliKN T: VK'KfliKHlUKXT.' W. I.. 1)M I, Dr. II.W.1BV1S, (.la-Um. Nitrthanif ton ('ii . N. I. ) 113 1 GARRETT & 3 Pioneer XT n U Wivo "Ti I - '"tJiui i iMM-irff-'wri"-- n ff-- - IM PnnnrnfiflAA ESTABUS11KD U SPECIALTIES; fviRCINIADARE POCAHONTAS X (WbiUsS-juppcruouKl t"l Seniipeniong) t OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY &HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA (KettClnttipiiKiie) (Dry Scuppt-ruong) U PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL (Kpurklinii Cliampagiif ) yjf A nil all other yiirietifts of Pure anil WlinlfNiintt Wines for liouif .1 ami hotel lice. W 5L.ltihwit C'ah I'rii eH fmil in Siasciu lor nil kiniln ol'.nuiill I'ruitH, grapes etc. Western Krauch, Kt Lnuin, Mo Home Oltiic. NOUKOI.K, VA. mmmmmmummmmmmm SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Exposition Line To Norfolk THE Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Kates from Weldon: Round trip season tickets. $i .85; Round trip 60-day tickets. i Round trip 10 day tickets. $2.90; Round (rip coach Excursion ticket $2.65. Couch Kieuraion rate sold prior to opeuinu date aud on each Tutiday thereafter, limited Beyen daya and endorsed "Not timid in Sleeping anil I'ulliuiin I'arlor Cars." Other ticket K on sale April lHth and eotitiuue until close of Imposition. Fur ratei Iroiu other poiuts, apply to your nearest SEABOARD aiteut, or rep resentatives named liebiw. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. T F. ANDERSON, IC. H. GATTIS, Vlokrt AMt, WeW-sa, V- O TmrellUn I'aweogw AfenKpuielth, N.U Signature of m so I'ASHIKH.' W V SMITH. COMPANY, A -T Aiuericai n m THE WIFE WHO IS DISSATISFIED. She Starts Life Irom a False Point i of View. ! Now many a nirl is taught 1 dissatisfaction from tho mo ment slit? marries not an i ennobling spirit hut the con trary. She Ktarts life from a falne point of view. Mar ! riage ami the "hap)y ever ! after" give way to prospec tive pity. She in pitied forcv ' erything: pitied beeause "a woman has ho much to go through:" pitied for having a baby to come ami one to take care afterwards: pitied for hav ' ing a house to look after when she has a baby too, and for ' having the sewing on her hands I and for being "tied down;" pit 1 ied because her husband does ! not realize all she goes through; though goodness knows it isn't because she doesn't tell him. and it is her right to tell him if she wants to. She is pitied be cause she can't go to parties and make calls, and pitied for every ache and pain and limi tation, as if that ache and pain and limitation were in itself an end of life, not something in its very nature that i fleeting and changeable as if each cause , far pity had nut its root in some joy or some gain or some privi lege Sympathy helps, but the thing that makes this mistaken pity blight instead of restore is the fact that it accentuates un duly where it cannot alleviate. In spite of the pity of her world, the married girl has to keep up with the work and the responsibility and the pains and aches just the same. They are hers; no one can take them from her. Mary Stewart Cut ting, in Harper s Ha.ar. I Mill mail Mill t'liT, In rotr mtTlt, hunijilt s id' inv h . Slinop's K't-Mlumtivfiiliii II1V tnt"k "II iilht'- lsi,-isl., tile Mi-art Ol lite k iillll'l f. i'ltMlll rs ill tilt Stiilll.li'll, HimM hi Kiili.i'i"., ii rt- iiii'ttly nyliiploius ill' it tie. pi'i" iiiliiii-iil. Ii.iu'i make the rum Dion iTior ol trt'itiiiL' sviiiptons only. Symplon tri'ut tin nl im t t inr I lit IIESI'LT oi ynnr iiilnifht .mil mil TIIK CAI'SK. Weak .sloin.irtl llt'ivc.H I he ihsiilf iiervrs iihmii" stoiii.n-li wr.ikli'--! alivayn. AimI llir lli'iirl anil Kntin vnas ni-ll, have their t'nntioili! or in-iil- lit-rvt's. Wrakfli tllfst1 him i', ami you inevit.ililv liavi-weak vital ort' Hi", lit it o Itfit? llr. ShtMip's lii'-toialot-h.i mailt ils taint. No nlhtr iiMwily i-Vfii t-la i in-, to trt'.it tht iintidt nrni's Ami lui liloatin. hi lion .res'., h.ui lin-aih nr I'dinpli'xlon. use lr. Shonii'd littnrati't Willi nit toil y lor :iinple ami IVfr li.nik. iir S amp, Karint. Wh. Sohl h W M i .,liiii. Wt lilon. N 1 It's up to every man to get a hurry on himself w hen he is home ward hound. lift it iVm sample o! lr. Shoop'a "Hwiltli Coflee" at our Mtore. Il real i-oltff tlistuiKs your tuiuui'li, your ht'urt r kiiliit xH, ilim try this clever Co l lee iiuitahiin. While lr Slump has very closHv tudlfhetl Ull Javaautl MiK'ha Col lee in (Uvor him I taste, yet he hit nut even n Minnie Kr;''" t'lir it- lr. SltiM'p'-i Health ' ll f- Imitut oi in made from ii e tmin (it t,r ins or ififali, with Mull. Nul; ete 1 ile ill ii iniuute. No tedious wiiit. oii will si i rely like it. Kor ale by . I'.ii mt, W "eltlon. N. (. IT BROKK HIM. "1 made a resolution January 1 to give my wife all the money she asked me for." "Did you break it?" "No, it broke me." Denver Post. It doesn't take long for a com ing man to get into the has been class. A Bold Slop. To ovn;!iint tho well-uriitinrlp-d and reaviMihh iihtiTtions of tin nitiro Intel llgi'in 10 tho ii.m ot yrrri't, mrilu'tnal coiu IHiiiuiis, llr. Ii. V. 1'n r. i, u( lliillulu. X. V., -mini tiini uio, divulrii to make a bold drpurltire trnm the iimiuI eourso pursiud by the uiakern ot put-up meillclurs tor ilo Bii'jitli use, and. bo has publlsbwl broad cast and orKTrty to Ik whola world, I full aud complyta list ot til tho Ingredienu entering InVMhenuui-otitlonof hn widely celebrated Lvdicctl. Thus b has taken hit uumiTyui vitront ami patient! jmo hit lull CnhiViii.'. Thui too be M rtc movciyiiiyfiiediclnei (rota tmotif iocrct lior.lli.iya of tloubiful uierils, and maile tUcmtfi'initilui uf Knuun toinpoitlloii. lly t ii hold t.en Dr. Tier ahnwr) that m-iiriniiT-n liTTTT.r to, h en-riienrii tii.it 'I'i Ij tt'H """iK "oiijivi int m 10 fl.l Cillfit ., TIltlMV Nul only do.. Hip f. nnep of Tprv hn'tta Ot Or. I'UToe's Ooldeu Mi'du-al Ilc'oerf, the famout DiedlrlD fur weak stoua b. pld ll.er or bllloukuesi aud all ealarrbal dlseaiei wherever lot'alvd. have printed uihiu It, 111 ! plain r.naiht a full and comulelo ll.t of all I the luaredleiilri euDiiHjslnif It, but a kmall bouk has been I'utnplleu frun uuuieruua i atandard uiedli-at vtorln, uf all the dllfereut ! ki'bools uf piai'llce, I'uutaluliif lery nunier , OUM extiacta from the wrltlnas of leadliif prat'tltluliers of luedlrllie. eudorvlnv In th itrimttMl piiM.ilile Uniit, ea'U aud uvery luare dlvul I'unlaliud 111 Dr. Pierre's uiedlelnaa Ono of the-a. Utile books will bo Uialled fraa 1 to any on sejidlnr addre.sou tMtal card or br Idler, to Dr. 11. V. l-leice, lfulalo. N. Y.. 1 and riiiuestlna the aauiu. Plum this little Inxik It will be learned kliat Dr. Tierce's Died l ti-lni'a contain no alrobol, nan'otli-a, mineral ; agent or other ihiImiiuius or ilijurluuslvYeuts ' and that they are made from native, uiedii-i-Dal root of gi-eat value: al.u that some of I the muHt valuable Ingredients contained In i Dr. I'lerce'a Favorite Prescription for weak, j nervous, over-worked, "run-down. " nervous ! and debilitated women, were employed, long i years ago, by the ludlaus fur almllal' ailments i affecting their Miuews. In fa.-t. one of the most valuable mt dlrlual plants entering Into the cunipusltluD of Dr. I'terce's Favorite Pre j aiTlpllon was known to the Indiana ae "tMiuaw-Weed.'' Our knowledge of the usee I of nut a few of our mo.t valuable native, me dicinal plants was gained from the linjl.ua As made up by Impmvcd and eiact pro eesuea, the " F avorlle Priwrlpllon " Is a most eflli-leut remedy for regulating all the wum anly functions, correcllna dlsplacenienta, aa prolapsus, enlevrraton aud retorverslon. overcoming paluful periods, toning up the pervea ana bringing about a perfect stale ia( keeilk. IteU by aid deaden la gedlclue THE USED Beyond the purple, hazy trees Of Summer's utmost boundaries; Beyond the sands beyond the seas - Beyond the range of eyes like these, And only in the reach of the Hnraptured Ra.e of Memory, There lies a land, long lost to me,--The Land of Used-to-be. A land enchanted such as swung In golden seas when sirens clung Along their dripping brinks, and sung To Jason in that mystic tongue That dazed men with its melody -Oh, such a land, with such a sea Kissing its shores eternally, Is the fair Used-to-be. A land where music ever girds The air with belts of singing birds, And sows all sounds with such sweet words, That even the lowering herds A meaning lives so sweet to me, Lost laughter ripples limidly From lips brimmed o'er with all the glee Of rare old Used-to-be. Lost laughter, and the whistled tunes Of boyhood's mouth of crescent runes, That rounded through long afternoon, To serenading plenilunes When starlight fell so mistily That peering up from bended knee, I dreamed 'twas bridal drapery Snowed over Used to-be. O land of love and dreamy thoughts, And shining fields and shady spots Of coolest, greenest grassy plots, Lmbossed with wild forget-me-nots And all ye blooms thai cunningly Lift your faces up to me Out of the past, 1 kiss in thee The lips of Used-to-be. And love ye all, and with wet eyes Turned glimmeringly on the skies, My blessings like your perfumes rise, Till o'er my soul a silence lies Sweeter than any song to me Sweeter than its melody Or its sweet echo, yes, all three My dreams of Used-to-be. A HOME PICTURE. Oh, the happy little home when the sun shone out, Ami the busy little mother got the children all about; And Johnny fetched the water, and Tommy brought the wood. And Billy boy tied both his shoes, as every laddie should And Dannie rocked the cradle with a clatter and a song, To make the little sister grow so pretty and so strong. Oh, the sweet-peas aiid the morning-glories climbing round the door, And the tender vine of shadow witlt its length across the floor. Oh, the peonies and the roses, and the quiver of the grass, And the cheery call of friendship from the neighbors as ihcy pass. Oh, the scuttle and the shouting, and the little mother's laugh As a rabbit starts up somewhere, and her great helps scamper off. Oh, the happy little home when the twilight fell, And all along the meadow rang the old cow bell; With a tinkle that is music through the rushing of the years And I see the little mother in the tremble of the tears, And I hear her happy laughter as she cries "the hoys have come," And we know she is getting supper in the happy little home. A STORY WITH A MORAL What The Ministers Prayer Did Kor Milly Dean. Gen. Booth, the venerable head of the Salvation army, was talking to a New York reporter. "Are you saved?" he asked sud denly. The young man Hushed, stam mered and hesitated. "Well." said the general, "do not despair. There is a chance even for New York reporters." Then, discussing prayer, Gen. Booth told a story, a story with a moral. "There was a young clergyman appointed to a small country town," he began, and a short time after his arrival a horsy-looking man in leggins stepped him on the street one day. and said in a trem ulous voice: "If you please, sir, would you mind, next Sabbath, offering up a bit of a prayer for Milly Dean?" "The minister, of course, as sented. The man, whose look was worried and haggard, took leave gracefully. And on the next following Sunday Milly Dean was prayed for from the pulpit. "Then one afternoon, the man in leggins met the minister again. "Thank you for them prayers, sir," he said; 'but you needn't pray no more for Milly Dean.' " 'Why,' said the other, shock ed, 'is she dead?' " 'Dead? said the man in leg gins. 'No. She's just won the Blue Ribbon handicap by a length and a half.' " SHR OWED HI";R ONI:. Blanche "I understand that you refused two young men last evening?" Grace "So I did. What of it?" "Oh, nothing; only I was told that they both went off and got to gether." Smart Set. A man who gets a vision of sal vation and rises to it, must not wait by the grave of his own past, nor return to it very often. - TO - BE. kmi itvr.u six n vi:wt Mils. WIVMIJIW'S.-'IHITIIINII SYlll l has been used tor over till years by millions o' mullicrs lor their children while tct thiiii!, with period success. Itsoothes thei'hihl. softens the cuius, allays all pain; cures wind colic, ami is the best lemeilv for Diatrhoea It will relieve the pieir little sufferer iiiiinediiiiely Sold by diunxists in every pal t of the world . Twenty-live cents a bottle He sure and ask I'm "Mis. Wiuslovv's SiMitbiuu r-yrnp," and lake no other kind. Illl.iranteed under the Kin.i1 and Drills Act. June :lnth, lmni. Serial number lll'i". PEERLESS. "Yonder is our peerless young society leader." "Peerless?" "Yes; jilted by a duke, you know." Will Cure Consumption A. A. lliTicn, I'inili, Atk., write-.: ley'it tin c. unil T.ir is the lu'tt prcp.i u tiun lilt t'lilluh., rtilils mill llliij lniiilile. I klltiu ilmt It h;ts ruieil ennsu nipt lull in the lirst sieves.,' Yitu never heartt ul' any one using I-uli-y's lltmcv ami l'.ir ami u t being satislit-il. Fur mile hy K t'liirk. W elilun, N. C WHI-RI- WAS Till; JOKKK? Policeman-l'ifiy-tliree articles. ' ' Kambling Waggles "Yes, u pack of cards and a corkscrew.'' Tit-Bits. keiimrkiihle kescue. That ti'tith is stranj.ri'i' than liiiiiui, Ins unci iiiiii'i liccll ilflil'iustlatt'it in the lilt c Imvu nl I'l-thin. Tetin., the tcsiilenn til r V. Pepper, Me wrtes: "IAatiu hcil. eulirelv tli.salilrtl with ht'iiiurrhaiieH til the luns ami thrir.it. Ilm'tnrs taileil tu help nie, unit all hope liatl ttleil wheu 1 tieeall tiikiti-: llr. KinKs New liiscovery. 'then instant reliel' c.iuie. The cuiiichiiiit smui ceiwetl; the hleeiliui; tliniiniihe(t rapiilly, ami in three weeks 1 was uhl. tu mt to work," ttiiaranteeil cure fur coughs unil cnhlH. ,'illc. unit s1. t lit all tlrujinisis 'riial bottle live. PRESERVFI). Patience "Is she doing any-' thing to preserve her voice?" 1 Patrice "Well she sang into a i phonograph the other day. " Yon- kers btateman. A man whti ia in perleet bealtli, so he eau no an hunest itay s work when neees- miry, lias nitieh lor which he alioulil he thankful. Mr L. C. Koduera, of Kriiueli. ville, I'll., writes that he was not only un able tu work, hut ha imililu't sloop' over tu tie hia own aline. Sii Unities ol Foley's Kulliey Cine made a new man of him, Me Daya, "Kueeena to Foley's Kidney Cure." For aale br E. Clark, Weldon, N. C. HE GOT THERE. Fable of the Alan Hurry. Who Didn't Once there was a man who cmt dueled a wholesale grocery house in a city of some 20,0(10 inhabi tains. The word conducicd is used in a general sense; what the man did was to hire a lot of com petent help so he could sil inn in front of the store and watch the cars go past without undue worry. Il was agreed throughout the entire community that John Per kins was the la.iest man in the town. 1 le did nothing Inn sit in his chair smoking and talking the live-long day. The only time he really hurried was when he went to dinner. lie would rustle around at a great rate every noon and tell his wife to hasten the meal, so he could get hack and loaf the rest of the day. Yet Perkins was prosperous and folks just couldn't understand it. He did everything easily, and in spite of the fact that beseemed to have no ambition at all, his busi ness nourished and he was able to sit still, and enjoy life thoroughly. One day (he grim reaper came along and took away the mayor of the city. A special election was called for the purpose of electing a successor, and the list of available candidates were gone over care fully. "What's the matter with nomi nating George lidson?" w as ask ed by a prominent citizen. "I'm afraid George couldn't run," responded another "He is putting in all his spare time invent ing an airship, and wouldn't have any time for running the city." "Why not nominate tizra Wil son?" "Oh, he was out riding in his automobile the other day and it blew up with him. He's in the hospital now." "How about James Johnson''" "He wouldn't do. He's going over to New York in a couple of weeks to start a magazine to Kjiht graft." "Well, what's the matter with Charles Christopher?" "He couldn't run. He is plumb 'nutty' over some new religion and is getting up a creed of his own. " So the entire list was gone over. L;very enterprising man in town was mentioned, and in almost ev ery instance it was found that he was a little bit too enterprising. In the course of time the name of John Perkins was brought up. "Oh, he won't do," said a party leader. "He's too lazy " "Well, he is pretty lazy," said another, "but there's one good thing about John." "What's that?" "I le's always's there !" So John Perkins got the nomi nation and was elected by a heavy vote. Moral: They also serve who only "sit" and wait. -Puck. NOCHANCH FOR HIM. A man who was summoned for beating his wife tried hard to put all the blame upon his mother-in-law, and was eluded by the bench for his lack of gallantry. "Why should it always be the fashion for a man to malign his mother-in-law?" the magistrate re marked. "Is chivalry yuite dead among us? I knew a man once who never spoke an unkind word to his mother-in-law, never blamed her in the least for his quarrels with his wife, and never had the bad taste to complain about her lo oilier people." The wile healer stared open mouthed as he listened u the re cital of the domestic paragon's vir tues. Then he said : "Oh, yes, I've heard of that fel low before. His name was Adam'" The Mugie No. ) Number three is a wotulerlul nuisi'ui im tieti. II. I'urris, tii't'eiliir ilr.ive, Me., ne eurililli: to a letter wliieli teails: "Alti-r' sntleriiiK inmli with lier unit k utiicv troiible. iiml lieeoniinif preutly ili.seoui.i'it'il i liv Ihe failure lo liml relief, i trieil Lin. 1 1 if Hitters, unit an a result I am a well man toilay. line bottle relieieil iinil three bottles eolupii-teiL hei'lire." tliliii.inteeil best oil earth tor stomach, liver and kill, ney troubles by any iliumilst, .'inc. WHERE HI GOT THE NERV E. Kaynor "It took nerve, didn't ! it, to break yourself of the habit of ; smoking, at your age?" Shyne "It did, you bet ! But my wife er has plenty of that." ( Chicago Tribune. ' Bwn tt. It : r iiul Vcj Itnii Um ,il They Thai Wait I pun The Lord Shall Menew Tlu-ir Strength. T IK' Kill. I pi'w. r inav Ii- Hies !'o. Ml r, iT o .i! hav': lip. i'.ili.t; .ill.i ill ll'r-'ll ln.it ha1.'': no ni'L;::i i : i r--1 '!i Mreugih. ':'.'.'.. i : the y:;!i'. !i..il faint and be wc.iry. md 'ii.' v !';: men shall nt'ei'ly I'.ii! : ! ..il :h.;. thai wait upon the !.i J shall tv new their sirei:;;:!:. Tiky il niuum up 'a nh '.v.n;:. a e:".'i ,' The;, slull rni a:;.! he nm v, ..srv , and liiey -iiai! wall; and nm faint. " Thus ends the grc.it clmpicr forty of die great prophet Ir-dab. S if any one would suecee.l ahai:; hi:;.", of righteous endeavor, let such an one believe in God, by hiilh. i.' ul plead with him for wi.idont and go forward. Martin Luther's I'.iiih in God caused him to receive enough of wisdom and power to revolu tionize the c'-urc'i ;v.t-:.t, V PcTlliCUS ;UK. ' iei'sll.i :..-;irchc; ill rind out the wi.dmii oi G played in the linna;:iem rewarded. Benjamin Morse, Hdison, Marconi have blessed themselves world h disun el ill;; and electricity. "As a man hi as and w e l-Yanklhi, and Bell and :l:e utilizing Ihinl.eth so is he." I capacity, oui el us think of our opportunity, our re sponsibility, our accountability, and then improve our talents. What are our talents? Would you be a Stephenson, a Raphael, a Long fellow, a Whitney, a l-'uitnn, a Maury, a Mendelsshon, a Beetho ven, a Susanna Wesley, a Martha Washington, a Mrs. Browning or a Mrs. Hcniaiis- If so, then catch aad hold the liglu and inspiration that comes as you think of ilk ::i and breathe a prayer thai ( io.l would help you to he what he wants you to be and what he made you to be ,i success. Lei us go lo work. n Six piano n H T A T Pi TTVT O For this weeki Cnnover Piano, tiprig'lit S!"5. Wcllinttton Pitino, 115. Wlieelotk I'priKlU, $65. Sticff I priffht. S15. to Stieff Roscw mul Pinna 5K0 (itlilil Pianti, small size $.!() ft All guaranteed to be 1 in fine condition. All o used. l.'rJ tiruiihy St . M il; I l II.K , VA. John J. Foster, Mannffer. oczxorao ipr 111 -'v Sour Stomach No arpetile. to.;s o! strength. rervou ness, ha-iache. constipai.on. bad Lreath. general debility, sour risings, and ca:airh oi tne stomach are all due to ir.ciKesi.cn, Kocoi cures iniiigsslion. This new discov ery represents the natural juices of dige tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the "reatest known tonio and reconstruiMive properties. Kcdol Dys pasia, Cure does not only cure indigestion sie,:':: purifying, sweetening and strengthen! g ttr r.iu:otis merr.biai.-s lining the S'.oir.ach. b. -b. HjIi, ol KJVfswv), W , Va., Says s ir-ubled with tour El. w:h f. r iwpt'ly yfarn, I'uted nta and ate i.i w unnf it tn m,k Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bellies only Sl'i.rh i; 7 : timss ihe trial bi:p wincli s-. r - . ,' .--nts. -pard by t. U. UWt 1 T . Ua., OHIOAQO ""i.i' i; W l rtMII N. w !'i.,.... n , t TT ff. r.Al.l'LS IN HKU'l tsi FANCV 1 J A n ma We have the best line town, Wheu in need of (iroeeries in ol anything in Grocery Line Call on us. your trade. Ouratoek is fresh. Give ns Women .,ieal ... lr '! :it tlm ai li;rve. ru! Imii'C i' a. well s k. Jt. Cure 'V M. COHEN. Wt V.iil-'KS, o- i ki:i; r, 'I'liC, v..l -itr iLacnmery, Shaftmg,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Miivim- Imnulit out Sled & Alexander t-tun.ici'- mill initi'hiiii-N, wiili a;i patteruH v :uc huw ni-p irnl to l'iiinili p.ntH t in .u'lniu I'U 1 1 l i i y iiKiil.1 hy tlirin,: HYDRAULIC FRESSES and.., PFAIMUT MACHIWERYw,a,.y Milt wii, k .i;h! r:iiiis ol all kinds, .ci.ii-! 1i i:i.; t.t,i'-!:iii'i I'trsalf flienp. Call mi us nr wtilc I -r u hat ;. mi want. (treat Rciluctiunsil For Cash 1 s'i 7." Mtiiiietir ni!, $j 75 -' !"i Smyrna " 2 tin J."i mi M..iiutic rutrs, !lsl'-! It. 17 75 1 ' i China Mattiti.', (lc, 1KC. e.' c. .I.ipaiM se " 17c. :;"' " " lHtc. :V VVdiiI rip. Ii:!;; .(He. :i."' ' iuilow sii.iiici, 20i', "iiif " " H7Jc u."h '-1-yai.l w itic I .iiinlt inn, 75c "V " " " fi'ic li.'ic I'i.mi Oil Cl.ith, .Nf 1 ;t." A Miii-l.-r Cu .et illLT, 8c 1 In liix'.'ii I'lctni. Klaini's, 95c M'iitl iKipn. I. 5 :inil lii per rnll A I. A UOi: situ K OK Talking Machines, (iraphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, I slip,.! .crT I n ii.'ini. ,at all tiinc-s, ut st piin SPIERS BROS.jj wr.i.nov, x. c. pa WILL CURE YOU f any c Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. "FFUSE 8UB5T1TUT13. I'm mile liy V. CLARK, Welilun, N. C. -I'l.'ISl MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick's Patterns. Ii. & G. CORSETS, Mianes at 50c, Ladies 75c. to $1. L-Fneea will bemads to suit the tunes, Hnta aud Honnets made and 1 rimmeil to order. ALL MAIL OKDKRH PROMPTLY FILLED, MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. ' i tmiiun'a-aHijaatHm (iiiinJ Display 1 AND SCMMKK

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