jiff OzJlk 1M jjtCllrl Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XL II. WKI.DON, N. ('., TIU'liSDAY. Jl'LY 4, 1!)7. NO. f. is Tito Kind Yon Him in Mso for over ; SOlllll .It) All Cuiiiilcri'. its, lout. mails at-tixpri-iin. iKs 1 1 1 : t. I i-i.lo , it) ,i llll'llllift 1111(1 Cllilllj-fll - Kirt'!.' What 2S Ciutm-iu is ;i liariulcss il ot,. j.',iivic, Drops on.l Snoili'ii;;- N.wno - o 1 1 1 -1 : 1 - nci'h. r t!ii:iui I .it;. Ii i: Nll)st;il('. !ts:i-oii 'ts t'il;ll';ili!r an, I alliis i' Colic. v r anil l-'liititlrn, Sliiiiiiii l: .iiiil Tin- ('liiolii-i; lim it '1 i-i ii il..V,'.., ;;ii-,; !l Cutou'. :i in GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS UlV.l'S tliO 9 , Cl$ 7 The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over SO Years. Thc cintaom cmpa.iv, vt muri!v -.nttcr. utw ghk CTV. OE ilis : Bank : o! : Wellon, WEAPON, N. C. Orpoizofl Under Tie Lais of the Statu of North Carolina, A l I.1VI' l'iiTII. State of Nurilt Carolina Depository. 1 lalifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital i SiirplK, $38,000. F 7 i I! I'i ihi"- iiiolitnti'ih ha- phmtlcl laiikiiiir lac'lilii- tin tins Mv-j tmii. II. tic;iu.ri. UU'I .lllvrl.i! h:ir U-t'll ll Sitill-M Willi tlir hu-iiH-K- intrii .! UuhliiN I iin- ;s fi';nii'l a j 1'1'lltillll AfPOIlllls ti pi, -MX per Ilil HIV ri:i.n,rM : vii i:-i't:i:siiiiM : W. II. DAMI I., br.ll.W (Ja;knn- Northampton GARRETT & - 1- ,J83.ii!:.s; :; Wise S Picii.cr Y A ft;1K ESTAIll.ISHK.il IK1V SPECIALTIES V I R C I N I A DARE POCAHONTAS JC (W lute ScupperiHHit!) IU .St Ujipcuioiii;) OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA tlieiU'huiiu.miic) Ii;y Siii;iicriioiiJ : PAUL GARRETT SPECIAL (StKirklii-a il.i . jit And all other varieties nl run in, I v h ,1, W WHi(!lieMt Cusli I'i in s I'alil in Se.is,, Western llrunch, St Lmiis, Mo O Vj 1 ) C '1 1 ,1 A Ui A 1 AIR LINE RAILWAY Exoosition Line To Norfolk THE UVIUV0 Jamestown Ewition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Rates from Weldon: Round trip season tickets, $.1 5; Round trip 60-day tickets, ; Round trip 10 day tickets, $2."0; Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2.65. Coach Kxeuftjion rate nol,l prior to openine; date ami on cncli Tiicsiiay thcrealtcv limited seven days anil endorsed "Not Hood in I'lillnian I'm lor Car h." (Mhcr tick .ets fo on sale April ISth mid continue until close of Imposition. For rates from other points, apply tn your nearest SK.USOAltl) acnt, or repiv sentntives naini'd In-low. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. T F. ANDERSON, C. H. GATTIS, Ticke) Agent. Weldon. N. C. Trav. Pass. Apent, Kaleigh, N. C. ' "Iway. l'oii;-.lit, uml uliiili lm-i Imkhi Ji-ni's, !;a Iini 1 lie .i::tiiif in-o of 'n-r-l ,':i:h!c : i'd.ill . o '. 1 1 t iloi , i .Jll.s(-:;s 1,1 ) IlliM':-, n " u;;:llli- I', il.l Hi' Is 1IIT- i: inl'iiiicy. Villi in till. l " mo lint ' lirnltli of . I i' I-i l lie II t. CASTORIA tin Oil, Pure-S'li-iisiiiit. It C.n-i- Nuri'iitiis Mill' t ! : :: Worm u rli.-'a mid Wind i !(;. ( oii'.l iia( vi'jjnlaifs tlio mil liallll'ul nll'Oll. '.'r'l-tii!. ' I In ! .Til In 1. knaturo of 2 kiMiiM"imiim!? O Ivil' 1 .uitli:un'tiii rininlii s lur uiaiiv I'llnlv lli'H.,,1 ill the leuill lllte el' iiilcivsl W S I n X. C ) v -v ... v -v &, fr,'-..-5.- S--.'vv.V!!.' COMPANY, Amnricaiil kS.S Uj j ; in pi urn-) Me ) iiies'or lionit'1 ;inl hotel u-u .1! liuiils - i -.il ull iiuits, yrupi-s ftc. Ilofiie Dili UKTOI.K, V : v v .ys- -t. "I- ) f . 1 11 THOUGHT HIMSELF (MM. o Hut Ilis Wife Appeared in Time to Show Him Mis Follv. At the world's convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union in Boston, Sidney Dallas of Melbourne told a croup of renor lers in 'Fremont tempie a temper ance story. "My wife," said Mr. Dallas, "is one of the most earnest temper ance w orkers in Australia. In the ' course of her missionary work she hears many a strange talc, "A Melbourne woman told her last Christmas lime how one night, during the holidays, her husband i stayed out till 3 A. M. We all : know what that means, especially during the holidays, don't we ? j "Well, this man when he got home, thought that he would go boldly to the bathroom and take a bath. That would remove from , his wife's mind any suspicions as ; to his condition. It would show her, in a word, that he was all right. "So he undressed, filled the tub and plunged in. Hot and enfev- j ered ashewas.heenjoyed the bath. As he splashed aud scrubbed and j putted he heard a slight noise, and looking up, saw his wife in the doorway. "His wife was regarding him : with an expression of unspeakable contempt. He was rather amazed at that. But he said nothing. He lowered his head and went on scrubbing. " 'Well, what are you doing?" she asked. ' 'Can't you see what I'm do ing?" he answered. He rubbed up some more lather. "I'm tak ing a bath.' "She sniffed and said as she ; turned to go: " 'Why don't you take of your underclothes, then?" Long Live The King! i- tlh' popular ir thM'Hifhuiit Kurnpcai tin's: wliilt- ili'-ir in Anu-ruM, die fry 'an .".uin y of Hie New lis. V.illllleS ' if Trim, luv-.-iil il.iy is "I.'ii' Live Hr. Knur". fnver, K'nt! uf Tin -;ii iiuil I.uiitf ' itt t liii-h Mis. Julia KvU r Paine, Mas s sa .s: "!t ti' tils tu i v' imtiu'di.itc a etnttfli nr .MM " f and Pi "iitit'lilv fun . I'aiiieiii)itiiiin is si). il In a m.ii'iriu ul tuli.ihitaiils f tln- miiu . New llisi-uv- ure- u-ak hint; . .nul -ure iliruaw alter all r.'tii'ilirs liavc I a i led ; a ml tor foiurh- ami s it- tin- miiy Mire eure. I , tiara titi'cd liy all .lii-is. 5h-. au.t rl. Twal lotlle In-e. ANATOMY. A pupil in a school near Chatham Square, New York city, thus de fined the word "spine": "A spine is a Ions:, limber bone; your head sets on one end, and you set on the other." Lippineott's maga- zme. Tho Blood is The Ufo." Scioni'o has never (nine tjeyoud thi tbuve simple stiitenu ntnf M.-ripturt1. Hut it has illuniiiiiiteil tliat stateiuciit and piven it tt nit'iiuiiiK 'V'-r broadening with the iui'ivasiiiK brrmllh uf kii(vlcdgtL When the hlonl is "had "or impure it is tint alone the hody which suffers through dieK The brain is u1m clouded, Sim niind and Judgoment aro 'ted, uiunmiuy an evil deed or Impure thoBlitnj!jwttiriictly toced to the Impimfyol tln'UTNki3 l'tmrii lipnri- tiinnlj ran he made ni I'ierce's J'.ttlijcn Mi-dieal lUscovery mnciu'i. and imniiK th- LIdq thereby curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions and oilier cutaneous utli-ctions, as eczema, tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and other manifestations of impure bhxtd. ( $ C In the cure of scrofulous sweltinps, en larged ulunds, open eaiimj ulcers, or old sores. theMJoldi'U Mediciil Discovery "bad perfoi nii'd the most marvelous cures. In ciies of old sop's, or njien eatintf ulcers. It Is well to apply to the open wires Dr. Pierce's AlMlcalinR Salve, which hw M'sses wonderful hi'aling potency when u.sed as an applicutioti to the sores in eon Junction with the use of "(iolilen Medical Discovery "as a blood cleansing consti tutional treatment. If your druggist don't hapieti to have the "All-Healing Salve" in stoeli. you can ea.-ilv procure it by Inclosing fifty-four cents in pnstago stamps to Dr, U. V, Pierce, (HU Main St., Itnflal'i, N. Y and It will come to you by return post. Most drngglls keep It as well as the "tiolden Mulical Discovery." 5 S ) C 9 You nn't alTnnl lomvept. iinv meiMettw of nn.noicn rmniHitUn as a suMituto for'Mloltb'n Medical Discovery," v. bich Is a medicine ok known roMi'osmoN, having a complete list of Ingrtnl li nts In plain Kngllsh on its Ixittle-vvrapiN-i', the lame being attested as cornet under oath. Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets regulatft od iuvlgor&te stomach, liver and bo we la, Sour Stomach No appellls, loss ol slrenglh. tiervou iu, hsadch, conitipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due lo indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. Thia new dlscov ery represents the natural Juices of diges tion as they exist tn a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonio and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood. W. V... urs: " I was troubled with sour slomach for twenty years. Kodol curad me ana we are now using II la milk for baDy." Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Bottles only. $1.00 Size holdlnaj 2K tlmaa the trial alia, which sa'lsfor 50 centa. Itarlrd by S. O. O.WITT OO., 0HI0AQQ. Sold. ly W, M. Cohen, Weldon. r- "MY MOTHER-IN-LAW." Who was it that tauolit inv wife to hake A loaf of bread or fnnt-y cake, And appetizing dishes make!' My imitltrr-in-l.-iw. Who was it. when inv wife was ill, liestowcil upon nieeare and skill. And saved me a nurse's hill:' My liini her-in-law. Who then inv little ones prepared Kach morn fur school, who for them cared. And all their little sorrows shared': My mother in-law. Who Wits it, when their prayers were said. So snugly tucked them into bed, And, till they slept, beside them staved? My mother-in-law. Who of my clothing then took care Who overlooked my underwear. And kept each garment in repair!' My mother-in-law. Who oft to mc her aid was lent, To buy the coal and pay the rent!' Who'd gladly see me President ''. My mother-in-law. A loving grandmother is she: A generous friend she's been to me: Forever honored let her he, M v mother-in-law. RESTING Grant me to sit when lifetime's sky grows golden, Low in the West. Before a chimney place wide-mouthed and olden To dream and rest. Where hemlock logs now sputtering and sparkling, Now dully red, May paint in hues, bright, ashen gray, and darkling, The days long sped. Grant me 10 sit alone, or all about me Gather tne then The little ones who can't do without tne, At home again. Grant me beyond the years of separation My easy chair, And loved ones near, or lonely segregation With none to care. Then 1 shall see, by memory's unlocking, Back through time's door Kach limply hanging wee expectant slocking A-row once more. And in the light of embers grayly falling Shall come again Necklacing arms, and lifting voices calling, Calling me then. So let tne sit when living skies grow golden Low in the West, Before a chimney-place wide-mouthed and olden, Waiting for rest. INFLUENCE OF EXAMPLE. The Life of Every Man Is a Daily Inculcation of Uood or Had Ex ample to Others. The natural education of the home is prolonged far into life, in deed it never entirely ceases. But the time arrives, in the process of years, when the home ceases to exercise an exclusive influence on the formation of character and it is succeeded by the mure artificial education of the school and the companionship of friends and com rades which continues tn mould the character by the powerful in fluence of example. Men of all ages cannot help imitating those with whom they associate. If young men are wisely influenced and directed and exert their own free energies, they'll seek the so ciety of those better than them selves and strive to imitate their example. There are persons Whom to know is to love, honor and admire, and others whom to know is to shun and despise. Live with persons of elevated character and you Feel lifted up in them. "Live wiih wolves, "says the Span- j A woman can't help being inter ish proverb, "and you will learn to ' -'sted in a man who has been di howl." The life of a man is a ! vorced without her knowing the daily inculcation of good or bad '; rcal reason why. example to otners. i nc lite ol a ,d tivto nl tin, kMMO- fitiio llio most eloquent lesson of virtue and the most severe reproof of vice. There are men in whose presence we breathed spiritual ozone, re freshing and invigorating, like in haling mountain air or enjoying a bath of sunshine. The golden words that good men have uttered, the examples they have set, live through all time. These being undisputed facts how carefully our young people should select their associates and be found only with those whose example they can take pride in following. The Chnrminfc Woman is n,,l ni',,ss;u il V ,,n,',,f ei-rfivt form ami f,-al-nn-s. Many il plain whiii.ui wit,, i-milil m'i'i'r SiTV," as an inljst's iii,k1,1, p.isi'SKcs those ran- iiii.ilitit-t, that all tin- world a,lmir,-s; n,-at-m-ss, ele.lr fyes. eli-au smooth slon ami that M,rial!tlim-"of sh-patul .-UMioii ih.it a,-,-,,iti,a-nv kiskI hrallli. A physically w. ak uonii'it is neviT attrai-tiv,-, not ,-vi-n to herself. Klectric Hitters ri'sturc weak women, irive struiitf nerve brlirlit t-yen, snioutli, velvety skill, beautiful onipteslnii OuarattteeO at any druggist, sue TIME. 1 will mail you free, t,, prove merit, sam ples of my I ir. Slump's Hestoralio- and my honk on either I 'vspepsia. the Heart or the Kidneys. Trouhles of the si.nn. aeh. Heart or Kidneys, are llieivlv symptoms ofa deeper uilnienl. iKui't make the cumnion erior nf tieatimr s-yinptoiis only. Sviiipiiini treatment is tri-atitnf the lir.si i.r ,,f your ailment, and not imk i ai si:. Weak' stomach neru-s the inside nerves mean Stnliiaell weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kidneys as well, have their euiitrollimr or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves, and you iuevi'.ahly have weak vital or '.:ans. Ileie is wln-ie Ih. Shunp's l!e storaiive has made ils fame. Nn i.tlier leineilv even elailus tn treat the "inside ni'ives " ,s,i I'm Itluaiinu-, tnhousmss. had lireatli or uplesioii use 1 1 , honp s liestorative. Write me ludav I'm sample and fiee honk. I r. Slmop. Kaeine. Wis. Sold l.y W. M. I lin n. Weldon. N. f. When u man does well in busi ness his wife thinks it's because he gets such good meals at home, and probably she is rinlit. Ho you really enjoy what you ear' I hies Volll lood taste food.' In you feel lnui my and want more? ii do' vou have a heaw. dull feeling tifti-r meals, soui siomaeli. 1 u li-li inuf. uus on the istomaeli. had lueatli. inde.-estion and ihspepsia.' 1 1 so. you should take a little Kodol af tei each meal. Kodol will nourish and sucmrtlieii your iliL-estm- organs and luiiiish ihe uatuial ditesiive juices lor your slonmeli. It will make you well. It will make your food do vou cood. I'lllll Volll food into uood. rich lilood. Kodol dii-ests what vou eat. Sold l.y W. M t'oiien. Wel.lon. N. C. (n-t a sample of -h op oil. al our store. 1 1 real coMei' dis turhs youi stomach, your Hearl or vour Kidney, then ti v tins clever colfee imi tation. Ir. Mioop has eloselv matched ul, 1 .lava and Mocha Colfee in Havor and taste, yet it has not a simile uiain of real entice in it. Ir. Slump's Health s;:, ::;;: r c Nuts i-le. Ma.lc in a minute. No tc dious wail. i ou will Miiclv like it. Sold hv W.T. Parker. Weldon. S. C Women may talk sociology, but she thinks millinery. When there is the slightest indication ol iinliuestioii, heart lunn. tlatuleiie, any form ol stomach t.iotihle take a tie Kodal occasionally and you will he till'orded prompt relief. Kodol is u com pound of ciMtahlc acids and contains the juices found in a liealthy siomaeli. ivoitoi digests w hat you eal, makes yum food do vou cood. Sold hy W . M. Cohen. Weldon. N. ('. When a woman says she has no clothes she means somebody else has more. Boars the Bit-nature uf I h,;,L I. : ,l.r;l iV;VS RtHJght FISHING FOR SOULS. A Lay Sermon - "Let lis Launch Out Into The Deep." Jesus Christ commissions his servants to be 'fishers of men.' As ministers and Christian people are pursuing another year's labors a good motto for them is in Christ's command to I'eier on the shore of Catlike ''Launch out into die deep" I'eter's reply to his Master was thai they had been toiling all night and caught no list); "never theless Lord," he says, "at Thy 1 word I will let down the net," lie 1 was despondent, but not despair ing. The command of his Lord is enough to rally his faith. To the : eye of faith many things are clear that to the eye of sense are ex ceedingly dark. I'aiih sets the bow of Peter's little smack toward ; the deep water; the fish are there, and not in the shoal water near the 1 shore. So out in the deep they I pull; down goes the net, and lo! i such a multitude of fishes are en j closed that two boats are required to bring the abundant haul to land! ; Here is a lesson for pastor, Sun ' day school teacher, parents, and all who long for the salvation of I souls. Possibly last year was not a year uf success. Lailltre ill any t pood undcriakiniT is n calnmitv it . 1 often breaks the back of a weak Christian's courage. Failure ought j j to provoke a true Christian to fresh i ardor and new attempts to retrieve I ! the losses of the past. Failure has 1 : a reason for it; and it ought to! ! stir every heart to the solemn in- I quiry --whose fault was it? God ! I does not break His promises; His ; ! injunction is: Be not weary in j j your good work, for in due season i i you shall reap if ye faint not. The first duty of faith is to make : ' a new venture. Christ's command ' , is to ''launch out" and make the , effort. I would not make too , much of a word which originally i : had only a local and temporary in tention; but the word "deep" has i a great spiritual significance. There ; must be a deep down faith in our hearts and a deep insatiate desire ' i for the salvation of the souls with , whom we labor. God grants to a fervent desire what he denies to a faint and feeble desire. "I will not let Thee go unless Thou bless me" that is the temper of a Chris tian who is in dead earnest for a revival in his church, or for the conversion of the friend he or she is laboring with. Shallow interest, shallow feeling, shallow praying, catch no tish for the Master. The minister who longs to con vert souls must lay hold of the deep truths of God, and strive to penetrate the depths of the hearts before him. Down into the bot tom of the unconverted heart is the lurking depravity, the beset- , ting sin, or the unbelief that keeps the sinner from Christ; and the truth must go deep to reach the j roots. It must uproot the sin to i make conversion thorough. Dear reader, you will need strong doc trine to do this. Philips Brooks well said that "no exhortation to a good life that does not put behind it some truth as deep as eternity can seize and hold the conscience. " Preach all the doctrine your Bible gives you and in love to the sin ner's soul. I-'ishing for souls is a personal work. It is not confined to the pulpit; every man or woman who possesses faith and an ardent love of Jesus should engage in it. It is not a "professional" business, re stricted to a few, and to be done in a set fashion. Nor is it to be ac complished only by a whole church employing a huge net to bring in a multitude of converts at a single , draught. Some times a powerful and great revival does this. But conversions follow individual effort with individual hearts. A pastor often accomplishes as much by an hour of close friendly conversation i by a,, hour of PUbiic preaching i ne sunuay scnooi teacner can i reach his or her scholars most ef i feciually by a private visit and a I faithful talk with each member of the class. Personal work does the j business; each fisher must drop his own hook baited with love. No j one is scolded to Christ, yet an 1 unconverted person will bear a tremendous searching talk tender ! spirit and unmisiakably prompted by affection. The real aim must be persuasion, that is, to persuade the sinner to let go his sin and to lay hold of Jesus. Pastors, teachers and church members are too often reluctant to take hold of the "hard cases." Sometimes they are dismissed as past saving. The fish that bite ; readily are easily caught, but tha' j inveterate Sabbath breaker, or that hard drinker, or that open scoffer i are too often passed by as hopeless. That was not the fashion of Peter and his fellow fishermen, nor should it be ours. The Almighty : Spirit which subdued Saul of Tar sus will attend us, if with strong faith, we grapple with the most ' chronic ca-.cs of open impenitence. Sometimes lhec "hopeless cases" yield the soonest, far sooner than some decorous, chin ch goers who . have been hardened under a thou sand sermons, and through many seasons of revival, and when a conspicuously irreligious person is converted the effect upon tile com munity is all the more powerful. One thing is certain, and that is that those Christians, who in their 1 daily conduct, live nearest to Christ, will win the most converts : to Him. Let us launch out into . the deep, good friends this year, and let us remember that the se- i ere I of success on Galliiee was that i Jesus was on board the vessel. ! R)R OVI:R SIXTY YEARS S M i. Wjsi.in SniMiiiM. Svi;i p lias lici-n usi'.l loi over (in i-iiis hy milliiiiis dl' niHlliiTN liii tln'ir chili Inn w Inlc trrlh inur. with pftli'fl sni'i'i'ss, Il smithes the chiM. siiltt iiis the lmuii. allays all i',.in,.iv lor l'iunlio-:i. It will relieve the poor little siilli ivr i mi mi-, I iat.-lv. Mil,l I iv ilniLrLriMs in "'(civ putt (tl 1 1 it- weilil. L'" i-t-nts u liiiiilf. I'.i' siuv niitl us k for ".Mrs. Wiuslnw s Sentient:' ynit" uii,l tiikc no olhri kiiul. ( i iiiiiiiii l'i' I iiiiilcr the hunt ami Iliads Act. .) n in - amli. I'Hlli. Mllllt llllllllil'l. Ill'ls. onono n six piano n u u BARGAINS For this week Conover Piano, upright $195. Wellington Piano, $45. O Wheelock Upright, $85. Stieff Upright, SI85. Stietf Rosewood Piana $80 tiuild Piano, small si.e $30. D Q All guaranteed to be in fine condition. All used. LESTER mm CO., k i VJ - iianbv t.. Norfu Ya. John J. Foster, Manager. Ik apr I'i Jy J.H.HS.C0 ;.i.i:i;s is lli:VY ASH FANCY n A I We tn n have the best line id' iroeevies in When in need ul' anvtliinir in Grocery Line I 'all on us. Our stuck a part ol' your trade. is fresh. -ive u In Doubt About Your Wife's Xrv s Midi Gift? A Telephone in your RESIDENCE A flaily Reminder of Your Excellent Judgment. Try One. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER OR Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENOER80N, . . n. O. PAIN Pain in the heitil pufti anywhere, 1ms it csnw. Pm tsiniiKesti'in. imill l- Mni nsMire nothing usually. At lenst. so miys lr. Hhonp. UU'I to prove it h hm entitled a Imle pink tahk't. '1'tmt Uhli't I'rtllfii lr. SIkhiIi'h Il--u.luclit' Tiihlet Ciiaies Mom! iresHlire uwtij IliHii imiii renter. It effect ifi ehlirminK, tleiilip)y ili'llKhlflll cieiitly, thougn sulcly. it sun ly eiu.thi tlie. IiIukI cirtu latmii If yon hiive ti lieiidiiilp'. jf hlnnd prelum', 11 it h paiiilnl pernult di W'.un-n, siinii) can1. If yon are sWpi. r f h urous, it ' i hlni4 Ooiixe-tinn -Muuil pretMiri Tlu.t surely H feriamty, lor In. ln mh ll"U'Urlie Jahii t stoy It tu o iiiiiiut--.'. iiti-l the taMi't.s Minply (hintutj tin- uiinuiiiial liiou'l pr- - i f -. ItniiM- ..iir t.rijf i , a"-l liixn't it p-t r fl. ami Well alel palll f. ' '1 course It due It 4 l nfi EDKtioii, hiiHt'l ).r- --nr-- Viot i! liml h wtu-ru puiu i-ttlwm. It -iu.p. " uii.tiuni -.-use. W dill at - !;( , uml t'leMDiily recomiiltiud Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets VV. M. COHEN. Appnmattox Iron Works, L's In :il Dill Street. I'K'I'KIM-.l'IIH, VIII'IIMA. Muiiiil'iii-tinvrs if Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Iluviui! txoitrlit out Steel A Alcsuiiitcr fiiiitnleis unit iiiacliinists. with ull pat terns, we aiv now prepareil to fiiinish pints tn machines tinincily made I y tlicni. Hydraulic Presses and Peanut Machinery A Specialty. Mill work unit eastings of all kinils, S'conil haml inacliiiipi v for sale cheap, ('all on us in mile i'ui ivhut you ttuut. Great Reductions For Cash s:t.7o Motniptte l!iiLrs. SJ.tio Mn vi tia Huns, SL'"i Miniuelte Ulliis. !MJ Il'Ic. ( hina Maltimr. 'J-.c. Japanese " o'ic. li'.e. Wool I 'aapetitn: '.''e. Window shades. .Mle. 1'V I'-vd wide Linoleum. --. I-1. s-.'.'-'ll. 17." 10c. I Sc. 17c. Isle 7"e -.Mc. '!71c. 7",c. trie. -ISC. sue Sloe li'ic. I'loorOil Cloth. 1 .:-'. Axininster Carpetintr. SI. Ill liix-.'H Picture flames. Wall paper. I. .'i and lie per roll A larirr stock of Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, and supplies on hand at all times, at the very lowest prieev SPIERS BROS. WKI.I'IIN. . ('. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do s not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles, REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. I-or sale hy Iv Chirk. Weldon, X. C. Sl'HIN'i; AND Sl'MMKH MILLINERY. I'Atit'Y (i(M)DS and NOVELTIES, lluttcrick's Patterns. R. & G. Corsets, Misses at 7.'c. Ijidicn 75c. to $1. Kl'riecs will he made to suit the times. Hats and liuuuets made and trimmed to order. ALL MAIL OHDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, V C.

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