Ulk ft I k, v Vj? t.' f v Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. V KLDON, N. ('., TIU KSDAV. ,) IA lVi. 11)07 Terms oi' Si:bs(.Tiptit.(l..ti.3w lv Annum VOL. WAl. NO. 1 li . 11 W .It . L-imilfilimt V.. 1,1 .i..,uiu!-i .iiiniuni r.e. avu i.i.i.i.;. tin . I I .iiaMlfclli. ,;j I'rotmws Ditji'siioii.ChrtTl'iii ; m-ss-wlVsllVituiiiisiK'tiliiT j Upturn. Miwliuit' iu'I'MiihTii!. iji NOT N.V1M tTJC. r i Liu - " . ; - t , "miitt - ,' j ! Api'itW-l lli'i.ii'ilv rni-('onsli ! i'.i lion. Sun-Sloiira U. l)tiriini y Worms .t llllvuKUMlS.lvviTlrill I ii iwss onj Loss or Si.i:i. ! Hi l ar Simile Siv;n.'tUir? ot I NKW YOKK. 3E IE Ik : Bank : f' t--ACT C0Pr OK WRAPPER. j WKLDDN. N. C. Opiizd Under The Laws of the State of North Carolina, Al HI T-.'I'II. tviL'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Vi'eldoti Depository. Capital and Surplus, $38,000 . 1 7 O It I t tin iii-liiiitioh ha- H(ii.lftl I'atil.nii: farihtir lot tln mt H linn. Its 1in',hi'll-i mitl iliiffliM have ht-fh t-lrntiiicit with tin- )mnn'- uili'i i I latilax a ih I N utth:Liii f 1 ui ftni.t irs Un inuiiv , year. Mmicy is Inaiu-tl upon ;i'H"veil t'l'iinty at t lit- ley a I ialr ut' mtcicsl si per eeiitimi. AeeDiiut- ttl'ull are Milieiteil. V II K-l'irllli:M" W. I: w Wil l , kit w.i wis. iJdkksnD-itrihanilin l'n. V i ) mmMmmmMnmmmmmmum GARRETT & Ph:i.hr yx' i S' ! Wine m WifflW:i"r;sV?BJ Growers- ESTABLISH Kl :t.V S PEGIALTIEB u I d r I u i a n a n c (WhiteScuppfriHHigJ OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY W HIAWATHA l ketiClmuuatnie) PAUL C A RRETT SPECI L tqc (Spark lihi! And all other varieties ol Pure aiel Wliulcwum Wines lur liuim-s ami hntcl n Highlit Cash Triren ''aiil in Sc.i: "wiLtjiii nraiitai, ui laiuis, .uu niniin i.iu.i; w .rir..r, . a. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY the HvnActtiAn I j no To Norfolk Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 t'o November 30, 1907. Special Kate lrom Weldon: Round trip season tickets, $3.85; Hound trip 60-day tickets, ; Round trip 10 day tickets, $2."0; Round trip coach Excursion ticket $2 oS. ; I'oai'li KxiMirsioit rule sol.l j.rior lo oteiiinir 'late mid on eaeli 'rues.iay thereafter liinileil seven ilavs an. I enilorseil "Not lioo.l in I'nlliiiaii Parlor Cat s." (Ithi r tick ft s so on null April tstli an. I eoiitiniie until elose ol liiositioti. I'or rate! from other points, apply to your nearest l'.( IA I! I uireiit. or repre Jienlatives liHllle.l lielow. Unexcelled Fassenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. T F. ANDERSON, C. H. QATTIS, Tiekat Agrat, Weldou, N. 0. Tv. Ap-nt, Ulrigli4N. ('. Qjmm oiuriiH for Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature 01 In Use For Over Thirty Years THC CENTAUR COWPANV. NEW VORN CtTV. 3& 30 of : I elioi W V SMI 111. COMPANY, wri d r r a ui -i kj t a c ( IWA S tippfj nuu; j HJiimuruAUA 11 v v. ii r i j" I I h V St-UHllt-HHtlll! 1 'rt' rhampaiti) . I..r all Li,,,l .,l .n ...II I i A1 AvX Aoieiicanl A SYMPOSIUM. "Wlttii is the secret ut' stiucssV" asked the Sphinx. "Push, " saiJ the Button. "Ttiko pains," said the Window. "Never he led," said the pencil. "Be up-to-date," said the Calen dar. "Always keep cool," said the Ice. "Never lose your head," said the Barrel "Do a driviiij; Inisincs," said the Hummer. "Aspire to greater things," said the Nutniec. "Make much of small things," said the Microscope. "Never do anything oli'-hand," said the (ilove. "Spend much time in reflec tion," said the Mirror. "Do the work you are suited for," said the Hue. "Get a good pull with the ring," said the Doorbell. "Be sharp in your dealings," said the Knife. "bind a good thing and stick to it," said the Glue. "Trust to your stars for suc cess," said the Night. "Try to make a good impres sion," said the Seal. "Turn all things to your advan tage," said the Lathe "Make the most of your good points, " said the Compass. "Be always on the lookout for a snap," said the Camera. "Be ever ready to do a good turn for anyone," said the ('rank. - Hxchange. Mllilpl nl' Hi. slump's ! -dill .lis. I Ull.'l' 111 ..III sllilf. I I IVilt ('Hill'. tin I. s y..iu M..!n:ir!i. ymir Hun t t.r yi iii r kl.lnry. lln-li l iv I Ills clever collet' lllli lull. .11. i. lmo. has closelv miltclieil IH.I .Lua iiti.l Mocha 1'i.ihV in Ihuor aii.l late. ei it hu not a single mum ol n al e..llee in tl. hi. slioop s Health Collec lliiilation is tuaile I'iomi nilc loastr.1 trains of cereals, with Mall, Vits, elf. Ma.le in a minute. No le- illou wall. N oll will smelv IlUe it. -ol.l l,v W.T. I'aiker. Wel.lon. N r. If yon can keep sweet in a world where selfishness is turning men sour, you are doing more to wards its enriehnient than all the silver mines of the ages. I on Live The king! i- lli- pnj'ul.n ri ilu'-itijli'-iii KniMp. an t"tim-ti-ies ; w Hite (h.- ci l, ill A lini n'.t. 1 1 1 - crv el t lit invsi mi ,li is I.ui.y lev.- H. Kinu'- N.-w I Ms. r h. i . iJ'iiu hi Tloeiii .1 ml l.ii ti Ti'iiull-s," e) v.ch Mi-. Julia KmI.-i' I'.i , Trure, M.i.. s.iv-: "It ii.m.t l.uU h a. oiiiiuMi.Hi' r.-li. f .iii.l io in,-l. ' i-iin- a niHrfli or f.ilil " Mi I'.i ok-ni'ito.'ii -li. i ltd Ih a ma torn of tlia inhabit. nil-o the. nnti . N. iv Di-'iv- , rr I'm. - vi aK luiii!- .mil -i'H' i tiro.it-. aftrr all . eili.T ri-nit'ihfs h.m- tailnl ; ami lr con all-ami ,-,.i,t tl v .,,, .,. i;,,,i i man ! ,l.nau,-.. ami l. Trial I..IH.' fr.-.-. , t No man is tailed to the glory of i dragon shying until he has learn ed 10 do linle kindly deeds. War Agninst Consumption All iiaiioti- aii' ii inn to i-licck lie ravaft s ut t'eii-uiuption. tin- " hue eUimi. '' that I'Uiims SMiiiam ictiiH-rach ar. ViW Hotirv ait it 'I'ai fii re- I'onuli- .iii.l t-nlil i. rfi'"iU ami iu ai' in ixi tlaiid'r : i'iii-iiiiitiiiii. bo mt ri-k v.'itr lii-allli In tul.inu tim- in i;arat imi lt.-n '.i-- t)ine ami 'I'.i i i-sufV ami n.i i n in ri'-nlis. The ifi'inntu' i- in a .-llew co-Wairi'. for sale hv K. ( lark. Wel.lon. N. I'. Trouble is ihe only thing that comes in answer to the prayer for something to turn up. It's nice not to be at home when some people call. DOCTORS MISTAKES Are said often to lie l.lirie.1 six feet tliuli'l irroiinil. Hut tiiativ linn- .iiii..ii rail on lli-1 r taniily iti i.-iim-. sutleriiiK. hs tliey Imagine, one lroui.l)-i.'isia,anotlier (nun li.'iitt disease, another from liver or kid ney ili-ease, another (ruin nervous pros tration, another with pain In re mid tliern, n iu I in this uav tliev present lilikn tu themselves llliil their .'11 y if . l 1 1 u or over t.ll'.y doetor, separate dtseil.es, for nhU'h lie, a'stiuiitiK them to lie su.-ti. preseri Ih'H bis pills and potions In reality, they urn ull only niof"Uix enured hv some merino disease.. 1 ner(.r.y.ifi.in, yioraiil ot tlift cuiiKr'of tuilTeruijrtrv'ps uprtHjrentnietit until lare tiills are rify.tr-. TliJNufferlnpt path'til (rets no helti'iJiJrTam44fcmvtho wrong treatment, hut proliatily wurseT uauridnejiliiil'.r, I'hTij's Knvnraa I 'r.''TI I M l"ll, l' I f ' 'I t" flic ftHI.W v. h i a lux.-itllvL'- t...-1m MimV??p. tlirS by Jiirflln afl'thoVe (IltTcAins symn- toms, and intitutiiur comfort Instead of proloiiK'd misery, lthus been well said, ; Unit 'a diM'tte known is half cured." ' Dr. Pierce's Kuvorito Trescriptlon fs ft ! scientific medicine, carefully devised by ! an experienced and skillful physician, and uifunted to woman's delicate svttein. j Ilisuiadoof nativn American medicinal i riwts and U perfectly harinh'! In IU ; elTvts in 0)11 o.ioifc'H or ill funnT , As u powerful Invik-orntinir tonic "Fa vorite I'reserlptlou" Imparts strength to the whole system and to the orKHiis dis tinctly feminine iu particular. For over worked, "worn-out." run-down, rt debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, leunistresscs, "shop-irirls," houe-keeMTS, nnrinu mothers, and feehl" women tren erally, Dr. Pierre's Favorite Trecrlplion Is tlie greatest earthly hcon. beitifi an eni;ded as an appeli.in cordial and re storative tonic. As a southiup and stremrthenlnt; m-rv-ine "Favorite Prescription " is uneoitaled and is invtiltiiihle iu allaying a 110 sii t diiiutr nervous excitahiliiy. Irritability iterviMis exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasm. M. Vitus' dance, and other di-trelmj, nervous nyniphuns commonly attendant Umii fiUH'tioiml and oranlc disease of the uterus. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental aniiety and dcunonrtpncy. Dr. ri..rce'a Pleasant Fciiots fnviRoraU the Htoinaeh, liver and ixwla. On to Uiraa a dutw, Kasy lu taknai caudy. 2 M . .. . v. . Binll ll'U. i i'.l Ai'VI'.'S RQUP.fit i GOT HIS REVENGE. The Way Lord Brougham Paid Hii Diibt to Ctionjc IV. nil all "I' hW Know lole niui tnleiil l.nnl 1 't'ouu h.t m wnv it i -im M rl atnl slovfiiiy hi his i'-rsM!ial hatilts. While he was it yuiiim ami ';n:iim-atn rly 1'iiUiii.v. n liariivl.'r In was asked In a iliiiiier al whi.h the ilntf recent presided. Mr. r.reii'.'1' i m's haiuls m-'ilrd washiiiL'. The regent's keen eyes rested mi llieni. m I Uniied U 11 wnller and j.rtive mi order uhlrli the ina u hen rd v it It a sen red fare, and tiled iit'j: nut he s;ieed,y relllllieil ltli a ewer full f uuter, nai mid n Jnwel. He enirlel them tn r.rniiham, pre Helitihir them with the priii' e resent's eninpllinniit-. 'Che hairi-l.'i' lnstiuitly withdrew nd never n Tier ward l'e lerred In the Insult. Years It'tf v. -vle-M l!e irinee. imtt liliiff. tr!"d ti divm-. e his ult'e. I'.rnt:h Ut m , ;is her delete !m Ai vehement ly sustained her I'liuK that she triumphed. The l;liiLr's name was nut lneutliMted dnrinp; the Chtl. tlmuh llie li!U!nii knev thai he was seeredy tho prnseeilh.' . Hl'"!!'.;! II! Ill llis vpe4'eh deWiuvd that In- .-iiw In the divtan-e the luiinidts peiveeiiinr (,' Ids Innu cent ellent. ipjnlfiiK witli terrirte eflVft Mlltnn's words: The nil. "I sflllpf, Jf nhn.H! It inifdii In- callctt. sIdoiI ii n r.lv'lii. Fk-rre aw tf'i fuvl.'H. ten ihli Ari'l nl:i.!; a .nihil dart : 1 blii.'k It h li.-l 1. t in h.-iul Tin; lilii-inss uf a kingly wn had nn ionri;.' IV. fell scrii.llsl.v tills hiiviihc altin k. 'I lie nation si. led with tho : (liU'L'it, ttnil her ill I'eiKloi' hurl palil Ills ; deht with inti'tvsl. ', THE DRUG STORE. ' IU Evolution From the Apothecaries of the Coloniei. Imii'Iiik' 'lie HeuMiteeiilh eenlury the dniplst mine tu America mid eUmely followed KiitflNh precedents, niodtly ltiff them, however, hy the prartlrrt of tho Indfnns, with whom he came In mntttel. lum k upolhecaileH tieKiin to HprhiR up In the new In ml, and In l("l l ho enlnuy nf Vlr(inl:i pnssed a law whhh anmnj; other thlnu's lemilated Ihe prices ntid fees of Hie riniKlst. At this time it whh fiishlomible fur the dnitftflsts to praetiee surgery in nd ditinn to phannary, and the Virginia eolony (ontalneil a larp.e number of people Im were prnri lent In both pn leHshniK, In MasNiicluisetts the husi wss wa.-i hirtely hi lUo IiuihIh of Indians, sehnnlmasterh, old wuim-n atnl teachers. The Salem wlti-hernft tie lusloii ndiirdfil the spread nf the dru Kist fm some time In the liny State, for the popular Impression fastened on the apothecaries a suspicion that they sold the potions 1 hat were supposed to produce ihe spells. Amoni; those who HiiflV red persecution at this time mixers of medicine appear to have, been prominent. The dnii simp had not yet become a dlstlmt Institution. It was usually a branch of the irmcery or splct.' busi ness. In 1C17 one (liles I'onimn of Huston, had. however, firmly estab lished himself us devnllni; special at tention tn pharmacy. In pl!K the llrst distlncilve dniL; store in America was opened In Boston hy William I'avitfs. - I.lpptiicoit's. . , . Horse i Memory. , , , , , M-'' f"t,,l'r 11,1,1 " ,l,',v,"'; Ka InH'lllKclU llll.l litlil leartle,! ti mmihi'i-of trieks. One uilit lie wus s,1''"-11,1 wa f""ni1 "f lli,u mi iiefiti; Hi ii o'iin v. ne.i. utir vi-i, fiither met 11 stramrer driving tlie lini-se and of course claimed him. l.i the dis pute which fullnwed father remarked that if It was the hmse stnhti from him he would on hilug unharnessed K to the Rate, lift the latch, open the Kate, around the barn, slide the bolt, open the door and o Into Ihe third Mall. The man ainecd In jivo the horse up on those terms. They drove home and up tin lane to the barn and unharnessed the horse, when, without a moment's hesitation, he per formed the feats father said he would. rhlcatfo Tribune. A Cat Monitor. ! once owned two e-ils, one a ir ' . the other a black. !ai!y 1 phovd a bowl uf milk on the floor tor their dis posal. One day at tho usual hour their meal was served, but only the irray cat wis pre-ent. She drank about half of the milk and then walked out. only to reappear an hour later, the black eat following. As soon as they entered th house Maltle (which was the j;niy cat's mime) ndod Itlaekie hy the ear and le-d her to tin- howl !' milk. 'Ihat was the tirst and last time ilnM Illaekio wasn't present at un-al hour. Good He Wasn't Upnyht. A certain .lud:;e. while ; through the scene of an cleciio had n hirtre stone thrown al his asue; 'i not, ti.'.t.l. but as he happ '.cd lo be In a stoonln-; posture at Ihe lime It pahM'tl 4vcr him. "You sec," said he, a Id . es-.i m: U friends a tcvw .ud. 'that had I (cci 811 Upright jilde I mihl hae been killed." Awake on tho Tip Question. The regular patron was lndli;n:iiit nn tin- wall-r .spilled the soup , . . . -ou r tlnsy! Im rxchihnod. onldn't h i jour tips. Si'eT re sponded the waiter, at lea-;t not so ine briated as to Impede his mental proc esses. Phi iadelph la Ledger. The Brute. Mother ln-l,a w- Has the young man who saved my life yesterday called upon you yet': Son In-I.aw Yes. In deed. He has already made his apolo Kips- Fllegeiide Itlntter. YVhnt U good Is never too abundant. -Hon Qulxotp. Was In Poor Health for Years Ira W. Kelli'v, Maiislirltl. la., writes: "I w;e hi poor liealtli fur venrs, vutT-'timr from k ui tie y Riul Mathli'r trotiltlf. ami K)Hut cniiMuter.inlf muni'V in t'oiisiiltiiitf )h v Aieia its wo liout ohl.iin iuiranv ttiarkeil tM'tielit, tail wan oared In Fo ley Kullli'V l ure, anil I ilesire lo adil m v jenti monv that il may Im- tin- oaune nf rv-torniK ill hi'alth of iith.-rs." HetUHc tuhiitituti's. For sale by Iv I "lark. Weldon, N. A woman never forgives a man por forgiving her for not forgiving f m & "'6 him. THE LAY HORSE. An Olii A Le Untti CH.,i-' t Tells of Hi i- ;(id lo hi '! A story 01' ,-i rcrljiiu AIM ml itu- I, 1II1: :-:ilc .hi. i- 'i-i.l 01 Anil. ,i.cil. U i...v; !-. ill II liulll v. Mil :i 1 'I 'no' 1:111. til Iv Iiil' h"t ML-hi w ilh In- hHlc -on. They wore U.iU moiitiiod on n n::i nlticiMit white iiKin whi. h leotc:rd lt the sheik n;id which had nlvv:it liceu hkhly vuliic I on ih't'oiihi ui' itit pTcut s I at uliu li Ii c.mld tm. After hav ing ridden -..mi' hitl,' ih-hince Ihe Nheik nsLrd 1,1 m,u to I...K nroiiiid mid mv if thc.v were I'dm; f "llowi-d. The hoy replied Unit then w;i simie one riding nl'ttr them on 11 IdncU horse. The sheiU ni-ciucd snfiMlcd on heurliiK tliis report, hut lue.Henily n-pentod his '(Uetlon. The hoy isllMVored llmt they were still In ho.; pursuol, hut Hint this time the hore w;is white. " Never mind," nrhd 'he t;ilhe: . "mine is faster." In a tew minutes he nsked for :i further report, and the reidy was tie1 sitire. with 111" dlfteretice that the horse was 11 chestnut. The hick, however, pet his t pie -t ion a I una h time, hm ujwjii hein' lold hy his s n Ihat tli" pursuer was mounted on n hay he erh d out, "Then we are lo- t, for lln re is 110 horse which it cannot overlulie." His words proved to lie true, for hi a short time they were caught up with and captured. LEATHER BOUND BOOKS. A Little Vaseline Improves and Pre serves the Binding. Au ofticial of the Congressional li brary was talking with a friend who recently had purchased a handsome set of leather bound volumes and said. "You hail better examine thoe vol umes carefully to see If the leather needs feedjng. If it Is new stock they will he till rUht let alone for sceral years, hut If they have been 011 the shelves for some time the leather will have lot most of its natural oil and become brittle. This applies especially to books kept In private houses, which are as a rule much hotter than the book stacks of a large library. There I nothing more attractive than a fresh, well prefer ,-ed leather binding on a volume and si-arcrly any tiling less so than a dilapidated, cracked one. "You can add years to the life of a leather binding and a hundred per cent to Its appearance hy ruhhiug Iu u little vaseline with a piece of raw col ton -not too much, just i tuu-'ti as the leather will thoroughly ahsorh. W hi te the binding bends Is where it is niosi likely to (rack. The leather will not lie giv.vy, us the vaseline will he ab sorbed. One treatment cery jear or Iwo Is HUtlicient mile-'; the hooks are unduly expot-fd to heal." Washington Star. Within Hor Rights. A very black woman 111 a mIvcc gray liutoinohlh coat wa?.M'eu a few morning-, ago hauling an unw illing and dis reputable linking yellow dog by n leather thoi g. A friendly db posed polieein-in aV'd easually: "Why don't you turn lie dog loose1.' He don't look able to ti.n otT. and nohody'll v.ai.t to s'cd Mm ':" "Ain't I u 'on, an'' was ihe tart illicit . There was no disputing the tact. "Ain't din heah a dog?" Patent fa t. "Ain't dis heah New York'.'" Obviously true. "Well, ain't I got a g. walk on i!o.-. heah streets nd right to and put on all the style I choose?" No disputing 11 self evident pi tlou. New York Times. oposl- Impartial. An KnirlHi clergyman, recently set thsl in a .-mall town in Penh-ddre, met n fanner's hoy while visiting the mem ber of his eoui;r"ijatinn. In the course of conver alion the boy said his par ents had an mint staying with them. The parson, not having much -pialnt-nnee with the Scottish language and Hot ipllte coiiipri'heiiding what the boy said, asked : "Then, do 1 understand thai your aunt Is on your father's vj,!e o- on your mother's V" To which the youm; agricull nrlst re plied: "W'etd. whiles the aiie au v .Idles the Ither. excel'" w hen fey t her leathers them halth." Iimdei' Advetiher. Man's Precious Rib. A vourp lady ha in aked oirgeolt ihe rib why woman was made from ihe of man m preference to nnnthe' l he gave luu the following gall. mi sue! : "She wtM t'o! lakcu f.oin the head lest she should lute over hl;n. ur from his I - t h-t h" vl.i), natnple upon Iter; bnt she was lal.i"i from his shle, that she might be his e pi.il; fioin under his nrm, ihat lie mlL'it protect her; from near his heart, thai he might cherish and love her." - Hoii' ton Chronlelo Poor Colois. "I eltl't tlll.lerslllll.l Mallei." "Why not'.-" "She'H nhvtiys trv lni; to Ki'l ltiliit;s to nillleh tier eotll...lotl " "Wbat of If:" "llflveit'l yoti ever uotieetl tier complexion?"-Milwaukee Sentinel. What Changed Hu Mind. "I hail supposed until yesterday , doe tor, that the days of the lileeilli.it of pntlentH wpro past." "And they are. Hut what ehttniced J-onr -11111.1':" "The hill rnu sent nitj." Huttl While Yvu Walt. While wulthiu for vm:; prnf" nuswoi-fHl try t i;.'t -Abut yon ta b "'tint i"it The Charming Woman jh nt tnci"sari1 v mir ( iwrftvt form ;iinl fial un's. Many a plain woman who I'uuld in-vol nerve as ail artist' nnIH. piwi'xhim tliost1 ran1 iitialitlr that alt Uio world admires; neat iieiH, clear 4'vt's. eleau stimuli! skin and that spriulitlmesMif tepaiid aeliun thai aeeonipa 11 V iiihkI health. A physii-ally weak wmneii in never attractive. nt even io hernelf. KlivtrU HitierH r-;tore weak women, give stronn nerven hniclit eyes, sutiHith, velvety skin. Iieautiful umplexion (inarHnteed at any rtrtiUKist. Cowardice doth make hypocrites of us all. A BUSINESS PARABLE. You Cannot Fail tu Appr I'uint In Thii wtoi j is 1! ne.t yea i in .h-iiend due you proinptly I lo-'d iu i..-iion of an edllor last i:i'-'!il. and I know Itn-.v it feeb- to have n ne's honest ly en rue J money scattered all over the country In small amounts.'- Fxchange, ri)R OVI-U SIXTY Yl-AkS Mn-i. W t i . .ii ' s.h.i ii i v. i:t e l.eeli llM'.t tor inn 'ill y.'k r - i.y null ol' 1 1 lot hei tor t lieit elill.il ell i Inle I'' illLr. Mt II pel I'eet Mll'i'ov It . i . tlie eliil.l. soil. 'in j;tin; cures w in. I ri'iue.lv lor I liuir .ool little Mlll.'le li'illu. :llla tl tl. I is the Il Wllllrlirt :i!l ..lie. ,' Its! r Ihe Sol.l UOll.l. k I'or " llll.l I '1 IIL'S llilher, all Iv. l.v .Iiiil; .Is iu evel ' l.iti t ol llie eelils ;l l.ottle. lie sine ami ; "Mts inflow s Sootllllie sylll tuke no other kin. I. .Uill tllitee.l uii.ler the l oo.! nil ,et. .lime .'lutli. I'liil'i S. i ml i 1 1 Ills. Many a man has lost his mental balance by atteinpiiti" to entertain iwti or more ideas at the same time. At 3 A. M. Wife Yon ne.sln't tiiitke uny ex- ti'es. John. It'M all rlcht. You're Just tn t!mo to walk ths hahv for nil hour or two. ruck. sum couple. and iifiHuritwe nn invincible Dutch Proverb. When there i the slightest indieatn of iniligotH'ii. hcait hum. n b tiet unv tot 111 nl sloinacli i noiMi take a I tie Koilal oceasioualiv and vu will att'oide.l prompt ichd Kodol a eoi pound of vcgctahle acids and eniita the juiio t'oiitnl 111 a beahhv -loinae Kodol tbge-.ts what von cat. ma Lev fund .lu v.m g I. ol, I l.v W. M. l oin-,,. Weldon. t On her wedding day a ynimo widow always wonders how many men will commit suicide on her ac count. A cleansing, eleau. i Inn;, "outturn:. healmg ImtiMdiold letuc.b. I'cW itl'v 'arhoh.ed W itch H.ia I mUc I oi bin us. cuts, se latehes. hi n -cet bite, and Mire feet it i- uiie.tia t loud for Piles, licwuie of 1 inital ; lie! I'eW'itt's, It is the best Sold hv W'. .M. Cohen. Weldon. N. The more patience a woman has with her children the less she has with their father. I'ad sick bcad.n'hcs, biliousness m eonstiputuin .vre uuieklv tchcvc.l Kv I'i. heW'itt's Little Kailv Kim i-. mall pill, sure pdl. safe pill pioinpt and pieaaui in action. Sold hv V. 1. t 'ohen. W'cldou r. I low dit'liculi it is tor a man b get back to hard work after nurs ing a political job for a few years! li... Ol It'll .' ,l In . ..'. -.,, I. Att.'li.l 'oil Vs K i,l,i,'. . .. e l.v li i lai ii-inil V I 'or i I. ,1,1, .ii. N ( All optotnist is a person w ho is looked upon as a horrible example hv the pessimist DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAW: BACK ? Kidney Tn.uM.' Mains V .ti MI-;cr;iMi. AllUOLl panf. I' ll. ill!", av-r T" ut ::isai- . s I IIIL' I.r.lC- ::.'.ur-'; cis- in r I i covcrci art r y.-zrs ci yV-'Nj Lr. la.nier. tr.e emi- I'M 'I- -Hi ntn' ;a:icy ana l.ug- wonilcrfullv zuc?tz. bit and h: :c;!r. L i in t: . :'.;:iiy curir.j; c:: .j a.'.i irou :, -'i.u'ii u t;.c wcrit ftr: ; f kidney trouLiv. I:, i.n: r j Swi.mn-Rool i.; rec 1 1 . r rv, IV.IIJL... li oub:' cu liuvrkisi .'l! t-: i ju:.J .' bc.-n 1'j.ici . ri rnvaii noy, hvet v. juct t:i r-r. in ..0 nu.:.y I.h: n I.: prctiCs., t! cA.:m, relrf r.'.d i',. tv.'iv rare t'"i:.t a l-j u'niud" by wh.'. havr :ut uh sample I ."-ule n-: tcliinr iitorc ab- .i :-:. t h.j t" t'n.i paper .ay iuve a iii li a hook and iiov to : Ly a:. i-. fiiHlOV,! if vuh.iVi;). ;;(!' V'hen wriuin; ri".;iii m 1 offer in this p.trT ai.J Piiii your aiurt.;;;; tj , Dr. Kiimer U Co..Bmf 1 hitpnoii, N. Y, Tne ty cv L.a.iir:' trouble. rcr.ii.ir fiftv cent and H,.ii.....f s,.i.roov liohar r.i-fts are sold by 11 gogi utuctsis, Don i make uny tnisUKc. but rciiiun.oev j the name. Swamp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingliamion, 1 H, Y., go evfiy buttle. tniee a l.iriui'i' tin I l.-v.ii hu.'. hcls of . lie:it, w h: li he -old Ii -1 t a s'liii'ie grain iie-.'.-lcnit. i.ul ; . I .son dilloreut ilc.iers, a .:,-lc- A ,. w of i,.-m pa:d him in e.i-h. hm .,r ;t:c .-r liunibi'l' ii.d it w.e- h ' . -n, i-l:l llieii, UH'V iVollln ici;. I., c lew i , ;;,!'!', :i if I,, i !, j mouths p-i-cd :o..l -. j 1 1 ci.iis h: '.U . ',' ''.I 1 I . '!'!,.! f- '1 app.-ar I Vecoiml ran o-,v . "il.w ;. 1 ! l : - ' ' he f tj iir;,- ..,5-v. laid. "!v l.-'-o hii' i- of '.j-r i I. -Vd .. (; 1; , . 1 1 ! , .,.-w mi.i have kept ), -''.n,.., ,. n'ii'1 .u. - ut , . . .-!, (. i'i :'i fop is ra 1 l-'it 1 li e , 1 1 1,-1 c. ,;h . ,' ; i ... , ,- .. ; ;,., , u tlie grain and have 1 :. .e,!-. a v.-.i , - 'Hv . 1-. w 4 re I . fg P nuuiher of n e .m,tv - : . II ah. I s. . 1 . . - f . i r w h :i i i. pur E E M 1 ll W 6! tered that I cannot .j ar .-nd and . - p.- e v. a - . -d. -r ''ic .J.-ht ,; . 1,1 he 1 Jj EB H ll'.l llhl HI.IIII'iiiiiyf'iillMS." tl;-. I'm- 1; d.touhh. ii:lv ,,g fcw 1 W B i W W M W So In posieil up a public notice and f.i:" .! Im I ' :: id p- I;.' di- a-ki-d all tho-e w ho ov'.-.l him to p.iv I---. . . : o . ! th Sf S jm 4Kp 5i 3k PJAmilf A MUiekly. I'.Mf f.-w e,me The ,e,t s,;,. r . . i i , ,- 1 1 .,nd. a .id H S C f 1 F 9 f I If fl M-c.ll h: y, and 1 : .V , BBWfS)L2S yilWlS w ill g a: id p.n on ' il;, -p .ltv t'o- . . " - ' .- . '.i-i :! ;':! p. gctiniL' that. Ihotigh eaeh a.-.-ormt was c. :t-.!i n 'i ' -i.-e ci-.l ;.oiir Vi"-y slll.lll. wh'-i :dl V.ere put together l'"!T t t. I h -ecu II Tllilu. 'A ei'l tm Hi,.... The mail g i h ;'inl, ii; h : . -. " i'e-i ii ;!" U lav.il" and awoke and. rupu im his L"an u: u'.- !'!; I ''--.e : t- ,t , .. ir .il".. found hi-' I.mmi lui-h"l ..f vdi.-iil i rv '. :.l w '. :, v. wu-j drcain'ng. v.,;!i ' . 1, - ' r tu ia Moral. The net hiy tin man v. nit w'.1! n- u w--, n.rl able lo the publisher of hks paper and said: V.'h.u, iheii. : .. a ,!ai! ihai is forniida pay for vour paper. hleV" GOLDSMITH'S FOVERTY. Wretched M.se.y of the Amiable hu! Imprudent Author. t:i lT.'.s. tie,, ..ears ailer CoMsin r. 1 1 1 r-! 1 Ii'mIii li s w ,- 1 1 . " , r I j 1 : - - ni M . ili::. ; I. Ii- t. . 1 1' ;it S ' 1 1" I I r.!e. M 'li tl-' ' ,.'.. ..f Il'.-'l I .: ... ii... . I. ill I !!!.; .! II 1.-.I a- un sin f ;i hi v t'lC I li .'11,1 of l"l of Kii-.-hsJi Stiiniihilion Without Irritation 'I'll..! III - ...u,'lnv,.-,l. 'I'll il i- ..li.il 1. 1, tl. i I. i..' I'niii s r ii . 1 1 1 , . ;. .01, -hi,! ht.;. ill.,,. - Hi.- ...:. ',..!... il 1.1 ,11! 1. , .,11 . I.. 1 ill I "i s,,,. irt i:. riaii.. ,'l,i.,n. S. 1 . Any W'tilliail Willi ;i irtlill to her gown should be able to draw Iter own conclusions. a wonderful MaPpeuinK. .1 1 It. .'.hi. N. V.. ti 1- .un ,! "ii, .,1 Hi- ""'-""'"'' ''l';"'' -" i"-'""1' . .t. A.,...- I'. Ki.u. .'I llial i . I -in-: ' ll.i.'l,- !..-. A, .1 Si!.,' .'Iir.'.l .1 -..iv ,. mi I, i: iili ..lih'li 1 I,.,, I -un. r, .1 mot m . I .,1.1." '" People usually have the blues after skintiitiii;.; the milk of human l.indness. A Mcmnnihle lnv el' , 1! 1, Wll..'ll. 1'.'.I'I1. .lit ill' ! .' Il Pi . i'. '. hu- I'll-, in.' : .i.it;. - - itu t-. 1-H1 c , ln-.ta.i. Il" .iii.l lii!i.'ii-ti, -. ,ni.. k.-. 1 ill.- I.." I ' 1 1 1 . .0 ,lll ill lit -!.. r. Ii is tVcquL'inly easkT to be sure ynu are ri;lu liian it is tu on aheaJ.. There are times when a pint of wit m'es I'.inher than a gallon of wi.iduin. I'or lal.iius and Ci'.iUiicu. The Kind Yen Ate Bought Siyaataru of jffi&&&A'. n SIX PIANO BARGAINS S For this week Conover I'iano. upright $105 Wellington I'iano. $45 O Wheeloik I priht, $N5. Q SliL-ff I prmht. $1.S5 Stieff kosewood I'iana $St (iuild Piano, small sue $30 All guaranteed to be in fine condition. All 5 used. 1 LISTER PIANO CO., Inc. I ..' ' . i a 1 1 ' v si ,,i .,,,li,. ., John .1. I 'osier, Manager 0EZ20EZ30 :l. I', .'y IlHowart&Co i:u:i:i m:vY ami r( A n ULil W e have the host line ol .Iroeenes i town When in nee.1 of anythitii; in Grocery Line Call on us. tlnr stoek iH fresh, (iivi-ub a part of your tra,le. FOLEYSIIOMYHlAR ..op.lU.cuuih.nd bs.Uluuiff s siiherlntio:i is Mr!i w-i he ho. i - . ! I ,c I--e on -e lii i,:,v It h :;::!! of !o;v i j j -. i- : 'i:; !,-;; amiuhlt MilhoMs I l . th literature. uu Weak Kidii Wi-tili K.ii'-v. .ir.'ly ttnint. tt H'iik k'iiliifr N-r, I m.' Ki'lii--. lik- tin' ll-Mil. alui tliu lodun li. tiN.l i. ,.'.r '.v. :it!i'--. siil in th.- orirmt It-'- l. t-'il in (!. h- r. il.:it i'i,,i,.i uti.J ((m (It anil t r--UK'i ie 11 tii'-ni It ,-: u -. i:tonuu-i u a in' ; 1 .1 .1 'v it.o-- I in r.- l li I ht-so Ciiuli' ' u- t . - - I ' 1 1 1- tli K Hid. V tiloiii', l.- It. til'- Jl i a t'.t i" ol Mil , atnl -1 liioiiey bi u-.-U 11 your ii!.''k iieii"- or u ii tuo iirinu it' i- i'.c 1. ;ti.'l l il .tin l,ii'.i's luuioius (it in .KM- ir .iiio-r oe ti.-v,ti!it or iliiniTiToiiB kut- ll ' , H--.W . IM lr -1 !i. -l.ilMliVi-U liiontli 1 I -if Ul'i,-!- .ni'l -.- wlt.it ,1 .Mil ttuj will tlo tor J'.ll 1 HI,!,' .t 1 11 iillJlltl'li'l HlKt sell W. M. COHEN. I nn ',m itt.-'Y 1" 'i'i Witntrn i:i:-i:i '!:; 'li;i.l. Mniiiil'iu'iiiivr- ol'-- Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. I l:n UIU 1... 111:1,1 ..ul steel A lexulli ll'r foiiiiilei-:iu.l iniieliiii'sts. iith all pat- terns. e ate mo, pi-epate.1 to I'urnisli , i""1'" 1,1 '--"" r.. ....-riy ma.le by 1 hem. Hydraulic Presses and Peanut Machinery j A specialty. , Mill W. II I, all. I t-llsl illts III' till kill.ls. ! Si'eoii.l hall, I lua.'h i 111 'i v for sale eliean. I 'all 011 us or v.rile for n hat von nant. Great Reductions For Cash -o.7", Mo'U.'1le UtlL's. Sl'.'iii Siiiyma ititirs, 'J.Jtl. S-". l.i.iii'lle lines. IM:' ft. s7.7.-, !- ' lima MaltiiiLj. ntc. '-'. ISC. 1 e .laMiiii.se i;e. - "' Ivle I.",.' ..ol t'aiii'tiinr ;.-. "''.- V. in, Ion ha.rs. -.'lie. "'ii.' " " arie. II"'.' L'-Vil Wl.le I.llioleuiil. Toe. ""' li.c. I.'.'. I 'I. .1.1 Ull (loth. 4NC. I .1. Axllllllstel I at I't'tltiu. SHo I" lii-u I'leluie liaiiles. !l.'ic Wall .a.. i. I. ', an,! lie. ier roll. A liirs;'.' stoek ol' Talking Machines, Orapliophones, Kodaks, Cameras, aii'l supplies on han. 1 at all tunes, at the V.'l V . ..' pile, SPIERS BROS. V. Kl.l'itN. . .' ND Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refuno substitutes. Pries SOch I "i sale hv K. ( lark. Wel.lon, S. C. sIMJINti AM) sl'MMKi;! MILLINERY. '' ' A'; Y (',,"s'""1 NOVKLT1ES. I'.utteriek'K l'attenm. R. & Q. Corsets, M isses at Too. lji.lit'N 7'ie.. to fl. m.l'rictK Hill In- maile to Kttit the titties. Hats an. I Itiniiiets made and tnuiineil to tinier. A I.I- MAIL I tliUKHS I'UOMPTLY KILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, '. C. j I OIIYSmMlYCUII MtihM Kltlnty. and ll,dd.r Blghl

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