Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription.$1.50 Per Annum4 VOL. XLII. WKLDON, N. ('.. rill'HSDAV. SKl'TKM l!KK 1!)07, NO. Jl. fit 5 t--J WELDON FURNITURE CO., I WHERE THE MERCHANT FAILS. , An Iowa Parmer Tells Him He Should Advertise, and How. rXDEUTA kvu "W. O. BXjLIQ, MA1TAGER. ft HEARSE S E RV ICE AN VTI M E, ( Day or night, we are ready to iiccnmmotlaU-our friends f and the public Kcnerally. : : : : : WE-LDON FURNITURE COMPANY, W'eldon, North Carolina. Ml 'I Write to us, or call when visiting Exposition, for the Jamestown Sash, floors, jjlinds Mantels, Tiles and Grates, Hardware, Paints, Etc. FRANK T. CLARK CO., Ltd , NORFOLK. VA. 5 30 ly OE Du : Bank : of . Weldon WELDON, N. C. Organized Dmler Tie Laws of the Slate of North Carolina. .Ui.rsT.'oTII. S!P-.'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. . Capital ail Sirplis, $40,000. F 0 U l.'i tliis institution has iimviileil bankini: facilities for this sec - tiiin. Its stockholders an. I directors have turn i lent i licit with the business iiiteicsts of Halifax ami Niirtliamptmi (..tunics for many .Money is loaned upon appimed security at the letral rate of interest Accounts ot all are wilinle.1. An Iowa fanner contributes to ; the Des Moines Capitol the follow ing very pertinent suggestion as to i why the mail order houses sueeeed in getting the business of the rural i communities away from local mer chants: ! "If the mail order houses get: $1,1)00 out of this county each ; month that belongs to the home merchants the fault is with the mer chants themselves. The mail or der houses advertise and give us prices on everything they ofler for sale. They tell us what they have ' and what they want For it. Of course we get soaked once in a : while and if we do we can try , some other house. Most of the home merchants who advertise at j all don't quote prices. They neg lect to tell us what we want to know the price. Of course we can go to the store and ask the price of this article, and that, but you know how it isone doesn't know so well exactly what he wants to buy when he gets in a store as when he is at home. And there is where the mail order houses make their hit. They send their advertising matter into homes and we read it when we haven't anything else to do and every member of the family who reads their stuff usually finds something that he or some other member of the family wants and many orders are made up and sent out just at such times. "Kight here is where the home merchant falls down. IF he talked up his business to us in our homes the same as the mail order houses do the people would be in to see him thei next time they came to town and in many cases extra trips would be made to get the things at once that we didn't know we j wanted until they were brought to ! our attention. "MUST HE." Lord ! Issue Thine Own Mandate and Say, "I Must," and Let Us "Make Haste to Receive Him ; Joyfully," Said Prohibition Maine to Prohibition Georgia: "Here's looking :.t you." From Puck. Copyright, 1907. By permieaion. SHOULD WIVES GET SALARIES? If This Were Possible It Would Prevent L'nhappiness. It is frequently stated that the j chief reason why French marriages are, as a rule, happier than ours, lies in the fact that the wife's dower secures her from those monetary disagreements which are at the root of much matrimonial misery. A good deal is written and spok en of the extravagance of women. But somehow few persons seem willing to air the grievances of yearn six per centum virK-eiullo:vr; .IIIK: W. I':. UAMI l., llr.ll.W.I.BVIS. (Jackson, Nut thanif Inn Cu . N. I! ) W SMI 111. pers, and put it in so that we know he means business. The home merchant likely, nine times out of ten, sells his goods as cheap as the mail order houses, and l believe mMmMnnmUmnMm. 011 many "es they are much WTfV'W fv rs 'r- r - -if m- t n- " w " - - - -7- , fi a -nTiTirnfn o rATfn A "VTTT V o those thousands of wives whose pit- "The home merchant can save ; tance ()f is doled out ir the expense of getting up a cata- j rc!ulary at thu capricious wills of logue. We people read the home mdr loUs ,md m,lsters, The falh. papers more carefully than we do a wj n() make his diUlgh,L.r any the catalogue, and if the merchant ai,owallcx, evcl, jr he can affi)rd t0 wants to talk business with us let d() whe1 she m;11Tics shc him put his talk in the home pa- ,,,,,.. . m.r. haps, but not a day before. In wealthier circles marriage set tlements are the rule, despite the fact that the bride is, at the altar, endowed with all the worldly GARRETT & COMPANY, know Pioneer Americaii ESTABLISHED !. jjjjf. U SPECIALTIES; V I R C I N I A D A R E POCAHONTAsf Xt (WUiteSeupperuoiiK) ( Ite.l h uip.Mii.iut:l OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY $ U HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA: W (Ked Champagne) (Dry .-enpiwrm-im) U PAUL C ARRETT SPECIAL W (Sparkliii ChauipaKur) j. And all other varietimof Pure and Wholesome Wines liir homes and Imtel u e jUj W lVHighi( Cash I'ricea Canl in Season tor all kinds nl small trails, grapes ete.W Wtateru Urueti, St Louis, Mo !lmu Oilier. sttlil'Ol.K, VA. f . 1 m m r AIR LINE RAILWAY Exposition Line II cheaper but how are we to if he doesn't tell us about it. "A merchant must not think that even his best customers know his goods so well that they can tell what he has without being shown. "It is none of my business how the home merchant runs his busi ness, but I don't like to see these roasts in the papers all the lime about us fellows who get a little stuff shipped in once in awhile and never anything said on the other side. There are always two sides of a question, given you mine. It' anything to you you can take it. and 1 nave ' ey t0 ler own use. II IS Will in liven when the alarm clock goes off, it's not easy to rise to the occasion. SEABOARD The rotund stout person seems i to get round a good deal. j MacaMaaaMawaaHaaMaaaKaaaaajiiiw i A Square Deal j J assured ynu when you Imy Dr. Pierep'i j family medicines tor all the Inredi- em entering- into them are printed on ! the hotile-w rappers and their formulas are attested llluler oath as Icim; complete and correct. You know just what you are paying (or and that the. Ingredients are trutliered from N'.iiuie's latmratory, lieing selected (r the nio-i valuable native medicinal roots fi.und Krowiuu In our American fores tnm4j h lie potent to cure am pcrrcFHt harnihjsiato lh most delicate wonaWiiloTrTt Not a drop l u 1 vri iviiv I I .41111 VI 'iJ.IV L" nr li fHi.ll- A. "Qf '' ' .u.r.i'-uM.i i;ih ..r,;; rmiiy and I icsi I Mlol IIjC Uojdl.:::iil irii.7i7t..s 11-..I In tie 111. vll.-ll'lff l,r'F"- Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Val April 26 to November 30, 1907. SpteUI Rates from Weldon: Coach Excursion Tickets sold Tues days ana Fridays, limited seven days, $2.15. Season tickets, $3.85. For rates from other points, apply to your nearest entatives named helnw sKAIlOAUD aijent, or repre- Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. J.K. POTEAT, C. H. GATTIS, Tick Ajent, Weldon, N. C. Trav. )'. Agent, Raleigh, N. (.. -rios ..,.l .,.,vr,,, ioTrl us ii" mi fli j niai properties of Its own. IIC1IIK tt HIOSl ,lllll.iuii'un ,iin a.iu, ferment, nutritive and soothing demul cent. (Ilycerlnn plara an Important part tn Dr. i'lerec's liolden Medical Discovery In I tin cure o( Indigestion, dyspepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, heart-hum, foul hrealh, coated tongue, poor appetite, gnawing feeling In stom ach, tiilioimucss mid Kindred derango. incuts ot the sti inicli. liver and tioweU. Itesides curing all the iilmve distressing ailments, tliH"lioldeii Medical Discovery " Is a specllle for all diseases ot the mucous membranes, us catarrh, whether ot the nasal passages or of the stomach. Iiowels or pelvic orgiuu. Even In Us ulcerative stages It will yield to this sovereign rem edy if Its ue In-persevered lii. In Chronic Catarrh of the Nasal passages. It Is well, while taking the "liolden Medical Dis coverv " for the npcessary constitutional treatment, to cleanse the passages freely two or three times a day w ith Dr. Sage's I Catarrh Heme y. This thorough course of treatment generally cures the worst ; cases. In cougln and hoarseness caused hy bron- rlilal. throat and lung stTcctlens. except eon mmiitlon In lis advanced stages, tlie "ttoltlen Medical lliscoTery " Is a tnosl elttetent reoi edy. estwlally In those uhsilnate. Iiautl-on I eoutrlis caused hy Irritation and congestion of the bronchial mucous iiieinhranes. 'the "Ills" 1 :vvery " Is not so good for acme coughs aris ing from sudden colds, nor must ll Is' ex pected to cure consumption In Its advanced ilages -no medicine will do that but fer all the obstinate, chnmle coughs, whlcli. If ner lecUHt. or badly treated, lead up to eonaunip. Uon. It la Urn Iwat uusdlclna that can be taken. goods of her bridegroum. In classes where his income does not run to thus satisfying the wife's peace of mind when she finds her self, for the first time, dependent for every penny upon her husband she will, when her trousseau is given out, wear shabby shoes and threadbare gloves rather than over come her natural diffidence to ask for the necessary money to buy more. A delicate sense of honor will prevent her from appropria ting any of the housekeeping mon- Then, indeed is hers a sad case. Then, indeed, would the agreement between hus band and wife for the wife to re ceive a salary for work performed, prove a blessing and would save her pride and perchance her happi ness front being wrecked on this unpleasantly inevitable rock in the matrimonial ocean. WHUN A MAN MARRIES. When a man marries, Trouble begins; Buttoning waists, And putting in pins. Looking at bonnets To see if they're straight; Keady to star), Then having to w ait, Hunting for robbers, 1 1 mler the bed; Housed in the night, Por a blanket to spread, When the rain comes, Though you're wrapped in repose, Roused with a shout, All the windows to close, Summoned at morn, i To start up the fire; Get in the milk, In your scanty attire, ; Run to the store, For the food you would eat; Gel in the ice, Ere it melts in the street, Hurry to work, Hurry back with your pay When man marries So passes a day. Detroit Free Press CHASING RAINBOWS. Orrison Sweet Murden in "Suc cess Magazine." How many people go through life deluded with the conviction that if they could only get a little more money, get into a little more comfortable position, own a little better home, or if they could only get over the particular trouble that is annoying litem at the time they would be so happy ! I know a man who bad a very hard boyhood, suffered great pov erty, who is now 50 years old, and he has always honestly believed that if he could only get the par ticular thing he was after, or get over the particular difficulty that wasannoying him at the moment, he would be perfectly happy; but he is the same anxious, resiles:-, ex pectant spirit today as when a youth. I le has been quite suc cessful and has done some remark able things, hut lie is invariably in hot water. There is always some thing that nettles him, or destroys his happiness, and, although he is ,i well meaning man, lie lias m.ule his I'amilv, his employers and ev- rybody about him very unhap py, necause lie is always tretnng and worrying, always borrowing trouble. AN KASY ONE. A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Try ing to make the matter clearer, he said, "Now, boys, if I stood on my head the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I should turn red in the face." "Yes, sir," said the boys. "Then why is it that while I am And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zaccheus, make haste and come down; for to-day 1 must abide at thy house." Luke xix. 5. Our Saviour for the first time in vited Himself to a man's house We may feel ourselves quite as unlikely to entertain our Lord as Zaccheus seemed in be; and yet, perhaps at this hour, He presses Himself upon us. Will we re ceive Hun ? Zaccheus was a man in a de spised calling, a publican, a lax gatherer for the Romans, over their prostrate people, the Jews. He was in bad odor with all re spectable folk. He was rich, with the grave suspicion of getting his wealth by dishonest means. He was determined and eccentric, otherwise he would hardly have climbed a tree to carry out his pur pose. Hut if there was no other way to carry out his desire, he would even do that; for see Jesus he would. He was not the choice of any class of society, in any re spect. ! Yet to such a man Jesus came, ! and He will come to us, if we as j earnestly desire to see Him. I There was a necessity which pressed upon the Saviour, and which led Him to abide in the j house of Zaccheus. Looking at j his heart, the Lord saw a sinner I who needed Him, and who would ! gladly accept his mercy, a person j who would illustrate the sover eignty of His choice, a character I whose renewal would magnify Rheumatism I liavH (omul u tried itinl tst-I 'iir" fur Kinij. ITliiliMit! ii rwio'itv Dint i;i sitrniKliteii Hoi cli :t'rt-"l litnii- uf dimine I'rippkf-. nor turn hrmy ROWtli- htiek tn lI'Sll lljjlllll. '1 lint I- MllKf-Mllli-. !tit I cm i mm- Miivly kill tint pi. iiia ami puiiir of this llflllomllll- tllrteasie. In (ieniinnv-Miili ('liemi.-t in Hi" ('My of Iurn)St!Klt --1 fuuhd the lasi funrrnl L with Whii ll )T-' KlK'imuitir K'-meili mailt a pert.Tteti. ilrpeti.liiM- iJi-fsriiHinn Withullt Unit la st iiiffrctietit. I MK'fi-fully tinted ninny, mm i y cu1-" ot Kit. 'lie hi 'Mil ; hul inm , it! In!, it utii fi.ntilj cure, all ciin.Mr .'iis, ni tin-. Ii..'p-Uifnr-) linn h 'Ir- itilei! diM-Hs.- '! ho-' Miti-Mik'- Brntuibir Wll-l."v fu'inil lit Kl.fiinHtlr llli.ii'l. -ft 'in tnilc-iiU'.t ami Hk it wit y inol'T lit" in 1 1' if i "f i Ink I'l'ini"! y a fnflv h filter suifur v.h"'t kM' 'I in leir.i muter, i Ami He n w li.'it -h v.-.j. 1 1 !.. pi-i.-ntmits wustf freely (.- from the --l-IH. lit.' I ll." i;i'l-e of Klieuiiml'-rn t- tf-.itf (nrev.-r Ther- c imw nu T.-B. te'-.l- - le. tenia I eru-f tc -nfW l.mfc''-r wiMi OUl U'ip We !"!!, ttiel Hi mill, 'it-LCD reniUiliifuJ Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy ' W. M. CCHEN. Sour Stomach Via appetite, loss ot strength, nervou ness, heaaache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh j of the stomach are alt due to Indigestion. ; Kodol cures indigestion, This new discov ery represents the natural Juicea of dige ; tion as they exist In a healthy stomach, I combined with the greatest known tonio ! and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Oure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W, Va., say: " 1 was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured ma and w ire now mint It in milk for baby," Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only, $1.06 St:e holdlnt 2 times the trial size, which sella for 50 cents. epard by E. O. DaWlTT & 00., QHIOAQQ. SoM I iv W. Al. Culirti, UVMoii, N. J. A. ALSTON I INK standing upright in the ordinary His grace and spread abroad much . position the blood doesn't run into j good, a host who would entertain i rain n mm my feet?" A little fellow shouted, ' yer feet ain't empty." CONTOKTIONAL. 'Cause During a husking bee in Mary land two young people were miss ed. "1 wonder where Nellie and Jim are?" somebody exclaimed. A small boy edged his way for ward and, pointing toward the vague darkness beyond the barn door, said: "They're out there kissin' their-selves." WHAT TO 1)0 WHHN OKOP AN i:(ii. YOU AT SUPPER WITH THI- LEGIS LATORS. A drummer stopped at a hotel in Montpelier, V't., when the legis lature was in session. It was the headquarters of many legislators. At the supper table they began to call upon each other to pass the food in this wise: "Will the man from Bradford please pass the rolls?" "Will the gentleman from Essex pass the pie?" "Would the man from Portland please pass the butter?" The drummer had been unable to get anything, and during a brief interval of quiet he turned to the colored waiter and remarked, Will the gentleman from Ethiopia please pass the bread?" CHICKENS OP LEISURE. At a breakfast party in England which Joseph H. Choate attended while he w as American ambassa dor a young lady at his right acci dentally spilled the contents of her plate. "Oh, Mr. Choate," she exclaim ed, "1 don't know what to do, for I've dropped an egg on the floor!" "If I were you I'd cackle." A REMARKABLE BABY. Mrs. (ioldvein. of Cripple Creek. having come into a fortune through a lucky strike, set up a country home near Denver, where she lived in style. One day w iuie she was showing some of her old time friends about the place they came to the poultry yard. "What beautiful chickens!" the visitors exclaimed. "All prize fowls," haughtily ex plained the hostess. "Do they lay every day?" was the next question. "Oh, they could, of course, but in our position it is not necessary for them to do so." Lippincott's. A teacher disturbed by giggling called upon one of the culprits to tell him the cause. "Please, sir," responded the lad, "Turner says a baby who was ! fed elephant's milk gained ten pounds a day." "Turner," said the teacher sternly, "you should not tell lies." "But it's true, sir." rejoined Turner. "Whose baby was it?'' "The elephant's, sir." MET HIS MATCH Him with hearty hospitality. It was a case which would be widely known and greatly pub lished abroad the gospel, Jesus said unto him, "This day is sal-1 vation come to this house, forso-1 much as he also is a son of Abra- j ham, for the Son of Man is come ; : to seek and to save that which was ! Host." i ! There was a necessity of love in 1 1 the Redeemer's i gracious heart. ; ; There was also a necessity for a I blessing to flow to others through ; j Zaccheus. j j Does such a necessity exist for i us? Will we receive Him this j day? Zaccheus "made haste."' Will we receive Him heartily?! ; Zaccheus"i eceived Him joyfully." : Will we receive Him whatever! ! others may say? "They all mur ; mured." Will we receive Him as j Lord? Zaccheus said, "Behold, Lord." Will we receive Him so ; as to place our substance under the ; control of lesus mid His lnws' ' Zaccheus said, "The half of my j I goods I give to the poor, and if I 1 ! have taken anything front any i man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold. " I If these things be so, Jesus will abide with us. He cannot fail to : come where He will have such a welcome. u ny siiouiu we not to-day re ceive our Lord? There is no rea son against it, and there is every reason why we should; and many reasons why we must do so at once. Lord ! issue thine own mandate and say, "1 must." And let us "make haste to re ceive Him joyfully." PROVISIONS ( 1 i. IIS AMI TOItAtVO. Cor. Wt -liinulciii :iM-inii' mill 1st Stroi't, W i l.lnii. Y C. UEOROI- C. GREEN, Attorney-At-Law, ( Ntiliiiiuil Hunk lliiililin) I'tin'lH'i-s in nil Sutir and l-Vdeml units. 'ulK-rt ion ' ! i-l.ii mis in iulj 'Us tui'l aljimiiiitr euiintirs. .Mont'v to luuii un :iiiuvrtl sri'urhv Unirnrv lor I nst Nittiniial I'-ank o Wol.lun. U KI.lMIN. N C. FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE I 1 0 jsFr-Sv I I JJJJaijWaJJIlJJji m I A Gentle Laxative I I And Appetizer J Great Reductions For Cash WOULDN'T TAKE HIS PLACE Don t harp on one string, or others may wish you were strung 'hp- There are a irteat many people who have sliu'ltt attacks of milipestion ami ilyspepsia nearly all the time. Their fooil may natiiily the uppetite Imt it fails to nourish tlie l.otlv siiiipiv heeause the stomaeli is not in lit eomlitiun toilo the wink it is supposed to ilo. It ean't ili trest t tie food you eat. The stomaeh shout,! he iriveit help. Voitoutriit take somt'tlimtr that will ilo the woik votn stomaeli ean't do. kotlol for iml'ies tioit ami ilyspepsia, a eotnhination nf natural iliestants anil veiretaltle aeiils, ilitrests the food itsell'attit tfives strength ami health to the stomaeh. Pleasant to Utke, Suhl hy V M Cohen, Weldon. N C When Alexis Caswell was presi dent ol Brown University a stu dent named Betterly called on him. After a conversation lor a moment upon the obicct of his visit the president asked him his name and upon being told said jovially, "Your name would bebetter with out the last syllable, wouldn't it?" "Yes," replied the student with a laugh, and wouldn't yours be as well without the C?" HOW TO DO IT. "In a family there are five chil dren, and mother has only four potatoes. She wants to give every child an equal share. What is she going to do?" asked the teacher. Silence reigned. Finally a little boy exclaimed: "Mash the potatoes, sir!" The hairdresser has the key to the proper arrangement of locks. The saloon often has a steady jncome and an unsteady going out. Hearing of the sudden taking off the stage of life of a leading Thes-1 pian while he was playing in Chi cago, a New York Hinhoan out of , a job telegraphed the manager as j follows: "Having heard of the sad and ; tragic demise of Mr. ," I'll take his place for $1 50 a week." I As the message was sent collect it elicited the following reply: "Thanks. I wouldn't take his place for twice that amount." Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Can cer, Greatest Blood Purifier Pree. If your liloo.l is impure, thin, diseased, lint or full of humors, if you have lilood poison, cancer, earhtiticIcK, 0:111111; sores, scrofula, eczema, itcltimr. risinns ami bumps, scaliliy pimply skin, hone pains, caiarrn, liietiinaosm, or any hlooil or skin disease, take llotanic lilood lialin, tl!. IV li.) Soon all sores heal, aches ami pains stop and the lilood is made pure and rich, l'nurirists or hy express Sd per bottle. Sample free hv writinif ltl.0l)l) BALM CO., Atlanta, lia. li. II. li. is especially advised for ehronic and deep seated cases, as it cures, after all else fails. 4-4-lv. s.i .-i .Moijuette Iluirs, fr'J.T.i. sji sinyina Hues fci.'JO. Mo.iuette Kims. HsU' ft. 17.7." li'ic. I liiua Maltimr. llle. J".e. ' tse. C'.'Je. Japanese " 17c. .'-'.." ' isle tin'. Wool t a.ipi'timr 7c -V. iml,' shades. Jtle. Vie. " " :!7!e. 'I'.f j.yd wide Linoleum, 7."c. T."k . (i-.e l looi liil ( loth. 4S'. 1 ;t , l v iiiiiisit-t l iritet me .'.' H.lti Hi-'i Picture frames. !.' Wall paper, t, "1 and tie. per roll. A larrc stock ol Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, and supplies on hand at all times, at the very lowest prices. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C. Fine feathers do not necessarily make a "bird" of a hat. TrompUT ohluHMtt. or FEE B ETURN CO. tO YEABV CXPERIENCC. uur CHARGES ARK THE LOWEST. tMul mkhIcI. pliolu or nktttt It tor tnju'rt nwin-li nml fiw rHjrt un tiiUUllity, INFRINGEMENT mt foikIiicUhI bt-tor ull court. Vm-nU chiiilned lhntiiTh , JtOVFR TISEO Mid SOLO, frt. TRADE-MARKS, FEN SIONS Kiul COPYRIGHTS umi lly obUuiwt Opposlt U. S. Putent OfT1oef WASHINGTON, D. C.