miff WF mWff f Iff! fesL ff 1 1 iiiinilf liA W4 tmm W4 SfScid Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.5() Per Annum? VOL. WAl. WKLDON. N. ('., TIIl'KSDAY. (MTOIiKlS l, l!()7 No, I':!. I f AYepelable I'ri'piir.ilimi lor As slmilat ii ifi llie Food ami if ula ling (lie SlOUlitCllS ami Bowels III" rromoies 0i'4f slioii.Chivrl'ul nettsaivllfcsi.Cimliiinsni'iiliiT Opiuni.Mui'phiiu' nor Miner,!!. KotNah t OTIC. AU.S'rnntt ' J Ul.ll, S.IU - i stnur ,Wrf ' hii&rM flam: ) A perfect Hi'iiwrtv l'or('nnslik-i (ion, Sour Slotiiarh.lliarrlniivi Worms .Convulsions. r'i'voT;sh ivcss And Loss of Si.ek !'. Fnc Simile SiCninlur? of NKW' VOHK. OE in; : Hank : f I p rmiBRaas us? EXACT CCPV OK WRAPPER. jj I WKLDON, X. C. Orpizeil Under The Laws of tie Stale of North Carolina, All, I ST .M i l Stale of North Carolina Depository. . Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anfl Surplus, $40,000. T7 ( '"' ''''s '"sl'lll''"n Hlls i - r !n ill, lis stuekliuMns ;in.l ilnvrturs huvc luvit .iriilihnl Mlh tin liuiins iiitnrMs nf llulitus ;unl Nni t !iuiii'1hii i-uihitit s I'm many years. Mnnrv is hum-'! uhii :ijiii.icil striinly :il llir Iriru! i:itt ul inli'irt six n eciituin. AcotMUits of nil an- snjiciti'il. i-i:iiiti;N r; vi' i; - ii;K w. i:. hwin., ilr.ll.W.i.r.WlS. C-Iacksuii, Nut thansp ton Cu,N. I) w . GARRETT & - I? r H W 1 V II l,ilnljr Sit " iUU WW3L-r'i ' 'i..- m n n m KSTAKI.ISHKl) Im:!5. SPECIALTIES fVIRCI N I A DARE OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY M iftnlAWATMA w (UnlChiiuiMtfiie) -PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL- (Spaikiuti: And till other varieties nf Pure itiiil Wholesome Wines lor homes ami hotel u e .sji lt& tfiolmut IVtli li-ii',M t',ml in 3$ Wonteni Hiiinch, St Lnuis, Mn Huni- Ollicf. M iKI'ol.K, VA. jj SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Exposition Line THK To Norfolk Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Vag April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Rates from Weldon: Coach Excursion Tickets sold Tues days and Fridays, limited seven days, $2.15. Season tickets, $J 85. . for mti'K from other mint, apply to your m'urest SKA HOARD uncut, or rcprc Hi'iilutivcn nami',1 Mow. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. J,K. POTEAT, C. H. GATT1S, Ticket Agent, Weldoa, N. C. Tr. r. Agent, Raleigh, N. C, Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years THC CINTAUH COWMNV, NIW VORK CITY. 3E o ivil - i 1 liinkiiiLr liifililii' fur iliis sec g - iin; I : U f. s 30 . COMPANY, American HH itr-t K . 1 . I Growers POCAHONTAS miNNtnn a I Dry SruiiiMraoiw) W ChauipaKtiej Inrull klluls lllllliLll IlllilH. LniHII'S Ftl'. I Signature Ky Weldon Was Not Afraid of the Shells, but l or the Country's Sake Was ifliiiK to (ii-t Out of Range. Captain b'redcrick A. Rowe, fought through the civil war the Ninety-Ninth New York, is n it in the unplny of the Ol'i. j here, saw ;i great dc; vim with and Post 1 of, Abraham Lincoln Juiinj: three day-; in May, ISti2. ('apt. Wove says ii i-. not generally kn i ', :i ih n Lincoln : under lire at '.h it lime. I le also tecalls certain dc lails ol the I'resideni's visit t i the orijiinal Monitor that he d ies not believe are familiar to every one. The famous battle between the Monitor and Merrimae took place on March i), l,Xti and on May 5 Lincoln, Stanton and Chase left Washington to visit the scene of that conflict. On May 7 Lincoln visited the Monitor. "He went on to find out," says Capt. kowe, whether the Monitor was willing to light the Merrimae again. He asked Lieut. Jeffries of the Moniior, if his iiic'n were ' afraid of the Southern terror. " 'I will show you," said Jef fries. "An order was given for the crew to assemble and Lieut. Jeffries , told the men that the I 'resident, who siood before them, had heard ; that they were afraid of the Merri mae. "Are you timid about the Mer rimack?" he asked. " 'Just give us a chance at her,' ; they shouted. i On the afternoon of the same : day, Secretaries Stanton and Chase had a great deal of business to ai . tend to and Lincoln was left to his : own devices. He wandered from battery to battery, chatting with the men. Captain, then Lieutenant, ; Rowe was in charge of the Parrot ; gun at the Rip Raps. Lincoln dropped in on him and expressed great interest in the gun, which ! was not in very common use at : that time. The next day Lincoln gave or ders for soundings to he made preparatory to the landing of troops for an attack on Norfolk. Lincoln, in company with Secretary Stan ton and a detachment of troops, went as near shore as possible to watch the soundings. "The tug," says Capt. Rowe, "was within range of the Confed erate batteries, but nobody noticed it at first. The President was very , busy watching the soundings, which were being made from a I cutter further in shore. After a j while, some of the officers saw ' that shells were striking the waier not far from the tug. Suddenly i the President looked up and saw ! that the officers had formed a ring about him. " 'What's the matter?' he in quired. i " 'We thought you were in dan- gcr,' explained one of the officers. " 'Why, 1 don't think I'm any more afraid of the shells than you are,' said the President, 'but still, for the country's sake, I suppose 1 had better get out of range.' " I A woman doesn't wear well ' when she thinks of nothing but ' her clcthes. What Ails You? TVi you f.-l weak, tlivl, (li-spoiulfnt, lorn- fri'iUi-iit li.alurh'. muli-il ihiwuk, ItlurT or kol taMc in iiinniini:, "titan I, urn." U-'i-hinu' "f ims a. al niut' in i throat ulK-r ratini;. M"imo-h iruaiv or burn, foul Pn-aOi, 0iv pi-IN, T or : varialiM ii;in-til'. liau-a Ml tililt-s and kimln-a Mtn'lotii7 It yoTNiav1 any conxluVrublp numlxT ot IhlMvi- ?iHjitiim you aro MinVrlng troiiillou-nvvNpli llvi-r with null rpsMoiiStrJHteorrfriO l.'r lyre-' 'M''n Mialiiial lM.-ov,T li nu.li- ni,,, Hi.- in, -I vain il'!'- Imp il nniii-ii?.- loi"" n t lor Hi,, ii.Tlnaji.-'Q fuJi at ri.il o.iuiilioii it is cnVo-nt liver liivi,,rau,r. tlomacli tonic, bowol ri'uulator unci ihtvk slri-nut h.-nr. Th'"i;oltli'n M.-ilical Di-oviTy " is not a paii nt mi'ilii-ine or si'crrt nostrum, a lull li-t of Its Insriilii'iita Ikmiib printed on its boHlf-wrappiT unit uiti-sii'il umlr-r oath. A Rluni'i' at its formula will show that It contains no Ii-oliol. or harmful lialiit-foriniuir ilruiis. It Is a fluid extract made Willi pure, triple-Mined glycerins, of proper strength, from the roots of the following native American forest plants, viz.. tiolden Seal root, Stone root, lllack Cherry Park, Queen's root, Hloodroot, and Mandrake root. The following lending medlenl authorities, iiiiiiik a Must of oilier-,. cl,,l llie fmegittng riols for llie cure if lusl siu'li ullini'iils as tlm ftlHive-,vtniloins Indlt iite: I'rof. U. ItHl lholow, M II . ot .lefTerson Med. Colli-ire. Plain .; I'rof. II. c Wood, M. Ii , of I mi of I'n.: I'rof. Kilwin M Hale, M. II.. of llalioi-iiiulin Med, College, 1'tili-ngo: I'rof. .loloi Mug. M. !).. Author of A iiii-iIi-hii ttls(H'iisalor.v; I'rof. ,lno. M. S,-uil-der. M. II., Author of SoeelHi- Medicines; I'rof. l.aurenee .loliliHOU. M. It.. Med. llept.. I'lllv.of N. V.s I'rof 1'lnley lillliigwootl. M. I)., Author of Materia Medlca and I'rof. In Hennelt Medi cal College. Chli ngo. Heml tiatiie and ad dress on Postal Card to Or It. V. Pierce, llilf- falo, N. V., and n Iv-e Irrr Itooklel, giving Bx tracts from writings of all the alsive medi cal authors and many othei endorsing, In ths wlrongest iiosslltln terms, eiu h and every In gredient of whleh "(.olden Medical IUscot erv " Is composed. fir. l'ien-e-s Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomai-h. liver and bowels. They may lie used In eonjun.-tlon with "Golden Medical Discovery " If bowels are much coo tllpuMd, Tlr'r tl nut iugar-utd. FIRST AMERICAN GIRL TO DANCE WITH SWEDISH PRINCE. MISS MAlMiAUKT IJ. liliVAN Miss Bryan is a daughter of Paymaster Bryan, of the I'nited States Navy. She was a guest of Miss Blodgett at the Rhode Is land State Building, when the Prince of Sweden visited the Jamestown Exposition, and was the first girl asked to dance with Prince Wilhelm when Mrs. Harry St. George Tucker gave her eventful garden party at the Exposition. THE OLD-TIME SINCER. We liked the old-time meetingson Jordan's banks to stand An' cast a wishful eye into the far-off, promised land ; The old songs of Salvation Salvation full an' free, That great old tune "Amain' grace that saved a wretch like me!' I recollect them old, sweet hymns, that used to float so high 'Pearcd like they shook the windows in the evctiastin' sky ! l-'er when we heard the preacher say : "Some brother raise the tune,' We always knew "amazin' grace was comin' mighty soon ! Somehow, this new-style singin' is rather out my line, Although they sometimes line it out and axes folks ter jine; I lose my voice completely, an' with a kind o' sigh Seek "Jordan's stormy banks" of old, where my possessions lie ! There's more than folks imagine, I tell you, in a song; It's still the same old gospel, but they seem to sing it wrong ! Leastways, the old folks thinks so, but what's the use to sigh ? So long as it's the gospel, we'll get there by an' by J I-'. L. Stanton. BE MY LOVE FOREVER. Be my love forever, not merely for a day; The bloom upon the roses is bloom that fades away; The silver of the river as it flashes in the sun Is the dusk upon the water when the golden day is done ! Be my love forever, that I may ever know The music of your heartbeat wherever I may go ! Be my love forever, in toil and strife and care; The song is but an echo of ghost lips in the air; The laughter falls in silence down the valleys of the years. And time is turning gladness every day, sweetheart, to tears! Be my love forever, today, and when the dawn Across your path conies stealing in the years when I am gone ! Be my love forever, today, and here and now And in the sweet hereafter of the dear unbroken vow, That, when we are phantoms, upon a circling wing, I shall remember roses in the rosy dawn of spring, And, through the utter darkness and through the peopled gloom, Shall know that you have blossomed to my arms in phantom bloom ! HEARTTHROBS. ; When we are nursing food ' thoughts we are growing stronger, and getting ready for noble deeds ; and a higher and purer life, i Beautiful language is that pure : channel through which comes rip : pling those sparkling currents that ' How from the river of thought. 1 Value the friendship of the one j who stands by you in the storms of adversity; Hies and insects will gather about you in the calm and , the sunshine of prosperity. I Examine yourselves, weigh your own motives, scrutinize your ow n conduct, and then you will be ' more charitable in your iudge- nienis, and will not be so eager to j condemn the short comings of ! others. I When you reach the ocean of j death, and hear the roar of the s breakers upon the eternal shore, I all the empty and hollow creeds in ; the world will avail you nothing if ! Christ is not there to pilot you across the darkling billows and take you into llie harbor of iminor tality. 1 HAIVNT SBHN PARKI-R. "I saw Mrs. Parker kissing a pug dog this morning. "What of it?" "Shocking taste, I call it." "Oh, 1 don't know. You haven't seen Ivy. Parker?" His Dear Old Mother. -ly ih ai' ol,l mother, vihois now s:; years ,,l, 1. llnivos on Klcctric p.iiiers." w i iti-s V. I',, la nils, ot. ul' 1 1 ti I -I i u . ( .a. 'She has taken theiii tor a'-oui two yeats aiol enjoys an cci lleul appoiit,-. i'eets .stiolie and sleeps well." That's the way Klecllie l',III, ls alt'ecl Hie ano'l. am! the same happy results follow mi all casi-s of female weakness and l'i netal ,lel,iht . W eak, tumy children loo. an- i:reatly s1iein:t! e,l l.v tin-in. toiaian- tee.l also tot stomaeli. hei and kidney liouhlt-s l,v au ill iu:isi ;,ne Pride goes before sonic folks fall in love. OIT OI-SKillT. ' I Oil ul s,m,i ,,ut ,, oinid is an "1,1 saynn; winch a'ihes with s al loice , toasore. htnn ot wnuud tliai s 1,,-,-ti llealed with lluekleti's Arniea Salve. It's out ot siL'ht. nut of mind and out uf eusteuee. 1 'il-s t, , and chilolains dis. apM-ai undei its heahtie itttlui ncc.toiai ant I liy any diunmsts. iv. The average oman thinks a "Mrs." does not come amiss. T'lioinaN A. lalisuii. tin1 irreul Ameri can iioenloi, says. "I'lillv Sil pet cent, ol the illness of mankind comes from calimr improper food or too much I'ood; people are inclined to over-indulge I hemseU es. " T ins is w here iiuhuest ion tin. Is its lieirmnini in nearly every case. The stomaeli can do just so inticl'i work and no more, ami when you overload it or w lien you eat the w ionr kind of food the dieesliie oruntts cannot possihly do the work demanded of Ihem. It is ul such times thai thestiuimeli ncedshelp; it demands help, and warns you hy headaches, lielcliiinr. sour slonmcli, nausea, and inditrcsiinu. You should attend to 111 is ut oueeliv taking some! ling; lo actually do the work forlhe stom ach. Kodol will do 1 1 1 ik. It isucoinlu tuition of natural ilurostants and voictii 1,1c acids and contains the numo juices, found in a healthy Ktomacli. 11 is pleas ant to lake. It digests what you eat. .Void by W M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C ' KNEW HUMAN NATURE. Logic of the Man W ho l ictdlud in the Midst of a l lood When Davy Crockett was on his w ay from his Tennessee home to Texas to light for the new re public he rode overland with some chance friends from Little Rock to as she busilv phcJ her ir.m, many l-'ulioii One day they were star-- an humble neighbor would -.top by tied by hearing the high notes ot a her door to listen to the (ptamt old distant violin playing a rollicking liyniu- she vm;; v, vigorously, an. Putting spurs to their hoiscv "My good woman," s.n.l Mrs. the men hastened toward the ---w ho had called io engage her sound and soon observed several service-., "how tan you stand all others running through the fields day in ihis hoi room, always iron in the same direction. At last they ing, and yet sing so cheerily-'' came over the crest of a ridge m "Ah, my dear lady," she re view of the river and beheld the plied, "the Lord has given me this fiddler sealed in the middle of tin llood in an almost submerged bug gy playing as last as he could shake the bow. "Hello, there! Turn back!" shouted the men who came through the Held. "I can't," replied the fiddler. "But you've missed the ford. You'll drown !" "I've known that for half an hour." "What are you going to do?" "Sit here till you chaps come out and turn my horse the right way." The horse was with difficulty keep ing his footing and seemed about to be swept away. One of the men who had been attracted by the fiddling waded out and by a precarious way reached the horse's head and led him round to the ford and back to the bank, the pas-1 er in a factory, and doesn't come 1 senger fiddling all the way and home till dark. When he's lonely winding up with a merry iig. ; and sick with pain, he pounds on "What do you mean by sitting . the floor with a stick, and I sing : out there fiddling in the face of the hymns he like best, and he lies ', death?" demanded Crockett of iuiei and hums ihem over to him the rescued stranger. self till he falls asleep. Then, once "Well, colonel," said the fid-1 in a w hile, I slip up with a cup of dlcr, "I am a student of human ' water and bits of picture papers nature. When I found I had which come wrapped round the , missed the ford and needed help, clothes, and give him a pleasant I set out to get it. I might have ' word. Ah, ma'am, the Lord's so shouted myself hoarse and no one ! good to me, I must try to help out here would have paid he I them that have few blessings. " slightest attention to me. But f And this ilundful woman lived ihere isn't a man west of the Miss- j in a little hot room, spending her issippi who wouldn't come run- whole life ironing and smoothing ning at the sound uf a fiddle in the ; woods." "And he was right," said Davy, 1 "for there we were, the lot of us, our horses all of a lather, for run ning to satisfy mr curiosity about ' that sipicaking ii ;dle in ibis out of : the way place." Vomit's Com panion. THI: INVISim.l: SI N. Mo one has ever seen the sun. This is not an epigrammatic pleas antry, but the dice-less, scientific truth. A series of concentric shells envelops a nucleus of which we know absolutely nothing, except that it must be almost infinitely hotter than the fiercest furnace, and that it must amount 10 more than nine-tenths of the total solar mass. Thai nucleus is the real sun, forever hidden from us. Mall Gazette. M LDI I) TO M AkRV The modern bachelor is by no means so black as he is painted. He is simply one of those excep tional men who have been born without the genius for matrimo ny. To marry at all, a man re quires inspiration; to marry well, aspiration, and to marry foolishly, desperation. None of these qual ities has been vouchsafed to the singular being who deliberately and of malice prepense leads the single life. - Madame. I'l.HM'V OH TIME. Tiie pretty nurse had taken the best of care of the steel millionaire. "I want you to marry me," said he, simply. "Why, Mr. Giltedge, this is rather sudden." : "1 know, child, I know. But ! you'll have plenty of time to get! Itsoit to tho i.li'U I'll ll-ivo o fioro I job gelling rid of my wife." Washington Herald. SHE MKiHT. "So," she said, "you have made up your mind never to marry?" "Yes, after thinking it over for a long time 1 have decided never to ask any girl to be my wife." "Pshaw! Don't feel that way about it. You never can judge by appearances how foolish some girls are. The very first one you asked might be willing to have you.", . "AS UNTO THE LORD." W hat Shall we kender I nto l or All His Mercies I nto I s. She was only a poor, plum, freckled woman, whose clothes were of the fashion her mother might have worn; vet, day bv d.iv. work io do; so, when I'm tired and out of sorts, I say to myself thai verse about doing things 'heartily, as unto the Lord,' and try to think how I'd feel if I could see I Inn standing by my side, and He knew I had an unwilling heart for I lis tasks. Then 1 sing my brightest hymns, and while my irons smooth out the wrinkles in the dollies, I'm planning how to smooth the rough places in my neighbors' lives. " There's poor Granny Jones, left alone all day. She's crippled with rheumatics, and nearly blind, too. When 1 sing it cheers her a bit, and she feels as if some one cared for her. "Little Tommy Green, in the room above me, has a weakness in his back, and lies fin his cot bed from morning till night. His moth- out wrinkles lor others. What shall we render unto the Lord for all His mercies to us?- Christian Life. A Criminal Attack on an iii,,ii, i 1 1 1 .1 Ii- 111 1 1 i.l till,,- called 1 eialK 1: , I ir elll.eii is apoaiellllv II "a, ii,i lit id en, Hart 1 1 ul Iv le-s little li s jren- I eiiis1i,a- linn. I,, iw lie.' I, o ,, ,i . In Kind's N w I lie Tills H-uulalrll,.. Il iend)c-ili-. an-1 e-laldi-l ol the l,u, I- -.'e at : ,,-!. I'M etlt a i riitulai lial-it in v ,ii ne st, ,1 The real estate owner, in his business, naturally hates io lose ground. Cures lilood. Skin Diseases. Can" ccr. (i rent est Wood Purifier J-'ree. Some people are like horses, they mean yes w hen they say . neigh Hard Times In Knnsns. old .lavs ,,r o1 L:iassln,!,t is and allioisl Innjntlell in llie joos- l-n,us Kansas, , today, allhoui;!. a eile en ol t ' id, II. t at I shaiiil'ili j. has net vol louoltell a lotld tone lie I tie, nutlet ed tles;is. ' I w as w ' il II i nil all, 1 dls eoiiiaLr"l Io-e,.oi:liinLT tiiLjht and dav. and could tin, I no leln f till I ti n ,1 In. Knit's New Ins, -,,v, iv It l i, 1,-ssthau one l,n tile t ntjdt tely can- me.'' T he sai,-st and ui"s i, liatde euiteli an 1 eoi.l cure and Umi and thmal h, aler ever diseov-led i.natant I Io anv dme- stoi-e ille and M TTial loot Ii-lieo. The hand ot fortune is the one ' that wears diamond rings. vo.mi:n. A trtith-.clh.ig woman finds few friends. An ill-temnered woman is the devil's doornail. Judge a maiden at the kneading pan, not at the dance. Give your wife the short knife, keep the long one yourself. A bad wife likes to see her hus band's heels turned to the door. One hair of a maiden's head pulls harder than 10 yoke of oxen. A cross-grained woman and a snappish dog take good care of the house. T OA BTOTJ T . Bowitbe f me Mlltl Hon Haw lwa;s BoutW ( If 1- ,,,,l,,,l,,ea-,..!. jj0?!3 'a ....I..,.,..,., .. ..... ; "'.:,. i N5sXaiw,a' si i-i i,ui,- -au.fie ii, -,- i,; wi'tm- I A Gentle Laxative 1 I'.I.ih'H i:l.M 1 1.. .ulania. mi. H I' I And AnnpHypr I f. ises, ally adnsrd f, ,-!,,,,,, and ial Appetizer eli-e' lulls. -1-l-ly, ' ' Weak Women I: lu U. Dr. vShoop's Night Cure W. M. COHEN. Sour No ap-.j'itc, lo:;:; ot strength, nervous ness, h:ia'-iLt j:rj, cot.tipation, bad breath, gner;ii debiiily, ::our risings, and catarrh nf the! Ntsmach arc all due to indigestion. Kodoi rft.,'.""s i!ia't;t;: iic it. TS .is new discov ery r.ipre:;'!iii:J tiu: natuiai juices of diges tion lis ths; exist in a healthy stomach, coririni with the greatest known tonic ai:;i r:,Li:,:,t' i;-?t:ve prooerties. Kodol tor ayspepsia acts not oniy relieve indigestion and dyspfvia. ul this famous remedy helps all sto;1.at;h troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the niu ;ous minibraries lining the stomach, Mr S. S lu 'i, of Rav -isw.-ioJ. W. Va., says: " I w...-. r -i!-4 v i t hi sour sr-macfi for twenty years. ,d o I'j-eJ ti9 n'A we are now using It In milk fi.rc.jnv." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Btt.er, 0".y. f,e,.v-r, indietlnn. sour stomaefc tie.cn:' ? s is, rie. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO., CHICAGO SM l.v W. 1 Cohni, M.i J. A. ALSTON 1 1 n i-: J' i riiiiVIMON-. Alls M Idf.AICO. nsleii it v i li in- and 1st Mli-el, Weldon, V '. I T' Wa-li (illOROi: C. iRl.T:N, AttorneyAtLavv, B National lianK I'-uiMnuM 1'l.ietl.-.-. in all Male and Fedria utiii-. ( ullertion of claims in 1 lah a and a, 1 join! tiu enmities. i,ney to loan i-n a'-roed seeuiil lt,'inev fio 1 list National Hank o iV,-l,l,,n' N l;l.l'IIN. N t '. ItMIffW IBM FEELING LIVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE tireat Reductions For Cash S , i ,,,U tie Klls. '.", '. ' an -iii) i na Itii.'s, If.'.'.'il. :' M.Mii. ii- lin;-. ft. MT.T-'i L"o. t lona Maitini! 9 . Inc. L.,,. I " tsc. C-'oe .la,atii se 1 7. J",,-. - - SV ti',e. V,t,d I 'ailietiilL' TV' L'V. V;n,l,'vv shades, .1e. "'i . :t7.y. U'h- J yd wale l.inoh-uin, 7oC. : t".c. iV: . r:,.,, i o;: c:;:,. 4; . l.Ti xniiuster I'uiln-tin. S'to st. HI lilsCd I'icliii-e ftaiues, ICc Wall pa) .'i. t, "1 au l lie. pel roll. A laiu'e stock ol Talking Machines, Qrapliophones, Kodaks, : Cameras, and supplies on liati.l at all times, at the j vcrv lowest pi-icon. ! SPIERS BROS. WKI.PON, X.C. 1'ioini.itjr t.Mtun,.,!, or FEE BCTU tO VCAH9' tXrCRIf NCC. Uui'OHAKCES ARE THI LOWEST, tk'itil uio.l.'J, 1.I10U. 01 tikoU li for fMHTt Wr'1l Kllll Ill'M M-pUl t Oil JNllUltHliillly, INmiNGEMKNT hiiiIh ef.mlmti.i Moiv nil cotirtrt. ran-niM olittiin.-d thnmifli us, ADVCN TISIDant SOLD, fri. TRADE MARKS, PEN IONS aiu! COPTRtOHTS ukikly oWUi0. Opposite U. 8. Putunt OfTIo, WASHINGTON, D. O.