Hiip iMff ter 1 ijj Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Suhscriptioii"$1.50 Per AninirrE VOL. X I.I I. WKLDON. N. C. I IH KSDAV. .JINK '7. l!)OT NO. n tiliiiiliiliiiiiihcr'iVil.T.'.ilIii'vitila ; I lnii,Uh:5t'.ii:un.li?;ui'!i!ivlsrf I I'ronwli's DiMioii.Cliivinii-1 M'ssiiiKll'i'St.Cimtaiib neillKi" I Nor Naihotic. ! IKuafJiM Sera ' Had' " - LIW -tw tttlU.lt ' ill (t'iM twhiSoiiit - I truth V . i,nS ItmaVWi tlaroi IUijUimIv Corf onstiiu );! lum.Smr iinuwr !.,l)MtYhoii fc Wiirm-.t'oiwul'iims.lVvvnsIt f;; m ?. mill Loss ok Slkki. f:i' Simile SiCiuiUiiv in LXAiT COPY Of WRAPPER. ', OE The : Bank : WKUH)N, N. C. Organized Under The Laws of lie State of North Carolina, ai:o i sr an Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anil Surplus, $38.000 . "17 u it 14 veiii'H this in-titutiun 1ms tmvnlnl hanking fiiL'ililies lor thi M Motion It sft'l huliliT ;uh1 ilitvtinrs luvebctn idt'iilitietl with tlie 1- liusinc-jf inlf Tv-ts ol HMil.ix and Nnrl!i;iiii!ini enmities fur many vtarH Money in lomed upon ;iiriYt) security at tin Irnul i.itc nt intere.Hi sii per reiitn-n, Xmnnits ol'ull iin suliriletl i'i: ksidkn'I': vii'E-im:i:kmk t W. I.. H AMI L, Hr.ll w.n wis. UjAsiin.Niiiltiainftun In. N. C ) GARRETT & KSTiHI.IStl i PioDter p 3! . lilil w i n p r - hi1! rr m SPECIALTIES; VIRGINIA DARE ( White Sciipnprnouit) W OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY n jHIAWATHA MINNEHAHA a (Keii Clitmpucne) (lr.v Seu)utTuoii)) " PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL U tSjurklili;,' t'lliilllp:!!)-) am Anil :itl other varieties of Pure anil Whulr-o -u W im-s tor homes ami hotel u-e. MLHiglic.it CumIi Prii-en fr'aul in S.msimi t' r all kinds ! -mall lruit. nipc ete.'T WtMtero Hrjnoh, St Louis, Mo llnnf Oil'n v(M(l'(U-K, VA' SEABOARD" AIR LINE RAILWAY Exposition Line THE To Norfolk Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Kates from Weldon: Round trip season tickets, $.!.H5; Round trip 60-day tickets, ; Round trip 10 day tickets, $2.VO; Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2.65. Couch Excursion rate sold prior to openiuK date and on each Tuesday thereafter, limited seven duya and endorsed "Not Oood in Sleepiuu and I'ulliiian I'arlor Curs." Oilier ticket go on sale April Htli and contiuue uutil close of Kipisiiion. For rates Iroin other poiuU, applv toyonr nearest SEABOARD agent, or rep resentatives named below. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. T. F. ANDERSON, Ticket Afcwt, Weldon, N C. V. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Boars the bignature In Use for Over Thirty Tears THC CtNTftUff COWMNT. IW lORK CltV. of : f elk fit, tasiiikk: W SMI 111. COMPANY, American U .1L Growers IV Kl) !.-. POCA HONTAS llitd ScuiiiwruDiiK) it C. H. GATTIS, Travelling I'sHseuirer Aient,J)leigb, N C. A HACK IN THE SEVENTIES. A Message That Was Sent To Colonel Hammond Away hack in the seventies there were heard some royally grand (?) sunup speeches during the cam paigns in which bruin and honesty were pitted against ignorance and love of ol'lice, love only of the money an.iched to the ol'lice. Thus one of the negro candidates for legislaiive honors from Hdgccombe county spoke of Wall Street as u man who lived and handled too much money in New York, "old man Wall Street." The late Willis Buiiii, colored, who knew , nothing beyond a weeding hoe and maul was one of the ''big uns" and when a candidate for ol'tice (and he and all other niggers and radicals were elected in those days) about the time the civil rights bill was on tapis sent Colonel Ham mond word that just as soon as the bill became a law he would . come to his hotel here in Rocky Mount and demand "the best seat at the table, and the bridal cham ber to sleep in." I'or days, when everybody 1 thought the bill would pass, the Colonel was sparpening up swords and priming shot guns just waiting for Willis and his crowd to come. They were to have been wel comed "with bloody hands to hos-1 pitable graves." One citizen had no less than six repealing titles . under his door step. Rocky Mount Echo. WHY CI-RTAIN MI:N MARRY. An editor sent out circular let ters to a large number of married men, and asked them why they married. Here are some of the an swers: 1'iecausc I did not have the ex perience I have now. 1 That's what 1 have been trying eleven years to find out. 1 married to get even with her mother, but I never have. I have yearned for company. Now we have it all the time. I thought it would he cheaper than a breach of promise suit. Because Sarah had told me five others had proposed to her. That's the same fool question my friends ask me. I wanted a companion of the opposite sex. She is still oppo site. The old man was going to give me his loot, so I took his daugh ter's hand. Because I asked her to have me and she said she would; 1 think she got me. Because 1 thought she was one , among a thousand; now 1 think she is a thousand among one. 1 was lonely and melancholy and wanted some one to make me lively. She makes it very lively. Will Cure Consumption A. A. Ilcricn. 1'iiu li. Ark., wi'ilts: "F.- ' ley's llo ic. ;iiiil Till is t he lti-sl iM ki u- tinll lol i-UIll!!!-. ruItU illlil lUH Inilllllr. I kixiw 0:tt it h is rurril consumption in tlit- lirst stivs.,' You never lieanl niany oni usniiz t nicy's Honey unit T;ir ami n't hcinr s itislieil. t-'or :ilc l.v K ( lark. Weldon. S. (' There is nothing resistless in the restless life. The good we do is the best anti dote to the ill we rue. Nursing Mothers and Over-bunlonotl Women In all stations of life, whose vitfor and vitalily may have bo. n undermined and broken -doun by over-work, cvactiinr feudal duties, the ton frctiicnt tieuriinr of children, or other canoes, will liud In Dr. Pierce's l-'avorlte Proscription the most potent, iTivliroriitluir restorative strcnuth Blver ever devised for their iecliil bone lit. iNuMi.cJiiotlicrs wlHiiinl it especial ly Valuable i silstaluiliK 'lr IreliKlh anil ironiollni;ii aViindant nviirlshment for the child. rixpVctaiil urkcr too will liud It u pricclossSuiPtTTprsNri' the system for baby's mining and nSjJcIng the ordeal couii.aralOeTy puoii.-,,. ii, r.in ,o no harm jn jiny stale, or condition i.( Oimale Mcm. Oelicaie, invous, weak women, who sutTer from fri'oueut beailachos, buck bche, draKifinif'down di-tress low down ' In the abdomen, or from painful or irreg ular monthly periods, gnawing or dis tressed sensation In stomach, dl'y or faint sH'lls, see imaginnry siocks or spots flouting lufore eyes, have disagreeable, pelvic iatarrhal drain, prolapsus, auto version or retro-vorsiou or other displace ments of womanlv oriruns from weakness of purla will, whether they experience many or only a tew of the alsive symp toms, find relief and a permanent cure by using faithfully and fairly persistently l)r. IMereo's r'uvorile. lrescrlpiion. This world-famed H-cilic for woman's weaknesses and cciiliar ailments Is a pure glyceric extract of the choicest na- i tive, medicinal roots without a drop ot I alcohol In lis nuike-up. All Its Immin ent printed In plain huglMinn its hottlc- j wrapM-r und atttsU-d under oath. Dr. i 1'lerce thus Invites the fullest investiga tion of liis formula, knowing that it will tw found to contain only the licst agents known to the most advanced medical science of all the dllTerent schools of priic- I tlce for the cure of woman's itoeullar i weaknesses and ailments. If you want t. know more about the composition and professional endorse ment of the "Favorite Prescription.'' send i postal card request to Dr. It. V. Pierce, ; ltullalo. N. Y., fur bis to booklet treat- ; lug of same. You can't afford U accept as a substi tute for this remedy ttf kwnriitiimiMHtillttH . a secret nostrum uf MiJiriouii ou in ! (tun. Don't do It You may take the world as it conies and goes, And you will be sure to tind, That fate will sipiare the account she owes Whoever comes out behind; And all things bad that mini lias done. By whatsoever induced, fieturu at last to him, one by one, As the chickens conic home to roost. You may scrape and toil and pinch and save, While your hoarded wealth expands. Till the cold, dark shallow of the grave Is Hearing your life's last sands, You will have your balance struck some night, And you'll tind your hoard reduced, You'll view your life in another light, When the chickens come home to roost. You can stint your soul and starve your heart, With the husks of a barren creed, But Christ will know if you play a part, Will know in your hour of need, And then as you wait for death to come, What hope can there be deduced From a creed alone? You will there be dumb, While your chickens come home to roost. Sow as you will, there's a time to reap, Tor the good and bad as well, And conscience, whether we wake or sleep, Is either a heaven or hell Anil everything wrong will find its place, And every passion loosed, Drifts back and meets you face to face, When the chickens come home to roost.' Whether you be over or under the sod, The result will be the same, You cannot escape the hand of Clod, You must bear your sin or shame, No mailer what's carved on a marble slab, When the times are all produced, You'll find that St. f'eter was keeping "tab," And that chickens come home to roost. OLD MELODIES. O, the songs of the Past, how their melodies haunt us, They follow us always, where'er we may roam; Their soft music lingers, and hovers about us, And brings us fond memories of childhood's loved home. From rugged old Scotland comes loving remembrance Of sweet "Annie Laurie'' and "Bonnie Dundee," While Frin's green island tloais soft plaintive cadence Of "Last Hose of Summer"; the "Widow Machree." Then softly und sweetly conic strains of our huine land , We think with fond pride of the laud of the brave, Of "Columbia" fair, the gem of the ocean, And her "Star-Spangled Banner" which ever shall wave. There are "Dixie," "Juanita," and old "Swanee Kiver"; "Lorena," which carries us back to the days Of bloodshed and strife, to the horrors of battle, To the long, bitter conflict 'twixt the "Blues and the drays." Yes, these songs of the Past will remain with us ever; Their memories never from us will depart, But will linger around us forever and ever, And their melodies sweet shall abide in each heart. - MRS. L. P. KOBliKTS. Norfolk, Va. HER TOKEN OF THE PAST. Husband Still Mere, Hut flair Mad Long Departed. A western man, who plumes I himself on his fascination for the other sex, was not long ago pre sented to an attractive New York woman. In the course of their first tete-a-tete the man with winning ways at once took occasion to turn the conversation in his favorite chan nel. "I observe that you are wearing an especially fine locket," "Tell me, does it contain some to ken of a past love affair ?" Aware of the westerner's weak ness, the handsome New Yorker thought to humor him a bit. "Yes," smiled she, "it does contain a to ken of the past, a lock of my hus band's hair." "You don't mean to tell me that you're a widow!" exclaimed the westerner, in delighted surprise, as he nudged a trifle nearer. "I understood that your husband was alive." "True," answered the beautiful creature; "hut his hair is gone." NO ADMIRAHl.l; TRAITS. The rooster, though he has his uses, has never been regard ed as the possessor of any very admirable traits, lie is the embodiment of selfishness and greed, an immoral "cuss" a poly gamist of high degree and consid erable of a nuisance on general principles. A member of the tribe at Colorado Springs, howev er, seems ambitious to redeem the rooster's reputation by showing that they can be altruistic and phi lanthropic. This particular crow er drove a hen from her nest of eggs, took up the household du ; ties and for three long weeks stuck faithfully to the incubation, until the peeps of the little ones reward ed his fatherly care. Nine chicks picked the shells, and then, taking up the hen's burden, the rooster proceeded to do all the family pro viding, while his spouse attended to the social game. This story of a reversal of sexual conditions ; should make delightful reading for I the female suffragists and other advocates of women's rights. i . vr,ut in II I n.i Sykit has been Used I'or over till V irs by millions o' mothers tor Ihcir i wilh perlcct Mure softens the minis, wind colic, and i hililieii while teething, s It soothes thellllld. alhiys all pun; cures s the best remedy tor liiiiirlioea It will relieve the poor liltle sulVeler iiiiuicilia'ely Sold by ilruists in every p.irt ol the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle lie sure and a.sk I'ol "Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. iiliaraliteeil under the Food and Drills Act. .1 mil :iuili. Iiioil Serial number III!'-. He only is wise gaining wisdom. who ever I will ninil von I'rcc, tn iiI'iiik merit, siitnjilcs nt mv I''. Sliciip's l.'i-.stiiiativcaiui my ImhiIv mi ciltiij" 1 1 vr itii j, the Heart, ur llic Kiilncvs. TrnuliM's nl' the Stiiiuaeti, Heart nr Kuti.e!, ure merely sviiiitnnis tita itt'eper ailment. Iiiiu't make the en n moil i'1'iiir nt' trcatiiiir sviiiitnns only. Syiiiilin treat mi nt is treat inutile I,' KSt 1 .1' ul vntir ailment ami nut THK t'ttsK. Weak stuniaell Helves the inside nerves nieans slnmaeh weakness alwavs. Auil tile Heart unit Kidneys as well, have their cinititilihit! or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves, anil ymi inevil.ihly have weak vital nivalis. Here is where llr. Slump's Ivestnr.ilive hils maile its tame. Nu nlher relneity even claims tn trclt tile inside nerves. Aisu i',ir liluatiiiiE, liilioii.ness, li nt lilealll ur ciiiilplexinn, use llr. Slump's Ivi'stnrative Write me tudsy t'ur sample and Tree lunik, hr. Siionp, Kaeinc, is. Suld liy W. M r.ihen. Weldon. N. t. Your appreciation may he an other's inspiration. liet ii lice sample ol lr. Sh, nip's "llc.ilth t'littee'' at our store. It' real coil,-,, tlisimlts your siumacti, your limit, nr knliieis ill, n try tins clever ( u. Ice imitation. While I r Mioop lets very cliisely ni.il. heil Old .lava and Mis ha ( oi let in Ihivoi and lasle. vet tie has nut even a single irr.iin ot real enll'ee in it. Hr. Snoop's lle.illll 1 ullee Inntatioll is made liiiin pu-e tu Ls'.ed uraitis or cereals, wilh Malt, Nut etc M ule in n ininnte. No tedious wait. Von will snreiv like it I'or sale by W. T. Parker, Weldon. N. ('. The truly godly are something divine in all. kcmurkable Rescue. That Until is s'laniier tlntu fiction, has (I- IV lll'ire heen delll ilistrilleil ill the litl'c town ol' t'cdori, Tciiii., the residence ut t. '. I'epper, He wrles; "I was in lied, eulircly dlsiihled witti licinnrrtuiges ot the llllls mid lliruat. DiH Iors lailed to help me, and nil hope had tiled when I lieuan tiikini; Ur. Kiii!s New Hiscoverv. Then instant relief eiiine. The cuiiIiiiik s.hui ceased; the llleeiliui; dlllliuislieil rapidly, uml in three weeks 1 was able to nu to work," fiiiar.inleed cure I'or iHiiilis and colds. 5llc. unit IS. 1 ut all iliugisis. Trial liott le free. To be willing to be saved alone is to be lost. l m n I. it Mils. Vihi.oh' o jh. a" oi ... X . Buntlu) ll-J ll'i'il Vju llii lms Boiljlit THE HONEST APOLOGY. Never He Ashamed to Say That You Are Sony. I bin't be afraid or ashamed o say that ymi are sorry. It may be hard, bin remember that it lakes two to make a iU.ii -txl, and the chances are that ymi were as much in the wrong as the oilier person. Of course il would be better not lo quarrel in the lirst place, hut alter all we are only human, and sometimes our temper gets the best of us. But the false pride that keeps us from acknowledging ourselves in the wrong is even more deplor able than the unruly tongue that gets us into trouble in the first place. A quarrel that does not amount to much in the first place can grow into a perfect mountain of trouble through brooding. Don't wait for the other person to express regret. Come right out like a man or woman and say: "I'm sorry for my share of the offense. Let us forgive and for get." Never part from any one with hard feelings he'twecn you. Remember that "many go forth in the morning who never come back at night." Doui run the risk of having to go through life with an agony of remorse in your heart. And remember that every quar rel leaves scars from being ugly wounds, do not hesitate to do your share of "making up." Sweethearts will quarrel over needless trifles as much for the pleasure of reconciliation as any thing else, but it isa foolish pastime and gets them into the habit of dis pute. If you are a wife, never let your husband go away in the morning with iml'orgiven quarrel netween you. It will rankle in your heart all day, and nothing will seem right or sweet. It is twice as easy to express sorrow immediately after the quarrel as it will be if you wait a day. It is usually a sulky person who finds it hardest to express contri tion. The quick tempered person is as ready to make up as he was to take offense, but the snlky person, even though he may feel desper ately sorry, cannot bring himself to say so, and the result is that he goes through a great deal of unnec essary suffering. Don't be the kind that won't ac knowledge the blame. Say you are sorry and say it sincerely. There is no disgrace in an honest avowal of having been in ihe wrong. MI ST HOLD I P SOMI:THIN(i. "Down in my State," said the late Senator Vance, of North Carolina, "our courts are particu lar about forms and ceremonies. For example in a court in Ashe ville a soldier who had been battered considerably in the war was brought in as a witness. The iudge told him to hold up his right hand. "Can't do it, sir," said the man. "Vi'hy not?" "Got a shot in that arm, sir." "Then hold up your left." The man said his left hand had been amputated. "Then," said the judge sternly, "you must hold up your leg. No man can be sworn, sir, in this court unless he holds up some thing!" A man wtio is in perfect health, so he call do an hiicsl d.iy s woik when neces sary, lias much lur which he should lie tli.iliklul Mr I,. I . loaders, of lliaiicli ville. I'll . writes that i w is iiu ,,p!v im utile In work, hut lie couldn't sloop over to tie Ills own shoes. Six hollies ill Foley's k iituey l ine made a new man ol him. He says, ".Nucccv to t'uhy s Kiiluey fine." I'or sale liy I'.. tlaik, Welduu. N.I. HIS Ml-THOI). Miss Pyfase-Chuft'er I want you to make this photograph of tne as individual and at the same time as pretty as possible. The Photographer Put on ' these auto goggles and this veil. The Magic No. 3. Nuuitier three is u wonderful mascot lor lien. II. I'urris, ol t'edar lirove, Me., ae corduiK to u lettei which rends: "Alter milleriiiK iiini'li with liver und kidnev trutilile, and lieeoiiiinn t-reatly disconruned l.y the failure to tind teliel, I Hied Klec- trie Hitters, und ns a result 1 inn a well man tislay. tine tuittle relieved and three bottles coiupleteil he cure." (iuarniiteeil 1.... .... U.,r,l, l'..rul.. ....... I. II..... I l.l ney troutilea. liy any druciiist, "illc. Daily bread is noi sweet without daily duty. I17.ZL!ZD liOY A little boy w as reading Hie story of a missionary having been mien by cannibals. "Papa," he asked, "will the missionary go in heaven'-" "Yes, my son," replied the I'.illler. "And will hie eamiikils go there tnor" queried the vuiithfiil stu dent; "No," was the reply. Ami 'ifter thinking the matter over for sometime the little fellow exclaimed : "W ell, I don't see how the mis sionary can go to heaven, if ihe cannibals don't, when he's inside the cannibals." D BIX piano n BARGAINS For this week Conover Piano, upright $105. Wellington Piano. $45. Q Wheelotk Upright, $85. Q D Stielt Upright, SIM5. Stietf Rosewood I'iuna $80 (iuild Piano, small sie $.10 All guaranteed to he in fine condition. All used. LESTER mm CO., lie. l.VJ (iriinliy St , NOKI'DI.K, VA. John J. Poster, Manager. ;iil 19 ii Sour Stomach No appetite, loss ot strength, iiervoufr : ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, 1 general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices ot dige tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, i combined with the greatest known tonio and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening in mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravf nswod. W, Va.. says: " 1 was troubled with scur stomach for twenty years. K 't! cured n. ini ir no uilng tt In milk rJ-Kodol Digests What You tit Bolt las only, i I CO Sir h Mrim 2'i times the trill sue, whtt'h setls f-r 50 cents. rtpard by E. 0. D.WITT & QQ OHIOAQO. sid.il itv W. M 0HKN, wi:i.n(i, n. H IRRI in a i. Kits is it n A Y AMI I'ANCY (irocerv Line Cull mi II. vo.ir tl,tle Our stock is tri'sli. (iivr us In case of Accident to use lilt: Telephone just one time XjmjWORTH A YEARS RENTAL As Little as Five Cents Per Day j tilaoes one in vnnr rpuirlpnow Plaee!' one lu your residence, r-"fl D O A T C C I I r r M I t. O APPLY TO I LOCAL MANAGER on HowardSsCo 1 HIP i i We June ihe luM line ol I lot'eiies ill tun n. Wht-n in ii-'-il ut ;tn l l.im. in Hume Telephone and Telegraph Company, MENDLHSON, . , H, q, Catarrh To!nv'Miiiiii linm.Mv.inn. ln-j(iii.lai(ytt'-bt. tkiu'Htufrl. J Hi-' "tul Uir.Mt .'1111 1 1" i-tiiv.1 1 lunn-luNtf jiiiti'-nl- tlintnifli tliiit'k'i-:-. hjiiiII In-.- 'I i in I h..x."f l IT. Ih. ..j.'.. t'Hinrrii ' ure. 1 id i Hi i- I'tTiti..-." i a ni Muvriuiii, iIihi I'i' ti"l (ntiirili Curt' lull Lnntf m tiiul Mil-rtiUitial lu'lp. Ni'lhintf c.-rtiti'ilv. i- -k i.iiv it;, inn - 11; -i''itl fc-M mi any mli' !"! phI. u--iiinti.- itn-nf Urn tlmV rtiH.' iiiu.-i I..!-- mi-- in- nt. !-' tli- 1- i-l K.fiil.iiiii. niiluT than ii.m.nt.' it. It lnii littittrlt Curt- i u 'ttew ,i ii. a Unit uniivplic Uiliti, put ui. in fw.iui ml iin-k-l tr.ppMi Kin- jars at .-iit li -ui, hint- io n!- 11- t nl Jmi. iiI l-tlis, 'llivnn.1. M-titliiil. Hr . in''' hn nrtinn.t"M into a v.'ivi i it. iti lili" I '' n 'In t 'iin. i in jh !'!'' I t.y J)r. Min.ii tnni. r:u!"l" Il 1 Hturrh t 1h.- nu nii'l tliin.tt list- - xl- t"!."t i'. th" stfHntti ti. th. 'ii t.y nil lu.Hii-iiUiiii-. int. n i n : ! . IT K'-t' .rut i v.. Hi.iuii.'li ili-ir- . a !io k nf ifi-in-n.l -Ir-iiKth. ,.l..a!iii;i, m-!i Iin.. '.ln.iiMii. !.'! tttli 'tc iiin-'v .-,,11 fur Im l.i....' K.'tnnilivt'. I'm! tun iiiM.lii'iil"'i rill;' i l-l n,il nl Iin-li'iS'-aml Utrtnil tndhinn !:. Inm.'V r. ti'ifl U ibrii liut Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure W. Ml. COHEN. V Till', A I Mi II'IIN WIII.KS, p. :;i ill. I) .'.'I liKKT, i'i:i i.i;-i:i i,(, VA. m a r !' ( i t kkijs f Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural ! Implements. I M:iviii Imui'ht nut Steel A A Ifxiunler loiiiiilei'. null ni.ti Imii I , uith .ill .;ilteniB w niv now pit i;iifil to ltmiiNl) p.itls to iiiiirhiiu stiniiicitv itiiiili by tlinn t( ! HYDRAULIC PRESSES:.na. 1 PEANUT MACHINERYVci.it, ! Mill work :mii t-iistiti of all kinds. ; Sen mil hatui iinrlnnen' tor suit cltfiip. Call i on us ot write l.-r u h;ti xt.w waul. Oreat deductions,! For Cash t ?.") Mlnillt'tti1 lilies, '1 fill Smyrna " 2."i 110 MiKiurtte rnur., fll'J It. W 75 2 2H 17 75 ion. INC. 17c. IH.Ic. 4Hc. 20c. :i7.li: 75c 5c 4Hc H'.lf rc V2W. Cllllm Milttini!, 2,-u-. 'J'-'U'. .Tnifiiliie " 'J.'m'. " " ti'K' Winil Ciii'iiii. 2'i'. Wimlow sliuiivs, ,'llr " " .V '-i-.yiinl wuU' l.iniiliriiiii, 7."m' " " " ti.V KliKit Oil t'liitli, 1 :!." Axiinni-ti'rC.irpi'tiiii;, 1 40 lllx','11 rirtliif I'nuiiC!, Wall .;iji.r. t .i mitt tir p-r mil A I AKI1K s ' II 'K OK Talking Machines, Graphophones, kodaks, Cameras, and supplies on liamlit all tilncH, ut tile very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS. wr.i.nox, x. c. ORSNO Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take i The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Rafuso substitutes. Price BOo. For wile hy K CI.AKK, Weldun, N. f. SI'KIMI AND Sl'MMI-.K MILLINERY. FANCY (SOODSand NOVELTIES. Bntterirk'H Pattern! . Grand Display 11. & G. CORSETS,- Mimes at 5(lc, Ladiea 76o.to$l. .Priei will be mode to suit the times, Hats and Uouueta made and Trininied to order. ALL MAIL 0R1E1W PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, WeliloD.N.C.

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