'Em ii" I-JI (Jc" Spall 4 SspsssbsssI i . ii' Mli 11 iff I MS v ft!', ar'tkM Si festf V1 id?' t-4 Si -1 d4 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPKR FOR THE PEQM.E. Terms of Stibscriplion $1.50 Per Aniumsj VOL. XL II. WKLDON, N. ('.. TIIl'l'SDA Y. ( )( I )1 .1 M 17. !!o7, NO. iM. Sea! Smi m SI THE BURIAL OF M( ! In Neho's lonely niniumin on ibis a vale in ihc I. mil ft' Moiih, then. mi. unu Ivl VI I . J V II Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, nml whi.lt has b;cn in use lor over ot) yours, lias borim t!in si-noi,,..,, ,c and lms bccniiiailomiilrr liis por Bontvl Kiiporvislon since its Inl'iiney. Allow noonotodccclvo von in tliis. All Counterfeit, Imitations nnd "Jnst-ns-Kood" uro but Kxperlments tliut trillo with mid endanger tho lieallli of Infants nnd Cliildren Exporiisnco agulnxt Hxperinient. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays rcverishness. It cures lliarrluca and Wind Colic;. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Ianacea-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of DON'T THROW AWAY MONEY. I'll i il to ;i ioikI I'sc And Knjoy Win: I You Make. Tlv.1 nexi hrsi ihinjr to nwkin," liioncv is to uikc cure of it. This. m..;iy of us have not vet learned to do V'h-.-ti we ft ii, intv';id of , Thai wa. llic r.imleM I'mikt;!! iI':i l.ei'pi::;; Ii. i-'.ir liners and pockels l.i no man he.irJ the ir.iniplti.;. s.a iii to htirn isniil we have parted i Noiseless a lde of J. iis a Ion lint no man dtij; thai sepulchre, and no man HUl I -'or llu: anjiels of (iod npiuiaied i'n- !;!, rdanV, w ly '.rave av,1 ii e'e !!.! i:ie 0 s. lead man there. Some !oi!t's lor the Kride of I all. the We All Have Our Possessions In ' 9 l 1 The time. I'm ii re Called "Some- er p.f.scil on :''!; i '. ill' train " !'or: the daylicht c.xnrs v. iien i!ie n:;.:li: is done. hoii't leave the oilei iii(; oi' your Iroel-.s so ,iu as to !v needle.-ly worru-d the iast kw day ,. Vi-nr time and aoenmai Will be nsHv - tn." J'ln ( i l,.- I tin i;i Ul.'ll ' .'ijr.lmil. I, , i;i-.-'l. : -iiiitll p-e.I small m Mtei la ; moaiei'.i 1 i.m'l per hand that i And the crimson streaks mi ocean s jkek sr jj Bears the Signa The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Woldon, WKLDON, N. C. Drjianizetl Uuier The Laws of the Stale of North Carolina, with all (!' it. It is siipnsin lo see how readily many fanners spend their money ami how helpless they I'eeoine when ii is yone. Don t tnrow away your ' trading. Some people seem to think that as soon as they get a lit tle money they should become speculators and be ready to set iheuiseiees up as traders on any thing which comes alone. The riht rule is to buy only such things as are actually needed, and j sec to it that the prices paid are j reasonable prices. Part of the j money should be saved- for pur-' chases during the spring and sum-! . nier months. Don't throw away your money ' for alcoholic liquors. If spent this ' way it is worse than wasted, lie- sides taking tbe money these lk hoi s injure instead ol benefit. Think of the young man who works hard ! to make money and then spends ' it for strong drink to injure him self and others. Such a course ! prevents many young men from I getting married, from getting good positions and from making a good start in life. It is too bad to be debarred from society, from posi- lions and from success on account i ol liquor drinking. Think of a ! How can we live this Heeling life, and boast of earthly gain farmer working hard and working ! And know that till must perish soon, that labia' is in vain he "M'cal sun. Noiselessly as the springtime her cri.wu of verdant weav es. And all the trees on all llic bills open their thousand leaves, I So without sound of music, or voice of them dial wept. lUOtley e;l..,,il,, . , IVmhi ill,, niimnl.iiil ,T,trn tic utV'it nn i, s 'Ssii Hi sU'rnr i ' Lo! when the warrior dieih, his comrades in the war, With arms reversed and nnifilcd drum, follow the funeral car. They show the banners taken, .they tell his battles won, And after him lead his inaslerless sued, while peals the minuie gun. Amid the noblest of the land men lay the sages to rest, And give the bard an honored place with costly marble dressed, In the great minister transept, where lights like glories fall, And the sweet choir sings, and the organ rings, along the embraoned wa! This is the bravest warrior that ever bucklcu sword: This the most gifted poet that ever breathed a word; And never earth's philosopher traced with his golden pen, On the deathless page, truth half so sage, as be wrote down lor men And had he not high honor, the hillside for his pall; 'o lie ill slate while angels wail with star, lot lapei , tail; I And the dark rock pines, hke tossing phinie ., over lir. bin iini.nr I And ( iod's own hand, in dial lonelv laud lo hit iiim In die f-i a e - Oh, lonely louib in Moan's laud, oh, dark Helli pear's hill, Speak to those curious hearts of ours, and teach them io be still. God hath I lis mysteries of grace --ways that we cannot tell; He hides them deep, like the secret sleep of him he loved so well. --Mrs. C. I:. Alexander. a hundred ana th i: hi; n up at I; ve mi' .'tig lean, uch i .'ipiemiie - it i t song, warbled fro the ,llll' tile v "la.lne-- ur th' I IITY OF LIFE. AI'lll'S'l'-.tiTl Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aid Surplus, $40,000. his children like they were slaves to make money to be spent for the improvement of the home and'the education of the children, and other things that go to make life Our strongest ell'orts fruitless prove, with nothing we can do, To make this life eternal life, for we must perish loo. So like a frost in Summer time, or dew upon the grass, This life is like a vapor, or a shadow soon to pass. , , , . - i , ,,l V-'lll VI, I, .1 .Sll .,,M,I! IIIV II VII II I 'S I V. VI, ,111V! I,. Wlllllll I11VII II. III! better and h;ippter.-Mnitliic!d r, . . P imp i r . . I Comes a weight of care and trouble, ol sorrow and ol pain. HeralJ Th. TT1 U U li lliis institution us i.nii.ini UuiL H tinii. Its stiK'klinMns ami ilim-tois li:ic turn 1- ImsiiU's-i inti'it'sts run! Nuiihaiiiptnn ivars. -Muiicy luaiir-1 upon aputni-tl st'iMirity at thr six ptT iM'iituin. AtM'utmts of all an .Milirili-.l i'ki:sM'I:m: W. I hMl,l. f.r .11 W. vJa:ksun-Not thamptiin Co. N. I) lai-iiilii-s t'. 'ii ii K'li i itli mill if Lia) nil 'I' this M'l' J l unit tlic !'. iv many ' ni lltleivst A. i:.t'-M. Ihr y f.lll lii.THi'l. -av.-. "I'ullv M nl' 1 Li- ;llii'.-s tit ' iimnl.ii.il ; ral inn' Kiinioitt'i- titiitl oi too 1 pf.Mil. ait' incliiii'tl in i vn i.-n:i:Min.vr: -iin.i:: V SMI 111. The smiles of youth are passing, and fading fast away, While the weight of cares arc greater, increasing every day, Our strength of nianhooil Weakened, with life and labor done, Our plans in high ambition, with blighted hopes are gone. We can but lake one more short step, the king of terrors meet, To snatch away ourlleeting bream, and lay us at his feet, And there the deep and yawning grave, is w .iting to embrace And call us back again to earth, that lonely resting place. thy boast ; since life is hut a dream. A vain delusion, scarcely know n, a bubble on the stream, is o'er. Sinks down into eternity, is seen and known no more. ia.iv youi'scii iviri'c u aiv going to ik ' vonr plainest, or dial there is sure lo be a wrinkle in the back of your wedding dress. Don't worry yourself thin and miserable over your troubles. It is due your future husband that you should look a-; happy and pret ty as possible on vour wedding daw Don't sit up til! any hour of toe night the night before you;' wed ding. Try to go to bed in really good time so thai you may be as fresh as possible in (he 'iioniing. Don't ea: indigestible food. The inevitable excitement is apt to up set even the strongest. I lou'i .iiT.iiiiH' mil" veil so iii.it it dra- your bail b.u I.. e.u our eil nvi r a lu'iu kuol and ihu:; avoid the llalleued look thai mars ihe appearance of so many brides. ! Don't spend the first few min- utes of the service struggling with your gloves. It is a simple matter to undo the buttons before reach ing the church, and this will enable you to slip them off easily and en able you to hand them 10 your chief brid'-stuaid wuhoiil any fuss or Hurry. Don't murmur the vows inaudi bly. Try to remember that you love die man w ho is 10 be your 1 husband and are proud of him. Don't forget lo say something pleasant to each of the guests. Ii is pleasant to have presents appre- m oi hi re! . v, Inn ;!u- summer moniiii" oiiies out of darkue--. and the day is hoi u on the mountains. We have all our pos sessions in the future which we call "somciimc." Deauiiful dow ers and singing birds are there, only our hands seldom grasp the one, or our cars hear the other. Hut, oh, reader, be of good cheer for all the good there is m golden "sometime;" when all the hills and valleys of time are past; when the wear and fever, the disappoint ment and sorrow of life is over, then there is the place and the rest appointed of i..J. Mi, homestead, over whose roof fall r.o shadows or even clouds; and over whose threshold the voice of sorrow is never heard; built upon the eternal hills, and standing with die spires and pinnacles ol celestial Ivauty among the palm itvir. of the city on high, those who love ( iod shai rest under thy shadows, where there is no sorrow, no pain, nor the sound of weeping "some w here." I i,, u,. a i.a I)r. Slioop's Catarrh Cure W. M. COHEN. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Cures all Coushs and I r,1 insists in expelling , en: Zo',fa from the i?f!L ?' The Re4 ivlt Blos som and tlio uiit'V Ef8 Is on evtry Doiue. mm 73 Yl; SYMPATHETIC I'KlliM). 1 i i 1 rivet nl - ( iol a cold, 1 see. j Jinks Yes, a link, one. "You ought lo be mighty careful, j Thai cough need., alieiilion, " : "Think so'-" "It has a regular graveyard I sound." "Cood gracious'" "Aw ful dangerous for people with colds grippe, pneumonia, i consumption every- Co System by gently moving the bowels. A certain cure lor crouo nnd : 1. it tTr.de Utrk Rngliter,4) Vwif KENNEDY'S laxative MEYeTAR PRKTARED AT THE LABORATORY OR I. O. DeWITT Si CO.. CHICAGO, U. 8. A. Snl.l hv V. M. ( (ilii ri, Wi'l.loii, X. C. J.A. ALSTON mm: iIWICS t at iih-h- I 'tl ITlll. nines tiolll nnirh I'i ihI; ivt'i'-iii'liilii'f lln'insclvcs." 'flits is s lu-rc imlicstion I'm. Is its lu'tiiiitiin'j!' in nruily c cry casn. 'I'lii1 stiiinai'ii fan i!o juM so nuich work ami tin iiioic. anl uh.'ii yon ovciina.l it or when yon ral l in- u ioiiLr knni ol loot I tlic .lin'cMm1 oruan i-aiinnl nos.-ilily do tin' work .L ilian. Ifil nl'tln in. It is al siu-li Mint's ;,t;ii i hi simnacli ii.nl.-. ii p; it ilnnaii.ls hrlp. a n I wains von Lv ! TllCIl mortal mat) V.'ilel la a larlics. Iii'lcliin::. sour stumarli, liailvriL. aiiil 1 III I IU t l M -N oil sllollld attmi.ho iinsat om-i'iiv takniutniicUinir Which only meets the surface when, it bursts and to actually .lo the work ior I hi stom ach. Kntfol will do this. It isacoinlii nation of natural ifmvstants and t urta Llc acids and contains the satin- juices found in u healthy stomach. It is pleas ant to take. It tlmesls what von eat. Sild hv W . . t'ohen. Weldon. N. C. culled, nut quite tlic reverse to he ,UK tnaiiKCu euuMei 101 leaspotms, j wjlL..- when you have given sail cellars. 1 Don't put oil" chuiiRins your i Ycs A Iricnd of mine took a IVock nil the last minute if you are ; cokl 10l luilFso bad as yourSi iasl Korng on a trip. It is just as inipor-; wcck and jn lhrcc d he W;S ! dead.1' i'i;uvisio- ', a i ' r r. ' re. a eliue a lull. V ' id 1st Street, GARRETT & COMPANY, IB h a h a ST . H I 'f-Crt-' r SS a a a iss: lii,y' American 4 n Sfe KSTABI.lSimO isa.".. U SPECIALTIES; 1 fviRCINIADARE POCAHONTAS Jgf (White.Seupiwrnoiit!) U'"' Si-iifpfiiioiiu.i $ 3& OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY c plAWATHA MINNEHAHA w (KertClnmpanne) (Dry Scuppcnuin) U -PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL (Si:uklini! Chaiutiaunf) . 'te ..II n.l. r l..... I Wl. ..1. ,-.,... VVi,,..ul,. 1,.,,,,,. iii.I l,.,ll 11.1- -,t n uvi ail iiiiici vuiitriimui vtiiri,,,-, ,,i,,,,,,. - KiKaat rau1, P.,,,1 in ,..,.,n Inr ill! killlis llllll:lil t'rililS. L'lIllM'S I'll'.7 ' A Aesioro israneli, M i.nmx, HAD BREAKS. A party of five convivial spirits were seated around a table in a back room. Said No. I. I tried to make a speech last week, but I broke down. Said No. 2. 1 was formerly in : the grocery business, but I broke lit!'! W'IihU'mhiii! Willi's lor lio'iH'.s ami holt'l u-e. I in S.'iisiin liir all kimls nl'-iiiiill Iruils. uiaws ! i- M lloiil" Ollii'r SDItKin.K. VA "f: SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Pvnncifinn J imp To Norfolk up Said No. .V When 1 was a boy I once went skating on Sunday, but I broke in. Said No. 4. That reminds me of the time I had the measles and broke out. Said No. 5. Waiter, five beers! This is my last quarter now broke. Commit thy ways 0 soul of man. to thy creator, (iod, You only tread the beaten paths, where greater souls have trod, And greater souls may rise and fall, and moulder back to clay Just like the bubble on the stream, was born to pass away. Pride not thyself for thou shah know that boasting is in vain. For dust thou art and must return, to mother dust again. Aut leave thyself and all thou hast, before Cod's holy throne, Then when death's messenger shall come, the heaven is thine own. In sweet submission lei us pray, our Father's will be done, Those evil days will pass away, their toils and burns be gone, And all things new in spirit life, in purity will rise, And heaven with eternal bliss, descending from the skies, Dear Christians, let us live by faith and labor here below, By faith we taste eternal joys, though crushed by earthly woe, By faith we reach the pearly gale, by Faith we enter in ! Into the city of our Cod Forever free from sin. -John Bratton in Sardis. (Miss..) Reporter. taut to put your traveling dress on well as it is to put the wedding gow n on carefully. A dishevillcd ' bride starting out on her honey moon is not an attractive sight. Don't, above all, act the pan of I.ovey and Dovcy on the bridal trip. There is nothing so ordina ry and common and generally idi otic as the spooning habit in pub lic. ms RrvTNtii:. In the small compartments for smokers at the rear end of a train going out of Norfolk a few w eeks ago sat three commercial travellers and an old farmer whose dilapidated exterior made very plausible the story he told the conductor. "I'm only a poor lone man, " he said, with tears in his eyes. "1 haven't a cent in the world. But my daughter is dying"-here he almost broke down "and 1 want to see her. Please don't put me off. It's onlv sitv miles." "My stars'" "Fact. The doctorsaid my friend might have pulled through if he had not worried so much. Take my advice and try not to think about it." (il'ORUE- C. (iRIIEN, Attomey-At-Law, vci-'iuii Uiuik r,itii,ruiLri nil I 'l 1 1. 4:.i'.. ana a,ii ii 1 M.illi'X I.' I I" t Ml v lair iiinl IV'leoi' ion nl rlaiiiis in I iali iir ('"iinOfS. i no a ' t r i i , 1 M'citi'i1 im Vtiioiml Hank o! CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought w i ei.i n. x. r. Bears the Signature of I'l I TIMi IT I'OI. I FEELING I IIVER-ISH I This Morning? MARRIUin. Marriage has in it less beauty, am s but more safely than single life at has not more ease but less danger, it is more merry and more sad, it is fuller of sorrows and fuller of joys; Like u youni; iiini ami i!nii iiown niiat- it lies uiuict' more burdens, it is rvnrtiHHl or miilleim- may lie ullcrKl yon'.' . ,. , .,i, ,.r Or.clyoiMviuitlokno soni.'iliiiiK.itllie supported by all the Stlellgtll Ol coniuisiii.iii unj I'luirai'iiTiii oiat whirl'. ()ve and charity, and those bur- Do Von Uikmi Your Month THE yon Uki' into your stuiinu'li wnether aa toml or lllnlicitli'? Mo-t iiiti'llim nt and si'iisihlo poopl iiuw-ii-ilays Insist on kiiowioiT what tlo'V employ whi'tlwr us diud or as m il i-t 1 1.-. Ur. 1'iini' lii'lli vi's they have a pi'i'dvt l'lirht lo IimIW upon sni'h ioiow leihn'. So ho piilillslii'S.stajitamii una on eaeii noun wragjier, whatJr'Tiwtti'ln' are niaije of nlVlXrlil'1JJT"'lT,, This, he 'fei N he ean ujSieAttoiit tiHto Imssius the lii'MVOH'llts ,i w liicli Ins lire mailt aiv xtuilml ami nndf Mmre Miirtlnir sniienor eur.aive irine it;W'.V'.'.IL In Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Rates from Weldon: Coach Excursion Tickets sold Tues days and Fridays, limited seven days, $2.15. Season tickets, $3.85. l''or rates from other points, apply to your iieiuvt SKAItOAKI' acenl, or reprc "etitatiypd nanieil helnw. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch For announcement of Improved Schedules. I J, K. POTEAT, C. H. GATTIS, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Tray. I'aai. Agent, Baleigh, N. C, Tor the enre ol woman's peculiar weak- nessen, Irreeiilui'ltle' anil ileraiiL'emeiits. Kivinir rise to treinirni lieaitaelo-s. liaek j nelie, ilriiitiiiiic'-ilown iain or ilistress In lower ahilimiio.il or pHvie reirimi. ueeoni- punleil, otllinii'S, with a liehilitiitinn, I n ..l. .l .1,-, In ,n, ,1 10ll.r..l Vltlll- 1 torn of Vrtiakm". Or. I'ieree's Fnvorlle i and obeys lllcil' king, i 1'reserlptloii Is a most, eihi'leut femiily. ' ,,n,i ,.vt.eeises m inv virtues' i It Is eiinally elteetlve In enrlnif paiiiliil OUK.1, ,II1U L.NCicises many mi me. , i periods, in uivinir streiic'th to iinisiiiK allj promotes the interest ol man I inntlier;! nnd in preiiuriiii! the system ol ! the expertallt lllollier fur lulliy s eolniln, t Ills reliilerillt: eilliuuirui sale iiiiu v dens are delightful. Marriage is the mother ol the world, and pre serves kingdoms, and Tills cities and churches and heaven itself. Celibacy, like the Hy in the heart ol an apple, dwells in perpetual sweetness, but sits alone, and is confined and dies in singularity; but marriage, like the useful bee, builds a house and gathers sweet ness from every Mower, and labors and unites into societies ami re publics and sends mil colonies; and feeds the world with delicacies, keeps His Dear Old Mother. "My ih ai' o!.i 'indlit'i. w hit is nuw s;; years til'!. I hri', f. mi hl.rlne HilU'i," wnli's W p., MiuiiMin, nl' ImiI'Imi, i, a "She has inLi n thrni i,r ulmni iv,,, yrais alhl eiiji'i s an rsei'llent appi'lili'. I'evls Mimic au'l -l.'.'ps nrll, " Thai's I In way lareine I'.uiris all'i'el llit- aufl. ainl tin- same happy n-Milts I'nllnn in all eases i,' h-niale weakin .- and i:, ut ial tle'iiluy. Wrak. ,'iiii el'ililieii l.,-, ale uieally sti.'iiellieiu'.l I.,' linen, liuaian tet'tl also liil' st.niiaeli. liwi antl kitlin y Inuililes hy any tlniirisi. .- i,-. A man's outcome usually 'de pciuls upon his income. The llulll Ii ai U'Hill K Hard Times In Kansas. nlil Taw nl' ej-ahiiiiiitT'. aln In illell I aliln i a nl i . n nl I "Ii II. I ail Miaoi a, lias n..l v.. I. -II -i 1 1 1 I ,.,!..,- e,l llesas: " I w a-win 11 mil and ilis rmnaeid hy emiLiliiii' nielit and dav, and emild lin, I 11. 1 I,-I:rl Oil I oii'd li. K in:: s Nru I Iim'iiv r! , 11 luitk I, 'ns l,;tii niie lititile in e-iniplrivb' eine me " 'I'iie sal. 4 a.itl 1, 11. . I 1. i;.iM,: i-.timli and e.tid nn 1' and Inne' and tluual iu-ali i et'i tliseint'it'd Oiiaraillerd h anv ,li 11" sttiit' .'ilie. and s. I'nal luilll,' liei'. fiiinitivi.lv iiaioli'SS. The " I' livnrile I're- seriiitinn" i a inosi poti-nt. streiitftlieninu tollie U the lielleral system Ullil to Oil' ornans distinetly (cmlnine in partlenlur. It is also a sootliitnr 11 ml InviKoriitini: nervine and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuraluia. hysteria, spasms, chorea or SI. Vilns's dance, tint! other ilistressinu nervous symptoms at tendant upon functional and pantile dis msesof the dlstliielly (i'miiiii"i'i;aiis. A host of medical authorities o( all Ihe several schools of prnelice. recommend each of the several liiirrcilh'iits ol which "l'Tivorltn Prescription" Is made for Ihe i rnreot tliedlseases for which it iselaimeil j to he a cure. You may read what they sny for ioitrncff hy sendintz a postal card reiuest. for a free Ismklet of etrncts ; from tlie lead Inn uuthorities. to Dr. 1(. V. I l'leree. Invalids' lintel and Surnical In I slilnte. Ilutfalo. N. Y., and It will cuuie lo I roil br return poll. kind, and is that state ol good to which Cod hath designed the pre ent constitution of the w orld. IF you want your neighbors to get suspicious of you, keep your curtains close drawn. The only way to avoid making mistakes is to sit back nnd not tit tempt to do anything. Wisdom is something a man gets only when he is too old for it lo do him much good. Prosperity is a stiff test of piety. Often a woman mistakes audac ity in a man for bravery. A Criminal Attack nil an illiilli nsive eili'i 11 Is I'leituentlv mad,' in thai iipnaii'iiily useless lutle lulie called ihe "append 1 . " li s irea orally the lesiilt ol' pinnacled eituslipa tnili. fi'llow mer tin pur. lr. Kind's r I. lie Tills rec'illale tile liver. neelll ap I priiilieitis. and establish remilai lialms i id'tlie bowels. 'JSe. at anytime store. "Nothing doing," said the con ductor, though with a touch of pity. "Orders are orders. You'll have to get off at the first station." "It's all right, conductor," said one of the drummers. "I'll pay for him. I low much?" And he drew a roll of bills. "Not on your life!" cried the fanner; "thank you iust the same, though." And drawing out his rather substantial roll he paid his fare. The conductor grinned and passed on. "(ieiitleuieu, 1 owe you an ex plaiialioii, " said the farmer to his asiiuiisiii'd coinpiiiiiiiis "fail' years ago this darn railroad ran over one of my cows ran over her in broad daylight, before witnesses. 1 sued ihe company for forty dol lars, but their cussed lawyers beat , me out of it. Since then I've been trying to get my forty every way I could, and by hook or crook, I've beat 'em out of thirty-seven dol lars of il. It was the other three j I was Irving for just now." -Harper's Weekly. One morning recently a man in New Jersey looked over his fence and said lo his neighbor: "Hey, whai the deuce are you burying in that hole-" "Oh, " he said, "I am iust re ; planting some o: mv seeds, that's 'all." "Seeds!" shouted the first man, angrily. "It looks more like one ' of my hens." "Oh, that's all right," the other I A Gentle Laxative I I I And Appetizer I returned. 1 1 - Philadelphia : seeds 'ress. re inside." i Till"; ROAD TO HIi.W liN. ' Covernor Vardaman, of Missis sippi, in the course of an address i at Jackson, repeated die pithy say 1 ing of the famous Bishop Wilber ; force. "Bishop Wilberforce," he said, , "was om driving one day when a man on horseback stopped him, and, iinuking n ha e a toke, i asked: " 'I , I : I I , , 'II I i..vvil.,s ids, ll.'IIO, 1 HI I Will j ' you tell me the road lo heaven-"' i " 'Certainly sir,' the Bishop I answered. ' f urn to the right and j keep straight on' " j (ireat Reductions For Cash :; l,.,1iii ii'' loins M'.i.i. s;' ait siiivi mi Itiie. -i I. sj. Mi. 1,11, tie 1:111;-. Hie II. f?17.;."i I. ';e. 1 hma Malline. lltf. '..''. ' Ise, C:" e. .lapaie se " 17e. J tc. isle ii ie, in. I ( aii'i'luii; 7,'iC e.'ic. Winduw sliadi s. 'Jlle. ale " " arie. 1 1 ie J d wide l-louli ilill. V.ie. ; (i ,e II, ,' II lid I h.lh. I sc. I. a.'. A iiiiiisti 1 I ai pi lini;. s'le s 111 h',:'ii I'li tiire frames. !'ie I Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Can cer, (ireatest Wood Purifier Free. I'OR OVIiR SIXTY YT'ARS li:,-. issi.uw's S.ii.rius,, ta e has been used lnr over (ill years hy millions id' llliil hers liir their child t en w liile teetli iinr. w 11 Ii perleel success. It soothes Ihe einld. sul'ieiiis the train, allay s all pain: cures w mil enlic. and is the best remedy lor I'lan lnea. Il will relievo the jhhii' little sulleier liniiiediaU'ly. Sold hy di ue,L:'ists in every part of I he world. C 1 eeuls a liidtle He sure and ask fur " M is. Wiitslm! 's Snulliiuu' Syrui'' and ! take nn ulher kind. 1 uiaranteed under the I'ihhI and Oruirs Act. .lime tiiitli. pmii. Serial number, Idas. all paper. I. and de. per roll. A iaiLre Mock ol Talking Machines, Graphophones, Kodaks, Cameras, and supplies no liand at nil times, al the very lowest pi'ieos. SPIERS BROS. WKLDON, N. C. H'vuiii lib mil is iiiniure. thill, diseased. I hut or lull id huinois. il vmt have tilotul I 1 . 1 hi poison, cancer, cail.uncles, ealinc sores, j JtlSt SO It IS p.C, (lie Slllilll boy scrofula, eczema, iteliiim'. risiims 1111, 1 ! doesn't CiO'C what kind it IS. Iiunips, senliliy iiin)ily skin, bone iains, 1 ealairh, ilieuiiuilisio. ur unv hiood or A ,,.,.,,,,1,, Iv K, ,,,,,, I ,n l,m a t, skn, disease, take hiilanie IS'lood ISalni, 1 A WOtlUltl IS bound tO have her ( it. ii. id soon ail sores heal, aeiies I way, even if it is a roundabout nnd ttain's stop and the blood is made I to a si in, burn or wound Unit's been I pure and rich. Drueirists or hy express Healed witli r.ucUleiiN Arnica SaKi-' yl per lint tie. Siunple free liv wriliim , , . It soul ol smht. out of nun. I and out uf Ill.OOD HALM ( O., Atliiiila. (la. I',. II. I u o., u fsisteiiff. I'ilcs too and chilblains dis- 11. is especially advised tor elironie nnd Bemth 1M KlBa Kail Haw AIW)sBOIItt appeal miner us ueaiinic iiiiiueiiee.l.uar- deep seated eases, as it cures, alter nil aiiteed hv any ilruirirists -i.ie. ' else fails. 4-4-ly. Too much credit is more dan gerous than too much money. OUT OF SIGHT. '1 lui of siulit. out of 111 iii, I," is an old 1 savimr winch applies with special I'nree I'toniitly ohta'nttl, op rrr RETUHNED. tO V(ARS' EXPCRICttCK. Our CHARGES ARK i THK LOWEST. h m iuikU-I, IiuU) ur ttkotrh lor 1 nxiM'ft ffurolt att,l tiim rfjMii't, mi jiatt'nt.ntiil.lty. INFRINOCMKNT mtiU o-nidUftoJ bo tore nil cmutH. 1'atfntH olitultiiHl tlmmirh tin, AUVIR TISCDiiiul SOLDtfrtN. THADK -MARKS, PEN IONS ftiul COPYRICHTH qtikkly wWaiiiui Opposite U. S. Put ent Oftice, WASHINOTOS, D. C. s.a i 4

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