i i,c Noil!: Car,.!;.:.. At;i:oK'niNi ; to i he ures. there arc -J.S.x.x.ii.xO h c.u! winners anions; the uninen oi in Country. If there v.viv tii.it iiui;' Rood bread ni.ikers anting' the:;' there would he a falling utt ;n ii'. The 5ono fth o mmm wipwmm mm coffee n 3 ni demand for Jys i 'i :a tal-let There are four vcr c .-Utr's IT j'r Vi"or s' f: V - Ay- li Vigor makes the hair Verse J. Aers Hair igc.r cures dandruff. Virsc 4. Ayer's Hair Vi,;or nahes the scalp healthy, and k-i ps it so. It is a regular hair-fot.d ; this is the real secret of its uon derful success. The best kiud ot a tnBt'.ui?inlal "Sold tor over iixiy year.." A y sxhsapumlla. ifers HILLS. UthUVY HOThUL. THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, J rM-: 20, 107. Published Every Thursday. ENTKKEP AT POSTOKKH'K A T V Kl lloN AS SIl'uNI) CLASS MArlTK RATES OF 5LBSCP1PI ION IN 1VM lT: One Year, 'by mail,) pollute puul, fl -'" 8ii Months, " " " 7.'i A weekly Peuiocrut if journal tlfvutt'tl to the mate rial, educational, political ami griculturul ititeresH of Ha nax mal sur rouudiuKcountif. A'lvertijtilif; rates reasonable anil liirnish d ou applicutiou- Having invaded a Chicago pack ing house, Gen. Kuroki doubtless understands now that there are even worse things than war. Judge Harmon announces that he is a Democrat without qualification. Judge Harmon is a favorite as to who is Col. W'at terson's dark horse. A Memphis woman has sued the same man for divorce five times, in seven years. After a while he will get tired of paying that kind of amusement for her. A girl in Pittsburg got out of bed, took a slat from her bed, and smashed a mouse that was annoy ing her. You don't have to be lieve it unless you want to. AN Ohio man has been twice struck by lightning and as we un derstand it, he never gave his neighbors reason to suspect that he had a hankering for office Amont. other things California now comes forward with the mean est man in the country. A bride groom of that State, is accused of forcing his bride to eat all the bis cuits she bakes. DURING the President's visit to Lansing, Mich., the mayor prohib ited the sale of peanuts. Perhaps he didn't want people to get the impression that an entire circus was coming to town. A scientist has discovered that bullets carry disease germs, but we assure him that we needed no in formation of that kind to strengh- en our determination not to stop any bullets if we can help it. Bryan declares that he is not onlv aeainst a third term, but he is against a second term, and he Hon. Kiehim-nd K-..rM,ii. imis.s has probably observed that so far t?r to Persia. h.,s arnxed in this as he is concerned the maiontv of country with his lamily on a vaca the people are opposed to a ti-st ! ''" 1 M ;tRir Ic m term. Asheullc. In a street car accident at Sabs- BEFORE starting away on his vacation last year, the President renrimanded the head of the Weather Bureau and it looks as if he will have a pretty good excuse for repeating the performance this year. AN intoxicant recently discover - ed in Africa, compells people to tell the truth. If it is ever intro- duced into this ceuniry, it might be well for the average man to steer clear of it, if he is staying out late at night. The percapita distribution of : wealth in this country, is reported to be $1310. The fact that John D. Rockefeller has cornered the vast majonty ot tne per caps, somewhat detracts from the ex - ceeding joy that this item might be expected to arouse. BEWARE Of Ointments That Contain Mer cury u mercury will surely destroy tlie seuse ol imell Hid completely deninne the whole yitem when ent:rin( it through the inn ooua surlncee. Such articlea shoukt never be uaeil eicept on prescriptions from repu table physicians, as the damage they will do is ten told to the ood you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney fc Co., Toledo, Ohio, contains no mercury, Mill is taken interna'ly, actin directly upon the blood and mucous surlacesof the iiystem. In buying Httll' Catarrh Cure Im sura you (set the genuine, it is taken internally and is made in Toledo, (). 3 F. J. CHKNEY A CO Toledo, O. Testimonials fret. Sold by druggists. Price 75 cento per bottie. Take Hall's Family Pill" for Constipa- MW. "Kim; 1-!ix ;:i ic.eni'y , p pearcd at the raa . dressed ni brown der!n ;:ra sin;, pink -.ii'i and bright blue necktie aiu; tan shoes," says a contemporary And yet sonic people have the ;urc to refer to the President or the liitted States as a "ka!eu!o-.,.opc individual. " I'M 1 1 1) Txler .V...I tiiirr. ' ear- Mates i!.n:, o a mciS Senator Alabama, bcr o' the i house of Long: the Sem.te cot :tuc on piuiianei occ.nic canals and brigadier gi neral in ate arnr. , d;ed at Whm.t..;s i iu. . the I -ill ,V.r MMfgan v, i C.i v. n. and was born ni .VK:;-. June .0, is.1 1. His Alabama was at c!:iu. ' funeral took pl.ue Mi had he'd a ninnbes ,t : offices besides th.it of sen eluding membership m t'; ian laws commission and . Haw, rearar on the Permg Sea fisheries His chief active ititercM :ti tlu Senate in recent years had !vvn::; connection t ith t!ie Kilnniaa v :n.il question. He was a pel's:--!; ni a.! vocate of the Nicaragua route and made a number of notable speech es during his long but iiiiu:ccs:t;i , fight for the adoption of the N:ci ! raguan w aterwav In the he irmg ; on the x,m,il itlcti"r. m . ,iit;:n;;t e land on floor, Mr. .Morgan toi.k an active ran, despite his gren r.ge and failing strength. NORTH STATE NEWS. Items of Interest Irom till Sections of the State. High Point is preparing great improvements in her stiY. Tile State Normal ('allege Greensboro graduates -17 -.'.tide this year, the largest class m history. P. C. Heaves, a young tlagn on the Seaboard A:r I me. v struck by a train .it ake lUr and killed. Mr. I I P.. Vanicr. cd.t-r .4 Lexington Ilisp.nJi hasbc-eit ek ed president of the Nation;!! I' torial Association. The Winston Journal has p ! chased a Co press and a Ii:m and will greatly !mpro c mat per in the near future . The Greensboro Dane lk r 1 has purchased a new C prtti'tr.g press m order to handle its . u'c il lation in .1 better manner The new Baptist chiirdi a; Ik'.kc was dedicated Sunday. Kkv, J. J. Hall, I). 1).. of FuyettcGiic, preached the dedicatory sermon A reward of IH is ottered K the Governor ha- the arrest o Coleman Broun, wanted in Jack son county tor killing Plia- Owen- The Democratic State Com;;:;; j tee is called to meet ; July Mh. to did a in Raleigh hainnati : succeed Senator Siuimoiis, ed. ri-ML.ii- bury late Tuesday night a mule ; was run over and killed and sever- ! al persons on the ear erv badly shaken up. T. K. Pjruner. secretary of the agricultural department has been elected immigration commissioner : and placed in charge ot the immr gration bureau, as provided tot by 'he last legislature, y,e North Carolina Bar Asso. ; Cj.jon w, II hold us annual meeting ; . Hendersonville. July lti-12. . judge Parker, of New York, late vmoeratic presidential candidate will deliver the annual address on the 10th. At Ladraniie, Lemur county. last week, Miss l.ula 1 i".si '-s .,-,. 1 1 4-year old niece of State Snperin- , tendent of Schools J. Y. Joyi was fatally burned by the explo sion of a lamp and died a lew min utes after the accident. The coroner's jury which inves tigated the death of Malcolm Mor risonwhose dead body w as found in the vicinity of Hope Mills, Cum berland county decided that Mar rison came to his death at the hands of persons unknown. Julius, a thirteen year old boy of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Biles, of Stanley county, has been missing from their home for a week. The parents have made every effort to locate the boy but of no avail. It is believed that he was taken from the home by a designing enemy of the family. N C CLIIcs I'.loil ct-r. ( ii i:itc in I case Can .,! I'i.i ;i-c-f 1 ree .1 111 1 ! The lwMw Co, H.iv Nc ssticd ,i , ,.i;c- ol Farm Implements. Ccrn a.: J Cottor. Pi.o-ters, Cult', -'on. Plows. Fenciiiii, Rooting, Engines. Threshers, Sa .v Milk, cic. O 'II I'll'.' ,L,t The Implettsnt Co.. "T.l I Hi 5 ! Want. 11 Seasonable Farm Seeds Pr... ti,.. c c ..'!... .. O Millets, Teosinte, Late Seed Potatoes, Buckwheat, Vetches, Crimson Clover, etc. Wood's Croo Special, irivint: piit'i' :t!!il timely nilofMutinii a hum .-ff'U tlnil can l pi.tu.i.l u U'l:int:i;:n anil piuiit at flim-rent srasoti of the your, nuilril I'tc-on r'iHfft. Write for it. T. W.WOOD & SOHS, KKKUSMKN. RICHMOND, SALE OF VALUABLE TIMBER. . irtin-'if .hi .nil. '' ..t -h.- n;. M.tin. th. r.-i M- t. ii If.- M i. tir.'iv.-ii i ll.T-. x-. -urin-il li Ml Mutlll .iuitl.-,l I. . lilt . li-lll A till ntlli'!'-. t Hi' lllissli.U.-l' nt lll .Mllll Mil Jul V 'III, I'hiT.t I'll hlii" ;itu In ll. ii iM"-li. .it i !! . l'-'iirl in !' in ll.il iU i. -il t h' li in' a nil til,ir 1 timluT in't'N tliiis nl! 'ti-', i-tiri' li ti nr hutu iilftir ;rrif.s I lit- -In nil', .il til" 1 1 nn' "f eiltl i n ii , j .taiitliint.iiiil triwin 'ti Mm tr.n't i hunt in 1 H.tlit.i iiint, known ;ts Hi'' I'x l t n Hutu Uti-I. Ixninilfil tn tin- l.tihN nt Smmh'I Hi--, tli -' cfnvti, h I'liinV. t.r.in. h. Ih.- IuimIs if Wit I li.itn Hux .mil ntlHT-., ;tmt In M.tt-li hwaitii), i ami onnt.uiiitiK lNi;ii'r-., ni'Mf or U--. AUut t tfiai'ri's i'f .utl l.uid i- in tiuitxM'. a ml lln- .lln' iv v.'rvthirk, unit nf itihnI iin.ilitv. and six y.-ar Htm' will ! allmvi-il in mIiuTi tn rui s.tnii. Tins 11 davnf Jtim. l''T. H. K. i t-LI-OM l'imimt!.("iiui r. FOLEBHONETTAR tops coafils and hats losses re" 1 V i SFJag CuHng Devlcps the Stiinil' Found m Schnapps that Satisfjss There: are three ways used ny far mers ii'p curing v.nd prcjiarin;1; their tobaeio fr i!ie markrt; v. uncly, sun cure.!, ail ui'eil and !hic corcii. i lie uld iv.t ' c!ii'a w av is called ail cured ; the l.uer dseoverv and improved w av i.s caliod ran: cured. In llik-curir. t'e.e 1'iliaecc' is taken Irom the he'd and Mi nded over inU nsely In a I1; s ni i:v!sis esju'ciallv luult to re l.:t: l!f.r iieal, and there kept in the pi'i 'in !' t.i inperature until this curing !:. - d. 'i lopt s in the tohaeeo tlio lii.ii'latnv.; taste and fragrant aroma l;i..:u! i;i Schnapps tobacco, just as !.m'',-i-',i odiee i.-; made h;i;.;Tant and sieau'a'i'iy; 'oy the roastine; process. Only choice selections oi this ripe, juicy line cured leaf, orown in the famous Piedmont country, where the lkt tobacco p;rows, are used in Schnapps and other Reynolds' brands ot hicdi vcj'adc, line cured tobaiaos,, (;. d. Kkynolds Toijacco Company, Vinstox-Sall., N. V. a in 0 FOR y ,1 ., 1 1 v r IT- :i FURNITURE! W e M:ie Tlie lai;est Line of Household and K it ch &. en lairniture. Parlor Suits. .Mattings, etc.. liver rTiroulil to this section. Our line of Crocker). Tin ami W illow ware. iarcNi!'.i.TKisi. i .m i. its i.msnt! W'ao'ons, Carts. Uussries. I'. N. S TAIN HACK. n III 's 0 r CrtUt til We mention a few but ;-- Brass and Iron Beds, $.1 China Closets. $10 to $50; IJi.inns .mil Ortrnnn. Ranges, lo.oo to 60.00; iMatting, 12c to .nc. per wird; l.oo; Art Squares and Rugs, l.oo to 25. 00. Mail orders promptly WELDOH FUEMME COMPANY, VELDOfl, - flow CwoUfo. Hundreds oa sale thai outside of ih.. haeco is line i Idled with c sweetened UU WELL - DRESSED s oiild you spend your money lor poor tit clothes In 11 von i.-oi tor the same money Sjel 11 fit eiii,il to Ihe eiv hest ttiilor niade clothes ? 01 would hardly ilo this il ou only ielieed the follow i 11 ii" statement : UNLESS YOU Ml DEFOSMEO, WE CftN FIT YQO PERFECTLY. Come to my store and give us ihe chance to demonstrate, to proc tile truthfulness of this as. seition. (io - Carts, etc. is complete. i o:'1'ins. osKia's Cooking and v s ,U. I fill A. fli El remember these are not TZZZ for vou. and up; Bedroom Suits, $15 Dining Tables, 5.oo and and tin! Soxvine Aliflii ne;. filled. No person is ever A-mma as Taste Hanger of imitation lr:tnds are : hi-.e .-ciuii'ipps ; the a,.:. ion iill'.;S of to- ntt Hi..' inside is v. heavily air cur-'il ! bacco; one chew of Sclmajii 'su ill satisfy tobacco hunger loiio'er than two chews of such tohacco. Expert tests pro'ce that this flue cured tobacco, ;roi.ii in the famous I'ii'duiont I'o-.f'on, i'e;;ions and takes les sua cternite, tlian a:ty other kind, audi iias a !nlev;i;i-, siimulatino", ;;tisfyiii; effect ci: i lieu ers. If the kind ot ti 'bacco yon are clu-u mp; don't satisfy, more than the im re habit of e;ii etoralino, stop fooling yourself an I chew Schnapps tobacco. Schnapps, is like the tobacco chew as formerly bought costino; from 75c. tocpi 00 per pound ; Schnapps is sold at "oe. p r pound in 5c. cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent phi;..',s. ll M . .y XT' I MEN. 1 .'Si L i t A c y ' n ami i: i -i . i: ii!i."i Heatino; Stoves. AVKIJ)(), N. C. -i. A j?. V. . ''j '' Cash o r 1 ss. the only bargains we have to $175; Sideboards and! Instalment up; (io-Carts 2.5 to 3o.oo;B IS. oo to 4o.no- Stni'i'u miilB Carpet, per yard 25c to disappointed here. O..- N3-"-.ni e.-;-(:r"T-,-.'l ,u. e.-"v. . '-oa 3- -' ! f-t V.p '' :A I h,. u . i I'. P--"'-'r "'-. m JEWELRY STORE ! Powell Brothers, txr ouch to posro'fiC! . vv .no . n. c. TCfiES, Clocks $ Jewelry. Our sU'cinllv is rcpairiiii; id fine wnklus mid cli'tks l.niii! i-xperiencf in this line iiiul till ucnk full gLiiirioitced I 11-i;-avinK in Hie most up tu-dalc niaiiniT. W edding rings in giiiNcd at slu'ft imtke. I'mnipl iiiul cartful attciitii)ii to mail orders. Bank of Halifax, A I (ll; ..mh lii.n 1 ;ui,l ti 1 1 v V'-;u- ..t'i-.,r"'Ml'' -xi-t.-in Billimil lonkm-.l I ,,,'Hi c. 1!,.. I 1,1.. ul Ovm ial m. It. I';mi-;.;.! O Willi.- .I,.m-s -lii-ri' H. , !;,, ., t ...ti ol 1 1 .1. 1-- li.l. li ;. latilixl III-' t-UW oilislinil"'" mlpt" I hi- tm 11 .. I 1 Li I II. ix 1. is l;ikt u i 11 li'iv liir :ni.l A BANK "i'1' ' liol.r I C SI.,1,. i ,111 ;i.-i.mi.!i.-hn! fiM't. its cl""is ;,n-11..W .... ii l..r Hi tralisMM.il '" ''"" 1 11. li.ink li.is !.. .1. -ills. A COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT "hi ...'ii 1 1 ' - ,v , haim... a. i.l roll... I i.'li InwiM'v. i .-..n.l.ii-1. .1, an.l a - V ! M fs 1 KV IO M I.M . P.- p..-ilc in tlii'ill hi. 11 nil.Tcsl. ami a nil- hot if .'"liar ami .ij.uai.N r. ri o. .1 Willi aliqil.. l;ill!l-..li.li..livs .Ii-nt - , ,1 al.,1 ,. ,1 ..I 111.-Si ,1... tin- IU.k I " '' srnii-.-s, an. I m.Ih-Ux tin- 1'al riMiap. m 111.' Wm. H. S Iturirxvxn. K. I'n -i.l. in. A BUSiKESS LUXU A mrr.KINfl ACCOUNT is indeed a business necessity; and he xxho tries to Ret alone' without one is at a itrcat disad anlaite It is not required that a person should have a l.irite bulk ol husi ness in order to open an account. Professional men. farmers, ami many women, are running check ing accounts. If you haxe nexer done luisinc- in this way. and are not familiar xvith the plan come to us and we w ill get you started. We pa 1 per cent, in mir Saiiiy,s Depart nient. BANK OF ENFIELD, N- c- IIBVIU-IH.17 IT A CARD. B70') 711 -71.1 I: llro.nl Ih'omise vou a treat in Spring Line of Choice Ltirniliire, Our Selec tions are exceptionally attractive this Season anil prices are right. If not convenient to come write us for lilue Prints. anililll e ! 1 1 : 4 III L V l M eilD.NUU ft 11l1MiU.l1 CHARLES C. ALLEY. WHOLE SAL F Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, 1M TKUHU' !';. V A. .. V. T. !' .iijii .111 I '1 V..'!i."! H'-i 1 . J 1 ' -1 - M '1 - in I '. I -1 c 1 II ( 'a I. il 1 11 ,-(, 11, .1,1 ,, 1.. 1 t! , ., !,. -.' J v s 1- i'i;it:x r v 1 in. 1 s 1 1 1 1 1. n or Ihe Bank o .1! K-um-U !:;.. .l-ni til- M H "I Nrtli 1 ii'. iii.;. m tilt- i'W "!' Iiil-liit-., Uuy l-lii Kesourtes. Liabilities. I....11.S li'l .!i-.:..'iiii-. 1 -.'in::" C'jplt.il -I... t, .-,ihiii.i,ii llv.-l.ll.llls. Ill'-'i IIH'.I I'll S,ii,iiis I'm;, I il.'.lUt I'll! I1II1II- HI"! I. Ml'.- ;:.' Ml ( ,n,l,, ,,r.,;,,. ,- Ml nt i;.-l r. .ll fsl.i'i- I.UU..1 -.'.'. I'll , , , In,,, n. . 1., l..,..U.iii.n..,i,Ui- l .'l .'iil:: ''' " ""I'-i'.l :'.i r.i.h it, ins ; ..-ii -u,.,,, t iu . li. .1. :iiii-; n-j lit. Ill IV III. 1-1 til I'.ichiH'c ill! ss ..ilt-l;iii.lni4 1. ll M,v-rr..lll. . I- .ll,,,lt, " N.,n.in,il mill oilii'i I s. iii.i,-. -.' ,ii., .... T..I..1. -i " I Ti.'.il. ITii .ns M.lll III .Xl.llll I .II..I1II.I, I M,c tll. ;J CU,,., t,.(, , tips I .Mill!)' ' 1 I M l':l.. . I " llMil .1.11 -I Jill..- till-". I' I' 11 V I . I. A Is' I . I. XX. O. s .iii:mi. I .m , ;.,,, I'ul,, all1 1 ,' I II I -it ll 1 1 1 k it' s. ,li - in ll I - ii r 1 1 I l,i I ('i.I-Mi -I 111- .il ..M- -l.ili-lli-lll :s 11 in I- Ill- l.-l i.l It I i i...,, r , niv Ioi-a.-.i-.. .m.l ii.-ii. I li : in,, HII;l'c'T(i'.'si V. . s ; , , , !',,..i,i,.,,t , i ; ,.s ) J. A. ALSTON KINK KKOVIKIONS, eipu-H anil Toliiu'co.- 'or. Valiiiit..ii Ave, ami Kirst .Strut ViVlilnii N. C. (1-ai lT FOLEISIiOMMYiS i for chltdrmni laf, term. No oplafu )' IiI'iiithi';n, .1 I. I'Ol ST. ('resident. liteeushot'o, N C .ilMii' " I- Travis. l: H. liregory. i i-ln. i IIV I'l. -'.I- ll' )! H Y , i . j j 1 1 St.. k'i. Iiinond, a the inspection of their llOllLie L;, t.1,-,,.1-,,1 u..i:ii.tu, ROSES ! Roanoke Rapids, Carnations, Violets mill i.lln-r llm, rs iilwuv s nil hmi. Shun- " ""Iiiil' H iii-in, ' Hiui.ls.imr Kluwl 1 li-sicciis, I ,.t unit utit limn UshlniK ,liint, riuii.ii.i, t al,liiiR(. no. I ii,.r cuviidile I'lmits, M.ii! . nuns. UrilriM ,r.iniillj- txt iiiicI. U ni,-, ',tuiU. , ii ,.j.r,,,,, H. STEINMETZ, I'lorist, kaleigh, North Carolina V-'Jil-ly V