ll bi fe faSr feO) lit! III J fern ifL Mil fiL WAW Advertising Kates Made Known on Application. VOL. XLII. N t W S P A P t R FOR THE PERPLE. Terms of Subscription $!.."() Per Annum WKi.nox. n. c., Tiii iisiiAv. si :i i ! : m i ;i :i i iu, idot NO. 12. JiH 1 ' ! .' I S AM'Col.ililclVciiiir.iliimrni'As d hiniiltitini; iliii'oiMniiullcHil.i ; 1 Unfit B25E Inf Ihe Slmniii lis awl I wwcis el 1 ( I'roinoii's leslionClvvrl'iil nt'ssnmllli'sl.Ceiiliiiiis in'iUnr Opium. Morphiar nor Mineral. jNOT "NAM C OTIC. afrju DrSMt a mrmii fl'mJcui JtfU i4lx Smttm I lixkrll, .'.:,' - I slruV Wi ' I fi-iftmint - ) III O'titfmlr.iatti ' . (.. m i Clanitd .titpt' ) Apeifecl Henieilv ror('(msliKi lion. Sour SttMiiac'i.llianlitva Worms .(amviilsiims.rovvn.ili iuss niul Loss of Si.kki'. r'ur Simile SiC'iuilm',' ui' N'CWYOllK. '4 tXACT CCVO1' WSAPFEK. i L :! j utanai : Bank : Hit.. I s WHLDON, X. V. Or;; !!M7 a it 11. I it a UI l i.l SI' L'nTII. I :;. Suite if North Carolina Depository. I lalifax County lVposiiory. Town of Weldon Uepusitory. "I , II II 1'' ihi iii-liluli'"i has iiii ntion. IN lu.'kh.il.lns nii-l Im-nus iti i crisis of I lull la :ui1 Vl-at". MiiIH'V Iit;l1lf-l it 1 1. il :ii)incil s; icr t'i'llUMli, Vi'i'imiits ui' nil . l'iulllAi: w. r, uMi 1., it i.-i'Hiiiu;M; i.i. 11 w.i.r.wis. (.likUiii.Niii'ilianipttin I'n . N. 1: ) ox: an A 1 I GARRETT & fe ll Pioneer I Wise 1 ;I3'9 il'aStiOfTfrs.. ""lUEjf 1 ' J A'--'.'7-'J' :- '-" vV ESTABIJrtllKI) 1:" SPECIALTIES; r VIRGINIA DARE POCAHONTAS jf lVhlleSeup)ennilKl i l(. il iiii.. :wn I -J'. h OLD NORTH STATE BLACKCGRY SHIAWATHA -PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL Sp.u-khii C And all other varietifsiil'l'iirf 1111 1 v ?V I.HiKliHHt CiliIi I'riccs 'iiul in Se...smi 3 Wr'torn lirunrh, M l.nuis, Mo SKA BOA R AIR LINE Exposition Line To Norfolk THE Hampton Foads, Jamestown hmtim April 26 to November 30, 1907. , . . Special Rates from Weldort: days and Fridays, limited seven days, $2.15. Season tickets, $3.c5. t'or rates from other points, apply to your nearest sKAUUAItl' intent, or repre leiilatives nunic.l lielow. ' Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. J. K. POTEAT, C. H. GATTIS, Tifket Agent, WVhloji, S, C, Trnv. Aifent, Rnleigh, N. ('. EISTB gcrjnfor.ts and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Thirty Years THC rCNTAUN COVrthH, NIW tOBH CITY. of : iiasi HlOIll! C; "'I'll UHi 0 iiii. r, - li - ! i'iUikiuu i';ifilil:r- I'm iiiis haw U'i-n :.lr!iti,i ! Willi Hit- N .h t hum .i.m n ',, mkuiv vc,-iti,iy .it tin lirill l':ih- t mti'li"I - .ilu'ilnl. vllllli. Ml II imiH W A Ml MilMIWIIillMlilIi COMPANY, G 't a-u v .,' in ; ; m i 1 hi '-'.5- Lwa i MINNEHAHA I 'i v M il,!;-, uiiinii) lut in jt.i'j'ic I luilfMimf imiini innit'-i Ii aH 11 ' v,.: liirull kimU nl ihall Inn's iinijit-s . tr - "v llmu O'.'ur u iFill.K, V RAILWAY ' Norfolk, Va . , . t. 1 . 1 1 -r Coach Lxcursion Tickets sold lues- Runrs the : ... . e.tJ' lift in I In Use !U For Over mm WiitMU days. Rklus am! Fullness oi Power He loii'f lo Wisdom :in. I Love. are blushing in their taiiiv, i.uir. ;.iv av broV'ii hue I'; !' their (,'- Minting toivr gaioi i'ir.;. L-1 1 1 1 mov in;; l jrC tlie v;ti:. '. The wju!a.'; v:',', ''-. l up .11 u- '" :i;.::i. iu- tiiv. i-cf-Vtvii i'lr ihiy:. 1 ..::ii!ii;t.r niul win 1 I ".: p!v:.! I '.I'.- .: !:; ut' ;;ui.l, ;is jfmiMirc w ! til', t It! them p.iss !; 1 ' llnw ripe s:ii;inirr vit!i i!u. luuc'i of iununi!!'-; i':,in." . uhh it; wiirm toier.mt. ri.-.i 11; ; :vniu; ;'. uii, full '. . ii.iin'.iv, iit'k, v-Iiiil in beauty ! ini'ii: 1; 1I11-. of file ilay.; tli.'.t v. HI reiniiul us of the week.'. o'.';,n ,v. -mi! ice that are to come. All about us are human s nils thai li.iVe in hem nil of Septem ber's richness, and what a ;;lorious b.;!iedic;i(iii ii would be were each ih' us in .sli.iw f.ii'lh in ourselves the ra'.:.. ::.ce tii.u is wf liiis season. v('iiy sliuuhi not ihe s. oil be rich uiiil warm? h'lil'e seeui.s cold and hard, l aulle ti.e lire within that will warm -.ill that conies within ihe !;!i.w i.f its radiance. It is fur yn'J yourseif to do this. It is rot riches or I'rieiuis or lame that can put into your sra! :!i;s i;o'.vi:i': ra diance. Possess Love and Wis- J doin. Tolerance is born of under-1 staudini;. In Love's realm all men lire brothers. Riches and fullness of power belong to Wisdom and Love. Having sought these lirst the others are indeed added unto you. Why should not your soul reflect the radiance which you have won out of the ripening that comes wiih undcrsuindinu? Responsibilities we should not seek to escape, bin they should not be a burden or a weariness. Seek ihe Love and Wisdom which shows how the burden may be made li&;ht and easy and there will be no care nor any ihouht ol the morrow. 1'iuLr heavy burdens the 1 body will be carried Uglily erect and the radiance of Septem ber's understanding will shine forth to tell other weary ones life ; may be made to give forth, iis best Rifts if the hand will but reach in the right direction to receive them. Reader, you who peruse the Sunday after day, may not be able to avoid all life's slinks and socall ed misfortunes. Hut there is no frost in sprin;;, no hail and heavy, ruinous rains, destructive lightning and blasting heat in summer? There are all these and more, or ii is not spring and summer, ilut September comes full and rich, breathing of the victories of the past and telling of other triumphs that are to come. Radiant, won drous, mystical, is Septem ber, holding in her hand the crystal jar of undertaking. The human soul that has reached iis autumnal equinox, whether the individual be young or old in years likewise is full of undertaking, is mystical, wondrous and glowingly radiant.- Durham Sun. Sl'k'I: TMIMi. 1 don't much think I'd like to be A man of millions rated, l-'or should 1 get a pile, 1 l et I'd he investigated. Words of Praise Vnr tin1 M'Vi'rut inri'itii-iiiMit whl.'h Ir. l'ii'lvi''s mi-'li.'lM : ill' l':;'i il. est ni'.i'll 1'V Ii'UJits ill nil tll N'i'l'al M'lin.1.. .it 1H.-.1;, in.', ln ii!a luivi' fur nuir" ui ;.,ht tluiM iny aiiiniiiit nf iiiin-iTiifi'ssinnal it's tiiiwmais. Mr. 1'i. r.'" s. rauiril,' I'll . rii timi lia.s t::i: i:.v'.i: ok iiMTY oil "vn-y li.itil.--v.ra.i'i r, in a full IM ut nil its in j;riilu tiLi ininti'il In ; lain KnlMi. II y.'ii iir,' an liivalhl winiian anil suITit fruni fri'iMi.-itt licinlucho, liai'k.u'ho. pnuw dislij In stomach, p.'ri,idk'.il pain, tli-'airri'.ul'', calarrh:il. prlvlo drain, or jjclv, prrhaps dark spots or speck daiwlrl lii'(.irt) tho -!, taint sp.'lls and l:lni!ai:yi.,i.'.oaijcaU3. J l. t.-uiuii? weak ness, uutthiir derutiKt'tiient ut tL feminine firj,.uisT7f iean nt,t do bettor Than take Dr. VetJfh Favurlto l'reserlpllon. The li-'ilal, surgeon's knife and opera ting talj'iuay bo avoided by tlie timely ue ut M-avoritc prescription " In such cases. Thereby tlie ohnniiis examin ' aliens aTTTI. .'il ')fi . it". eiiJs .a lie f.iimlv l.vsiL-iau can lie avuiueil ana a llu'l MUll I'nll se'ul Slh-i'i'ssflli treatllU'llt can'H'.i nllS Sru unlive medicinal roots known to medical science (or the euro of woman's peculiar ailments, contains 110 alcohol and 110 harmful or haliil-forminir drugs. Do nut expect too much from "l'avorita I'rpsi-rintioiii " It will not perform mira cles! It will not disolve or cure tumors. Ho medicine w ill. It will do as much to estalli;.h vigorous health in most weak nesses and ailments peculiarly incident to women as any medicine can. It must be (riven a fair chance by perseverance in Ita use for a reasonable length of time, V"" rilll'l i'lf"ri1 '" " I'1 " ""'r"' "n trum as a suli-titui" f"r p.i' r,.ii,,iv ,,f p7, ic'impositi'jiL. kfk women are invited to consult Pr. Pierce, by letter, frer. All correspond ence Is Kinirdi'd a" sacredly secret and womanly contidences are protected by professional privacy. Ad lress Dr. U. V. l'lerce. HulTnlii. N. V. Dr. Pierce's l'leiisan' llets the rwst laxative and reirulaloi .,f thn Isiwels. They Inviiiorate stomii -b, liver and bowels. One a iBxalive ; two or three s cathartic Easy to take as eandy. -xr(U; a BONG 1 lly Jitmei Whitcomb Riley C (jj'U r i-r'fl'i. V-iSl. I .''VS. by Jnm Wh'tfonil Kilt-y I,. .'1- ' -A',.1 0llkUMKMMHMMlMTAMM'..WI I'ysiitPc tvi r acdfl iomehere. my dear; .fys V is tve- a souieKir. linds alway: '' &$tjy' There's ll'.e 1 A the hi ll when d wit ).;;, o! (lie tn.'uth f'.ic tunthlne ihower aerosa t.'ic Anil tlie Miitiiird dills in the And in and oul, when ll.c taves flic iv.jl'jwj are twittering ccaiclcsdy. here is net & lie the skies There is ever a There is ever 6. There in ever There is ever & son somewhere, In the midnight black, or the ihe rohm pipes when the sun is And Ihe cricket chirrups the The buds m&y blow, and the fruit may grow. vUiIi And the autumn leaves drop crisp and sear: ?wS'Jf'S But whether the sun. or the rain, or the snow. V" i'o There is ever a. song somewhere, my dear. ( i There is ever 1 . .."is- J-ArwfiL. Be the il'ua llJsfe$fi$&3i There is eve" a ;W.H5S'li..v : "iffi.W yAl TL... Isw KLIiP A PI LLIN'. Lf the tide is runnin' strong Keep a pullin', Lf the wind is blowin' stroiig, Keep a pullin', Taint no use to cuss and swear Wasie your breath, and rip tear, Iif it rains or ef it's fair, Keep a pullin'. Though it's winter or it's May, Keep a pullin' Lf you're in the ring to slay, Keep a pullin', Though you can't see e'en a ray, Sun is bound to shine some day, Cot to come 'fore long your way, Keep a pullin'. When you're sick and tired, too, Keep a pullin', Never 'haw you're feeling blue, Keep a pullin', Ain't no good in blaming fate 'Cause you're working hard and late; Letter say you feel lirst rate, And keep a pullir.'. Lish won't bite just for the wishin' Keep a pullin', Change your bait an' go a lishin' Keep a pullin'. Luck ain't nailed to any spot, Men you envy, like as not, Lnvy you your job and lot, Keep a pullin'. Sympathy is iust a fake, Keep a pullin', No one feels it when you ache, Keep a pullin'. Only this is worth your while, And you'll find it helps a pile, When the wind blows hard, smile An' keep a pullin'. S'po.se you haven't got a ecu!, i Keep a puliin', I Not a led 10 pay liie n.-ot, ! Keep a pullin', Geiim' busted ain't no crime, (lorry, ni.t'liiy, that's ihe time. to (irit will make a man sublime, Keep a pullin'. . Can't fetch business with a whine, Keep a pullin'. Grin an' swear you're feelin' fine, An' keep a pullin'; - Summing up, my brother you ! Hain't no other thing to do j Simply got to pull her through, So keep a pullin'. TO HATCH CMICKLNS. j The teacher had been talking i about a hen sitting on eggs, and, I with the incubator in his mind, I asked if eggs could be hatched in any otner way. ves, put em under a duck," was the response. V i W?Th' ' somewhere I JMii-'ttti") ' 'V..s. , .-.,.i:f;.WL .' -I- .;' The middleman is not always! satisneqjo ao miciuing wen. . ... S-VT !.' v tlie skiel .re do when the skies are r. 1 f f f -V rain. orchard tree: ""Njj" ., drip rain, 'TJflv ei onJ lomewhcre, my dtur. above or dark or fair. song that our hcirts may licf.r song somen hero, my d.-a.r i song somewhere I my dear. midday bluett, - .:. s t , .Sz here, '1 'y'lJW'''; j-" whole night through, jti W'i'V-' rWl ' 7 song ornewhere. my dea.r. above or dirk or fair. M song tha.1 our hearts ina.y hear L? l. .. j... .mi 90l,x w"ievncrc, my aear AIM The Common Attitude Toward Death is Not Christian Hut I'a- i Not long ago a prominent and and popular minister of London shock , ed his congregation by appearing at the funeral of a member of his ; church in a gray suit. 1 lis expla nation was ibis : "I'm tired of gloom and pagan ism of our Christian funerals. This man was eighty-two years oid. All his life he had maintained,! charac ter of purity and uprightness, and for most of his life he ha. I a strong Christian faith. Why should we load ourselves with black for such a passing?" The question will come home to thousands of thinking Christians outside of this minister's parish. It is easy to understand the purely personal and sellish grief of those who have closed the eyes of one they loved, but it is not easy to see why those to whom belief in the resurrection and in immortali ty is a corner-stone should contin ue their conventional mourning for months and years. We hail the birth of a child with joy and congratulations; we greet death with sorrow and condolence. Vet death is as norma!, as natural a part of God's plan, as is birth, and to every sincere Christian it is the beginning of a life beside which the most joyous earthly life is poor and unsatisfying. The common attitude toward death is, as the London preacher ,, i . - , called ii, not (.hrisii.m but pagan. The real, consistent Christian aiti- Hide regards death as a natural and inevitable step, whuh all must take, as surely as we go from mir seiy io schoolroom, and Iroin schoolroom to ihe greater world outside. Above all, it thinks of those whose presence is no longer visible, not gone, but as still with us, sharing every joy, and know ing at lasi every loving thought which we entertained, but failed to express while they were here in the flesh. , . , . . ... . , . It IS this View WlliCll makes death Hot a horrible but a beautiful lllillg to contemplate, and which, when we attain it, will rob funerals of much of their hideous pagan pano ply and unnatural and immortal gloom. Youth's Companion. A PLRI FCT ACHILVLMLNT. Mr. Goodart Miss Koy has such a perfect air of innocent young womanhood. Miss Chellus Yes; practice! signa1 makes penect, you Know. MISUNDERSTOOD PEOPLE. Let I s Study Kaeh Other's Type (if Persoiiiililv. One reason why some people do not sympaihie wiih eaeli other in respect to certain m illers which particularly allecl their lives is i -cause they do not understand one another. And ea :h is so constitu ted that ii is imposal le for him lo know hist what the dili'crcnces h:- tween him and the other one are. 1 lie man ol iiul'.l ami very ge'iial temperament cannot understand why it is thai another man of his acquaintance acts m cross and cits- agreeable as he often does. The former says there is no reason w hy the latter should make such a spectacle of himself. The mild tempered man does not know how uracil the oilier one has lo contend against his own eon-tliutiou. lie docs not consider liie inherited tendencies to irritability to tpiick- ness of temper, and to excessive sensitiveness. The genial, self- control person does not know how very hard the passionate man struggles against the turbulent ele ments within him. He does not know the man's griefs over his fail ures to act better than he does act. Nor does the strong Christian un derstand his weak brother. He says thai the weak one is wholly at fault fir being so. Tile man of daring courage has but little if any patience with the one who often trembles with fear and runs away from the first appearance of any serious danger. The latterbranded as being an abject coward, un worthy of the respect of till cour ageous people; and this is because tlie man of courage does not un derstand the oilier one. He does not stop to think of the self-evident fact that no one wains to be a coward - that no one wants to be the subject of harrowing fear. All people would like to be brave at all linn's. Let us study each other's type of personality. A truer knowl edge of one another would make us more kind to each other. I'RLSLNCi: OL MINT). A negro minister from Georgia, who was visiting friends m New York City, went one Sunday to the Cathedral on Fifth Avenue. He was very much impressed by tlie service, especially by the choir boys in the processional and recessional. When he returned to the South he resolved 10 intro duce the same thing into his church; so he collected fifteen or twenty little darkies and drilled them until he had them Wul-train-ed. One Sunday ihe congregation was greatly surprised to see the choir-boys marching in, singing the processional. The minister noticed that something was wrong; ihe boy in from was not carrying anything. He leaned over the pulpit and in order to avoid attracting attention, he chanted in tune to the song they were singing: "What havj you done -with' the incense-pot ?" The little darkey, with great presence of mind, chanted back, "I - left it in-- the aisle it was too -damn hot."-l I.trper's Wcek Iv. A Humane Appeal. htiaiaai' eili.'.-n ,,!' l,'',-l Mr 1 . h illiam-. It W i says: "I a',e.il in nil u Ill.nts In lake IM k SI'. 1 1. Ill, I . 1 Hani si , rl'-'ins wlli 's , ll's- i',,i'iy. tlieiniiy ieniril that lias !,ili e. I liie ainl lull i'miii". nt In 1 !,, in,,- i irimm-ii;iti..ti " 11 'iir- in, n r I : i's I ha ii a 1 1 m 1 1 1 a' t Ii I m;i i a iii 1 I ii m: ,,, ,,. , , ,.., i ,,, ,1. 'Illl' I I.l' W .! I, I l, rl I (Ill's litna. la 1 ilieliili'.. ei.aii HiMpiin; lilhisie. nil'.'il. mUiiisv. liMat-i n,'". : l.il.s lie Illitl'Ji's Ml 'lie Imilils tln lii up tlineeisl iiinli -,l l,v n ii v ,.i Naturally the youth thinks of his budding mustache when someone cries "Down in front. " Health in the Canal Zone. The Li'jli uaees pa'al tnakeit a iinelitv temptation to unr ynuiie atlisans to jnm Hie lutee ol'sltille,) mililui'li ni'e,le,l lo eoiistniet the Panama 1 anal. Maiivaie it siiaiiieii hiiweti r liv Ihe 1'eai ol' levers an.l malaria. 11 is the knouiiii;' mms those t.ho hate use,! ljeetlie Hitters, who it'o Ihete without this lear, well kn.mimr they tne sale fro,,, nialatious inllm'l.ee with Klectoe I'.illrts on liaml. , uies I'lMiiu hiimiii u ,m. I inn uisness. weakness niul all sloniaeh. literau.l kil iiev lioiihles. liumantee.l hv tuiv itiue- , ei-'l. ."iiie. Wlien one is seasick how easy is to give up. For Infants and Children. ! The KiiitJ YflU HaVtJ Always BOUght i VISITS HEAVEN AND HELL. I'astor Tells (if Whiit He S;iw of the Life lo Come. Tiie Rev. 'I 11 e ran of liie civil lie lias cpc; mas (dark, a vet war, declares that ,1 vi-i'SIs in w Inch he ha.:-, visiied and hell. II.. heliev only man to have tin. si: future world . l-otti li-atii . he is the ccn 'villi ol' liue the days of Leu Adliem. I ie says llmt the people g c ' 1 l r - ally have a vcroiig coucepiion of the future after dcaili. I -'or i:i- stance, be s tys liiat lie personally saw four devils, wliilc the popular mind believes that there is only one. Clarke believes that he is not only a minister but a prophet and philosopher. He predicts a bloody war beoveen thevcars O0S and Lilt), I M 5 has '; Ie say n set , tn.it i,;e ye: ide in the d vine .scheme of tliisg, us ii; propriate rime for ;hv vtcon.' ing of Chris:, Clarke v.;.. a member i Thirty-seventh Virginia C the airy mill'; ihe war - 'I'clersburg P SERMON AM) ITS RKMINDI-R. A Brooklyn minister gave a scathing discourse on the evil ef fects produced by bad example and exhorted all members of his congregation not to countenance by their presence such a place of iniquity as Coney Island. At this one of the church wardens exci tedly snapped bis lingers. At the close of the sen ice a member accosted the church war den and said ; "blow was that for a sermon?" "Great! 1 hope ii will bear fruit," was the reply. "What did you snap your lin gers for?" "Why, ii reminded me that's e place where I left my umbrel- i. " .N.i Inn i earns it l.iltl. Mi. M..I..S. ia;,,' n ,.ti...r u. ,!.,"l,.l.".,"rV""1. ios The baker wouldn't want to buy rings for all his ladv fingers. Cures Blood. Skin Diseases. Can" cer, (ireatest Wood Purifier Free. mill ulnul i i ; 1 1 ; , ii r , . t i 1 : 1 1 . , hsi'a.e.l. a- la!! ni' ilium, i ... it ,,n Lave IiImm.I mi. eai i . eal liiiiii'li-v. eal ine .mi,-.. 'Iiikl. e.'t iii. i. ill-lull':. I'siniis an, I al,li iiiinj.lv ..kin. Iiiitie pains. ni- ealai ill. 1 1 leu i nat i in. or auv hi I mi skin ,!:-,:!-,'. lake l',,,tatiie 1:1, l Halm, Ik I',. Ik i o.ii all s ,,,, . ni'h.'s mi. I pains i,,p ami lLr 1,1,.,., 1 is nia,. pine an, I oeli I 'i iiit'jisis mi 1, ,,t,ss si pel Lull ie, sample Iii',' 1 u i tun: I'.l.niiO I'.M.M I'll.. Mlaiila. Ha !'. II. I', Is espreiallv i,l ls,., ,,l i-lilMlne ami ileep sen I e, I eases, as il eines. al'ler all else fails I 1 . v As to the matter of cleanliness, while there's life there's soap. I'lii'ie an- a un a! many ,,. w ho (uoe spelii ailaeks i,f iii,li,:i.si,,,ii ami ilvspepsia lily all the tini " I'liell liiinl may siimi ihe appetite Imt it fails to nourish the l.,ly sanplv hei-aiis,. t!l(. stoinaeh is imt in iit i .hrioti l,i,l,i the mirk it is sup.ie.e,l in ,lu. h nin't ,li ttesl t he l'oo,l on eat. I'he st,,u,.teli shmil.l he t;n eu help. YoAoiiuhi lake soinelliiliu' thai will .lo the work vmir sloniaeh can I .lo. ko,l,, ',,i i ,i. Ii tion uml dyspepsia, a eiuiiluiialion of iiatinal iliiti'siauls ami leiteial.le nei.ls. illL'i'sts the I'm i, I il.-ell'aml eives slremtlh mill health lo tlie stoinaeh. I'll asaul to lake. s.l.l Ly W. M. r., Welilon, N.I'. The building genius does not prove it by using flowery language, it ,. (,i;'llsi;;"id lieii.hiehe helehn,,... h,i ih I; M.iliiai'li Omit, Irv II, .all ami KhIh, v ( m. a-Sa. . t..n ni mi :l,lni.,l-. on . ,,ii j,,, nr. ia,-. I U .l.ii ai. . l '. itli a in'i'sei iiaiua k n i, n I ui-oroi-c. mm-s, ;;;:;;,;!: ; ls;:Tz Attorney.At.Law, '''"aV"t".i'i!i.!,. eaa-i.a ,h .i.ia.-.;.i. ' Vithsia! Hank I'.iiil.line, a v., -a:, in . ui i.aii i.;,l.,i.:',a,a .a ins i- I I',-,,.,,,-, n, all Slate ami I'e.leru! inill.'i.t pulse, alvoo- aivaa- rak si,,:,, S ,,.. , ,,.,, ,,t elaiii.Ml, Hal, ;"""' I"'''- "t u-al, laa. rav ?:as a,l ii.lj.iiai,,.' emulies. fl -lira.:tli,.ii .. ,..,. , r,.n;;,,lli J ,. i,, ,,;,a ,, :i,,n,ve,l seeuouB "'I'li's i.iili I'i. si ,i . l;.ii,aaii'.ran,i I Whanev So lit-i Natimial Hank oil si i' !i,iw ijii'i'klv tin e ailnii iil- ,l:-ali- Wrl.liiii' I I'.-ar. hi. sli,iii.. of lla.-na. W iv. mil i mail von siiiiiples ll'ee. tt'rili- Tor tlifin. I KI.I'OX. N. ('. I Al.'-lmil liii. N.i.ii lieal, Ii ,-e,,iaia- Iv worlli lla- -i,'ii,,. tiial, . . . Snl.l l,v W. , ('ol,,. n. Wei, I. ,n. I ' . spsamaumm n mu The bareback riders' conven- $ FEELING I s"'Jk I IJVEE-ISH LOR OS LR SIXTY N LARS I . . r, mw ,v. s,,;,H,as I This Morning?! Iit'i ll ns,..l Inr iner tin ,vs.,v nillli.ias W T'KE in' oi. .1 h,-i -- l',,: 1 1 ii o r t-1 i , 1, 1 i ,ii w lnl,-irelli- U . I lie.', mill il'!l'. i 'I see. vs. ti smmIIh.s jSSt4S5&V I tlieell,l.sl'i,lsl. ":,:,. all,,. :, f jjffi&ffiW I iam; euiv , "ni e. -lie. a n, I :- lii,- l,rt .) i 1 n-nnly I'Mi-Oiaivii,,-:,. It will ivl'.'ie 1 1 ,. SSs -mi, iv miiii... Mi.-iv. s,i,i ..a i pi i vwr wrrn en nan,,, i r.d.o tt i i en IV Mire:,,,.! a-!. .r MHMdjmi ' I llir !' I ami I hut;. , " ." ,',, iv ,,l U,iril u- nun j sliclil nervousness me Kyinpiiuiis nl' in j iliKPHtion which, wiieu iilloweil loeu tin- j etireil for, ivili .levelop into a ease of ilyspeiisiu that will take n hum tunc to ', K-'l I'd of. I'on'l neit'leet youi sloiuaeli. ; At tile IliKt iliilieallnu ol trnuhle take suiitelliiin; that will help italont; in its work of iliirestinsj the food you eat. Ko- dol for iinliiresfuiti ami dyspepsia will do this. Kodol will nmke your I'nod do you irood and ettahle you to eniov what you eat. Sold liv W, M. rien, Weldon N (' Weak Kidneys W. ak KM'ieri. Kerv. 'I Ii" K 'lie h'tinimcli. liii'l in.'ir pnir-.t tn w.nk k:.l:i.'y liK,- II.,. , II. ,irl, 1111,1 itm kn.. II' l 111 tli" firiMn lii;it iui,lr.,l iin, I piml, r. sliu,..S I'.' sli.raivi, H ,r. i.;ir..il In r.'iii'li tin's., "i t-.r ll. K'iIii. s iilnu... R'l l sir . I Ii in,"ii' n... mln...n l.ini. I Ii j.eir , ,1 I .iiui i! li.un.iy as or U w. nk. if tliM tirin., .Hi' il J '.11 h:i iKiamn ii. -.mif ,.r i.i'.i.'..ruiifl kiil ...s l;...li.i !li,. a iiiiiulii .v'.jii it ran imu Hill '.. m i. l 1.U.1 0 se 1 1. in 1; lil .1.- 'lu' .-i du ha ) ., nosvorafivG W. M. COHEN. our Stomach N. ?.np;tjte. loss ot strength, nrvoi: nsss, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catanh of the .;.tornach are ail due to Indigestion. Ivodol cures ii. digestion. This new discov ery rerjr!is'c:nls tne natwal Juices oi diges tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, no:nbined v.th the "teatest known tonio an: reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures ail stomach troubles by cieansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening thnu:'J0U3 mir.brane3 lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. F,ill, r. Ravniwood, W, Va.. says: " I wis troubled with auur Mermen for twenty yars. K' i -i cured rr.a and we ate now ualnf it In miik fcr :ji v." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. $! -.0 Si'- ho Mb 2l4 times the trial S::-.. wh.ctT S''i!t. fr-r i'.O rims, flrepart-d by E. Ci. Lort ITT & 00., OHlGAQQ, -il, l.y W. .il. (uh.-ii. WcMun. N. r. J. A. ALSTON iim: iiiiiit briiff-ncs. ri;uv-iiis i:- tii hI'.ai i n. Hill M SUV Oreat Reductions For Cash ira. n ra I A Gcnt'e Laxative i And Appetizer jj -a.,.. -Mm,iii",i,' (tints yj.T.'i. S-'.so Smyi na Lues, s-J.eil. -' Mo,u, tti. liats. !mj it. i;.;;, ic'V l liiua Malum:. liie. 'J.e. " " Se. C"e .lapaiies,. - 7,, -'' " isle i.ie U mmI ( aip. lintr 7ae Cie 'll," shailes, 'lie. 'ee ' llT'.e. n ie c'-vil w i.le l.nuileuiii. Tae. TV (i.e. I IV I'Imoi I hi Cliith. ise. IS',". AmuiiisIi'I t'arpetnlir. site M. Ill IIP.C'il I'lelure I'ltillles, HV Will I paper. I. a anil He per roll, . laiLe stoek of Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, uini .--ii jim-.- Mil u;witl m ail lllill'K, Ul II vctv Imu. st juices. SPIERS BROS. wianox. N. ('. i s ni,uy ,,i,i:,i,i..,i, r rrc RrrunNin tO VEARK'SXeitRltNCC. Oili CHARGKS J.HE THI LOWEST. S i,.! iu,l, 1. i.l,t li. a-ln. v ,,.l w-i,r, li nu t i.i.i puanlahellv. INFRINCEMEMT niio . . intii. ttit befori, nil emirt. I'm. .tux ,.:,o. i,sl -I rain-li ,1,. AUVItN. TISEOuml CL0. I ..- . nADC-MANKS, Hil- ; j ! , j I SIONS uiul OOPThte.HTl ,,iM'kly litaitiwl. Oppofilto U. 8. Pa'aint Ofllco, WASHINUYOH, O. C. wrfUm.

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