Is Your Hair Sick? That's too bad! We no ticed it u as looking pretty thin and routh of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayer's Hair Vijor is a regular liair grower, per fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps' soft and smooth. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. The best kind of tt.aumoTrnl 'Sold lor ovtir s.rly .:' : " A ivt.ll. Xui. sabsai'awlla. I'll I S. ciifcimv pectoral tiers THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Ji:ly 4, D'07. Published Every Thursday. KSTEKKI) AT 1'i'SI'nl'rU K A I' 111 I 'n S - KKt iis n-ei a m An rat HATl-S Or SL RSCWir I ION IN AliVANf 1 : One Year, thy mailt potpiiitl. si :.u Six Mouths, " TV A weekly I 'einoerutie journal leiaetl to the material, eilitrational. politn'ul anil ae'rieultuiul interests ol 'Halifax :uil siirroiiihliiiir counties. Ailvertifini; rati reawouulile uiot I'ur nished on application. A TRAVESTY ON JUSTICE. The acquittal of Judge Loving, on trial at Houston, Va., For the murder of Theodore Hstes at Oak- ridge; in Nelson county, wasa mis-' carriage of justice and a menace to 1 human life. j The act was cool, deliberate and prefaced by the words "You are : the young man who take ladies to ride and drug and assault them," then two loads of buckshot did the i deadly work, without giving the young man time to reply, and the verdict should certainly not have ! heen ! than munslaiuthier. , but it was, in fact, murder in the second degree. This "brain storm" business and "unwritten law" dodge are being overworked and it is time to call a halt. The door through which Judge Loving escaped iust punish ment is open to every man ut i prominence and influence who shoots down his fellow man. He simply has to bring forward ; some female member of his family who will swear that she has been 1 insulted or assaulted and her story 1 may be the purest fabrication, yet not a word of testimony can be in- j trodueed to prove it false, and the slayer goes free. The State in the case of Judge ' Loving stated ii could prove by ample testimony that Miss L:lia beth Loving, who confessed to having taken two drinks of whis key, was not criminally assaulted. If Lstes assaulted that young lady, -knowing the consequences of such an act, and remained in the neigh- i borliood quietly attending to his ; business, then he must have been I ithe greatest lunatic outside of the asylums. It is a shame that the young man must lie in an unhonored grave, with this stigma resting upon his name, and the Estes family should seek by civil action to clear up he mysiery. Not for a moment would we uphold listes in his crime, if he was guilty he deserved death, but the crime should first have been proved, for there are a great many people wha have se irious doubts that Lstes ever at tempted criminal assault upon Miss Loving. Let us have this "unwritten law" written into our laws, and dose at once this open door it rough which so many escape ihe punishment that should be in flicted upon them. A prophetess, behved by the na- lives to he a spirit able to put on a inortal shape when necessary, has arisen in Swaiziland, Africa, and under her orders the people are felling rid of all white things in ihe country. White goats, white vessels for domestic use all are heine disposed of. The natives believe that when everything else has been disposed of the white i men will disappear. No orders have as yet been re ceived by "Uncle Sam" to get rid of the "White Squadron." Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Can cer, Oreatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood it impure, thin, ilmnmed, hot or full of humors, if you have liloti.l poiaou, cancer, carbuncles, eatinir Fore), Miufula, enema, itchinir, risings and buinpa, acabby pimply skin, bnne pains, catarrh, rheumatimn, or any tilooil or akin iliitease, take Botanic Uloocl Bulm, (B. II. B.) Soon all aorea heal, at'lit-s and paiim atop an.l the blood in matle pure and rich. Oriiiritiauj or by express $1 per bottle. Sample free by nlini BLOOD BALM CIO., Atluula, (ia. Ji, B, B. ia especially ailvistsl for chronic and deep tea Led cases, aa it cures, after all ,ist faila. 4-4-ly. I'liOl'l.U who elium Jefferson, were he alive today, would not recognize the Dem ocratic party if he met u mi ihe road, should remember that there arc people who eail tliciiiseh'o Dciuoei.its i, .day 'ln are a!t!:c:.l with astygiP.ltiHi, or oil;etiim;; eiiually as blnulmi;, and require powerful magnifying g!avCN u ho they meet the good old part;, hi the highway, headed by V:'.!;;i:ii Jennings B., to determine whether it is really a Democratic procession or something equally as "sate and sane. " 1 1" will doubtless interest mm dt'eds ol' our farmer readers t i know that Prof. V. 1:. Masscy, s.i long and so sueeessfiiliy ivleiuilied w ith the 1 'radical Fanner has sev ered his connection with thai pa per, and wiil hereafter write regu larly for the Progressive Fanner, Raleigh, N. '.. Certainly no man in Southern agricultural work has won a greater following than Prof. Massey, and as his life w ork has been in the South, he will hereaf ter contribute to Southern farm pa pers. His Idlers will app.'ar in the Progressive Farmer each week. A.MiY y.i i ':.. . who earries the mail from Magnetic to llakersville, is a monstrosity 1 le can eat live coals ot lire w i ill impunity, and with a spoon. If you doubt this iust bring him a live coal and a nickel. This is not all, for he told us for one dollar he would pour a spoonful of molten lead in his mouth and lei it cool, and then take it out and wipe oh" the spittle and tfive it to us a solid piece. What can the devil do with this ; man? Bakersville Observer Mi. 1-5. V Matthews, a Durham county veteran, ho was severely wounded in the arm m (Jettysbiirjj July dVd, ISii.l, wears as a watch charm, a piece of the bone taken from his elbow when the arm was amputated by a Yankee surgeon. He still claims thai North Carolina : went farthest to the trout at Cet- iysburg. A tact that even the es- teemed Richmond Times-Dispatch cannot dispute, since it is clearly shown iliai Mr. Matthews ga e his elbow 10 die enemy Di-X'l.AKlNC. that she could die eating cucumbers, Mrs.. Mary Shirk of Denver, started on her third cu cumber, and died u ith it m her hand of acute indigestion, but some people will keep on bragging abom what thev can do. A Vermont banker who has served . ats in prismi tor wreck ing the bank, 1,,;S w ritten a play and is to star ni ilie j.-ei to; in inee. It is likely that he w ill nut act as badly as he did before. W'll l.l.-VM I'.RKHNI-, a day labor er, Washington, was so overcome by tlie news ihat he had inherited an estate valued at lilt), tint) that he fell unconscious and died a half hour later in ,i local hospital Colon i l V. 1 1 u,--i in seems to have quit his job of nominating a Democratic candidate for Presi dent, and is now picking out the Republican nominee. He iust has to keep busy. Mk. J .U's M. IVuu, former president ot dit. Seaboard Air lane ,.ls u,w (,i ( t j cr- l.iu.estow n hxposilion as due-tor and he will make it hum from now mi. A Detroit man w ho was trying to support three families has been de clared a bankrupt. In view of the cost of living, it is a w ondcr he w as not also dcclaivd insane. Till-: whole coutin y is, of course, observing the fact that PcnusyU.i- nia is making a noise like a State that intends to be right in the next Presidential campaign. Till". Indiana man who commu ted suicide w hen his w ife discharg ed the Cook, must have been afraid that she m going to take the ioh herself. Al-TKK the meal trust has been broken up by everybody reusing to eat meat, everybody w ill go barefooleil t0 busl lhe shoe ,rilsti 0p tourse. Oxford has conferred the de gree of "doctor" upon Mark Twain, which shows that the P.nt i:;h et.i tuvc a ,-, tr humor. Sl.CKF.rAHY Wilson says that he expects the prices of meat 0 g,o j n JI,1S Parity will How's This? We otter One Hundred Hollars Ki'tvard for any case oi l 'utarrli that cuunot l.e cured bv Hall s Catarrh I tut'. ' K. J. t'UKNKY &('().. Tnl, -.In, Ohio. Wo. the iinth'isitrnt'tt, have known V. 3. Cht'iii'' for the past l"i yi'tus. beiieve him perfectly lumuraltlf in all business transactions, and tioani'ially able to cur ry out any obluriitions muilebr his linn. Waldo, Kixsas ,V; M-Mtviv, Wholesale liruirisUi, Toledo, Ohio, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price i'ic. per bottle. Sold by all drueirisls. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. to ttm cangh ind bswl lUDdr NORTH STATU M:W S. of l iteiot I "ruin ; ol tile Sl.iU. Cl.lM!!NV Inc. elgil! ells.1 Nor let u i at u; (' iroliM. Ik So- i iis thirty -third annual Moreliead Ciiv last A military company has been or g i:i: e-.l and mustered in at 1 ur! Tins company has been let tered M and assigned to die Third Kegimeni. Adam Snmh, nearly S4 years old. living near Siler City, has cm vv r .?00 shooks of w heat and ili.s .;t.;sii:i. Mr. Smith ot ter..! 's? per Jav for er.Kllei s. bin fomi.l ii..i,e so he did the work lliiliseil 1 1:, the eii.a'ge ol poisoning live members ol' her own family. I )ra Sd.'er, colored, was lodged m mil a: Salisbury to aw ait trial in Supe rior c .tin In a hearing berorea nis lice ft the peace the g;r! pl.a.l guihy of placing rough mi rats in the ci'iU-e i-t iici' fatlier an.! moiii- :'. b; e other mcnbers of the f.i:!r! also ol the coflee Hid ce'e n-ar dying Lewis P. F'rieks. foreman of a Southern Railway work train on the Yadkin branch, was seriously in aired Thursday near New Lon don, by being mashed by a heavy timber throw n Irom a high freight car. He was seated on the side of the ear when the timber was drop ped by workmen in loading. His back and shoulders were badly in iured. William Muselcy Smith, smi uf Rev. T. W. Smith, ol Concord, graduate of Trinity College, who took the .Master s degree at the recent commencement, college enthusiast, and ca 'am of liset the Triniiy College team for the last two years, ended his life in Durham, Thursday, by tiring a pistol ball through his brain. The suicide is a great mystery, as the limine fin nuj a rash deed is un known. Commissioner of Agriculture S. L. Patterson will in a few days send out to each and every tobac co warehouse in North Carolina blanks fur sworn reports to be made by the warehouses to the commissioner monthly on alter the first of August, next, under an act of ihe 1 legislature t D'i)7. "to regulate the'siivs o( leal tobac co sold upon the lloors ol the leal tobacco warehouses in North Car olina. S. 11. Vick, of Wilson, one of the wealthiest negroes in North Carolina, was recently "done" out of about three thousand dollars by a i;eg''o bv the name of John 1-'. Collins, ulio was in 'b'' hvery and sales stables business wnli him. Collins forged Vick's name and secured money from innocent par ties, which he spent in such a man ner that Vick became suspicious that all w as not as it should be. lJ.etorc he could hate him arrested Collin.-, ' burnt tlie wind" and his w hereabouts aie iiiikiiow n. Mr. Titos. I l.irvey, of Kiitston, has in his possession the first sil ver dollar lie ever owned and which w,is preserved for him in a very novel tilanner. When he was four years old an uncle gave him the coin which he lost and although diligent search w as made it could 1 not be found. Last suip.mer the porch of the old home place w as being repaired and the dollar was found lying on a sill. One side "tails" is as bright as w hen coined, owing to it being down on the sill, while the "heads" side is badly discolored. The coin remained in its hiding place iust forty-tw o years. It is dated S':0 YOUR GRANDMOTHERS USED IT. Hut She Never HiiJ Sulphur In Such Convenient l:orm as This. Yum- Kr.utilm.iili, r ni'd Hiilln-r .t- li.-r l.t..r- r.MM.-.K . :m.l ' -; . mnili- r. Siililmr li.t- tn-i n t-tiruirf sWui .nut ; i IiI.mI ,lis.-a-i'- l..r a'.l y.Mis. I I Itui hi lit.' old da thi'v ii.i.l in take p.nil'r'tl i --ill; luir. Now H.tii.'in k' hi'iunl Sulplnir tfi ve ; ii to vuii in t In pti-ilil.- fm in ami tm ui'i Mif fuil U-iiflii. ; ILint'ck's I.Kiiint Siil.liur and (lititm.-nt 'iiiu-kl run Kv''-nu, Ti-itiT, S.'.H Khi-um ami 1 all Skin l)i-.pat'. It on ml an iiiy ulot-i tm j Mrs. Ann VV. Willoit. if Wahltnrtini, O. C, In ( ttirt-f ila s. T.iki'ti intiTtially, it punticH (lie blixnl and I cirarsUie cntuplfxinti. Your ilrnirtrist sell It, ' Sulphur ItMkU't frw, if ytu write Hancock ' LmiuiU Sulpliur Cumpaii v. Haltimniv. ; SALE OF VALUABLE TIMBER. i It v virtuiif aimnliT if the Surwrior court of Huhtai L-utMii, m;i(li in the special prootH'dinir I ihi'rcin i-nntli'il J. J. Culloni smt thf r, vs. W. ! M-1 ulliini atut others, tin- under! nt-tl Cmi I nnsitnir of thi ouurt will "ell tin Monday. I J it h Ith, 1 '7 . at put) to uunmn, for rash, ai thr i Lmirt Iioiiki-in Halifax, all the pino and poplar tnnluT trHii, Hut ill ;ttiaurt U-n or more iiiolu-s across ihr stnmii. at tln-tititi" of ;uttiiiir. sianilinif and trrntvinr on Hint tract of land iit Halifax lmuiMv. known as tin- .Iih1 Ciillom land, txiu ud -! h Ihe lands of S.uiitl.-l Ivfs.di' ceasetl. bv'l'rincf'H branch, the lands of Wtl ham Him and otln-rs, and bv M.irvii Swamt, ami coniaiiiitttf LSoarrcs, nuire or rn. AImhii ft) aor of said land is in limlxr, and t hi' same is vtry thick, ami of icimkI (jualitv, and six yoars time will In- allowt'tl hi which to cut sa nif, Thia 1st day of Junp. It07. ia- n. . lj iitiutn t onimiiotir. i?.eiPft if HO 19 i f! i m UJoidllU '4 ' Mrs-. J; AkeTs. id, v... "i i: Ul W'! ..','. vi-'v-.flN c ii! p.. loco,' ;mJ M :i''t ':rii.:!i!. I . in mv 1" $ h"t.l,i "-". .'-.i v.... w;y i:ivL.ii!ar and 7? . -, . . . . . . : . iw'li vi-,;l In'i Iv.i: i hi- liri'i. hi ni t!v knit 3, id; thr.v Im:!v i ':r..- of Cv, ,tro::s!. Can ivw J,i mv Ivhim 1 nPK-ii.i i dui i ;t pure, w.vtai t.'Swi,iII' a J ipto.l pi iv;n' wonn ivlicw's ea'sse poii.iiica.! iriv.gui;i! m.'s, ;m. i is a, plc'is.ii'i and iv liabl' 'rcMiul' hr all '-K'k W' '1;H'I1. Ill M!v Ce'sspil n .o nr o'or To wars. Trv it. -I At Every Drug Store WINE OF urn iiiiMiiw mLj LlJjLEJOfi fEflULE CoLf.ECjE. ! I. ...a ..ii. 11. ;ilih i. -.--I. ,. Mill .O III. Ills gill I 1 M I l-ll a -.1, .1 1. 1 '.'I;ll ll It- I . ll-r! :ll A ' I '' -.-'Ii :. ll. 1 1 a -1 ! 1 1 ' " 1 i. .--.;.! i.'.l m i -ii :. I'lu-r i ii . I., . i i ;t,'l. j , i i j ' . I I hi w. ' ! : t VI I ' Ciili, Aimiiiil -i ,.n,. n.l.b.-s REV. BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 190S . -. VI . !- 1 .. -, ' i:., .mi. I'XIII'lll'll i. -.i-II. .- . ,. i Huing -. I...I. " . ' ... i ., i; l-is, ,11 The North $T4TE HoifAtL COLLEGE ,. II... i The Notirial Di-port merit ; The Coinniorcial Department , ,:'l -i - '1 . .(.,! - 'I -I' : Pepcitrnc . On ; of Arts nrcJ Domcot.c i: .i;i, . ni u, !. -ul.-.-.-l-.1- r,-' ii..-. vli .. III.- . h.. Mu.,ic D.-pai'.mtnt. .11 i.liin ,.. !. in,- ,; - - t, ..1 . t:h:h! - Bank of Halifax, : 1 ..ii.- I.un. in-.! mil I Ii II y y.:o . .1" cm j. .1 ale ex 1-1 curt- u it In nil l.aiikihn la. I l!..- li.:ii, ,.!' ' -i-iii ml Whi It. I '.on- an, I ..!' Willi,- .l,.m nln-ic I lit- Iv.-lit-i;i.,ii i i' In,!. ). -ii, !,-:,,-. 11:1- r.i'iiir.l aii.l Hi.- sial.- iMiitautiiiii a.l'.).t.-.l. 1 1 1 - tun 11 1 1 1 ali 1.1 I .1- lak.-ii ..ii n.-u lift- au.l a I '.an I, n 11 h a t'liail.-t In. 111 llit- siati- is an .-. 1 ;.i -In a i.ii-i. e - .;.,..!-au- n.. it -I .r-'i I'm t!.r iiaii-at'ti..n ul 1, 11-1111--- Tin- ' I111- in, 1 ,! lui'l'iirlil- 1 1 il l l.l.'i I l. I ' 1 : 1 ' Ml l'Mi: nhrr,- -.-umal i.ankini:. ..Miuuiir un.l i-!in- !:- :i - .-...i-l::. -I. 1. an.l a -A 1 ' . s I p t : I 1 1, I ,',li. N - - 1 1 . 111 Oil,, n ,11 lii-.,l Ibii-iol, lilnl iiihk 1. .111 ,iii- .i.-'liii aii-l iipuaiil- i.-ci-it-,. I'h aiiiplt, lai'ilili.-- an.l I'.iitt'-j.i.ii.lriit.s : ai'.l ,,,l ,,! Ii..- sial,-. lli,- Ciiii.'.-i- 11- si iiin-i. an-l -,.,.-il- 1 1 it .;tl 1 . ,11a j.- uf Wni. H S. Iiurjrwn. I: A BUSINESS LUXURY A CHECKING ACCOUNT is indeed a business necessity; and he who tries to jret nloiisr w ithout one is at a great disadvantage. It is not required that a person should has e a large bulk ot busi ness in order to open an account. I'rolessional men, farmers, and many women, are running check ing accounts. If you have never done business in this way, and are not familiar with the plan come to us and we will get ypi started. We pay 4 per cent. In our Savings Department. BANK OF ENFIELD, Afield, n. c. A CARD. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, (iNoii:rni:TKii) 700-711-713 I:. Hroad St., Kichmond, Va. Promise you a treat in the inspection of their D Spring Line of Choice tions are exceptionally and prices are right. come write us for Blue & Inc. CHARLES C. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, VKTKltSHUlUi. VA. Mc'n.r.K. W. T. ItaiiKh and 'I'. M. Ni'tlierland ri'iirt-M-ut us la Kasti-ru Camliu. Hcilil vour nnlt'is fur tlirm. QEOROE C. (iRHEN, Attorney-At-Law, iNutionul I'.aiik Iluililinirl l'luctiocs in all Stuto un.l 1'"i"1itu I I'linrtK. I 'dllrction of claims in llali lax ami ailjoinintr counticH. Mtniev tfi loan (in annniveil Hccuritv lltiirni'V fur I'irst .National Hank of Wl'lilllll. wi:lhon. n. c. FOLEYSHOKEYHCAE for ehltdrnt af, ur No oplatoo , V.'l'lie: u'tikin't ack auid pi'nl'usi'. i i.... i . Alua tak- iui, I cor.kl walk n work and am in vicinal essence, 's diseases. It dins,, reiiulates FREE ADVICE in $1.00 Bottles u. U. I I:, .11 l.'-iO;.- ilj.l. Ill-I Mill lll-.'ll -l,l.i,li :i U anliiLi - in I usic I'll'"'. aii.l N.'inial 1 .ill, lilt,,i lu llir l,i :illi. I ul ,..;.,. .luii.-i-.l lli lo Li'iii tn M.n i m mm; RHODES, In - 1 . lit o IHE BINI.H4M SCHOOL. . -., :. Ml I 11 K I., i .; s ..' .,-,.1 .. :..'.:l.'''il,i I" -. ' - .! . i ., "I i l,- i,',i I ,. I . m. I; s, . , k t , . , v 1 1 1 i .- Carolina flD lfiDUSJFIL , ll..,-l. I Ma-.,-. 1 A i lll.l.Vl t.lUK In . i iv.l.i,,,,, .11 Sl,'ii, , !li.-,i -ul., '1 ,.i,i Science pri.vul.', - an. I t.inliK. - , ,-.,iii--,-, ..!i,-.- ,i .Hi. .11- -ii., .1 ,.01,-r nit .1 I.,- 111,1 11.1t ,.ii. J. I. HOIST, President, Greensboro, N. C I.. Tra is, n-l'lt-l,l.-tl!. H. (iregory, ( a-lnt-i. Purniture. Our Selec attractive this Season It not convenient to Prints. Richmond, Va.J J. A. ALSTON l-'INK I'liOVISIONS.i flCAHS AMI TOISAt'CO. Cor. Washinsrton avenue and 1st street Weliloo, N. C. iw.y.-s.ihM.-fti.l - &im$'4r$'r $-$'r&C H M V'5 &i -,$: '4$ W 'A '4 eep Your A. L. i 'A? Spring and Summer. iuuu '.-.. ..-..'.-uiiuWi.V,V.'ni.'i ;,u .. .1 - . . .Vv u'li .. .! .'. ' .."'a.iiJ nii ,. ..V.livu; ii u .VuuiV JcJiiiilr Our store is brim full and riinninj; oxer with up-to-date styles in 4V Dry tioods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Oxfords, Hats, Caps, Jewelry, Cutlerv, Crockery, Trunks, liags, Suit Cases, rurniture, Carpets, Mat- V titles., kugs, Groceries and thousands of other things too numerous to mention." In fact, our immense stock is full of bargains for all. Visi- fcV tors to Weldon should visit our store and inspect our stock before buying elsewhere. We are sole agent for the Queen Quality Shoes for' women and the Crawford Line for men. , l. 'Phone 4b. I ! Mill "fllll I - - - - - 1 - TTI 'f FOR i'V. itViii ttirita i ' i.-r'-i-'-ik. V ft 1 r 3' fro' -U . lif.U-A-.W Ct.OjiVliNG H' FURNITURE! :tfe Have Ihe Finest Line of Household ami Kitch en Furniture, Parlor Suits, Mat tings, etc., I:er jnrflUKtn u mis section. ..... . . Fin and Willow ware, HrlMd:KTKIMI IN .M.I. IT- 111: A M I ll Wagons, Carts, Buggies. N. STAINHACK. J4 Gash or Credit We mention a few but Bras and. m WMMS and up; Bedroom Suits, $15 to $175; Sideboards and Uuna Closets, $10 to $50; Dining Tables, S.oo and up; (jo-Carts 2.5o to 3o.oo ! Pianos and Organs, $50 and up; Sewing Machines, l5.oo to 4o.oo; Stoves and Ranges, lo.oo to 60.00; Matting, 12cto3oc. per yard; Carpet, per yard 25c to l.oo; Art Squares and Rugs, l.oo to 25.oo. Mail orders promptly filled. No person is ever disappointed here WELDQK F1IIIDEE COMPANY, YIELDOfl, - Hom CwLim. 'Alwavs liti's Store" of STAIN BACK, Dialer In n ) i i J 11 J A Complete line of New Goods m 11 if I Always Busy Store," - - - - - - - - WELL - DRESSED W MV would you spend your money (or poor fit ting clothes when you can for the same money get a fit to the very hest tailor-made clothes ? ou would hardly do this it you only helieved the follow injr statement : UNLESS YOU ABE DEFORMED, WE CAN FIT YOU PERfECTLV. Cony v, ny sttntv and jrive us Vv. t.t(iuiee to tleniiintr.ite, to (iri)u tlie trullifuliiess of this as sertion. .. .. . Our line of Crockery, (io - Carts, etc. is complete. 'i i is.-1 a - Coijkinir and m IP 1 LID remember these are not r tor vou. mi m v w IIIGl f-,- W '' 'A AV; On The 4s!-" 1 J for fa 7- n v ' j. Weldon, N. C. -'s 1 MEN ft n A ft .4 it1)' 4 cotiiiTvc v .iaiMl Si--v ki:t - ami r.riiiAi. itoin: Meatinji: Stoves. WKLDON, N, c. I 01 the only bargains we have 4 n 17 Vl, ... '"!' -X " " 1.

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