fek Hf HIT- -i .na - - ! V' - -j my 3 i (: few jy $m r S3 5 UN .-ft. W Ki - "I BUT f I SB ws sV.'' ;4 Advertising Writes Made Known on Application. a m in n-or Terms f Subscripticn-41.50 IVr Ahdui. no. lm;. VOL. XLII. WMLDON. N. C. Tlll'i:sj).V. i )( T )i ' S '. i: 'i . J!7, THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYR'JP Cures .11 Coughs and ft assists in expelling fj iomaniib Positively Coming To We'idon, N. C, Friday, Novembei IW1 i j i Via Sdu KSEic -visxnsisia lllu Uilli n n w 1 1 1 A IT , 01 III I fl TuJ - i- l' If jf ! il ' , i vi Hill KLDON: FRIDAY. MYKALHKK 8111; o v s i c ni o y ..Vli.'vW ooiue. t genlly moving ?tlie bowels. A certain cure for croup and j whooping-cough ( rtd Ubrk Rigiitsrtd.) KENNEDYS laxative KONEYTAR fp!Tfui) ai th Labor a tok y of V. V. OeWiTT 4 CO., CHICAGO, U. 8. A. .-..I, I l,v W. M , ruli. ii. UYUoii. N. r. j. A. ALSTON I IN I IIIIV .r l'liOYlHONS. t'liiAUS AM' T(;,A( CO. Cul'. YVuiMLM'in u.rtlllc llilil 1st r-tri-tt, '.-!,i,," . ('. nEOW(in C. CiREEN, Attorney-At-Law, ( Vutintia! I'aul-. I'.uihlini:) 8 Practices in all Male ami Fetlcrui .ourlK. rtillci'tioii tl' clainiK in Hall lax ami ailjoiiiini: mimtics. i Muih'V to loan on aintrovi'il neouritv Attcinicv for 1'iint National liauk of Wpldon. WKLIION, X. C. This Morning? L T W The : Bank : ti : Welion WKLDON. N. i (.1 I' J0TII. Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of W'eldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $40,000. "TTl tl 1( i:, tins institution !. i.roM.l-d Lant-iMi; l.i. ilitu - for this M tiou. Its sl..-kli..l.t.-rs uii.l ,)i!.-,'t..i ikiw .o. ioMi.-.. -L l.usiurss mtfiwtsof llulifx mi.l Noi'iliauit'lo" '"'""ti'-s lor years. M. y is loan.-.l upon ai,i..vi-.l s,ruin at lb.-If.l nt,-. I ,iitci.-sl six ici oi-utuui UtouiUs ot all an' solnil I i vim ii fKLslUKN'l : W. F. jAMLI V'H t. lf.l.-JUl l.r.11 U 1 1 Wis. UacUin.Viilluiiinnii I n V n K OE 3E Ikmmmm 30 THE SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY I Exposition Line To Norfolk Jamestown Exposition Norfolk, Va Hampton Roads, April 26 to November 30, 1907. Spclal Hates from Wcldun: Coach Excursion Tickets sold Tues days and Fridays, limited seven days, $2.15. Season tickets, $J.H5. r-ormU from otl.,r point. .H.v l y.mr mnuvst SKAIUIM Sfntativi'B iiaii,tj lielon. .. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. J kr PftTPAT C. H. OATTIS, CYNICAL. SCRAPS Never hit a man when lie has jm it you down. Don't e.n nut your welcome. It's hard to yet another No man can serve two masters such as dvspep.si.i and optimism. Some people helieve everyihing they hear and lake the rest for granted. The easies: way to flatter a girl is to talk about the hearts she has broken. It doesn't do much good to grasp an opportunity unless you know what to do with it. Necessity is the mother of in w.ui.in, but the children don't al ways ui! n out well. A Woman's Back ITa. i.uny ni'lu's iiml pains oaiisinl tijr weal. nrsM-.s iiihI ruliiinr. or otlii-r uispliin:. i tin lit, of tlif p.-hic orpins, inner symp- j li'tus ot teniaie weakiiiss lire frequent j lieaila.'he, iiiness. linaaiiiary spi'i'kn or U.irK iets I'.oaUnif U f.Te the eyes, kiuhv -luu' sensation In slumaeh. ilrairc'lnc' or In .irnii.loM n In loweraiHloinin.il or lielv k' reui.,1,. illsacreeaMe ilraais from Kie. i.rua ns, faint -pi'll wltlmeneral eakn It any eolisiileral le nuillUT of the alm UTiupP Mis are prisi nt there Is no remeity that Xk'.vo quicker relief or a more per. wuV-iit iSti' "a" 1)r' l,,'rc'''' r-1v"rl1" I YeiJfCSt has a reeord of over (iriy years of e.7?sA Is tile most potent, Ipvlgorniiu: tonji' l-li'iii7iii''nimi nil- me Ilium 11 to Im'.lK'aU.'i'Me'e. Ills iii.i.Im ot die Klyeeric iIraTTror ii'iitlvo meilu'l nal roots founil In our forests ami eon tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful, or haliit-forininu limits, lis Inureilieiits urn all printed on the Imtlle-w rapper and at tested under oath as eurreet. Kiery Imrridieiit. entering Into "l-'a-vorite i'reseriptinii " has the w ritten en dorsement of the most eminent medical writers of all the several schools of prae m,,n. valuable than any amoiini of liou-prolessioliai ieiiiuoiiiais iiiouun uir Uiter are not hickiinr, haviiur l'en con uihiitiHl voliinlarily hy iirateful putlents jll numbers to exceed the endorsements .en to any other medicine extant tor lite cure of woman's Ills. Voueiiiifiot a Herd to accept any medicine of uiil.iioivn composition as a suljstlinle tor this well pnnen reuuily ok known i'omI'Osition. even tlioniih the dealer may piaku a little more profit thereby. 1 one Interest in regaltdiiK health Is paramount, Ui any selfish interest nf lis and it Is an insult to oiii- Inielliitence lor him in try to palm ott upon you a substitute Vim knuw what you mint ami it is his hn .. ness to supply the article called tor. Dr. l'lerce's l'leiisant Pellets are ilia oriiilnal "Little Liver Pills" first put up by old Dr. Pierce over forty years ,uo, much iinitaU'd hut never etualod. Liltle siiirar-coaUid gmuilles oasy U ULn u CHlidr- A H ARUOKCIHG. i -.houM like to ',o b.u I, in liie hide i.id low;! litre she lived in tii.u iniig, ,mo ,i..u, When 1 ilmulu iliat her i e-. v,ku toe lov li.. i bum n And her brow w as tar wlmcr ih.ui miuw . 1 sliiinld like lo po ts.tck lo the live shad. d kmc, here we sliiiileil in the htuli of lilt eve, With my heart thi'.ibbmg s :. .i;ly a dninmnno relrain While her hand rcMcd IirIh on my sleeve. 1 should like lo go back to the banks of lie brook Where she told me it could never be To to back to the shade of the vine-bow ered nook Where 1 pleaded my suit on my knee. 1 should like to go back, iiui lo see her once mure ll would give me great toy to do that; Since she married my rival who worked in ihe siurc She has waxed mosi eeessivelv t.it. I should like lo go back, lor ihcv say he is b.iid And in maimer is wondrouslv meek, And they w hisper at times he is ieioush mauled If he pricks up his courage lo speak, 1 should like to go back, just to stroll to their gale In the beautiful hush of the night, And to thank him for thus interrupting my fate. And to lell him it served him just right! THE KISS IN JAPAN. i 9 ' i h ! '.iiJSSSSSH I Appetizer i I gSff5ES3SS5SS3 ; W iniiiiwiwi mil wiff (ireat Reductions HOW HE ION. For Cash One Western Idea Th:il is Popular The Squire Ucan to Think He a itli I'aslei n Mai.li us as (lie One llctiitf Tried. i Mo.in r,e l.ia;.. Hi in vina Kill . lo.iii-tte lilies. '.ixlJ It e i Iiu.li Maltiior. '. .lapaue-e " Wool Ca.llM-tilnj in, low shaili s, 'J-V.l wide l.illolcntll. She w as . i Japanese college Mil 1 Mis.-. ld.i ( olile.Y a clever delll. Iillle and Ihiil, but el y ;;l aee ' andolle p.n I, is the ollh Indian till in liei Paris gown. woman law er in tliev.uild. She ""I he kiss," she said, blushing is a inenibei of the Kansas bar, lanillv, "was unknow n in Japan and at Kansas Ciiy, aneiit a recent 50 years ago. Now , among die I Indian ease ihat she conducted, aristocracy, it is becoming unite, she told an interesting legal story, renowned. j "So 1 put my man on the "Vet it comes as a great shock; stand," she said. "That, if your at first. Ii is so diU'erent, you case is a iusi one, is always the know , from anything in a Japanese I thing to do. You know the story girl's experience. 1 have know n ! of ihe Kansas land claimant? maidens w ho fainted at the lirsi "Weil, out here, many years a lame stork oi kiss mat was perhaps too warmly ' ago, a man bi ought suit before the Talkinsr Machines, 'tendered Vet these very maids suuire to recover some land that nranh,.nline l'nHt- vji ciynvniiiv.n, ivuuans. ic.c I :l floor Oil I Totli. ANlllillstrt' ( 'ai petinir. l in llix'JO Picture friimes, Wall paper. I. ai .l lie per roll Hie l.v 17c. is'e . of (ioe fSc Slip l)."ie became attcrv. aid at dent advocates, had been ouu ageously tilched irom ioliheiiew w esiei n eiubi .ue. j him. His case was a good one, "bl ankly, 1 like the kiss myself. ; but the oilier side had doctored his lis liinulus, and the feeling, as of red satin, when mouih louches mouth with a warm, soft shock - witnesses- had even doctored the plaintiff's witnesses, too and up to the time when he took the stand A. c Ol N T I OR r.RYAN. I OR Till; SEXES. In!.- ild -:i had been havir, ; l:i.r the (urN ('oiild you love ;nt ' i n; '' "sfir !e- tts' ;.t a man wlm wore Disc hair on his .ii .!, a:i..l ne mg'.i: hc'.'!e.l hci- he. p! w hen he had enough of his yes, frankly, I like the kiss, and 1 1 himself not a jot or tittle of lesti tind it extremely difficult to deny J ninny in his favor had been re-' an eager young man so innocent I corded. and so delightful an embrace. I "He, as soon as he was sworn, I turned to the justice and said : ' " 'Siuirc, I brought this suit. ,. . ii! I mid vet the evidence, excepting October gave ,i party, the leaves by ' ntl, ic ., , ,,, ,,y 11 tl I HI I t t cl 1 1 1, , Cameras, ami supplies on li.in.l al ail times, at the el ' lowest p! lees, SPIERS BROS. Wi: I.I ION. X. ('. W.W.KAY. "OCTOItI R S PARTY .!.K! jce how many coiisielkiua; ; proves his lorni as you improve! r I siie could name. yours; who pinches his fee t with " i here, papa," she cried, "are small shoes, las hands with small l!;. t irea I I'.eai'.ii .! :'.e Linle IU.ii', gloves, his waist with corsets, and and there, winding in and out be- then as if he had noi been de iween iheni, is the Dragon which formed enough, lies a huge bustle guarded (he golden apples. The m his back? group ihat looks like a broken l:(,r ihe Doys: Could you love backed chair u .issiopeia. Siie a girl who deiiled her mouth with was so pretty that the sea nymphs h,iU.v.() ;)m i0;kaj lnc ar were all ieal. .a . ol 'nei-mid Jtipiier tunics of cigarettes and cigars; put her up in me skies." She vv,0 smogcred home several limes paused su.idciny and turneii to ihe a wcck ihe worse for liquor; who southeast, w her ( Irion blaed in l)Cls iU cards and horse races, glory, "And Li.,t, papa, 'she, on mij swaggers around the streets imucd 'A uh y.ime liesiiation, is with ottesiionable coiiipanions ? I'.nh' r lo c 'i,;e i uidooi', w ,fn her ow n; w ho paints his face and im-1 The Chestnut, Oak and Maple, and leaves of every name; The sunshine spread, and every thing w as grand, Miss Weather led the dancing, Prof. Wind the band. The Chesmut came in yedow, the Oak in crimson dress, The lovely Miss Maple, in scarlet looked the best; All balanced to their partners, and pailv fluttered bv, Bryan and Pier - how did he gel I don't accuse anyone of lying, siiuirc, but ihesc witnesses are the , mistakenest tot ol fellow si ever saw You know me, squire. Two years ago you sold me a boss for sound , that was blind as a bat. I made ! the deal and stuck to it, and this is j the first time I have mentioned it. When you used to buy my grain, i I squire, you stood on the scales j w hen the emty w agon was weigh- '' ! ed, but 1 never said a w ord. Now Family '.t V Grocer, The sight was like a rainbow, new fallen from the sky, do you think I am the kind of a ; W 1.1. DON, N. C. I keep the Lest of everything tin my line. Polite attention lo all at KAY'S, mv - lv man to kick up a rumpus and sue Tln-n in th.' i-nsiv hollows at hi.le-! a tenow umess ne nas aone me a TUT. REASON. DOCILITY "Will you holler for help if I try to kiss you?" "You won't need help. I'll hold perfectly still " Houston l'osi Optimist "This sausage is very good. It actually tastes like game." t'cssimisi "Made from a bird dog, probably." and-scek they played, t ne party cioseu, at sunuow u, anu everybody stayed, Prof. Wind played louder, they Hew along the ground, And then the party ended, in hands across, all round. I OASTOniA. Ihe Kind You Haw lwars MUM real wrong? Why, squire, ii you'll recall that sheep speculation you and me ' "But at this point the squire, very red in the face, hastily deci ded the case in the plaintiffs favor." OASTOniA. his Kino too Haw Wnwrc BMnt Bun the ?" u ' ' " Bwntbe I'romiitly ulitninnl. or fee RETURNED. SO VKARB' tKPtRICNCt. our CHAHUl ARB THC LOWKST. Koi.il m -tt. 1, plvito or Hki-K-b f or CJfwrt wari'li invt tine ii'i.urt oil putttttiit)tlity. INFRIHCtMENT f.ulu rtn!tlcUl Uforf nU pourts. t'ittitit-t i I. mini' iii.'ich nn, AD VCR TiatOont) SOLO, tin-. rR40a-MAAKS, PCM' IONS and cOfVAIOMTft quk-kly oMAiaud. Opposite U. O. Pttent OTflc, WASHINCTCNf D. C.

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