L r MM fitr . .. -ss. ."s-TS... .1 a Advertising Rates Made known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription! .50 Per Annum, VOL. X I.I I. WKKOON, N. ('.. Till 'ISSDAV. .Jl'I.Y Is. l!)l)7. NO. I I. S' -' :.ll- ss' V.V nil I .. ... 1? w 4i UKU '.1(14 i"i MI i o u m m u u M The Kind Vnu Hum J. hviis Hon In llsu for hut ::() '.ai's, lias in! I. as hum! lf I SA' ''''! . U.iWII., ii ( otintt'i T Ml , I ill i : ;i 1 1. ms :ii ii .! ii(-:is-',-i. nl " are lint I AiiTiin,ii:.; : li.it Iriilc .1 It .1 n.,I iinl,in'.T I in health of Int. nils iiiul ( lulvlrcii - lOxpi i n ine niiiiiii-!. 1 ci'iiit-iiti. What is CASTORIA Ciistoriu U ii Icii'iiiloNS -nlisiitiito Im- a.;i" oil, Pure ;;'i', Ii'iiis i'li.l Similiiti Syrups. ;j, u I linsmit. It riinl:i,iis neither ;ipom dot pliim- imr other Narcotic Mihstioiie. It. i '-o is iis j;iiiir!inti e. Ii .in. liny it VYni'iiis .mil allays i'i i i-n-hiii". Ii I'ni c, I (i n l iui'ii ami Wind (Julie. It iclicv 'l i i : tn. i Tr-mliles, i ri". ( on-.tiiatiuii mill rialiili'iu. !! : - - i m i in! .- llu- I-iiml, i-' .itlati's tho Sliiniai li .iiiil l;...ls, "thin;; lunlttiy and natural sleets 'I'lif Children's I'miin i'i: -'I lie ,t.iHi-r's l'ri"inl. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CINTAax COMPANY, TT MUflNAV OE 3E The : Bask : WKLDON, N. 0. Orpizd Under Tie Lais of lie State of North Carolina, U LI -I. '11111. Stale of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Wcldon Depository. Capital and Surplus. $38,000, "Y A O I! 1 tln iiiiuiituiii ha- imvnlr.l lninkiiir lacilitii s lot this st'- M lii'H. It." sltH'klinliIrm an-! -liii(ii.i li:ir nit-nl i ml!i tin- ! ' I i-uios iiitt ict uf Hulilas aii'l N i 1 1 ci i n i oti n hi u t h ln nimiv 4 yi'at!. .Money in luant'il upon approval tnitily at lln lfiia! rali ut inlt'ifM tmd IV lll'l' I'i'lltlllll Vl'I'lHllltH III' !lll Mtlll'ill'll II v u K-ruKsii!. i : Dr.ll.W.l.rwiS, (Jj.ksim. Niiribjinpliiii in. N. 11) W. I.. uM n. A T TD T7THP JP. KSTABLISIIKl) Pioiiier A rX IIT' I . t-l'tx-.i-l. ' - S PECI ALTIBS; VIRCINIA DARE POCAHONTAS (VUiUScupp?ruou) Siupperiiun) OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA (Heil Cli uupiiKiie) iliij' Si'U)iiimiii!) PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL lS:trklint! h.imp.tmif) And ull ittlier varivt ifs it' 1'nn t il Ii 'It-K'in- W inn Inr Iuhih-s antl hotel u e. Highest Cash 1'iiees "mil in ihi l r nil kniits l -irul t I'niitM, grapes He, Western Brunch, St Lotus, II Oili .v OiM'Ol.K. VA. m 4: SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Exposition Line To Norfoik THE Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Kates from Weldon: kound trip season tickets. $.1.85; Hound trip 60 day tickets, ; Round trip 10 day tickets, $2.00; Kound trip coach Excursion ticket $2 65. t Coui'li Kxriiminn ruti' nohl piioi to npi'iiiinr ilali' ami on uu'li Tni siluv ilu'ri'al'ti'i liiiiilc.l nevi'ii ilays ami I'li.loisiil "Nut I in Pullman I'ailot ( ur s. (HI, it l i k t ko on halt' Aiul IMli ami tiniit- until rliw id KiomIi..u. Knr ntr trim otlipr points, upply to your 111011-1 SKAliOAItli a-vnt, or n-.re-.si'iitativi'ii iimntil lii'hnv. t t B , Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement or Improved Schedules. T, F. ANDERSON, C H. GATTIS, Tickei Afent, Weldoa, N. C. Trev. I's Ageut, Ruleigh, N. V. - M, timl ul,;. !i lias l.cua liurm ill. iuttiitni'.' nf In iMi i:i;u'..' i:i. ill r his mr- I l I' V I . I, ,11 tin..,, !'.: tnl' ir ill.l- luliniM- Villi ill tlllM. Signature of kTHCET. NIW VOIIK CTV. 3l 30 of : Weldon I XML' W K. S.llllll, 21 nnMT) A TVTX7" American ii'. ?,X Gibers ft i:e,. " -'I '-V A RECIPE FOR HAPPINESS. It Is Most l:xcellcnt I'or Digestion and n Promoter of Pleasant Slumber. Ii is simply when you rise in the . morning to form the resolution to : make the day a happy one to a fel low cixaiure. It is easily done, a left-olf garment to the man that needs it; a kind word to the sor rowful; an encouraging expression ; to the striving, trilles in themselves, as light as air, will do it, at least for twenty-four hours;and if young depend upon it that it will tell when you are old, rest assured that it will send you gently and : happily down the stream of time to eternity. Look at the result. You send one person only one happily through the day; that is three hundred and sixty-live in the course of the year; and sup pose you live forty years only af ter you commence this course, and you hav e made 14,000 hu man beings happy, al least for a time. Now, worthy reader, is not this simple? We do not often in dulge in a moral dose, hut this is so small a pill that no one needs current jelly to disguise its flavor, and it requires to be taken but , once a day, that we feel warranted ; in prescribing it. It is most ex cellent for digestion, and a promo-' ter of pleasant slumber. " IN PLAIN LANOUAdl:. While visiting the South recent-' ly a traveller chanced upon a resi dent of a sleepy hamlet in Alabama. "Are you a native of this town?" asked the traveller. "Am I a what ?" languidly asked the one addressed. "Are you a native of this town?" "What's that?" "I asked you whether you were , a native of the place ?" ! At this juncture there appeared : at the open door of the cabin the man's wife, tall, sallow and gaunt. After a careful survey of the ques tioner, she said: "Ain't you got no sense, Hill? He means was yo' livin' heah , when you was born, or was yo' burn before yo' begun livin' heah. A rlt'unMlL'. t'!i-:lll. rnulilli!. : u.ilhiiiLr. lu'lltili'J' liiillt'lluM ivnir.lv Ii- I'l-Witt's l .ul, .li.i'. Wil.'li llu'.i i -aK.'. I in Imi li. nils, si'iutrlit'. linnM"!. hiM't't bile, inn! Milt1 trt'l it is iuinimli-'l. I iunil Inr 1'ili's. r.t'wun' uf Imitation. Let Oi'tt ill's, ll Is tin' lii-l. S.,1,1 l.v W. M. ('..Iii'll. Wi'l.lim, . 1'. An armless couple were recent ly married in Ohio. They have no intention uf going through life hand in hand. Tho Slory ofa Medicine. Il.s luimi' "(tiilili'ii Miiliriil Ilis,'nvirvw whs sul'l'i'sIi'iI liy iiihhiI hs niosl lnimrt ma ami Viiliiiililn Innri'ilii'iits liukli'ii Si-al n m it . Niiirly forty yi-;irs au, llr. IMiTre dl.i ciiviTi'i! that hi' I'i'iil 1, liy tin- lisi'uf pnn lriilr-ri-litii'tl lyri'titii'. uiili'il hy u i-rr-tain ilruri'ii of I'otistantly maliitaittril Lral anil Willi tl:i aiil of apparatus and appliai s iii'si;':i.-il t irtlait jiurpnsi', ox- trart friitn our um-i vaiualilii ntilivi.' 1110 diiiiiul riHils tln'ir I'liratlvn prupi'rlli'S nun-It lii'ttrr tlian liy tin' iimi of iik'ohnl, in. ifftM-rall y I'inployi'il. So thi' now worhl-fami-d "llnlili'ii .Miilii'ul Ilisi'ov.'ry." for Hip run' of wi-.ik sUimai'h, iniliixt'.' lion, or dyspepsia, tortiiii livrr, or blllousi'ss uud iiindn-il di.Tuniti'UU'nts wus tirst Patle. as It i'vit sini.' has liKj'n. without a purtlclo of ah'iihol ill lis mai-up. A i;taiic'ijUsJ)Jiil list of Its Ingrt'tlt cuts, priiilrd oVTvi'rv boltli'-HrappiT, uill show that It is niiuV' from the most valnulili' iiii'dk'lnul riiNAfound itrowing In our Aincrit'iin fori'-fSJ All Ihrsp in- gr.'ili.'iits havi' ffftvyd thi' alp'ltp.'s fll- ' tii''iit Iroin tin- i ailing m. J i. al r- .Ull'i'.-H 'Ml" ri riimiiii'nil tln'lil as llil TuxilTuf these, etitlorsciiu lili lia Imvii L'niniiilitl 1 v Dr. U. V. ru-riv. Hufrulo, X. Y.. ami will ln m;i ili-ft Inr to any mil' asking unii' liv jninl rard, or letter iuhtri'ssei to ttie bnetiir as itlinvc. FruTIl these eiltlnrselui-nls, rnpietl trnill st.iiui;inl nt.'ilic;il Umks,if tli. illller eut sehHiN f praetit-e, tt will lie hunnl t h;t t the itmreilii'iitseHnipiisiii'.rtlie"i;nl( cn Meilieul Hi-i'nerv " are ikImm-iI nirt only Inr the cure t ili'-alime inrntiuiii'd disass, hut al-o fnr the eure nf t-:i-t;irrl,;tl, Itroiirhial ami ihmal .illectinns, a'niinpaiiietl with catarrhal tlirh;iiKi litiar'iu'ss. snre, Ihruai. luiifiTiin;. nr haiik'-MH-t'niiirh, nml nil tli-f w t i ntlertiHTi- which, it' ii-.t ipniptlv and t)ri"wrly treated bp1 liable to trrtninai In niiuuiitim. Tal.e hr. Pierce's Di CitVerv in time itlltl lietM'Vi're III il- tln until you Hive it n fair trial ami it I tint likftv t.nli;iipMiini. Thi in ii-la ttmst not tie exiH'i-i.d (1f it. It will iii't p. rfirm iniraeles. It will iml rure cuiiMiiiiptinii In mkiineeil tHt'ei. n HMtllcilie will. It "ill t-i:re the tillirtinto that leud up to CoiiMimptbu, ij Uthin in time. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss ol strength, nervoe ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh ol Ihe stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural juices of digest Hon as they exist In t healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonlo and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this lamous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purilylng, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Bill, o( Ravensirood. W. Vi.. uyi: " I was troubled with aour stomach tor twenty years. Kodol cured me uns we are now using It In milk lor ttaby." Kodol Digests What You tat Botllas only. JI 00 Site holdlr., M times the trial site, which sella lor SO cents, trepans! by I. O. O.WITT ft Oa, OHIOAQO, Sold liy V. l CoIipu. Weldou, S. C. MY MQflPHlER I no li'il mi' finin Anil lilislii'il tin' in And on mv cIhtIcs Wlii'ii sleep 1'iiKsonk my open cvi'. Who was it saiiK swim-I htishaliv. And rucked mo iltiit I slintilil not i rv ': My Mothi'i-: Who sat and wati'lii'il my iitl'.iiil hi'ti l, Whi'ii Nli'fpino- in mv ciailli' lied. Anil li'iii-s uf swei't iillVction shi'il V My Mother. When 1 1; i in and sickness made tor ci v. Who gu.eil upon my heavy eve, -A 1 1 1 1 wept for t'eai- j sliuul'il fi.; My Mother. Who dressed my dulls in dollies so uv, -Villi t:iuo;hl mc pretty how to plav, And minded ull I'd ottosav:-' My M(1 her. Who ran to help me when I fell. And would some pretty story tell. Or kiss the place to make it well My Mother. Who taught my infant lips to pray, And love ( Jod's hoi v Hook and (lav. And walk in wisdom's pleasant wav? My Mother. And can I ever cease to lie, Affectionate and kind to thee: Who was so kind to me? My Mother. All! no; the thought 1 cannot hear, And if Uod please my life to spare, I hope 1 shall reward Thv care. My Moth-r. .,. When thou art feelile, old and yray, My healthy ;irm shall lie thy stay. And T will soothe Thv pains awav. . -My Mother. And when I see thee lian-r thy head. "Twill he my turn to watch thy lied, And tears of sweet affection shed. My Mother. For 'tod, Who lives above the skies, Would look with vengeance in his eves, If I should ever dare despise, Mv Mother. PLAYING TO THE GALLERY. The F-ldcrly Super Kelt he Was the Attraction of the Hour. William Deans Howell, the great novelist, was condemning a certain very popular writer. "The man could do better work," said Mr. Howells: "but he is always appealing to the gallery. The thing is ludicrous to me. It makes me think of that super of whom Booth used to tell. "There.was an elderly super who in a certain new play was to come on and say to Booth, 'My lord, the carriage waits.' That was his only line throughout the piece. "Well, the play progressed fine ly on its presentation, but when the old super appeared he lirst said, 'My lord, the carriage waits,' as was expected of him, and then, instead of retiring, he advanced to the footlights, looked up at the crowded gallery, and ex claimed with great vigor and ani mation: " 'And allow me to add that the man who lifts hand against a wo man, save in the way of kindness, is unworthy the name of an Amer ican.' "Then amid overwhelming ap plause, he made his exit." NOT Vl)t MIS HEALTH. "Yes, I'm going abroad at once. I gotta go." "Oh, you mustn't let the doc tor's scare you." "I got this from a lawyer." Washington Star. ; in vnu rriilly I'lijuy what vim r:tl'.' lines yum r.iii.1 tasli' ui.t .! iii .iii ti'fl liuii- trty Itltit llli.lt-' 1 1 I II I Villi li;t I' u I lit'itvy. illlll li'rllll'.' alli'l Ini'tils. sour stiiiimi'li, lii-li'liine. cusiiii ilii- stiiinui'li, Imii Ini'iilli, itnlirsliiiii uinl ilvsiii'iisii!'.' 1 If so. vnu should tuki' ulitllt' Kniliil :tl tiT t'ui'li iiii'ul. ImkIuI will iiiiiinsli nii.l slri'iietlii'ii ymii' ilicrslivi' oieiius itml fiiinisli llit' iialiinil ili:i'siivi' juii'i's I'm j yiiiir stoiniu'h. Il will iiialif you vvi'll. I It will inukt' yimr tuiul tin miu unml. 'I'tiiti vimi' timd into enii'l. tii'h lilmnt. Kniliil iliecsts liul vi. iirai. Soli I liy W. M. Cuiii'ii, Ui'liliin. . C. Many a man who has his price gives himself away. The Charming Woman is nut iii-C'ssaiilv i.tn'iil H'rf.'- fi.riu anil f.-al-ur.-s. Man a plain weniaii ulm ,',.iil,l ii,'vit serve as an arlist'i iiu.ili-1, p.is,.s.,.s iliosi-rart- itnalilii's that all llu- w.niil ailinir.-s: n.-al-ii.'sm, cli'ar t'v.'H. clean smnotli skin an.) ilial Kt.riRlillinss i.t step an.l a.'ii. hi Dial a.'ci.nipa ny eissl health. A physically weak women is never attractive, nut even to herself. F.lectric Hitters ri'sture weak women. Bivestronir ncrvm brisht pyi's, nmiMilli. velvety skin, beautiful complrsionj (iuaranteed at an, druvtist. 50l- hi'i- "I'lii li' lui'iist. hi'i' nrnis tu i'1'st. swi-rt kisses prcssi il Mv .Mothi'i-. Long Live The King! Hi'' in.i-ul.tr ,-i lli.iiiuiiiiui ;, ., ,.,,. ii--: v.'.iil.. Hi.. ,-r in Am, ri,-:i. iii.. ,., , .,i ,i... IT' - in .l.n is ".,la ,,,,. llr. Km,.'. V,.,. i. ."ri. K'liir i.t Thr.mt .iml l.n,,,; Tr.nili.'...." "I nlii.'h Mi.. JU KmI.t I'an,,.. i Trim, M "I' "' ! (nils I., iiiv.' iiuim-.li.it.. r.li.l.iii.l i ,-i,i, ,.,,. :, r oli, .. Mrs. I'.u nr's ... i n nn is i.ir,., I,, a ni.iinril , ,,l (In- iiili.il.ilaiiisi.l tliis oiiniiry. X, His,-,,,-it 1'iii. s w. al, liiniis iiiul s,,r,. iluoais all.'rall iiili. r r.'iii,',l,..s liav,.fa,l,.,l: :,,! ,, ...iui,. a, i'- 11 1 suiv.'iir,'. lliiai.iiiu.,', n a illiniisi.. Sic. ami 1. Trial Ik.iii.- In , . There are times when words fail a man but if he has a wife it doesn't matter much. FOR OVRR SIXTY YEARS Mils. Wins) ,.n 's SiiuniiM. sun i' lia.. ln'i'ii Usui I'm uvi'i tin years hv miliums nl' nn it lii-rs I'i it t licit I'hililivii In lc tcct li mit. Willi pl'lll'l't Slll'i'i'ss. 1 1 s .s llic chilil, siil'tciiis the iriini. alluvs all I'Uin; I'liics win, I ciihc. an. I is the lies! lciiicly fur liiai i h.ca. 1 1 will relieve I he P little siitl'i'iet illlllleilialrlv. .-nlil hy ilrneirists m eveiv pail of llic w.itl.i. '.'i I'ciils a hniilc. He sure an.l ask I'm "Mis. Hiiislnw's siiiithiiii; vnii " ami take on iithei kin.l. I iiiaiaiilee.l uii.lei llic I'lu.ilan.l 1'ruirs Ai'l. .Illlle ailth. IU'lll. Serial niinilicr. loos. When a woman forgets an in jury she keeps forgetting that she has forgotten it. (let a sample uf Pi. Slump's "Health ( iillee " al mil Mure. 1 1' real I'nlfee ills luihs vs. in sUuuai'h. yuiir Mean m vmu Ki.llicys. then try this clever I'lillec 11111 taiinn. Or. Shin',i has cliiselv maleheil OM .lava ami Mucha C.iU'ee' in ilavur iiiul lasle. yet it has ,u,t u siiiL'le main i.l real entice ill il. Ii. slump's Heallh '.nice iiiiiiaoiui is mailc liiiui p ire li.ilsle.l maius nf cereals, with Malt, Nllls, clc. Mailc ill a miiiiile. Nn c ilinus wait. Vnu n ill mhov like il Si.l, I hy W'.T I'aikel. U el.lmi. ( '. She is a wise wife who pretends to believe everything her husband tells her. Was In Moor Heallh lor Years lia VV. K. ll. M.m-li. 1,1. I'.,., am,..: " . i I nir lie.illli l.n v.MIs, suit.. inn Iiiul I. nl in-, ant I. tail. iei lioiili!.-. .mil s,., in eniisnl. i.il.le ni'inev in ,'i iii-iil 1 1 ii i" pin sieian, n illiniit ..luani inn am .li.iik.'.l I. iietii. Put i',ii,., ,, y' li'. "s Ki,l in , I'liie, ami I ilesin- lo ail. I tn lesti iiiunv lliat il ma Is-tile cans,, of resiorini: tile health ol oilier.." Ki lns,. .iiIkiuiu,... I'm-sale hy I-;. Clink. el,li,n. VI'. A fool for luck is a man who succeeds in getting what you want. War Against Consumption All nalions an- ti inu to elieeU i lie rataic's of I'otisiiiupiloii, tlie " liite plainte" itiai claims so main vielinis each tear. Kolev's ll.nlev an.l 'far euies coiuilis ami i'oI.Is perfei-ilv ami ..u are in no danger of .'I. nsiiiiiptiiin. llo not risk tour lloallli lit lakiim some preparation when Foley's It v ami Tai is safe ami .'.-riant in re-nlls. Tile iieitiiiiic is in a ..lovv pa.'kaK... I'm sale hy I'., ( lark. Wcl.lmt. N. ( '. But few men are able to appre ciate justice when they get it. O e-a.-su. . V . Betra tho I h..' Kind la Han Alwas Houjlit Bigntttirs SPOTS B. THE SUN. They Appear Unexpectedly and Are of Various Sizes. I he most gorgeous object on which the eye of man ever rested is the glorious sun. A star, like millions that cover the sky pole to pole; yet, strange lo we know almost as much these stars .is we do of our As to the cause ol the sun's we are absolutely ignorant, appear unexpectedly, are of In nn .-ay, about own. spots They van- otis sizes, and on various pans ol its disc both north and south uf the collator, and seldom if ever at the equator and never north or south of latitude sixty degrees. Some spots are of enormous sie, of which the present spot is an example, though not a striking one, being visible through a smoked glass to the naked eye. A spot to he seen as a minute speck must be about .lO.OOO miles in diameter, but according to pub- lished accounts, this particular spot must be some 120,000 miles in size. If, as seems probable, it is a hole through the sun's atmosphere it would swallow up the earth as a nail keg would a small apple. Besides the spots, the entire surface of the sun is covered with ' the minutest telescopic spots, call ed "rice-grains," in numbers be yond compulation. No one knows what they are. Many suppose they appear periodically, once in about eleven years, but the evi dence appears to be pretty weak. The immense size of the sun cannot be appreciated except by Him who made ii. In vol ume it exceeds the earth over 1,300,000 times, his diame ter being 886,500 miles. If the eight planets and the twenty-five moons and (he fiOO asteroids wt c all fused in one round globe, it would he a small one compared volume for volume with the sun. The sun rotates on its axis the same as do the planets, his exact time being unknown, though its about 25 ' days. Gravity at its surface is 27 1 times greater than on the earth, and in volume 1 09 1 times, so that a man of ordinary height would, if transplanted' to the sun, be ti25 feet tall.--Christian Herald. A GRAVE OI'I ENCE. A prisoner was brought before a police magistrate. The latter looked around and discovered that his clerk was absent. "Officer," he said, "what's this man charged with?" "Bigotry, your honor. He's got three wives." The magistrate looked at the of ficer as though astonished at his ignorance. "Why, officer," he said, ":hat's not bigotry: that's trigonometry." Many a man will be surprised when he gets to heaven to tit id how large a place his little kindly deeds occupy in its memory. Stimulation Without Irritation Tli.l! I- til.- iv .ileli v La vat i ve Ki nil S v , it i Til l! il . I'll ...I... ll.il Olill.i Ul.Ues llle lion e!. . il 1, ml I m sale K. I'laik. Welil. ,ii. V ('. S'll 111 .III', to Cupid employs a lot of rones in his match factory. chape- A Wonderful Happening. Its r X. V.. ha. nun ein.irk.ililo ol lie., mo. I". Km., ol ill. n pi. Ariu.'.l s.il.e eiir.,1 III nhi.'li I h.i. I .mi. I, . I , ear. ol.l." 1 .11, 'I .ml. . . .liua.i.l. -;.'. e.i. Ion'- ley I Our records depend not on our great plans but the test conies w hen we find the partieulanees. A Memorable Dny. Hi- o! llu- il.us ii, i. nn ihIh i uuli ..l.-ii-ui.' .is if ph. lit in nut li .Ulh, t- ilx- m n w hi.ii. u.' U'-,ini' ,,i'i ii.i i iii id u iih lh Kihk's X.-H I IM'iS III. Ii.iiul.-- Hlll. i,tll.l h-.nlit.il'' uii. I I. 1 n hi-in---, .mil ki -n tin- d r jhi. .ti .tu . .h ii si. u .-. There is a good deal of apparent poverty that needs your time more than your dime. Iliu inn Hie sun,..,.'! kul iii oil. n eauseil l.v eve. -ssi,,. Iliel It.'. lie. I. All. 11,1 lo the lisinu .'ol, K nt.l. V ( life I nl sale hv Iv ( link. v irretii.n n l ies , .liinkina or Is. ki.lnes at oneo W el.lnn. X. C You do not have much faith in your Father unless you have some in his family. Ha. I sick heailai'hes, hiliiiustiess or emisiipatiiin me iuu'klv tclieveii hv lr licWitt s Little Karly l!iseis. Small pill, sure pill, sale pill prompt anil pleasant in aetii.u. Sulil hy W. M. Cohen. Weldon, X. (', Special for ten days Rooms papered for $S.50 up. T. A. Ricci, Paperhatiger, Weldon, N. C. (iiiif i il i. i'.i l:en In our Old Arc We Look Hack lo That reeling Ai One of the Sweetest We llaie il.id Through Life. ouik: tlic idea "I oile ,s ill' tier the mind ol a man .im:;-. with all'eclioii. il is the ir.M ih-iughl stamp.: I upon .w n he. ti ts when yd v .,i ,i:id o! ivceivim: the i:i -i pr-'fotin. press;. us. and the ,ii;e;' iecii;;1 the work! are more .,r les'. I;:; coinpai isoti, hveii in our ok we look b.tck to thai feeling as one of the sweetest we have liil'oi!;;';i life. ( )ur iissions and our will;;!, ness may le;'.d us i'.tr frmn tile i, icci ol our I'.li.t! ..ve; we ieai'il even to pain Iter heart, to oppose her wishes, to violate her com mands; we may heeoiile wild, headstrong and angry at her coun sels and opposition: but when death has stilled her monitory voice, and still memory remains to recapitulate her virtues and good deeds, affection, like a Mower, beaten to the ground by the past storm, raises her head and smiles among her tears. Kound that idea, as we have said, the mind clings with fond affection : and ev en when the early period of our loss forces memory to be silent fancy takes the place of remembrance, twines the image of our dead par ent with a garland of graces and beauties and virtues which we doubt not she possessed. DEAD CITIES. "What became of Nineveh?" asked the Sunday school teacher. "li was destroyed," said John ny promptly. "And what became of Tyrer" "I'unciured." U hen llu 10 !- Ihe .,"hii el ill'llLIi'sl I, in, he. 1 1 1 l.ul II. an I'm mi ..l simnaeli u-ul lie Kmlal iieeasl.in.ill', an. I itlf.ii.leil prmnpl relict', k .i.iiicl nl wct'iaMe .p-nls -t in. heals ;l:ili:l. ii le I.Ike a Ii vmi will I i..!.. I s:i,.,,: HI'I ei'llla.l the ju s 1. 1 ii ii. I in a tu a 1 1 1 1 Kii.inl .:je-l- wiial rm: , a., in: !'u 1. 1 ilu '.mi i: I. -.'I.l l.v W. M, I uh.H. W'el.i, N. I ' A girl idea of a nice man is one who says she broke his not marrying him when ask her. lie Iimi-,' hi. h.- iei hi- he didn't OR A lor Infants r.iul Chililren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boar. Sinutu li.". ef L-ttIs. OlZlOXZIOas SIX PIANO For this week Conover Piano, upright SI'JS. j Wellington Piano, S-15. Wheelock I'prighl. -SK.i.l Stieff I'prijtht, $1KS Stieff Rosewood I'iana Guild Piano, small si.e S. ill All jruaranteed to be in fine condition. All used. I V.' i iianhy st., Vml',,11,. Vn. John J. foster, Manager. i0 ;iM l1' L'v hi:w.!:i;i iii:a v ami nsi'V Wi It'Wtl have the Ix'st line of (Irot'eiics in When in need uf uuvtliinir in Grocery Line ! 'ail on us. or ntoek ; m ' u part of your trade. i -.. - . (live us I Ffll.FTSTfOliTYARDTATI .Innilkarmoll. V..., top tb caunfe tod h.U Iuukp J.H.Howard&Co JOTDll. 1! '' Constipation Mi ,ni.. iii...ii... t.rlnf '.l Hllli ilMirK, ! :vi. lln' m.i :!.. I, i V'-lf. I.ihl.. r. i y tO ,i...i.i '!'li Ml IhhiU II li i llliil., II iIi,mi lung 'i:l-. - ..iy 1. 1 l.i ,i:il, And ll.l It ii ill. r.n.ml I., i oii-i inii.,11 a r- rlnil In I a lilomiit I'ltn. i- a in..-; i .. i . : i ma I., iliii "Hi 'I .' iMi I -,'! ; nun '. nun, Sliw -"I"! I ' i';i. I ..i I'tnii, . I- tliis ..i ' I - t' ' . ii n- Ki'Ml' -I i n-.ii.lM ' ' ' "' I : I '.I ' 1. in A 1.,i,!.-,,iii i ii ' I I-"' I-. I- :i" l ::i... u! tin, i ... I I . I'I .'. . I,, ,11, i. ,,,,,., 1 ' I: 1. ' i U. i - .". .-!..- ,.i. :., I ... -1 liii.i.li ' "'II. ' " .1- i" l. - il l.,ii.l uinl . tin- lit:, um! .'.j r.-tili li oliunilcil bill) els W. M. COHEN. ApiiiiiiitDX Iron Works, -' I'i :l. ( ll.l .-I reel. i;i:-i'.i'i,'';. iklima. Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. HiiviiiL' Inmeht nut steel .V. .Mexaiiilcr liiitnileis an. I machinists, with all pat terns, we ale uiitt prepaid In furnish parts In machines i'uiiiieily music hy thciii. Hydraulic lressesand Peanut Machinery A Specialty. Mill wink aiel easiiuos nf all kuuls, Seemiil haiul niaehiiu ry I'm sale cheap, ( all mi us m K i nc I'.,, !,.,, V1P11 aut. Great Reductions For Cash ' M 1 1 1 . 1 1 , Ituss. sj,7.'i. .'i -mv i na Kujs. se JO. M. o ik-i :. I!n. 'Mi' ft. sir.T'i le ( 'I i Mattiu-. iii,.. e ISC. '". '! I a,,,, .1,1,0 '..' . H ;li.i., -ha.les Ilii- '.'"'I' L'-V.l wuie l.innli mil. i.'.c. Fli.m (i;i t l..tli. IS!'. Asuiinstc! I atpetino. SI III I llx 'H 1'ieliiie traines. Wall paper. I. i ami las iei ml li-tc. se. sue ilic la Talking Machines, (iraphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, ami supplies mi haml at all limes, at the st pi SPIERS BR0S w i;i.iii. n. c S" I'! .ii'-' n ji'. a-.uil n'l. r V " 1 1 1 ' ' ' m li.li.i.v.. , i . ;. ' ,,ui . 1. r I I ' 1 '' 'I.. ..' it. ,. nirn rll I n . li , a : .. "l KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. I m sale l,v I!, 1 laik. Uel.l.iu. N. (', ' sI'l.-IM. AMI SIMMKI; 11 MILLINERY. l-'MICY (itHIUS ami XOVKI.TIKS. I'.lltt, 'lick's ruttci'im. R. & Q. Corsets, Misses at ; I-a.lies to l. M.I'1'ie.'H will he made to suit the tunes. Hals unit linnnets made and triiniueil tu onler. A 1.1. M.Ul.OliUKUS I'KOMPTLY ITLLKI). . MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldou, N. ('. ! ! Sf l?YWinTYni1! u . . .. . . . Vwatil Mat,, , tttdnsjys and Bliddar Right

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