;',rv'.V,jJ;' fo?iH $ fate Mil far" i ai-4 I I .U ! Shhs Seat! Advcri isinv; Rates Made known on Application. VOL. A. . i! V,' 3 P A P h H Fill! II i Terms of Subscription"?!.?!) Per Annum WKLDON, N. t '., TIIl'KSDA Y. Al'(il'ST l.. l!-7 NO. I IIIII H ill ! M & IIBf f ml rat-..- -fv -jti : -l Iff'-.-'; VmVWv;'VV.,V'' V,v V JC-.svo-'s' ' vi-ari .VOAVw WX .-.'- -." . - . sv s -.x--CsS.W v . .W'.v'soV. -ci-'I'll' Kiii'l Vim; lia.e .r, 1S:.:i;.- !it , and v 'i Sii ; lis'il iii ii! I'm "! :. f m.-j. i-. . ;-;tf : ..i r 7; : '' '"' :..:-. ivr. C&srft--.;;. ...o.o-m;y. ... no-.-.-. . i. ,-. :. ill Mil.-. . !l I 'nil Ml cr; "! ... 1 .Ml ! :i 1 .Hi, . ,1 , . . ,: ; ' ii !( Illil 1 !M'I !lt- 'i , : !..i .' .1 .i .. I I , ' i t.f..i !i n;' liii.iiil- i. 'iii.-.-. -v. "w r: . : i'-. .i : i r. .-1 1 . 4 THIS ; i I I! i: I n. -is n uiiiMht win' I mi hi i iil; ;i iiu nn nun i n: ' Ainl llii' yellow wheat lii-nl 'liralll ils liiil'ilni nf y ) ) 'I In- I'ruiiial Sun l anir. wni'lil-wnry ainilall.'ii !il. Iil In' 1 1 1 1 1 u lu l l' his Ami tii' -y i-liiii1.:: In his l 'Till I he rii iil' his w i'i Ami l !ir l! .wits nf lm . Ill a lili'.-suliiill'.; i-1 1 1 v, -a I liuv. Iiii.lsii'l.s iia ;anni'iils with t r .inn' ran m it i In.i'il nf i i s a in a in hiii llrlli" I'linli- W, Ca-.tai'ia ii. Okii-'. an r(int:tilis iici'l'.-;-Mili.-.j a nrr, I ! . ' anil alia s i . Clilir. I I is" ' ami I 'la! i. !i-':. '. . SliHiiaeii am1 TiM' M'.iKllV.l's I GENUINE ( II . I hi' '.111, l'ili'O- lia-anl. !(, il'.rr Narrotio ' :-'i; ; Witniift .i am 1 iail nasi ipalioa i-i'i'.rlali'S tlm .ml Hi'ai s'a'i'ii. i il l. ii tin ami Ami :li. i i i ' i s linn1; 1 1' 'in i in ra in' lies, imls lii'iaiii ii Ml;;s lit nii'll . hnllll'll'Ss III' Ben, i.bo S CiiV-HJa always ii.iU'0 of I''nisak''ii ami Hail-lil.T ( 'l i i hai'l; In I hr hninr nf hi'l ai'.a in : I'.lll tllrv lili'llril I n I- a'.vav ill ami ilai knrss ; I'imli-al Am V,' ' "'. m in '.; till' pitih's lli'l' l'niiU:h'IS lil'l'.'l' a s t hi' v i m 1 s wild 1 1 1 1 i r in at Ii. ciirsi s llial ii '.rin'st M ' : i ! The Kind You Be?9 Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THT COMI'Hl,'.', Tf Mum f STU it. nlw V(.n C'TV- i in: Deacon .v )v IN sia i:n ciiaimt-rs. am. s:0"J anu I .'... v-vl in wish ti'..:t siK'h vmiic;, vv a;! J -i.iy ai limn. fortvi'i . aiul I List in -ell' in mv h'.i.hn! ,,. :a--. V.'lu'ii i had r.aJ my p.ij'n-i , I vhsoiviivu' thin my fi'i.-ii.! was mil in Ins sent, he was can vim; cu's o! waiiraml devo lim; hmisrll m ih.n iktvihis w n in:in and hct' nervous 'iiklien. I Ik y wri'i- iitii',niad v, nh ih. ehai'in of his in uim.T I'hi tears we:e ail ;;nne and llie cheeks w el'e ros ami i!k e es hn;;ln have It'ie.l his w ,iy st er.il nine - smee, ;ind il has i'1'.vas s added a charm to travel. I ie ",'enied ii of e eryhcly' ".Tvain in t'ae car, anticijutim; the ' .mis of the asih matic okl fhly and raisim; the in dow for her, and hriiiin;: collie for the invalid in the laded calico whom no one else noticed. 1 had sent word to my friends and liie hotel ol my e'linin. and had ai r.in;',ed to nieet my friends in the parlor of die hotel. ! lei'e v. e di --cussed trade, and made our hii'.iiiis. and talked of politics, with my fellow traveler an inter ested listener and companion. 1 consulted him on principles of trade and fair dealing, lint w hen we arose aller our conference', and were invited to step into tne bar, I surprised my friends hy declin- tweeit the liool-s. ( )l course no the church was .: e.u amilcd to say gtivii ever came and wem without about eoiilonniiv t.. me v.oik! seemi; llu: library. On die very We had seen "deliver m-:es of the d.iv thai the Master came I thought Assembly" on thai quesiion. Uut ol the library, and went into it man is a social being, and how can with a hook lover's ride lo sec he he social if he will not conform dial it was properly arranged, to social customs '- And then we There were a couple of small steel could point to jjood church nitiii- cugravings hanging low on the hers w ho were not strict in tins re- t he throne of the Judge, but that the Saviour is with you a present, i constant compjnion, in every niuineiii of your earthly hie? Il is a sacred, a precious truth. ( i in; i Mi i walls which I took c in a drawer I had neeaiise uiey hne an. real d laid n.vn alk I had secured ihein wei'e specimens ol ai t for art's sake " I a Hi soinetinies in-, was h.unpenug art to sted that it trammel n i sort with any moral pm po-,,.-, and these steel engravings were entirely un iraniuieled in this direction. Ii oc curred to me then that ( ihri'-t in his life had been intensely ethical and I expected to liiul him so yet. Willi a glance al die wealth of lit eraiure on lite shelves I went out again and closed the doors. It was not long after till he and I were in die library alone. lere were histories, nncicul and mod ern, showing how llii -1 1 'J 1 1 tin- ;u; iiii'i.-i-il, nil!- l! Il Ullli I In i.,. nl llir -ill,-. lere were the volumes of sci- g.ird And man must have amuse ment. Ami we might do worse ill, in tho,c w liieli the church looks on w nil such disfavor. We were included in llie better social circle ol the ciiy I Yopk cspceled in see us wherever the "best people" go. We cared for nothing low or unworthy, but we cultivated socie ty. ( h:r guesl had feeli ill our home some tune and we were glad to introduce b.i:n to our Irielids as they tame to our house. Some times he lalki d a little more reli gion than we vere accustomed M in our social gatba rings, hut he was such a -In. rough native geniit.--man lh.il we tnougln noihing of hi.-; earitestnes-i in urging the chains of the gospel And then he t.iike-l thus to some who seldom or never heard religion talked elsewhere I'or, of course, our circles were The Badge of Honesty I. nn i'vitv wr;i'ii-r uf Iim'tur I'i'Trp's lii.iiliai Mi-.lii-al lli-i-mi-ry l,i ( ;oi--i' u luil li-1 I, I hi. lli'-.il.-litS l'..lli'iSIH,' it is (ir.nhil iln-i-i' in pl.iiii Knt'li.-li. l-'irlv y.-.o- nf s i : -r ! : . Iia- pl-uvrii ils sopi-ri.ir ioioIi a- a ir.uul iinriiiiT anil iiiMi.'iir.it iti' i.-iiii- tiii- ilii-i-iirrnt Mniiiii'-liili-iirili-rs unit .nl livi-r ill-, h l.inl'l' P On' run-il..-. 11 - v-h iii a It.) nl Ii 1 T l.inii- ran In I-, Ii ,il.-i.li,il i n-"l. 'I'Im' ai-MVf iin-'lii-in:i! , Min . i'l'- nl 1 1 : 1 1 1 v rmils iirb I O'-I'l'-ii -s.-al ami l.,tin-'-li' runt, St, mi' llli'l M ., 1 1. i 0 1; . mmI. Il,'"'r""t. ami I'.larl! ; l , ft !-. s, o:-- .ii-.- i-O-.l'-lol ami prt-'Tvi'il : I,,- ii-,- nf 1 li.'inii-any pun-, triili- j ri iim-i kIw riin-. S.-iiil In Or. II. V. I'iiTi-e I tit liiiil.iin. N. Y.. I"r loc lii.iil-li t whirl! qiiuh - i-xtt-.u-ts (ruin M'l!-ri'i'iiiiii'il iih'J- . ii-al aiitliuritii svuh as I irs. Ilarilinlinv, I Kin;;, SfoiUtvt', Cup, Kill nit oikI anil lln-t n( iitlii p. -Iinwini; that tlii'M! Mots can In' Vn'iiili'i.l upon tur ttn lr ciiratlvn actintl itall iaU states of till' stomach, aci-'ii.ii iiol liy indiKi'.stion or dysn'psla as w, Ii iyfUl bilioiisor liver complaints am! in -jv. d-ling dUcuscs-' when- thcro is l'i.-A1'.i'ih ami irrailiial running down of tlMri'iiiitli and system. Tin- "loitili'ii M ell leal l.li-i-nverv "milker ence telling us that the "undevout formed by social standing and not astronomer is mad." Here w as hv any religious considerations. I the Bible, and about it comment;!- do not know thai I had ever thought V i wiwriiMiiKgii . -.if m : Da : : '1 i'.;; i) ,1 Hi ii i'i WK I.DON, N. C. )mii Under Tii? km M it -1 '.i 1 I ,1 it Id !!:iL!, State of Nori 1 Carolina ! k posiini I lalil'ax . iotiniy I leposii' a'y Town ol Weldmi Deposiloiy. $40,008. IS'll lnisini--- ml,-, rais. i.!i,-v 1- Iniee pel I'i'llt u 111 -lllllti' Mi .1 !, Ilalili IV Christ in the liusincss I'lace. On Monday we walked leisurely through the business pi ices of our city. I lere were palaces of wealth controlled by millionaires, into whose ofhecs the Master slopped with a smile, and whom he com mended for their honesty, and iheir kindness and their benevo lence. And there were others win ise ruin he predicted hi cause tliev biiilded. I y Iratid, and w ere ground out of the hie of the poor. We p,:-- edby the stock exchanges, and heard 'die clamor and hubbub uid uproar, but we weni not in. The dollar mark was sculptured over the door, and ai that golden shrine the bulls and bears bowed dow 11. The Master was not re cognized as he stepped to the door, and w a-, politely bowed away l y lie .Master to ee and did not care to be seen going without him. Some of the gayer sort, who used to assemble in the parlors in the evening, used to count me among them, ami were lie 1 K' Wnl'i meuibcrcd hi him that mild 1.1 il 'n.H ttls. -itl.N'.ilIl.hiUf'i! In. N. I. aMW WMMHHIWIIVM VftUrAMeOaMtHMf yMWUMWMIW W ,k HUA AMUMWUAii fill H, lL IIIIIIHMW t9 .ir, '. GARRETT & COMPANY, Pion- WiBB mi. w If. f ! . V if a".; I. .' mm STAHI.TsIiT:iV p Jit S F5 E C I A. L POCAHONTAS l Iti't'l 1MH:j 1 RCINIA DARE 1 V illlP ScllHH'llolie OLD NORTH STATE 3LACK Bfl n;Y HIAWATHA IWIKNCHAKA).: " (UwlCb iiiipiimivi ' I by s, n;,.i TTim-.a 1 PAUL CtflRCTT SPECIAL iS 1 Spark Iiu-.' ) 'Irnr ji.iiir I if And .ill ollifi' viii iHhMil l'u n ad U Ii -ii -nun' im ni in iii 11 at id 11 1 lullii:lnt Cash 1'fi. .-s t'.inl in WihUtii Hritin-h, S I.imhs, M.i cper. I r 'thev fe-,ou depart mil of iheir coas;-, " He v. etit into :he facto ries, where men smiled loseeiiun, and 1 ecogiii.'ed him, and pi'oprie-l"r- bade him welcome, and said : "l aiimii.md us and our weallh as vouwill." We passed by others '.. here he w a -; denied admittance, and they told him as liieV told the applicants for alms : "We have limbing lor you. " We passed hy fruit markets wuh rare displays 011 the lops of barrels and boxes, and said nothing. To a huckster hawk ing his w ares mi a narrow street llie Master w .. :i;, and praised him. l'o another, v. u,l exaggerated praise of inferior wares, and witii small weights ami measures, he went with f itter censure. l ia-a v, c aloud in il my own rasaics- place never want again. We watched street improve ments and the business manage ment of officials. We noticed the speculating institutions wi:h church members at their heads. We vis ited church treasurers who were bank presidents and successful business men, who heaped up quite so social as I used lo be, loi'iuii's for themselves and let the I confess that dial presence la ho. mess of the church run wild. I church debis unpaid, church bti .i j uess destitute ol method in soheiia I lion and disbursement. We visi j ted our mis-ion societies in all our clutrciies am: numa tnal in some towns half do.cn denominations were supporting little churches at was 10 he a saer an expense of hundreds of dollars Opera Hall that lo the mission hinds, v hen a con solidation of some of iheui would have made others self-supporting and. have iibef lied fund- lor other w oi k. 1 confess 10 a feeiing of Tims all skin atfeetioiis.liloU'hes. pimple 11 ml efiipl lolls lis Will as SiTntllioU SUI'l- line-- ami old open rnimine' sores or ulcers at" cured and bealeil. In treatini; old r'niiiiii-' -ores, or Hirers, it. is well to In sure tli-ir Ie .din", to apply to tin in lir. I'ieree's All-llealini.' Salve. II yonrdnic (tist. don't, happen to have this Salve in mg, I never went to the bar any- nes and church histories ami no- of the rclieious complexion of our stnmpsto Dr. Ii. v. i-i.-iw. Invalid-' Iloi.-i now, except wiien I was abroad, lemics and volumes against the circle till that time. Soinetinies, but I used to hold that I was liable Christian faith from which we had , too, their conversations struck me 10 lose some of my besi business been Irving 10 find the strength of ! as being more than unusually iril- t contracts if I did not go with my ,,ur enemy. Here were essavs ling. And after an evening thus menus. 1 hat day I kit certain with intellect and sentiment and spent nothing of dignity or worth - thai I could not take him with me, certain with intellect and sentiment and spent nothing of dignity or wit, concerning some of w hich we seemed to have been discussed were anxious that none should ask any questions. And when he weni to the shelf and look down one or two and glanced at them. I managed to be busv arrant-insr some 1 little surprised thai 1 was not i,w,. ,v,,nhi,.is ,n ,v ,t, sL- n,.,-,, ln" was fiction and light literature. I L' ;l had nev er noticed before that w e mcsome icsuaini on many h;,J sl, much of it. I knew very w ol III',' niov menis. Sunday ninrniiig when I stepped bciore the clerk's desk, he volun teered llie kind of information I to ask. h. re lite The had been accustomed I Ie I'eiubci'ed mv taste. 'I concert ,11 ternoon. bc-.i conir.iho in die country in the ciiy, and would sing at the Church -i the Oraud Oratorio that morning. The new minister at tile l unarian Church was very luu w e had been buying new stories from every new writer who had startled the world of letters, but had not thought it had accumulated lo quae such an extent as ii had. We had the most famous from (ieruiany and I'rance. We had read Scott and Dickens, and w aich- 1'icing so closely identified with : the church it was a matter, of course, thai committees on church mailers often met in our parlors. These were delightful evenings and I felt entirely al ease when the spiritual things of the church were the theme of discussion, but 1 was noi quite so ciiihusiasiic in my work for picnics and Christmas fesiivilics as 1 used to he. It seem ed singular that this phase of church life should occupy so much time while my guest was in my house. When il was suggested thill we forma society for the study of the Scripture togciher. I was de- and Snrcicid Institute, KulTalo. N. Y.. ami a lare-e l,o ol the " All-ilealink' Salve w ill reach V"U I'V return post. You can't allord to accept a secret nos trum as a siitisut uto for t his 11011 -alcoholic, medicine 1 1 K KNOWN COMl'nsI ri IS, not even tboue'ii the iirnent, dealer may therein' make a tittle lue'lfer protil. Hr. f'iorco's iVa-ant I'ellet, rcuulatn and iuvnzoriite stomach, liver and boweli. 8ui?ar-coaUid, tiuy granules, easy lo lukii Us candy. w as ed the face of the guest as he look- lighted lor since the Master had shame as ihese w ere pointed out brilliant, and w ould lecture on the and u appeared thai while railroads genius of ( diaries Lamb that even- and uidimfaciories were willing lo jug. I thanked him, and walking form alliances w ilh each other and out w ith my companion, found a w iih anything which cuild enhance little church 1 had never visited he ed at iheui. 1 talked of the delight and value they had been to me. Of foreign authors such as lHimas and Tolstoi I had little lo say. For many of them 1 felt very keenly. There w as nothing to say that 1 would care to have said on the score of an morals. There were come indwell with me I fell more inici'esl in the Word. My daughter surprised me one evening by telling me that I had promised to take her to hear Booth thai night. I had hoped she would lorget it. but was not inclined to tell her I would not go. So 1 ask- e door ol Ii is a long established house. I look hi::s to ai- di sk, and spread .ill my !,- nuns out before him, my per c ::t ,; t.tv v. ages lo my euiplovc.-. brand of g.'ods I i'i ii:;'C! an. .: . . am 1 al unwn ,,..,,:,i.,i,.os ..,-.., i tiMHs ;.i,.,v..-..- , e- rs.i n.e while he M.MI '- ; U I". Oi, I O I , ;; , ( 1 1 11 111 ... . :. ,-,',.. -1 .11111 '....1.,- j i 1 f m 7 a u s ri n iii . i 1 . s -... r' 1 1 1 i n n 1 b k r " .r oiled, up ami . ane read ;!l- al'ai liie er -..Inch I mm liieir interest, the Church was so fore, am devoid of business policy that she minister. w as losing thousands of dollars for lack of a w ise spirit of county. In the evening we visited a lew church affairs. Sometimes we found mere business iransaeiions whose pioliis weni 10 the church, and here I was not at all worried save when soinetinies I saw some many w hich made light of religion ed her 10 meet uiedown town, and a godly and uoied for his spintuauiy. 1 I die best place Christian who was aw.iy home, and had Christ with It that thai was lor a professing from him. illumed and marriage and home, which I intense had read to enjoy the wit which I now secretly wished were not there. I was ready to turn else where long before the Master quit led thai alcove. Many another I had no difficulty in ptirsuading day we spent there, and soinetinies mvself 1l1.1t allairs al home were we would lake supper at llie hotel and then go. I felt for sonic rea son as if 1 should like to have as little said about it at home as possi ble. I was cautious that no refer ence should be nude to the matter afterwards. I have always said. purchaser hugging thai he w is giving to not so imperative as to compel me to start that ev ening, though I had delusion usually begun my lourncy on a church Sunday evening 10 save lime. We among its romances. In history of course, that there was no harm he saw his bather at work. Insei- in an occasional evening at the ence he saw his Father's doings, theatre. But I did not think it In Sour Stomach No appetite, loss ot strength, nervoufr ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, funeral debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices of dtge tion as h.v exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonia and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyi peosia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dysr-;psia, but this famous remedy cures ail stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening tn tnu-ous membranes lining the stomach, (Mr. S. S. Ball, of Rivnswood. W. V.. say " I -vjii troubled with sour st -much for twenty yejm. K 1 .irej as and w are now udr.f it In midf Kodol Digests What You Eat. B-Jtlies jroy Si.- 0 f-i-r hoh-.t 2S times the trial sue. wti ch i5 f'T '0 .-nts. pared by t. Ct. Ot-WITT & 00., 0HI0AQO. l-l , W. M. loin-!,. W,..n,. N. i App nmattox Ira Works, .'s ti, ;; ( Sti.. n:n:i;-i',u;i.. vi in n m M;Mllll'aetlil,.t- o Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Agricultural Implements. Ila mi; lioin; In i. ut Steel ,v Ah vaiiili r luu in let s atul niacii i uists. ith ail at leius. ,. a,,, mm ,i,.i,iii,., to I'uinisli osophy he saw the workings would be proper io ask him to go pan n.-iim.-s im tiv lim,ti. i v when he was only gelling a good iviurued to the same church at t ie AIR LINE RAILWAY THI: Exposition Line To Norfoik ik ; we s;i pi'. ; o. go ,'b .he C",! s;li:ig mark m . l-h'w h v-.:!'. tv.. :. i'.is: !i;s si- rs a; last scenic I to move n.ai'i-ii', e -ly to one small act;; ad. im.'ii io our business, w hich vc iiadadiic ! in coiniormitv :. tn-n. ecu cusioms, a bargain d.pari Mil. ,t I!ii,vd amestowi! Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Rates from WeUlcin: Conch Excursion Tickets sold Tucs Js and Fridnys, limited seven days, $2. IS. Season tickets, $J.SS. I'or lutes rnilii i it In 'ui ilies named .i, ioinls. iipply to yinii in an -t :-i:.l'.ii l;i ae Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Waieh for announcement of Improved Schedules. J. K. POTHAT, C. H. UATTIS, Tii'ket Agrnt. Wi-lilou. N. t'. 'I'rav. I'anH. Aitrnl. liulcii'li. N. ('. largely in our advertisements. We looked over iis lahics v. itlt c!k;.p prices, goods marked dow n, rem nants, bankrupt siock, insurance stock, large stock direct from the mills and the usual stock of a bar gain room. Ii was pr. tillable. I w as not very familiar with ils de tails myself. I had put ii in charge of a shrewd man, and he made it pay. I accepted his statements without asking where the lire had been, or who had assigned, or from what mills he bought direct. 1 was glad no questions were asked as we went through, and I took oc casion to step on the soon and draw a long breath of good fresh air. 1 shall either abindon that department altogeth er or make radical changes in it. I bargain for hansclf. Bui we found some other business not to our liking, and I epecled lo hear llie Master c.ill them 'Mens of thieves" as ve made our way among rallies and grab bags and games of chance. But he passed on. "These," he s.iid, "know my will. 1 will allow them to do us they please and give account of the'iuseles at the end of their days." We saw many ihings that made the heart of the Master glad that day, and many lh.ii grieved hull sore. For he flashed for his peo ple sometimes as he saw iheir bus iness pi. ice- and business methods. V. Christ as :i Fellow I imimIit I h.' lieu- - itl'i' i-h, -ii I n i ii- i make a bu-mess trip. M. liters in a dispmt cny demanded my alien .ion I ..! t he ::b: eilt ,,',,,; a week, and I would leave my guest in my home till I returned. But when I made known my purpose, he expressed a desit e lo go with nie end share my journey. So we went, and in ihe railway car and at the lunch coiuiier and in the evening service tile Master was alone with his Father, except when he took me w ith him to one of the city mis sions, where he spoke In the toil ing and crushed and careworn w ho.wcre gathered there, and as he came from the mission he ask ed me: "Where mv the laborers in tins great city loday lhat they are doing nothing for the poor among them:-" I had lo conlc-s thai tile church members were not all church woi kct's. and lhat "in all probability in my ol them w ere at their homes, ai ih.,i hour asleep '' Wc relumed on .Mon day to my home and bu-niess, and 1 ha e always looked back on that trip as a bright spot m mv lite I leal ii-d sonic lessons ihcil I have hc el' foi gollcil .iboiu mv Im'Ii ioiir when I am aw ay from home. I Christ in the I.ihriirv. One room in my house was a fa vorite resort for all of us. It w as the library. We w ere a reading family, and bought books o read. We bought books w hich suited our hotel, and amid all the vexatious individual tasie. We bought and delay of travel incident lo such a read the popular books of the journey, he was a delightful com- times. We watched the book mar- pamon and his amiable ways so kel and reviews, and found out of that noblest earthly work of (iod with me, and I felt afraid to defend the human mind now, alas, mvself before him Thus for many n the afternoon too sadly crippled! And he w atch- w eeks he remained a close guest ed with careful eyes each book in my house and gradually world w hich I was reading. I reined ly and iuesiionable habits disap some volumes oui of sight while peared and others which I knew he was there, and some I burned would please him took their place, and bought with caution in those and when he spoke of going I days when I remembered ih.it he begged him to remain. Never had would see every book that I bought, we had so much happiness before, I watched the movements of his and never had w c known what true eyes as he saw my children lake ioy was till we had learned to rcg dow n their favorite authors. And ut. ue our lives by the presence of .1 gleam of holy indignation was this divine visitor, lie had nist one day in his eye, as turning to agreed thai he would make me. he said: "My people shun as Ins home with me perma a nest of v ipers all impure and de- neutly w hen my happiness became grading associations mi the street, so gre.il thai I awoke. It w as a and will not permit their children dream, and yet in invisible bill po lo meet llie vile, but in the library teiu reality it shall mil he merely a those children meet and are iniro- dream. duced to the vilest of souls in print 1 thought it all over again m my ami paper In lichmi they meet waking hours, and I do not believe her'" ;m,i heroines who sp,.,,k thai Tne liream wiil ever lose all its vulgarities and blasphemies, and intliience over me. I reahe now ridicule morality and propriety. As the down of ihe ihisile carries the noxious seed into the fanner's Held, so docs ihe down of entranc ing fiction and polite literature cur- Hydraulic Presses and Peanut Machinery A Specialty. Mill , nil an. i':i-tiiiL's ol' all knnls. Seciiinl liatnl loacliiitety I'm -ale I'l.eap. I all mi u- in w iite im w hat you want. (ire.it Reductions For Cash Si.I ' M.iiiletle lilies. IM'.;.!. C 'hi sm in!! Kii,-, sj.l'll. Mo'l'lelle lines. 'ML' ft. SI7.7.I l-'V i lima Mainim in,.. Is,.. c .lapane-e I 0 ic oui ( aipetinir 7.V ie U iinlou shades. gm, '"c ' :i7'.i'. a 'c e' vi I nl, I. in. ileum, ;;., ; " ii'.,-. li 'c I I nil ('Ii ith, l,v. 1 ii iiiinstei I aiictine'. s'lo Man liiv'.'o Picture ftanies, a.'io Wall papi'i. I. ' ami lie. per lull, l laice stuck nl touched all our thai 1 was proud him as a friend, were not like em fellow travellers to acknowledge some of his ways s, hut ihcv seem ed extremely right. Once 1 was worried hy a nervous little woman in Iron- of me with four small chil dren, ;ili heirs of her nervousness what other people were reading. Wc had the standard books w hich form the nucleus of private libra ries. We were not asking for old editions of rare books. We had books in the best of style of the bookmaker's art, in binding and that Jesus is my present guest, lie is at my side in the sanctuary and in the home, and by the way, I lind myself stopping to ask myself if I am ry seeds ot iniquity into the hearts due courtesy to a guesl who has ! Cameras, of the children of Cod." And 1 : come down from heaven to dwell 1 ,,,,,1 , son i,a,it aitim,.,( u wondered, hen he ceased speak- with me. In mv ease and self-in-. vi-rv i..i-.t in-u-m. ing, how he must regard hosts of diligence, am I treating Jesus ! characters in literature who walk right? And when I am undecided ! with braen ellroniery belore ihe 1 say why do I not do that which, receptive eyes of Christian youth, 1 am certain, will meei his approval led by the magic wand of some fa-. rather than run any risk? Holt inotis writer, and introduced into ness and unholiness cannot dwell the homes by Christian parents. togciher, and if the Holy One is ever with me I realize the need of being myself holy. And so may I ever be with Christ." Talking Machines, how ing Graphophones, Kodaks, SPIERS BROS. Wiai'ON, N. c VII.- Christ in Society. j We did not believe in isolation from society. We were not pur- printing and illustration and paper. pac.ncnt i and nil determined to cry tnces- I here were works ot art beatiii- iiameal and we looked with good1 Such was the old deacon's dream saiuly. I tried to read my paper, fill and valuable. A few choice i naiured pity on the history ofthose j now for the first time given to the bin ihe annoyance was too great, pictures adorned the walls, and a , well meaning people, whose views ! world. Have you ever realized, 1 was on ihe point of going into i few pieces of statuary adorned the and practices gave birth to the I reader, not merely that an eye of another ear when the noise sub- i cases of books or the niches be-! Word. Of course, we knew what ! divine record gleams on you from l'rl,i,ty l,lHlllHl. nr rrr RCTURNrn. .0 VlARf CXFCRIENCC. OUI' CHANOt . Ml THC LOWEST. Hi iiiI iiiimIi-I, iilmu, ur (iiiti.i (ur r.i. rt s.in-h Hiul (lis, is'iHiit oil putmilahillt jr. INFRINGEMENT mull emiilui-Usl iKtnre U rxnrt.. -ntiiiin hIiImIirs! Ilimuirli U ADVIR TlftfORHil SOLO, fits-. TRADE-MARKS, REN SIONS and OORVRIOMTS qukklr ubtAIIwd. Opponlt. U. . Putont Offtoo, WASHINGTON, D. O. WMSHSfriV . ... a .r.

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