t Wlr $um fir rrt & N KIT 'as C?q C- S'U til Advertising Rales Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FUR THE PEOPLE. WKLDOX. N. ('.. TIH1!S).Y, .11 I.Y II, l7 Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VOL. XUI, NO. 10. feV ill MM i i I . 1 s t j1 AM'L.'t'l.ll'if I'll';.-. r -i ij i :i.i::!l;iiiin!i'.yr..l:.!,.i:i..'4iil.i I l::!::iv::.'::w!p;'!ii'v.;if , I n,"o . -- 1 "I i ... M .l.uHriK&Ad. .. .... V fc.W ." rtotiuv ni'.-iiou.vli I'll'iir 'j U.!SS .W.i'.i'SU CIll.llll ' lit illlir i, Opium, Mi rimiiii' nt'r'.'iiiH'ra1 M Not X.vur otic. .. fJ.'ii v-.vi.'.'i i'.Yr-: fh.i'itil .i ! '! .n'lfn- lii'lii.'ilv I'm C(ii!lii.i ,! !H'!. SilUf liMM.ll li.Diai-.lnAvi !' Vnnii.- .1 i'iiviiI- lor.s.ivvi-nsli V !i.'SSiiiulI.i)sS()F Sl.Kr.l'. y l iif SllniU' S'.lnaHir'' m i XKW VOHK. tXAO '. cevr Of WWAPPEfl . Bank : wi:ij)()n, x. c. Organized Uiiitii' Tie Laws of l i . I -I' jn'I'll. imij. Suite of Nonh C;irolin;i Dcposimry. I l;llif;i Dounty Depository. Town of WcKlon Depository. Capital $38,000. 1" O K l' ilnv !iiiiiil:iii ha- i-hi.t. .! 1 un U i ml: t'n.-iliiM- li tin- J hull. ls "IncMnd.lrtv ;l tmvttl ti:if lit't'll l.t. lllilir.l Will, till Ihimih"- iiili-i('vi t!' Ilulii:i uiiil Niutliami'lnii futintii- nuinv yi'itis. Minify i In;uiril 1 1 i ri iipprnvi'd wiinlv :il llie li'iial lair ol inicrcM I'd I'ciituin. Afi'nithl- itfall :nt' M.lu'iti l i'i:i.-iiir: n i -I't i W. . l'AMI I., r-r. II. w. (.l;ukiii.Nnnhaiiiiiin ('. . N. I. y.p. 1 GARRETT & PioBter Wine UifMr5Z-.-l, KSTABl.lsi;i:i h:u SPECIALTIES .'Ait ;VIRCINIA DARE POCAHONTAS (WhitftSt'iipiit'immm i KV'i s. iipjKiiuiiin) ,v. h OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY y HIAVATHA MINNEHAHA v KettChuupiimO ' i Oty St iiinii'i nuiij;) 7:y $ -. PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL f (Spark I lit i! I Jtunijiumit' ) -And nil other varietiesof l'mv aiut Wh lii-ytmif Wjnt siiu hmm-s and hotel ur tHiyhi'st Cash Prices I'aul in S.ms-h i ir kiml i-l -inali mills, ;iapr cte.'V WVateni Hriinch, St Lftuis, Mn Mom (Mli-e. v oi;F(ll.K, V ?i SEA BOA!! I) AIR LINE RAILWAY b Exposition Line To Norfolk Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Kates from Weldun: Kouml trip season tickets, $.t.5; Round trip 60-day fickets, ; Round trip 10 day tickets, $2.(; Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2 6S. I 'narli KxoiirKUin rati- siM piini tn iipi'iiinu' 'lute ami mi cacli 'I'lii's.htv tlicirulti'r liiuiti'il wvrti ilays iiiul cii.liuseU "Not inml in I'lilliniui I "in lor I in s." I tilicr tick el iro on ulc April Isth uiul cinitiiine until cliwc of Kxnitioii. For rates I'rniii other inints, apply to your nearest SK.U'.O Mill au'enl. or repre Meiitiitivcs nuineil hetow. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. T, P. ANDERSON, C H. QATT1S,' j Tioke) Ajfent, Wehion, N. ( Truv. Pass. Ai?fiit. llah-iKh. N. Fov Inl'ant.8 and Children. :; , ii i .1 iTha Kind You Have j Always Bough! Boars the Sianatur of THE CtNTAUR COMMNV 30 if : lis Stale of North Carolina, fl iih i : W I'. sMIIII. COMPANY, 1 American 'tff Growers! -o Boars the i l! A nil I ' V For Over ii- Thirty Yfiars . NEW VONH CITV. Hi Kememhcr the Words of the Lord Jesus, "Its More Blessed to (live Than to Receive." "I Imve showed you all things, how that so luboring ye oiij;lit to support the weak, and to remem ber the words ol the Lord Jesus, how I le said, it is mure blessed to Rive than to receive." -Acts 20 J?. The world's principle is that it is the most blessed tiling in the world to receive, and to keep that which we have. The principles of heaven works on exactly the oppo site principle from that of the rules of this world. It is a wonderful tiling that this saying, though not recorded in the gospels by any of the evangelists, was thought worthy of record by Luke, who received it from the Apostle Paul. This was the con trolling principle of the life of Je sus, also of the life of the Apostle Paul, who followed Jesus. It will be the controlling principle of every one who is a Christian. We receive hut to give, and the greatest joy in this world is to give. The greatest blessing comes in giving. My dear brother do you know 1 that one reason why your spiritual experience is not clear and bright ' may be that you do not give as is your privilege? What a blessing ' ' would come to many who read j this article if they were to give tin-1 til it became a real sacrifice! Dur ing the weak of prayer just past you may have had your heart drawn out in longing for the bless ing of God, and it may he that you are closing the channel to God's j blessing by not giv ing what God j has given you. There are many calls. A bless-; ing is in every one for those who give, and not only give, hut sacri- fice to give. Some one who reads i this article could easily give $1000 and more to the various funds ap pealing for aid, and it would he a great blessing and joy to him. Others could give, by a little effort ' one-half that amount, and there are many who read this article who 1 can give $100. My brother, my ; sister, you know whether you can do this. He who gives will in turn receive a greater blessing than lie would were some one to make him a present of that same amount. -Review ;md 1 ferald. Hardly any woman could stand the monotony of life in small com munities if there wasn't so much scandal there. Do You Think For Yourself ? Of, da you open your mouth like ft youof i down whatever food or medl utlvred juu t tit 4 intelliu'iMit thinking: woman. In need u( lf (iiiui weaknehb, uerTOusiie, ni;. tlii'it It nicam much to tl i u: fordiy cureuf tv.'iuaiiN Ills. 'f' The nukiTs of Dr. Ilerc l'avirity Pn ierititiuii. for the cure of w ak. liervdus. run down, I'V.T-w.trl.i il, d hilitaii d. paui-rackeil Hniit, i,. knoKiiit,' i his iiii tlicine tv tn made up if ingredients, every one of which hus the Htront inisiiic iiidtirscinciit of the leadiinf and -.1 ;0'i;nd iMl'hurilii"' of the evrin) mlinoU of pi ice. ;ire nerfeclly willing, and lti.fi(. t. aie only too ylad to I 1 1 1 1 . as they do, tlTT r.numla. or IKi of Inredii'nl, of which it is composed, in jildin Hnviitlt, on every hot! Ie-w rapper. The ft rinula ot Ir. I'lereeS 1'nToriti' Tr script ion will hear t lie most critical examina tion of medical experts for It contulns no alcohol, nnreot Ics. harmful, or hahit forming; diu'-, ami no ntfent enters into it t hut Is not luxhl.v ii-conmieii'li d hy the most advanced and hLidiiiL' imdicul tether-, and author ities of their several schools of pra-licti. Those rtu'hnrltle- recoiiiim iid thf tnirredten't i n f,. ruiv nl 1 . it . III. v.. in,. altiM. f.-v ' !)!: V.. iM ?T ,nl ii..-l..-T,., lvi,... No in her medicine for woman UK lias any Much professional endorsement as hr, Pierce's roiiic 1'iescripl ion ha, received, in the int uitu Idled recimmeiid:i!ioii of each of lis beverat inn diepts hy score- of leading Itiedi cal men of all the m hi-ols of ptactiee. la buch an endowment i.ot worihv of your eonhh ration V ft t "f "t A iHHiklft of Ingredients, with mitnennm autlioratlve profesioiuil endorsements hy thrt hail in,' iuedic.il aul horll ies of I his eoiml rj, ll he nmih it trfi to any one setulii'i; nauiu and address with reiiuo-t for same. Address ', lH. Ii. V. Piwi'is. liulfalo. N. Y. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss ot srength, nervot ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh ot the stomach are all due to Indigestion. KoJol cures indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices of diges tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the Greatest known tonio and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of R-ivenswood. W. Vi., says: " I was troubled with sour stomich for twenty years. K'vi-J cured rr.o and w ar now using It In mill for Dany." Kodol Digests What You tat Bottles only. J I 00 Sit hoMina 2 'i times the trial site, which sells for 50 cents. rpared by ft, O. OeWlTT ft OO., OHIOAQa Sul.l l.y V M (lifn. WVhh.n. N. V. t)l rd arul ieu cine iiiaV tn; ,u POOR LITTLE JO I'rop your eyes wide open, Joey, l-'itr I've liriitiyht you siitupin' great. Apples? No, a heap sight better ! Don't you take no interest? Wait! lowers, Joe - I knnw'd you'd like 'cm Ain't them scrumptious? Ain't them high ' Tears, my hoy? Vi'ot's them lur, Joey'' There-- poor little Joe don't cry ' I was skippin' past a winder, Where a hung-up lady sot, All amongst a lot ol 'hushes, liach one clitnhiu' from a pot ; livery hush had (lowers on it Pretty? Mehhe not : Oh, no ! Wish you could of seen 'em growin' It was such a stunnin' show Well, I thought of you, poor fellow, I.yin' here so sick and weak, Never knowin' any comfort. And I puts on lots of cheek. "Missus," says I "if you please, mum, Could I ax you fcr a rose ? For my little brother, missus Never seed one, 1 suppose." Then 1 told her all about you-- How I bringed you up poor Joe 1 11. akin' women folks to do it). Seen an imp you was, you know--Till ye jot that awful tumble, Jist as 1 had broke yer in. (Hard work, too) to earn yer livin' Blackin boots for honest men. How that tumble crippled you, So's you couldn't hyper much Joe, it hurted when I seen you Fur the first time with yer crutch. "But," I says, "he's laid up now, tnuni, 'Pears to weaken every day;" Joe, she up and went to cuttin' That's the how of this bokay. Say ! It seems to me, ole feller, You is unite yerself to-night; Kind o' chirk- it's been a fortnit Sence ver eyes has been so bright. Better? Well, I'm glad to hear it ! Yes, they're mighty pretty, Joe. Sntellin' of 'em made you happy ? Well, I thought it would, you know ! Never seed the country, did you ! Flowers growin' everywhere ! Sometimes, when you're better, Joey, Mebbe I kin take you there, F'lowers in heaven ? 'M - I s'pose so; Dunno much about it, though; Ain't as fly as wot 1 might he On them topics, little Joe. But I've heard it hinted somewhere's That in heaven's golden gates There's everlastin' cheerful B'lieve that's wot the Bible states. Likewise, there folks don't git hungry; So good people, when they dies. Finds themselves well fixed forever- Joe, my boy, wot ails yer eyes. Thought they looked a little sing'ler, Oh, no! bon't you have no fear; I leaven was made fur seen as you is Joe, wot makes you look so queer? Here -wake up ! Oh, don't look that way! Joe! My boy! Hold up yer head ! Here.s yer flowers you, dropped 'em, Joey! Oh, my (iod, can Joe be dead'-1 TRIBUTE TO WOMAN. Wisfortune Hurts Her Not hut Calls l:orth Her linertfies To Action Place her among the tlowers, foster tier as a tender plant, and she becomes a thing of tancy, way wardness and folly. She is annoy ed by a dewdrop, fretted by the touch of a butterfly's wing, ready to faint at the sound of a beetle or the rattling of a window sash at night, and is even overpowered hy theperfumeofarose bud. But let real calamity come, rouse her affections, enkindle the tires of her being and mark her then how strong is her heart. Place her in the heat of battle, Rive her a child, a bird, or anything to protect, and see her lifting Iter white arms as her own blood crimsons her upturned forehead, praying for her life to protect the helpless. Transplant her into the dark places of the earth, call forth tier energies to action and her breath becomes a healing, her presence a blessing. She disputes inch by inch the strides of a stalking pestilence, when man, the strong and brave, pale and affrighted shrinks away. Misfortune hurts her not; she wears away her life in silent endur ance and goes forth with less ti midity than to the bridal altar. In prosperity, she is a bud full of odors waiting for the winds of ad ; versity to scatter them abroad gold, valuable, but untried in the furnace. l.ontc Live The kingl is tli,-in i-iilar i-r tliiKituiioiii l-ait-.'.--iiii 1-..11H-Irii-s; ttliili-tlii-i-i ill Am. !.,:!. lie- 1-1 ..f tin-pr.-s.-nt il.iy is "I. ..uy l.io- llr. Kinn'sN.-w his-I'liv.-rv. K'n "I 'riinsit anil t.iiiin Ti .iiil.l.-s." ..futiii-li Mrs. .Inlia Kxilrr Palm-, ..f Train, Mass., says: "tl iii'vi-r tails 11. iriv,. iinni.'.lial. r. li.-f anil In niii,'l,tv em.- a onitfli nr i-..l,l " Mi s. I'ain.-'s ti.liil..n is sltatv.l hv a maturity ,.f tin-iiiliahilants ..f this ,-oiiiilry. Ni-w Iljsc.iy cry ciin-s weak luiurs anil sore Uunats afier all wilier rt-tiii-illt-s tin vi- fiilli-iloitnt for i-'ntitrlis ami culits lis Uii- only sun- cure. I'.uaratttis-il by all iliiitfiftsls. 1,-. ami 1. Trial lmlllf fi-i-,-. C. The Charming Woman is it., t ii,-i.-s-,in , ,,,i,.,,i i.i,-,-t n.rii ,i im-. .M.uii a nl.ini iii.ni.ui i,h ,-,,n, n, ,,.r i.-riv a-, an .uiisiv ,n,t,-l. i,,,..,., t Ii,,.-i-.nv 'inalitii- iti.,1 alt til,- wi.ilil a.l.nir.-s: n.-al-11,- . rli-.ii ,-.m-s. ,.,.,in -.m,,,,!!, ski ;ilj ,Mt -:,;.-lil!i.i,-s-.,t -l.-nainl a,i li.n .i.v,. ,,.;,. in h,nhI li.-altli. A nlii-i,..iiu iv. -.ik n. ni, n i. tn-..T .itlr.i,-li,-. in. I ,...ii I,, li,-r-.-lt l-;t,-,-ti n Killer. i.-Mi.n- in ak 11,1111,11, ,.,.. Iniglli .-vi-. sm,iili, ii-li,-t . ,,,. li.Mi,h, iiiilliii linn 1,1 im I at am ih it. ...t A LESSON IN l.lTCRATliRi:. "Pa, who was Keats?" "A weakling." "Woodsworth?" "A mollycoddle." "Byron?" "A conspirator." "Shelley?" "An undesirable citi.en. Run along now and spin your top." Washington Herald. 1 let a sample of I't. slump's Health I 'iiH'ee" at our store. If real eollee .lis. laths your stomach, your Ileal! 01 vour kl.lllevs. then liv this elevel cullee lllll- laliun. hi. -si..i.p has el,,s,-v malelu-.l H. I .lata am I Mocha I '..ilee in tlav 01 ami taste, vet il lias not n siimle etaui of real eollee ill It I h'. Slump's Health l oilee liniial is made I10111 pine loasleil e'l. mis ul cereals, wi'.lt Mail. Nuls. ele. Ma. Ie in a uiinute o te ,,i,s .,,, v ,,v.!l -;ti, Iv :l,i il. Sol, I In W.T. barker, Wei. Ion. ( . TMIl TRAINKI) ATTI:NI) ANT. "2 IS A-Gerard, please. Hello! Is this the club? Is my hus band there? Hello! Not there Sure? Well, all right then; but hold on. How do you know? 1 -haven't even told you my name." "There ain't nobody's husband here - never!" was the wise atten dant's reply. Taller. ; V lien there is the shdilesi in.lieatioii 1 iil'ui.lmcstion. heart l.iun. Ilaluleui-e or 1 any form of stomach tumble take a lit- tie Kodal necasinnally and vim will lie, iiil'orileit prompt relief, kmlol isacouu I ptiiind uf vetrelal'le acids and contains j the juices found in a healthy stomach. , Im idol diiiests what vuu eat, makes your ' I'uoil iln von irooil, .-old liv W. M. Cohen, Weldun, X. (', Si'i-CIAL for ten days Rooms panered for $6.50 up. T. A. Ricci, Paperhanger, Weldon, N. CJ THE PRESIDENT'S FAVOR. tie Thought Me Could DO Keller if He Had Hie Cashier's I'osi I ion "Mr. Sniithly," -aid the hank president as he tailed tiie cashier into his private ollice and motion ed him to he sealed. "I wain to ak you a tew questions. Is u true that you have just purchased a home at a Cost ol S.5,0(H'" "I I have, sir," replied the cashier as he turned pale "And that you own an automo bile worth .$.00ll'-" "Y-yes, sir." "And a yacht worth $7,1)00?" "Y-yes, sir." "And three race horses valued at SI 5,01)11?" "I I do, sir." "And a dog worth $2,000?" "Y-yes, sir." "And that you sometimes lose vast sums at poker'-" "Y-yes, sir ?" "And live at the rate of $50,000 a year?" "P-pretty near that, sir. " "Mr. Sniithly," continued the hank president as he lowered his voice. "I want to ask you a favor. 1 Your salary is $2,000 a year, is it not ?" "It is sir," replied the cashier as he arose from his chair and wiped the perspiration from his forehead. "I - I suppose I am to hand in my resignation at once, sir?" "Not at all, my boy not at all ! I just want to ask you if you won't change jobs with me for a few years. I don't seem to be able to make muck headway in this insti tution on my measly salary of $20,000 a year." t Ok OVLK SIXTY YI-AKS t l!v W I - I ,' i ' Si h i ! 1 1 I 1 1 I: I I- ti:ls lii-l'll IIM'I I'lirtiVt'l 'HI VI"4I !,V llllllitiMS l' iiioilifis fr I In it 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1, t . 1 1 1 - lll-J. U Itll lfl I'rrI Ml . It M.i.lll, till' rllil.l. Mil'trlll tin- L'lllll. IlllilVs ;ll I'tim; I'ltrrs mini culic. :1n, i ihr 1 ,cl iv ly fur liimi li.i'ii Ii Hill r. li, u. tin- r llllli- MlHi'li't i 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 :i l -I -. Nifl !v iIou-itiM in i'riv .:ul ni III.- ui.il.l L' i i-i-nl- : l.oltli-. 1;.- tin- :iti, ! u-k I'm "Mi. Vnili.u' Sniiiliiiii: syrup" tiinl lal.r iiu iitlii-r kiinl. I liiarilliti'i'il u hi In tin- I-' I uiul I ni'js Act. .1 n in- :toili. I'liHI. N-riiil , 1 1 1 1 1 1 . IH'k The needle in the haystack seems a good deal easier to find than the public official who is for the public. III hi reallv i-njnv nlnil vuu t-al I s llllll- yiiiir I'liinl taste e".r.' On ,.u I. 10 y ami want iiiiiii'.' 1 M iln nm I ln-a y. 1I11II l'. t-luief alter meal sluiuacli. I.i-Ii-Iiiiil:. uas mi tin- ..ii liiul Ineatli. iiiili'jt-sti.iii ami .1 If sh. vuu sliiiulil tuK,. ;l lull,. - -l"1'- lei eaeli ineaf Kmlnl imII iiiniti-l stlell"tliell ynlll ,li-.tle ut-ail- tin insli Iln-nat 111 al .li-j.-sl i ,- jme yi .111 stutiiaiti. It will niaiu- 1 .11 It will niilke v, mi I I 1 1 1 1 vi. 11 am! ami - Im Well, ... nl. 'I n 111 vnur In. nl ititu urn ..I. 1 ie! lil,, Kii.lni ihi;es w hat Vuu eat '.,il In U l l liht-ii. el, I. mi. Young people come from school for their vacation so as to go away again somew here else for it I will mail von fie . 1-1 it. sain- pies ol my I't -lump s llrMoiatiu-. ami my hook on ell het I ivspepsia tin- Heart 01 the kl.llieyv 'I'lotlliles of th,- M,,in aell. I leal t or l 1, Iln , an- tin-it K 111 ptotlls of a .lei pel aillllellt. I'-. Ill make Iln- eomiii.iii i-nni of lii-atiin.: syinpliill. onl Vlllptolll tl.-al lllellt is liealiti'- the 1:1 -.1 1 1 01' 0t11 ailiueiit. ami not 1 11 1. 1 1 i. , al, -touia.-li iiere. Iln- iliM-!e tn 1 I-.--iin-aii loii,a,-li weakness. alwa . Iml iln- 1 1, ai 1. ami kiillle s as ii li, hae then eolitlolillltr 01 itlslile IlelAi-s Urakell tin s.- ih-im-s, ainl you inelllal'ly liae n.ai, wtal 01- e'.tns I Ien- is w lieie I t --I p s ;(- sliiiative has ina-le 11s rami- o othet teliieily even elailns to Ileal (lie -'nisi,!,, nem-s " Also I01 liloalini:. Inhousiiess, lia-l Ineatli or rotuplexioii iis(- ij- shoop'.s li't-stonttui- U 'nt,. to.lav lot sample an. 1 liee Look I't Mn.op. Kaeiiie. is m.I.I In- U l Cohen. W ei. 1. 1 X. ('. A girl thinks she is mighty sweet to her mother for kissing her for bringing up her breakfast in bed. MARRIAOi: O.YlliNS OP MI.N. Married in white, You'ie in for a light; Married in gray, She'll grab your pay; Married in red, You'll have a bald head; Married in green, In your mirror 'tis seen; Married in blue, It's tough luck for you; Married in pearl, You get the wrong girl; Married in yellow, She'll make you bellow; Married in brown, One more chump in town; Married in pink, Joy for you 1 don't think. There's no use telling a girl she is pretty; to do the work you must tell her she is the prettiest one you ever saw Boan the 8igtiRtur. of ll.i Uiil Vuu Ham AKvnvs Rorit usr.v ri: en fair to s- e. I 0 f 1 IT I IE I I Nov, a in: T;ike She can both false and IV Bewaiv ' hew are I rust iter not. site Sh c h,j two brown, Take c; She es a '-' down, Beware Trii-.t her not, And she has hair golden line, Take care ! And what .-d c says it is not true, Beware 1 beware ! Trust her not, she is fooling thee ! She has a bos.:u as white a snow. Take care ' She knows how much il is best to show, Beware! hew are' Trust her not, she is fooling thee! She gives thee a garland woven, fair. Take care! It is a fool's cap for thee to wear, Beware ! beware !! Trust her not, she is fooling thee! Longfellow. !'.)'. Iiil'auis and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the , SIX PIANO BARGAINS For this week Conover I'iano. upright Sl')5 Wellington Piano, $45. Q heelock Upright, S85. Q Stitff lipright. 5-I.S5. Stieff Rosewood Piana $.S() (iuikl Piano, small sie $,!() fl o fl o All guaranteed to be in fine condition. All used. LESTER PIANO CO, Inc I VJ 1 ,ianl. M . . Niiifulk. a. John J. I'oster, Manager. 0ZZ30E301 ai Mn I'l 'y J.H.Howard 1 1 : i l is is nr. w v v s 1 1 1 i n ?0 III Ulj I'ave tin- l,- Inn- ol' -,-i ,,-s town W'ln ii in iiee.l of ain iliiui: in (irocerv Line I 'all on us a part ul I lilt st, mi ita le BEFORE - The Cold Weather Sets in Gtt a Residence Telephone. It saves exposure It saves doctor's bills It means convenience am economy j RATES ARE LOW For Rates ; APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER OR j Home Telephone and j Telegraph Company, HENDFR80N. . N. Q. ien Ji v i e. Sm0 tooling tllec! tl.,.i a:,, -in,, :--r t'.. ll.i'U 1-, , I It Ml:- 11. : I, I- ' tii.il hr ec-., so soil and ,, :,,,, .,,, ,,. Ii. .,..-,1, Ii. -I. .,1 - Ii-Ii- t,1... -nil, in- ii. n.-, ii . ii-i'l !.iii t,. ir i.ii IIC out tl.ii k I, nl ii-i-I I , , iii bn- I- i.t-lll'itii- - -.-ill-. Mm ie 'ii.uice .ititi i,i.KN r.-r -i , t, ,: Im-lb m.. .!. . tl- -i, ,i. in,- I nl. --ti ' hewai e ' ini "i '"'i-. m'i'. i ' she is liiohii!' thi.e I 0 esfion St.U-HK ' lr,,n-... . In it-- l ir i- -t: it- ut niniifinn "f. ft'i'l no! 'A think of ll)'Mifuhl. j,-. ti.,ii ,i- r- nl .lif-ti!" . yet uii v ni ii r.rtAiu BL.i't-ibc i,rr, '-t'y li-l Ir. Shoop v.-o imvmlur "t.iinii-ii iiiiliVi- I , i mi ie il-ri-et ..- i. mi, alii tlit .niiv, 1, r...-ti,riiliie W-i'i. i.)- viul ii-ini lul,-. nu Ii M.-l. .-.i-f li. Iji- liWll. I, 'limn, g liihiii.M li.il kii-iniii. lr I i r SIiihij, 1 -ml- an t si-h lur ),jtif. ,i II uinl l-litttr- Dr. Shoop's Restorative W. M. COHEN. Idi Iroi Street. VMIHINI . Ids ni i'i:n:i;-i;i'i,'i Machinery, Shafting,Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Ihiviiii; liniiL'lit nut Sleel & .MexainItT fiiiiinli-i uinl iu;ichiiiit. uitli all jiat trtn. we an- iinw ireparc.l to furnisli parts tu inacliiiii's I'mniei-ly inuilc liy tliciti. Hydraulic Presses and Peanut Machinery A Specialty. Mill nnik ami iMstinirs of all kinds. Scci'iiil hatnl iiiachineiy fur sale cheap, I all mi ii or write li.r what you want. (irent Reductions For Cash .-..rli. in i,..l .'i.7"i limuette ItllL's. SJ.7,"l. 2.'A Smyrna Ituns. SC'.L'II, r.'-i Miiiuetle linns, l- ft. S17.7.I ICie. 1 'lima Mattinu', lllc. -' ie. ISp. -'C'e .la';iiiesc 17c. -"'C l-slc H ie Wool ( 'ann'tiiie' 7"ic C"ie. Wltnlnw Sha-les. 'Jllc. '"'' " :i7Jc. Ii'.e I'-vil wnle l.iiiiileiitn. 7-V. 7 e. ICie. ll.".c. I'liinl I III I loth. 4-Sc. I.ai Atiuii-.iei l 'at 'i-tniLr. Slk- sl.iu IlKL'H I'lelure flames. !!. all papet. I. ami i icr roll. A lare'e stuck of Talking Machines, Oraphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, an. I supplies on han.l al all tones, at the very lout -t prices. SPIERS BROS. WKl.HilN. X. ('. Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refuse eubatltutea. Price BOo. sale le Clink, Weldon, N.C. SI'lilNH AMI SI MMKK ' MILLINERY. I'Aia V nouns and NOYKLTIBi. Ilutteriek's 1'atternn. R. & G. Corsets, Misses at Too. Ladies T.'ic. to $1. WU'r'u'cs will he made to suit the tunes. Ilattt and Uouneta made and trimmed to order. A I.I. MAII.OliliKKS PROMPTLY HI. LK1I. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N.C. Make Mldnaya aa BlaMe Right RIND Grand Display

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